In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a war going on.

It’s not a war like we see on TV or read about in the newspaper. It’s a war to stay healthy in an extremely toxic world.

I am in the trenches with people every day, helping them to win this war.

I have heard story after story of people who were healthy one day then, in a matter of weeks, their health slipped away.

Chronic fatigue, memory problems, sudden weight gain, chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, depression, anxiety, insomnia, hot flashes, thyroid conditions, autoimmune conditions, digestive problems… you name it, I’ve seen it.

And, unfortunately, medication is the only solution that most of you are given to help you fight this battle.

I want to give you a different solution.

I want to show you all the pieces you need to look at when it comes to resetting your health in this new world filled with toxins.

Today, I want to tackle weight loss with you.

Why do some people lose weight quickly and others work so hard at it and barely lose a pound?

When I coach someone who has weight loss as a primary health goal, there is a checklist that goes off in my head. This checklist outlines all the things that could be malfunctioning in the person’s body to have caused them to gain weight.

If you are frustrated trying losing weight, I highly recommend that you go through this checklist with your health practitioner and make sure that you’ve checked all of the following:

1. Gut

-Do you have too much bad bacteria? Yeast?
-Do you have a leaky gut?
-Any food allergies?

2. Thyroid

-Has your thyroid been tested?
-If so, did the test include Reverse T3? Serum selenium? Iodine? Thyroid antibodies?

3. Adrenals

-Do you get dizzy when you go from sitting to standing?
-Do you crash at 3pm everyday?
-Do you often wake up at 2am?
-Has your doctor tested your adrenals?

4. Neurotoxins

-Have you had a meta-oxy test to determine cell inflammation due to toxic load?
-Have you done a visual contrast test to determine toxic load?
-What has your exposure to mercury, lead, and mold been like over the years?
-Have you had a provoked urine heavy metal test?

5. Hormones

-Have you been tested for hormonal imbalances?
-Has your doctor done a 24 hour hormone urine test to see if estrogen and progesterone are in balance?

6. Ketosis

-Have you been testing to see if your body able to get into a ketotic state?
-Are you counting your carbs every day?
-Are you intermittent fasting?
-Do you know how to most easily get your body into ketosis?

7. Nervous System

-Have you had a complete set of spinal X-rays?
-Do you know if changes in your spine are causing a weakening of the nerves that communicate with organs (like the thyroid) that control metabolism?

This is just an initial checklist that I go through with every patient I coach who is looking to losing weight.

Sometimes all it takes is fixing one of the these pieces that is out of balance and a person will begin to lose weight again. Sometimes it takes fixing ALL the pieces before the body will drop weight.

Can you see why weight loss is so complicated? Can you see why so many people struggle with their weight?

It’s not as easy to lose weight as it was years ago. But with the right tests, the right plan for YOU, and a commitment to overcome all obstacles, you will lose weight. I see it happen in my office every day.

Talk to your doctor about the tests mentioned above. If he or she is not willing do to these tests, reach out to us. We are here to help.

Don’t ever lose hope! The body heals. You just need to find the right plan for YOU!