“Cheers To An Amazing 2022”
This episode is a breakdown of podcast interviews from 2021. Dr. Mindy dives into her favorite episodes from each category: thought leaders, hormones, fasting, biohacking, and toxins.
In this podcast, Season 2 In Review, we cover:
- How thought leaders inspired me during Covid
- Conversations around the study of hormones and hormone-related conditions
- Lessons learned from a fasting lifestyle
- How to upgrade your brain and your body with biohacking
- The truth about toxins: how toxins impact your health
How Thought Leaders Inspired Me During Covid
A thought leader is somebody who’s thinking outside the norm. They see life differently than what we see on the news or what we’re talking about with our friends. Four thought leaders rocked my world. I had the pleasure of speaking with Marianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton, Michael Beckwith, and Rhonda Byrne. Each one of these thought leaders gave me a new perspective. My goal in those conversations was to help provide us with perspective in times of trouble. We dove into Covid, politics, and mindset in many of these conversations. One of my biggest takeaways was that our thoughts could literally change our cellular health. Did you know that every single guest provided me with a book that inspired them and changed their lives? You can see the list here: https://drmindypelz.com/2021-podcast-bookclub/
Conversations Around The Study of Hormones and Hormone-Related Conditions
I had so many experts on hormones join the podcast this year. One of the most significant conversations around hormones I had was with Dr. Sara Gottfried. She came on the show to talk specifically about birth control. Many of the women I coach struggle with life after birth control use. Unfortunately, birth control can cause a lot of long-term damage to our hormones. Dr. Gottfried and I dove into food, birth control, and hormones. Plus, I loved chatting with Dr. Libby Weaver. Dr. Weaver is such a humble and mission-based leader. We talked about rushing woman syndrome and how profound Dr. Weaver’s book was to my life. Also, Dr. Stephanie Estima explained how to pair our workouts with different menstrual moments. Lastly, Dr. Carrie Jones and I had a hormone-filled conversation. If you’re interested in hormonal health, you need to go back and listen to those episodes!
Lessons Learned From A Fasting Lifestyle
A fasting lifestyle is really where you combine three things: varying fasts, varying foods, and community. We shouldn’t do health in a silo; we need to support each other. We gain so much when we lift each other up. When oxytocin surges in our bodies, insulin can be regulated, and sex hormones can be regulated. Dave Asprey was a fun conversation around a fasting lifestyle. It was really cool to learn fasting hacks from Dave. I loved talking to other people about the fasting lifestyle too: Dr. Will Cole, Dr. Benjamin Bickman, Kara Collier, Cynthia Thurlow, and Ben Azadi.
What Is Biohacking? How To Upgrade Your Brain and Your Body
I wanted to bring people to you that have unique tools for biohacking. The body is intelligent and healing; there are ways we can hack into the recovery to magnify and accelerate it. Fasting is a form of biohacking because it allows you to tap into intelligence. However, there are other cool biohacks. Gavin Poulton talks all about essential oils. He has a crazy story about how he put oils over his liver and was able to heal his liver and save himself from a liver transplant. If you want to understand essential oils on a deeper level, you’ll want to listen to the episode with Gavin.
Dr. John Lieurance is always thinking of biohacks. He has a whole line of unique supplements will amplify your health and are considered biohacks. For instance, he’s got this meditation mist; it puts your brain into a profound meditative state. It allows your brain to calm so that you can do deeper meditations. Plus, he’s a melatonin expert; he has some really cool, exciting hacks around melatonin. He literally is a mad scientist thinking up some wild creations for us all to benefit from.
How Toxins Are Impacting Your Health
Stephanie Seneff is a hero to me; she’s literally an MIT scientist that got obsessed with studying glyphosate. If you’re not familiar with it, Glyphosate is what’s being sprayed on our foods. Plus, you can find it in our rain and the air. Glyphosate is causing leaky gut and driving heavy metals into our brain tissues. Many places are starting to ban glyphosate. Stephanie is one of my toxic heroes; I’ve been studying her work for a long time. If you want to know more about glyphosate, you have to listen to Stephanie’s episode.
Dr. Shanna Swan was another great topic around toxins. She discovered that testosterone levels and human sperm count are going down. Plus, penis size is decreasing because of the toxins that are altering testosterone. When a baby is exposed to chemicals in the first trimester, it will change anatomy. We dove into the concern she has for the human race, that she is coming out public with her research because she wants people to understand that we live in this toxic world. It’s not only affecting testosterone levels in menopausal women and men as they age, but it is affecting the testosterone levels of babies coming into the world.
Dr. Mindy
Hello receptors,
Dr. Mindy here, and I just wanted to come to you guys and give you a recap of this season’s podcast because there was so many incredible conversations and nuggets of information that I know I got out of this season. And many of you have left amazing reviews, I so appreciate that on iTunes, and have messaged us and told us the impact that many of these conversations are having. So I wanted to come to you some summarize the season, and talk about next season, and what you can expect. So let me start with this idea. When I was a kid growing up, my parents used to love doing big dinner parties, and they would bring together some of the most unique people, most of them from very different backgrounds. And we would spend hours at the table having very deep conversations, there was never a superficial conversation happening in my household. And then once the guests would leave, we would actually sit and continue the conversation. And what we learned the insights, we had the unique perspectives that those guests might have had and brought into our home. So I learned early on at a very young age, the power of really deeply connecting to people and understanding who they truly are. I always say nowadays, when I go to a party, that I don’t want to sit and talk about the weather, I don’t really even want to talk about the superficial things in life, I want to know the heart of people. I want to know the unique perspective state you might not see on their social media profile pics, or posts. And so that’s what I really tried to do for you guys. When I went into these interviews, some of the people I brought you this season and the season before were people that you might have heard on other podcasts. And so it was really important to me that we took new angles, and we had new conversations. Some of the people I brought on this season were people who have are quite famous and have been on 1000s of talk shows and people who have who we have picked their brains over and over and over again. And I wanted to have a unique angle in which to talk to them and to pull out something great in them that you maybe hadn’t heard. So as I was preparing for this podcast today, I went back and looked at all the people we talked to, or that I talked to this this year, and I was struck by the diversity of people that I had conversations with and I wanted to do this for you guys, I want to break it down into five categories. I just spent the last hour just looking at all the people that I interviewed, and really understanding what was it behind the interview that I really the AHA that I got and why I brought them to you. And I realized that they all fit into about five different categories. And each one of these categories means something to our lives and means something to our health. So let me go through the categories. I want to go through my insights in these conversations that I had with some of these people. I can’t go through all of them. But I really want to highlight some of the big aha was because one of the really wonderful things about podcasting is that you learn in the process, you get to see the soul of these people, you get to see what makes them tick. And so each one of these interviews, I walked away with some new perspective, which is, to me the total gift of podcasting. Okay, so let’s start with one of the first category of conversations I wanted to have this year. And that was thought leaders. And to me what a thought leader is, is somebody who’s thinking outside the norm. They’re outside, they’re any echo chamber that any of us are living in there. They have new thoughts, they have new perspectives. They see life different than what we’re seeing on the news, or what we’re talking about with our friends, or what we see on our social media posts. So I brought you four thought leaders that really rocked my world. Now, in my opinion, everybody I brought you this season was a thought leader. But these four are very well known thought leaders, at least here in America. I know we have a worldwide audience, but I think even worldwide, these thought leaders really have given us perspective in times of trouble. So the fourth thought leaders that I brought you where Marianne Williamson, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Reverend Michael, Bruce Lipton, and then Rhonda Byrne, the producer of the secret and each one of these thought leaders gave me absolutely a new perspective. The first three Maryanne, Michael and Bruce, I had at the beginning of the year when we were still deep in COVID. And here in America, we were deep in a political transition. And my goal in those conversations was help give us perspective and times of trouble you have, we’ve leaned on these thought leaders. So I wanted to have really deep conversations with these three individuals to give us perspective that we may not be seen, and help us elevate and rise out of the troubled moment that we were in. So Marianne, to give you a little bit of a background on Marianne, I actually spent a year with Marianne and an author mentorship group, there was 20 of us. And she talked a lot about what it means to dive deep into your soul, and put that information and that passion onto paper, I learned so much from her, I gained so much respect for her as an author. She’s talking about a deep thinker, incredibly deep thinker. Now I know she’s become somewhat of a of a political figure. And not everybody agrees with her politics. But one of the things that I wanted to discuss with her is she was one of the very few politicians that was talking about why we have such a healthcare mess, why we have so many people sick. And so I wanted to go into that topic, because I feel like here in America specifically, that the way that our politics approaches, health care is all about access. And I think you’ll see a thread throughout most of the season, that I’m really focused on making sure that we stop making sick people, how
do we get sick people healthy,
so they don’t need medications, they don’t need surgery. And I feel like at the political level, we’re just not talking about this enough. So I brought that conversation to light with Marianne, it’s a very tumultuous conversation, you can go back and listen to it. It is Marianne and all of her forms. At the end of the conversation, it was really interesting, because you can really see the miracle mindset of her and the love shine through. And then the political version of her had some very strong opinions. After that, I moved in to Michael Beckwith. So I’ll give you a little background on Michael Beckwith as well. My mom, who is 82 years old now at 70, decided she wanted to change or start a new career, and she wanted to be a minister. And so she was a member of the GOP a church in LA. And she went down to we live here in Northern California. My mom’s from Northern California or lives close by as well. She would fly down every month to learn from Michael Beckwith. And at 70 years old, she became a minister under the agave Church, which is so admirable onto itself. So we got to know Michael, he had come up here and he’s, you know, stayed with my family. We’ve had dinner with him, and he’s a lovely human, like what you see if you guys have followed, Michael Beckwith, what you see on stage when he’s giving a sermon on Sunday mornings, that’s him, he has 100% off, let authentically him. And he has a perspective that is so uplifting. So I brought him to you guys in February of 2021. And that was amazing. When I got off that interview, I was flying high for a couple of weeks, because what he did in February 21 Is he just elevated me, you guys, our listeners in general out of the muck, he gave us a perspective on how to look at COVID and how to look at the pandemic and how to look at the political situation. And it was such a great conversation. So and we got a lot of great feedback from you guys. The other thought leader that I wanted to talk to is Bruce Lipton. Now in my younger career, I actually met Bruce Lipton at one point and I was I was at a seminar I was pregnant with my daughter, and he was the keynote speaker and he got up and started to talk about the impact stress had on our brains. And he specifically went into talking about when a mother’s stressed while she is pregnant that they can actually see changes in the frontal lobe the frontal lobe will shrink due to the cortisol surges of mom. So out of that early lecture 25 years ago, I would quote him on The time when I was pregnant with my daughter, my firstborn, and two years later, when my son was born, I would always say, Hey, I’m pregnant, don’t stress me out because I’m growing a frontal lobe, and I need to stay calm. And so it kind of became a joke in the family. But the thing about Bruce, that’s so important for us all to understand is he was one of the very first people to talk about epi genetics. And what he reiterated in our podcast interview is that we can look at nutrition, we can look at toxins as influencing cellular health. But in reality, what we really need to be understanding is that our thoughts will change that cellular makeup, it’ll change the receptors on the outside of ourselves, it will change the membranes around ourselves. It’s pretty profound what the impact our thoughts have on our overall cellular health. So I wanted to dive into that. And of course, I think when I interviewed him, it was like, April 2021. And yes, the pandemic was still going strong, we had, the vaccine was just been rolled out. So once again, when you bring a thought leader to your podcast, you’re going to get all aspects of it. And again, the goal is to get us all thinking deeper. And Bruce definitely did that. And then the last thought leader I brought you guys was Rhonda Byrne. Now, I have loved the secret for a pretty significant time. I feel like that movie really gave language to some ways that I was thinking in my 20s. And in my 30s. And the way I approached life, to create miracles in my life, and to manifest anything that I wanted, I really use the principles of the secret. But it wasn’t until the secret came out that I actually knew those were functioning principles. So I brought Rhonda on to talk about how do we overcome the negative thoughts? How
do we overcome limiting beliefs? What can we do, so that we can start to create whatever we want in our life. And so that, that was my primary motive to bring in Rhonda Byrne on you guys had great, great reviews for us on that particular discussion. And I love that several of you said, Oh, you knew the exact words and questions to ask her. And I think a large part of that is because I really lived the information that she teaches. I know where I got stuck with law of attraction, type thinking. And I was just so grateful to have that conversation. And she was an amazing human. So please go back and listen to that one as well. So those were kind of the big four thought leaders. Then we go into the second category of experts, I brought you and there’s too many in this category to really highlight but this is the hormone category. So many of you guys have asked about help with hormones. A lot of you that are listening, or women over 40 I know a lot of couples, listen to my podcast together, you guys have left us reviews you’ve reached out. And so I really wanted to bring you a lot of hormone experts and hormones are complicated. So it’s not they’re not a one to one
strategy, you know, you get one hormone in place, and then all of a sudden another one comes in and does well. And then you get an all of a sudden a third hormone falls apart. So they’re they’re constantly moving targets and the menopause reset. The book that I published in 21 was all about hormones. And it was all about what women over 40 could do for their Hormonal Health. So I was really excited to bring some of the people like Sarah Godfried. Now this is what’s really interesting about Sarah Godfried is what I brought her on to talk about was birth control. And the reason I wanted to bring her on to talk about birth control was because many of you asked about it. But also a lot of women that we see in our reset Academy, women that I coach, I see that they’re struggling post birth control use, and there are things like the pill and IUDs that really can create long term damage to our hormones. So I wanted to bring Sara on to talk about that. And then of course, her book would women food and hormones was coming out about the same week as the podcast launched and so we got we dove into food and hormones. So that was really interesting to talk to her and she’s always a wealth of information. I also got an opportunity to talk to one of my personal hormone heroes Dr. Liu Libby Weaver. And the reason that was so important to me I would actually put her in the category of thought leader is her book, rushing woman syndrome changed my life. And the thing I loved about that interview is talk about a humble, mission based person. And I love people that lead with their heart. I love people that are on a mission to change the world. And Dr. Libby Weaver was one of those. So we not only talked about the biochemistry behind the Russian woman, which, if you are a Russian woman, you should listen to this podcast. But I got an opportunity to thank her and tell her how profound her book was to my life. And it was so cool, because at the end of that podcast, she actually cried, and the two of us sat in gratitude for the moment to connect. I was in gratitude for how she showed up in many of her books, she actually has over nine books, she has a couple TED talks, like this woman is on a mission. But I got a chance to thank her, she got a chance to receive my gratitude. And the two of us sat in tears. It was, again, another really cool moment. Other hormone experts that I got to talk to Dr. Stephanie is schema you guys, you all loved that podcast. And what was really cool about Dr. schema and his conversation, is we I started to go around the hormonal cycle talking about fasting and food. And she would jump in and talk about working out and how we could pair our workouts to different menstrual moments. And then we talked about postmenopausal workouts, perimenopausal workouts and working out for your cycle. So another mind bending discussion, and you guys gave us so much great feedback on that one as well. So a ton of great hormone experts to many again to name but if you are interested in in Hormonal Health, please go back. I think I have over 10 of the discussions this year. We’re all based on hormones. And I want to make sure that you guys have are going back and listening to those. Of course, I had to bring on my personal hormone hero, Dr. Carrie Jones, who is one of the leading experts in really helping educate women on the basics of hormones. She’s the medical director for the Dutch test, which a lot of you guys know, I love the Dutch test. So she was also a really incredible conversation. And with her, I really want to talk about testosterone and why testosterone goes low in so many women. So again, if you’re a hormone lover, you want to know more, please go back and look at those interviews. Okay, the third category of people that I brought you are what I would classify as a fasting lifestyle. Now, to me, a fasting lifestyle is really where you’re combining three things, you’re, you’re very, you’re fast, you’re varying your foods,
and you are doing it in community. And the reason I say doing it in community is because I don’t get why we do health in a silo doesn’t make sense to me, we should be supporting each other. And especially the women listening to this podcast, we gained so much when we lift each other up from oxytocin. And when oxytocin is surging in our bodies, insulin can be regulated sex hormones can be regulated. So especially for women that are fasting, connecting with other women in that process is profound. And that’s what we see on the reset or PA, collaborative on Facebook, we see it in our academy, where women uniting can really make a big difference in your Hormonal Health. So that’s was my real basis for what when I looked at guests that were experts in blood sugar guests that were experts in fasting, I wanted to make sure that they embodied those three principles of a fasting lifestyle. So the first one I brought you at the beginning of last year was Dave Asprey. Now, I gotta tell you, that was such a fun conversation, because he’s a hoot. And he probably he was out promoting his book, he probably had been on, you know, hundreds of podcasts. So he was a little goofy, probably a little mentally tired. And so the conversation was so playful. In fact, those of you that maybe have listened to that particular podcast, or if you haven’t, you should go listen to it. He gets me to swear, in a very funny way asked me some funny questions, put return the roles, reversed the roles and turned it on me and we had a great conversation about fasting and fasting hacks. So he You know, he’s the biohacking guy. So it was really cool to be able to tap into him for some fasting hacks. Those of you that want to learn more about fasting, he was an incredible mind to pick. Other people that I love talking to about fasting lifestyle will call had come out with a book called intuitive fasting. I really, you know, I’ve strongly believe in using fasting to match your lifestyle. And all of our lifestyles are so different. So we’ll call was one of the first people that came out and said, Don’t be rigid with your fasting, be intuitive about it, be playful with it, mix it up. And so bringing him on and understanding what to do fasting was was phenomenal. So go back and watch that if you want more flexibility with your fasting. Another great mind to blood sugar experts that I talked to Ben Beckman, oh my gosh. Ben Beckman, if you if you listen to the Ben Beckman episode was that not like mind blowing, if you want to know about insulin, and blood sugar management, he’s your guy. He is a professor. And what he does teach insulin resistance and blood sugar to at the university level. He’s also a researcher. He’s an author. And he’s a witty guy. So if you’re looking for a deeper perspective around glucose and insulin, He will teach you so much about what you can learn just from your blood sugar numbers. And we even like I loved it, because basically, every question I’ve had about blood sugar, I can bring to him right down to one of the biggest questions I had, which was, what about plastic water bottles? What about plastic water? But I’ve heard that they can make us insulin resistant? Is that? Do we need to go to that depth of looking at what’s creating an insulin challenge for us? And so you’ll hear his answer if you go go listen to that podcast, because he had some interesting perspective. And then Kara Collyer, who is the co founder and neutral sense, continuous glucose monitor? She was phenomenal to chat about why a glucose monitor or what have we learned about it? And then we want I wanted to go in and sit and ask her, what are we seeing with blood sugar, and those glucose monitors? So and what are we seeing with hormones and those glucose monitors?
So every question I had about glucose monitors and the things I’ve seen on myself and the things I’ve seen with my clients, I wanted to ask her, so if you want to know more about blood, glucose and hormones, she was a phenomenal mind to pick. And then, of course, Cynthia Thurlow, who is one of the other female fasting experts out there, putting our two minds together to talk about how women should fast differently. That was a special geek out moment. For both of us. It was like both of us have studied fasting and the hormonal cycle very deeply. And so to come together and have a conversation like that, it was probably like the conversation Cynthia and I would have at a cocktail party, because we both are passionate about what we’re teaching and what we’re studying. So that was incredible and profound. And again, if you want to know more about fasting for women, she would be a great one. And then my dear friend, Ben Azadi. So he has a great podcast if you haven’t checked it out. It’s called the Keto camp podcast and his information on the ketogenic diet. Specifically, we talked about liver and stored sugar and what we could do to release the stored sugar. So if if you are struggling with fasting, where you can’t quite get yourself into ketosis, you can’t quite get that stored sugar to stop dumping in a fasting window, you would need some extra support for the liver. Go listen to that podcast because he is my go to hack for all things ketogenic diet, all things, ketosis, any such a lovely human if you guys watch him on social media, if you see him or talk to him ever in a live or see him at a seminar. I know we have a lot of functional coach health coaches that follow both of us. But what you see is what you get with Ben Azadi. He is definitely one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen. And he is on a mission to help people and his he laid down some incredible hacks to make getting into ketosis that much easier. So that was my fasting lifestyle. That was the third category that I brought you guys this year. Now the last two categories were really interesting. and took some conversations into some some unique paths. So the first one are what the last. The fourth category I would mention is called Bio hacks. And if you’re not familiar with the term bio hacking, the way that that bio hacking is used in our world, is that the body is intelligent, the body is healing. And there are ways we can hack in to that healing to magnify and accelerate that healing. So I wanted to bring people to you that had unique tools to do that. So fasting is a form of biohacking because what it does is it allows you to tap into an intelligence you can’t You’re not normally tapping into and it’s free and everybody can do it, which is why I love it. But I there are other cool bio hacks like I brought you, Gavin Polian, who is really an expert in essential oils. Now what was interesting about Gavin was he has a crazy story about how he put oils over his liver, and was able to heal his liver and save himself from a liver transplant. Now, that’s at the beginning of that podcast. So please go back and listen to that. Because what I told Gavin when he said that I’m like, I wouldn’t believe it. It sounded sensational. So I actually had to go back and ask him again, like there was nothing else you did. He’s like, No, I literally put these two oils. He tells you what the oils are. I put them over my liver. I did even went into the protocol, like he did like five drops a day. And how his liver enzymes changed how his doctors were in disbelief. So crazy story about liver health, crazy story about the power of oils, and another incredible human that is on a mission to help people. And he just is his path is essential oils. So if you want to understand essential oils at a deeper level, go listen to that interview with Gavin. One of the other biohackers that I brought you was John Laurent. And John is love John. He is just a playful, quirky guy. I call him my mad scientist. He’s always thinking up some new biohack in the form of creams or supplements or nasal sprays. Oh
my gosh, he’s got this meditation mist. That puts your brain into a very deep meditative meditative state that allows your brain to calm so you can go into a deeper meditation. We talked about that. He’s a melatonin expert. And as a 52 year old woman, I really want to understand melatonin at a deeper level. So that not only can I sleep better, but I can turn around and help you all sleep better. So he has some some really cool, interesting hacks around melatonin. He’s also a red light therapy expert. So really cool conversation fun to chat with him. And he recently actually just went on the Luke story podcast talking about melatonin. The guy’s a genius. He literally is a mad scientist thinking up some wild creations for us all to benefit from he has a product called Mido Zen, which has a whole line of unique supplements that will amplify your health and are considered bio hacks. So he was one of my top biohacking podcasts that we had last year. And then the last category, this one was super interesting as well, was the category of toxins. Now, a couple of the people that I brought you were just personal heroes of mine, personal discussions that I wanted to have Rhonda Byrne would be an example of that. Bruce Lipton would be an example of that Libby Weaver like, yeah, I wanted to have the conversation for you guys. But I also selfishly wanted to have the conversation with them because I had been studying so much of them for so long. Well, one of those heroes to me was a scientist from MIT called her name is Dr. Stephanie Seneff. And if you’re not familiar with Stephanie Seneff, she’s literally an MIT scientist that got obsessed with studying glyphosate. And glyphosate, if you’re not familiar with it, is what’s been sprayed on our foods. It’s now they’re saying it’s in our rainwater, it’s in our soils, it’s in our air, and it’s creating leaky guts. It’s drives the glyphosate drives heavy metals even deeper into our brain tissue. There’s so much to know about glyphosate, and there are places that are starting to ban glyphosate, like Mexico and France and I know New York, put a ban on glyphosate coming in to New York City and California here in California. There are some bands and some lawsuits going on around glyphosate. So, I want to talk to her about glyphosate and she’s one of my toxic heroes. I’ve been studying her work for a long time. So if you want to know more about glyphosate, especially from the scientists mouth, she was incredible. The other toxic expert that I brought on was Dr. Shawna swan. Now, I got to tell you a little funny behind the scenes with Shauna. She had just gone on Joe Rogan. So she wrote a New York Times bestselling book called Countdown, she had a co author, the two of them wrote it together, because she’s a scientist. And what she discovered was that testosterone levels are going down in human sperm count is going down. And probably what got her the most buzz around this concept is we’re literally seeing the size of penises going down because the baby boys being born because of the influx of toxins that’s altering testosterone. Now, there was a couple things really unique that I learned from Shauna. One is that the chemical that causes testosterone to decline in humans is called Falaise. And phthalates are everywhere they are in our environment, they are in your air fresheners, they’re in plastics, they’re in your clone. And you can go listen to the podcast because they were everywhere. But what is causing the the low sperm count what’s causing the testosterone levels to go what’s causing the shrinking penises is that when a baby is exposed to these valleys in the first trimester, that they are test testosterone levels will be altered. And when their testosterone levels are low to begin with, it changes anatomy,
and it specifically changes what she calls the or what she refers to. As the taint, I guess we all refer to it as the taint, but it’s the section between the anus and the and the penis. And that actually shortens with an influx of these falsehoods. And so we dove into the anatomy of that we dove into the concern she has for the human race, that she is come going out public with her research because she wants people to understand that we live in this toxic world. And it’s not only affecting testosterone levels in menopausal women and in men as they age, but it is affecting the testosterone levels of babies coming into the world. And this low sperm count she greatly feels like is going to be the demise of the human race, that infertility rates are going to skyrocket unless we get this under control. And so she brought that to light in her researcher way. And again, a very science dense podcast, but will motivate you, I promise because I didn’t want to bring her on and just be all doomsday. So it was really exciting to pick her brain and especially coming off the heels of Joe Rogan. So those were the five categories, the thought leaders, the hormone experts, the fasting lifestyle experts, the biohackers, and the toxin specialists. So I hope you guys all loved it. If you haven’t left us a review on iTunes, we would love for you to do that. Let me tell you what reviews do. Probably the most important thing they do is allow us to get even better guests to get some deeper thinkers on to this podcast. I’ve got some great minds coming out early in season three. For me if season two was about how we can rise above the moment we were in in history, I really wanted people that could teach us how to be healthier, how to think differently, how to really rise above the trauma of 2020 and 2021. What this next season is going to be about is gratitude. And you’ll see I’m I’m ending the podcast differently. I’m bringing people on to talk about things that we can all be grateful for. I’ve got Dr. John Demartini, who’s going to come on and talk and really enlighten us all about how we can finally hit health goals how we can stop making goals and sabotaging ourselves what we can do to hit every single goal we ever set. I’ve got Ben Greenfield coming on to talk about plant medicine. Oh my gosh, you guys, there are so many interesting new things appearing around plant medicine and I want to bring him on to chat about that. We’ve got some experts, more experts coming in to talk about detox. So the list of incredible minds is only growing for season three, I promise you that not only will I have really in depth conversations, but you might actually see me bring some people where you won’t recognize their name. But I promise you, there’s a deep conversation to be had. There’s also some people who are, everybody knows their name, and I want to highlight their health journey, I want to highlight the gratitude they have in life. So I will be bringing them on as well, it’s going to be a great season. And what you can always guarantee for me is you’re going to get a deep conversation, we are not staying on the surface, we are going into the heart and soul of every guest. And I want to make sure that the time you spend listening to the reset or podcast moves you either mentally, physically or spiritually forward. I just as as I say, in YouTube, I love being on this journey with you all. And I think we are living in a really unique, unique time in human history. I feel like 2020 and 2021, there were a lot of paradigms breaking down. And so when paradigms break apart, it leaves an opportunity for new paradigms to emerge. And in health, this is absolutely worth an opening. There is a huge opening for us all to do health differently. In the pandemic, the way that we were all quarantined in our lives were so changed. It doesn’t matter where you were live, you live, you are impacted by the pandemic. And there’s an opportunity for us to approach life differently. I know I’m approaching life differently, I’m working a lot different.
I’m connecting to people a lot different because of the pandemic. I know that I’m personally taking care of my help different because of COVID. And I want to highlight people that are emerging out of these difficult years in gratitude and can offer us a perspective that again, you’re not going to see on the news you’re not going to see on your social media platform. So from the bottom of my heart, I cannot wait for season three. I can’t wait to be on this journey with you and move all of our lives forward in an elevated way. And as always, I appreciate you guys, I appreciate your comments. And I hope that you love listening to the resetter podcast as much as I love delivering it for you. And cheers to an amazing 2020 to the opportunity for everything in our life to be incredible and for us to spend the year of 2022 in gratitude is there. It’s right in front of us. We just have to step into it. And I hope that every time you come to an episode in Season Three, it moves you deeper into a state of gratitude. So appreciate you all and as always, I hope that helps
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- Book: The Menopause Reset
- Dutch Test for hormones
- Book: Rushing Woman’s Syndrome
- Book: Women, Food, and Hormones
- Reset Academy Membership
- Continuous Glucose Monitor
- Feel the impact of Organifi – use code PELZ for a discount on all products!
- Thought Leader Series: Michael Beckwith
- Rhonda Byrne: The secret to lasting happiness
- Thought Leader Series: Marianne Williamson
- Bruce Lipton: Reprogramming your mind to better health (Thought Leader Series)
- Dr. Sara Gottfried: Women, Food, and Hormones
- Dr. Stephanie Estima: Lifestyle hacks to naturally balance hormones
- Dr. Libby Weaver: Strategies for Healing Rushing Woman’s Syndrome
- Dr. Carrie Jones: What do sex, sleep, and wine have in common?
- Dave Asprey: Fasting Hacks You Need to Know About
- Dr. Will Cole: The Art of Intuitive Fasting
- Dr. Benjamin Bickman: The secrets to overcoming insulin resistance
- Kara Collier: How does blood sugar affect your hormones?
- Cynthia Thurlow: Intermittent Fasting for Women: What you need to know
- Ben Azadi: Falling in love with the ketogenic energy system
- Gavin Poulton: Overcoming chronic conditions with the power of essential oils
- Dr. John Lieurance: Melatonin’s Magic on your hormones
- Dr. Shanna Swan: The Hormonal Consequences of Plastics
- Stephanie Seneff: Glyphosate’s detrimental impact on human health
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I am looking for the Reading that Dr Mindy read during one of my free sign ups I participated in recently. She read a great discourse regarding our bodies and what they have done for us over the years. It was so moving and I have lost where I can find it to listen to it again. Can anyone help me ?