“You Are The Vibration”
This episode is all about how our thoughts determine our genetic expression and how we can change our health using our minds.
Dr. Bruce Lipton is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. He is a stem cell biologist, the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award. Also, Dr. Lipton has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows and keynote presenter for national and international conferences.
In this podcast, Reprogramming Your Mind To Better Health, we cover:
- How to tackle Covid by improving your personal health and mind
- What the media isn’t telling you about Covid
- Why having Covid is better than taking a vaccine
- How a conscious mind can control your genes
- The way to reprogram your subconscious mind through repetition
Are We Breaking Down Or Are We Having A Breakthrough?
Recognize that you’re going through something that’s very critical and important. If you didn’t go through this moment, life would be worse because it’s an extinction process that humans have created. Humans need to change, or they become extinct; those are the two choices. The way that we are living is causing an extinction problem. If we don’t want to be in this problem, we have to live differently starting now.
Tackling Covid By Improving Your Personal Health + Your Mind
What we do now with Covid is an essential thing because people are confusing the virulence of the virus with the weakness of the patient. People are getting sick and dying. However, the virus isn’t that wicked. The people are compromised who get Covid. That’s why 80-90% of the people who got the flu didn’t have to go to the hospital. Now, those people have a better immune system than the people who get the vaccine. In fact, the vaccine is very troubling.
The Covid vaccines are experiments that have never even been tested on animal populations to the extent that they’re being tested on human populations right now. They tested the vaccine for about two months before they released it to the general public. In reality, the best thing you can do to protect yourself against the virus is to take care of your personal health. One way to improve your personal health is through your mind and by not being fearful. Stress hormones shut off the immune system. That way, your immune system can conserve energy to run away from that proverbial tiger that is chasing you.
What The Media Isn’t Telling You About Covid
There’s censorship of the media and censorship of the science. If you don’t offer the party line, then the government shuts down people who provide an alternative opinion because they’re on a mission. Today, the pharmaceutical industry is deciding the science. They tell us what is fact and what is fiction. People think the vaccine is free. However, that’s a trillion dollars in pharmaceutical pockets just because of Covid. There’s no such thing as free anything from the pharmaceutical industry. Sadly, the world got manipulated by one opinion, Fauci. The bottom line is to take care of your health you need nutrition, supplements, exercise, and more importantly, consciousness.
Having Covid yourself is what the immune system has been designed to do for a few 100 million years. Bypassing the immune system by getting the vaccine is not helping humanity. Covid appears to be more virulent because people are compromised. Their immune system is not working up to capacity at all. People should understand that if you are not healthy, then the Covid virus is a problem. However, if you are healthy, then Covid is not a problem. Sadly, pharmaceutical companies do not push healthy. If you are healthy, then you don’t need pharmaceutical companies. Those companies are not helping us; they are helping themselves!
A Conscious Mind Will Control Your Genes
Consciousness is controlling the genes by adjusting the chemistry of the blood. The chemistry that comes out of a brain from love is the most beautiful form of chemistry. During this time, the brain has dopamine for pleasure, oxytocin to bond you to the love source, and vasopressin makes you more attractive. That way, your partner stays with you. Plus, the brain has growth hormones. So blood from lovers has a chemistry that is promoting life growth hormones. That’s why people when they fall in love, they glow. While on the other hand, stress hormone chemistry in your blood doesn’t promote growth; it shuts down growth. During stress, the brain will protect you and conserve energy. If you change your thoughts, you change the chemistry of the blood.
Reprogram Your Mind By Using Repetition
95% of your life is coming from the subconscious. Look at your life. The things that you bring into your life are there because subconsciously, you allow it. Some people say they are going to lose weight. However, weight is a setting in the subconscious, not a setting in the conscious mind. You can diet, and that’s how you override the subconscious. When you get down to your ideal weight, you let go, and you find yourself back at the original weight. It’s not easy to override the conscious mind, which only works 5% of the time. Instead, all your thoughts and actions will rely on your subconscious mind. So, it’s time to reprogram your mind and change the chemistry of your brain through the repetition of affirmations.
Dr. Mindy
Here’s one of the main reasons I wanted to bring you on over the last year, it would be easy to watch the news, it would be easy to listen to our friends and to think that the world is falling apart. But one of the questions that I’ve had for myself is, is it really falling apart? Are we actually rising to a whole nother level of human existence? Now? That’s a good answer to offer the audience. Great, awesome. That’s the answer. Is that the answer? So I keep thinking, are we actually breaking down? Or are we having a breakthrough? Both
Bruce Lipton
saying, same time, okay. The story, I’ll give a story to cover that, because that’s one of the first things to get people Calm down, is to recognize that you’re going through something that’s very critical, important. And a matter of fact, if you didn’t go through this life is going to be worse. Because right, an extinction process that humans have created. And so humans, as humans are either humans change or extinction wounds. So you got two choices. Okay. So explain that a little bit. Because I’ve also heard you talk about we’re in the sixth possible human extinction. And no, no sixth mass extinction. There were five of them occurred before humans were here.
Last mass extinction is when the dinosaurs were here, and then they disappeared. Oh,
Unknown Speaker
Bruce Lipton
Okay. This is the sixth recorded version, through history of this of this extinction process. But the most important point is that previous ones were all natural events that occurred that this one is solely due to human behavior, upsetting a web of life, okay? And it basically says, well, the way you’re living is causing this problem, which leads you to, well, if you don’t want to be in this problem, then you have to live in a different way starting now. That’s what the study now. Great, starting about 10 years ago, but nobody paid attention.
Dr. Mindy
Right, right. Okay. So what is it that we need to do now? I this is where I really want to elevate the conversation around anything pandemic related? What can I do now?
Bruce Lipton
Okay. Well, there’s there’s question what we do now in regard to the COVID, or what we do now, in regard to the life we have that’s there to, you know, what we do now to the COVID is a really important thing, because people are confusing the virulence of the virus with the weakness of the patient. Yes, you know, people are getting sick and dying. Yeah, but you know, the virus, isn’t that that wicked? It’s these people are compromised. Yeah. And that’s where, why 80 to 90% of the people got the flu and never even had enough had to didn’t have to go to a doctor didn’t have to go to a hospital. They had a flu. And those 80 90% guess what, I have a hell of a better immune system to deal with this than anyone who gets a vaccine, or immune system dealing with the natural flow will make the most perfect vaccine for you make the perfect immune response. The vaccine is
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, in what way just so people can make educated decisions around it? Well, the first thing is this, number one,
Bruce Lipton
especially Pfizer moderna. These are experiments that have never even been tested an animal populations to the extent that they’re being tested on human populations right now. So the idea is, how long did you test this? And I said, Well, we tested like two months before we started to make a vaccine. I got two months. Well, what’s the consequence over a period of time, it’s like, oh,
so the ideas and the official title of this research is called synthetic genetic therapy. That’s the name of it is illegal to use on humans. That is the law. But
when it was called emergency use for vaccine, it changed. They gave them the right to use something that’s not legal to use. And and this is not legal. And the fact is this. The most important thing is this is not to defend against the virus more so as to take care of your personal health. Because the 80 to 90% that did get this flu without the serious symptoms have the best outcome anybody could have in regard to immune system? There’s no way vaccines that we’re going to do that at all. Yes. And the thing is, the fear is the biggest fear of everything
is the biggest problem because stress hormones shut off the immune system. They shut it off to conserve energy to run away from that proverbial tiger. chasing you. So it doesn’t, you don’t use your energy to kill bacteria when a lion is coming to eat you, you know. So stress hormones are therapeutically used, they give patients that are going to receive a foreign organ, they before the transplant, they give them stress hormones, because that reduces the function of the immune system prevents the immediate rejection of the foreign. So I say so all you have to do is watch the news and be afraid and all that I said, Now you’re immediately shutting off your immune system, and now you’re ripe for a bigger problem. And that’s an So the whole idea is what it’s the stress that causes a matter of fact, over 90% of illness on this planet, is due to stress, or less fact, less than 1% of illness disease is connected to genetics. Less,
Dr. Mindy
Bruce Lipton
wow, that 90% is already recognized to be the consequences of stress and diet was stroke in nutritional stress, emotional stress, environmental stress, all of those collectively, are the source of the problem of health issues on this planet. Not James had such a minor minor role in this minor.
Dr. Mindy
why don’t why don’t why don’t we? I mean, I know you’re talking about this. But why don’t more people know about this.
Bruce Lipton
There’s censorship of the media and censorship of the science. And if you don’t offer the party line, then the government is shutting down people that offer any alternative opinion, because they’re on a mission. And people like myself, but people I know that even bigger names are getting scrutiny and watched over and centered. If they say anything that challenges the combat, they know I say conventional point of view, the best the corporate point of view, okay?
Dr. Mindy
Bruce Lipton
This is a swindle of money, a swindle of health. It’s a ripoff. It’s a pharmaceutical driven mechanism with government support. You know, it’s sort of like the church created what was the rules, the king followed what the church set. So that if there was a heresy that the the church handle that not the king, you know, the king was, the, the king had to kiss the ring of the church guy. Okay. And I guess a wise irrelevant, because we moved our belief system from the spiritual realm to the pharmaceutical realm. And the pharmaceutical industry is the church that tells you how to live your life and what your what sacraments, you should take, you know, and how many pills per day and all that crap like that. And so the reality is, why is it relevant because the church made the decision on what heresy was. And today, the pharmaceutical industry is making a decision what they call heresy in regard to science. Yep. Okay. So the idea is, what they’re self promoting. And the biggest failure, I think, is almost everybody out there goes, Oh, it’s a free vaccines just, you just go get it. It’s like, free. Kick me, that’s a trillion dollars in pharmaceutical pockets just because of this. And what it really comes down to is that the world got manipulated by one opinion, right out of Fauci, his little kingdom that he created into a massive, massive structure. I mean, he was head of the disease unit, which was less than a million dollar budget when he started this, you know, when he was in it, and now it’s a multi billion if not trillion dollar budget. So he went from this, running a little tiny department like this and to running this magnificent massive money machine that is putting money into where well, Pfizer moderna AstraZeneca. I go, Yeah, because people have some misperception that this is like a free vaccine. I go, there’s no free anything from the pharmaceutical industry.
Yeah. And well said, and this is an
experiment. And I say it’s an experiment because the technology of synthetic you know, genetic therapy, that’s what this is called, is illegal to use this vaccine. If it wasn’t called the vaccine, you put the word vaccine, and that gave legitimacy to use something that is not usable. I have very profound doubts about the consequences of experiments. I teach immunology and I have the flags that I see going up all the time in my head about what the hell is going on here? And if they really came down to the bottom line, my bottom line is this. Take care of your health.
Dr. Mindy
Yes, that
Bruce Lipton
means nutrition, supplements, exercise, and more importantly, consciousness. And I said, Why? Because then you could be one of the 80% 90%, that if you got this COVID, you’ll come out of it better than if you got a vaccine to try and prevent the COVID. Because having it yourself is what the immune system has been designed to do for, you know, a few 100 million years. And so the reality is bypassing the immune system saying, Well, we know how to control that. And I go, No, you don’t know you don’t. It’s an experiment. Yeah. And I say, yes, people are compromised. In the States alone, this list of numbers staggering. I go, it says that 40% of Americans, four out of every 10 people have 2.7, co-morbidities comorbidities. What does that mean? What does that mean? Well, it’s actually what it means is more than two, a closer to most of them have three 2.7, it’s closer to three, I go like what? obesity, diabetes, heart issues, compromised systems, I got Why is irrelevant. Because the COVID appears to be more virulent, because these people are compromised. their immune system is not working up to capacity at all, it’s being used as to keep the thing running as it is broken as it is. So why is it relevant? I go, Well, you made a fear of COVID virus. But the thing you really are trying to make a point is if people are not healthy, then the COVID virus is a problem. And I say to me, as you know, an immunology guy, and research guy and all that kind of stuff, I go, I say, you know, when you hear the news, they say well do this and take the mask and keep the distance and blah, blah, blah, and they go through a whole list. And at the very end, they say, oh, and try and be healthy. I go, are you trying to be healthy? That’s number one.
Dr. Mindy
Yes, we’re
Bruce Lipton
not putting pharmaceutical companies not push healthy. Because if you’re healthy, you don’t buy pharmaceuticals. So the reality is, here’s an industry that has conflated the public with the idea that, oh, we’re here to help you go to hell they are they’re here to help themselves. And just by the definition, and this is really important, because this is law. A corporation by definition, number one, mission number one mission now whatever the hell the company is doing. Number one mission by law, is to make a profit for your shareholders. That is the law. If a corporation is not making that profit, then basically the law can collapse the thing and say you’re not following it, I guess otherwise irrelevant. Well, the pharmaceutical companies and deed helping their shareholders, you know, the mega mega corporations on the planet, is this industry. And then I go, Well, you know, we bought a belief that they sell that they’re helping me and it’s like, no, they’re helping themselves.
Dr. Mindy
So So I do think because I’ve thought about all these things over the last year. And I do think that there are there’s a growing movement of people that are wanting to take better control of their health, they’re wanting to step out of fear they’ve done they’re not watching the news, they’ve deleted all the the programming that they’re getting from outside sources, what how do we help those people? What is it that that we can do in this moment?
Bruce Lipton
Okay. This there are two most important facts that are people own these facts The world will change. Okay. Okay. Fact number one is that we are not controlled by genes, genes, we control the genes, the old story, that genes control our physical or emotional or behavioral traits, and then you inherit these genes, and then you’re saddled with Yeah, well, it’s running in my family and I’m gonna I have the breast cancer gene and oh, my God, you know, the breast cancer gene causes cancer. Now, I’m worried like crazy, because I know I have a gene and I know that people got breast cancer, and everybody’s like, Ah, well, that stressed a little bit right there. And then I’d like to offer a little simple fact. There is not one gene, one gene that causes cancer.
Unknown Speaker
The gene trade
Dr. Mindy
Bruce Lipton
correlated with cancer. But the gene itself does not activate itself. It doesn’t turn itself on. That’s a whole false belief that genes turn on and off like a light switch genes on genes off. I don’t know, no. A gene is a blueprint to make body parts. It’s a it’s a, it’s a plan to make cells and muscles and bone and all these things and put it in this structure called the human genes are blueprints. That’s a fact. There’s always a realm. I said, so you go into this architect’s office, you know, and she’s working on a blueprint leaned over her shoulder and you go, Hey, is your blueprint on or off? She looks at you like it’s a blueprint. So on and off the blueprint. Precisely, you need an architect. And it turns out consciousness is the archetype. And the reason is this. This is the new science called epi genetics. I go Yes, everyone’s familiar with the old story genetics, genes control those, and they turn on and off, and blah, blah, blah. I said, Now you’re a victim. Why, as far as you know, you didn’t pick on, you don’t like the traits can’t change them. Then we say, Well, of course, it turned on and off by themselves. And all of a sudden, like, you realize that I’m a victim of my heredity. Whatever been passed down to me is going to project into my life, right? And then what we do is now we get all the drugs and the chemistry to protect myself against these changes. And I go, Wait a minute, there’s no gene that causes cancer. Cancer is due to a disharmony in the system. The gene is called in when there’s a disharmony if the and I go, why is this relevant? Well, for example, let’s just talk about the breast cancer gene I mentioned, what’s the point? Half the women that have this gene never get the cancer? And you have to stop and say, Well, what does that mean? Well, I’ll tell you what it means. possession of the gene doesn’t cause cancer. No centralized robot, because you keep focusing on the cells that are supposedly the problem. And the cells are a mirror or reflection of the consciousness of that individual. Because the brain translates our visions into complimentary chemistry. It’s sort of like paint by numbers in reverse, the painter, the hormones, the growth factors, all these things that create this body. Yeah, but I say, first, you start with a picture, the brain translates it into chemistry that complements and then that chemistry goes in the body to do what manifest a physical expression of what you just had. So yeah,
Dr. Mindy
are you saying that if I know I have the breast cancer gene, I put create a picture in my mind of me having breast cancer. Now that gets played out in my cells, and can actually create the cancer itself.
Bruce Lipton
And here’s let me just add one little fact to that same story. Only about 10% of cancer has an hereditary linkage. About 90% of cancer patients don’t really have that in their world, and that they end up with it. And his idea was what how can I end up with this cancer, I said, it is a manifestation of the vision, the fears that you have been programmed with, that occupy most of your consciousness, and those fears, generate, generate chemistry release into the body. And this is what my research 50 years ago, on stem cells, which are embryonic cells, I created genetically identical stem cells in three culture dishes, all dishes are genetically identical. But I changed what is called the culture medium chemistry, I make it in a lab poultry medium, and I make three different versions, chemistry. And then one dish that sells for muscle, another dish, the cells form bone, and the third dish and cells form fat cells. And you have to stop and go, Wait a minute, why did it become muscle here and fat over here? What was what controls that? And I go, they all have the same genes. It was the environment that was changing that. In a plastic dish, I put culture made culture medium is a laboratory version of blood. Okay, so the chemistry of culture media is supposed to match the chemistry in the blood. Okay. So I make slightly different variations of that blood. And the cells have different expression. I go, the cells were genetically the same. So I can’t say the genes made a decision they made a decision in response to what was going on in their world. Okay. So now I say so why is this now let’s just take it back I go, those are cells in a plastic dish. You year, our skin covered petri dish because underneath your skin is 50 trillion cells in a skin covered dish with the original culture medium Like I said, doesn’t make a difference in the cells in the skin dish or the plastic, as I said, Nope. It’s still controlled by the environment and the plastic, this culture, medium synthetic blood in your skin cover dish, the actual real blood is the culture medium. And I say the chemistry of that culture medium is what made muscle cell versus bone versus fat. I said the chemistry then I said, Oh, so the chemistry of a blood culture medium controls the fate of the cells that go Yeah, it’s above the genes. And that’s why it’s called epi genetics. epi means above, so what skin called epi dermis. ago, what does that mean? Well, just underneath the layer of the skin, there’s a layer called dermis. And so when giving the anatomy name, they say layer above dermis, oh, Silk Road, say epi. That means above, epi dermis. So when I say epi, genetics, what I’m saying? I say this factors under genetic control. That’s the convention believe that’s interpreted as what genes control this factor. But if I say this factor is under epi, genetic control, it’s a revolution. I say why epi means above. So what I’m saying is control epi, above the genes, genetics, and
Dr. Mindy
what’s above the gene consciousness.
Bruce Lipton
Consciousness is controlling the genes by adjusting the chemistry of the blood. So if you have a picture of love, the chemistry that comes out of a brain of love is the most wonderful chemistry. It’s got dopamine for pleasure, it’s got oxytocin to bond you to the love source, it’s got vasopressin makes you more attractive. So your partner stays with you. And it has growth hormone. So blood from lovers have chemistry that is promoting life growth hormone. That’s why people when they fall in love, they glow. They’re healthy. I go, Why, because their chemistry, the culture medium has growth hormone, which encourages growth. And I say, but if that person has a picture of fear, that all of a sudden say that love chemistry, that the brain doesn’t release love chemistry, and fear releases stress hormones, I go, so watch, I said, Oh, stress hormone chemistry in your blood doesn’t promote growth in factory, it shuts down growth, because protection is to wall yourself off, and to conserve energy to run away from the fear. And I say so when I put stress hormones in my cells genetically have a different behavior than if I put love hormones in. So as I change my thoughts, I change the chemistry of the blood. But the chemistry is the blood is the epigenetic control of my genes. Amazing. So all of a sudden, it says, What’s your picture? So what are you thinking about?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, right. So that so that’s what I’m thinking is I’m thinking, well, then the goal is to never be in fear. The goal is, if you want to be healthy, is to stay in love. That’s,
Bruce Lipton
there you go. That’s the nature of the game. Because when you’re in love, guess what? you enhance your immune system. When you’re in fear, you shut off your immune system, right away. That’s 100% difference in outcome, right? And so
Dr. Mindy
the environments, the environment you’re putting yourself in, is going to control your thoughts. And if your thoughts are now
Bruce Lipton
No, no, no, no, no, no. I want to fix that for a second man do let’s face it this way. You’re, the cells in a petri dish have directly contact an environment culture medium, okay? So cells adjust to the environment, I go well, inside my body. My cells don’t know what the hell the environment is. But they have to adjust themselves. If it’s wintertime, I’m going to increase my metabolism to stay warm. And if summer taught me how to decrease my metabolism and sweat and cool off, I’m being adjusting to this environment. Okay. So I go, so what’s the relevance of all of this? And the answer is, the cells in my body do not see the real environment. They see my interpretation of the environment. I go, where’d you get that? I said, Well, when you grew up, you know, like, kids that are, you know, programmed to be bigots before they even know who they’re bigoted against. Oh, well, we don’t like those. The kids four years old never been met one of these people in the parents are all talking about these people are the bad dog bad people. And now the kid is 10 years old and meets one of these people. And guess what? He’s got a filter. He knows Oh, you’re one of those people. Oh, go to the bad people. Okay. The one that I get that actually I put into an article I really like it because it’s, it’s like two kids are neighbors to each other. And there’s a yard with a fence and and yard one a garden snake comes Out of the grass and wiggles across and the mother and the baby are there and the mother is a biologist. And she goes, Oh, look at this cute. This is a snake. And so and she picks it up and everything and the kid is this a snake. I like that, you know. And I say, then the snake travels under the fence and goes in the next yard. And there’s a baby there, but a mother who freaks out and she sees a snake in the you know, like the end of the world grabs the kid runs away. Now it’s 30 years later, the two babies are grown up to guys 30 years old, walking down the sidewalk, and a snake slithers out of the grass and crosses the sidewalk. One of the two is gonna go, Oh, look at that snake isn’t that that’s a nice steak. The other one is screaming bloody murder, like, I guess what was the point. And this is critical. They both are in the same environment. But they have completely different responses to the same signals. I go, where do the responses come from? The first seven years of programming sets up our filters, what’s important, what’s not important houses. And therefore after that, this subconscious is where those filters are, are running the show. So if that snake shows up, and the mother of that one was the biologist and he looks at this thing. But if the snake shows up in the other one whose mother freaked out, she’s just saying he’s got a filter. That’s That’s all. That’s a scary damn thing. And he’s gonna freak out. Then all of a sudden I said, well, then how do you respond to the world?
Dr. Mindy
Bruce Lipton
How were you programmed? Because the first seven years of life is where we get programs of how to respond. Or how do you get those and here’s the cool part. For the first seven years of a child’s life, when you put wires on a person’s head, you record brain activity, electroencephalograph eg, right, the vibration of a child under seven is not maintaining a level of consciousness. It’s below consciousness. It’s at a vibration called theta. alphas consciousness, that’s a higher vibe. Theta is below consciousness. I say, a child up to seven is predominantly in theta, like a watch thing. I said, well characterized imagination. And I go, that’s how a child we have a tea party. under seven, we pour the nothing into the cup. We drink the nothing. And we talked about how wonderful the tea was. That’s a tea party. Okay, I go, why was irrelevant? And the answer comes down to this is that imagination is that character. And I go Yeah, but here’s the killer. Data is also hypnosis. If you want to hypnotize somebody and download a program into their subconscious, you put hypnosis and I go, Yeah, but a child’s in hypnosis for seven years. I said, Why? Answers intelligence of the system? And that is why if I say, Mindy, show me a book with all the rules, that you have to have to be a member of a family and all the rules to be a functional member of a community. How big is that book, all the rules, all says, Oh, my God. I’ve got 1000s and 1000s of rules to be a functional member. I go, but an infant can’t read. And an infant has to become a member of family and has to become a member of a community. So I said, Well, how do they get that knowledge? And the answer is first seven years, hypnosis, watch the Mother, the Father and the community and download what you see just like a video camera. And by age seven, you observe how your parents respond to all these different things. How your mother responds is different how your father responds is different. Other neighbor responds, but you’re getting a download picture. So a child by the age of seven, has experienced all the different behaviors to become part of that community. And it does so by nothing more than watching, observing, and then matrix. So 98 but the last fact Monday, I keep showing up, I give you this one because here’s full circle. The conscious mind is the creative one connected to your wishes and desires, your spirituality. The subconscious mind only has the program Senate. And I say when we’re operating from the conscious mind, we’re creating from our wishes and desires. But when we’re operating from the subconscious mind, that’s just push the button, play the program, push the button, play the program, it’s habit, habit, habit, okay? And then I say, Well, how much of my life Am I using my creative, conscious mind to manifest in my life and I go, 5% I go well, you know, 95% the conscious mind is not looking out the window. It’s looking inside, because that’s where thinking occurs. So I say it Monday, tell me what you’re doing on Thursday at two o’clock and right at this moment, it’s not in front of you. But if I give you a moment, you’re going to go, I’m on Thursday, I’m doing this. I got, where do you get this room? I said, Well, this is the programming. Okay, it’s built in. But I also say, but where did you get that program? I stopped looking out the window. And I went inside my head, and said, Thursday, what am I doing on Thursday? I’m not looking. I’m inside. So I say so. The conclusion. When we are thinking, the conscious mind is not looking out the window. It’s inside. So that means it’s not controlling a behavior. I say yeah, but if I’m driving a car and I’m thinking I mean, I’m the car is out of control. I don’t know. subconsciousness autopilot moment I am thinking subconscious grabs a wheel. It will drive that vehicle just the way I was programmed to drive the vehicle. Why it’s a habit. Okay, I don’t have to think about driving after I learned and made it a habit. You can put the kid in the ignition not once think about all the things that you had to do the first day you’ve gotten a car, mirrors, gauges, listen to the engine. And now you can drive are thinking about I go Yeah, but 95 this then conclusion after I’m sorry, so many words, but
Dr. Mindy
no, no, it’s awesome.
Bruce Lipton
Conclusion is 95% of your life is not coming from your creative wishes, and desires conscious mind. 95% is coming from the programs that you have because you’re spending time thinking with the conscious mind. So 95% of your life is not coming from your creative wishes and desires. It’s just playing the program. And I say most of those programs are self sabotaging limiting and disempowering beliefs. And I say you play those 95% of the day. And they’re not yours. No, they’re not yours. You’ve got them from where it download. That’s not what you wanted. That was just the program you’ve got. Okay, so so what’s relevant about this? Well, where’s conscious mind when you’re playing this program? Is not watching conscious minds inside? Like I said, Why? Well, when you’re playing the program, did you notice anything about that program was a good program, that progression? How the hell you know, you were not paying attention? You were inside. And all of a sudden I got so finally, I will come to a closure to add let you ask a question. Fine. But first I my last final? I always say that then there’s always another slide. But yeah, my last one, right here is story, same story. 30 years, because it’s like the most valid boom hits you in the head. And it’s like this, you have a friend, you know, your friends behavior very well. You know, your friend’s parent. One day, you see your friend has the same behavior as their parents. So you got to tell your friend go, Hey, Bill, you’re just like your dad. And then I said back away from Bill. Because the first thing Bill’s gonna say is how can you compare me to my Dad, I’m nothing like my dad. And everyone, the audience starts to snicker and laugh, because they’re familiar with it. And I go, clothing store and wide as the most profound one. Everyone else can see the bill behaves as like as that tool simply when it doesn’t see it. I mean, why not? Why is he playing it? Oh, his conscious mind is thinking. So he’s playing the program he downloaded from a stab in that first seven years. And then what? Well, he doesn’t see it because he’s playing it only because he’s not saying he’s thinking he’s not paying attention.
Unknown Speaker
Bruce Lipton
Okay. And then I go, and now the conclusion that story is very interesting. Everyone else can see that builds behaviors like is that it’s only build can see. And then my favorite punch line. We are all bill, every one of us is doing what bill does every day. And you don’t see is the behavior that you’re playing when you’re not paying attention behavior that support you? Or is it behavior that compromises you? How do you know you didn’t see it? And so how would I know an answer? 95% of your life is coming from the program. So I said conclusion. Your life is a printout of your program. Are you happy your program? You are the program and
Dr. Mindy
your program? Was your parents or your community from zero to seven?
Bruce Lipton
Absolutely. The Jesuits. They always had a saying for 400 years. They told people this and nobody understood. The Jesuits would say, give me a child for the first seven years and I will show you the man. That’s a famous thing. I said, What were they saying? I said Just exactly what I just said, first seven years even got that right is the program period. And then 95% of the rest of your life is coming from the program. So if I get the email for the first seven years, I essentially have control the rest of the life of that program. And I say, and who are the program, the people, I said, we are. Welcome, Robin. There’s nobody that got to this point, without having progress, because you can’t use your nervous system without a program.
Dr. Mindy
Let’s talk about fasting and hormones. So I have something really exciting to share with you guys. Hopefully, you know that I am obsessed with fasting. I’m also obsessed with helping women and men, but women need a little more assistance in this time, they’re fast around their hormonal needs. Now, if you just look at women in general, we all have different hormonal needs, a postmenopausal woman has a different hormonal need than a 25 year old woman trying to get pregnant. And so being able to understand what our hormones are doing and how to time our fast to that how to time our eating styles to that. And even you can even time your exercise around your hormonal needs, becomes this incredible tool to not only be the healthiest version of you possible, but it also is a way to heal your hormones if your hormones are feeling out of balance. So I am teaching the month of May in my reset Academy, I am teaching everything you need to know about hormones for all ages. And I’m going to be doing it around a new tool I created called the fast game circle. I haven’t taught the fast teen circle on any other platform, it’s actually going to come out in a new book in in 2022. But I’m teaching it in my Academy in the month of May, so that you all can really dial in your lifestyle to maximize the superpowers called your hormones. So come join me in my Academy, I will leave a link in the notes below. You can also go to Dr. Mindy Pels calm and hit the reset Academy and sign up there and just know we’re diving into hormones I want you to to really master this because once you can time, your lifestyle to your hormonal needs, we’ll never worry about imbalanced or lacking hormones again, see in my Academy the million dollar question has to be how do you change your program if you didn’t like if the first seven years was rough? And you don’t want to repeat the patterns, perhaps of the adults that programmed you how do you? How do you change that?
Bruce Lipton
I never heard that question before. No. like crazy. Ever since day one, when I tried to tell people how the mechanism works. The first question is always, how do I change that? And I go, Well, that wasn’t my job. My job is to show you how it works. But I do have answers after all these years. The idea is this. The programs are in the subconscious mind. This and by the fact that’s called a program. It’s also a habit. I say as a habit. You don’t want to change that. If I think there are habits that are good and are habits that are bad. I say when did you learn how to walk? Oh before to you learn about program Why? You practice you stood up you fell over you practice you got the system to learn to control and you taught we’re walking. Okay, I go you know what’s great. You that same program or run to your 150 years old? You know, it doesn’t change. Thank God it doesn’t, right. Yeah. I don’t wanna have to relearn how to walk. So I go what’s cool about a habit. Habits resist change, because if they change then they’re not habits anymore. Okay. So I said the subconscious mind is a habit mining Oh, geez. Now I got programs. And now I want to change. I say resist change. And I go, Yeah, but guess what, I can learn new habits, right? Pick up an instrument. I don’t know how to play it. But if I practice, make habit, I can put I can learn that. Okay. So I said, here’s a problem. We have confused the conscious and subconscious as one bla mind I go No, no. Two different minds make Bob mind. But these two minds have different functions. And they learn in different ways. And that’s where the problem comes from.
Dr. Mindy
Different ways. Well,
Bruce Lipton
the creative mind by definition is creative. I can learn it anyway. Look, just listen to this conversation. I can learn something walk away with it, right? I can just go Aha, I have an idea. I just put a new vision in my conscious mind. And I say does that translate to the subconscious mind I don’t know subconscious mind doesn’t learn that way. I guess a wiser Rogan. I said, Well, I read all the self help books, man. Give me a test. I didn’t give you 100 on how to live this most wonderful life. And I said, Are you living a wonderful life you pick out 100? No, I go, that was the problem, you could read the self help books educate the conscious mind, but that’s not translated into subconscious program. And so going to the lecture and reading the book and watching the video, I can educate conscious mind, but it does not change the program that I say, Oh, the subconscious mind learns in different ways. First seven years how to learn theta, the low vibration below awake consciousness that it was recording. Okay, so I said, Oh, every night when you go to bed, the if you put wires on a head, but when you’re at work as a higher vibration called beta, and then when you come home with vibration, slowed down to a calmer consciousness called alpha, and just at the moment, your eyes closed and you disconnect consciousness, the vibration has just now dropped into theta. So your conscious mind is not aware. But your subconscious mind is open. So earphones on at night to play behaviors that you want programs that you want. It beautiful part about it is you might hear some of the program while you’re still alert, but the moment alpha shuts off, guess what? The speaker are sending words and your conscious mind doesn’t hear it. But your subconscious mind still working. So you can make new habits. It’s called self hypnosis.
Unknown Speaker
Okay? Okay.
Bruce Lipton
Number two, that only self hypnosis or theta work until age seven. But you learn things after age seven to drive a car, play the instrument, do the job, whatever I say, How do I say repetition? You want something to be real? It’s called practice habituation. You actually have to live it. And I go, the the the New Age phraseology always makes me laugh about it. It’s called fake it till you make it. Meaning I’m not gonna be perfect. You want to be a happy person. So yeah, then I say all day long. Every time you think about you say I am happy. I am happy in the middle of I keep saying I am happy. Repetition will ultimately cause habit habit is one day you wake up and guess what? You’re happy. You’d even say it. Why? That’s the program. I downloaded it. Wow. Okay. So after age seven, you can put new programs in but you actually have to do an exercise a habituation, a practice to put it in, like to offer this is that a sticky note on the mirror? A lot of people think that it’s a suggestion. It’s not a habit. It does. Oh, yeah. I don’t need to do that. Yeah, I got it. Okay. That’s not a habit. That’s a suggestion. I’ll end up eating the doughnut. Why? Because I didn’t change anything there at the original subconscious donut loving program. You know, if I want to change it, I have to change my vision of donut. Right? repetition. Okay. So that’s number two, both one and two, self-hypnosis repetition is a time consuming exercise. Okay. However, necessity, being the mother of invention, we are going extinct because of our behavior. And we have to change our behavior, we don’t have a lot of time. So nature came up with, hey, you can change behavior using something called energy psychology. And there’s about on my website, the moment, Bruce lipton.com, I have listed on that website about 20 to 30, different energy psychology modalities, they all essentially get to the same conclusion, but through you know, different pathway to get in, and I go, so what’s most relevant I go, these changes and programs can occur in minutes. Once you know what you want to change. And and what you you know, what is it? The harder part is? What’s the program I watch? Yeah, or you figure that out, that makes it I make it longer than let’s put the program in? Because you can do it in in certain cases in minutes and walk away minutes later, with a different life just walked out the door differently. These are the three fundamental ways. And I say and then before you I say before you use these three fundamental ways to change the program, of course, the first question is, what’s the
Dr. Mindy
program that I had? I was just gonna say, How do you know what the program is? If you’re too close to it?
Bruce Lipton
No. And guess what, when did the program go in? Well, actually, they’ve started programming before you were born last trimester of pregnancy. So let’s say your mother plays music, but by her abdomen, And the fetus is growing. And a fetus hears that music when the baby is born, you play that music, the baby will instantly recognize that music it learned already. Okay. Um, so it starts in the last trimester of pregnancy. And it goes from age seven. So now I say, you got programmed. Okay, what program to get in utero? What was your mother experiencing in her life? Because her blood with her chemistry, whether it was love or fear, based on what she was, was the blood that was programming your cells as a fetus. So she was genetically expressing things in your body through her blood. Okay, just like my own blood is controlling me here. But as a fetus, I’m living up my mother’s blood, which has information in it. Okay. So I say, but why is important? I said, Well, can you remember the program when you were in utero? No. Oh, we had a whole year from zero to one. Can you remember that? Any of the programs? No. Okay, from one to two a whole year? Did you got programmed? Do you have a full memory of what programs happened? No. By coming at the three you might say, Yeah, I remember some things. Okay. But here’s the point. How do I know what the damn programs are? They were programmed. I was conscious. Thank you, Mindy, for letting me come to this most important Yes.
Unknown Speaker
Tell us this.
Bruce Lipton
Your life 95% is coming from the program. The subconscious, I go, why is irrelevant. I say your life is a printout of your program. I go look at your life. I go, Why? The things that you like that actually come into your life. They come in because you have a program to you know, bring them in. But the things that you wish for and desire. And you have to work hard and sweat over put a lot of effort and I’m I’m gonna make this happen. I’m working on I made this happen. I said, Why working so hard? And the answer is whatever that destination is, your subconscious program doesn’t support that. And you’re trying to override it. I will override I will lose weight. I go that’s a conscious decision. I said you tell the subconscious about I said, Why? Because weight is a setting in the subconscious. Not a setting in the conscious mind. conscious minds. I don’t want to wait. And sometimes it’s like, that’s the program. And I say, so what are you gonna do about it say, well, you have to change the program. I go, why is that Robin? Well, I could diet that’s me overriding this thing. Well, I work really hard. I hate it. It’s a stupid diet. I’m eating cardboard every night. But I’m going to lose weight. And I get down to this weight and I go great. I like go program comes right back up way to right back where it was before. Okay, so I go. So why is all this relevant and the relevance is this. It’s not easy to take the conscious mind, which works 5% of the time to override the subconscious program run again 95% of the time. So that’s where the problem comes from. So now we’re left with the conclusion, what do you want to change in your life, I said the things I’m struggling with relationship, money, health, whatever, if you have a struggle, it’s a reflection of a program. Now you know what you want to change. And and then you have to, and the harder part, as I said is you’re going to write a program and stick it in. So you have to be very careful. In the writing of that program, it can go in faster than it takes the time to write it. It’s really important. Just to give you an example, let’s say I have a disease. What’s my wish? I want to be healthy? Oh, let me put that into the program. I want to be healthy. So let’s record that today. Mindy and Bruce, today recording what I want to be healthy, I put it into my subconscious mind. And we come back next year, same time next year. And I say, hey, how’s that working for you? And the answer is it nothing, nothing changed. You know, through all of that. And I go what you haven’t changed the program, using a technique to change that program. So and what are the now here comes a conclusion. What did I just program? I want to be healthy. Guess what, next year, same time, I want to be healthy. I think you can’t get to be healthy. Why you put the word want. One is a desire, you will always be in desire. I want to be healthy. It’s like I’m all Oh, what’s the program? I am healthy. I said you’re sitting there with terminal cancer. And I say and what are you telling yourself I am healthy. I sound solid Sir, I go No, because it’s a program that goes into the subconscious. And the function of the mind is that make that program real? That’s what it does right now. It takes your subconscious programs and makes them real. Why? Because then your life is just as you expected, it kind of didn’t get that raise, and I didn’t get it, I go, Wow. Well, you know, your creative reality was, I didn’t think I was gonna get it and you didn’t. Okay? So So basically, it says, if your life isn’t working, right, then it’s this is really, you have to look and say, What is the destination I can’t get to, and then start to recognize if I want to get there, then I have to write a statement as if I’m already there. Because my mind would if I say I want, my mind will say, okay, you can want this for 100 years, you could have a 500 years, you would still want it. But if I am, then the function of the mind is to make it I am healthy, then the mind goes and looks at the body goes Holy crap, you got terminal cancer, you got Oh, program healthy, okay. Changes the chemistry adjusts the genetics. And we’ll turn you back into healthy again.
Dr. Mindy
Amazing. And so affirmations work
Bruce Lipton
repetitively, it’s a it’s a, it’s a habituation, you have to repeat it religiously. It’s not like oh, today I was thinking some very positive thoughts like, Oh, that’s nice.
Dr. Mindy
Bruce Lipton
5% of your day, who cares? It doesn’t make any difference to the 50 trillion cells that are operating from the other program. And so all of a sudden, I said, those cells have to be habituated. This is the problem. So
Dr. Mindy
you can’t complain your you can’t complain your way to a different life.
Bruce Lipton
That makes it worse. I’ll tell you why. Selzer or you know, the subconscious mind is like a five year old child, I go, why is irrelevant. I say, if you want a five year old child to actually do something, then you’d be nice to that five year old child. But that five year old child, you yell out and you stupid, ignorant, blah, blah, blah, I go left for a fiver, your child’s not going to really support you anymore. It’s going to go I hate you. I go, Well, why? What’s the problem? I said, Well, you were yelling out at the fix something it doesn’t like you. Because that’s what you read it. There’s not necessarily going to support you, it doesn’t care. So it’s really, cells have a consciousness to them. So if I injure myself, truly, I touch wherever I’m injured. If I cut myself, I touch it. And I see it. And I say that this is healing. We’re going to heal this right, here we go. What’s that all about? I go, why in a normal presidency, if there’s a disaster in the States, does the President go to the disaster site? It takes the attention of 300 million people focusing on what the disaster and the energy of that 300 million people is infusing that population with health. And you know, that’s what the collective energy is about. So I say good 50 trillion cellular citizens, something goes wrong with the cells. Take the government the mind. and say, You Sydney cells. Yeah, Hey, folks, we’re, we’re This is going to get healed right here. I’m touching it, why that’s the president landing where the problem is. And that brings the attention of 50 trillion cells a year. And that facilitates the healing. If you yell at yourself and complain like crazy, I go, who listens to that? Not the self.
Dr. Mindy
So what can we do something as a collective consciousness right now, in this moment? Could we all put our attention on what life will be like when this situation is over? And would that have a accelerate the movement in a more positive direction? 100%
Bruce Lipton
You can’t have a war unless you get enough people to believe in the war. I can’t go out in the streets and let’s have a ward and everybody looks at me like you’re crazy. And there’s a war happening. But if I get out on the street, good, half a million people say Yeah, well, I prepare because I was going to happen, okay. And I say so why is that we are cells in a evolving body called humanity. 50 trillion cells inside your body. We have how many near 8 billion cells comprising something bigger. And when we understand that’s the destination all of a sudden you realize, do you like it when your cells attack each other? That’s called autoimmune disease? self destruction? answer’s Absolutely not. What is healthy harmony and 50 trillion cells? I go there, but they’re all different kinds of cells. They’re all different colors. Brain is white liver is red. You know, all these different green animals. While I go, they’re all different. I said, Yeah, but they work together to create a human, I say, seven to 8 billion human cells coming together, create a higher level called humanity. And this is where we need to go, we need to go out of on separate from you, and you’re a different color than me and you have a different religion than me and I go, well, that separation is anything could ever be. And evolution is not separation. Evolution is the opposite of Darwinian theory. Darwinian theory is competition and survival of the fittest. And it turns out, that is completely wrong. That is not evolution. A garden is not a battleground. A garden is the height of cooperation among all the organisms that comprise that garden. And I go, so why is it relevant? We came from a garden, and our lack of cooperation with that garden is destroying the web of life, garden. And we’re facing our own extinction, because our behavior is not in harmony with the world. This is the wake up call says you better learn to live in harmony with nature, you are not outside of nature, you are nature, right? We didn’t come here, like, God created everything and then said, let’s add some humans. I got no, no dude came from the garden. And I go, so why is irrelevant. If we came from the garden to destroy the garden, then by definition, you just destroyed yourself. And this is where we are in this mass extinction. Amazing. If you were the Surgeon General of
Dr. Mindy
America, right now, what would and you could, or let’s say you were even Fauci and you could create, I don’t mean to scare you, you could create it, you could ask everybody to behave in a certain way to move us forward. And out of this pandemic, what would you do?
Bruce Lipton
Well, the first thing is, first, take care of yourself to be a functional element in this community. Because if you’re not a functional element, then you’re actually weakening the community because somebody is going to have to take care of you and take care of the problems you didn’t deal with. So the first thing is personal health. We are responsible. epigenetics is the science that says yes, your environment and your perception are controlling your genes. If you’re not healthy, because you’re not in harmony with your environment, or with your perceptions. That’s the problem. So everybody should really start to recognize, look, we make culture media, remember the chemistry of the culture, medium controls the cells I go, what kind of food are you eating? industrial farm crap with poisons and toxins are eating organic, natural, healthy food. Without that it makes a difference on making culture, medium blood, that’s why you eat the food in the first place. Okay, so we have to start recognizing we need to really eat better, to live in harmony with ourselves and ourselves with us. Secondly, most of our food is so short of some very important vitamins, supplements, and for health to endorse and support the immune system. The most important recommendation is large quantities of vitamin C, I take 2000 milligrams article two grams of that every day. Vitamin C, because it enforces and supports the immune system in this time, so does vitamin D, another one that most people are weakest in, that also enhances and supports immune system. magnesium, zinc as supplemental elements, the I want to make culture medium in the lab, you I don’t go get my ingredients at Kmart when I make culture medium. Like I buy the most pristine best ingredients in the world. Because if I compromise on the ingredients and put those medium into the culture dish, you can watch the cells go sick right away. Yeah, the culture medium has to be fully supportive. So eating at an organic natural, taking vitamins and supplements, especially vitamin C and D at this time of guests exercise, why the blood is cleaning and taking care of the body, but the blood needs to have this circulation system to push it. So it goes through all the filters and does all this stuff. And if you’re sedentary, you’re not supporting the cleansing and cleaning up and maintenance of your body. So exercise, something from just walking, just get the hell out of that house and start walking. It’s great exercise. Okay. So now we have what three things we have diet, supplements, exercise, and number four, and this is one we’re talking about for last hour and I say what are your thoughts? because your mind is going to manifest them. If they’re negative thoughts and you’re ready. It’s common. It was positive thoughts. I congratulations because you’re going to improve your vitality, your health and your enjoyment of living in this beautiful garden that we have. And so I say yeah, if I was in episode Should I say first take care of yourself. There’s the old hippie thing from million years ago says before you go out and save the world take care of your own backyard.
Dr. Mindy
Yes. Are Gandhi was that Gandhi, I don’t know if it’s Gandhi, but he’s he was Be the change, you want to see?
Bruce Lipton
Well, that’s it. So we have to take care of ourselves first. And then participate in a community of others, taking care of themselves and the environment, taking care of yourself as since you are the environment, if you’re gonna take care of yourself, you better damn well take care of that environment, because your flexion of that. So all of a sudden, you see what we can come out of this self destructive belief system that we’ve been programmed with programmed that life is competition, people are threatening, they want to take away yours, and you’re going to protect I go, that’s not real, that was a belief system that programmed us. And some of the ideas is you first have to take care of yourself. And you can look in here, if I if I have to say, the most important aspect of getting there is the look in the mirror and say, I love that person. I say why is that Robin go? Because when we did believe changes, like those energy psychology things, and we test for beliefs, listen to this number, between 80 and 90% of all participants, they will not test positive for I love myself. And I go, that’s eight to nine out of 10 people that are why is that. Because when we were young parents used to think that they criticize us will make a better effort. I go, but if a child’s under seven, they’re not thinking they’re just recording. So when the parents, the kid cries because he wants a toy, and the parent says You don’t deserve that. The child doesn’t understand really the meaning behind that. But the child did record it. I do not deserve. I go for the rest of the child’s life as a program. I say why is it relevant? Well, in 95% of the day, if the mind is going to make that program real, it’s going to compromise that person. So at the end of the day, the person goes, Yeah, I didn’t get it again. I guess I don’t deserve it. I go, that was a program. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker
fast tonight, you need to do this.
Bruce Lipton
And it comes up because love is the glue that holds it all together. And if you don’t love yourself, no one else can love you by legitimacy. Meaning if I don’t love myself, and someone comes up with as Bruce, I love you, and I go, Well, you have no quality control, because I know. And then I will push that person away. And at the end of the day, then I’ll come home and go. No, I’m not lovable. Nobody’s here. You’ve been pushing them away all day. Well, you are
Dr. Mindy
fascinating. Oh, my God, I could talk to you forever. And I want to respect your time. I do have a couple of questions for you. You’ve already like my brain is just go on now. And I can’t I can’t wait to go to bed tonight and see what I can program in there on the way on the way into the sleep. If you had if there was one person on the planet right now that you could sit down and have a great conversation with and learn something from who would that be? Everybody, huh? Yeah, everybody.
Bruce Lipton
Everybody can show me something that I don’t know. Because obviously, I don’t know everything. Yes, everybody has something. Yes. And therefore, to say that all the answers come from this one voice, I would actually that unfortunately, redirects people, they buy that one voice, but if that one voice has any flaw in it, then everybody else has bought all the flaws, too. So be open, and listen and observe and find things that feel good. Because when you feel good, that means the chemistry that’s going from your mind is making harmony. That’s why feeling good is is a reflection Yep. 50 trillion cells are happy why I feel great.
Unknown Speaker
I love it.
Dr. Mindy
What is there a book that changed your life that you would say everybody needs to read outside of the Biology of Belief. Definitely everybody needs to read that book. But
Bruce Lipton
there was a long time ago book and are much better versions of it. But I read a book by an author Heinz paddles a physicist. And it was all about quantum physics. And I go knock quantum physics with equations and mathematics which is like I don’t get that but quantum physics and meaning principles. And when you understand I was like, Oh my god, the fundamental principle of quantum physics and let me emphasize this. Of all the sciences on planet Earth. Quantum Physics as the most valid the most, you know, tested affirm to be true. There is no science with More truth in quantum physics. So So why is quantum physics so important? You’re ready. Principle number one. Consciousness is creating our life experience. And all of a sudden says, My God, that’s not a new age suggestion. That is the most valid science on the planet, changing consciousness, and you will change your existence on this planet.
Dr. Mindy
Nothing physics. Amazing. Okay, well, you’re incredible. Let me leave you with I know people say this. But let me leave you with this question. If you add an AI, you probably already answered it. But if you had one message for the world, that you could get into their subconscious programming, and and really help them see live a happier life, what would that be,
Bruce Lipton
but something that I learned that I never had in my life until I got it, and then my life profoundly changed. And that is simply this as a scientist, I did not believe in spirituality, I believed here I am animal live by amino acids, back to the soil again. But through the understanding of physics, and then supported by epigenetics, consciousness, is creating this the situation we’re in. And if the world you’re in doesn’t look right, is because the consciousness you are using is supporting that world. And that it’s time for us to recognize we’re spiritual entities that were here visiting this planet using a virtual reality suit called the body. And the day that I close with this, the day that I was recognizing, and that was my science of epigenetics, which was the environment controlling the genes, I also recognize no two people are the same. Biologically, we know that because I can’t transfer my organs into you, your immune system will say not self, you put yourself in somebody else’s body, their immune system says not self with point is very clear. Obviously, there’s a self because the cells are not interchangeable, they have a serial number on them. And the serial number in this particular case, is a set of cellphone receptors. And when I started putting together said, Oh, my God, we are downloading an environmental signal through these receptors. That makes us different. And my cells respond to a certain vibrational frequency, because those are the protein antennas of self on myself, you have a completely different set of protein antennas, you’re getting a whole different broadcast. On the moment, I realized as a way, I am a broadcast playing through this body. And so then why are we here? To create and to experience? And if they’re great experiences, continue doing that, and have their sucky experiences within don’t do that anymore. Simple.
Dr. Mindy
Amazing. Yeah.
So change your vibration change your life.
Bruce Lipton
Exactly. Recognize You are the vibration.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, amazing. Amazing. Well, you’re incredible. And how do people find you your your website’s amazing, by the way,
Bruce Lipton
are we got new on it’s beautiful. Bruce Lipton calm, and it’s got a community page, which is the best thing, because so many people started to connect with each other over the same. Oh, I had this problem. How did you deal with that? Or this person had this disease? What are they? Now there’s a dialogue. And that was the intention of part of the editing of this new website was to provide a place for people to carry on the dialogue. And then amazing, give each other ideas and information how to make a better world?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. Wow. Well,
this was the this was the highlight of my week, even though it’s Monday, I’m gonna say that you elevated my thoughts today. So I just want to say thank you for all your work and your consistent work. I mean, you’ve been saying this message for decades now. And we’re still right,
Unknown Speaker
it’s still right.
Dr. Mindy
What? We need you more than ever, now, the world needs you. So thank you for keeping up the pace that you’re at.
Bruce Lipton
Thank you so much. And I want to thank our audience, because those are the other cells that when they get this and we come together in a new body, a new form of humanity, the future is bright as anything you could ever imagine. Right?
Dr. Mindy
Hey, resetera I just want to start off by saying thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews, and those of you that have left me comments on iTunes. I just greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and how much you guys are enjoying these episodes. And it seems like you’re enjoying them as much as I am enjoying doing them. One of the things that I’ve learned in just interacting with so many people is that we’ve really lost the art of deep conversations. And for me, the resetter podcast stands for having meaningful conversations with people who are thinking about health, about life about mindset in a way that we may not be getting on social media or in mainstream media. And so I just want to say give you guys a shout out and just say thank you for participating in this process with me. Because as much as I absolutely love delivering the information to you, I love even more knowing that it’s impacting your life. So please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make this podcast more customized to you to make it better. We are now officially in season two. And we are working to bring you the best conversations that health influencers have that mindset changers can give and to really deliver you something that you’re not able to get anywhere else. So from the bottom of my heart, as I always say my YouTube from the bottom of my heart. I am deeply appreciative of you. I am deeply grateful to be on this journey with you and let’s get healthy together.
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Insightful. My actions begin with rephrasing my goals as if I’m already there. It takes practice for sure, but to know I have this power to improve my life is simply amazing. Thanks Dr. Mindy for this podcast.
Nice, lot’s of information. Thank you both.
Dr. Bruce has so many good points at the end of this podcast. The negative conspiracy stuff with the government and the drug companies is so disfunctional for so many people anti-vaxers and, frankly cliche’ to me, at this point that I almost turned it off at that point. I stuck with it out of respect for Dr. Mindy. Drop the negative and emphasize the positive please!!!
This guy was spot on with the media censorship of science. The big pharma is one of the biggest enemies of the American people/world.
Love, love, love the podcast with Bruce!!
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Thanks so much for your awesome feedback! We’d love if you took a moment to copy and paste that for a review! You can do that here: https://ratethispodcast.com/resetterpodcast
Thanks so much for your awesome feedback! We’d love if you took a moment to copy and paste that for a review! You can do that here: https://ratethispodcast.com/resetterpodcast
Thanks so much for your awesome feedback! We’d love if you took a moment to copy and paste that for a review! You can do that here: https://ratethispodcast.com/resetterpodcast
The podcast episode episode with Dr. Lipton was absolutely mind blowing. Very informative and spot on. I have shared this podcast with so many friends and family. I thank you so much Dr Pelz for your very educational and informative factual information. You are truly a blessing in my life as I am sure in many others.
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