“Humans have the capacity to fix the mess that we are in right now.”
This episode is all about what exactly is happening to our bodies when we are exposed to glyphosate. Plus, we talk about what we can do to repair the injuries that are occurring from glyphosate.
Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientist at MIT, where she has had a continuous affiliation for more than five decades. For over a decade, since 2008, she has directed her attention towards the role of nutrition and environmental toxicants on human disease, with a special emphasis on the herbicide glyphosate and the mineral sulfur..
In this podcast, Glyphosate’s Detrimental Impact On Human Health, we cover:
- Understanding the harmful effects of glyphosate on our bodies
- What we can do to repair the injuries that occur from glyphosate
- How we can change our lifestyles to avoid glyphosate
- Which crops get sprayed with glyphosate most frequently
- How glyphosate can affect our children
Understanding Glyphosate
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, and Roundup is the most used herbicide on the planet. Everyone knows about Roundup. Some people don’t use this chemical because they think it’s not suitable for their pets. However, did you know it is also harmful to humans? The United States uses Roundup more than any other country in the world. We are a massive target for this dangerous chemical.
How Glyphosate Will Disrupt Our Guts
Unfortunately, 54% of our microbe species in our gut are vulnerable to glyphosate. Also, it will kill the beneficial bacteria, and it allows pathogens to gain a foothold. Plus, people spray glyphosate on their crops before harvest. Stephanie says gluten intolerance can be a direct effect of this harmful chemical. This correlation should be common knowledge at this point. Sadly, not many people know about it.
Which Crops Get Sprayed With Glyphosate
GMO crops are sprayed with glyphosate. Especially these crops:
- Soy
- Corn
- Sugar
- Alfalfa
- Canola
These foods are contaminated because they are sprayed with glyphosate all over the crops. These crops won’t die from the glyphosate because they have been engineered to tolerate it. Also, when we eat these crops, all these chemical reactions will happen to us. So, what about organic crops? Unfortunately, the problem has gotten so massive that it’s more of an environmental issue.
How Glyphosate Can Affect Children
Autism, ADD, and obesity are the conditions we see in kids who get chronic exposure to glyphosate. Plus, obesity is a risk factor for Covid-19. People are eating well and exercising well. However, they can’t lose weight. So, we know that this can be a toxin issue within the body. That is why this harmful herbicide is the number one thing that needs to be addressed to lose weight in America and around the world.
Glyphosate And Covid-19
Glyphosate in the air is different than glyphosate in your food. When glyphosate enters our body through the air, it will mess with the lungs first. In the air are heavy metals, and glyphosate can be inside that air pollution too. Strangely, countries with high air pollution have low Covid-19 death rates. Countries with sound air pollution have high Covid-19 death rates. Nigeria has terrible air pollution. However, their death rate from Covid-19 is meniscal. Stephanie says that the cities that are at the mouth of rivers are getting hit hard with Covid-19. Glyphosate could be in the riverbeds and on barges in the rivers. No one has done the research, so it’s all speculation.
Outlawing Glyphosate
Luckily, several countries in Europe are talking about outlawing glyphosate. However, the governments are shutting down these conversations. Walmart is even talking about getting rid of products with glyphosate in it. Stephanie says this would be a huge win! That way, when people go to Walmart looking for something with glyphosate in it, they won’t be able to find it. People will then find out how poisonous this chemical truly is, and maybe they’ll stop buying these products altogether.
The Problem With Vaccine Studies
Sadly, we don’t study vaccines enough. In the United States, we have a crazy system where people don’t have consequences when the vaccine causes damage. People are so uninterested in humanity; it’s baffling. We should not be so cavalier about people’s lives. The HPV vaccine can lower people’s pregnancies; it could be causing infertility. Also, it can cause spontaneous miscarriages. People don’t see the problems right away, because it shows up ten years later when they get pregnant. So, what will happen with the Covid-19 vaccination? Only time will tell.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:00:00] But I have to say it, of course, is the active ingredient in Roundup. And Roundup is the most used herbicide on the planet. Herbicide killing weeds, and U S uses more Roundup per person than any other country world. I am
[00:00:12] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:00:12] a woman on a mission that is dedicated to teaching you just how powerful your body was built to be. [00:00:19] I like to do that by bringing you the latest science, the greatest thought leaders and applicable steps that help you tap into your own internal healing power. The purpose of this podcast is to give you the power back. You believe in yourself. Again, my name is Dr. Mindy Pelz, and I want to thank you for spending part of your day with me. [00:00:41] Dr. Mindy back with you guys again and today on this episode, I am bringing you one of my sheroes. Her name is Dr. Stephanie CNF and she is an MIT scientist. Who has Brit been bringing to us for probably about a decade now. The science behind glyphosate. So if you’re not familiar with glyphosate, it is what they are spraying on. [00:01:05] So many of our food products and it has a consequence to the human body. And so in this episode, Dr. Sniff unpacked with us, exactly what is happening to our body when we’re eating. Exposed to glyphosate and what we can do to repair the injuries that are, that are occurring from glyphosate, but also lifestyles. [00:01:27] We can live to minimize the impact that glyphosate has on our health. So life, the seed is new for you guys. You’re going to want to take notes on this one. She is a scientist. So there is several moments that go very clinical, but hang in there because at the end of the podcast interview, I really got her into some practical steps. [00:01:49] And she has a huge heart, a brilliant brain, and is absolutely, like I said, one of my favorite scientists that I have personally been following for years. So here you go. On this episode, we are going to talk all things life to say, and we’re going to put the power back in your hands to be able to overcome any damage that this chemical is causing you. [00:02:11] Enjoy. [00:02:13] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:02:13] Hi, recenters and welcome to Dr. Stephanie sniffs episode. During the recording of this episode, Dr. Sniff did have somebody outside doing some gardening and blowing some leaves. So at certain times, during this episode, you may hear a slight background noise, and we just wanted to come to you and let you know that that is just an outside leaf blower blowing. [00:02:31] Some leaves around Dr. SNIF’s house. We hope you enjoy. [00:02:35] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:02:35] Well, I want to start off by just jumping into this concept around glyphosate. We detox so many people in our clinic and our online world, and glyphosate just keeps rearing its ugly head in the conversation. Um, the conversations we have had. So part of why I wanted to bring you on to our podcast was really to help us understand glyphosate. [00:03:00] And start to unpack it because it’s like this invisible thing that nobody’s really talking about except you, and a lot of other people, but everybody’s living the consequence of glyphosate. So, can you start off by giving us some idea of like, how did you even get into studying glyphosate? I don’t think that was on your list of, um, paths that you were looking to do. [00:03:25] How did you get in to really understanding this chemical and what it’s doing to human health? [00:03:31] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:03:31] Yeah, that’s an interesting story, actually, because I had about maybe 2007 timeframe, I started getting interested in that. I think he has autism and trying to figure out what environmental factors might be causing the increase cause autism rates have been going up dramatically as you know, the past 20 years. [00:03:47] And we’re hitting a really big crisis soon with all these kids. Aging out now we’ve got adult autism. We don’t know what to do with those people, but, um, I was really concerned and I knew it had to be something in the environment that was causing the increase. You know, there may be genetic risk, but genetics is not the reason for the epidemic. [00:04:04] You know, it can’t be well, I knew it was something in the environment and I was looking at vaccines quite a bit. I look at things like fluoride and plastics and all the things that are in our environment. Um, And I wasn’t looking at glyphosate at all. I didn’t even know the word actually. So it’s quite serendipitous. [00:04:19] I have to do so five years into it. And I knew a lot more about autism at that point, because I was reading all about isn’t very complicated disorder with so many comorbidities gut issues and, you know, um, various deficiencies and various vital nutrients and whatnot. So, or imbalances. I mean, just a lot of things messed up biologically metabolically with the autistic kids. [00:04:41] And, um, so I happened to be at this conference. I was giving a talk on statin drugs actually, which I also, okay. That’s a whole other story. That’s a whole nother podcast. And, uh, and so there was this guy, you know, Don Huber was the professor retired professor from Purdue university expert in plants, plant physiology, plant pathology. [00:05:00] Really nice guy. And he gave him, he was giving a two hour presentation on glyphosate at that conference. And I’m like, Oh, what’s that glyphosate? I don’t even know what that is. I better go check that out. And I was on the edge of my seat cause he was just excited. Anyhow, it messes up the soil bacteria, and then it messes up the gut bacteria and it causes these mineral deficiencies and messes up the liver and decreases your ability to detoxify other chemicals. [00:05:23] And, and it was just like all lining up with them. With autism. I already knew a lot about autism, the gut problems, and it just really hit home for me. And I was like, this is it. You know? And glyphosate of course is the active ingredient in Roundup. And Roundup is the most used herbicide on the planet. [00:05:39] Herbicide killing weeds, and U S uses more Roundup per person than any other country in the world. So we’re, we’re basically, you know, the target is this typical [00:05:49] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:05:49] just to fill everybody in because this is, what’s so fascinating about this concept to me. Is that if everybody knows Roundup and some people choose to not use Roundup in their garden, because they’re like, Oh my pets, you know, it might not be good for my pets, but then we seem to be so uneducated on it when it’s sprayed on our food and we’re eating it every single day. [00:06:12] So talk a little bit about like, what is it actually doing to the body and why is it so harmful? Cause I believe there needs to be a wake-up call. On just that one point alone. Yes. [00:06:25] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:06:25] It’s an amazing molecule. And I’ve, I mean, I love science and I love puzzles and glyphosate is an enormous puzzle. It is such a fascinating molecule and it can really keep the scientists busy for many years, figuring out all the things that it would do given. [00:06:38] It’s behavior in biology. It’s quite, I mean, it it’s just stunning. Um, the degree to which it disrupts everything really. And it does it through a really demonic mechanism that, um, no other chemical does, as far as I know, there’s nothing else like it. And this is, uh, the fact that it’s an amino acid and it’s an amino acid analog of glycine and glycine. [00:06:58] So the amino acids are the coding, um, units of the proteins with the DNA code. Most people know enough biology to know about DNA and the four-letter code. And then it’s a three-letter sequence that codes for a particular amino acids, about 20 amino acids. So the code is redundant, but a glycine is the smallest amino acid. [00:07:15] It has no side chains. And so there’s, um, the code for glycine has a little socket where it fits this tiny little glycine molecule, and none of the other amino acids will fit in that, in that slot. And therefore it can select for glycine. It does it by making it very tiny, just perfectly fitting glycine. [00:07:31] Nobody else. Life is a also fit because it is also a glycine molecule, no side change. This is very, very important. It fits in that socket. What it has is extra material stuck onto its packaging, Adam and the nitrogen Adam is outside of the socket because it has to hook up with it. It’s paper dolls, hooking through the chain. [00:07:49] The nitrogen needs to be outside of that hole. In order to be able to hook up to the chain so we can have extra stuff on it and still fit as long as its neighbors aren’t crowding it too much. Right. So it’s specific conditions under which black was a good substitute for glycine during protein synthesis. [00:08:05] And if it does, the consequences are absolutely here’s my question on [00:08:09] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:08:09] glycine isn’t glycine. The. Like the nutrient that’s needed for the inner mucosal lining of the gut. Oh, [00:08:16] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:08:16] glycine is needed for so many things. Uh, I don’t even know where to begin, but the college and maybe you’re thinking of the college in which is, um, all over the body. [00:08:25] Collagen is the most common protein by far in the body. 25% of our proteins are college and molecules. And collagen has long swaths of G X, Y G X, Y G X Y where every third amino acid is a glycine, extremely glycine. Rich collagen is in the joint, in the bone, in skin, in the brain. I mean, it’s everywhere. [00:08:43] And college disorders are something that we’re seeing a lot of these days with different people, having joint pain and knee surgery and hip replacement, surgery and foot problems. I mean, all these issues we were seeing back problems. We have an epidemic really in all of these. [00:08:57] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:08:57] Oh for health. Absolutely. [00:09:00] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:09:00] You ever see someone over 50 who doesn’t have some kind of aches and pains? It seems like these days, you know, Hey, people hobbling around. It’s really sad. And I think like I can say it is playing a major role in disrupting the college and, um, Like substituting for glycine in college and disrupting the triple helix structure. [00:09:16] Collagen depends on that triple helix for all of its interesting properties with its 10 South strength and its nice to, and its ability to hold water. All those things are really important for it to work properly. And, and I think life is it’s messing that up. [00:09:32] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:09:32] I had never thought of it from the collagen. [00:09:34] PA pass. And that actually makes amazing sense. Uh, we had also, when your work first came out, there was a lot of talk about the pathway and, you know, people were like, what’s that? And then this idea behind glyphosate disturbing that, um, can you talk [00:09:51] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:09:51] a little bit? That was my first paper with Anthony. Samso where we talked about glyphosate disrupting the gut microbiome, which I think is crucial. [00:09:58] Yeah, absolutely crucial. And that’s where it hits first and hits hard because the microbes, in fact, there’s a new paper out that showed that 54% of the microbe species in our gut have, are vulnerable to glyphosate through that she could make pathway. So it’s not like it’s an uncommon thing in our gut microbiome. [00:10:14] Unfortunately it, it, um, It preferentially kills the beneficial bacteria and allows the, allows the pathogens to gain foothold. So lactobacillus and bifidobacteria are so important in the, in the infant. When they’re born to get a strong grip on the gut and take over kind of, I really like it. Bacillus is supposed to be the dominant species in the infant gut, and they’re getting clobbered by glyphosate. [00:10:36] Really preferentially killed. Uh, which then makes the baby unable actually to drink milk, you know, because the lack of facility provides a lot of specialized enzymes that break down, uh, gluten, they break down casein, or at least these complex proteins are difficult to digest. You need the lack of facilities to help you break those down. [00:10:54] So that’s how we get gluten intolerance, casein intolerance. I’m absolutely confident that gluten intolerance is a direct consequence of life is in reach. And this is something people also don’t realize. Cause we displayed now routinely. We like to say right before harvest. Yeah, [00:11:10] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:11:10] we, we we’ve, we’ve noticed that if you go, if you go a country that doesn’t spray their wheat with glyphosate, that all of a sudden you can eat their gluten and eat their it’s. [00:11:19] It’s crazy the difference. And here it’s amazing [00:11:23] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:11:23] that people should just figure that out and it should just be done. It just should have been common knowledge at this point, I feel, you know, No I’m saying for the gluten intolerance, I’m actually quite interested lately in the, uh, in the States and the Northern Northwestern part of the United States, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana. [00:11:40] These States are all on fire right now with COVID-19, which is very interesting. They took a long time for the virus to arrive, but it arrived in style and just shut up, you know, incredible infection spread. And in the rural parts of those of those States, I, so I’ve looked into North Dakota in more detail and it really looks like it’s, to me, it seems striking that it would make sense that they’re spraying stuff like wheat right before harvest. [00:12:03] I mean, it’s just right at the time, just spray the wheat and they’ve got all these crops that they grow for biofuels. They’re probably doing a lot of spraying of glyphosate on those crops for site before the harvest. This is the time of year to do that. And that’s when the car took off. It’s quite [00:12:18] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:12:18] interesting. [00:12:19] It’s funny because my husband sent me an article on North Dakota and it showed that one in 800 people are dying of COVID there. And I said, I don’t think that’s a function of the, the very limits of COVID. What are the North Dakotans exposed to? What’s their lifestyle? Like, like what do we know about the immune compromised part of, of what those people are living in? [00:12:42] Uh, now you’ve given me another and I want to dive into COVID and glyphosate we’ll [00:12:46] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:12:46] do that later, but that’s just a hinge because [00:12:48] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:12:48] amazing, amazing. So, okay. Just so that if you’re listening to this for the first time and you’re like, well, what is this? Let’s make it as applicable as we possibly can. So glyphosate is sprayed on all crops or just, no. [00:13:04] So what are the biggest glyphosate sprayed crops? [00:13:07] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:13:07] Well, certainly the non GMO crops, you know, those are the, um, and these are going to the processed food industry, soy corn, um, sugar beets, um, Alfalfa, which is interesting. It’s kind of an odd one that is odd. Yeah. And canola. So you’ve got the canola oil and then you’ve got the soy protein and then you’ve got the sugar from the sugar base. [00:13:26] Those are basic core foods, food, core ingredients of a soy protein bar and things like that. So, um, those foods are going to be contaminated because they’re spray and you can just spray the glyphosate, all the profit, and it won’t die because it’s been engineered by the way, with a version of that enzyme, NPSP synthase in the checkmate pathway that does not have glycine as a critical spot. [00:13:47] That’s how they make that enzyme safe by getting rid of that glycine. That’s crucial because that’s a huge hint, right? It’s that guy seen residue getting substituted is how glyphosate is doing its damage to that protein. [00:13:59] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:13:59] Okay, so it, so it sprayed on these major crops. And then when we eat it, all the chemical reactions you’re talking about happened to us. [00:14:09] And, um, one thing I want to go into is my initial understanding of glyphosate was, well, then you just eat organic, but the problem has gotten so big now that it’s, it’s more of an environmental issue. All right. The way that, another [00:14:23] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:14:23] part of the problem, certainly when I first started realizing glyphosate and I was trying to figure out, is it in the water? [00:14:28] Is it in the food? Is it in the air? Where, how are people getting exposed? It’s a question I still can’t entirely answer. Like, what is the biggest, uh, Avenue of exposure? I’m sort of thinking it’s the food, which means it’s everybody. Right. You know? And so I said the GMO crops, but it’s also a bunch of crops that are sprayed right before harvest as a desiccant. [00:14:46] And that’s where the weak. Comes in and that’s wheat, barley oats. Oats is a big one. Cause we’re coming out with high levels, like children’s oat cereals, oatmeal cookies. Wow. And then wheat based products, of course like those little goldfish crackers, all these things that kids like to eat, the Oreo cookies, those things, they’re all contaminated with life. [00:15:06] So the kids are getting a heavy dose. In these popular foods and I’m there thinking my mom buys non-GMO I’m safe. And that is just not true. In fact, even, um, the, the chickpeas and the garbanzo beans, you know, sort of people saying eating Hamas number seems like a really healthy food loaded with glyphosate, Canada. [00:15:23] The government did all kinds of testing of different foods. Yeah, for glyphosate levels and found the highest levels in these beans and chickpeas and garbanzo beans. Lots of times when people go on a gluten-free diet, they started eating a lot more beans, you know, and they’re getting poisoned, like lifestyle, like going out to find candidate hired to some extent. [00:15:43] Yes. [00:15:44] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:15:44] Yeah. And it is, it makes sense when you stop and think about like all the allergies, we have the food allergies, like. You know, and I, as a kid, we didn’t have a peanut table, like know peanut free table. Like, do we have to stop and like take a step back and go, okay, what is causing all these allergies? [00:16:01] Because it doesn’t make sense. And who would have ever thought that beans and a piece of bread had anything in common that of damaging. [00:16:10] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:16:10] I know that’s right. It’s really amazing. Isn’t it? And do you have a lot of kids that have, you know, scent allergy to their mom’s milk and breast milk is showing up with diapers? [00:16:17] They didn’t, then they put them a lot of soy formula. I’d probably get worse because the soy probably has even more glyphosate than the breast milk. Wow. It’s just terrible. Yeah. [00:16:26] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:16:26] So let’s start with, with kids. What are the, what are some of the, um, the symptoms or conditions that we’re seeing with kids who are getting a chronic exposure of [00:16:36] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:16:36] glyphosate? [00:16:37] Yeah, no, obviously autism is a really big one and I’ve done a huge amount of research on just to understand how it affects autism. I think it’s very clear and, um, ADHD I suspect is also being caused by obesity, for sure. I mean, I really can see obesity following glyphosate around the world. You can, it’s quite interesting when you see a country. [00:16:55] So to start to adopt a Western diet, they start to get fat. It happens all around the world and the United States is pretty much the fattest country in the world mean among the big countries. There’s some tiny countries like that might be, have a higher population of that people, but among the major countries whereby you know, we’re really out there. [00:17:11] And of course, obesity is also risk that very strong risk factor for. That outcome is COVID-19 right, right. I think it’s a marker of glyphosate exposure. [00:17:19] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:17:19] Yeah. We’re on their obesity concept. Um, I think what I, in, in the world that we live in, we see so many people that are like, I’m eating well. I’m doing all the I’m exercising. [00:17:32] Well, I’m doing all the right things and I’m not losing weight. And our, our normal line at that point is it’s gotta be a toxic issue. You know, what I’m, what I’m hearing from you is glyphosate is one of those number one toxins that has to be addressed. [00:17:47] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:17:47] In fact, I can give you a specific protein that I’ve really zeroed in on that I suspect is a major player in the glyphosate. [00:17:54] There’s certain proteins that I can tell would be much more susceptible. You know, they have the GX, Y G X, Y G X Y in the collagen. Plenty of glycine is just substitute there. The ESP sensei’s has glycine in a particular setup where it binds phosphate, it’s placed where the protein binds phosphate. So you can generalize that to look at other proteins that bind phosphate at places where they have glycines that are highly conserved and therefore very important to the protein. [00:18:17] So you can find, or the proteins that match GPSP since they said are human proteins that you can predict would also be effective. And so one that I’ve zeroed in on is pep CK possible. You know, Piratebay, carboxykinase kind of a mouthful. That’s a critical protein in the liver. And one thing that it does is it, it converts fat into sugar. [00:18:37] It’s a, it’s a gluconeogenesis, it’s a critical protein for the liver’s ability to convert other kinds of food sources into sugar. And it’s critical for when, like, if you exercise a lot and your blood sugar drops down, then the body, I said, okay, if PPC can get going, make it, make some sugar for us to help to bring the sugar back up, because otherwise you’re going to go into a coma. [00:18:57] And in fact, uh, they’ve done studies with mice where they born with pep CK deficiency. They die only a few days after birth and they, they, they, they develop, um, very low blood sugar and die of a coma. And we have kids that are dying of SIDS. I suspect that may be connected to that, that they’ve got this. [00:19:14] PBCK supposed to kick in big time when you’re born, you have to start before that you’ve got sugar circulating from your mom. You don’t have to worry about it. And now you’ve got to be able to convert these other foods into sugar in order to keep your blood sugar high. And if you can’t do that and you can die of a coma as, as an infant, that’s a, that’s a known, uh, Disability that’s associated with PPC K deficiency. [00:19:35] And then as, and then the interesting thing is that if you’ve got a pep CK and the liver is not functioning properly, your body changes its set point for glucose. It says, you know, you know what? We can risk. We’ve observed experimentally. We can risk getting our blood sugar too low. We better raise the set point. [00:19:51] So make sure there’s more in case we do get into a situation where there’s too much exercise. Uh, we have a buffer. And so then you get this elevated blood sugar, that’s a precursor to diabetes, you know? So I think it’s a direct path to diabetes and then you can’t process the fat. So you end up storing with that sound, your body, a certain, you know, genetic predisposition people just tend to lose gain weight in the context of not being able to turn those fats into sugar, your body says, well, let’s store fat, so we’ll have it available in case we’re going to need it sometime because of this, again, this whole situation of. [00:20:21] We can’t now turn that fat into sugar because you’ve got this problem with P PCK, but we’ve got it. We’ve got, you know, just stored there because we were worried, you know, the body gets kind of worried about this situation or potential low blood sugar. So I think I can explain that along can explain some, and of course the fatty liver disease also, which is an epidemic going up it’s exactly in step with, with glyphosate usage. [00:20:42] And directly related to PE PCK deficiency. PBCK deficiency in rats causes fatty liver disease AIDS, and glyphosate has been shown to cause fatty liver disease and recent experiments have shown with rats exposed to glyphosate below the regulatory limits on a per day basis. The amount, uh, according to the U S EPA, which is a very generous number of the large Island. [00:21:04] They get a fatty liver disease and life is eight and they get, and the other studies have shown metrics of different, uh, you know, increases in certain metrics that indicate liver problems that are showing up in with life estate exposure in other experiments with animals. So the whole thing really fits very nicely. [00:21:21] That glyphosate is disturbing P PCK in the liver and causing all these things. [00:21:26] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:21:26] So you just answered a huge question for me because our, in our world, um, we do a lot of fasting. We have about 300,000 people online that we fast together every month. And so we have analyzed blood sugar up and down and all around, and some people really struggle with fasting and some people are, will ask me questions. [00:21:48] Like I’m doing all the right things. Like. We teach them how to go in and out of different types of fasts and how to create a metabolic switching effect in their bodies. And then there are those people that have that stubborn blood sugar, and I always bring it back to the liver and I’m like, there’s a dysfunction in the liver. [00:22:05] And what am I correct in hearing you say yes. And that dysfunction a piece of that is the presence of glyphosate. [00:22:13] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:22:13] I think so. I think it’s both. And then of course it’s not just PE PCK. There’s a number of other liver enzymes that are messed up and in particular, uh, glutathione, that’s another big one. [00:22:22] I’ve done a lot of looking at glutathione and they’ve shown in papers again, that glyphosate depletes glutathione in the liver, it causes oxidative damage, oxidative stress, which causes the glutathione. You probably know about glutathione. Yep. Yeah. And then the enzymes that maintain glutosiome in his reduced form, get disrupted by glyphosate. [00:22:41] According to this phosphate theory that I have, if that’s true, those enzymes are going to get disrupted and the body won’t be able to keep glutathione in its reduced form, which is the way that it needs to be protective. So it’s all off. It’s what’s there is oxidized and there’s not enough because it’s also using up the glutathione. [00:22:57] Um, I think glutathione is getting specifically directly hit by glide per se because it contains glycine. Glutathione has three amino acids and one of them is glycine. And in fact there’s a brand new paper. I just, I haven’t quite ready yet. I’ve looked at it. Um, show a correlating liver disease. Um, With glycine, uh, deficiency in the blood, low blood glucose in the blood and finding with a rat study that they could, um, give them glycine supplements that actually helped to fix their fatty liver disease, which makes sense to me because the oxidative damage is part of that whole story with the mitochondria getting messed up, and then they can’t, you know, this whole glucose Genesis is getting busted. [00:23:37] I mean, a lot of things are going bad in the liver. The liver gets hit really hard by. Because it’s sort of right there in the path, you know, and it’s the one that’s supposed to detox. [00:23:45] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:23:45] So, yeah. Um, so, you know, when I went into researching COVID, when we first went into this pandemic, there were three things based off of the science that I reviewed that was showing was making somebody immune compromised. [00:23:59] The first was what we’ve already talked about, which was obesity and what I call being a sugar burner, like your, your blood sugar imbalanced diabetes, the second. Was glutathione low glutathione. Right. And then the third, the third that keeps emerging as low vitamin D. [00:24:17] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:24:17] Exactly. I was going to say that good OSI and vitamin D. [00:24:19] Yeah. Those two are really important. They’re both low. And in people who are susceptible to bad outcomes with COVID-19. [00:24:27] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:24:27] And so what I’m hearing is like, it’s where my brain originally was. It was like, okay, well, let’s get your blood sugar balanced. Let’s get off toxins and up your glutathione and let’s get you out in the sun. [00:24:38] Let’s get you, you know, taking a supplement there. So, and then that that’s one step forward to us being immune strong again. And what I’m now hearing from you is. Yeah. As long as glyphosate’s in our environment and in our food, you’re going to have to keep doing that routine over and over and over again, to [00:24:55] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:24:55] be super careful with the glyphosate. [00:24:57] And of course not just in your food, make sure it’s not in your water, worry about your air, especially with the biofuels. That’s where I really think is. Okay. I guess [00:25:04] I [00:25:04] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:25:04] want to talk about that. [00:25:06] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:25:06] Yeah. It’s really scary. I mean, it’s like, you can’t just be good. I mean, like we eat organic, we never buy anything at the grocery store. [00:25:12] This not certified organic. We just, you know, if we can’t find it, we sometimes get frustrated. Cause we’ve got a menu with, you know, a recipe. We want to try it and we can’t get one of the ingredients. So we just either leave that one out. Or, you know, we’re very strict in my household and we’ve seen significant improvement in our health. [00:25:28] My husband has almost dropped all of his medications and he, you know, he has a heart disease and died, adult onset diabetes, and those things have basically disappeared, you know, and he doesn’t take any diabetes medication. It’s amazing. And we get a lot of sun because we were over here in Hawaii where I was going to ask [00:25:44] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:25:44] you where you work. [00:25:45] Probably not where I am. I came with a sweater and a scarf and you look like you’re ready to go on the beach and now I know why. [00:25:52] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:25:52] Yeah. Yeah. Lucky we’d cut over here just before Thanksgiving. We’re going to stay the whole winter. So it’s really a Haven. I mean, it’s, it’s probably the best place to be in this country right now with the COVID-19 situation. [00:26:02] Yeah, [00:26:03] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:26:03] absolutely. Absolutely. So, okay. So, um, is there a half-life to glyphosate? [00:26:09] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:26:09] Okay, excellent question. And it’s complicated answer. Um, Monsanto claims that it, uh, first of all, they claim that it goes straight through your body. Like you, um, you basically pretty much push it back out unchanged, or maybe change it to AMPA. [00:26:21] There’s some, you know, there’s some ability to modify it slightly and then it doesn’t really break down and it goes out through your urine and feces in the couple of weeks it’s gone. That’s the argument they give. They know that’s not true because they found in their own experiments from the 1980s that it accumulates in the tissues. [00:26:37] Yeah, throughout the tissue. So of animal species that they exposed to radio labeled glyphosate, they were able to find the radio label in the tissue. So they know that some of it, and I think it’s probably a small percentage of what you can do. Yeah. Ends up in your tissues, ends up in these proteins. And sometimes causes those proteins to misfold, to the point where they can’t be cleared like that. [00:26:56] It breaks down the ability to break down the protein. That’s when it gets really serious. That’s how you ended up with Alzheimer’s disease because the amyloid beta plaque that’s associated with Alzheimer’s disease has a particular sequence. G X, X, X, G X, X, X, X, X, X, D. It’s like these glycine. So equally spaced glycine with these three wildcards in the middle. [00:27:16] Okay. And those glycines are all vulnerable, the glyphosate substitution. And again, it forms this alpha helix and goes into the membrane and they know that if you replace those glycines with something else, it no longer forms an alpha helix. And instead becomes a beta sheet and ends up in the cytoplasm, soluble protein in the cells in inner space. [00:27:36] And when enough of those, um, Messed up five rolls, a accumulate. They glommed together and formed this, this plaque that’s associated with Alzheimer’s. So I think that’s a major way in which black would, they could be causing Alzheimer’s is through substituting for glycine in the amyloid beta. But so we have pry on proteins too, that are, um, not able to be digest. [00:27:55] So basically glyphosate disrupts the body’s ability to break down proteins in general foods, various enzymes that it messes up. Yeah, go [00:28:05] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:28:05] ahead. No, so it comes in, it does damage. And so it really, what I’m hearing is it doesn’t really matter what the half-life is because it takes, once it gets into the body, it wreaks havoc and it, and then you get exposed again. [00:28:19] I mean, the other thing is if it’s everywhere, exposure. Yeah. It’s just that file accumulation of it [00:28:23] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:28:23] probably leaves your body intact or, or even maybe gets modified. I’m hoping the gut micro. Cubs can break it down. And I know there are some, uh, micro set can break I to say down, it has a tough, um, CP bond it’s called it’s very difficult for most species to break down. [00:28:38] That’s why it’s so sturdy. That’s attached to it’s. Um, it’s a nitrogen, Adam, you know this, but this is CP bond. That’s on a piece that’s attached to the nitrogen atom, which is what makes it a very interesting, one of the things that makes it an interesting molecule. Um, and there are microbes that can break it down. [00:28:52] One of them is a CDOT factor and this makes me hope that, um, fermented foods might contain microbes that could break it down, which would be super, super awesome. So I’ve wondered if some people who seem to be pretty tough against glyphosate, they may have harbored in their gut microbiome species that are able to metabolize the glyphosate, which I think would be fantastic. [00:29:11] And hopefully somebody can figure out how to come up with a supplement that would provide you with something like that, because that would be really a game changer. [00:29:20] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:29:20] But, but the cool thing about that concept for I’m smiling, because we talk about fermented foods all the time. And I feel like fermented foods is the hero of the day yet. [00:29:29] So many people don’t do it. But the cool thing about a fermented food is it doesn’t cost a lot of money. You can take some cabbage, cut it up, put in a jar, leave it on your countertop and you can create it on your own. Uh, these bacteria that will help. And now, now I’m going to add to my thought process breakdown, glyphosate. [00:29:46] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:29:46] That’s right. So I think it would be really wonderful. Of course. There’s also vitamin K too. I think that’s provided by those fermented foods and vitamin K two is another vitamin that’s been shown to be connected to COVID-19 vitamin D vitamin K two and also vitamin C deficiencies in any of those, um, connected to COVID-19 vitamin D is interesting because glyphosate has been shown in multiple studies to disrupt the cytochrome P four 50 enzymes in the liver. [00:30:10] And those end, but then times have a lot of things they do. One of the things is to detox other toxic chemicals and other things to make bile acids. But a third thing is to activate vitamin D. So when those livers are, when those liver enzymes are just disrupted, vitamin deactivation becomes impaired. We have an absolute epidemic in vitamin D deficiency in our country right now. [00:30:30] And I’m wondering to what extent glyphosate exposure is causing that. Yeah. Yeah. [00:30:34] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:30:34] That’s fascinating. So, and are there certain organs that it can, that it’ll destroy more? Like you talked about the liver, we talked about the joints. We know the brain thyroid, like did the endocrine are there [00:30:45] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:30:45] definitely fibroid? [00:30:46] Yeah. In fact studies have shown on batches. I think it was in a study where they exposed pregnant rats. And it might’ve been mice. I always get mixed up about which one, pregnant rodents to glyphosate. And then they, uh, they looked specifically, they were suspecting thyroid disorder and they look specifically at the pups after they were born and the pups were exposed just indirectly through the mom. [00:31:09] And, um, and the pups had a dysregulated thyroid hormone system. It was clear that it had just disrupted the way it wasn’t behaving. Normally it makes fibroid, the whole thyroid system is really fascinating and very, um, I’ve gotten engaged with it recently actually, because, uh, uh, this whole, I don’t know if you know about reverse T3. [00:31:28] Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. Okay. [00:31:31] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:31:31] Cause I test for it on our thyroid patients and nobody’s testing for it, but I, I know it is adrenal stress. So give me [00:31:39] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:31:39] a new perspective. So interesting. Because of course the thyroid hormone system is very complicated, you know, there’s the initial hormone, the thyroid stimulating hormone that comes from, I think, from the pituitary gland that, um, That then tells us I wait to make thyroid hormone. [00:31:55] And then, uh, and then of course, thyroid hormone also comes from one of those, uh, amino acids that come out of the shikimate pathway. So the glyphosate disrupts the pathway that produces the precursor to thyroid hormone. It’s a really slightly modified tyrosene, um, molecule and tyrasine is one of those three, I mean, acids. [00:32:10] So there’s a problem right there, but then, um, It gets really interesting with the way the thyroid hormone is distributed in the body because you know, it starts off as T4 has four iodides and then there’s this conversion by Dio two and Dio one. Those are Dio DNAs that these enzymes take off one of the, of the, um, of the iodides to turn into, to T3. [00:32:36] And then, um, there’s this reverse, uh, the, I O three, which. Converts it to reverse T3 taking off an inner iodide rather than an outer ring iodide. And that produces a version of thyroid hormone that not only is inactive, it can’t, it can’t do what soured hormone normally does, but it actually blocks regular thyroid hormone from getting in. [00:32:58] So it’s a double hit. I mean, it’s not just that it doesn’t work, but it actually actively interferes with. Thyroid hormone uptakes. So when you’re producing reverse T3, for whatever reason, you’re blocking the thyroid hormone system. You’re intentionally trying to keep it from happening. And that’s extremely interesting to me. [00:33:15] And this is something I’m looking at into lately, and I haven’t written anything up yet. Although I’m working on a chapter of a book on this topic right now, because it’s so fascinating because the reverse T3 is taken up through, um, what’s called clathrin coated pits. There’s a sort of a endocytosis you know, where you bring in stuff from the outside, the P a piece of the membrane actually pinches off and comes in. [00:33:36] It becomes like a little. A lipid particle inside the cell and this, um, and these, this reverse T3 comes in that way. And when it comes in, it’s no longer on the surface. So it can’t actually do it. You can’t turn that T4 into reverse T3. It’s active when it’s outside. The cell. So if that endocytosis is busted that reverse T3 hangs out on the outside of the cell a long time, it doesn’t get cleared and therefore it’s able to do a lot more damage, able to convert a lot more T4 and get rid of it. [00:34:06] And what those clathrin coated pits to stick, stay stuck on the membrane is really fascinating. I’ve only just recently discovered papers on this topic. Is there, there’s a world full of interesting papers out there. [00:34:19] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:34:19] Right. I always call it a rabbit hole. I go to look at one study and the next thing I know, like three hours are gone and I’ve got like 10 windows open trying to correlate all the studies. [00:34:30] Yeah, [00:34:30] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:34:30] I totally understand. Cause I’m, I mean that all the time, I’m like, I gotta get back to this quick. Oh. But I gotta go look over here. This [00:34:36] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:34:36] is right. Right. You see the headline, you see the headlight on like decide to pub med and you’re like, Oh, well that could be, but I’m not done with this one. [00:34:45] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:34:45] Yeah. [00:34:45] Just get into a feeding frenzy. And that’s kinda what happened with me with this. I would hormone story cause the us is really complicated, but the really key thing I think is the clathrin coated pits gets stuck on the surface. They don’t come in. They are unable to come in and what causes that is a stiff matrix. [00:35:01] So they, if they get stuck to a stiff surface, They kind of like stick like glue and they can’t come in. And this is called frustrated. Endocytosis I love that term in the papers about frustrated intern endocytosis and they’re finding out that these clathrin coated pits are, are basically just these, these wide swaths that won’t, they can’t curl up. [00:35:19] That whole process of curling up and sipping off has gotten broken and it’s gotten broken because the matrix is stiff and the matrix is stiff because there’s not enough sulfate. And that is so beautiful because sulfates where I started with the autism, even before I knew about glyphosate, I understood that autism has a major problem with sulfate insufficient, sulfate and poor sulfate homeostasis, inability to manage self-aid correctly. [00:35:41] That’s a key feature of autism. It will cause a stiff matrix, which will cause the, uh, the reverse T3 to kick in and not be able to be cleared, which will cause thyroid deficiency. And it’s very smart because it actually relates to mitochondrial disorder, which is what I’m going to tie together in this chapter that the sulfate deficiency links directly to mitochondrial dysfunction. [00:36:02] It’s all ideas. [00:36:04] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:36:04] Everybody’s got dysfunctional mitochondria. And that’s where you have [00:36:08] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:36:08] to turn off the thyroid because the thyroid, you want to not be able to use much energy because you don’t have enough energy. So you get really exhausted. These people are just chronically fatigued, you know, with the thyroid dysfunction. [00:36:18] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:36:18] Yeah. And then they walk in their medical doctor’s office and the medical doctor decides to test TSH TSH and says either you’re okay. Or you’re not okay. And if you’re not okay, we’ll put you on meds, but nowhere in that process, did they look at things like reverse T3 and toxic [00:36:35] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:36:35] loads and things? Yeah. And when you’re, and when you do have the reverse T3 problem, you can be taken all the T4 you want. [00:36:41] It’s not going to work. It might make things worse because you’ll make more reverse T3 and have a better blockage, you know, it could make things worse. And that’s what I’m finding papers that are saying. If we treat these people with T3, instead of T4, we get a much better result. Yeah. [00:36:54] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:36:54] Wow. So let’s go into some help, like practical stuff for people, because I really want people to understand the magnitude of this one, chemical. [00:37:04] And I mean, I’ve spent so much time understanding toxins and this one, like I said, just keeps showing up over and over again. So it’s in our food. It’s in our air. Is it in our rain? Is it in our, [00:37:19] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:37:19] it is in the rain. And so there was a study in Kentucky, I think that was, um, they looked at, um, toxic chemicals in the rain. [00:37:27] Uh, and I don’t remember the exact dates. It might’ve been like two 2016 versus sometime in the 1990s to different. Data points and they, and they said that back then they didn’t even measure glyphosate. But this time they measured glyphosate and they found a lot of the other chemicals were actually lower today. [00:37:42] They were doing better because, and that’s probably in part because of five say, because glyphosate is displacing other toxic herbicides that are no longer being used as much. I mean, that’s been the whole argument for why we should be using all this glyphosate is because these other herbicides are allegedly much more toxic, but life is busy. [00:37:57] Insidiously, cumulatively toxic. So you don’t. It, it, it’s not as obvious that it’s toxic because in terms of, um, acute toxicity, it looks pretty good. You know, it’s because it’s its mechanism of toxicity is so subtle. [00:38:13] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:38:13] Interesting. And it reminds me a little bit of the debate between methyl and ethyl mercury in vaccines that, you know, well, Ethel doesn’t, we can’t find it anywhere, but they forgot to look in the brain. [00:38:24] I feel like this is the same argument. Like it doesn’t appear to be doing any damage, but what they’re not looking for is these proteins that have been changed and the blood sugar that’s off and they’re not looking at the right. Particular situation. Is that the way you would, you would disagree? [00:38:39] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:38:39] Absolutely. I mean, I think because it’s slow and subtle, uh, if you do these and in fact, you know, Monsanto even, but way back when, when they were studying it, that the industry decided that if you look for three months, um, at animal studies three months, he’s good enough. You don’t have to look any longer if you don’t see any evidence of harm after three months, you know, then this chemical is great. [00:38:57] There’s no problem. And they use that to, to decide that life state was okay. And there was this guy Seralini in France. I don’t know if you know about Sarah and he were. Yeah, that was, yeah, that was the first paper I read actually, after I came back from hearing Huber talk and I started diving in, [00:39:14] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:39:14] Hey guys, Dr. [00:39:15] Mindy here. And I want to tell you about my book. That’s coming out very, very soon. It’s called the menopause reset. One of the things that we realized from our community that was so desperately needed was a book on how women over 40 should do fasting, how they should do keto, what principles they need to apply their lifestyle, to be able to balance their hormones. [00:39:41] So you all asked and so. Put it in a book and it’s called the menopause reset and poured my heart and soul into this book. I walk you through the five steps that I took when I went into my early forties and found myself down a month. Bad bad menopause path. And like many of you guys, I found no answers. [00:40:05] I didn’t want to take medication. I didn’t want to wake up at night. I would didn’t want any more hot flashes. There were so many parts of my menopausal menopausal journey that. I did not like, so I took matters into my own hands and I researched the heck out of what happens to our body as we move from 40 and beyond. [00:40:27] And I found that there are actually five things that you need to implement. Five lifestyle changes that you need to look at in order to weather these menopausal years with grace. And so I put it in a book. And it’s available for pre-order now I made it a simple, easy read. You’ll hear about my journey and each step I give you steps as much as I love inspiring you. [00:40:52] I also love moving UNT into action. So the book is filled with ideas, followed by action steps you can take, and it’s now available for pre-order really excited to share it with you. The menopause reset. You can find all the information that you need on it in the show notes. I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it. [00:41:13] I read an article that one of your theories around the immune COVID and glyphosate is that the areas we saw the biggest outbreaks were the ones that had the biggest glyphosate exposure, but it was an environmental exposure. It wasn’t a food exposure and Wu Han China being one of those. So take us through that and help us understand what happened in Wu Han. [00:41:38] What happened in New York? What happened in Italy? Is there a connection between all of these places with [00:41:43] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:41:43] glyphosate? What I think, and of course those are major, um, centers, international center, so they have a lot of flights coming in and they have a chance to, for exposure. I mean, it starts with just having the virus arrive at all. [00:41:53] Right. And so it’s moving around the continence in airplanes and getting delivered to those major places. But those three, um, Those three places have in common, um, biofuels and biofuels from crops that are likely to be contaminated with glyphosate. So that’s kind of where I started with that. And of course, glyphosate in the air is very different from glyphosate in your food, because you’re going to breathe it and it’s going to hit your lungs first. [00:42:19] So it’s going to mess up your lungs. Most right. It’s going to be an impact on the lungs. And I know, I mean, I’ve written about how glyphosate affects the immune system. We can see immune system, the innate immunity, and that also it has to do with the college. And actually, because you have these immune, the immune cells make these really fancy molecules that have a college and like stock on them. [00:42:39] And those, those proteins can go out and snitch. They can snap the viruses, they can trap them like the flytrap. And then allow the immune cells to clear them to, to, to remove them. So those, uh, proteins are really important and there’s, those are surfactant proteins in the lungs that are able to stick onto the virus and, and, and make it easy for the lungs to find them and to clear them. [00:43:02] And so. And I think those proteins are being affected by glyphosate because of that college and like stock that’s getting disrupted by the glyphosate. [00:43:10] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:43:10] One of the initial studies I saw was showing that these areas, Wu Han, Italy, New York, they all had high air pollution. And we had this particle the PM 2.5 particle. [00:43:21] So, um, in that or heavy metals, and now you got me thinking is glyphosate inside that. [00:43:28] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:43:28] What I’m suspecting. That’s what I’m suspecting. In fact, air pollution is extremely interesting. And what I did was I looked at air pollution, uh, countries who countries, uh, levels of particles, nanoparticles, uh, different countries and their death rate from COVID-19. [00:43:42] And I potted those two against each other. And it’s really, really quite remarkable because it’s definitely not a linear increase. It’s not at all. In fact it almost goes the opposite way. The countries that have really bad air pollution had very low COVID 19 Beth’s death rate and the countries that have relatively good air pollution have high. [00:44:00] COVID-19 definitely absolute opposite of what you’re saying. And we’ve got four papers so far that I’m aware of three from Europe, one from the United States that showed a correlation between the death rate from corelation death rate from COVID. And air pollution nanoparticles. So in the United States and in Europe, it looks like it’s correlated, but in the world, it’s not the places that have really high, really, really bad air pollution, much worse than us like Nigeria. [00:44:26] So Nigeria is a really interesting country and I looked into that one, a great deal because Nigeria has very bad air pollution. Like 94% of the population is exposed to air pollution above the levels that, um, That who, who considers to be safe. And they’ve got like, like the most polluted 25, 2016, they talked about the most polluted city in the world was in Nigeria. [00:44:47] And, um, and Nigeria has their death rate from COVID 19 is one, one hundreds of hours. It’s not like a small difference. It’s one, 100. Yeah, yeah. [00:44:55] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:44:55] Yeah. So it’s not air pollution. It’s glyphosate. I [00:44:58] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:44:58] think it’s air pollution plus biofuels. And I think glyphosate is a critical player I suspect. And whether it’s, you know, it might even be that guy who say is producing, um, you know, phos, some kind of phos phosphorus particles. [00:45:11] Cause you’ve got the knife, nitrogen oxides, the, um, um, Carbon monoxide. I mean, these are things that show up in air pollution, and I’m wondering whether the glyphosate, so the glyphosate will get metabolized. If it’s, if it gets goes through combustion, there’s no question, but glyphosate is pretty stable. [00:45:28] It requires a pretty high temperature to break down, but combustion should beat that temperature and should break it down. But you do have leaky. Um, you have, you know, terribly, um, Uh, Ms. Tuned untuned engines. You think of buses that are spewing black smoke out the back, right? I mean, I’ve gotten caught as a black smoker with the bus takes off and it practically, you know, doubled down, um, the buses and the trucks, you know, that are. [00:45:53] Driving on this biofuel and spewing this stuff out. I suspect a certain, and I know there’s actually organic molecules in that they know that there’s an organic component to those toxic fumes. And the question is whether glyphosate is among them, because if was, it’s pretty sturdy, it’s pretty hard to break it down. [00:46:09] And if it doesn’t actually get to the combustion point before it evaporates, it’s going to be, if it’s hot, it’s going to evaporate. So I feel like. There’s a distinct possibility that it’s actually getting released into the air from the burning of the fuel in a poorly tuned old bus type of vehicle. I think it’s quite possible. [00:46:28] New York city had like 11,000 buses that were running on biofuels. New York city has been a very proud leader in the biofuel industry. And part of that is being at the mouth of a big river and a river system. And I’m seeing that the, um, the cities, when you look at the early phase of COVID, the cities that were getting really hard hit were at the mouth of rivers. [00:46:47] Boston’s one of them actually, where I live Boston and New York city and Washington DC and, and a new Orleans. They’re all at the mouth of a major river system, which is where you can do biofuels because you have all these crops and you. Put the scrape, the crop off after you’ve killed it with glyphosate, and then you put it on the barge and you take it down to a, to a facility where it’s processed into fuel in the city, you know, and of course the facility may be releasing. [00:47:14] Life is eight two. So it could be on the barge. It is getting released. It could be in there. It could be at the gas tank when they filling, filling up the, you know, the gas you’ve got vapors coming out. I mean, all those places are possibility. So we don’t know. Oh, but he’s done the research. So it’s all speculation, but you know, it makes a lot of sense to me. [00:47:31] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:47:31] I live in California. And so one of the things that has been this in inconsistent leadership that we continue to see just across the world, but here in America for sure is that we have these great. Laws against glyphosate that they know that we’re put into action, but yet we’re vaccinating every child. [00:47:53] So very inconsistent. So talk to us a little bit about glyphosate and vaccines. Cause there’s a, that’s another one that people don’t know. Yes, [00:48:03] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:48:03] yes, absolutely. Oh, it’s just terrible. I really feel, um, Awful about the whole situation right now with, with the coming. So I was Kobe to vaccine and I just can’t even imagine what’s going to happen. [00:48:14] But, um, [00:48:16] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:48:16] in that one, [00:48:17] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:48:17] I don’t, I don’t know. I hope not. I’ve been trying to figure out what is it? And it has some interesting things in it. Um, But it isn’t, but it’s done very differently from the way these other ones are the ones that are contaminated with glyphosate have been found to be contaminated vice and Honeycutt. [00:48:30] And also by my friend, Anthony Samsel, I mentioned earlier, both of them independently tested a number of different vaccines and both of them consistently found it in the live virus vaccines. And as high as levels by far in both cases were in the MMR vaccine, which is extremely interesting because that’s the one that everyone’s been saying is causing autism. [00:48:48] Right. And I think it’s life as a major, a major player there because it’s, um, it’s making everything else much more acute. So the, the immune system, especially because the child is she’s, if child also already been exposed to glyphosate through the food and whatnot, their immune system is weak. Their innate immune system is weak. [00:49:05] And so the, um, the adaptive system goes on fire. This is really what’s happening. I think in our country, the adaptive system over overreacts because innate immune system is not doing its job. And that’s how you get an autoimmune disease, because it, you know, you produce these antibodies from the vaccine, which is what you’re supposed to do. [00:49:22] That means a vaccine took. But if you get those antibiotics antibodies produced in the brain, because you’ve got, you know, vulnerable brain barrier. The measles virus is a live virus. It can actually infect the brain and the brain’s immune system develops antibodies. And then those antibodies attack the myelin sheath. [00:49:38] That’s a complete story that I’ve seen in a series of papers published by a professor saying S I N G H and I, and colleagues in salt Lake city, Utah state university. I think it was. And they’ve back since the 1990s, they’ve been suggesting that. This is how MMR could cause autism is through, um, this Hema hemagglutinin, which is a protein that the virus makes. [00:50:04] And that’s the protein that you need to get antibodies to in order for the virus, for the vaccine to take. And that protein has three glycines in it that align up with three glycines in, um, myelin. Uh, basic protein. So there’s a, there’s a sequence that has, uh, a lot of similarity between the hemoglobin and the myelin basic protein. [00:50:24] So the theory they propose, which is quite reasonable and that gives you even verify it from data. From data and autistic kids that the, um, that once the virus bridge got, so the virus was sort of infect the God and then we get into the brain. Cause it’s a leaky system because of the glyphosate exposure and then the range. [00:50:43] And then if you, I think you might even have glycine substitution by glyphosate in that protein, in that hemoglobin, because the virus is being grown on glyphosate. It’s being fed during the development of the virus of the vaccine. They’re feeding the virus, um, ah, Cheerios that are contaminated with glyphosate. [00:51:02] So the glyphosate, so the virus puts that glyphosate into that hemagglutinin. It makes it very difficult to break it down. It makes it very allergenic and it makes immune system go on fire. And then if it gets into the brain, The brain’s immune system develops these antibodies that then attack the myelin sheath through molecular mimicry. [00:51:17] It’s quite an amazing story if it’s true. And it makes a lot of sense to me. And certainly so many parents have said, my kid was fine. They got the MMR. Then they regressed into autism. It has to be something to that, you know, what [00:51:30] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:51:30] do you think we don’t have enough research on glyphosate or are we just not the only person expressing the research? [00:51:37] Is you and a handful of other scientists? Like why? When I, you know, when I, the more I study, what a chemical like this can do on the human body, it seems like if you were a compassionate, Intelligent person, you would want to understand what this is doing to our children, what it’s doing to our bodies. Why don’t we have enough research [00:51:58] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:51:58] on it? [00:51:59] I think it’s mostly, of course, Monsanto’s very powerful and people who do dare to go there often, uh, get. Their funding cut off. I mean, you really get punished for showing something like that because there’s so much money behind something like my like life is eight and, um, the industry is very, very powerful. [00:52:18] And then she PA for example, the industry funds most of the agricultural component, you know, schools in, in various colleges. So they they’re getting, uh, all this funding from places like Monsanto. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. So you’re not going to choose to study the product that your funder. [00:52:34] Yeah, producers. If, if you’re getting, if you want to keep your money going and, um, you know, Sarah got, gotten a lot of trouble when he published his paper. I told I didn’t finish that story. I think, as he did, he did those rats. He, he exposed them to rats for their entire lifespan way beyond the three months, but he did the same experiments that Monsanto had done. [00:52:52] Not so much only today for three months, he did it for the entire lifespan. And that’s when he found liver damage, kidney damage, reproductive issues in both males and females, major mammary tumors in the females. I mean, all kinds of evidence of harm. After three months at three months, it looked pretty good. [00:53:06] They couldn’t really tell the difference. So that paper got retracted. And then it got republished. Yeah, it did get [00:53:13] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:53:13] replaced. Okay. I’ll have to go find out. So this is the same debate we’re having on the COVID vaccine is that we’ve got this rush to get it to the public. But, um, if we don’t have any long-term studies of what happens after two months, three months, um, we don’t know what the long-term effects will be. [00:53:32] Is that accurate? [00:53:34] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:53:34] Yeah. I mean, I am absolutely shocked about what’s happening with this vaccine and I, I don’t understand. It’s like a freight train, right? You like, you just can’t, you can’t stop it. And do you, did you hear about this guy from Pfizer? He was an executive at Pfizer. Uh, he’s had a long history of, of drug development within the industry and he’s, uh, he’s basically a whistleblower. [00:53:54] I have his name written down here. I can be, let me look it up. Um, [00:54:00] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:54:00] yeah, and I, there part, while you’re looking that up, that is still like baffled me, is that, um, the public, you know, I understand we’re not loving this moment. I don’t think any of us really are. Um, and it does, yes. Something like a vaccine, if it was safe and it could get us out. [00:54:17] Of course, we would all want it, but we’re not willing to say, Hey, it’s not ready yet. There’s more damage than good I’ve been [00:54:25] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:54:25] following. It might be. We don’t know. I mean, the thing is it’s just rushed and it is a very unique and new way to do vaccines. And it’s possible. I mean, there’s an outside chance that it’s marvelous, right? [00:54:35] It could be that it’s much better, safer way to manufacture. And then it works really well and has very few side effects, you know, and that it lasts a long time. I mean, I don’t think that’s going to happen, but I would love it if it did. And there’s an outside chance that it would, because we, again, we just don’t know enough. [00:54:51] It’s just way too fast to put something that different and to massively vaccinate the entire world’s population in such a hurry. It’s really frightening to me, the consequences. If it, if it does go bad, it’s a huge consequence. And you know, this guy, Yeadon, Michael Hayden is his name. Okay. And, um, he’s, he’s really urgently telling people watch out. [00:55:13] And, and one thing he saying apparently is that, and I had, I only learned about this yesterday, so it’s kind of a little bit fresh. It might be, I don’t know, I have to look more closely, but, um, it really disturbed me because he was talking about, and it makes sense to me that the, um, the, the, you know, the protein that it, that is coded by the vaccines RNA, um, Is a, um, is approaching that allows the virus to, um, to merge with the host, right. [00:55:39] So that it can get in. And so, um, that kind of approaching is similar to approaching this produced by the placenta. I believe to help the human fertilized egg. To implant itself. So it’s the same thing of merging together with something right. It’s kind of emerging process [00:55:55] vaccines [00:55:57] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:55:57] merging with yourselves. [00:55:58] Yeah. Okay. So [00:56:00] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:56:00] it’s the, it’s the fertilized egg, uh, settling into the uterus, I believe. And again, I have to go back and look more carefully because I don’t, I don’t have the full story yet, but it’s very scary. And then whether, um, And so there’s a again, molecular mimicry. Cause that’s how you get auto immune disease is when you, your body produces antibodies that, um, against something foreign men then, but it turns out something native looks the same looks very similar. [00:56:27] It has a very similar amino acid sequence. So those antibodies are a little over aggressive in the attack. Uh, your, your, your own proteins. And, um, if that’s true, then one can predict that infertility could be a consequence of COVID-19 vaccine. And, um, so, and they’re not studying it at all, apparently. [00:56:46] Cause from what I also heard, again, this is all has to be fact-checked cause it’s yeah. Yeah. [00:56:51] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:56:51] And that’s, I think it’s worth definitely know for sure. Is, everybody’s got to think for themselves. That’s what I keep saying. [00:56:58] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:56:58] You’re going to be thinking outside the box. We need to get these ideas and some of them are going to be wrong. [00:57:02] We just need to admit that. But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go there because we need to understand what’s going on. And apparently what I was told is that the people that they’ve chosen for the experiments that they’re running with these vaccines. You can be a young woman, as long as you’re not pregnant and you’re taking birth control, you know, you’re doing some kind of, um, so opt [00:57:24] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:57:24] into the study. [00:57:25] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:57:25] To opt into this study. So that’s going to make sure that you never tested on pregnant women. You never tested on people who are trying to get pregnant and you hide perhaps the possibility that it’s going to cause infertility. So, uh, [00:57:39] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:57:39] as a scientist and MIT scientists, I just want to point out how, how long would you like to see still safety studies done on a vaccine, a new style of vaccine? [00:57:50] I [00:57:50] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:57:50] don’t think they’ve ever done enough safety studies for any of the vaccines. I mean, there are a lot more lax. With the vaccines and they are with the drugs, you know, and even the drugs come through with. Uh, I think because like, I mean, of course in the United States, we have this crazy system with the 1986 law where they don’t have consequences. [00:58:08] If the vaccine causes damage, that’s a huge reason not to care. I mean, who cares if it causes damage, I’m not going to be liable. So. These people are so, so uninterested in humanity that they don’t have any normal. Yeah, it does. I don’t understand how they can just be so cavalier about people’s lives, but, um, yeah, I mean the HPV vaccine, I don’t know how much you’ve looked into that, but that really, really bothers me. [00:58:33] Yeah. I’ve heard [00:58:34] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:58:34] Robert Kennedy Jr. Speak on it. Um, and how there was evidence showing that it was causing death and infertility. For girls and they ignored it and continued on. So that’s all I know, but enlightened [00:58:47] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:58:47] me. Yeah. I know this woman, Gail, Gail DeLong. Who’s a professor in New York city and she, uh, wrote a paper, um, showing, uh, that among married women in the United States who had gotten the, uh, that HPV vaccine versus the ones who hadn’t, that they had a significantly lower number of, um, pregnancies. [00:59:04] Compared to the ones who didn’t get the vaccine. So it looks like that HPV is causing infertility and that would not be surprising. I’ve looked at a lot of the, um, vaccine adverse event reporting system reports on HPV. And there’s a lot of, even eight month abortion, like spontaneous miscarriage at eight months. [00:59:19] Wow. So let’s [00:59:20] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:59:20] finish up with this. I have a couple of questions for you. Um, one and this I think is really bounces off nicely on what we’re talking about. What do you do? What do you do inside your head? What do you do for self care? Like how do you keep yourself going, knowing that you are preaching a message that the world does not want to hear? [00:59:40] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [00:59:40] Yeah, you mean, how do I keep myself safe? What do you do [00:59:43] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [00:59:43] personally? How do you keep yourself saying like, you know, your people, there’s people like me that adore you and love the work you’re doing. And then there’s people who are not so excited about what you’re saying, corporations that would really like to keep you quiet. [00:59:59] How do you, how do you keep yourself going and not get. [01:00:02] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:00:02] No, I just, I just basically ignore it. I mean, I feel like if they’re going to try to tear me down, at least that’s that’s publicity. I mean, people are going to get interested in me if I’m someone they’re attacking. So I’m like, just bring it on. I don’t care. [01:00:13] You know, it’s shocking to me that, that they don’t have concerns like I do for these autistic kids and these outsiders, adults. I mean, it doesn’t concern them that there’s all this illness and that America has a medical system in crisis and we can’t afford our medical care. I mean, it’s just. That doesn’t concern them. [01:00:31] I may not understand why the government doesn’t think there’s something wrong here. Why I know it frustrates me no end that our government is completely oblivious. You know, it says if autism is perfectly fine, it’s perfectly fine. This is going up every year. That’s not a problem. I mean, you see the school system suffering so much and I just, I just am flabbergasted. [01:00:50] I mean, just don’t understand how these people can turn a blind eye to what’s happening. In this country and the country, you know, it was a great country at one time, but I think we’re on our last legs. I mean, we’re just like being so wiped out by this COVID-19 and if we would just, if the government would just say, you know, get out in the sunshine, take drinks, buy orange juice, get some vitamin C, eat some fermented foods. [01:01:15] I mean, it would be eat organic. Of course. I mean, if the government would be telling people to do those things, we would really have a big difference. I think, in how much. We’re impacted by this virus. And they’re just not, they’re not no peep about that. And again, because you know, they’re being funded by the industry that’s causing the problems. [01:01:31] They don’t dare speak up. The media are completely, you know, silenced. I mean, it’s just a crazy, crazy time. [01:01:38] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:01:38] Yeah. I have heard that. So if you could talk to any, I don’t know if you, if you seem like a woman on a mission, you may not even know who your biggest opponent is, but if you have one person in the public eye, that absolutely is contradicts what your thinking is and your message, who would that be? [01:01:55] And what would you like to say to them? [01:01:58] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:01:58] You [01:01:59] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:01:59] can swear on this show. You can say whatever you want, but I, I can think of a [01:02:04] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:02:04] few. I’m curious who? Yeah, no, that’s interesting. Actually, I don’t know. I suppose the top executive of Bayer, Monsanto would be the one I’d like to talk to and try to talk some sense into, but what would you say to them? [01:02:19] I probably would try to run the other way and not talk to them because I know how much they’re opposed to me and I just don’t even want to go. So I think I’m basically chicken when it comes to these people, I feel like there’s absolutely no hope of convincing them. Yeah. And they’re, they’re such a staunch enemy that I just don’t even want to interact with them. [01:02:35] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:02:35] There’s nothing that you could, because their mind is already set up. I don’t think that I [01:02:39] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:02:39] could have any effect other than just get upset because they’re not listening to me. I mean, we went down to the EPA, there were 10 of us on our own. Nicole went down to the EPA and presented, uh, our, our materials on showing how toxic life is it is. [01:02:50] And it was an awful experience EPA. They knew they had to accommodate us, but they basically showed up late and then they wasted some of our time talking to us about some stuff. Move. So we were very, very rushed. We had very little time and they, while we were presenting, they were basically like not paying attention. [01:03:05] It was very, and then when we were done, they had no questions. I mean, it was the weirdest experience. It was just like, they were like, we have to do this because these people took the effort to come, but we’re going to do it as minimal as we can. And then there was no, no consequences whatsoever. Really [01:03:18] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:03:18] frustrated. [01:03:20] What does MIT think of your [01:03:21] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:03:21] work? Well, that’s interesting. And I was definitely worried that MIT might come after me at some point, cause I certainly am causing trouble. I think it’s a pretty liberal place because no one at MIT has told me you can’t do this. My boss is quite supportive and she’s got a young family sheets. [01:03:37] Uh, her family eats organic, you know, Yeah. And so actually I’ve been very fortunate and MIT and I have a really super fun funding agency. That’s been funding me for years and years. And, um, I just basically told them about 12 years ago, I guess, you know, I’m going to shift my research in this direction because before that I was developed, developing. [01:03:54] You know, dialogue games to teach a second language to, uh, uh, like teaching Chinese to Americans and English, speaking people. I mean, totally different thing. [01:04:02] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:04:02] Another path you didn’t know what the world had had waiting for you. It was so lovely back then. Just this idea of helping [01:04:10] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:04:10] people learn, learn Chinese is like so sweet, you know, and, and I just basically told them, you know, I’m going to switch over to this medical thing cause I’m interested in this. [01:04:18] Disease trends and toxic chemicals and they didn’t bat an eye. They were like, okay, that’s great. So they’ve been funding me ever since. It’s been very easy. That’s [01:04:25] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:04:25] amazing. That’s amazing. Very fortunate. Who’s been your biggest inspiration. Who, who have you learned the most from and inspires [01:04:32] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:04:32] you? I really loved about Bobby Kennedy Jr. [01:04:34] He’s so fantastic. Um, and, um, they’ll big tree. Yeah. Yeah. Um, They’re just so, [01:04:45] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:04:45] Oh yeah. I was just on a webinar with him yesterday on a panel with a couple other doctors and adores [01:04:52] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:04:52] Zach Bush. So great. Yeah. He’s so well-spoken and so charismatic, you know, I really love him and he has a really good message. [01:05:00] Um, Don Huber, of course, professor John Huber he’s over it. He’s like probably 83 years old, still very active. Wow. [01:05:07] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:05:07] Um, what do you think of the, of Dr. Bushes ion biome [01:05:11] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:05:11] is what it is. Yeah, well, I think it’s actually very, very successful and very, uh, very good at it. It appears to be helping a lot of people to, uh, straighten out their gut. [01:05:20] I think it really works wonders for the gut microbiome. So I think it’s probably a very good product. [01:05:24] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:05:24] Yeah. I, um, I have found in our clinic that it’s really been what, that thing that. Counteracts glyphosate, you know, and it’s like, we always tell people, there’s not really a lot of supplements that you have to be on all the time, but this one is one I [01:05:39] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:05:39] should have mentioned it. [01:05:39] Cause I was talking about the CDOT factor and the fermented foods, but there is also this fulvic acid humic acid, which I think are very powerful. And those actually are complex molecules from the soil that trap, uh, apparently they trapped certain enzymes that are very sophisticated enzymes that have very generalized capabilities to break down toxins. [01:05:57] Molecules. So I’m suspecting that the enzymes that are trapped inside those fulvic acid may be clearing the glyphosate. I’m hoping that I really looking for something, it would break it down, you know, as opposed to just push it out because. [01:06:09] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:06:09] We’ve seen some amazing results with his products in our clinic. [01:06:12] And when we detox people, it’s like, you have to be on this. So what, um, what’s the best book that you’ve read this year? Do you read? I [01:06:24] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:06:24] do. And I just finished a book called the chemical age, which was amazing. The chemical age. Have you heard of it? I highly recommend it. I can’t tell you who the author is, but, uh, the author was actually the, a descendant of people who had been involved in. [01:06:38] In that whole, um, chemical stuff that goes really way back to the early days of chemic chemicals and, and all the, um, controversy around them and how the industry was always trying to, um, downplay the toxicity and all the different, you know, so, uh, the, uh, silent spring, you know, that kind of thing. So it’s really good. [01:06:59] It’s, uh, It’s quite, um, thorough and interesting engaging. So [01:07:04] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:07:04] yeah. Is it going to be depressing? Am I going to come out of it and just like more like, Oh, we’re messed up. [01:07:10] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:07:10] Is it Harvey? I don’t know if it mentions glyphosate, so it’s like, even without glyphosate, you’ve got [01:07:15] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:07:15] all these other bright. Right. [01:07:17] Exactly. Yeah, yeah, exactly. What, what health habit do you feel like are health habits you do every day that you’re like, this is key. You’ve mentioned a couple of them, but, and the [01:07:28] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:07:28] sunlight getting out in the sunlight and also Epsom salt bath. That might be one that you’re not, I don’t know if, yeah, that’s a great idea. [01:07:35] I really like Epsom salt baths because that’s a way to get sulfate absorbed through the skin is magnesium sulfate. Yeah, mommy’s name is probably also good, but the sulfate, um, is overlooked. Um, as it, people don’t realize Epsom salts are providing sulfate. And so fate is critically messed up by glyphosate and causing all kinds of problems in the body. [01:07:53] So it’s a way to get sulfate without having to deal with the dysbiosis in the gut, which can produce things like hydrogen itself, I guess, or so fight that can be toxic. So people who have sulfur sensitivities in particular, I would. Encourage them to try Epsom salt baths and see if their sulfur sensitivities don’t extend to the skin. [01:08:13] Great [01:08:13] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:08:13] idea. That’s a great, I love it. Okay. My last question for you, this is what I ask everybody. No, this one’s easy. This one, if you had one message that you could share out into the world and get into everybody’s brain and it doesn’t, it can be any message. What would that message be? [01:08:32] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:08:32] Well, I would like to give a message of hope. [01:08:34] I really believe that humans have the capacity. They do what they need to do to fix this mess that we’re in right now. And if we can just get enough people and it’s going to be grassroots bottom up, if we can get enough people on board to recognize that we have to do things very, very differently. And then to take the action to do actually do it. [01:08:53] So I really admire all the, you know, regenerative, agriculture and organic farmers, the smaller Danek farmers, all of that really turned around our agriculture, um, and become so aware of the, of the dangers of toxic chemicals that we’re always constantly trying to do things without using them. Yeah, and I think it will make such a sweet world. [01:09:12] We will just be so much happier and so much healthier and it’ll just be wonderful. So I’m picturing a future time in which we look back on this dark age, you know, the chemical age is what they go to and they’re going to say, how could they have gone so far stray for so long? We don’t understand, but now we’re, we’re good now. [01:09:29] We’re good. Love [01:09:31] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:09:31] it. Oh my God. I love it. I’m going to visualize that world as well. Well, this has been, uh, you know, I’ve, I’ve interviewed a lot of people and you were definitely on my top five and I’m just such a huge fan. And I’m so grateful for the work that you’ve been doing. And I’ve been watching your videos and understanding your message and been able to turn around and apply it to our patients and our online community. [01:09:57] So you, you are one of those people. I put you up there with Bobby Kennedy, so that’s really. [01:10:04] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:10:04] And I really appreciate the work you’re doing too, because people like you are so important for getting us back on board towards the healthy path halfway towards. Good. [01:10:14] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:10:14] Yeah. My mom taught me that if you have an opinion, don’t keep it to yourself. [01:10:18] So [01:10:18] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:10:18] I love it. [01:10:21] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:10:21] The more I learn, the more I’m like, okay. Yeah. It’s like, like how we started this off, you know, it’s just really hard to see injustice. And you want people to wake up and understand, and we, if there’s one thing this year has taught us, we are all in this together and we need each other to rise above the, the, this moment in so many different ways. [01:10:42] Yes, [01:10:43] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:10:43] absolutely. Yeah. Awesome. Well, [01:10:45] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:10:45] thank you. And keep, I will keep following you and I will. I will keep, uh, I will keep shouting about your work and your website. Can we find some of your articles [01:10:55] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:10:55] on your yes, Stephanie’s nf.net is, uh, Isaiah has links to my MIT webpage where there’s a whole bunch of material. [01:11:02] I have all kinds of side decks and, um, PA published, peer reviewed papers and a whole bunch of stuff. So, um, Yeah. And of course, if you just search my last name, S E N E F F, if you can remember that, you’ll find all kinds of podcasts and things like that, as well as various articles about how I’m off base, but ignore those. [01:11:24] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:11:24] But the greatest people are disrupting thought processes. Right? I wanted [01:11:29] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:11:29] to tell you about my book too, which is coming out middle of next year. Oh, beautiful. They keep changing the title, but the moment at the moment, the title is toxic legacy. How the weekend or glyphosate is destroying our health and the environment. [01:11:41] That’s the current topic title. So we’re still trying to figure that out, but hopefully middle of next year, when it comes out, will you, [01:11:51] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:11:51] yeah. Will you send us, um, just a message and we will put it across to all of our, I will definitely do that. [01:11:57] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:11:57] I’m going to add you to the list of people to that. [01:12:01] That’s [01:12:01] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:12:01] great. [01:12:02] That would be wonderful. Well, again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the work you’re doing and you truly made my week just to have this conference. [01:12:10] Dr. Stephanie Seneff: [01:12:10] Oh, that’s great. I’m so really enjoyed the conversation and thank you again for all you’re doing to help them spread the word, which is so important. [01:12:18] Dr. Mindy Pelz: [01:12:18] Yeah. Thank you. And keep shouting, keep we’re fi we’re counting. We’re drafting behind you. Hey, recenters. I just want to start off by saying thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews and those of you that have left me comments on iTunes. I just greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and how much you guys are enjoying these episodes. [01:12:41] And it, and it seems like you’re enjoying them as much as I am enjoying doing them. One of the things that I’ve learned. And just interacting with so many people is that we’ve really lost the art of deep conversations. And for me, the reset or podcasts stands for having meaningful conversations with people who are thinking about health, about life, about mindset in a way that we may not be getting on social media or in mainstream. [01:13:10] Media. And so I just want to say, give you guys a shout out and just say thank you for participating in this process with me, because as much as I absolutely love delivering the information to you, I love even more knowing that it’s impacting your life. So please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make this podcast more customized to you to make it better. [01:13:33] We are now officially in season two, and we are working to bring you. The best conversations that health influencers have, that mindset changes can give and to really deliver you something that you’re not able to get anywhere else. So from the bottom of my heart, as I always say my YouTube from the bottom of my heart, I am deeply appreciative of you. [01:13:55] I am deeply grateful to be on this journey with you and let’s get healthy together.// RESOURCES MENTIONED
- The Menopause Reset
- Stephanie’s website
- Ion Biome
- Book: The chemical age
- Vitamin D & C
- 11 Thyroid Tests
- Toxin Reset Program
Awesome! I loved this! Thank you ladies.
How come I’ve not heard the term ‘shero’ before? Mindy you are a shero of mine! I love that you present this view of self healing. I remember in my nursing training we were taught that health, in the medical model, was ‘a lack of symptoms’. In natural therapies we talk about ‘vibrant health’. A totally different perspective. The information I’m getting from you is helping me connect dots all over the place. Like the vit k2 connection to glyphosate and how ongoing fermented foods can be a solution. I’m so excited. I didn’t know I was so hungry for information. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thankyou Dr Pelz for your reaching out with the truth of our heavenly designed bodies and world!
Richie Idels, Ontario
Thank you so much for this feedback! If you have a quick second, we’d love if you posted a review on Apple! It continues to help us get amazing guests!
Thank you so much for this feedback! If you have a quick second, we’d love if you posted a review on Apple! It continues to help us get amazing guests!
Thank you so much for this feedback! If you have a quick second, we’d love if you posted a review on Apple! It continues to help us get amazing guests!
So wonderful to hear this science. Wonderful pioneers in our day who go against the mainstream to bring us truth. So appreciate the information and for your sharing it with us!
Thank you so much for this feedback! If you have a quick second, we’d love if you posted a review on Apple! It continues to help us get amazing guests!