“You Are Enough The Way You Are”
This episode is all about the astounding effects and applications of essential oils.
Gavin and his amazing wife are the parents of four energetic children. They started their journey with essential oils in 2009 when Gavin was diagnosed with a rare, life-threatening liver disease Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis or PSC.
As he began to use essential oils, his health improved. He eventually became the highest functioning patient experiencing this disease at the University of Utah hospital. Since this time, he has made essential oils both a study and his life.
He and Carrie, his wife, created Restore Hope Oils™ in 2020 to provide top tier essential oils to practitioners and retail customers who sought better options and education for essential oils. Gavin collaborates with researchers, scientists, and wellness practitioners throughout North America. As an Aromatherapist he formulates the blends of Restore Hope Oils™ combining the latest research with accurate historical data.
When he was most sick, he was told he had no options for care or treatment, and this continues to drive him to be a voice to let people know there are options available to bring greater balance to the body.
In this podcast, Overcoming Chronic Conditions With The Power of Essential Oils, we cover:
- What exactly is in a drop of essential oils
- Geranium essential oil: effective for releasing anger and overall mental health
- The right way to amplify the effects of essential oils and heal yourself
- Using clary sage for emotional clarification and strengthening our senses
- Supporting metabolic function and boosting metabolism with essential oils
What Can One Drop of an Essential Oil Do?
Gavin gets this question all the time: can one drop of essential oils really help? The answer is yes. The reason why is because you can have anywhere from 50 to 400 chemical constituents in that single drop. They are made up of a lot of carbon and water, so they meld very well with us. When you go directly with these essential oils, the chemical constituents are small enough to go from your skin into your bloodstream.
How Geranium Helps Release Anger
An interesting thing about the liver is that it is where we hold anger. Geranium is often used in issues involving the liver, and a common observation is that it makes people feel more on edge. This is because one of the emotional detoxification capacities of geranium is to help release anger and forgive. This is so important because you need to get those emotions out and work through them to be able to move on and lean into forgiveness.
Most Effective Application Methods
Making sure that you are applying or ingesting essential oils is important for amplifying their effects. Topically, you can get very specific to an organ or body system. For example, do you feel a seasonal sickness coming on? You could apply those oils to the spine and get direct access to the entire body. Applying topically to your wrists is also great because, besides the topical effect, you will also smell it as you move your arms around. Smell gives you direct access to the limbic system, so just smelling an essential oil for 20 seconds can completely change your state.
The Link Between Clary Sage and Emotions
Clary sage is like the good friend that meets you at your level when you are struggling. It has been found to be good for estrogen accumulation and can also be good for low estrogen. Clary sage is an oil that helps you really get deep and work through inadequacies and emotions that aren’t true to who you are. It works so well at a topical level, even an aromatic level, that when you smell it, it’s going to bring your nervous system down. Think of essential oil as a communicator; it’s a messenger. It sends a message to the body to help it better communicate; to achieve greater equilibrium.
How Can Essential Oils Help Your Metabolism
There are many ways that essential oils can be used in reference to metabolism and fasting. Grapefruit is a great one because just by smelling, it can help curb part of the appetite. Grapefruit is also great at cleansing, so it will help rinse the liver. Citrus oils are useful from a metabolic standpoint because they help purify the lymphatic system. Cinnamon and ginger are also oils that can be very advantageous for your metabolism.
Gavin Poulton 0:00
And remember when we smell something, we have direct access to the limbic system. So just smelling an essential oil for 20 seconds can completely change your state oils work at a subconscious level because they have a backstage pass to the limbic system, we bypass the cerebral cortex.
Dr. Mindy 0:16
I am a woman on a mission that is dedicated to teaching you just how powerful your body was built to be. I like to do that by bringing you the latest science, the greatest thought leaders and applicable steps that help you tap into your own internal healing power. The purpose of this podcast is to give you the power back and help you believe in yourself again, my name is Dr. Mindy Pels, and I want to thank you for spending part of your day with me. On this episode of the resetter podcast, I bring you Gavin poelten. Now, this is a really fun conversation. Gavin is the founder of restore hope oils. And as you’ve probably heard me in other podcasts, I’ve been a little dubious of oils, I didn’t really quite grasp the power of them. But we keep hearing more and more evidence of people that are able to calm their nervous systems down, help balance their hormones, even balance their immune systems and their blood sugar as you’ll hear in this episode, and I really want to understand how we can use the simplicity of something like an oil to move our head, our health in a very positive forward direction. So I brought Gavin on. And one things I love about Gavin is a his story, we start off talking about her amazing story of liver health, and he was on a fast path to surgery. And then he learned about oils and how it improved his liver health. I can’t wait for you guys to hear that. But I also wanted to discuss with him the quality of oils because I find that I’m really skeptical of supplements and oils when they haven’t been tested for different toxins. So he’ll talk about the process that he goes through and things to look for when you are choosing an oil. But then we dove into his blends. So the thing that makes restore hope oils, so magic are their therapeutic blends. So we talked about everything from mood to immune system to children, how can we help with children that aren’t sleeping two teenagers? We spent a lot on hormones. menopausal women, you will love this episode, we talked a lot about how to balance our hormones through the use of oils. We talked about the application of it, do we want it in water? Do we want to rub it in our skin? You name it. We talked about it. And what I love about Gavin, you’ll hear it in the story. And as we continue forward with the interview What a lovely man, just huge heart huge mission. And we had so much fun in this podcast. So if you’re looking to get informed on oils, you’re looking for another tool for your your health toolbox and you want to laugh. This is the episode for you. Enjoy.
Okay, resetera is I have a really cool new product for you that Organa FIDE just put out. And it’s called harmony, beautiful name for what it does, it helps balance hormones. And specifically it’s going to help with progesterone production, which Hello so many of us need more progesterone to calm ourselves and feel better. So it has three nutrients in it that I’m really excited about. It has Makkah and it has chase tree which is going to help with progesterone production, but they also put stinging nettles in it, which is a really cool nutrient. Don’t worry, you’re not going to taste it or, or feel any stinging on your tongue. But stinging nettles is an incredible detoxifier. So I always say that just because you make a hormone doesn’t mean you’re using that hormone and that you’re breaking that hormone down into a nutrient that you can actually put into action. Well when we detox when we support our liver with things like stinging nettles, now we’re supporting the liver. We’re using maka and chase tree to help make progesterone and you’ve got an incredible product that’s going to help us burst our progesterone stores. The other really cool thing about this product that I’m excited about is how do we use it with our cycle. So remember, you’re getting the most amount of progesterone the week before your before your cycle starts. So what if we lean into harmony doing a scoop two skips maybe even three skips a day before the week before our cycle and see if it brings our progesterone stores up and postmenopausal women we need progesterone more than any other person on the planet. So a scoop every day would keep your progesterone stores up So it’s called harmony. It’s chocolaty, which is really good. I put it in some probiotic rich yogurt, and it was like a dessert. I’m really excited about this product as hopefully you can tell. And remember, Organa phi will always give you 25% off, if you use this code, it’s Organa phi.com, forward slash pells. That’s Organa phi.com, forward slash apelles. Let me spell it for you, O R, G, A nifi.com. forward slash feltz, p, e, l, z. So check it out. Let me know what you think. And happy hormone balancing. Let me just start off by welcoming you to the resetter podcast. We’re just so happy to pick your brilliant brain. So thank you for being here, Gavin.
Gavin Poulton 5:51
absolutely wonderful. Thank you.
Dr. Mindy 5:52
And, you know, this is my thing on oils, I, I’m really a transparent person. And the first time that I heard about oils, I’m not gonna lie, I was like, um, rub something on my bottom of my feet on my forehead, and then all my problems are gonna go away. So I honestly was really dubious. And as oils gained more traction, I turned to a friend of mine. And I said, Hey, why don’t you go learn about it come back. Because I just didn’t, I couldn’t wrap my head around it. But then I started healing, hearing incredible healing stories like you like you have an incredible oil healing story. And you can’t deny the fact that it is working really well for some people. So can we just start off with your healing story? Because I think it’s so inspiring when somebody transforms their health using these oils.
Gavin Poulton 6:46
You bet. Let’s get into that. And again, thank you for even asking that question. We, we we all remember that crash of 2007 2008. We were recovering from that. And I was raised in a home that was consistent with the predominant, you know, view of medicine and Western medicine. Right. And my wife and I, I am a dad of girls, all girls, Congrats. Thank you. It’s pretty. I am going to use this word. It’s pretty rad. I’m not gonna lie. It’s Yeah, totally wonderful. I love it. The four girls and a girl dog, we didn’t even want to deviate in reference to our four legged friends, right? Let’s just stay consistent. And at the time, we had two littles in 2009, I went to the doctor and he said, Hey, Gabby, you got a lot of challenges with your gallbladder. Let’s, let’s remove that. Okay, I guess that’s that’s the path we’ll take. And so a great friend of mine, the surgeon and whenever that surgery came out, and he said gaff, the surgery in reference to the gallbladder was a success. The challenge was I decided to take a liver biopsy while you were under anesthesia, because I could tell you’ve got some real challenges with your bile ducts. And I’m concerned that you may need a transplant. And I was coming out of anesthesia still a bit. I’m like, What? And he said, I’m going to send you to a specialist and we went to the specialist and he said, Yeah, you are experiencing a rare autoimmune disease called primary sclerosing cholangitis, which is specific to scarring of the bile ducts for those that don’t know. And when your bile duct scar off, and they can’t drain bile, then the liver ends up dying. And so when we met with him, I said, Okay, well, what do we do? And he said, there’s nothing we do. We just treat the symptoms as they come up and try monitor you. And I said, Wait, back the truck up. So you’re telling me he then right before that, I guess he told me, hey, you’re going to die in one to 10 years if you don’t have a transplant? Wow. And that’s when I asked the question. Okay, well, what do we do? Right? Right. It’s like, there’s gotta be something. Right. So now we just treat the symptoms. And so I said, so there’s absolutely nothing. He said, Yeah, you actually are young enough. I was 29. At the time, he said you may need to transplants and there’s only a 50% success rate with him. So I was like, well, that’s below average. Let’s continue, you know, moving forward with our life. And two months later, I ended up back at the doctor because I was losing weight. I had major pain wasn’t able to eat and they said hey, your common bile duct which is like the trunk of the why of the bile duct was closing off. And so they said, Hey, we’re gonna need to put a stent in they put one stent in and it did not work, they put a second stent in and that between that time between this the entry of the second stent in the next doctor appointment, I was introduced geranium. Now this isn’t the geranium. We’re used to smelling right this is an Egyptian geranium. And it is very specific to it can be specific as a tonic for the body also has the capacity anti inflammatory capacity. It’s really good for skin and tissue as a whole. Right? And I was introduced to frankincense and so I started to use one drop of geranium topically over my liver. And I began to utilize an aspect of Frankincense as well, I did that very, very slowly because I was in a very, very difficult state and I think something your, your audience needs to know is essential oils are so concentrated, right? Don’t play with them, in the sense that we don’t just think if one drop does well, how about six?
Dr. Mindy 10:30
Oh, you mean someone I lathered it on me before this podcast? I could be a problem. Yes, I am suggesting that right. A little bit is good. A lot more is better.
Gavin Poulton 10:43
I’m so glad I’m here today what opportunity right? So it’s not that it couldn’t be great for you. But if someone is in a chronic very difficult state like the liver, right, we don’t I get this question all the time. Don’t we have two livers? No friends, we have one. We have two kidneys, right? But we only have one liver and our liver cleanses the blood so we want to be very careful with it. So one drop did that for a week and a half and then thought I’m healing improvement. I’m not as jaundice and I’m not experiencing as much discomfort let’s increase this again. I only I did one drop in the morning. One drop at night we doubled.
Dr. Mindy 11:23
Did you drink? Did you drink it? Or do you rub it over your liver?
Gavin Poulton 11:26
So geranium was topical? And then I did a drop of Frankincense internally in the morning and a drop at night with blankets. But dream I kept it topical. I don’t like the taste of it. I’m just gonna write Yeah. And but at the same time I didn’t want it to because geranium, in reality from a science standpoint is much more of a purging oil than a Frankincense would be. Frankincense is more of what we would consider some column a universal oil one that’s helpful for so many different systems of the body and frankincense. What a fantastic oil. I believe the heavy hitter in this experiences I’ve continued to research and grow and essential oils was geranium. And so I started using more. And a month and a half later, I’m back in the doctor’s office after a procedure call an ercp. The doc comes out and says gap. The stents no longer in your body. All your levels are normal. I don’t want to see it for six months. Crazy. I was like, wait, first of all, where’s the stent? Like watch, it doesn’t disappear. But I thought I was like where did the stent go? That was my first question. He goes, Well, you just passed it on like I passed it. Like on like a highway? And he goes no, you booked it out. I’m like, Oh, thanks for the clarification. Because it’s a standard. It’s like the inside of a pen, right? It’s not like a stent that we would put in a heart. So they’re actually temporary stents that they hold in there for eight weeks, and then they have to remove them. And so I then said, Okay, well, what do we do? He’s like, go home. I’m like, how I love this. And I’m wanting to cry and laugh at the same time. But I’m just gonna go home now, right and enjoy this easy. But from that point on, that’s what started the journey, right? So a lot of people think, hey, that’s why you’re doing necessarily what you’re doing. And I’m doing it because that was the beginning of my journey. It hasn’t been the whole journey. Right? It makes you go, Wait a minute.
Dr. Mindy 13:26
It even this is even my brain. Like, I hear you, I believe you. And I’m gonna say I’m like one drop, you put, you know, this is the thing about oils that I’m really baffled on. And like, even if we just take this common bile duct, you know how many people we detox and fast, right? And we end up with a stagnant liver, a stagnant gallbladder, a stagnant common bile duct. So you just taught me a real hack that we could use with our fasters and our detoxes. I mean, that’s, that’s insane. That’s something like an oil. So So do you understand the mechanism behind why it works now? Like, what happened?
Gavin Poulton 14:07
Yeah, you bet. So when you look at one drop, right, because I get that question all the time. Can one drop really help? Yes, friends. And the reason why is because you can have anywhere from 50 to 400 chemical constituents in that one drop. Wow. Remember that essential oils are similar to us. And the fact that they’re made up of a lot of carbon, carbon and water, right? So they meld very well with us. But when we talk about the actual chemical constituents, the chemical constituents that are found within geranium have that anti inflammatory activity. So when it began because a molecule is small enough Dr. Mini from an essential oil standpoint that you put it on the skin and it goes into the bloodstream. Yeah, it’s that small. So when we go direct, what I love about topical application is you can get very specific to a body system. Very specific To an Oregon. And that’s exactly what happened. I believe that both because geranium can be an anti stressor as well as frankincense, I think they both worked really well together exactly as a dynamic duo to provide that. Yeah. And so the truth is, there’s a lot of hip paddle protective essential oils. But
Dr. Mindy 15:22
what if you took like a castor oil pack, you put castor oil on the pack, and then you put a couple oils on there, and then you put it over your liver at night, and you slept with a castor oil pack on? Do you think that would just accentuate the opening of that common bile duct for people?
Gavin Poulton 15:41
It could it has that capacity. Now, I will say remember what’s so cool about what you just asked is the liver, according to traditional Chinese medicine is cleansing between one and three in the morning, right? It’s repairing, right? And so that’s so key, what you could do is you could do a geranium, we, I would do a combination, right, so I’m a formulator, as well. And when we work with essential oils, a lot of people will work with just Hey, this, this one has this chemical constituent, this one has this one, I’m looking at it from a personality, you’re looking to create a team that has personalities that work together, because you can actually take some essential oils that you think are just rock stars, right now. And you put them in a blend and they become a sea blend. And then leymah soprema, right. And so what we do is i’m looking more at personalities, I’ll look at chemical constituents, and then I’ll look at Okay, for example, simple example could be like an oregano, a very strong immune supportive oil and many great capacities. Time all very great. They’re both what we call triple threats. antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and oregano, usually when you look at just wants to go in and just start just destroying and not necessarily the body, but if you looked at a building that had a threat, it would wipe out the building over time might go in room by room and wipe out the threat but keep the structure there. Okay, I talked to a lot of people that would say I use oregano on a daily basis, it’s really too caustic for the liver. Time is something that would be more helpful. So going back to your question of what it helped by putting this over a liver, it could I don’t think you necessarily need to just the oil in and of itself. If you if you use that castor oil as a carrier oil, you can wrap it, I don’t think you need to wrap it. What I will do at night is I will take our blend live better that has a combination Mandarin, Rosemary geranium Helichrysum case, so Mandarin is a great, it’s an oil that we call, or basically helps with scarring. Right. And so it helps mitigate any type of scarring and, and I’m sure in your field with fasting and as you look at the liver and detoxification, the rise of non alcoholic fatty liver disease, right,
Dr. Mindy 17:57
the liver has been a real problem for us with fasters. And so much of it is that people have fatty liver or they have congested common bile ducts, or they have gallbladders removed and they have no idea that when they start to fast that that can be a block I call it a metabolic blocker where it’s it’s the you know, the liver is the primary fat burning organ. So if you can’t make that switch when you’re fasting over to the fat burning system because the liver is sluggish, ketogenic diet fasting, all of that becomes very difficult.
Gavin Poulton 18:29
Right? And so we combined something I’m Mandarin would call an anti proliferative when we’re talking about scarring, that’s what studies and research shows. So please know that whenever we formulate something, it’s always research based, and then I’ll take in that experience base of personalities or whatever we want to call that. Second would be a Rosemary can be very helpful and supportive of the liver when we’re experiencing something like non alcoholic fatty liver disease, it’s more of a stimulant. So you look at essential oils in general as stimulants and calming or relaxing. There are some that do both. And some of those are in what we call a blend called pure embrace. But yeah, in reference to fasting, Rosemary is a stimulant that will help to gently cleanse and really remove and then you get geranium as the third ingredient. And she interesting thing about the liver is it’s where we hold anger.
Dr. Mindy 19:24
Do you know that I actually know this because when I first started fasting, anger like came out of Yeah, and now when I fast I don’t ever experienced that. But it was like on the second day and it was very illogical. And then if I combine that with a yoga practice that worked on opening up the the liver channels, it only made the anger worse, right? So but now that I’ve been fasting so much anger is just not an emotion I feel anymore.
Gavin Poulton 19:51
So congratulations in reference to removing more of that emotion. Nice work. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy 19:56
So if I’d known about oils, maybe I could have gotten it out. Having a skeptical brain does it serve you? Because I was I’ve been walking around for the last decade, like, I’m not sure about these oils, but I’ve now opened my eyes.
Gavin Poulton 20:10
No, you’re totally great. Um, something about drainie, multi nutrient stories, some of them struggling with the liver disease, I sent them a blend of essential oils with some geranium and I sent them uranium. And I invited them to put them on the bottom of their feed each night. I said switch them up, right do the blend a few days to geranium a few days, and because I knew what was going to happen, and it’s exactly what happened. He called me after two weeks, and I said, how you doing? Are you consistent? And he said, Yeah, he said, but I don’t really feel great. When I put on geranium. I like the blend better, right? And I said, Really? Tell me how you feeling? Because I just feel on edge. Right? And I said, Yeah, because one of the emotional detoxification capacities of geranium is to help us release anger and forgive. Wow. And so that’s
Dr. Mindy 21:02
good. You got to get those
Gavin Poulton 21:04
emotions out. You do because you can’t really move to forgiveness until you work through them. Yeah, so that’s part of why that’s there. And then Helichrysum is an oil that maybe have heard of, maybe they haven’t, it is an oil that I use, is we could call it as an analgesic. It’s a restorative, it’s amazing for the nerves, top three oil for me. And reference if I was stuck on an island, right, but its capacity to also be effective against discomfort in the liver is wonderful, interesting, and just helping that detoxification piece. So it’s twice so
Dr. Mindy 21:39
there’s there’s two hurdles that I’ve seen with oils in people. And the first is which oil to use, which is why when I first found out about your products, I was like, I went to your website, you sent us some samples. Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ve been experimenting with them. But you had these powerful blends, and now I understand why cuz, again, I want the shortcut, like, just tell me like, like pure happy I just lathered it on like on me, before I got on here. And I did a little bit, you know, I should probably put a lot on keep myself happy. But I assume you’ve already made the connection and connected all the dots of which oils, I don’t I don’t really, I don’t my passion isn’t getting into each individual oil. Sure. And I love that you did that homework. So the other thing that I love is, and this is a real pet peeve for me, is that in all oils, all vitamins, supplements in general, that we we go to use these products, and we think that they’re a health food, but they’re packed with toxins. And it’s really frustrating. This is one of the reasons I’ve never gone into the supplement business because I’m like, I don’t you, you got to make sure you’re dealing with a pure product. So can you explain it and this is what I love about you guys, you’ve tested for heavy metals, you you have really pure products. And that puts me at ease when I lather it over by Oliver. Sure. Sure it’s toxic free. So can you talk a little bit about the protocols you guys use to keep these clean? You bet. So
Gavin Poulton 23:13
in reference to our essential oils, the real key is having a fantastic relationship with whom you get your book oils from because it’s actually more important that they’re buying well, right, that buying process of they’re doing a test. So we’ll do up to 13 different tests in reference to looking for adulteration. Because what you’re seeing more and more even more than like a heavy metal is you’re seeing adulteration in the sense of extenders, right, the FDA allows anywhere from five to 10% of that oil to be actual oil, and then it can be additives, or extenders and be called 100% pure inside. It’s crazy to me so when we’re working with this, we’re looking at choosing oils that are very that fit us very specific criteria. If they don’t fit that criteria, for example, pure happy took nine months to make. Wow. And the reason why I took nine months to make wasn’t because the formula wasn’t ready. It’s because I was scouring we were scouring as a team the entire world to find a truly pure balsam of Peru essential oil. And it took forever, right. But I should appreciate it even more when I lather it odd. You know what you should appreciate it even more, you’re sure that I have incredible gratitude. Oh, you’re so that is what we’re talking about. We will not accept something that is not top tier, right? Because we provide a lot to practitioners. And so that is our goal and being a practitioner of choice safe for the family safe for the individual. But really the practitioner can have confidence in and when I say different tests, we’ll have those tests done when we buy and then we’ll do those tests even now. We receive it for example, we got our new source of source a new lot of copaiba, which is our best selling single climate. Yeah, what is
Dr. Mindy 25:11
that? I saw it on your website and I was strangely curious. You’re like what the one and
Gavin Poulton 25:17
it was a tree. It’s a tree in Brazil. It’s a resin. So you’ve heard of CBD, right? Yep. What are the main chemical constituents in CBD is beta carry awfully. Beta caryophyllene is the main chemical constituent and copaiba. They just work very differently in reference to the endocannabinoid system. And so that’s another day but in reference to copilot its capacity to be helpful for discomfort, it beta carry offline has a great capacity support brain function. Great for the lungs, great for the heart, great for the digestive system, right? But it doesn’t have a strong smell interest. And so it’s a subtle, very woodsy resin like so if you’re talking resins or saps, we’re talking frankincense, myrrh, copaiba. Right? These are oils that are what we consider to be resonance. But no, Piper is gentle enough for a child. Okay, effective enough for an adult or practitioner. And so
Dr. Mindy 26:13
it doesn’t matter where you put the oil, because that’s the other thing that has confused me. Do I put it in water and drink it? Do I rub it on my third eye? Do I put it on the bottom of my feet? How
Unknown Speaker 26:24
do I know where to put the oil? Do you jump up and down and twist three times
Gavin Poulton 26:27
a second to increase it? Right?
Dr. Mindy 26:29
Yeah. Oh, that’s the other thing. I want to make sure I amplify its effect for sure.
Gavin Poulton 26:36
Great question. So depending on how you use them. So topically, you can use them in many different ways. Like I said earlier, you can get very specific to an organ or body system. Let’s say I feel a seasonal sickness or something coming on that may be happening. Right, we could apply those oils to the spine and get direct access to the entire body. And so that’s what I do matter which spinal level, we’re gonna do the whole thing, right. So I’m going to go all the way up, you dropped. Yep, just put some carrier over that spine carrier like fractionated coconut oil. Okay, something sunflower semi sesame seed, you put a few drops, and you when you put that on to the spine, it can be really, really powerful. Right? If you don’t have someone else to help you with that. You can go right on the feet. You can go right here, up your Yeah, your neck on the shoulder if you’re really looking for stress. So pure happy works really well. Yeah, right here. And it can be great right here on your wrists. Because as you’re typing, or you’re talking with someone, I talk with my hands, I’m going to smell it. And remember when we smell something, Dr. Mindy, we have direct access to the limbic system. So just smelling an essential oil for 20 seconds can completely change your state.
Dr. Mindy 27:52
Yeah, it’s crazy. absolutely epic. Yeah, it’s amazing. And I’m, I’m mildly fascinated with the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is mood and memory. And, you know, I had been studying that because that’s really the seat of Alzheimer’s. I want to know what, how could we affect those neurons through detoxification and through fasting. And then one day when I was deep in the literature, I saw that part of the brain has you have direct access to it through the olfactory nerve. Exactly. And I was like, What? Okay, so that makes perfect sense to me, then when you’re smelling it, you’re going straight into that part of your of your brain. Exactly. And think about it. One of the challenges I see more and more with people now is they’ve shut off feeling. So tired,
Gavin Poulton 28:41
there’s so much stress, we’re not feeling and the challenging thing is late 1800s, early 1900s. As we started to see more pharmaceuticals and just different things like that. They scientists science in general is like, sense of smell doesn’t matter. The challenge is his sense of smell is stronger than any sense, actually. And it works. oils work at a subconscious level because they have a backstage pass to the limbic system, we bypass the cerebral cortex, we make speaking as we like, I’m in a whale, right?
Unknown Speaker 29:09
Yeah, the oils in my car, you might as well the you’re the closest thing I know, to be able to talk to the oil is I can talk to you.
Gavin Poulton 29:17
Fair enough. I’ll take it. Right. So that is what happens when we get in there. I mean, we hit that limbic system, we’re going to balance pineal pituitary hippocampus, we’re going to go through all of that. So indirectly, at some point, we’re affecting every organ just from smell. I was love reading interesting studies in reference to where you see just by smelling something. Heart rate goes down. I was reading study with over 60 women who were experiencing menopause and as they were just inhaling this, it brought down so much of their emotion and allow them to feel just my gosh, in a greater state, right. so fantastic.
Dr. Mindy 29:54
Have you ever seen that meme where it’s like, oh, man up and it says something about like, you know how A menopausal woman using her lavender and then she’s just like got lavender all over her body. We need as much of this oil as we possibly can. So when I saw that meme, I’m like, that’s how I feel. Sometimes when my hormones got go off, I’m like, I’m just gonna go roll around in some lavender anything to calm myself down?
Gavin Poulton 30:20
No, there’s some great truth to that. And let me tell you why the average person doesn’t understand why lavender is such a great selling oil. I mean, they know they love it. But the personality of lavender is it gets along with anyone and it’s, it’s an oil that will sacrifice to help you. It’s almost like the mom, that is just knows what’s happening everywhere is completely involved. But what’s cool about lavender is lavender can help but there’s a hyper feeling or hyper experience with the parasympathetic and the sympathetic, it can adjust and bring down both. So that is the beauty of lavender. Part of the reason that people don’t understand why it sells well, they just know I feel really good.
Dr. Mindy 31:03
One of the things that I’ve noticed in fasting hundreds of 1000s of people is that we as a human race, are incredibly mineral deficient. And a large part of that is coming because our soils, the food that our soils are growing in, are incredibly depleted, especially here in America. But up throughout the world, we’re seeing that soils are not having the same mineral rich content that they did years ago. We also know that if you’re an athlete and you sweat a lot, that you’re going to deplete your minerals if you’ve been using any kind of drugs or alcohol that they deplete minerals. And minerals are really strange because they have this subtle, yet powerful effect on our brain and our body. So things like depression and anxiety have been linked to mineral deficiencies. Not being able to sleep can be linked to a mineral deficiency. So in fasting hundreds of 1000s, hundreds of 1000s of people, I’ve really noticed that the world is mineral deficient, which is why I am constantly looking for mineral resources. An element has done an incredible job with their products. So if you’re not familiar with element, they are a mineral packet, you can put it in your water as you’re going throughout your day, they will keep you in a fasted state, and they have you really yummy flavors. The the new ones that I’m pretty excited about are watermelon and grapefruit, but a house favorite is the berry the citrus salt and the lime. So check out element if you go to drink element. So let me spell it for you because it’s a little tricky play on word words I actually say element T or element depending on how you want to say it. So the website is drink element. So d r i n k l m n t.com forward slash Mindy Pels. And if you go We’ll also leave the link in the in the notes below. But if you go and you check out their website, they will give you a discount and let me know what your favorite flavor is. You have to talk about pure embrace I’d love to go into some of the blends that you have and is is pure embraces the hormone one, is that correct?
Gavin Poulton 33:24
Yeah. The story behind that is when we created I wanted to create a blend that would support the limbic endocrine and also just even the female reproductive system. Yeah, that was the goal right. Now when we formulate again, I formulate and look at personalities and chemical constituents. So the number one chemical constituent or number one oil is clary sage. clary sage, when you’re struggling is just that friend meets you at your level. Right? They meet you at your level and they can bring you up but what is it that why I say that about clary sage. Now clary sage has been shown or a lot of different clinical aromatherapist and different groups will talk about in their research that is good for estrogen accumulation, and can be good for low estrogen. Hmm. So in one reason is it’s actually similar to lavender and its chemical makeup but not the same, right. This is where we see personalities, we know people that are very similar, but we would prefer to be with that person in one situation maybe over another. And so clary sage would be is an oil that really helps you get deep and help you work through inadequacies and emotions that really aren’t true to who you are.
Dr. Mindy 34:38
And what Tell me So, again, let’s make it applicable. So if I put clarity Sage in water and I drink it, our emotions gonna come up and then I’m gonna have to figure out what to do with those emotions or is it more on a subconscious level that it’s like helping you your nervous system process that?
Gavin Poulton 34:58
Yeah, so let’s talk about that. clary sage, where if you were to put it in water, you could do it in water. But remember, if we’re going internal and there are only certain oils that we use internal and oils that we prefer and topical aromatic, clary sage works so well at a topical, and even a aromatic level that when you smell it, it is it’s bringing that nervous system down. And let’s say you’re going to go into a situation of great stress, it’s going to bring that stress down and help your brain think of an essential oil as a communicator, it’s a messenger, it sends a message to the body to help it better communicate to achieve greater equilibrium. Because when you look at an essential oil in its most basic form, it’s just energy. Right? The body helps every single organ, every single aspect of the body has a vibration, right, and an essential oil helps to bring the vibration where it needs to be to work at full capacity. So does that help? Is that help us? Yeah,
Dr. Mindy 35:57
that’s very helpful. And we have really experienced that vibration part of it with a big, we’re a big fan of systemic formulas, supplements, perfect. And one of the things that I I’ve seen it work so well, because they have matched the vibration of the Oregon to the nutrients. And I again would have said this is completely Well, if I had not experienced using these supplements, over you know, a decade and seeing time and time again, they heal. So the vibrational peace. You know, there’s so much about that about oils about supplements that the medical profession has really dismissed. But when you dive into the science is really, really profound in healing you. So I get that that speaks to me.
Gavin Poulton 36:44
Well, it’s interesting, when we create a peer embrace, I sent it to someone to have it, measure and see if it was helpful in the vibration of those three systems. I literally said, Hey, friend, I want you to see exactly what it does with these systems. And she called me back she says, balanced them like boom. And so I was like, sweet as she used that system. Now, again, every body is a little different. So when you make a blend, you’re making it do your very best for the masses, can you always get it really specific. Not all the time. But that’s why we create things like live better is very specific to liver function and detoxification, pure embrace, I wanted to touch upon three, at least those three systems because you can make a formulation that tries to do too much. And then it doesn’t become great at either. Yeah. And so that’s part of that. Go ahead.
Dr. Mindy 37:40
Yeah, no, so now my brain is turning with pure embrace. So one thing we know about the menstrual cycle is that you’ve got estrogen coming in strong in the front half of the cycle. And you’ve got progesterone coming in strong in the back half. And so we time food and fast according to these the ebbs and flows of estrogen progesterone and then testosterone comes in really strong at at oscillation. Sure can and so I’ve been thinking about how to time supplements according to that. Could you time your oils according to that? Or does this oil so good that you would put it on throughout the whole your whole cycle and it’s going to balance all of those hormones or if it’s if clarity Sage is really about estrogen, low estrogen I heard you talk about it, it brings estrogen up so then would I want to use it closer towards ovulation? Can I calculate it like that?
Gavin Poulton 38:35
You can so clary sage actually can can do both right now. Something like pure and grace, pure embrace or clary sage, we wouldn’t have someone who was pregnant use them. Okay, right. Because of that capacity, there are some that say that clary sage increases estrogen. I’ve never seen that in the research. And I’ve looked at some of the researchers in the last 30 years and they make comments up. We haven’t necessarily seen that. But it’s capacity again. Can you do that? Yes. Pure embrace. Could it do that? It has that capacity because when you look at like the second ingredient is bergamont. bergamot is a citrus that is a cleanser. And as a cleanser, it’s also going to uplift mood, so much of what it’s going to do is just support the system as a whole. If you want to get super specific on something you can bring in singles and do that. So you can say, hey, gab, I want to do clary sage, the third week, right? And when I on the first two weeks, tell me let me answer this question for me in the first two weeks of that cycle. What is the mood is the mood where you’re going to want to be out in the world are you wanting to pull back and be more thought?
Dr. Mindy 39:49
Now you’re outward. The first part of the cycle as you’re making estrogen. Estrogen is what allows women to have real mental clarity and you know We can accomplish anything when estrogen is high. Back half is progesterone. And that’s where we want to withdraw. And we want to, we want to get away from everybody.
Gavin Poulton 40:10
Perfect. So I wanted that out there so we can talk about this. So when you’re wanting to be out there and you’re wanting to be at your creative state, this is a fantastic time for those citrus oils. Boom, they’re getting the mood going. You’re You’re uplifting your mood, you’re feeling like part of pure happy is lime. Lime is that oil that you put on me? You’re like, I don’t need any mental fogginess today, I just need to go. Right. And it keeps you keeps you going. It’s just wonderful. I look at sometimes lime as an app. Just that really happy athlete just wants to, to be moving. And then there’s peppermint. Peppermint is like that coach with the whistle. That’s just like getting everybody on. Right. And peppermint. explanations are phenomenal. So peppermint is one you could do. And during that time, like I had a woman come in. And it’s interesting. I should have thought I should have thought to ask this. But I wasn’t dialed in. Let’s be real. She’s like, I love your pure happy. And then she tried our peppermint. She goes, this is pure happy. And I was like, okay, she’s like, I feel like I could go for hours. I was thinking in my head right now. Like, first two weeks. nodulation Congratulations, right. And so it’s just you can absolutely get that dialed in, in reference to your oils at that.
Dr. Mindy 41:27
Yeah, we can. Yeah. How old are your girls?
Gavin Poulton 41:30
I have toddlers and teenagers, which I think should be the title of a new podcast. But I have anywhere from three to 15. Okay, so
Dr. Mindy 41:39
is this? Are you rubbing it on the 15 year old when she gets a little snarky when her hormones are all over the place?
Gavin Poulton 41:47
Well, I will say this is interesting. It’s a great question, because this beautiful girl is my oldest and has special needs. And part of the reason that the Pioneer blend of pure embrace came because she started to cycle and she didn’t understand. And she came to me my wife, and she’s like, I don’t understand that I just hurt, right? Because she’s 15. But she’s really about half that age mentally. And I looked at her as a dad, I’m like, okay, sister, this is what dads do. Right? I’m gonna find a way to solve it. And they fix it. Yeah, yeah. And so I said, I’m going to create this oil for you. And she came to me, I said, How are you doing with the cramping? I’m good Dad, you know, kind of leans into me and. And that’s what I was looking for is I wanted something to help her. And then as Carrie, my absolutely stunning wife, we came together and she said, can you create one, it smells just great. And can get even deeper and be helpful for the masses. Because there’s female blends on the market. Right? There’s other female blends on the market. But this one, we wanted it to do a bit more. And the other thing I think I want to mention is intention can improve in oils, effectiveness, and even decrease it when we talk about energy. Right? So we seek to keep that intention pure when we formulate. And when we source oils, that we I think when we grasp the fact that when we look at the earth is our partner and not a servant. That is when we begin to experience a new level of wholeness, because we can be healed from something but not behold, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy 43:26
Yeah. And we’re so I mean, the more I studied the microbiome, the more convinced I am, that the biggest, the best way we can improve the health of humanity is to take care of our planet. Because we are meant to work in conjunction with a healthy environment. And the more we destroy that, the more we are setting ourselves up for a failure in health and maybe possible extinction. So yeah, I love that you’re not you said you were not a servant. To that to it. We are well, I think of us as a guest here on this planet, right?
Gavin Poulton 44:01
Yeah, we’re a partnership is has already created things to help us thrive and to enjoy being here and be our very best selves. Yeah. And I think that’s what oils do really well, because you’ll have a lot of people they’ll smell an oil and smell is very, it’s very individual, right? I can create a blend and someone will be like, I don’t like the smell that the other ones like, Oh my god, I love that. Right. So the early time of formulation, I was like, Okay, I’m working to make this what I feel is going to be effective. I have a blend called pure stability. And I was working with after the formulation of chemists and he said, cap, your petitgrain is strong in this. Or this excuse me, this was impure and brace. He said that the pedigree is really strong in this. And I said, Yeah, I know. And he said, I don’t like the smell of Pettit grain. I said, I appreciate that. But I love what petitgrain does. So petitgrain is that friend sometimes it comes into a group group of people in your life, I’m not so sure about them. But after getting to know them, you’re like, oh, man, so happy about petitgrain they’re here, let me accomplish so much, right? You’ve had friends like that, right? I don’t think you’re my jam. Yes, you’re all day my jam. But what petitgrain really is good at is helping us when we’re vulnerable. It’s a strong sense. It comes from the bitter orange tree, but it’s actually the aspect of twigs and aspects of the tree. And then Neroli is the flower Rolly is the second to last ingredient in pure embrace. And when petitgrain and Neroli are in something together, you create this safety net. And this ability to reach higher narrowly helps us to reach higher when you’re just sideswiped emotionally. It really helps you to come back to center Be who you need to be. And I think that’s one of the reasons I put it in pure embrace, as I saw Peri and postmenopausal women just going I don’t think they feel themselves right now. No, we don’t, right. My wife is fair enough. My wife’s 44, right. And so I’m not going to pretend like I have an experience of what a cycle is some people, some women can be listening right now going, who the heck is this guy? Right. And so that’s why I consult, we consulted so many women on this. Because I just said, Tell me more of what it does. And when we sent it out for testing with different individuals in the nation, one of them called and said gap, this can’t be something recycling because it helps with mood on a daily basis. Right. And so that’s when it became pure embrace, because I felt as I watched my daughter and my wife, those are the times you just, I just need to know I’m okay. And let’s move through but
Dr. Mindy 46:39
right. No, I think that can be tremendously helpful. And, you know, one of my cries about menopause is that the menopause, a woman doesn’t understand what she’s going through. I mean, I I spent my all my 40s trying to figure out what the heck was happening to me. And, and yet, and so if she doesn’t understand herself, her husband or partner is not going to understand her kids aren’t going to understand her. So it really is a education so that when those feelings come up, it’s very natural for us to look around us and go, Oh, well, I feel horrible, because my husband’s not acting a certain way, or my kids aren’t acting a certain way. But perhaps rubbing some pure embrace on us and then taking a step back and then seeing what we think of our partner and our children could be helpful.
Gavin Poulton 47:27
Sure, sure. I mean, it couldn’t be where power comes. Dr. Mindy is let’s say, I’ve had people come to me before and go, I don’t have pure embrace. I’m like, Okay, well, what are the oils impure embrace? Well, there’s clary sage, you have clary sage. Yeah, go for it, Sis, begin with what you have. Right? I think the concept here is not necessarily just the blend, but it’s just allow the oils to be I mean, you’re going to find I’m so excited for you. Because you’re going to find as you’re using more citrus, as you’re using, I love to go to the trees, right? I go to the trees when I’m experiencing great stress, and like balsam for Siberian for even a cool paver. And what they do is they just ground me, and I just, I’m okay, I’m good to go. So every oil is going to have a minimum of two or three things that it does well for the bottom for different body systems.
Dr. Mindy 48:20
I think you should have called pure embrace marriage Sabre.
Gavin Poulton 48:25
Labels read on
Dr. Mindy 48:29
the saying I did see on the website, it said, A girlfriend’s best friend or something like that. What I was like, Oh, I haven’t tried that one. Which, which leads me to my next question. You know, you can listen like I’m our he sent me a bunch and I as soon as we’re done, I’m going to go run some pure embrace on me, but I just put some pure happy on me. So can you put too many things at the same time? Can you overdo the
Gavin Poulton 48:52
oils? That’s why I don’t have the hair I have, right. And so the lack of it, no, no, you can’t you can, but that has nothing to do with my hair, right? I’ve had people ask me all the time. Can you make a hair restoring? And I’m like, Yeah, sure. But I like the way I am. The maintenance is absolutely amazing. I know.
Dr. Mindy 49:09
Yes. nVs
Gavin Poulton 49:12
can have too much oil. And so you’re really it’s gonna be different. So for example, my itty bitty Porsche, right, she speaks her own language called Portuguese. And she just kind of does her thing. She’s so wonderful. She can’t handle as many oils as my five year old, huh? Right. So I noticed you just so what I’m suggesting is it’s not that you can’t use six drops of pure happy. It’s when you begin using oils, you need to use very little to see where you’re at. Right. So you could use a teaspoon of carrier oil and a few drops of oil and then putting on and see how you do other companies out there will talk about neat and neat means no carrier is needed. At the same time. I don’t I don’t preach neat unless you’re in a situation. You don’t have a lot of carriers So and that’s okay too, but you just got to make sure there are whales that that can be that and so, yeah, can you use too much? You bet. But you’ve had it on for the last hour. I feel great. Yeah. So you’re okay to start with. I’m gonna leave this podcast interview and go put some pure embrace on me. Very excited. Very, very cool. Different blends though, right? Once highly floral florals get as deep into emotion. Right? were pure happies. Like, let’s do this, right? Yes. The one we create right now. Perfect. When I see you’re happy. I want people just to go. Ooh. And the first person I came to see who I liked that I went, mission accomplished. It’s ready to fall smell that was the goal. And so not to drink our own Kool Aid. But just those are what I’m talking about. When we say personalities, I want this personality or the personality of the of the oil to come and say, hey, let’s go. Let’s do gas. Right.
Dr. Mindy 50:58
So here’s the other thought I have How can we use these oils for fasting? And we have two major hurdles with fasting. One is hunger. It seems like that would be the most obvious thing that people and then the second is how can I bring my blood sugar down? So I’m already thinking about the liver one for when people are fasting to rub on the liver to help with management of blood sugar? Is Do you have another blend that might help fasters with hunger or metabolism?
Gavin Poulton 51:26
If we go specifically? That’s a great question. I’ve been asked to gaff can you create one specific to metabolism, and we’re looking at that. And it’s not that we can’t we are a company we run pretty lean. And until the markets asked me a lot, I’m not going to create that. Now you asking that question? Could be enough for us to do that. Because I’ve already in my head, like started forming. The joke in our family is if something’s out of hand, Dad will say hey, do you wanna go spell something? Right? Like, that’s the job. Or she was crying. And of course, let’s go spell something and she’s not. So in reference to fasting grapefruit is one that can be just by smelling it can be helpful in curbing part of the appetite. Okay, so that’s been proven. There’s research on that, right?
Dr. Mindy 52:11
You have great food. Okay, we’ve just got a single blend, or is it a boil single layer? Okay. Yeah,
Gavin Poulton 52:18
we just fact I just got a new wonderful source of that this last week. And it’s someone said, Can I just eat this? Yeah, okay. But I suggest multiple ways. Citrus, citrus, they can be photo sensitive, right. So be careful playing out in the sun for a long time after you put some citrus. But yeah, even great fruit in the system and your water, restaurant oils, grapefruit can be great cleansing, it’s going to cleanse the liver. It’s going to help from a metabolic standpoint, because citrus also in general are lymphatics they help in stimulating and helping cleanse the lymphatic system. Now let’s go back to your question of blood sugars. There are a few different oils that can be helpful for that pure defense is one of our immune blends, but it does multiple things because it has cinnamon and cinnamon can be very helpful. Cinnamon in and of itself can create some levels of allergic reactions for a lot of people because it has what we call a lot of cinnamaldehyde. And it’s very sensitive. There are oils that are very hot to the skin, cinnamon time clove, oregano, right kaseya, which is another type of cinnamon. But cinnamon can be good. Ginger can be good, which is a single oil. Right? So these are things that can be very helpful and just great for lectures in general. And there’s even
Dr. Mindy 53:34
Well, we have about a half a million people worldwide. Do you ship Do you ship to other countries because I am curious if we can experiment with this. This is the power of our resetter group is that we’re fasting together every month we take a five day period and we’ve experimented with a lot of different things. So I’m curious if we could use grapefruit or one of the blends to see it might even be pure happy so you just keep your you know you keep your cortisol down throughout your fast right I you really have me fascinated to experiment with my group with this.
Gavin Poulton 54:10
So I will say it’s interesting even going back to clarity Sage I was reading a study just some time ago and reference to it was a group of different ones about 24 women smelling clary sage increased serotonin and lower cortisol, right. So that’s what a lot of when you’re talking about an essential oil, they many of them have that capacity to lower that cortisol level like pure stability and blend we haven’t talked about part of the reason why I built that because just even hearing a notification on your phone increases cortisol right? And so if you can have a moment to just smell and breathe and come down, that’s the goal. And that’s amazing. So yeah,
Dr. Mindy 54:52
and what about kids? I have a whole section on kids and can use it on babies like how what what do we need to know about using these oils on our younger
Gavin Poulton 55:02
folk, it all comes back to dilution. Right? So let’s talk about babies and older individuals. And some don’t get offended when I say older in reference to age. Yeah, what I’m all I’m suggesting is is, is how clean the blood is. Right? So it’s when someone’s very young, their blood is very clean, they don’t need a lot of oil. Okay, and someone’s older their, let’s say, and please know, this is just a reference to science, right? 55 years and older, I don’t consider 55 old. In fact, I’m 41. So 70, it just keeps going up the older I get. But in reference to science
Dr. Mindy 55:37
50 is the new 20. I’ll tell you,
Unknown Speaker 55:40
you nailed it. And I am here to declare It’s the new 20
Gavin Poulton 55:46
truth, we just dropped it. So I’m an infant. So that’s good.
So as we get older, our blood is less clean. So what happens is when you use an oil, your body wants to cleanse and oil wants to cleanse. And so what I’m saying is you’ll have more of a moving experience, and you’re going to go to the bathroom more. Right? The older you get, the more you may need to go to the bathroom because it’s wanting to cleanse. And so that’s one of the challenges. So when we talk about babies, we’re talking about very, very little when we’re talking I’m talking, you know, two tables, or two drops of oil per tablespoon of carrier. Okay, in that bottle. And so when they get they’re getting majority of that carrier or what we would call it 2% dilution would be per 200 drops of oil or carrier, whatever it is of carrier, then you put four drops of oil. So a 10 mil bottle, which is what we use, mostly, you would add basically four drops of an oil to that size.
Dr. Mindy 56:47
Okay, and so they would they would drink it
Unknown Speaker 56:50
I could I just put it on there. You wouldn’t do it on a with a with a baby. You would not do anything internal.
Dr. Mindy 56:55
Okay, so it’d be so what if I have like a fussy baby that’s not going to sleep? Can I rebel? Oh, yeah, yeah. Or just maybe they’re teething. They’re just not sleeping? Well? Is there something I can rub on their belly
Gavin Poulton 57:08
or bet so let’s talk about that. Lavender is a great one. Okay, right lavender is fantastic Roman camomile Roman count. So wrong count while I love is similar to lavender and its ability to bring down the stress and discomfort because lavender is an analgesic, rolling cow miles an analgesic. But the thing here is Roman cow just gets even deeper, it’s a much more expensive oil, it’s harder to get. So think of an essential oil is the lifeblood of the plant. Some plants don’t like to get their lifeblood, right. Whereas the citrus you can get way more out of the out of the the peel than you’re going to get from like it takes 30 roses for one drop of oil. Okay, right, wow. So, roaming count mile could go even right here, when we’re talking about teething, because it’s going to go through the tissues. Remember, even that brain that you talked about 10 years ago, you’re like, you’re not gonna put this on the skin and have an experience. It’s possible because that molecule is going to go through there or as you’re working here in the gut, we know that’s the center of basically everything. You put the lavender or Roman camera there, like our littlest for body loves Roman kanima. And loves a combination with red Mandarin. And Roma can why when she’s struggling to digest, right, so let’s talk about what if you have a stopped up little one? Yeah, that’s where you can go a little bit of red Mandarin, a little bit of Roman chamomile. And that can help that peristaltic movement begin that process
Dr. Mindy 58:35
work. Amazing. Okay, so how do people you know, if they’re listening to this, and I’m even fascinated, now you’ve taken essential oil knowledge to a whole nother gap for me. So I appreciate that. And I can’t wait to go dive into more of the samples that you sent me. So what if I want to learn more about like, which oil does what can I go to your website? Or do I start with the blends? How do I get into this.
Gavin Poulton 59:00
So on the site, restore hope oils calm, I break down a lot of the blends into Katie’s or the oils that are in it. And this is some of what they do. And then I’ll break down just a little bit of what the singles do. But what I would do is get on our VIP list or email list as three times a week we’ll send out like the one one of the last ones I sent was I just went on what’s called a high adventure trip with a bunch of young men for hiking, a 26 mile bike ride and a 10 mile canoeing trip on a three day period. And they got ticks. Right, so I show the story of what do we how do we use peppermint and the ticks come right off. Right? So it’s it’s very applicable to Hey, this is how you can use this in your life. And then just my experience of life and let’s talk about these oils. So one of the emails I talked about taking breathing with a kung fu master, or the oils that can improve breathing like you ask the question, can this help the cycle in the month? Yeah, each one has its capacity for that. So just join the VIP email list. We’ll be glad
Dr. Mindy 59:58
to do that. And we will leave the link guys in the in the show notes. I’m sure it’s on your website, but we’ll make it even easier and leave the link in. So, okay, I’m gonna finish up with five questions that some of these we ask every, every guest, some of them are unique to you. So and I think I may know already the answer to the first one, but I’m gonna throw it out there anyways, if you could only pick one oil, you said you if you had to take three oils on an island with you, if you could only pick one. What would it be?
Unknown Speaker 1:00:27
So choosing your kids? Doesn’t work in my world? Right? Okay, okay, I’ll give you three because we want people to have I want people to know what like the top ones are for you. Okay, so for me, that would be a copaiba. That would be either a lavender or a Roman cameyo.
Gavin Poulton 1:00:48
That’s two, I’m sorry, I’m not sticking to your grounds. And then the third could be like a Helichrysum, if we’re talking singles, so I’m assuming I don’t know if that question is,
Dr. Mindy 1:00:57
yeah, what about blend? Do you have a favorite blend?
Gavin Poulton 1:01:00
Oh, yeah, pure stability is one because it just immediately emotionally if you’re, if someone’s struggling if I’m struggling with just general anxiousness. It’s a great one to reset right. not specific to the hormone system, but ridiculous, specific redistrict ridiculously specific to cellular health and the emotions. And I really love forest air because I’m a tree guy. Okay, for soils that are a balsam fir, Siberian fir opens the respiratory system, gets our brain going. And then pure defense.
Dr. Mindy 1:01:29
Do you know, I interviewed Dr. Austin Perlmutter. And he has his dad is David Perlmutter, who wrote brain brain and, and they just wrote a book together called brainwash, and he launched into this whole discussion about when you’re out in nature, that there are certain aspects of nature that bring cortisol down. And one of those aspects is the smell of nature, that just going out and smelling the forest will actually bring cortisol down. Now, if you’ve done that in a little bottle, right, you don’t have to go find the woods, you can stay in your office and smell it.
Gavin Poulton 1:02:06
That’s what I wanted. Because there’s a lot of respiratory blends. I was like, I don’t want to smell a medicine cabinet. I want to smell the forest. Yeah. And so I wanted I was like, I’m not always out. So that’s why I put I love conifers. conifers are really good at pulling mucus out of the lungs and grounding us and just helping us be okay.
Dr. Mindy 1:02:28
Okay, now a non oil question for you. We we are
Gavin Poulton 1:02:31
creating, don’t ask me who my favorite child is. I’m not doing that.
Dr. Mindy 1:02:34
That’s the one talking about your kids anymore. If we’re creating a book list of all of our guests, so is there a book that you were like that changed my life or everybody needs to read this book, something that really impacted you in a positive way?
Gavin Poulton 1:02:49
This is probably not the answer you’re looking for. But I’m going to tell you why. So I’m going to say spiritual texts, scriptural texts are that for me, and here’s the reason why. Because when I feel peace, I feel clarity. When I have clarity, I’m more inspired. And when I’m inspired, I’m motivated. Yeah, that’s really true. For me, that is scriptural texts in general. So I apologize. I’m not answering your questions, man. I know you want
Dr. Mindy 1:03:18
your answer. So everybody gets to gets to say their own answer. So Sure. And believe it or not, I haven’t had anybody say that yet. We’ve had some fiction, we’ve had some nonfiction, but our goal at the end of this season is to put a book list together, so we’ll add it to the list. Perfect. Okay, now I’m back to an oil question. Okay. So you’re the president of a hospital. And you want to integrate oils into everybody’s treatment plan? How do you see going about that? Is it symptom related? Is it condition related? Is that even possible?
Gavin Poulton 1:03:52
So if we think about the top 10, highest or death, not death rates, but what causes death? If you look at the majority of those, in some way, stress is related. So I would use he said, think about heart disease, really, I mean, obviously, there’s a nutritional piece, but it’s also a stress piece. Hmm. And so there’s, there’s two camps, I’m thinking about if you’re wanting to purify the air and allow that to happen, look at some citrus oils or some time, right? If I’m looking at lowering stress levels, I would do a combination of citrus oils with some florals,
Unknown Speaker 1:04:33
right like and diffuse it in the trim into the air. Right, really,
Gavin Poulton 1:04:38
there have been studies that have been done in reference to that in ers and that thing that they’ve done studies where it’s just dropped stress like crazy. So citrus is great with really lemonade, so
Dr. Mindy 1:04:49
yeah, we do it in our clinic. We always have oils diffusing all the time. So and it’s really interesting. When you walk in there, it’s like, I always joke because my team puts it out and puts it out and I walk in And some days I’m like, whoa, oh my god, what do we what are we smelling? and other days? I’m like, I hate that smell. Can you make it go away like now? So, today? Right, exactly who was that? lemongrass lemongrass is a smell I do not like, Okay, what does that say about me?
Gavin Poulton 1:05:18
That says that you don’t like lemongrass. lemongrass. lemongrass, I will say is like I had somebody come over in the community to our home, they’re like, I need two bottles of lemongrass, I’m going to give it to this person. lemongrass is a phenomenal cleanser, if someone is stocked up or a little on that topical, err on the abdomen, but at the same time, Beware if you have if someone experiences fibromyalgia, because lemongrass lights up the nerves in the entire body, because it increases communication. But over stimulates me it does. That’s what happened. So what happens is these, these nerves and Fibromyalgia are really struggling. And when you give them a shot, it’s like, whoa. And so that’s the only caution I have with lemongrass. Other than that, what a fantastic oil. Wonderful. And for those that don’t like the smell, move on to another Right,
Dr. Mindy 1:06:10
right. Yeah, well, I just come back into my room and now. Now I’m gonna have pure embrace going in here. I like it. I’ve learned from this. You’re good? Yeah. Okay, what is one health habit that you do every day that you would never give up? it? Is your grout outside of oils. I mean, I guess you could say oils, but something else that you do that really grounds you
Gavin Poulton 1:06:31
taking time to breathe?
Dr. Mindy 1:06:35
Do you know that everybody answers that that’s like, like, 70% of my guests say that. So So tell us what that means for you.
Gavin Poulton 1:06:42
The fastest way to change your state is breathing. And the one next to it is essential oil. So I know you said not with essential oils. And I’m sorry. But even know but even if I won’t use oils on some days. But think about it. breath is life. And when we take the time to allow life into us, and I will sometimes I will depending on what’s happening for the day, I will envision words write in with love out with fear in with hope out with fear. And so I will make it personal to me in reference to the words because the words have as much energy as an oil does. And so as we’re wise in the words that we use, and what we allow into us, to me, that’s helpful. It’s amazing.
Dr. Mindy 1:07:31
Amazing. I’ve learned so much. Okay. My last question, if you had one message for the world that you could get into everybody’s brain and their hearts, what would what would that message be?
Gavin Poulton 1:07:42
Your value is not determined on what you accomplish in a day, it was determined long before you just you are enough. And especially because I have a household of girls. I just you are enough the way you are And just be.
Dr. Mindy 1:08:00
Hey, resellers, I just want to start off by saying thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews. And those of you that have left me comments on iTunes. I just greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and how much you guys are enjoying these episodes. And it seems like you’re enjoying them as much as I am enjoying doing them. One of the things that I’ve learned in just interacting with so many people is that we’ve really lost the art of deep conversations. And for me, the reseller podcast stands for having meaningful conversations with people who are thinking about health, about life about mindset in a way that we may not be getting on social media or in mainstream media. And so I just want to say give you guys a shout out and just say thank you for participating in this process with me. Because as much as I absolutely love delivering the information to you, I love even more knowing that it’s impacting your life. So please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make this podcast more customized to you to make it better. We are now officially in season two. And we are working to bring you the best conversations that health influencers have that mindset changers can give and to really deliver you something that you’re not able to get anywhere else. So from the bottom of my heart, as I always say my YouTube from the bottom of my heart. I am deeply appreciative of you. I am deeply grateful to be on this journey with you and let’s get healthy together.
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- Book: Brain Wash
- Email: gav@restorehopeoils.net
Loved this…I have used oils for over 30 years and I love the different perspective that opens me up to new oils and gets me out of my oil rut
I would like to caution the use of peppermint oil for removing ticks. The oils causes a shock to the tick and makes it regurgitate before it turns loose and that causes all the toxins to go into your body which is what we want to avoid, the safest tick remover is still one of those little tick removing instuments. Oils, on the other hand are great for applying BEFORE going into the woods to avoid all beasties
What oils for kidney problems
which two essential oils are required to detoxify the liver please ?
thank you