“We Are Awareness”
In this podcast, we cover:
- How to awaken our oneness when we meditate
- The ways we can meditate properly
- About the human body’s ability to self-heal
- Why we should build a community of love and compassion
- How to strengthen our immune systems
- Why avoiding the news will make us healthier
When We Meditate, We Are Mind Fasting
When we meditate, we are fasting the mind of thoughts. During meditation, the debris, the toxicity, the toxic thoughts, and the emotions come to the surface to be released. Similarly, when you fast from food, you remove toxins, release undigested food, and release things that are no longer necessary for the body. Well, meditation is mind fasting. It has an aspect of connecting with the divine presence within one. When you meditate, you step out of your present paradigm and see reality from a more expanded perspective. However, meditation also carries with it the elimination of thoughts and perceptions. Unfortunately, past experiences hinder our perception of seeing what is real. This is why meditation will be a critical to habit to adopt.
Your Body Is Your Pharmacy During Covid
Your body is its own pharmacy. For instance, when you go into fear, your body will produce cortisol. Over time, it will deplete your immune system. When you go into joy and happiness by serving others and praying for others, positive chemicals flow throughout your body. Plus, when you meditate, those happy chemicals will flow through you as well. What people don’t talk about is how our bodies should be responding to Covid. There is no pandemic, what we are experiencing is an endemic. Endemic is an infection of a disease or condition regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. In America, the population is very sick. Mainly, because of the rise of fast foods. Covid revealed everything we need to know about the endemic happening in the American population.
Working On Love
Love is everywhere – the muscle that we’re creating is the willingness to allow love to flow through us. Even when we don’t feel like it, it’s easy to hang around your family. It’s easy to be around the people that you like. Also, it’s easy to love the people that you like. However, we have to become strong enough to let the love flow. One way to practice love is to meditate. In addition, when we consider the people that we disagree with, that’s where the work is. We need to teach people how to love their neighbors. In order to do this, we must seek to build communities from the awareness of love, not from self-righteousness. Significant changes in society do not come from politics. Instead, substantial changes in society come from what’s trending among people.
Are You A Reactor Or A Responder?
When you throw junk food in your body, it’s turning to sugar. When you drink alcohol, it turns to sugar, you lose coherence in your thinking, and the brain’s hemispheres don’t talk to each other anymore. When drinking, you think you’re thinking, but there’s no real coherence there. Under the influence of alcohol, your deep wisdom and intuition will no longer work. Under these circumstances, you’re living as a reactor instead of a responder. When we react, it is a waste of our infinite potential. Humans have endless potential; all of us do. Sadly, people are only using a little bit of their potential because we spend most of our lives reacting to something outside of ourselves. When someone loves to hate, they are churning out toxic chemicals. Unfortunately, they’re addicted to these chemicals. Instead, we have to rewire the brain; we have to live with things and love them for real.
Why Community Is Important For Spiritual Growth
One of the things that Michael has taught over the years is that a spiritual community grants you immunity from the lower frequencies of life. So you have to become conscious as to who you’re talking to every single day. What kind of people are in an excellent spiritual community? Do you have a group of people you can talk to who want to stay elevated and stay out of fear? When you go into fear, you need a group of people you can call and say, “Hey, I fell down the rabbit hole today,” and they can help pull you out.
In addition, a good, uplifting spiritual community grants you immunity from the lower frequencies. Your self-talk and how you speak with each other have to be of a much higher frequency. Every day, you need to listen to something that is going to inspire you. Also, go outside and put your feet on the ground. It will disperse energy from the bottom of your feet to the earth, which will allow you to ground yourself. Plus, grounding yourself is excellent for your immune system!
Dirt Can Strengthen Your Immune System
If you stay inside regularly, you’re not getting any new microbes in your nostrils or on your hands. Then, your immune system goes to sleep. You don’t want so much sanitation that you put your immune system to sleep. Especially during the pandemic, people should be out in their gardens getting their hands and feet literally dirty. Plus, the sunshine is an excellent added benefit. You want your whole immune system to benefit from the experience. Sadly, people are trying to do the opposite. They are over-sanitizing to the point where the immune system is no longer needed. We have this beautiful genius of a body that can heal anything; we just need to let it do its job.
Michael Beckwith 0:00
Don’t allow the stress of the world to become to become this stress within me.
Dr. Mindy 0:08
I am a woman on a mission that is dedicated to teaching you just how powerful your body was built to be. I like to do that by bringing you the latest science, the greatest thought leaders and applicable steps that help you tap into your own internal healing power. The purpose of this podcast is to give you the power back and help you believe in yourself again, my name is Dr. Mindy Pels, and I want to thank you for spending part of your day with me.
Hello, re setters Have I got a treat for you in this episode. So this is the second of our thought leader series. And I am bringing you the incredible mind the incredible heart of Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith. And now if you’re not familiar with Michael Beckwith, let me tell you a little bit about the impact this man has made on our world. He is the founder and spiritual director of a gap a international spiritual church. It’s a worldwide community you can actually access his his sermons on Saturday morning, his teachings online. This man is on a mission. And not only is he a sought after meditation teacher, conference speaker and seminar leader, but he has addressed audiences as large and as prestigious as the UN General Assembly. He has has a TEDx talk. He’s been on Oprah’s super soul Sunday. He’s been on Larry King Live dr. oz he has an incredible PBS special called The answer is you. And he is a member of Oprah’s esteemed inaugural super soul 100. So as you will hear in this episode, he is got some of the most precise wisdom. And what I mean by that is one of the reasons I wanted to do this thought leader series is because I wanted to lean into the wisdom of some of these incredible deep thinkers. And what you will hear in Reverend Michaels chat with me Is he has some incredible one liners that will will make you think like, Whoa, I hadn’t approached it from this angle. And when I started off the conversation with Reverend michael i, we talked quite a bit about the moment of we are in right now as a human race. And and I really wanted him to give us some wisdom that will elevate us to a place out of fear, move us into a place of love and hope, give us something to focus on other than the news, and the scary statistics of the current or the current world we’re living in. And boy, did he expect or exceed my expectations of what his wisdom could do not only for my own mindset, but my team as they listen to this podcast ahead of time, we’re blown away, and I have no doubt you’re gonna be blown away, as well. So if you’re feeling blue, if you’re needing to move into hope and love, this is the episode for you. And as always, you guys, if this episode moves, you share it with somebody right now we are in a state of fear and negativity. And as you will learn in this episode, there are other frequencies we can tap into. There are other thought patterns we can tap into. And Reverend Michael is going to show us how. So if you love what you’re hearing here, please share it out into the world. You also can take his online classes you can tap into his a got a church online, so if you resonate with what you hear here, please go and immerse yourself in his teachings because they will make your life feel and look and operate at a whole nother level. So excited to share Reverend Michael Beckwith here with you. This was one of my favorites. Let’s talk about sleep hacks. So I want to bring to your guys attention a new product I’ve been using to wind myself down. It’s called gold tea it’s put out by Organa phi. And what I love about this is I just put a scoop and some warm water add a little bit of cream and really quickly like within an hour I can feel my whole Nervous System start to relax. It’s become part of my protocols for getting a great night’s sleep. I can even see the results the next morning on my whoop bat. So if you’re looking for better tools to get a great night’s sleep, check out Organa phi their gold tea you can go to Organa phi.com backslash pills and they will give you 15 percent off. Well, let me give you a little bit other than just wanting to lean into your wisdom at this time in human history, I really want to give you a little bit of a background in my following. We have about a half a million people all over the world that fast together every month, so many. Yeah, we do five days, and we do different fasts. So you really lean into all different types, I’ve really dove into the science of topology and and how the body repairs itself while it’s fasting. And so, as a worldwide community, we really teach the principles to people. And what I love about fasting is that people get the opportunity to really understand how wise their body was designed to be. And I was last summer watching your Sunday service. And I think it was in August that you said, You started to talk about spiritual fasting and how we need to start to fast for more than just you talked about food. But you also talked about fasting from the news and fasting from the fear. So I really want to bring that discussion back and have some some deeper context with that. Give us you know, right now we’re uniting the world, my group through through physical fasting. But I feel like the world could unite through spiritual fasting, there’s it there’s a way for us to come together using that principle. And I’d love to hear your wisdom, I’ll
Michael Beckwith 6:37
be glad. I’ll be glad to first of all, when I think about fasting, I wouldn’t one of my names for meditation is mind fasting, in which we are not trying to get content into the mind when becoming still enough. So that so that the debris, the toxicity, the toxic thoughts, the emotions come to the surface to be released, just as what happens in when you fast from food, you know, you release toxins, you release undigested food, you release things that are no longer necessary for the body. Well, meditation is mind fasting, as another way of looking at it. Of course, it has its aspect of connecting with the divine presence within one, it has its aspects of really stepping out of our present paradigm and seeing reality from a more expanded point of view. But meditation also carries with it the the elimination of thoughts and perceptions and interpretation of past experiences, that hinder our perception from seeing that which is real. I often say that peace and love and harmony and wholeness. those qualities are everywhere, except where it’s being suppressed by limited perception. So in mind fasting, you’re cleansing the perceptual windows, so that you can see clearly again, so when you combine that with fasting, you know, physical fasting, the perceptual windows become very, very crystal clear. And you notice that you haven’t been experiencing reality. You’ve only been experiencing your thoughts about reality. But with fasting, you actually have direct contact with that, which is real. And that’s changes your life forever. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 8:33
Yeah, I do. I do.
Michael Beckwith 8:34
I do, as I used to fast, quite severely, and I shouldn’t use the word severely, but I would do seven day fast, I would do 21 day fast, 40 day fast. You know, over the years, I’ve been faster. And now that I’m speaking to you, I just got re inspired to do that again. But generally speaking, I’ll take a day like a Monday or a day where I don’t have a lot of activity, and that would be my fast day. But yeah, just being in this conversation with you now is reigniting and I was already thinking about it anyway, that I needed to do a good fast. So having a conversation with you is reigniting that, that awareness. And it’s time for that it’s time for good. housecleaning. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy 9:20
Yeah. Well, and and again, what and I’m happy to help you through that process. It’s amazing when what we’re seeing I mean, hundreds of 1000s of people that are healing themselves, they’re like that the wisdom of their body is healing them there. There is nothing going in from the outside. And when I parallel that to what the world is going through right now, the outs when you talk about the perceptions that we’re taking on of reality, and how fasting can end mind fasting can remove that. We are living in this time of so much fear, so much anger, so much misery. information was one of the things I wanted to bring you on to help elevate the conversation. How do we write just like we need to rise above the junk food that we put in our body? How do we rise above the junk information that is destroying our minds? He
Michael Beckwith 10:19
said, he said a couple of things. First, I want to comment on what you said about the body healing itself, the body’s genius. You know, this body temple is a magnificent expression of wisdom and intelligence, and it will heal itself. If in fact, you eliminate the toxins and put in the living energy that that is necessary. Oftentimes, as we know, people are going into the, into the doctors and things of that particular nature. But they’re not participating in any kind of healing, they’re participating in the management of pain, or symptoms are disease, but they’re not allowing the body to heal. So when you say, you talk about the brilliance and the magnificent of the magnificent body, temple, I’ve seen it, you know, I’ve seen people come back from debilitating diseases, and when the darkness had given up hope, and as working with them, and watching the body heal itself, so that’s absolutely true. And I, I’ve seen it, I’ve seen the evidence of that. And in terms of perception, in terms of mind fasting, you know, people have to realize, for instance, when you look at the news, I call them, it’s not really news. It’s really, it’s really the regurgitation of a certain thought form that’s repeated every single day, the lowest common denominator, the human experience, the next thing to be afraid of, and it’s repeated two or three times a day, you’ll get a new cycle, early in the afternoon, it repeats early evening, it repeats at night. And it almost appears that there’s no new news happening between those times, because they just repeat it. But people need to understand that what they’re looking at when they’re looking at that. They’re looking at a narrow band of reality, it’s not reality. It’s just a narrow band that’s fraught with opinion and points of view. malicious hypnotism, mind control of subliminal information to make people worried. I’m talking about corporate sponsor media, in a lot of the corporations that sponsor that, of course, are pharmaceuticals. So people get nervous and anxious. And then a pharmaceutical commercial comes on, that’s not a coincidence, in order to mitigate the anxiety, or the worry, so people, first of all understand that that’s not news. And that’s a limb and it’s just a small fraction of that which is real, and a small fraction of that which is happening on the planet. We look at the news differently. The way I look at the news, and the way I teach the folks at a golf a is that when you look at that, that’s really a prayer request from a sick society. It’s not the news. It’s a diagnosis. It’s just like, go to the doctor. If your doctor tells you, you have something wrong with you, and you tell a good friend, the friend would take that news and perhaps pray for you, or perhaps gives you some information that’ll help you. So we look at the news, we’re not to take that in as Oh my god, this is real. We should take that in as the society is sick. It’s run amok with fear and worry, anxiety about viruses, anxiety, about hate anxieties about economics and jobs. You know, so the society is going through a period of sickness toxicity, we don’t leap in there and experience that with with the news. We actually look at it and frame it as this is what I need to hold in prayer. So every time he comes to us, we have a challenge to stay
Unknown Speaker 13:59
Michael Beckwith 14:00
expanded, affirmative, and prayerful. And what’s happening on the planet gives us a lot of practice, to stay up and expanded and prayerful. And so I think people have been hypnotized into actually thinking that we’re looking at is real. They have gotten that those individuals that are reporting 90% of them are actors. They haven’t done any research. They’re just receiving the information that they’re to display as a reporter. It’s not like years ago, we actually had the reporters doing the research and then coming back and say, This is what I found. Now, most of those people are just actors. They just read what they’re allowed to say. They can’t even say their own opinion to or they’re overly opinionated based on whatever station you’re watching. And so people begin to look at it like that. They won’t be pulled down in the rap. The whole of the malicious hypnotism that brings about fear because fear is the most potent mind virus fear is the most debilitating virus we’re dealing with. It’s It’s It’s more debilitating than Coronavirus. It’s more debilitating than SARS is more debilitating than any virus that comes in mutates, we’ve been dealing with viruses for 1000s of years. You know this, this is nothing new, you know? Yep. So fear is really the most potent virus in the news, which I call the O’s foam. It’s that kind of fear. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy 15:38
Yeah. And, and yet, if we, if you think about the typical person sitting in their home, they’ve been told to stay indoors. And they’re watching the news. I love this, reframing it as this is where prayer needs to put our attention on. But there’s this last year, there’s been such a huge impact on what people are perceiving as their freedom. And yet, freedom from what I’ve learned from you, over the years of listening to you, and attending revelations and listening to my mom has learned from you is that freedom is you starts in your mind, it doesn’t start in your physical place. So help us if let’s put ourselves in the shoes of that person who feels stuck. Yeah, how do we give them freedom back
Michael Beckwith 16:30
freedom, as you indicating is intrinsic to us. It’s been given to us, as we were as we emerge from the eternal, and it’s a state of awareness that one gets through being interested in it. First, there must be interest. And then there must be the belief that freedom is their belief that it creates a level of practice, affirmative prayer, meditation, study conversations with high minded people, podcasts such as this, and freedom then begins to be activated. And then you begin to discover that no one can steal this expanded space, the world can’t take it, the world cat, just the world didn’t give it to you, the world can’t take it away from you. And you start to live in an expanded state of freedom. Now, what are the ramifications of that? The wisdom, the guidance in the direction that’s always flowing, you begin to hear it in a language in a way that you can understand. And then you are guided to do and to be what is necessary for your safety, your protection, your peace, and your well being. They use the word quarantine, quarantine is not really the right word, because you quarantine people who are sick, you don’t corn to people who are healthful, healthy, what we’re really facing is more like a house arrest. You know, it’s not like a quarantine. And it’s not really safer at home. because ever since they put the nation under house arrest, there’s been more suicides, there’s been more alcoholism, there’s there’s been more pharmaceutical usage, it’s been it’s been more depression, there’s been more sickness, because people’s immune system is not activated, because they’re staying house all day. So so so the the language of safer at home is actually a lie. You know, no one’s safer at home. However, you can be safe in your home, if you have your intrinsic freedom activated, you know, and again, the virus of fear must be dissolved. And you must have an intention and a belief, an intention to be free of belief that freedom is within you. And you must have some kind of practice, some kind of self talk, as some kind of practice where your self talk is bigger than the talk you’re getting from the world. In other words, you’re not trying to convince the world of anything. You’re convincing yourself that you are safe, that your life has meaning that that you’re free. And then I you know, for me the past year, I haven’t experienced any kind of quarantine or any added experience any of that. It’s you know, I’ve stayed at home, obviously more, you know, but this is more time to meditate. It’s more time to study. It has been more time for me to hang with my family. My my son is overjoyed. My daughter is overjoyed because they get to see their dad more often. You know, I still go where I want to go, I do what I want to do. And I’m not since I am not interested in disease, diseases and interested in me, you see, and you experienced what you’re interested in. If you remember, Shakespeare’s powerful statement that a coward dies 1000 deaths, meaning whatever you’re afraid of. You create all kinds of scenarios within your mind. Have you experienced those scenarios, even if those scenarios don’t even come true, you live them the carpet is dying 1000
times, you know, so I’m not interested in all that I’m interested in peace, I’m interested in love, I’m interested in safety, I’m interested in wellness, I’m interested in well being. And that’s what my experience has been. I just got my lapse back from my medical doctor, I needed to do a full makeup, because of an up leveling of insurance for for God Bay. And he went down, he says, you know, your prostate, like a 20 year old, you know, you have no concept cancer markers in any of these sections here. You know, he just went down this list, he said, you know, your, your body temple is the body Temple of a very young man, you know, and my testosterone was off the chart, you know, and, and I cannot live a certain way, I think a certain way, I eat a certain way I exercise a certain way. And I don’t allow the stress of the world to become to become this stress within me. And I’m not a special person. I don’t think there are special people, I think there are people who specialize. You know, if you specialize in playing the piano, you’ll learn how to play the piano. It’s not a special person that’s playing the piano, or the saxophone, you know, you learn you, you have a very powerful skill, as a chiropractor, you had to study, you had to practice you specialized, so that you can assist people back to a level of wholeness. Somebody else can’t do that. Because they haven’t specialized in that, you see. So I’m not a spiritual person, but I have a level of practice that keeps me interested in wholeness. I’m not interested in disease, I have no interested in whatsoever, doesn’t mean I’m ill informed. I’m definitely informed. But I’m not informed to the degree that I’m going to succumb to fear about it. I’m going to come to proper hydration, proper supplement, supplement capitation with vitamin D, and C, and Zane in system begins, I know what to do. Right? I’m gonna, I’m gonna live that in, you know, I’ve had to test over the last week, both negative, I had to fly out of the country, negative going in negative coming out negative coming into LA, you know, I have no interest in it. And so my body reveals what I’m interested in. And so that’s what I implore people to do. get interested in your health. get interested in the genius of your body. get interested in your mind, get interested in what you say to yourself. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy 22:43
Do you ever? Do you ever get doubt I had this this moment, because the one thing I’ve been so grateful for over the last year is my belief in the human body. Because I I’m really resonating with what you’re saying, like I have days where I go, oh, we’re in a pandemic, I forgot. Like, cuz I’m the same way I move around the world without fear. And then I have moments where something gets me wrong. And all of a sudden I start thinking, and I was saying, you know, my parents that I was saying something to my 84 year old dad one day about like, okay, should we be testing What should we be doing? And he stopped me, he looked at me and he said, I’m not fearful about it. So why would you be fearful about it? And he said the same thing you just said he goes, I’m This is not my my infection to die from right. So that so then we actually went and ran his his vitamin D. So check this out at 84 years old, the man has a vitamin D level of 48, which is high. Yeah. Yeah, he doesn’t even take a supplement. He kind of goes out in the sun, but he has such a clear healing attitude that I swear his vitamin D levels are that high.
Michael Beckwith 23:52
Because his, you know, your body’s It’s its own pharmacy. So the tonic chemicals flow from your attitude. You know, you go into fear, you produce cortisol, you know, you deplete your immune system, you go into joy and happiness serving others, pray for others loving others in the tonic chemicals flow. So your father is an example of the body temple, the chemicals in the body typical no hormones, actually matching his attitude, you know, consciousness precedes form. So consciousness is first, the attitude, our perceptions, our beliefs, then it manifests. So it manifests in your mom and dad’s body as proper supplement supplements and proper hormone, a vitamin D, you know exactly what we’re talking about. The the See, I think that we’re actually it’s not really a pandemic. We’re in it’s what was experienced is endemic, that is, the American population is very sick. Ever since the rise of fast foods. You know, there was a spike in sugar and fast food intake. It was a spike in cancer so I can dive The spike in heart attack spike in obesity. So the the Coronavirus is just reveal what was endemic already in the American population. And I think, you know, we have to have a context for that. I mean, the news gives you again, a narrow band, and they will talk about every single day, COVID COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID COVID. But they’re not letting you know, the context, that six to 800,000 people die every year of a heart attack, cancer 600,000. Doctors mistakes, four or 500,000 diabetes, obesity related issues COVID, down in six or seven, for just one year for maybe 400,000 people in America that is these other sectors, people are dying every single year. So that and no one and very few people die from COVID, they die with COVID, you know, degrade, it’s endemic, something else is happening. But if you would look at the news, you would actually become very frightened at this virus. And we’re not even grieving the people who are dying of heart attack right now, or suicide or cancer, that hasn’t stopped. That has not yet. And so it’s in, we’re living in a cesspool of toxicity. People’s diets are crazy. They’re not walking around the block, they’re not breathing, they’re glued to the news, they’re producing cortisol, they’re nervous. The doctors should be saying you brought up vitamin D, instead of telling people to wait for a vaccine, and I’m not anti vac or anything like that. I’m not pro or anti, I just use my own wisdom. They should be mandating vitamin D. A great you should be mandating vitamin C. They should be mandating exercise. They should be mandating some level of zinc, your zinc quotient should be up there as well and, and other things. But they never mentioned that. That’s a disservice to our society. With a great man, people have that authority, aren’t telling people to check your vitamin D levels,
Unknown Speaker 27:15
you know, a great
Unknown Speaker 27:18
women, let’s
Dr. Mindy 27:19
talk menopause, I am incredibly excited to bring you my next book. It’s called the menopause reset. And it is what I changed in my lifestyle. The five things I did different. As I moved through my 40s as I moved through perimenopause, and menopause to balance my hormones out, I’m really excited about this book, this is going to help so many women, you can pre order your book today at the menopause reset book.com. Enjoy, I actually came up with the idea that if when you put the mask on, make it a reminder to keep the junk out. Like use it as a symbolism for yourself every time you put it on that, you know, don’t think of it like you’re keeping the virus out, keep it as a reminder that you’re keeping the soda out and you’re keeping the fast food out. It’s blocking that. And I also want to add to that list to in just to inspire you to fast even more, there is there are two systems in which our body operates from and I’m sure you know, this one is the sugar burner system, and one is a fat burner system. And viruses don’t have an energy of their own. So they have to live off your cellular energy. So if they come into your energy and you’re a sugar burner, they go into your cells, they gain momentum and they replicate. But if they go into a fat burner energy source, they literally die. There’s no they can’t gain any energy, right? So one of my feelings is not only if we fast, intermittent fast, couple of days faster, we get people teach them how to fast, we’re not only going to help them on a health level, but we’re also going to help them on a spiritual level as to your point.
Unknown Speaker 29:05
Michael Beckwith 29:07
you’re basically saying that the virus is opportunistic, is looking for a host because as you say, it can’t create the condition. It has to find the right condition to survive. And if you have toxicity and pH is off and you have sugar, it’s going to find a host. If you don’t, it’s going to go it’s going to die. So we have to take responsibility for that and we can’t wait for the government to do that. We have to take responsibility for our own body. Yeah, mind fasting and physical fasting. Absolutely. Yes. Yeah. I’m with you.
Dr. Mindy 29:43
On this fear on this fear piece, it What I also feel like is we got real sideways in 2020 as a as a humanity, that we became not only so fearful of the virus, but then we started to point fingers at everybody who was thinking different from us. And I loved I was listening this Sunday to your sermon which I want to encourage all of my community to go listen to you, I, you have three services on Sunday, and I swear each one’s different. I could listen to each one. But you said something about we have to go to this place where we love our way out of this moment. But how do we do that when our neighbor is not getting vaccinated? The other neighbors not vac masking and the other neighbor voted for the person I disagree with? How do we elevate ourselves?
Michael Beckwith 30:39
Yeah, I was saying that we have to love our nation back to sanity. You know,
Dr. Mindy 30:43
that was it. That was it. It was so good. love our nation. Yeah, love
Michael Beckwith 30:47
and mother nation back to sanity, there used to be a moment where there was much more civil discourse, which meant we didn’t have to agree. But we could still love each other. And still, you know, even even, you know, you look at the 60s 70s. You saw the the Democrats, the Republicans, they didn’t they just one stood for business. One stood for answers, but it wasn’t. But then they always met in the middle to pass laws. They didn’t agreement, great. They were just representing their constituency. Nobody was wrong. You know, there was just different aspects of society people were concerned with. But something has happened that is called a great polarization. You know, so that now, if in fact, I don’t agree with you, I don’t like you.
Dr. Mindy 31:32
Yeah, right. Or you’re a bad person.
Michael Beckwith 31:36
Because we disagree, or we see things differently. That’s a sign of emotional immaturity. It’s like junior high school, it’s like, there’s been a reversion, back to a junior high school mentality. And you can see it in the streets, you can see the people overthrowing the Capitol, and you can see that junior high school cussing each other out. And I’m right, and you’re wrong, and you guys are idiots, you know, you can see it. Yeah, all of that. And what would I say is one, when we see that behavior, we have to understand that those are our younger brothers and sisters, you know, you have to if you have a brother or a sister, and they’re much younger than you, and they’re doing things that are very immature, you don’t hate them, you just realize that they’re going through a particular stage of maturation, they haven’t caught up to where you are right now, in terms of your wisdom, your patience, your honesty, whatever the case may be. So we have to begin to look at individuals who are haters, you know, who are deep into polarization, as our younger brothers and sisters. And we have to draw the circle big enough within our awareness, we don’t have to, that doesn’t mean agreeing with somebody, it means drawing the circle big enough that you don’t keep them out of your heart. So it’s really, I think, significant that at this particular moment, we’re in the beginning of what is called the season for non violence. in which we’re honoring Ahimsa in harmlessness. And non violence under the aegis of Mohandas K. Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. and this is a time for honest and harmless and non violent conversations with each other. You have to have, you have to have the strength, to be able to maintain a dialogue with someone that disagrees with your Texas strength. Because it’s easy to say, oh, they’re an idiot, I’m not going to talk to them. That’s, that doesn’t take any strength, that there’s no strength or courage in resignation, and giving up, strength and courage comes through, being able to stay in that tension, and still have the conversation without calling the other person an idiot, you know, or, or you know, whatever name we people have a tendency to call each other these days. So, here’s the here’s the litmus test, if whatever it is that you believe. If it is devoid of love, love of humankind, love of the planet love of each other, you’re probably going down the wrong track. There is no path without love that is sustainable for the planet, sustainable for the nation, sustainable for your family. If love is not the ethic, then you’re basically running on opinion. And you’re running on the pollution of fumes of separation. And so we have to stop, we have to get a real sense of what love is. And we have to we want to build our nation with love and want to love ourselves and our nation and our world back to sanity. And it’s interesting that the word sanity and the word in light of it mean the same thing in certain spiritual teachings. And when when talks about enlightenment, they’re all they’re absolutely talking about being sane. And that being caught up in the thought forms of separation, that move through the human consciousness, you become Saying and you’d like, Oh my god, I suddenly see where I was belonging. I’ve come back home and I’m saying again, you see, I was, I was way out there with Hayden belligerents. And I was rights, you know, self righteousness, you know? seriousness. Yeah, but but wow, I was insane. I’ve come back to sanity and I want to build my world I want to build my world Love You see?
Dr. Mindy 35:31
Do you think when you say strengthen Do you think love is like a muscle that you’ve got to keep working on it because that like I hear your words and then I watch how the world is behaving. And I don’t see that and I think okay, I want to if I go to Gandhi and I think Be the change, you know, that you want to see in the world. So I need to show up as love. And then if I show up as love while I lift the people around me These are deep questions I’ve been asking myself this year is what part can I personally play in creating more
Michael Beckwith 36:02
love, there’s love is everywhere. And the muscle that we’re creating is the willingness to allow it to flow through us. Even when we don’t feel like it. It’s easy if you’re hanging around your family, you know, people that you like, it’s easy to love people that you’re like, you know, but we have to become strong enough to let the love flow. When we consider the people that we disagree with. That’s where the work is. That’s the advanced class. You know, the easy classes is about people that you like, the advanced class is to no mean, emotional love. I’m not talking about sentimental love.
I mean, I’m not even talking about friendship. You know, we’re talking about, you know, Dr. King phrase is, it’s the love of God operating in the human heart. You’re not cutting anybody outside of your heart, which we both noticed people doing this past year, cutting a large swaths of the population out of their heart. As you know, we’ve even heard Congress people talking about assassinating people and, and killing people is gotten to that level of hate, and unconsciousness, that these individuals emotions are running away with them, they have no sovereignty over their awareness. You see, they’re just have gotten into the, the cycle of self righteousness. And to be able to even they didn’t mean it, but be able to say something publicly, like they should be hung, or, you know, we got to go kill them, you know, that is that soul has been devastated and shrunk. So the individual has to come back. There’s two basic fundamental teachings of love your neighbor, with the awareness that your neighbor is not the person living next door to you. The neighbor is anyone on the planet, you see, and that and again, that’s a practice, it seems almost foolish, and but we will destroy ourselves. Unless there’s enough people that rise up and love at that level, and then seek to build their communities in their nation, from the awareness of love, not from the awareness of self righteousness or partisan politics. I mean, and again, even even the political system is a narrow frequency. I mean, that’s, you can even fast from that for a while. Even though they represent the people. Most of the time, great changes in society does not come from politics. It comes from what’s trending with people. And then the politicians later on, get in front of it, or embrace it as the next wave, but you never get anything revolutionary or creative, out of Washington, DC, or out of any particular Congress, people. I mean, there are. But generally, you’re not going to get anything creative out of a person, you know, they’re in a system. Everything creative and new comes from people. It comes from innovators, artists, social entrepreneurs, individuals who were on the edge of living a higher vision, and then then they pull society with them, but it’s not gonna come out of politics. But you definitely do not allow that to be any kind of authority over you. You have to have authority and sovereignty over your own being those people, they work for you. And people have forgotten that and they think they’re working for the government. You know, if the gods have power over you, the government didn’t work for you. You pay their salaries, you tell them what you write them a letter, you tell them how you want to be represented, but you have to know yourself in order to do that and you have to feel some level of power and love in order To sit down and email or write a letter and say, I like this, I don’t like this, I want you to speak more about this, they work for you. And people have forgotten and they’ve given up their sovereignty and their power.
Dr. Mindy 40:13
Do you think social media is causing part of the problem? I think social media
Michael Beckwith 40:19
is neutral. But just like anything, it can be used by nefarious means or can be used for inspiration. So people now can just dump their hate in there, remain anonymous, and get people all caught up in arguing. Other people are using social media for inspiration, you know, for prayer for transformation, and what people need to going back to fasting, people have to realize that they might be addicted to draw. And, and they’re looking for the next dramatic thing to get all riled up about, because they’re addicted to the top toxic chemicals that are flowing into the body. You know, this is a statement, you know, that says, You know, I think therefore I am, but it has morphed into, I have drama, therefore I am, me. And so social media is concerned, every, it’s a mixed bag, everything is in social media. And people have to take responsibility to not go down the rabbit holes of hate, and the rabbit holes of drama and separation, as you go on social media, you know, find those outlets that are actually giving you real information, giving you real science and giving you real inspiration. What prayer can do what meditation is, what art is no. And so yeah, great. So people have to look at what I’m saying people have to actually look at and see what they’re addicted to. You see, yeah,
Dr. Mindy 41:57
yeah. Great. And do you think that the the health of our world, like when we look at the junk food we put in our body, it creates junk thoughts. And then on top of that, you put the fear of a virus, and then you put social media and you put politics and we’re easily spun up, because of the way that we take care of our health. And it starts to make me so this starts there.
Michael Beckwith 42:23
Yeah, you throw in junk food in your body is turning to sugar, that you drink alcohol turns to sugar, you lose coherence in your thinking, the hemispheres don’t talk to each other anymore. You, you think you are thinking, but there’s no real coherence there. And so the deep wisdom, and the intuition is hindered. And you’re actually living as a reactor, you’re a reactionary, you’re not a responder, from a higher principle or a higher presence, you’re actually reacting to circumstances, which is like a waste of your infinite potential, you have infinite potential all of us. And people only using a little bit of their potential, because most of their life is reacting to something outside of themselves, and being triggered by something they don’t like. And some people you know, I’ll say that, you know, a pet peeve is something that someone loves to hate, meaning, when they find that thing that they hate, they get excited about it, you know, they’ll go and look for something that they hate all you hear with someone so sad, or to hear you hear what she did, you know, they love to find something that they hate. They churning out toxic chemicals, they’re addicted to them. But the ego is satisfied, because they have found their pet peeve.
Dr. Mindy 43:47
If we know staying at home, and watching the news is be creating more harm, then we need to step out of that place. But freedom exists in our mind. So on my end, I’m teaching people the power of their own body. And when I look at people like you, you’re teaching this idea of the freedom of your own mind through prayer and through practice. And I and I love the application of that. How do we give people tools other than you’re everywhere, and I just am so grateful, you’re on Instagram, you’ve got an app, you’ve got teachings, I feel like we need to if we’re going to love the world back to sanity, we need to immerse them in cultures and thinking where they they they have no choice but to elevate their frequency speaking
Michael Beckwith 44:40
my language. One of the things that I’ve taught over the years is spiritual community grants you immunity from the lower frequencies of life. So you have to you have to become conscious as to who you’re talking to every single day. What kind of are you in a good spiritual community Do you have Have a group of people that you can talk to, that want to stay elevated and stay out of fear. Or when you go into fear, you do have a group of people, you can call and say, Hey, I fell down the rabbit hole today, and they can help pull you out. So community real, real good, uplifting spiritual community grants you immunity from the lower frequencies of light, because we’re talking frequency, we’re talking vibration. So your self talk and how you talk with each other, has to be of a much higher frequency. So you know, I tell people, you know, tune in to something that’s going to inspire you. Go outside, put your feet on the ground, not seen it on the actual Mother Earth, so that it will disperse energy from the bottom of your feet. To Earth, you know, you’ll you’ll actually, you know, you’ll ground yourself to Mother Earth whose frequency is very high is very healthy, walk around the block, would forget that if you walk around the block, you create more killer cells, your immune system was an article where, you know, I was talking to Sean, Steve, Sean Stephenson,
Dr. Mindy 46:12
you know, Shawn, yeah, I heard your Instagram Live, it was really good,
Michael Beckwith 46:16
a good friend of mine, and we were having a conversation. And he was mentioning that there’s a new pharmaceutical, a new, what do you call a new drug is going to be coming out, that increases your killer sales. But it doesn’t increase the killers, there’s more than you walk around the block one time. You know, so why would you take something a chemical that has an effect a side effect, when you just walk around your block in fifth grade, so you know, so So, one, you know, mind fast to intermittent fasting. Three, this is not in any particular order, you know, this, this, this the order I’m telling you? Well, make sure you put your feet on the soil every single day, you know, for walk around your block, if people are nervous, where you mask, you know, and then pull it down a little bit and get some air then put it back up, going down and get some air put it back up. You know, if you’re not, if nobody’s on the blog, pull it down, take some nice deep breaths, put your hand in the soil. So you can get some new microbes so that your immune system stays strong. Because your new system will get weak if you don’t use it. So if you if you stay inside all the time, and you’re not getting any new microbes in your in your nostrils or in your hands, you know, then your immune system goes to sleep. So this is what a great old little kids to eat dirt. Yeah. And so you know, we don’t want to be so over sanitized, that we put our immune system to sleep. And
Dr. Mindy 47:48
yeah, you know, that’s what I told my mom that when we first when the pandemic first hit, I said, she loves to garden, I said, you’re going to go outside, and you’re going to rub get in the garden and rub that dirt all over you, I don’t want you to have your shoes on, I don’t want gloves, like I want you to get in the dirt. And if you have to do it naked, do it naked, like you just got to get out there in the sun and you your whole immune system will benefit from that experience.
Michael Beckwith 48:16
And people are trying to do the opposite, over sanitizing everything. And to the point where the immune system is not being used. Yes. Now you just like to exercise a muscle or atrophy immune system does the same thing. Right? You know, this is stuff that people will forget or can’t hear. If they’re in fear is going to be so nervous. No wash everything and, and it’s funny, but it’s like, you know, I just call it it’s to me. It’s kind of ironic, that we are these great cosmic beings. We have this beautiful genius of the body that can heal anything. And we act like a little scared to get the body temple is genius. I was working with a young lady. I’m still working with her. But a good friend My daughter’s my daughter came to me and said that her friend, she’s like a nice, you know, she was dying. She had stage four cancer through her body and breast colon. And she said there you go help her, you know. And so I said, Okay, yes, we go over to our house and the first thing I said is, do you want to live in agreement? Are you ready to go over? Dr. Tex he had a couple of months to do you want to you want to stage he’s know hours day. So you really want to stay tuned? Yes. Okay. So I gave her the some passages out of a book to read. So I need you to read this every single day to have your mind prepared for healing. It shifted her diet and gave her certain things to take every single day. You know a little bit of time I didn’t pour every kitchen sink on or just Little bit until now, she has a nice regiment that I have her on. And so I get these pictures last week, she’s in Joshua Tree on a cane a couple of months ago, and the doctors have given out, they said that you can do please go into hospice, he’s in Joshua Tree running around, you know, their dog and having a great time and her body’s healing in so many ways, you know, the body will heal anything. If you take out the bad stuff, putting the good stuff have a right frame of mind. And so her cancer is just disappearing. Man love it. And people, you know, we’re calling her all sad. She’s like, Hey, how you doing? You know? Love it, you know, because a therapist that they assigned to her was saying, You’re not really facing reality, you know, you’re going to be gone in a month, and you need to get your affairs in order. She she’s not going anywhere. And so that was like, six, eight months ago, you know? So she’s already proved the therapist wrong.
Dr. Mindy 50:57
I just, we their stories like that everywhere. And if you immerse yourself in, um, you’ll see
Michael Beckwith 51:01
what if, on the news every single day, instead of getting the figures of unemployment, and the figures of, you know, morbidity, we actually heard, look at all the submissions that happened today. Look at all these healings, because all these healings and relationships, because all these forgiveness is that have taken place. And during this attack, you know, the mine would start to be available to that reality. We start to live in and we start to look forward, and they would help manifest it faster. Instead of the opposite, you get the lowest common denominator of the human experience. So your mind becomes addicted to that frequency in the new assist in the manifestation of that reality. Even if it doesn’t happen, you still experience it with your fear. Yeah, it was the wrong just like you asked about social media. That’s the wrong use of technology to flood people’s living rooms with fear every night. That is mismanagement, nefarious, malicious hypnotism and it’s your stuff.
Dr. Mindy 52:05
Yeah. Ah, amen. Amen. So okay, I have a five final questions for you what I call my rapid fire, but sometimes they don’t always turn out rapid fire. And so I just to so that we can dive a little deeper into who you are, which I will do an intro for my group, because if people aren’t familiar with your teachings, my first question for you is, what’s the longest you fasted?
Michael Beckwith 52:31
4040 days?
Dr. Mindy 52:34
40 days? What was your Aha, from that? What did you gain from that?
Michael Beckwith 52:39
That was not my body. It wasn’t even in my mind. I gotten to a greater awareness that I was and that I am awareness itself. I also became keenly aware that whatever you need to know, if you ask, it will come to you in a language in a way that you can understand. I also discovered that I could have boundless energy without food. You know, it’s like all this energy and all of this think clear thinking and productivity was happening. And without food. Great. It was me to use it. I haven’t done a 40 day fast. Two years. Yeah. Yeah. And I don’t know if I can do one. Now, if that was my output of energy that I have now. But I can do modified fasting. I can. I can easily do seven. I can do. Yeah, you know, once a week I can do those. But I’d have to think go away now.
Dr. Mindy 53:35
Yeah, agreed. Yeah, they I did a five day I’ve done several five day water fasts, and I was teaching the principles of fasting to my community and I knew they might have some challenges grabbing the information. So I decided I’m going to fast for five days and On the fifth day, I’m going to present the science behind fasting and I’m going to reveal to them that I haven’t eaten in five days. And it was really powerful paradigm shifting, because I didn’t look exhausted I was actually flying high and was really you know, at my best and it really gave people a visual of what can happen when you fast so I absolutely agree with you. Okay, the sex say that
Michael Beckwith 54:19
you know, you don’t want ever eat again you
Dr. Mindy 54:24
know, and you get insight like you could not believe so I can’t even imagine the insight you
Michael Beckwith 54:31
eat what’s today Today is Thursday. Okay, I’m gonna eat today because my meals already been ordered. But I’m not going to be tomorrow. and beautiful.
Dr. Mindy 54:42
I love it. I love it. Okay, my second question and this was inspired my by my dad, my dad said you have to ask him what health gadget is he into because he’s always into some kind of health gadget,
Michael Beckwith 54:54
gadget or use. I meditate with these Very strong magnets that you stand on. And I do this cheat Gong, movement and breath. And I stand on these magnets for a minimum of eight minutes. And so there’s a magnetic field that’s going up through my meridians. And, you know, like a cancer sale cannot thrive in a strong magnetic field, you know, in certain diseases cannot thrive in, in a strong magnetic field. And so I had that I’ve had that for a while, but I got some new ones. Right now, I don’t know if I have any new gadgets, because I’m in between houses, and my house, in case constructed that I’m about to move into. So I’m in a nice apartment, where I don’t have all my stuff. Magnets are good.
Dr. Mindy 55:48
I’ll give you what do you know about the whoop band? whoop, yeah. Bam, that goes on your wrist. And it measures your sleep. It measures your heart rate variability, it tells you your activity level throughout the day. respiration rate. So it gives you it’s it’s like a Fitbit on steroids.
Unknown Speaker 56:07
I’ve heard about I don’t know.
Dr. Mindy 56:10
Yeah. Well, there you go. You’d love it. You’d love it. So. Okay, my next question, you definitely one thing that I’ve been impressed with you over the years, is that what you teach you live? And obviously from a spiritual level, but also a physical level? So you have a lot of health habits. What do you think other than what you just described to us? What do you think is like the most important health habit you do every day, to give you the blood work that you just got, and the vitality that you have?
Michael Beckwith 56:40
Well, the three modes of exercise that I do, what I like, when I can’t swim, is yoga. Like lightweight, lifting, and running, not sprinting, necessarily, sometimes intermittent, but I do. And I do. I go to the gym every single day, six days a week, I have a trainer. And I’m doing you know, obviously a different part of the body every day. And then I have a yoga practice. And so I have my flexibility. And I have my strength. And my cardio. I like to stand on my head, I like to put my legs up the wall. Particularly if I travel, put my legs up for like 30 minutes. might work and love it. Yeah, I’ve had done that for years. I’ve, psychologically if I don’t do something physical every day, I’ll be a little off because it’s such a part of my, my, it’s not like a lifestyle. It’s a way of living. Yeah, yeah.
Dr. Mindy 57:45
Love it. If you could go back to the January 2020 version of you last year at this time, while we’re in February now. And really knowing what we know from last year, and you were giving a sermon to your community, what would you say to them in preparation for what was the year was going to
Michael Beckwith 58:04
have would probably give them the same talk that I did in March, which was the greatest virus is the virus of fear. And I really went into how the previous viruses, the SARS in one h1, all the viruses are still here that didn’t go anywhere. We’re no longer interested in them. But now we’re interested in this virus and its mutation. So we’re experiencing it on a communal level, even if we don’t catch it, as I did a whole talk around that, before I even knew how it was going to exacerbating become a really big thing. I mean, intuitively, I knew it was intuitively I knew where it was going. But before I really had the physical evidence of that, you know, I actually reminded people about the greatest viruses, the virus of fear and how to mitigate that. And some of the conversation we’re having today, I would probably just repeat that to the best of my ability because it fit. You know, I was in India. And when I came back to America in March, I look when I left India, I was on the last or the second to last plane that could leave the country. So I landed in America, when all of that stuff started. And I just watched people take what I call the nightmare pill, just down this take this pill and go into a nightmare of fear. Well said and I did my best as a spiritual teacher to keep them out of that. You know, and in my community, most of them are not in that nightmare pill. You know, they’re not, not being it’d be cautious. They’re being safe and doing, you know, proper protocols, but they’re not living in fear. You know?
Unknown Speaker 59:50
Love it. Yeah, we
Dr. Mindy 59:51
all need to take that pill. Okay, last question. If you had one message for the world that you could get into everybody’s brain and help them right Above the moment, what would that message be?
Michael Beckwith 1:00:03
something along the lines of what their real identity is. that many people think that they are there a constellation of shifting personalities, personalities, were born as a reaction to circumstances. Underneath the personality is a presence of luminosity of brilliance in the light, and love, its eternal. It carries so much power and so much wisdom. I will want people to know that they really are always underneath the personality. And in you in with with prayer, and even fast and you get those insights. With prayer fasting with meditation, you actually see the difference between the content of the personality flowing through your awareness, and who you are as awareness. Let me just give you a quick analogy. Please, should we have the grand ocean whatever. One part of this world is called the Atlantic one part is called Pacific hit is great ocean. And then you have the content of the ocean. Yeah, plastic pollution from human beings. Yep, boats, fish, plankton, seaweed, that’s content. But all that content is not the ocean, the ocean is the ocean. And then there’s content. So we are awareness. And we have content of contents, our beliefs, fears, doubts, worries, the moment we realize that that’s content, and not who we are. That’s the beginning of freedom. As you love it, you say, there’s fear, you won’t say I’ve unsaid you won’t say I’m fear, you’ll say, there it is. And you start to create a little gap. And then you come into a sense of freedom, not denying that there’s sadness there, when it passes through faster, because you know, identifying with it.
Dr. Mindy 1:02:03
I love that. I love that. Well, thank you so much. I actually started a series on my podcast called thought leaders. And one of the things that I have been thinking deeply about is that at times of stress, we’ve turned to the thought leaders to elevate our thinking, and you’re one of the greatest thought leaders of our time. And you’re definitely in my thought leader series. I interviewed Marianne Williamson last week, and I’ve got Bruce Lipton. I’m talking to the current weeks. Yeah, I know, they’re like to all your buddies. So I just I just so grateful for you and my family has been so blessed to have not only learned from you your teachings, but to be around you. And I just thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, how can people find you, I really want my, my community to immerse themselves in your teaching so that we can blend this idea that the body can heal, and the Spirit can heal. And we can all rise up and how how do people find you,
Michael Beckwith 1:03:05
they can go to a golf a live.com, ag A p e, Li, ve calm, that’s the website for the community. And you can watch the services every Sunday on that website. Or you can go to my Facebook page, Michael Bernard Beckwith, or a god based Facebook page and watch the services. They’re also on YouTube, as well. And if you go to my website, Michael beckwith.com. That’s where you can sign up for my app, in which I have spiritual practices and interviews and things of that particular nature. put something on there every week. And and when you go to the website, you’ll see a whole lot of activities that people can participate in, you know, there’s freedom from addiction programs. It’s prayer meditation every single day. On Facebook, there’s our university if people could take classes. So this is plenty there for people to dive in at whatever level they want to dive in that.
Dr. Mindy 1:04:02
Yeah. And it’s all online. Yeah, it’s amazing room. Yeah, that’s the benefit of what of this incredible time is now we get interaction from teachers like you and we don’t have to be in the same location. So yeah, yeah, incredible. And I have your app by the way, and I listened to you when I run. I let you let your teachings just come into me whenever I’m in movement or in the car. So again, Reverend Michael, thank you so much. Just so grateful for you and let me know how you’re fast go.
Michael Beckwith 1:04:35
Give your parents my love. And well, did you say you’re getting ready to interview Bruce Lipton?
Dr. Mindy 1:04:41
I yeah, I did Marianne last week and Bruce will be in April. give you my love. He’s
Michael Beckwith 1:04:45
a dear friend and he’s such a lover. He’s such a beautiful man.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:49
Michael Beckwith 1:04:49
yes. Give me my love and and love to your community. Love to your mother and father and love to you. Thank you for the invitation.
Dr. Mindy 1:04:57
Thank you, Michael. so grateful for you. Hey resellers, I just want to start off by saying thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews. And those of you that have left me comments on iTunes. I just greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and how much you guys are enjoying these episodes. And it seems like you’re enjoying them as much as I am enjoying doing them. One of the things that I’ve learned in just interacting with so many people is that we’ve really lost the art of deep conversations. And for me, the resetter podcast stands for having meaningful conversations with people who are thinking about health, about life about mindset in a way that we may not be getting on social media or in mainstream media. And so I just want to say give you guys a shout out and just say thank you for participating in this process with me, because as much as I absolutely love delivering the information to you, I love even more knowing that it’s impacting your life. So please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make this podcast more customized to you to make it better. We are now officially in season two. And we are working to bring you the best conversations that health influencers have that mindset changers can give and to really deliver you something that you’re not able to get anywhere else. So from the bottom of my heart, as I always say my YouTube from the bottom of my heart. I am deeply appreciative of you. I am deeply grateful to be on this journey with you and let’s get healthy together.
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Thank you all for what you have done.You transform for many people live.
Thank you for that phenom interview with Michael Beckwith! So eye opening and learning about the Fear virus!!
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