“My Heart Is Outside My Body”
This episode tackles the basics of detox from the modern world. Plus, we chat all about restructuring water, lymphatic drainage, and vagus nerve toxicity.
Dr. Christine Schaffner is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor who has helped thousands of people recover from chronic or complex illnesses. Through online summits, her Spectrum of Health podcast, network of Immanence Health clinics, and renowned online programs, Dr. Schaffner goes beyond biological medicine, pulling from all systems of medicine and healing modalities–helping patients reclaim their wellness and reveal their brightest light.
Dr. Schaffner completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.
With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic, complex, and mystery illnesses. Patients travel from all around the world to reclaim their wellness using her Ecosystem & Terrain, Energy Analysis, Clear Blocks, Optimize Flow (EECO) methodology.
In this podcast, Daily Detox Strategies to Improve Your Health, we cover:
- How to heal vagus nerve toxicity
- Why you are struggling to move in and out of parasympathetic and sympathetic states
- Sound and vibration: how these are now healing tools for the body
- Modern life is toxic: best practices for healthy detoxification
- The benefits of lymphatic drainage for the immune system
- How restructured water can increase cell recovery
Why Are People So Sick From Toxins?
We are not starting at zero anymore. Before we are born, we have a toxic bucket. We don’t live in isolation with one toxin; instead, we live in a synergistic soup. Electrosmog and electromagnetic fields are increasing every year; these affect our neurophysiology. If we weren’t overwhelming the system with toxins, our bodies would be more resilient than they currently are. The body is resilient, and, amazingly, people can thrive during this toxic time. Most people know that exercise is a healthy habit that you should be doing regularly. You should also use detox and drainage as a healthy habit to avoid chronic disease.
The Basics Behind Detoxing For Health
The first principle of detoxification is avoiding exposure as much as possible. Plus, we have to accept that we are on a toxic planet, and we are doing the best we can. So, eat clean food, clean your air, and drink clean water. Obviously, we should drink water every day. The water that we get out of the tap is not the healthiest. We need to filter our water sources from fluoride and chlorine. If you don’t already have one, get a water filter. Sleep will also be massive when it comes to your detox journey. You need a healthy sleeping location so that your body can adequately detox at night, and it will help support your hormones and immune system.
How To Improve Your Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is one of the most critical systems, especially when we think about detoxification, and it still is very much overlooked. Conventional medicine doesn’t talk about lymphatics. Our lymphatic system is like the lifeline in our body. It is tied intimately to our circulatory system. A big part of keeping our system healthy is keeping fluid moving throughout the body. Also, it’s critical that everything is draining and there is no backup of fluid. When trash piles up, the cells cannot remove waste. Moving and hydrating your body will help move your lymph. The lymph has a one-way value system towards the heart. If you’re sick and don’t have a lot of energy, do what you can. Overall, movement is fundamental!
Lymphflo Is The Perfect Daily Detox Habit
Toxic overload and stagnant lymph can leave you looking puffy and feeling sluggish; it can also increase your chances of experiencing chronic symptoms like insomnia, anxiety, brain fog, depression, fatigue, allergies, and chronic sore throats. If you’re sick, you need to work with a provider so you can detox safely. Dr. Schaffner uses a lot of different topical treatments in her office. One of her favorite tools is Lymphflo. Lymphflo is clinically-designed to open your lymphatic system, remove congestion, and create healthy detoxification to lighten your toxic load. You can learn more about it here: https://ipothecarystore.com/products/lymphflo-cream.
How Energy Frequencies Can Get Blocked In The Body
Our heart produces the strongest electromagnetic field in the body. When we’re in the states of gratitude, love, appreciation, our heart rhythm becomes more coherent more aligned, which has a profound effect on our communication in our body. The heart informs the brain. If we want to create healthy emotions, we can spend a few moments in gratitude. Also, if there is emotional trauma, it can get stuck in our tissues. The electromagnetic field in the body can hold information. When we go through traumatic events, we keep the memories in our tissues and in our field. Dr. Christine Schaffner recommends biofield tuning if you are looking for targeted and immediate relaxation that can bring resolution to a wide variety of ailments, including emotional trauma stored in the body. Learn more about biofield tuning here: https://www.biofieldtuning.com/.
Dr. Mindy
So I always this is the way I look at every conversation that I have on my podcast is there is a solution to that people need to hear for some problem that’s affecting, gosh, so many people. And when I look at detox, I feel like detox is one of those things where it’s starting to bubble up to the surface, people are starting to understand that we live in this ridiculously toxic time. But they don’t really know what to do from there as far as what symptoms are toxic related, how they can naturally detox, and other things that might toxins might be affecting, like, I can’t wait to talk to you about vagus nerve toxicity. And other things that we’re seeing that toxins are dramatic. Lee changing in our health. So can you let’s start the conversation with like, what, why are people so sick from toxins right now? And what can we do without spending a dime to open up our detox pathways?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Yeah, we can totally go there. You know, we are in this time in the have, you know, we’re not starting at zero anymore, right? We know that even before we’re born, that we are born with this toxic bucket, if you will, and you know, modern life, unfortunately, we’re in this grand experiment of, you know, a combination of, you know, things that I find are like highly neurotoxic, carcinogenic and it’s not just like, one thing. So there’s a lot of information maybe about mercury, or lead or arsenic, cadmium glyphosate, you know, you name it. And one of those alone, we could go through a whole mechanistic example of how they affect our physiology. But we don’t live in isolation with one toxin, right, we live in the centers, synergistic soup, and then in my perspective, we lay on, you know, Electrosmog, and these electromagnetic fields that are increasing every year and our exposure, and that’s also affecting neurophysiology. So we’re painting the picture of we’re not starting from zero, we’re starting basically, from preconception, you know, this toxic burden in the starting, and then we’re in this ever growing ever increasing toxic soup of synergistic chemicals. So we’re really in a grand experiment. So yeah, I think everybody around, like, understand that, and then, you know, but the body’s resilient. Right? I know, you and I both are very much believers in the body’s in the inherent ability to heal. And I think that really, if we’re on the planet, today, we all really need to very much, you know, live a lifestyle of drainage and detoxification, you know, we’re only as healthy as our body is able to eliminate, and many labels that were labeled in conventional medicine or alternative medicine or functional medicine, that label I do believe stems from this toxic burden. And I think that if we all didn’t have this, you know, what we’re up against, and overwhelming our system that our bodies would be, you know, more resilient than they are. And how I frame this though, too, is the body is resilient. And it is amazing that we are, you know, even thriving, many of us in this toxic time, but many of us who are have adopted that these principles and understanding of how do we live, like, it’s not like a juice fast or, you know, right, the week thing or once a month thing, or once a year thing, which is great. I mean, I applaud any effort in this way. But it’s like, how do you like incorporate these every day? And I’m happy to share like some really basic go twos as we build on that.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, and I think what I what I just grasped from what you’re saying I’d never really thought to put it in these words is that it’s like exercise. Like, you know, most people hopefully on this planet know that exercise is a health habit that they should be doing on a fairly fairly regular basis. But what I’m hearing you say is detox and drainage and all the things we’re about to dive into there needs to be a protocol for your life on a daily basis that you are doing these things otherwise toxins are building up leading you to chronic disease. Is that what
Dr. Christine Schaffner
that correct? Perfectly stated? Absolutely. So yeah. Yeah. Believer so
Dr. Mindy
go into like, if, like if I wanted to get fit exercise wise, I know I can hire a personal trainer. I can go the gym, I could run I mean, there’s, there’s so many ways we can go about that. But when we look at a daily life of detox, no, we’ve got celery juice, we’ve got fasting we’ve got you know a lot of really cool things, but what would a daily life of detox look like in your book and drainage? Cuz I think that’s important to put that in there as well.
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, the first principle of the detoxification even in drainage is we want to avoid exposure as much possible. So really being highly educated on what can you feel empowered to do on a daily basis to make the healthiest choices as possible. And, you know, we have to also when I say that I also think rigidity can be a negative have a negative health grades. So yeah, we take this, we just have to accept, you know, we’re on the planet, it’s toxic, we all chose to be here right now. And we’re gonna do the best we can, you know, and so, with that premise, you know, just really simple principles, clean food, clean air, clean water, you know, do what you can, within your home environment. I also, we can dive into this an hour later, but I also am a big believer in the power of sleep and having a healthy sleeping location to help just our bodies detoxify at night and have a, you know, really supportive, you know, hormones in your immune system and all of that. And so, you know, we can go through that checklist, but then, you know, how do we live this lifestyle and so, I’m, I’m like a nerd about water. So water is something that I’m really interested in. And we are, you know, we all need to drink water every day. And when we think about avoiding exposure, you know, I think a lot of your listeners know that the, you know, the water that we get out of the tap is not the healthiest. And so we need to filter it from fluoride, in chlorine. And then there’s all sorts of other unfortunate chemicals, and even pharmaceuticals, and aluminum and all sorts of things that get into our water. So step one, get a water filter, and then you can go down the rabbit hole with water. So but it’s very important, I think, to remove those chemicals from the water. And then we can do also there’s two things we can structure the water and I, the more I learned about structured water, I feel like this is a key principle to leading a lifestyle detoxification, because the more I learned about exclusion zone water, the fourth phase of water structured water, this is the form of water, that’s called H 302. It’s in a plasma state. And this is the water that really is in our body and inner cells, and it maintains an electrical charge. So charge is really important for the health of ourselves. So when we are sick, our cells can have a lower resting membrane potential. And so they can be harder to kind of communicate and stimulate an action potential and all of that, but when we have a healthy electrical charge, that’s when the magic happens. Everything flows, things can communicate. So exclusions on water in the cell actually helps to build that charge, and then exclusions on water also, wherever we have Exclusion Zones, whether in the cellar on the cell membrane, in the interstitial fluid and the lymphatics in the blood, that creates movement, and that creates flow. So when I think about leading a lifestyle, detoxification, we need exclusions on water that leads to you know, more flow in the body. And really drainage and detoxification is like, how do we get things flowing? How do we get bio flow? And how do we get our bowels flowing? How do we get our kidneys flowing? How do we get them flowing. And so I feel like the water that we drink is part of that. And we can buy fancy filters or fancy devices to structure water, which would I’m a believer in, I think, if you do have a chronic illness that might be established to really help you recover your health, but we know that exclusion is on water is also formed in the presence of especially two wavelengths of light one is in the UV spectrum, another is in the infrared. So we all have access to the sun. And so actually even having your water solar charged, you know that that actually has an impact or if you have an infrared light or you know, you can put the water in front of that and that can help build exclusion zone in the water. There’s also natural spring water because of the you know, the basically the movement and the flow of the water in that environment creates exclusion zone. So a lot of these devices that create exclusion zone water, create movement in the water, so they’re like the fun on devices. And then we know I have my Dr. Jerry Pollack is a friend and he wrote the book fourth base of water. He lives in Seattle where I live and she studied like, okay, what are some substances that have high amounts of exclusions on water, so as we ingest that, we can help increase that. So celery juice and green juices and cold pressed juices, were actually squeezing the exclusions on water out of the, the structure of the plant material. And so that’s pretty amazing. And then
Dr. Mindy
that’s why that’s why celery juice works. I mean, that has been like your most popular question for I have gotten well not this year, but a couple of years ago it’s like celery juice What do you think celery juice is not and and can you explain just so the listeners know exclusion zone? What Tell me a little bit what that
Dr. Christine Schaffner
means? Yeah, yeah. So I’m using this word interchangeably and kind of on purpose. And so Jerry Pollack wrote the book, the fourth phase of water, the fourth phase of water is actually also it’s called structured water extensions on water, crystalline water and it’s this water water is usually h2, this is h 302. And so it’s basically water that forms especially along the cell membrane. And in these zones in the body that actually has this different structure, it’s more of a plasma, in this kind of flowing water state, and so it’s more viscous and gel like, and it has properties. And so when they study it, it’s also in these patterns of these coherent crystalline structured water. So that’s where the structure water comes. And then it has these different things that this water does versus h2o. So this wife really works for us, it helps her electrical charge, it helps them propel movement in the body, and actually excludes toxins out of that water, you know, so not so.
Dr. Mindy
So if you can’t afford it, a filter, a whole house filter, you could leave your pitcher of water out that sunset,
Dr. Christine Schaffner
you have it Well, yeah. And rise. Yeah, any any part of the sun, because we get that full spectrum, you know, in the sun, UV, infrared, you can drink celery juice, spices. So Jerry found in his lab tumeric, coconut oil, you know, these things help, too, you know that there’s so much research that can be done, but he just kind of dabbled in luck, too. And then, so we can do that. And then we can structure the water in our bodies so we can ingest and then we can actually structure the water. And that’s why I think a lot of photobiomodulation, and a lot of light therapy, and also the infrared saunas. So remember, when we look at the electromagnetic spectrum, it’s the different wavelength of sunlight, and we have Nuvi on one. So the sun emits that and we can be in UV light, but you have to be careful not to get burned. But of course it is, it’s gonna help structure the water, infrared, you also get exposed, but a lot of devices, right these days in the biohacking community really harness the power of infrared frequency. Yeah, infrared has so many properties, and it kind of penetrates a little bit deeper into the cell and into the body. And then it also creates more exclusion zones. So I think not only are you getting that heating and sweating, and you know, all the things that that you know, we know that to do, especially in the infrared sauna. But I think a big part of why we see the health impacts is that we’re increasing that H 302. In our physiology so interesting.
Dr. Mindy
So then, are you saying if I just drink water, I’m not getting hydrated?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
You know, I am saying that in some ways, but Jerry does remind me that because of our biochemical reactions, we do give off infrared in our body, our metabolically our, you know, our nature’s brilliant, right, you know, so I can do this. So we internally produce thermal energy right in the body and infrared in the body. And so we do like the what the things that we ingest do, we can transform into exclusion. So remember, modern life. So you filled the modern bucket with all of these unfortunate toxins, they can disrupt the exclusion zones in the body. Jerry also recently did a study and put a Wi Fi router in front of exclusion zones, water and it does disrupt the, it breaks it down. So the toxic bucket of you know, chemicals and neurotoxins occurred and senegence. And then EMF, that really we have like a lot, you know, a lot in modern life is and you know, undoing our exclusions of water, if that makes sense. And so got it, we want to be most mindful of that, you know, so we can just have a lifestyle that we’re like, okay, you know, what am I drinking today? What am I eating today? What am I How am I moving? How am I you know, am I getting out in the sun? If I can I be exposed to infrared? You know, technology and these things will help us to build that, you know, energy, which is I think a big key to our vitality. Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Dr. Mindy
Agreed. So you so again, what I’m hearing from you is the water would be one of the very first things we would want to look at if we were creating a life of detox, looking at water in sunlight, looking at salary just looking at. I mean, we haven’t even gotten into EMFs. But it does seem like that would be a pretty simple step that people could take. And I don’t think people think of water as a form of detox.
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Yeah, I don’t think people I mean, I think we have people think like, Okay, I gotta drink water, but I don’t think they take it to the next step. So yeah, like water, you know, like, we’re mostly water, you know, and so water is such a key part of our physiology. And I don’t know about you many, but a lot of my patients are chronically dehydrated, you know, they have signs of dehydration, they also have things in their physiology, because especially if you’re like with a lot of chronic illness, so a lot of patients have low antidiuretic hormone, so they’re always thirsty, they’re penalized. You know, we’re drinking things that dehydrate us, you know, we’re, you know, running around and not making time for ourselves. So, it is that’s, you know, I spent a little time on that first piece because it’s foundational You know, super foundational, really, I think if you take one thing away from our talk today, that will that will only give you momentum in your health.
Dr. Mindy
Okay. I love that. I love that. And again, like there’s when the biohacking world, you know, you can get down rabbit holes of 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of dollars. And yet you can come back to some core principles why love fasting, that are free, it’s an is an sunlight, those are bio hacks as well. And that’s what I heard you say is that you can biohack your water. So you’re getting more hydrated using the power of the sun. I love that. So Okay, what else? What’s next? What if I want to create a life of detox?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Yeah, yeah, you know, I want to bring to the forefront our lymphatic system. So our lymphatic system I’m sure your listeners have heard about, but a lot of people still like don’t know about the lymphatic system, right. And I think it’s one of the most important systems, especially when we think about detoxification, and still very much overlooked. You know, conventional medicine doesn’t really talk about the lymphatics unless you, unfortunately have a surgery and you have a Deema, or lymph edema, or you know, things like that. And so, but our lymph lymphatic system is really like our lifeline in our body. And if it’s okay with you, I’ll just spend the moment just Yeah, no,
Dr. Mindy
please, we’ve touched on it a little bit, but you’re going to bring a new set of information, so go for it.
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Okay, so the lymphatic system is tied intimately to our circulatory system. So we have our heart pumps blood throughout our body, and the the oxygen rich blood that goes through our arteries. And then in the tissue space, there’s something called a capillary bed, and that’s where everything gets real small. And that in basically oxygen rich blood, leaves, the blood leaves the capillaries and a lot of fluid leaves the capillaries at that time, too, and much of it goes back to the venous system and then returns to the heart. But a lot of fluid stays in that space. And that space in between the cells and the tissues and where all the action is in the body, it becomes what we call interstitial fluid. So it’s a space between the cells. And it’s bringing oxygen and nutrition. And it’s removing waste. And when you think about like, you know, we have two cells, it’s, you know, in this interstitial interstitial space, that fluid then drains into what we call lymphatic capillaries that are kind of in this space. And so a big like, I know that you’re really into like cellular rejuvenation, and cellular health. And a big part of keeping ourselves healthy is that fluid, first of all, is moving. And we have enough of this fluid and energy and nutrition and oxygen brought to the space, but also that it’s just as important that this is leaving that space. So things are draining, and that there is not a backup or buildup of fluid. And then that’s like where the trash isn’t getting taken out. And when the trash piles up, the cells can basically remove waste. And so it’s a really important piece of how our physiology works. And I have a friend and a mentor Dr. Rob cast, he created a company called fisica. And he has like this big book where he trains people. And he always says that when you do lymphatic therapies, and when you drain the lymphatics, you’re actually draining this interstitial space of the extracellular matrix. And because everything’s interconnected, that you’re actually having a huge impact on our epigenetic expression, because the DNA cannot be optimized to be expressed if this fluid space is draining, and so the health of the cell is very much dependent on our data therapies. And so the length basically drains in the capillaries, and then it’s this body wide network of capillaries and vessels and nodes and part of its job is to remove waste, but it’s also to support our immune system. So whatever we’re exposed to whatever viruses or bacteria or parasites or mold or mycotoxins, that gets into this fluid, engages interlink nodes or lymphatic organs, and then our body has the opportunity to mount our immune response. So really two key pieces that are many of my patients are challenged with or, you know, a buildup of toxicity and immune dysfunction. And so these two things are so important to improve and so that’s why we focus on the lymphatics and you know, the freebie treatment of you know how to move your lymph is hydration as part of it, and then also movement, just moving your body. Yeah, you know, moving your body is going to be important there. The lymphatics have a one way to Valve System towards the heart. And so creating movement, you know, just if you’re, you know, if you’re not even if you’re sick and you don’t have a lot of energy, just do what you can, but there’s also you know, a lot of just different technologies you can invite into your own life, the rebounder, and the vibration plates and the dry skin brushes and the Shah’s and you know, all of these things, the more that you move, you basically move the lymph and tying this all together with some of what I shared before. I have a differentiated Brienne she has a company or an organization called the hydration Foundation. And she’s really big on educating people in structured water. But she really taught me that our fascia, which is our connective tissue is when we talk about connective tissue, it’s often the fascia and the lymphatics. And this fascial system for collagen, actually is a way that we delivered the structured water in our body. So the fascia is actually designed to move water in the body. So you actually get hydrated by moving. So movement is key, you know, exercises, yeah, we got to get moving to move our land to hydrate ourselves into feel good, of course, you know, as well.
Dr. Mindy
So interesting on the fascia because I always I, you know, you start to see trends in your health, the longer you live. And when I was 20 years old, I had chronic fatigue syndrome, I was diagnosed with high levels of Epstein Barr Virus. And it came after I had a fasciotomy. And I was a competitive tennis player, and I had compartment syndrome, and they went in and cut the fascia. On my lower legs. I have four big scars on my legs. And but then after that, it went into this immune deprived state that allowed Epstein Barr to emerge, is it do you feel like there’s a connection and then with those two situations, and then one other thought on that is, when you’re talking about immune suppression, I mean, we’re living in the time of immune suppression. Like if there’s anything COVID taught us, it’s not to be scared of a virus, it’s that we should be powering up our own immune system. Do you think there’s a connection between this lack of immune function and people not moving? I mean, I know it’s multifaceted. But yeah, that’s the first time I’ve heard that connection between fascia and immunity. So yeah,
Dr. Christine Schaffner
yeah, yeah. You know, I think it’s all interconnected. In your story. You know, I’m sorry, you went through that. And there’s like, definitely, you know, I’m a big believer, like, everything is interconnected in the body. And every, you know, there, nothing’s random. And so, you know, when you think about kind of, you know, tying into your store, and kind of the larger question, when we think about the fashio of the connective tissue, you know, the lymphatics, this is a lot of where we have a lot of our immune systems, surveying, you know, the, our bodies, a lot of mast cells hanging out in the connective tissue, and in the, you know, this, this space, and I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of patients who have this increased sensitivity and increased histamine issue, and it’s because the mast cells so bombarded by, you know, what is, you know, what it’s exposed to, and so their threshold, lowers and lowers and becomes more hyper excitable, releases, you know, and that’s, you know, part of it, you know, we have other immune cells, you know, serving this area, you know, as well, and, you know, there are these, even when I layer these pictures in textbooks of the extracellular matrix, and that’s, like, you know, it’s all interconnected. So we started that, like visual, and it’s this highway, we have what we thought, you know, when I was in school, we thought like, the fascia was just structural. Right, you know, we just thought it was like the saran wrap around the muscle, yeah, you know, whatever. But then when we learned about it, it’s not only you know, structural, but it actually is a, a communication network in the body. And it is a fiber optic, you know, essentially, conductor of electrons, protons, by a photons. And it’s also surrounded again by the structured water. This is where glyphosate when we talk about diet, detox. Glyphosate is a glycine analog, one of the key amino acids and collagen is glycine. So unfortunately, you know, one of my friends Dr. Stephanie synapse, she talks about how glycine gets interrupted, or glyphosate gets interrupted in the space that lysine gets is supposed to get in. So then we have this, you know, this really toxic collagen that’s disrupting our network and then creating our immune systems like what’s that and so I actually had a patient with scleroderma, and I put her in the flow presto, and then measured her urine for glyphosate. And it was like, the highest glyphosate I’ve ever seen. And so again, he’s like a, no one in my office, kind of right. Yeah, there, but it’s like this autoimmune phenomenon that’s happening. Is that an autoimmune phenomenon? Or is the body just like, hey, that’s not me that’s got glyphosate and we’re glycine should be and there’s an inflammatory process. So I know I gave you a couple angles to think about the immune system and our connective tissue right there. But I think it’s, we can’t we can’t think of one without the other, you know, right. It’s all happening in the space.
Dr. Mindy
So you’re saying that glyphosate gets stuck in collagen? And in fascia? That’s correct. And then the body goes and attacks itself. I know
Dr. Christine Schaffner
people are so sick today and because of our exposure to glyphosate, yeah. I mean, I
Dr. Mindy
agree on this. Yeah, I agree on glyphosate i and I’ve, we had Stephanie, sniff on this podcast as well. And we talked about, you know, the way I’ve always looked at glyphosate is that it’s drug, it drives those, those heavy metals into the brain tissue even deeper. But now you have me thinking a little bit even expanded beyond that, that it’s stuck in fascia, which is in our whole body, and is in joints. And so if you create an autoimmune reaction to that, I mean, your if your body’s attacking your joints,
Dr. Christine Schaffner
yeah, yeah, absolutely. And there’s like, it’s like, so cinestory, glyphosate gets, like, it affects so many systems in the body, and yeah, you know, in the brain, and you know, all of that, you know, which is really important to, you know, be aware of, but I think, you know, when I think about why it’s so insidious, I mean, think it, it affects membranes in the body. So leaky gut, leaky brain, but also, I think that the future, you know, a lot of where learning is, is in the fascia, you know, and how the fascia is this communication network. And, and we can see it like, you know, I don’t know if you’ve had your scars injected, or if you’ve, you know, seen that piece before, you know, but we see that sometimes we scars, a scar tissue can create these electrical disturbances in the body and all these different things, but you can do an injection on your chin, and your, you know, shoulder can start moving, you know, against know that it’s like, distant connections, but it’s all, you know, interconnected. And then in the world of body work, you know, people can really understand like, the presence of manipulating fashion, moving fashion, creating more movement in flow and opening that it just has this huge body wide effect on the body. He knows, I think, yeah, I think it’s the glyphosate disrupts so many things. But the fashio I think, is something to noodle on for you just to digest, because, yeah, well,
Dr. Mindy
yeah, Kelly Kelly, and I go way back on fascia, because the first time I got on the flow, presso, she did a fascial release. And I got off and I was raging with anger. Yes. And I was like, what, I’m not an angry person, it just totally shocked me. So it was the first time that I really saw what the emotional piece of fascia Could, could be. And when I went back, and I actually looked at it, I realized that I think the anger a lot of it was the situation where the scar actually happened, and the time period of that, so in ultimately, it was a gift and Kelly and I joked about it, and then I got on a plane and flew to Pennsylvania that ever all fix me all up. So
Dr. Christine Schaffner
they caught actual memory, you know, they there are people who are studying this and calling it fascial memory, like our tissues, through the structured water in the fascial hold memory, that’s where they’re thinking to scar injections body work, the flow press. So you know, and that’s why it’s important to do all the things that you need to do to heal and redress your emotions. But if you’re if you’re stuck out there, and if you’re not seeing the movement in your health, you could have you know, stuck energy, emotions, trauma in your tissues that literally is blocking your body’s ability to self regulate, heal, detoxify and all of it
Dr. Mindy
crazy. It’s crazy. Talk a little bit because I definitely want to get a hit on this topic, this idea behind vagus nerve toxicity. And I think what’s what’s really interesting and what I’m seeing in the in the detox world, is that we’ve gone from detox being just just eat better to you know, juice cleanses. And now we’re sort of moving into detox as it’s not as simple as just mobilizing toxins. We have got to have things like flow presso like the the movement in general water, I mean, everything you’re talking about, but what is it that is damaging the vagus nerve. So what I’m thinking is, is it affecting our ability to go toxins are affecting our ability to go in and out of parasympathetic and sympathetic is that what vagus nerve toxicity is?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Yeah, you know, I what I you know, I’m a naturopath so we’re always trained like okay, you know, what’s the root cause you know, like, he gets really great awareness around vagus nerve and you know, people are like okay the vagus nerve needs to be you know, supportive do these exercises you know, that person stuck in fight or flight and you know, that’s all really great information but you know, I take it kind of in blends deeper and be like, Okay, well why did the vagus nerve become imbalanced and begin with and we know like emotions and trauma can affect that but there can also be this, you know, know what we call the vagus nerve infection, and vagus nerve toxicity. And so, whenever we think about a toxicant, we think about it’s, you know, how does it disrupted physiology and many toxicants especially heavy metals, and certain biotoxins also from different infections can be neurotoxic, so they can have a propensity to their fat lacking so they can get settled into fat. And our neurons and our nerves are made up of fat and fossil lipids, and you know, all of these, you know, all of this lipophilic material. And so when these toxicants get lodged in parts of our nervous system, they disrupt the flow of communication. And then that can be part of why the vagus nerve is not communicating while it’s not producing enough acetylcholine or there’s, you know, you know, dysregulation and whenever we think about how supporting the vagus nerve, I kind of have my checklist, I think, okay, do a dental history, make sure that there’s no silver fillings still are knocking billions still in the mouth, there’s actually no root canals, those can be dead teeth that also those biotoxins can affect the vagus nerve. And we also look at the John, see if there’s any cavitations, the cavitations can be necrotic bone that can also be producing biotoxins and affecting vagus nerve. So we think about like, okay, nothing because I remember the vagus nerve comes out from the brainstem, and then their branches and the neck. And so the mouth because of the proximity can be very much tied, you know, to like where the sources. So we think about that, and then we think about the lymphatics and so, you know, a big highway in the neck, you know, the neck is a big highway, we have like blood going into the brain ball going out of the brain, we have the vagus nerve. And then we have these groups of lymph nodes called the cervical lymph nodes. And they are often if you’ve had, you know, a lifetime of, you know, dental toxicity that drains into them. If you have, you know, can any dental infection that drains there, even sinus infections can kind of drain into the cervical lymph nodes. Also, if you’re struggling with a chronic virus, or Lyme, and CO infections that can, you know, keep these lymph nodes chronically kind of like swollen or inflamed or congested. And again, because of the proximity of these lymph nodes, so just think if you have lymph nodes that are congested with pathogens and toxicants, that can actually migrate and be a reservoir. And those things can settle into the vagus nerve. And so we think about, you know, cleaning up the mouth, and really opening up drainage pathways, you know, in the neck. Also, you know, the systemic support to support the immune system, but, you know, my, my work there, and what I’ve seen to Mindy is, the more that we get to that root cause of what, what’s like slowly poisoning the vagus nerve, right, so get that addressed. And then we do a lot of the vagus nerve exercises and support but a lot of, you know how we recover the vagus nerve is really opening up the lymphatic channel, opening up the lymph in the neck, and then, you know, things get moving and the immune system can support the vagus nerve more and then toxins can clear out is a lot of phospho title Colleen, I also use there’s a woman Diana Driscoll has taught me a lot. She has a clinic called partes care and she created a product called Paracin plus, which helps with acetylcholine communication in the vagus nerve, you know, so if you have a vagus nerve that’s inflamed and cranky and toxic and infected, it’s not producing transmitters. So that can be really supportive. And then we have all sorts of topicals that we do and techniques. But yeah,
Dr. Mindy
what do you know, if you had vagus nerve toxicity?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
It’s a good question that many of my patients have symptoms that we can ascribe to the vagus nerve. So in my world, there’s a lot of pots, which is when you stand up, your heart goes too fast. There’s an dysautonomia, there’s just not the ability really not to kind of be in a balanced state between your parasympathetic and your sympathetic nervous system, or even frozen you know, like, but that fight flight or freeze kind of, you know, stuck in you’re kind of stuck in one gear, or you can’t get into parasympathetic, the parrot, the vagus nerve innervates the heart and so some people could have a fast heart rate or Aedes, any lung issues, a lot of digestion. So a lot of digestive issues. I also, you know, not only think of upstream in these big branches here, but a lot of the highway of the vagus nerve, you know, the communication from the brain to the body, but a lot of it is really body to brain. So if there’s a lot of gut dysbiosis and a lot of biotoxins in the gut, that can travel to via the vagus nerve and perpetuate kind of this. dysfunctional patterns. So, it’s layered and yeah, it’s complicated. playard you know, yeah, you know, there’s, you know, the, it’s the biggest cranial nerve and it really touches like every kind of body system that if a patient walks in our office has, you know, an imbalance and so, I kind of I often assume you know, that this is something To tackle, but again, I go through that checklist. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy
And so what can we do either? You know, are there some things that we can do that on our own to help with our vagus nerve toxicity? Yeah. What are some of the easiest things to do?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, I’m, you know, again, you know, thinking about, you know, what could be at the source and at the root, and again, if you’re pretty sick out there, I’d encourage you to work with a provider who could help you kind of unlearn that so that you have, you know, all the tools and can do that safely. You know, I use a lot of different topical treatments in my office. And you know, I my friend Dr. Ruggiero formulated a cream, for me, that’s called limb flow, and it has a probiotic in it, that produces a peptide peptide called macrophage activating factor. And where we apply the cream, we actually really open up the lymph. And so macrophage activating factor also has an anti viral and an immune support. So we’re kind of getting that through the skin, we’re getting that, you know, absorption, that through the dermis, the interstitial that we can actually affect the lymphatics and, you know, eventually get to the nerve to help heal the nerves. So we we’ve seen that, so anything that you can really do to open up this way has a positive effect. And, you know, you can sing and gargoyle and you know, do all those other exercises. Yeah. I’ve heard that. Yeah. You know, yeah, Dr. kharrazian talks a lot. Yeah. And then there’s, you know, start receiving gorgeous, he has, you know, the polyvagal theory has a couple pieces of equipment. I have new friends at a company called Brain harmony, where you can rent his equipment, and he has different like vibration techniques that you can do to actually help to improve communication and the vagus nerve. There’s a lot of emerging kind of technologies to to help to rehabilitate the nervous Well,
Dr. Mindy
yeah. Before I left Kelly’s clinic, she was rubbing all kinds of things on me, she’s like, Oh, you get on a flight. And she like, pulled out all these jars. And she started rubbing this stuff on me. I’m like, Oh, my people, I found my people. They’re like, care about my health. And I get on a plane. But she put on Sophia flow. Is that one of your products as well?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Yeah. So that was the first edition. And then we kind of evolved in Morocco. And I and we have, it’s called limb flow now and it has my Onyx. Yeah, so love that. Yeah. So that really helps to, you know, open things I’ve been, we’ve had a lot of, you know, really wonderful clinical anecdotes over the years with that, oh, boy,
Dr. Mindy
we’re gonna have to try it. I love that. Okay, talk about the other thing that I saw you talk about and and I love this. Because, you know, you and I definitely meet on the body heals itself, and that the modern world is really throwing a lot at us. So our ability to heal has become more challenging. And just in the short conversation, I think people are probably getting a bigger idea of it’s not as simple as you didn’t eat the right meal. But there’s a lot more going on. But what about energetic blocks, I saw you talk a little bit about that. And, and I’ve been, I’ve been trying to wrap my head around frequency a little bit more. I definitely come from more of a science base camp. But I also come from this, the body heals itself, and a lot of the things that we used to not be able to explain with science we can now explain, and I think that energy frequency is one of those. So talk a little bit about where frequency and energy gets blocked in the body. And are there things we can do to unblock those energies?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Yeah, absolutely. And this is a, you know, topic I’m really passionate about, and I feel very much a student, you know, and then continual learner. And my, again, my patients teach me, you know, every day and, you know, I think always when I like to talk about this, I like to just remind people that even though these seem like maybe esoteric principles, they’re actually, you know, grounded in science, we should all medicine very much acknowledges that we have electromagnetic fields in the body. So we have, our heart produces the strongest electromagnetic field in the body. And so we have a field that is measurable about six feet, you know, from our bodies that our heart produces that conventional technology, you know, reads and evaluates the heart are our friends at Heart Math, Dr. Roland McCrady, has studied a lot about the heart in the field of the heart and the impact of the heart and our physiology. And it’s very beautiful. I mean, it’s it’s so simple, but when we’re in the states of gratitude, love, appreciation, our heartbeat, our heart rhythm becomes more coherent, more aligned, and that has a profound effect on our communication in our body. And we can measure that and the heart actually informs the brain, the field of the heart that’s generated, informs the brainwaves and so on. Want to create, you know, healthy emotions and healthy brain and we can really spend a few moments in gratitude. So we know we have electromagnetic fields of energy and information that we produce, and kind of bring it to like on a cellular level, we, you know, we know about electrolytes, right, so sodium, potassium, you know, all these, you know, minerals that are really important for us. And they’re important because they’re electric lights, they’re basically helping with electrical movement of energy in the body. And whenever we have electrical charged particles moving through conductors, we generate a magnetic field. And then on the, on the other side, you know, when we have a magnetic field, so collagen produces a magnetic field, because it’s a, you know, three stranded structure, it’s a helical structure, it produces an electric field. So I assure you, that is like, all of a sudden, okay, now you have this visual, aside from esoteric stuff, okay, we have this field of energy that our heart is producing, and we have brainwaves, and then we have all this charged, all this charge matter moving in our body, creating all of these, you know, fields. And so I really feel that this is the future of medicine, acknowledging this part of our physiology, because this is also where things can happen faster, you know, so, biochemistry is brilliant, and functional medicine, and naturopathic medicine, I love it. And but it can take time. And you know, what we’re learning to, through kind of this frontier science is that the biochemistry might actually be coming downstream, it’s actually the fee of the organization of coherent fields of electrical or magnetic information that organize or draw things to each other. Rather than this just lock and key model, there’s like a, there’s a force of all, you know, so it’s, it’s amazing. And then when we think about energy, I also we have to think about light, because light is a form of energy. So we also know that our, you know, our cells communicate with bio photons. So essentially the smallest packet of light so when we are healthy, we have what we call coherent bio photon emissions in the sound. And when we’re unhealthy, or when we’re sick, or we have a cancer cell, there’s incoherent basically photons of energy, and then that disrupts the, the trickle effect of that is that our cells don’t work. We don’t make energy things break down cellular communication. So when we think about, okay, all of this and you know, then even we can talk about, you know, chakras and meridians and subtle energy, I mean, there’s a place for that, but just even staying on the topics I’ve talked about, we can have these areas of electrical disturbance and body right we can have, you know, areas of, you know, blockages that affect are basically these highways of these fields of energy and information, and I think scars do that, you know, so when scars, scars, yeah.
circuity nerve fashions, you know, the, the electrical flow. So I think about, you know, definitely from that camp, and then, you know, there is, you know, when I think about energetic blockages to you know, I think about scars, I think about the emotional traumas stuck in our in our in our tissues. And then I do I mean, I very much acknowledge that we have this biofield. So we have, okay, it’s electromagnetic energy. And then there’s all sorts of other conversations. But I do believe that this, this field, can actually hold information around our bodies. And when we’ve been through life experiences, traumatic events, we can actually hold these memories not only in our tissue, but in our field. And there’s one of the myelin McKusick if anyone wants to like go down the rabbit hole and really try to understand what I’m saying her name again. Eileen McKusick, surely, you should have heard her podcast and she’s, she created a system called biofield tuning. So she uses sound and vibration, to help move energetic blockages out of the field. And so, you know, what her work is shown is that we can have disturbances in the field, and that it’s kind of like you have like a black cloud in your field. That’s just this kind of thing that’s basically disturbing the information and energy that’s, you know, coming to our physical body and so, so there’s so many ways to look at this issue, but I kind of just break it down to when I think about energetic principles, I think about coherence. And I think about coherent electromagnetic fields of information of energy, I think about coherent light. There’s a whole world of sound and how sound can actually not only that our cells communicate with sound, which is pretty fascinating. There’s this UCLA researcher that listen to cells and how these cells have this like beautiful note, and then you know, six out sort of like screeching. So it’s just like this, you know, whole other
Unknown Speaker
set, the cells give off a sound. Yeah, it’s
Dr. Christine Schaffner
called biophotons. You know, so there’s a whole like, well, there’s biophotons, and then biophotons. So there’s just I’m trying to share these a lot of information to share, like, there’s this whole other aspect of our physiology sound very healing to I think sound can, you know, we know that sound can have a huge effect on the body and the vagus nerve even. But, you know, we ultrasound we use sound waves to measure all that, you know, like, look at our body. And for anyone is listening, there’s, there’s something called Cymatics. It’s the study of how vibration effects matter. And they have these beautiful visuals that you can Google, where they put different vibrational frequencies into basically looking at how it affects these kind of like, squares and sand. And they create these coherent patterns. So every frequency has an effect on that or in a different way. Right? And so it’s just it, I just think it’s a brilliant visual to like, how does frequency affect your body? And so it’s, I think it’s an emerging science, there are a lot of tools in the biohacking world to work with frequencies and how, when we’re out of balance, okay, how do we get back to balance? How do we restore kind of, you know, coherent aligned information. So our sounds, you know, sing better and emit light better, and you know, all these wonderful things. And so, so yeah, I think that light and sound and frequency, there’s a huge opportunity to amplify our health and make all the functional medicine even shine brighter, right, incorporating and combining, you know, all of these things. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy
yeah. And, you know, one of the things that I’ve been sort of wondering about healthcare in general, is, I feel like we’re evolving into this really beautiful place very much like, you know, the pandemic was a break down. For so many things, people started to see that they could work from home, they be just fine. And we started to look at that slowing life down. I mean, there were so many things that initially, initially, I felt like, were beautiful opportunities as humans to do life different. No doubt, it got a little messy there in the middle of it. But what I see with healthcare is it’s breaking apart. And there’s something really beautiful and new that’s emerging. And we don’t know what that looks like yet. I have been in more conversations in the last month on sound healing and frequencies, I feel like I’ve stepped into a matrix from a lot of people saying this, and it makes perfect sense. And I don’t I know, if you’re hearing this for the first time, it sounds like woowoo. But if you actually break it down, you pick up your phone, and you’re able to talk to your friend who lives you know, on the other side of the world, and that is all done through frequency you cannot see. So if you can’t see that frequency, what frequency is happening to your body that’s destroying your body? And what frequency can you put in that would be healing? So with that in mind, are there what are some of your like, how is it as simple as just putting on your favorite music? Like, how do we start to align our body up with the right frequencies?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Yeah, I love that. And I’m very much aligned with you, I you know, I have this kind of thought in my head, the future of medicine, I think, and whatever camp you’re in, it’s broken, right? So what was emerging through you know, and I think this is your, the matrix is knocking on your door and you go down going forward, you know, and so, um, you know, so when we talk about, you know, this, you know, there, there’s so many things we can do, but like the basics, I think where we can start are, this is like grounding works, right? This is why I came in contact with the ground, Mother Earth, bare feet with the ground where basically, the earth gives off electrons, and the electrons basically flow through our feet. And it’s been steady, there’s research and grounding and how it has all these effects on the body, and it helps inflammation and circulation and blood flow and create an exclusion zone water in the body. And in that also extracellular matrix and the structural proteins, there’s a protein called proteoglycan. And they are what we call electron reservoirs. And they can be depleted as we go through modern life. And so we got to kind of fill up our electron bucket. And so, you know, I’m essentially going out and being in nature can really be very supportive. Yeah, you have to make contact, you know, and then there are bio hacks that, you know, mimic grounding, you know, that can mimic you know, grounding pads, grounding sheets, you know, these types of things can mimic that. And then, you know, I’m all about Like, okay, with light and sound, I think if we can, you know, add in light, I mean, if you can just do the sun, that’s great, you know, we’re still very much outside of that, you know, not connected to the sun and, and we know that the light from the Sun affects our circadian biology and our hormones and, you know, our health in so many ways. But you know, there are different tools and devices that you can have at home that can bring in different wavelengths of light, there’s red light devices, infrared, I have friends who have a company called the Weber which is, you know, all of these other spectrums of light, so red and blue, and green, and yellow, and they all have a different impact on the body. And then sound you know, and again, when we think about it, you know, we all can make sound, you know, we might not be comfortable with that, but we can actually, you know, that’s where a lot of, I think, in ancient cultures mantras and chanting, you know, all of that. So sound, you can play around with your own sound. And then, if you want to be curious about sound, you know, check out my Lane’s work biofield tuning, she sells a tuning fork that you can play around with. Our friend Kelly has a device called the sound of soul that I have. Oh, yeah. It’s so cool. Yeah, it takes your heart rate variability, I
Dr. Mindy
have my own personal Heart Rate Variability soundtrack, it’s so flippin cool,
Dr. Christine Schaffner
totally. So we take your heart rate variability, it converts it to sound and then plays it back to you. So you’re basically auto tuning your own field to be on smoke coherent state, you know, that’s beautiful. I work with other devices that there’s a device called EO skin, where you can actually speak into it, and it picks up where you have too high or too low tones coming from your vocal cords. And it’s wild, but they’ve done a lot of research on this. And they can correspond where you have missing tones to different subconscious thought patterns that you might be affected by, and then gives you the missing tones back. And so I like listen to that all day long. You know, so I, you know, when I’m typing on my computer, you know, I need to do that, you know, for my own health. And so, in the new sound baths, you know, maybe your yoga studio or you know, somewhere in your community, I think sound baths can be really really healing sound bath. A sound pot is often using these Tibetan singing bowls that are these also basically have a different frequency of sound that they emit. People who are trained to do this kind of know how to like dance with these balls in this, like you’re bathing in this frequency of sound and my, my thought of what’s happening in the body and and it’s deeply relaxing, but it’s essentially getting more coherent sound waves to your you know, your field. And then I also believe it’s has an impact in structuring the water in your body. And so a lot of people detox actually, after being in the sound bath, they, you know, have to drink more water. Because like things are flowing. So there’s a woman who I’ve gotten to know over the years Nikki graduates, I think she called it Sonic detox, like sound detox, because you just move so much energy in the body when you do that. And so, so yeah, being being curious and finding what resonates with you. I mean, there’s so many paths to explore these things, but, but it’s fun. I mean, it’s fun, and people feel good. It’s, you know, I think it’s definitely worth exploring, especially if you’re looking for some breakthroughs in your health, or you’ve been stuck for a while, bringing these principles can I think, really create movement for you?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, you know, one of the coolest things that I experiences I’ve ever had was I had a yoga instructor that love to bring live music into the our sessions. And one time she brought a guy in, who was a master at the didgeridoo, which is really hard to get to do. And so when we were in Downward dog, he came along with that did tree do and put it right at the base of like the sacrum, going to like L five sacrum area, just beaming sound down your whole spine to your brain. And I thought, oh, my gosh, I think I am in another reality right now. That was the most impressive thing I have felt in my brain and my body, perhaps in my whole life. And it was in ancient didgeridoo, on my spine, going into my nervous system that way was mind blowing.
Dr. Christine Schaffner
So sound was basically traveling in the cerebral spinal fluid. That’s right, you know, movement and flow and electrical energy. And you have that experience.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, so cool. So cool. Well, let’s finish up with this. And I think, you know, for those of you guys that are listening, I just want to point out that what I love about this conversation is that we went in so many different directions to hopefully get you tools because and Christina, I don’t know, you know, how you feel. But I have a sense that we’re aligned on this, that we’ve got so many people stuck with their health, and they’re doing the same thing over over and over again, they are another medication, then another medication, then a, another trip to a doctor and then another doctor, and then maybe they step into the alternative world. And they’re like, Well, let me try something more natural. But there, but we’re still coming at health from this one pill one problem, one solution. And what I think you did for all of us listening today is really expand the thought that gosh, there is so much more to our environment that we may not be addressing. And we really need to dive into the subtleties of everything that you talked about. Now, that would be my summary of what just happened.
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Thank you for allowing me to, you know, all these topics in one conversation, I’m really grateful. And it comes from my heart comes in from that, in the end, you know, our patients teach and Civ I, you know, didn’t you know, I, of course, my heart believes in all of this. And I know this is true from my own experience, but my patients teach me right. And if gluten free diet was enough, I wouldn’t have gone right. rabbit holes, no. So so it comes through, you know, profound gratitude that my patients teach me.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I love it. Okay. Well, you said the magic word with this is season three of the resetter podcast, and I decided to dedicate this whole season to gratitude. So, um, give us an idea of what is your personal gratitude practice look like? Because a lot of people don’t have a gratitude practice. And so I’m asking every guest like, what is your practice look like? So that we can all learn from it? Yeah.
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Oh, I love that. I love I love powerful what a powerful word. So I been down the Dr. Joe Dispenza. Rabbit Hole. Last year, especially. And, you know, I mentioned Heart Math. And then Dispenza. He also talks a lot about heart brain coherence. So my morning routine is that I wake up, do the peloton, and then I make time to meditate for it used to be about 20 minutes. And now I’m stretching out to 45 minutes to 15 minutes and start every meditation with opening our heart and connecting with that. And, you know, sounds so easy, but it is it’s a process, right? And I have a three and a half year old daughter who Wow. And my heart is outside my body, you know, with that. And so it’s very easy to when I think about her, you know, to get to that state. And so it’s been fun for me to start kind of she she knows a lot now, but teaching her about her heart. But yeah, my my morning routine is often you know, I’m not perfect, but I try to most days of the week, you know, get them to this space in the state of gratitude. And, you know, if you’re, if you don’t have time for that, I also have a gratitude journal. So you know, if you just even you know, you have five minutes, just write down the things that you’re grateful for, and really try to speak from that experience that you can feel them. And they’re not just kind of words that you can really spend to just sink in and feel them.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, what’s the what’s the meditation? Is that a Joe Dispenza? One?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Oh, yeah, I have like a little library. He always wants to like, because
Dr. Mindy
I end up down rabbit holes with his meditations. And then I’m like, I don’t even know what he’s saying. What am I focusing on
Dr. Christine Schaffner
his experience? And in all honesty, I think, you know, there’s so much you can do, of course, but when you’re in like, I’ve been to a couple retreats, and it all clicked when I was in His presence is like sometimes it’s like, what is this guy saying what’s going on, you know, but I like the tuning into new potentials changing the boxes. I like the blessing of the energy centers. He has a morning and evening in the morning 25 minutes. And then he has a new set series called generating and some something 15 minutes. So if you don’t have that, like there’s generating gratitude, there’s one. So you just kind of like, you know, stop dropping, you know, like, okay
Dr. Mindy
for the quick gratitude, but we’re just scared but down, and let’s be grateful. Yeah, I love it. I love it. That’s great. Well, this was such a delightful conversation. And, you know, I feel if we go back to this idea around the matrix, when I met Kelly, she’s like, Oh, my God, you have to know Christine, like she’s in the matrix with us. She understands all this stuff. But I do feel like there’s this moment in not just life, but in healthcare, where we’re really emerging out of an old paradigm. And yet, it’s very difficult to see what that new paradigm is going to look like. And when I have conversations like this, with people like you, I get a little glimmer of where healthcare is going and as obscure as it may sound. I just think it’s so beautiful when we can come back to some ancient principles like sound, when we can look at light when we can look at water, and we can see that there’s a healing way to do all those things. And I just I love this conversation. So thank you, Christine, for being here. People find you where Is your workout and where do people go doc you?
Dr. Christine Schaffner
Thank you Mindy and it’s a pleasure as well to really connect with you in the space. And so, I have a website Dr. Christine shoprunner.com. And I have my podcast is there and just information about my clinic which is another website called imminence. health.com and that’s in Seattle and we do a lot of telemedicine as well and I’m gonna have you Monday on my podcast so, you know my love to share your work with my community as well.
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