“Start Forgiveness”
This episode is all about functional health, root cause, and rethinking chronic disease.
Dr. Bill Cole is a Doctor of Chiropractic and with his postdoctoral studies in Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. He is the founder and creator of the Key Cellular Nutrition (KCN) and Cellular Health Accelerator (CHA) program—one of the largest online group health coaching programs of its kind. He is a leader in the cellular health revolution with a focus on energy, hormone, microbiome, gut, thyroid, brain health, and longevity.
In this podcast, Why We Need To Rethink What’s Behind Chronic Disease, we cover:
- Why getting to the root cause will be a game-changer for your journey
- How to give the body what it needs to heal your cells
- The best way to change the direction of your health
- About the root causes of autoimmunity, cholesterol, and cardiovascular problems
- Which tools you can use to get to the root cause of your health concerns
Why People’s Health Keeps Deteriorating
Dr. Cole has been in working in the health industry for thirty-eight years. He says that people are struggling to lose weight now more than ever before. This phenomenon now has a name: weight loss resistance. People who have weight loss resistance cannot lose weight; unfortunately, it’s a sign of something terrible happening in the body. It means there are some more profound issues are going on. Plus, people are coming in with multiple problems inside the body. All these issues reflect how sick we are at a cellular level.
Stop Treating Symptoms and Find The Root Causes
Unless you’re dealing with real root causes, you’re simply treating symptoms. When you are treating the symptoms, that is a dead-end street. Treating a symptom will help you feel better; however, you’re still missing the cause. We’re living in a time like no other. For example, we are exposed to chemicals in a way that no other generation has had to face. A study found that people are on average exposed to 168 different toxins from just their beauty products. Overall, we are living in the most toxic time in human history. The sooner we can try and minimize the toxins coming into our body, the better our body can heal.
Is Butter, Lard, and Red Meat Causing Health Problems?
Our ancestors lived on farms, and they ate all of the food that we’ve been told is taboo today. People used to live on butter, lard, and red meat. Did people have heat disease from butter, lard, and red meat? It was so rare that myocardial infarction didn’t even enter medical colleges in the United States till about 1910. Today the media is saying that a high-fat diet will contribute to cancer. Well, we’ve cut fat consumption over the last 50 years by roughly 30%. We have more obesity, more heart disease, and more cancer than ever before as a nation. Eating a low-fat diet is not helping our society.
How Health In The United States Compares To The Rest of The World
You would think that with our technology and with the great doctors we have, we would be one of the healthiest counties in the world. Well, we are not! We’re in the middle of the pack when it comes to life expectancy. When it comes to the number of diseases per capita, we’re the worst. We have more diseases per capita than any other nation in the world. Sadly, those numbers aren’t getting any better. What we are doing when it comes to health simply is not working. All in all, we need to stop treating symptoms and start asking more “why” questions. If your doctor isn’t thinking about why you’re experiencing a certain symptom, you need to ask yourself why.
95% of Americans Have An Autoimmune Condition
If you develop one autoimmune disease, the chances that you’ll develop a second autoimmune disease is around 70%. The chances that you’ll develop a third autoimmune disease is around 50%. We’ve created an environment inside of us that is conducive to the development of an autoimmune disease. If someone has autoimmunity, then they have a leaky gut. Instead of the gut lining keeping things in, they are pouring things into the bloodstream, creating chronic inflammation. A lot of undigested protein is escaping into the bloodstream. Your body will start to go haywire, especially when you throw toxins into the mix. Remember, it is time to get to the root cause of your autoimmunity.
Dr. Mindy
I think one of the things that unites so many of us that are in the functional health world is that people are sicker than ever. And they’re not just coming in with one symptom. They’re coming in with, like, 20 symptoms. And, you know, I’ve been in practice 25 years, you’ve been in practice longer than that, how long you been in?
Dr. Bill Cole
38 years? 38 years? Yep.
Dr. Mindy
So I want to start with what have you seen in the condition of the human body in the last 38 years? What has changed?
Dr. Bill Cole
Yeah, I mean, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s something that I talk about all the time, because I used to actually my brother and I owned a Gold’s Gym, in our hometown for about 10 years. People familiar with that. It’s a national chain Gold’s Gym, right. And we would have people that would come in that, that was about the time when women started to get more involved with weightlifting. And they would come in and just as a simple example of how things have changed, it was easy. If a woman came to us and they wanted to lose weight, this was back in in the mid 80s, you would clean up their diet, you would put them on an exercise program. And then Wallah, you would have weight loss,
Dr. Mindy
you had to put some leg warmers on or two, you had to put some leg warmers. And I had bad i Yeah.
Dr. Bill Cole
The big hair. Yeah, the big hair was a month. Anyway, um, it was predictable. And then something happened. And it was in the 90s. And it was more towards mid to late 90s, where you would have the same situations with minimal to no results. And I remember specifically, actually talking to Dan Pompa, at that time, saying something’s different. Like, you can’t, they’re not losing weight, the way that they used to, right, they got into this thing we know today is weight loss resistance. And it’s really, this inability to lose weight is just the sign of something really bad happening inside, it’s just not a nuisance. Like, oh, I can’t lose weight. It’s telling you something, that you’ve got deeper issues going on. And I equate it really to back then I was saying, I think we are seeing, like this tsunami that is coming ashore. And we’re just seeing the beginning waves of it. And as you know, we’ve gotten into it more now. We’re seeing more what you’re describing where people are coming in with multiple issues, you know, going on foods, I mean, different environmental sensitivities, all of these issues that really were something that were was more rare, is becoming more and more common today. And I just think it’s a reflection of really how sick we are really down at that cell level.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, what’s happened? Well, and you know, I think for those of us that are in the functional health world, we see it so clearly. But when I stand in my functional health mind, and I look at the the what somebody is doing every single day, I feel like the human race hasn’t really identified yet that there has been a change in stressors that we are sicker than ever before. I feel like the common person isn’t seen that. So help us understand how do we help people see that, that their, their toxic stress, physical, emotional chemical, is way worse than even a decade ago? And what are those stressors?
Dr. Bill Cole
Yeah, you know, I would even take it a step further, Mindy, and say that even in, in the natural health world? Well, you know, what I did for a lot of years was I was always talking about getting to the cause as a chiropractor, right? Yeah. Not realizing that a lot of what I was doing, especially nutritionally, was just more of the same treating symptoms I was using supplements to do with the medical doctors were doing that really not recognizing that, you know, and I see this today with a lot of natural health doctors, they’re still skirting around that whole thing. You know, what can I take for this? What can I take for that? Instead of understanding what’s causing that? And that’s the big missing link. And you know, that’s hard. That’s our mission, right, is we’re trying to get people to understand that unless you’re dealing with real root causes. Yes, then all at best, all you’re doing is treating symptoms. And the honestly for my almost four decades of doing this, that is pretty much a dead end street. You can help people you can help them feel a little bit better. And yeah, it’s way better to use natural things versus pharmaceuticals most of the time, but it’s it’s still you’re still missing that big thing, which is the cause and the cause today. You asked that Question. I believe we’re living in a time like no other works pose to chemicals in a way that like I was just, I use this on my welcome call with my clients where I talk about the Environmental Working Group looked at American females, right. And they found in their beauty products alone, just in their beauty products, they’re exposed on average to 168 different toxins just in the beauty products. And you gals are like head to toe type stuff, right? Yeah, ditto day after day, week after week, month, year, it goes on. And that’s just the beauty products. Yes. That’s not the cleaning products, not the air, you breathe the water, you drink the food, you eat the medications, you’re taking all the plastic chemicals, which are in a whole class by themselves in terms of how endemic they are in our society. But yeah, I mean, this is this is what we’re talking about here. This onslaught, this time that we’re living in, like, like no other generation before us.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, yeah, I always say we are living in the most toxic time in human history. And the sooner we identify that and try to minimize the toxins coming into our body, the better our body can heal, and what I love and what unites you, and me and Pompa, is that our training, our chiropractic training really gave us a vision, to be able to see that the body heals itself, it is you are living in this perfect piece of machinery, you just have to remove the interferences, and your beauty products are interfering. EMFs are I mean, there’s so many interferences that are bringing down the body’s ability to heal.
Dr. Bill Cole
Yeah, and I love that because we talk about that, that God given capacity towards health, right? Yeah, they call they call it a Scientists call it homeostasis. It’s the ace in the hole. Without it, we’re doomed. You because you have this in you, you have I always use the example Mindy, if, if I were to Nick somebody with a knife, instantly their body starts the process of healing that cut, they go out in 100 degree temperature, they start to sweat freezing temperature, they start to shiver. The doctor can set the bone, it’s the body that heals the bone, right? Yeah. And that’s, that’s the ace in the hole. And with that working with us, and people may, they may not even they may be so sick, that they don’t recognize their body is feverishly attempting to fix their problem. We need to do what you just said, we need to remove those roadblocks. We need to create an environment in the body that is supportive of healing, cellular healing, it’s an anti inflammatory environment, right? We’re all the things we’re doing in our lives is typical Americans. We’re driving inflammation, we’re driving shell damage. But there is that thing, that’s the opposite. You can create an environment that’s supportive of healing and because you have a body designed to heal, that’s what you should expect.
Dr. Mindy
Yes, yes. And we, but nobody’s been taught this. I actually. So I’m in the process of writing a fasting book for women. And I first two chapters, the second chapter, I really was mapping out for a women how when you’re in the womb, there is a total trust that that baby is going to grow and all the fingers are going to get put in there in the right place, and the eyes and the head. The mom doesn’t sit around and say, Oh, wait, hold on. I’m gonna step out of this work meeting so I could go grow my help my baby grow an arm. That doesn’t happen, right? The minute we come out of the womb, distrust and fear starts and in the womb, we’re powerful and out of the womb, we’re not powerful. And so the conditioning starts on day one, as we are taught, you know, keep your baby inside. If your baby has a fever, you want to bring the fever down. Don’t let your baby get to near people who have a cold, we get taught outside in health from day one. Yeah, I am created inside out,
Dr. Bill Cole
right? I am stealing that from you that really? That’s powerful. I love that. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy
So So let’s help people understand what one of the things I want to do with this conversation is okay. If we know that our body is a self healing piece of equipment here, what do we need to look at when we look at cholesterol when we look at thyroid when we look at autoimmune? I love how you started this off that we often move from medication to supplements. We go from conventional medicine to alternative medicine, but we’re still not getting to the root cause. So let’s get to the root cause of some of these things that my audience might be dealing with and help them see a different perspective. And I must start with cholesterol since you said that was your favorite one.
Dr. Bill Cole
Yeah, it is. It’s The one thing that sets me off I think more than anything because you know, our ancestors, if we really think about it, right? Not that long ago, even they lived on farms, and they ate all of the food that we’ve been told, is taboo today, all of the food that supposedly creating, you know, weight issues, heart problems, you know, high cholesterol, whatever it is, well, they lived on butter. They lived on lard. They lived on red meats. They lived on all of these foods that we’ve been told are bad for us. Did they have heart disease? Well, it was so rare that myocardial infarction didn’t even enter medical colleges in the United States till about 1910 1912. Yeah. And if we’re looking at even diseases like cancer, because they’re saying today that a high fat diet, it contributes to the development of cancer, well, in 19 103, out of every 100, Americans could expect to develop cancer. It’s like 49 out of 100. Today, and yet we’ve cut fat consumption over the last 50 years like 30%. But as a nation, we’re we’re, we have more obesity, we have more heart disease, we have more cancer, it’s not helping. In fact, I believe that it’s hurting because you have to make that distinction between bad fats and good fats. Right Man made tainted prostituted fats, that yeah, when they get in our body, they do all the bad things, the hydrogenated oils, the trans fats, the vegetable oil, the canola oil, right? The corn oil, these things are driving the bad things, the cell inflammation and the damage in they’re causing these things that we’re so worried about. But on the other side of the coin, when our ancestors ate foods, that word natural, these healthier fats, they not only were not harming themselves, they were preventing disease. And that’s what we’re trying to tell people. Look at that. Look at our brain 70% Fat 25% Of all the cholesterol in our body is stored in our in our brain in our little brain, right? 2% of our body weight. That’s where 25% of the cluster, there’s a reason for that. Yeah, our nerves are nerve coverings 80% fat, our cell membrane that’s damaged. It’s called a by lipid layer. It’s made a two layers of fat. You can’t, you can’t, you can’t manufacturing utilize vitamin D, there are so many people listening that are low in vitamin D, without adequate levels of healthy fat hormones are made from fat. Yeah, so we would so this idea that cholesterol is the Boogeyman. When I graduated, Mindy, can you believe that in 1984, when I graduated, anything under 300, cholesterol level was considered to be good to go. Anything under 300. Then they lowered it to 250. And in the process, they put how many people on cholesterol lowering medications. And then they decided, well, it needs to be down to 200. And they put millions of more people on cholesterol lowering medications. And now they’re even there’s a lot of doctors that are trying that trying to drive it down to 150. And all of that effort with all of these medications. What difference is it made in heart attacks and strokes? Zero? It’s made no difference whatsoever. But there’s over 900 studies showing the damaging effects of the statin drugs in our bodies. Yeah. Right. And, and people are, they’re not even I think a lot of times we get like you’re talking about many we get so conditioned, that aren’t even thinking, why is it that I have to go in and get a blood test every three months when I’m on these statin drugs, because they’re so dangerous. They literally go into the liver and shut off the livers ability to manufacture cholesterol. Well, that is potentially damaging to the liver. So they have to go back and check their liver enzymes to make sure that they’re does that even sound healthy to anybody? Yeah, right. It’s we’ve just gotten so far off track with this whole cholesterol thing.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. So when let’s let’s say I go into my trusted medical doctor, I love him or her. I feel like they have my best interest in mind. They run my annual blood test. They see that my total cholesterol is high. They prescribe me a statin What am I to do at that moment? Because I trust my medical doctor is are there questions I can ask? Are there other labs I can run? How do I open that conversation up so that I can have my doctor working with me? Or am I living in a world of of Pollyanna world where I want all doctors to work together? How do we unite this?
Dr. Bill Cole
Yeah. What is that not the question of the ages. I will say this though, that in my time I have seen a distinct shift. Yeah, and there’s more medical doctors that are open to this idea that there are some natural things that can be investigated first, I have seen that. But by and large, you know, patients are they’re going to be up against it because the doctor has been taught one thing. And then, you know, there are people like us telling them another thing. Yeah. And so what I, what I do is I recommend in that particular case, I recommend a book, for instance, by Dr. Stephen Sinatra, called The Great Cholesterol Myth. And this is a heart surgeon, right? So he’s, they’re coming from that perspective, so that you can use that type of information as ammunition, if you will. I would just if, if it was me, I would be wanting to go in and I would want the proof. And I’m going to be like, Doc, can you show me any study that’s not from a pharmaceutical company? Hmm. It’s selling the drug. Show me any study that supports the idea that somebody who hasn’t had a previous heart attack? For instance, right, yeah, is gonna benefit longevity wise from taking this statin. And then there’s all kinds of studies out there that will show you the damaging effects of taking this, what they would call the side effects. I went to school, I learned about the law of cause and effect. It wasn’t cause effect and side effect. That’s just, that’s just a less serious sounding way of understanding what happens when you take a known toxin into your body every day for the rest of your life. Yeah, right. There’s gonna potentially be a price to pay for that. The side effect, or it’s really the effect of taking that toxin in? Yeah, but yeah, it is. It’s such a dilemma dilemma. I’m sure you see it all the time. Yeah. And people are so frustrated they get so they get so afraid, and naturally understanding they don’t want to lose their doctor, like you said, they like their doctor. But a lot of these people are there, they get offended. They get offended when you are going to challenge it’s your body, though, right? It’s it’s our body, we have to have the right to go into that with this notion that, look, this is my health. And I need to do what’s right for me, right? Look at both sides of that coin.
Dr. Mindy
And just so people are up to speed on science, like studies themselves. Just it can. I don’t know if we have a percentage, but I want to make sure that people don’t miss that, that pharmaceutical companies back studies. Yeah. And do you know what the percentage of studies are? Or
Dr. Bill Cole
I don’t I know, it’s extremely high, that most of the studies that are out there are funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I remember years ago, like 25 years ago, I was living in LA and the LA Times came out with a like four page article like no ads, just purely an article about the pressure that the researchers feel when they are, when they get this funding from pharmaceuticals, they feel pressure to have to pass the drug, because the whole study was funded by the by big pharma. And I remember this was 25 years ago, I remember thinking, Oh, my gosh, this is going to help people see what is behind some of this research. And here we are 25 years later, and that that piece of science being backed by big pharma, and the pressure on the researchers to show a specific thing, nobody, it just doesn’t get talked about enough.
Dr. Bill Cole
It really doesn’t get talked about US war, all a person really needs to do is maybe just even, for a day pay attention to the amount of commercials that are on television, that have to do with medications. Right. And we are bombarded. That’s my point, we’re bombarded by this industry that is super powerful. And, you know, they hold a lot of sway when it comes to the laws that are written. And, and I think it’s it’s just borne out with the fact that if we, if anyone can look and say that what we are doing is working, then I’ll shut up. Yeah, and I’ll shut up. But we are the sickest nation that’s ever existed in it. We’re, I heard this, and I don’t know exactly if it’s 100% accurate. People can check this out. But I know it’s close to this. And that is that the United States comprises about 4.7% of the world’s population. We consume over 50% of all the world’s
Dr. Mindy
medications. I’ve heard that Yes. Think about that. Yeah,
Dr. Bill Cole
like and where are we? Where do we rank health wise for anyone listening? You would think that with our technology, right with the great doctors we have, and we do have great doctors, and with the great nurses that we have, and we have great nurses, you would think that we would be up near the top we’re we’re not when it comes to life expectancy even we’re in the middle of the pack. When it comes to when it comes to the amount of diseases per capita. We’re the worst. We have more diseases per capita than any other nation in the world. And it’s not getting better. It’s getting worse. Because what we’re doing is not working. The approach that we have this idea, like you’re saying that it’s going to be outside in, we’re going to get something whenever something bad happens to us, we’re going to find some pill, powder, potion and lotion that we’re going to stick in as her honest, that somehow is going to address the reason why we’re sick. You know, what, why can’t Mary lose weight? Why is her hair falling up? Why does she have joint problems, skin problems, gut problems? If you’re not asking the question, if the doctor is not asking that question, why, and let me tell the your listeners they know this already. There has never been a headache caused because you lacked aspirin. There’s never been a case of high cholesterol, because you didn’t have enough statin drugs in your body. There is a time and a place. I’m not saying that people’s lives have not been saved, because of medications, that how many people are dead because of medication, how many how much health is being destroyed? Because we’re not looking at the real underlying issues, the causes of why they’re sick? And it never boils down to a lack of medication? No,
Dr. Mindy
no. And I want to point out well said and I want to point out that emergency medicine in our in our country is amazing. We’re talking about chronic disease. So if it’s helpful for you guys, as you’re listening to this, just to separate those two out, if I’m in a car accident, take me to the ER I want to that’s where I should be. But if I have a chronic condition, and I get put on a medication, I didn’t solve the problem. The doctor didn’t solve the problem. So to
Dr. Bill Cole
that, and we do make that distinction like I have my youngest son, he’s a grown man today. But when he was seven years old, he was playing at his friend’s house and, and they were stupidly playing on top of this dog cage that contained a Rottweiler and they fell into the cage. And my son got mauled by this Rottweiler, right. And with the doctors were able to do this these emergency first aid type of situation. It is near miraculous. And we have we do have the best doctors and we have the best system in the world when it comes to emergency care. But when it comes to the treatment of chronic degenerative conditions, which unfortunately, most Americans are going to suffer from and die from. It’s a different story. It’s a different story.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, yeah. And I’m a Rottweiler lover. So I just want to point out that it wasn’t it wasn’t the Rottweiler. That was the problem. It was the owner, but that’s a whole nother Yeah, well,
Dr. Bill Cole
we love we love Rottweilers, too.
Dr. Mindy
So, okay, so before I leave the cholesterol issue, I just want to point out, do you How much do you think statins are contributing to Alzheimer’s? Do you feel like when we shut cholesterol production down in the body, it’s contributing to dementia and Alzheimer’s? I do
Dr. Bill Cole
not. And there’s there’s merging. There’s emerging science right now that that showing that right that this the people in, you could go even beyond that, it’s that you’ll see commercials where an attorney will come on and say, if you’re a female, and you have type two diabetes, and you’re taking a statin drug, call my office, because there’s evidence out there that it’s affecting, and contributing to the development of type two diabetes. But I said earlier that 25% Of all the cholesterol is stored in our brain, and that there’s a reason for that. Our brain needs cholesterol. Yeah, to be healthy. And when we just willy nilly go into the body and say, No, we’re going to turn that off in you. Well, of course, I mean, just on the surface, it has to make sense that this rise that we’re seeing, right, Alzheimer’s, a disease that 120 years ago essentially did not exist. It didn’t exist. In the first cases, for many for decades afterwards, were women in their 40s and 50s. It was rare. But what we’re seeing today, it’s one of our fastest growing diseases, I do believe that it’s because of the things that we’re doing inside of our body that’s creating an environment that allows these type of degenerative conditions to develop.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, yeah, agreed. Okay, let’s move on to autoimmune conditions, because this is another one that’s on the rise. I think they say that, like, the actual statistic is like 95% of Americans have an autoimmune condition, and many of them are go undiagnosed. My experience has been it’s almost 100%. Now. So what’s the root issue behind I know, auto immunity can show up in different areas, but what is that root cause that we need to address with autoimmune conditions?
Dr. Bill Cole
Well, I’ll answer that, but can I say, Mindy that and I know you know this, that if you develop one autoimmune disease, the chances that you’ll develop a second autoimmune disease is like 70%. Yeah, absolutely. And then if you the chances that you’ll develop a third autoimmune disease is like 50%. So what does that telling us right off about like, as thinking adult humans, right? What should we be understanding from that? I think it’s, it’s this notion that we’ve created an environment inside of us that is conducive to the development of an autoimmune disease, right? It’s not so much the autoimmune disease, it’s the condition inside of us that allows that to, we’re fostering that in other eyes, right. And what we are seeing is and what I believe is so true, and we’ve seen this time after time, is the first of all, you have to look at a leaky gut, you have to understand that if you give me somebody with autoimmunity, I’m going to show you somebody with a leaky gut, they have a damaged gut lining. And now, instead of that gut lining, keeping things in, that should be in and keeping things out that shouldn’t be getting in, they become like a sieve, where they’re just like a river. They’re pouring things into the bloodstream, it’s creating a chronic inflammation response throughout the body. In the case of thyroid, a lot of the undigested protein from the foods we’re consuming, that’s escaping into the bloodstream, very similar to the proteins that make up our thyroid. And one of the theories is that your body over time just goes haywire, it begins looking at those similar proteins as being something foreign. And then when you throw in toxins to the mix, mix, right, which now toxins, that being fat soluble, most of them, meaning they’re going to be attracted to areas in the body that are composed of fat, that cell that I mentioned, has that by lipid layer, so your thyroid cells, now those toxins are going to potentially get lodged into that cell membrane. Now it creates a completely different structure to the body, your body’s recognizing it as something different. And then you wind up with this attack, which we know we know as Hashimotos. Right? But what set the stage for that a leaky gut that allow this chronic inflammation state to take place. And then these toxins which are creating entirely different cells in terms of how the body’s preceding them, in a begins this attack to try to destroy them.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. How would somebody know if they had a leaky gut other than a condition? Is there? What do you have a favorite way to test a leaky gut? Are there symptoms that would give people an indication that they have one?
Dr. Bill Cole
Yeah, you know, I go back to what Hippocrates who’s that we’re talking about medicine, right? Yeah, the father of modern medicine, everyone’s heard of the Hippocratic Oath. And medical doctors take when they become when after they graduate. Right. And he said over 2000 years ago that he believed that all disease begins in the gut. Yep. I Mindy, I used to laugh at that. I used to think that’s ridiculous. Like, like, how could every disease we have to do with a gut? Well, almost four decades of doing this, and I’ve had, I’ve had the good fortune of working with over 28,000 clients to date, I can tell you that there is an area condition that a person has it doesn’t have some basis in an unhealthy gut. Yeah, in the set, the symptoms are going to be I mean, look up a list of symptoms associated with leaky gut, it’s just going to be as long as our arms. Yeah, right. So it pretty much when I see somebody who’s not well, and it can be overt gut symptoms, for sure, right. But there are other things like even brain symptoms, we know that the brain and the gut are connected by the longest nerve in our body called the vagus nerve. And people can understand this connection when they think of like, if I would tell them to you need, like, instantaneously, you need to go talk to 1000 people give them give them a speech, right? Everyone’s gonna be like nervous, right? Where do you feel that at? You feel that in your gut, you might get diarrhea, you get butterflies, whatever it might be? Well, it works in reverse to write so that when we have an unhealthy gut, it can affect our brain. And we’re seeing that so much today. But I don’t care where you’re talking about in the human body, what my first thought is automatically if I see somebody who’s not Well, somebody who can’t get well they try to change their diet. They, they they take all the supplements, every every protocol that you can think of in there still not well, it usually boils down to the fact that they’ve not sealed that gut back up again. Yeah, not fix that leaky gut.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, yeah. Well said. Okay, what’s what else with autoimmunity? So, if you guys as you’re listening to this, this is everything from Hashimotos, to ra, to lupus, to psoriasis, these are diabetes type one is an autoimmune condition. I mean, the the list is long. So if you have one of those or you want to prevent one of those, we what I’m hearing from you, Bill is first and foremost, let’s get a healthy gut. Yeah, what what’s next? Well, we
Dr. Bill Cole
talk what we try to teach our autoimmune patients is essentially what they And Pompa talks about, which is that stool analogy, right? Where you have, you’re going to basically find somebody who might have a genetic weakness. They have these genetic tendencies, weak genes, whatever, however you want to describe it. And then there’s going to be some kind of a trigger, that is going to trigger a leaky gut is going to be one of them. But then you’re going to find things like I mentioned earlier, it could be toxins, it could be a bad diet, it could be stress in a person’s life, it could be a person who sleeps well. Right. These are the triggers that we see that will turn on these bad genes. The leaky gut, is that what I kind of separate that is a separate thing, because it’s so endemic in our society. Yeah, it’s just that three legged stool, you have the weak genes that are being turned on by whatever triggers that person has in their life. That’s what they need to identify, what are these triggers, and then fixing that leaky gut. And what we see is when we deal with it from that perspective, in other words, we detoxify somebody, for instance, right at the cellular level, and then we work on fixing that leaky gut. Inevitably, you mentioned Hashimotos, we see those antibodies start to go down in the blood. You know what I mean? We don’t have I don’t have a clinical double blind study that can prove this. But at what point? Do hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of clients or patients anecdotal evidence, at what point does that carry the weight? That we need to know that there’s something do this?
Dr. Mindy
Yes, yes. You know, what I, one of my favorite case studies over the last couple of years was actually done with Hashimotos. And my sister, which as you, you have a whole family involved in healthcare, you typically don’t try to help your own personal family. Patients that could go awry very, very fast. But she, nobody was helping her. And so we finally got a doctor that was willing to run blood tests on her pretty periodically, like every three months, and we started to fix her gut, we started detox metals. Every single one of her thyroid markers cleared up. And we saw those antibodies go down, down, down, down, down as we pulled the toxins out and cleaned or got up to your point. So it was we’d like micro managed it with blood work. And we could just see over time took us about a year a little bit longer. We could see the whole thing resolved. It was unbelievable.
Dr. Bill Cole
Yeah. And it’s it’s predictable. I mean, you know, you a lot of these thyroid patients, they’re mostly women right? In there, they go to their doctor and the doctor is like, well, your thyroid numbers, or there’s two types. They go to with all the symptoms, and the doctor says, nope, your TSH Test, which is supposed to be this gold standard test to determine whether they have a thyroid problem is normal. And the person’s like, Well, why don’t I feel normal, right? And then you’ll find the other half of the equation where they go in and the doctor finds out that their TSH is high. And they’re you well you have hypo thyroid, by definition, that means you don’t have enough thyroid medication. So let’s put you on thyroid medication, Synthroid level thyroxin. And then the person goes back for a blood test and the in the doctor is like, super happy your TSH now looks great. Now the persons in the same boat is the person who went in with a TSH, quote, normal with all the symptoms. And they’re saying, Well, why don’t I feel great, I still have all of the symptoms, my hair still falling out, I can’t lose weight, I’ve got whatever it might be with Ira, that that’s a long list too. So here you have this situation where the primary problem and I’ve heard that it’s over 90% of people who have hypothyroid disease actually have this underlying autoimmune disease, where we’re talking about the cause, right? You can give them the medication, you can change their number, right? The medications in the blood, it’s going to change the number if that medication can’t get into the cells to do the magic, because you have an immune system that is so haywire that you’re creating chronic inflammation and an attack on those cells. They’re chronically inflamed. It’s called Hashimotos, thyroid itis. What is itis mean? It means inflammation. Yeah. So you have this situation where the now you’re taking the medication, you can’t even get into the cells to do the job, and the person doesn’t feel better, but the test looks better. And I think that’s the frustration with a lot of this. We’re talking about getting to that cause. And what you’re saying is it’s so endemic, this, this autoimmune, really situation today that we’re seeing it’s epidemic in numbers in our society, and that that is what we’re talking about. We’re saying, you’ve got to get to this cause is it a leaky gut is that these triggers that you have in your life, whatever it might be, that’s driving chronic cell inflammation and dysfunction, all function comes from ourselves. Right? Right. Every function comes from ourselves. So of a person sitting out there, and they have any kind of a dysfunction, meaning any symptom, even if they’ve been tagged with some disease, it is always traceable back to something gone wrong at that cell level, we’ve got to figure out what’s driving that cell inflammation. That’s that whole cause thing?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. So do you think if I if I go into my doctor’s office, they say I have Hashimotos? I’ve been diagnosed with it, I get put on medication? I’m not feeling any better. Is there any conversation I can have with my doctor? How do I express that to the doctor? Or is it time to go find a doctor that can get to the root cause? You know,
Dr. Bill Cole
there, I believe there is a time for that Mindy, that they’re just going to be? I use the analogy of like, if you’re a Christian, and you go to get advice from a Muslim, right, you’re you’re you’re talking about two totally different schools of thought. Right? How do you bridge that? How do you bridge that gap, but sometimes you’re not going to bridge that gap? Yeah, because they’re coming with a different framework and understanding, yeah, and if that person’s framework is like, I want to do this, naturally, I want to be able to get off these medications, then a lot of times, they’re going to have to find a doctor who’s going to be willing to entertain that notion, because a lot of the doctors out there, if you ask them, they’ll say, you can’t reverse autoimmune disease. This is something you have for the rest of your life, where I’ve got a clinic where I don’t call the clinic anymore. But we have a natural health program, we literally have 1000s of people that have gone through it. And we have so many of them that have been able to get off their medications reverse their disease, by addressing the cause the very diseases that their doctor would say, is not possible to reverse that what point do they say? What am i Believing here? I keep seeing these people that are getting better. And I’m telling them, they can’t get better. At what point? Did they change their mindset? That’s the frustration of it all?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, well, how do we help the person that does go on the medication and actually feels good from the medication? did? Did we solve their problem if they have a thought, and let’s stay on thyroid? Because this is such a biggie. If they took the thyroid medication, whether it was for the for an autoimmune condition, or it was for a hypothyroid, they feel good, then have they solved the problem?
Dr. Bill Cole
Well, I mean, I’m not we would never say right, that if you had a person who, let’s say that they’ve been autoimmune, their thyroid has been under attack for four decades, right? And it’s the size of a penal. And it’s not going to be functional from my experience at that point. And so there are going to be those people out there that have gone past that limit that of time, there’s limits to time and matter, right? If somebody has gone too far too long, then they might need to rely on something medication wise, but can I tell you a story that just happened with us, Felicia, Felicia and I were on a call last week we do these zoom calls every week with our clients. And in the one lady. Felicia always asked, Do any of you have any wins in the One lady said I have a when and she said I don’t have a thyroid. She said that I went to my doctor. And my doctor told me that I needed to cut my thyroid medication in half. Because now and he’s the doctor was all on board about what she was doing health wise, right. Without a thyroid. She cut her thyroid medication in half. Because the medication she was taking more of it was able to get into our cells, because her cells were healing. Yeah, right. And so yeah, so from that perspective, even if a person needs to be on medication, you can, you can wind up taking a whole lot less than one if I told you I’m a talker. So I have one one more thing. I might you mentioned type one diabetes, my I have a seven year old grandson, Liam, who is a type one diabetic. He was diagnosed when he was three. And it’s an autoimmune disease, right that the pancreas is being attacked the beta cells in the pancreas being destroyed. Well, Liam’s been four years into it now. And he goes in for his regular checkups with his doctors, and every single time, it’s the same thing. What are you doing? Why is he how’s he able to take so little medication? And it’s because my son in law and my daughter are doing all of the things that we’re talking about here, understanding that the healthier Liam is, the more receptive his cells are to insulin. Right? Most people are insulin resistant, right? They’ve heard of pre diabetes or diabetes, that’s called insulin resistance. Person has all the insulin they need their cells have just not they’re not hearing the message anymore. Well, Liam cells are more receptive to insulin, because of the way that he’s being Ray’s the things that he’s doing in his life. And so he needs less of that medication. Yeah. And that’s so important because every doctor will tell you, the more insulin you have to take, the more damage you’re gonna wind up suffering over a lifetime. Right? Yeah. So, yeah,
Dr. Mindy
it’s that was that’s a great example. And we see with thyroid, we see the same thing, you start detoxing somebody clean their gut up. And then I always warn them, like the symptoms that got you into the thyroid medication, you may start experiencing those again, because we need to back you down out of that thyroid medication. So 100% Agree. Okay, what about let’s What about cancer? Do you think that cancer is a death sentence? Like we used to when we heard the cancer word, we used to think that was it? But there are a lot of cases of cancer that are being overturned? What are your thoughts on cancer?
Dr. Bill Cole
Yeah, it’s, I think it’s the ultimate expression of cells that have gone awry, right. We talked, we’re always talking about cell health. Well, this is the ultimate expression of cellular dysfunction. You’re talking about cells that are so haywire, they’re multiplying too quickly. They create tumors and the like. But it’s that same thing, there is a cause for this people live their lives, they don’t have cancer, something changes inside of them. Now they become this breeding ground for cancer. How do we even know that I’ve got a sister in law right now where your family that doesn’t listen. I’ve got a terminal right now, that’s been diagnosed with cancer a few years ago, and they keep doing the conventional treatments. And I’m not telling people that there isn’t a time and a place for that. But I’m saying that she goes in and she does it. And then she gets this clean bill of health. And then a little while later, something else shows up somewhere else. And now they’re now they’re saying they found lesions in her brain and lesions in her lungs. And it started off in her hip. And it’s just like, at what point? At what point can i This is my frustration with it? My, my sister, my wife, sister, and I’m talking my wife saying At what point is she going to understand that unless she changes that environment, it’s just going to go from one thing to another thing? She needs to understand why it’s developing in her. Yeah. So when you do that, no, it’s not a life sentence. How many people have you seen how many people have I seen over my four decades that were given a death sentence? They’re still alive today. I’ve got a friend. I’ve got a friend of mine. One of my best friends, his brother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, like last stage, pancreatic cancer, almost a certain dessins. Right? Well, here, here he is six or seven years later, and he’s doing fine. And it’s because what he what he did in his life, he didn’t accept the fact that it was a death sentence. He looked at it from like, what do I need to change that’s going to change the path of this disease. And he did it. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy
What one of my mentors was a man that had five brain tumors and was given like weeks to live. And he completely reversed it. Within five years, all those tumors were gone. He never did any of the traditional treatment, he just did exactly what you’re talking about. And one of the things that that he taught me that was really helpful was when you look at cancer, you all a cancer cell is is it once was a healthy cell, and it turned into the cancer cell. So when you walk into the medical doctors office, and they say we got to do chemo and radiation, what they’re doing is they’re attacking the cell that’s already changed. They’re going after the cancer cell. But your job is still to stop making cancer cells, you still have to change the environment in the body, so that you don’t keep making cancer cells. And this is why cancer comes back is because they kill it. They say it’s gone away. But you didn’t do what was needed to stop that healthy cell from turning back into a cancer. So yeah, so well said it really. It’s I think it’s helpful for people who have cancer just to see a bigger picture there.
Dr. Bill Cole
I loved how you explained that. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy
thank you. Okay, now we have to talk about aging, because I also want to debunk some myths around aging. So is a couple of questions I have for you on this one. Should your metabolism slow down as you age, and to shoot should you expect more health problems and more aches and pains as you age? Is that a normal way for the body to break down and express itself?
Dr. Bill Cole
Well, first of all, your audience should know that I’m 95 years old No, I’m actually 62 years old. But no like I another i You You You asked these questions. And it always it seems to prompt something that I talk about all the time, which is like we even when it comes to aging and obesity, right or getting gaining weight. If you talk to the typical American, we’ve been kind of brainwashed to believe that when you get older, you get heavier, you get fatter, right? Yeah. And then you look around in other parts of the world even today, and you realize, like, maybe over in the Orient, where people when they get older, they get smaller. Yeah, get bigger. Yeah. And that’s, and that’s the way our ancestors used to be looking at pictures from back in the mid 1800s. And or even up to the early 1900s. People that were older, most of the time got smaller, right? Because you’re going to lose a little bit of muscle. And there are some things that are going to happen with aging. But this idea that you’re going to become overweight and you’re going to become disease prone. That’s because of what you just talked about, which is this idea that you’re we are promoting this in the body over over decades, which culminates as we get older, because it’s been festering for so long, right? From from the time that we’re younger, and then it Yeah, it culminates when we’re older, and we’re saying, Oh, it’s because you’re older. No, it’s because it’s been developing in you for so long. And then that all that’s going to be the end result of that. So you know, I don’t look at it that way. Mindy, I had a guy. This was one of my favorites, one of my favorite stories. I had a guy come to me when I was in chiropractic practice. And he was 92 years old. And he’s a farmer. And he came to me, and he’s this little, you know, thin guy wirey type of guy. And, and he says, he goes, Doc, I hurt my back. He goes, I need you to give me an adjustment. And I’d never met the guy before. And I said, How’d you do that? And he said, putting a roof on my barn. And I said, you put a roof? You mean, I don’t understand how he’s 92 years old? Oh, my, I say you put a roof on your barn. He said, Well, who else was going to do it? Oh, my gosh. That’s the guy right there. But you know what if you want, the more I got to know him and look at how he led his life. And realize that the things that he did allowed him to put a roof on at the age of 92. And you only see a lot of other people, my wife and I talk about going to the movie theater. And we’ll sit at the top and we watch the older folks come in. Because we’re old now we go to the old folks time Oh, now I don’t know, come in, and they’ll they can barely walk up the steps, right? And then they’ve got to shuffle their way into the thing. And I always tell my wife, that’s a choice. It’s sad. But it’s a choice. If they would have just done things differently. It doesn’t have to wind up that way. For most of those people.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I 100% agree. So if if I have a hip replacement and knee replacement, I’m 55 years old, I walk into my doctor’s office and they say yeah, your knees pretty bone on bone, you’re gonna need to replace it. And I get it replaced again. What was the knee trying to tell me? Was there something there? Is it normal for body parts to have to get replaced as we age?
Dr. Bill Cole
No, I think I mean, as a chiropractor, I mean, we understand this even more, right? The fact that alignment of the bones is going to be potentially part of that, too. You can have fallen arches, and you can have things in your body from a mechanical standpoint, that’s going to create undue stress, wear and tear. And you can wind up with that. But I’ll tell you, I had a lady that worked for me. Her name’s Tammy, and I’m at the gym working out and she’s walking. She’s hobbling on. She had hadn’t worked me for for a long time. And I said, Tammy, and she came over and we started talking, I said, Why are you why are you limping? She’s like all bill. She goes, I need to go get my knee replaced. And I said, Tammy, how long did you work with me? And I anyway, I said, come into the office, we broke, she came into the office that week, put her on an anti inflammatory diet. And then within 10 days, no pain, still had bone on bone, still had bone on bone that didn’t disappear. But it was the amount of inflammation that accompanies that bone on bone. Give me somebody who’s bone on bone, and without any inflammation. And I’ll tell you, that person is generally going to remain functional. But when you combine bone on bone with an inflammation producing diet, and you’ve got all this inflammation around that, now you’re talking about disability, now you’re talking about unrelenting pain, and I saw that with my own pastor, he fell off a truck when we were moving him in he had never had neck problems, but he hit his head on cement when he fell off the truck took x rays of his neck bone on bone on bone on bone. And I said Woody, I said how you’ve never had any neck pain. He said I’ve never had a lick of neck pain until he got inflammation in there from the injury. And now all of a sudden he became disabled. So,
Dr. Mindy
so would you say, then the most important question we could ask when a chronic condition shows up is why?
Dr. Bill Cole
Absolutely. That’s the why that’s what we tell people. If your doctor is not asking the why, then at best, all they’re doing is treating symptoms.
Dr. Mindy
So when they give us something for the symptoms, we can say, Okay, that’s a temporary crutch. But I also want to know why this condition happened. And when the doctor says, it’s your genetics, it’s your age, I don’t know, the body just breaks down. These are times that we need to go searching for answers is that I want to give people sort of a structure in which they can approach what we’re talking about the next time they get a scary diagnosis, how do we empower them? Would you say that that’s the way to look at this,
Dr. Bill Cole
it’s the only way to look at it. Because, you know, I mentioned if the doctor is not asking why but that patient, it has to start with them, you have to be inquisitive enough to just say, to themselves, you know, I understand that I might have degenerative joint disease, or whatever it might be right? But what’s causing my underlying issues? And if you can, if you can develop that mindset, it’s gonna lead you to different places, I promise you, versus just accepting this idea that you’re old, or that you have bad genes. We know that, for instance, genes for the people listening now out there. So many of the things that we thought were genetic or epigenetic, yeah, anything above the gene. We know now the bad genes. Yeah, they can be turned on. But there’s things that we can do in our lives to turn them off to. So that, yeah, when you start thinking from that perspective, it’ll take you to a different place.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. Do you think we’re in a new phase of healthcare, where instead of going to one doctor for all the answers, we’re at a place where we need a tribe of healthcare practitioners around us that support us in different ways that we’ve gotten out of this moment of, I have one, one healthcare God I that I take advice from, and I need a variety of people to learn from?
Dr. Bill Cole
Yeah, I don’t know if you, you’re a lot younger than me. But there was a guy in chiropractic named Reggie gold.
Dr. Mindy
I know him. I’ve heard him speak. I heard him speak NATO. Yeah.
Dr. Bill Cole
And Reggie always talked about how we’re moving in medicine more towards this specialization, right? Where we have this specialists that we go to, and he said, they know more and more about less and less, eventually, they’re gonna they’re gonna know everything there is to know about nothing at all. Yeah. And, you know, I think that that’s where we are today. And I agree with you that we need people that are going to really truly know what their craft is right? What is their what what is it that they specialize in? And when we’re talking about it from a health perspective, that’s the difference. When you’re talking about it from a health perspective, there’s always going to be that underlying need. From the doctor inquisitiveness, asking why Why does Mary have her hair falling all the things I mentioned before, when you can address that, why that’s going to be your first giant step in turning that situation around, versus just accepting it, and then managing it, which is what we do, right? We just accept this is your lot in life, this is the way you’re going to be, let’s just manage it the best we can. And I get that. That’s so frustrating to me, when I know we have a body that knows how to heal. When you have a that’s why I say it’s the ace in the hole. When you have a body that’s feverishly attempting to fix that problem. You start removing those roadblocks, you create an environment in the body that’s anti inflammatory. You give the body what it needs, in terms of cell healing. And that’s when we see these things that supposedly can’t be fixed. The fixed
Dr. Mindy
Mic drop. I am 100% in alignment with you. And that’s what fires me up to, is to give people power back because they have just handed it over and accepted mediocrity when it comes to their health. And you do not have to do that anymore. So boom, that was so well said thank you. So okay, I’m going to end it on this are we’re in season three of the resetter podcast and we are trying to spread the word of gratitude. I really strongly believe in my own life that I spend about 20 minutes every morning, just in gratitude, listening to music, thinking of all the things in my life that I just feel blessed to have people I feel blessed to be around. So let me start off by asking you what do you have a gratitude practice? Is there something that you do on a daily basis to anchor you to the state of gratitude?
Dr. Bill Cole
Now we teach this actually we talk about the science of thinking right? And it’s not just the rah rah feel good stuff, but there really is a science to getting well the mind we talk about that And I think most people can can identify with this Mindy that the things that we think I used to follow a guy called Zig Ziglar. And he talked about stinking thinking. Yep. And, you know, we when we are appreciate when we, you talk about gratitude, I think something that is very close to that is forgiveness, right? That I think a lot of times people need to get out of this bitterness, and they need to start forgiveness, that is a giant step in helping people turn their health around, but just being grateful for what we have in the situation that we’re in. And there’s always something good that you can find your your situation, right. And when you focus on that the Bible talks about thinking about edifying things, thinking about good things, and not focusing on the bad things. Yeah, it is a major part of what we do. And I believe we have a young lady named Stephanie, who is our mind success coach, if you will, and one testimonial after another, the people who come to us who have never before in their life, ever thought about their physical health as it relates to their mental health. And how Stephanie can do is directing them to a different way of thinking and how it’s, it’s even affecting them physically allowing them to get better, no doubt about it. And to some people, it’s the reason why they’re not better. Because they have they have that lack of gratitude. They have that bitterness, whatever it might be, we’re all prone to it. We’re all prone to it. We’re human beings, right. But we need to work on our mind. Like we work on our physical body, too. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy
amen. Okay, last question. So with that in mind, what is one thing that you’re incredibly grateful for today?
Dr. Bill Cole
I’m incredibly grateful for the fact that way back in the day, way back in the day, I had a a friend of mine, who was going to college, this is why I am where I am today. I had a friend of mine, I was going to be a psychologist, you can believe that.
Dr. Mindy
I believe it after talking.
Dr. Bill Cole
And he said to me, it was such a by chance type situation. I said, Tommy, what do you what are you going to do for school? He said, I’m going to chiropractic college. I didn’t even know what a chiropractor was, I had no idea. And I said to him, what’s a chiropractor and he explained it to me. And would you believe shortly after that I was running to first base to I played baseball in high school. And I heard something pop in my neck and I got an instant headache. And I went to the medical doctor and they told me how to sinus infection gave me antibiotics didn’t help. I went to another medical doctor, they told me I had an ear infection. Every time I’d exert myself, I get a headache. And then I went to the chiropractor. I’d never heard of one before. But because Tommy had mentioned that to me, I searched and searched out a chiropractor. He gave me one neck adjustment. And everything disappeared. And that was the that was the beginning of the story for me right there. So when I talk about when I talk about gratitude, that’s changed my entire life. Mindy, my children. I don’t even know I get emotional thinking about I don’t know where my my grandson would be if he did it. My type one diabetic grandson, right. Where would they be what and like the way my children live their lives today? It’s all because some guy told me about this thing called being a chiropractor. Yeah, and I can go I can talk about it forever. But man, I’m so grateful for that.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, amazing. Well, Bill, this was incredible. I just thank you for letting me geek out on Health Philosophy and root cause with you, you know, like you I just am on a mission to really help people see their health differently. So how do people find you if they want to dive into the work you’re doing?
Dr. Bill Cole
So they can go to Dr. Bill cold, calm. That’s my website, or they can find me on Facebook and Instagram just by looking at Dr. Bill Cole.
Dr. Mindy
Awesome, beautiful. Well keep up the great work you’re doing. Keep being as opinionated as you are. And Don’t shirk don’t shrink anymore, because you look amazing, but I’m thinking I can only see you from the waist up. Be at your goal weight. So Thanks, Mindy.
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thank you! very Insightful