“Cellular energy is like money – when you have more money, you can do more things and you have more choices.”
In this episode, you’ll learn how spirulina, the most alkaline food on Earth, contains a component called phycocyanin that does some very impressive things. And delve into how algae supplements offer a convenient and comprehensive food supplement, providing the nutritional equivalent of 551 pounds of vegetables. Join us for this enlightening discussion on the incredible potential of algae and self-care.
Energize without compromise with ENERGYbits spirulina algae tablets. Get yours today at www.energybits.com and don’t forget to use code PELZ to receive 20% off your purchase.
Catharine Arnston is an expert in algae nutrition, a wellness thought leader, an experienced entrepreneur, and sought after speaker. She has an MBA, BA Hons and is a Board Certified Health Coach.
In this podcast, The Health & Longevity Benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella Algae, we cover:
- The Algae Advantage: Revolutionizing Health and Fasting
- Nature’s Transformative Potential: Spirulina and Chlorella
- Exploring Algae’s Impact on Mental Health, Muscle Building, and Gut Health
- A Revolutionary Approach into Cancer Prevention
The Algae Advantage: Revolutionizing Health and Fasting
In this episode, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Catharine Arnston, a true teacher when it comes to the captivating world of algae nutrition. In a landscape where nutritional compromises and escalating toxin exposure are rampant, algae emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a fresh perspective on our path to well-being. Our focal point of exploration is none other than spirulina, an extraordinary blue-green algae that has garnered admiration not only from prestigious institutions like the United Nations but also from the brilliant minds at NASA. Catharine explained that a single tablet of spirulina encapsulates the nutritional equivalent of an entire plate of vegetables (tell that one to your kids!) Yes, you heard that right – a compact, powerhouse tablet that holds the potential to invigorate your cells, nourish your gut, and streamline detoxification. Catharine says algae’s impact transcends its nutrient-packed profile; it’s a true game-changer that reshapes the way we perceive and approach well-being.
Nature’s Transformative Potential: Spirulina and Chlorella
Catharine and I delve into the transformative benefits of two remarkable algae varieties in this episode – spirulina and chlorella. Catharine explains how spirulina emerges as a true fasting ally, defying conventional wisdom by not disrupting ketosis or causing glucose spikes. With a nutrient profile mirroring that of mother’s breast milk, spirulina offers an exceptional source of complete proteins and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a critical component for cellular vitality and hormonal equilibrium. Then there’s chlorella, celebrated for its abundant chlorophyll content, which fortifies the bloodstream, nurtures immune functions, and enhances detoxification processes. Looking beyond the surface, Catharine explains the hidden treasures of anti-aging concealed within these algae wonders – her personal experiences stand as a testament to the energy that spirulina and chlorella gives, magnifying energy, vitality, mental clarity, and skin health.
Exploring Algae’s Impact on Mental Health, Muscle Building, and Gut Health
Catharine discusses the powerful influence of spirulina and chlorella in addressing mood disorders and optimizing muscle-building and gut health. She explains that the mitochondria takes center stage as the driving force behind mood stability and cognitive function. When your mitochondria is damaged, their intricate relay system falters, leading to disrupted synapses and can lead to a cascade of health issues. Catharine says algae emerges as a promising solution, offering essential nutrients that support mitochondrial rejuvenation and combat oxidative stress. Algae has the potential to restore cellular vitality and protect the brain, shedding light on an alternative avenue for addressing mental health challenges. Catharine also highlighted the efficiency of algae’s protein absorption and how it provides immediate amino acid delivery compared to traditional sources, such as chicken, eggs and whey proteins. This opens doors for algae to also enhance the muscle-building of fasting states and optimizing post-workout recovery. Catharine also speaks to chlorella’s role as a gut microbiome ally with its fiber content and detoxification prowess offering relief to individuals grappling with issues such as, IBS and Crohn’s disease.
A Revolutionary Approach to Cancer Prevention
Catharine’s personal journey, inspired by her sister’s battle with breast cancer, led her on a mission to understand the profound impact of nutrition on our health. We explore the pivotal role of alkalinity in inhibiting cancer cell growth, and the power of algae, particularly spirulina. Rich in chlorophyll and phytonutrients, spirulina emerges as a powerful ally in maintaining an alkaline environment within the body, Catharine explains. But that’s not all – the blue pigment known as phycocyanin in algae, becomes a superhero in cancer prevention, Catharine says, it triggers apoptosis, the controlled death of rogue cells, while simultaneously nourishing healthy cells, boosting their ATP production and glutathione levels. The concept of algae as more than just a supplement, Catharine believes it’s a crucial puzzle piece that fits perfectly into the grand picture of holistic living. By pairing algae consumption with healthy lifestyle choices, we unlock its full potential and embark on a journey towards comprehensive well-being.
Dr. Mindy
Hey resellers on this episode of the reseller podcast, I am bringing you, Catherine ormston. Now a little background on Katherine, she is an LG expert. And this is really intriguing to me, because I don’t know about you all. But I am finding that in my fasting lifestyle, one of the biggest challenges that I have, is getting enough vegetables in. And so that allowed me to start to look at other resources to get the nutrients we would get from vegetables in other products. And I discovered algae. And once I discovered the nutrient dense abilities of algae, I discovered Katherine. And what you’re about to hear in this discussion is how we could use algae not just to power up our mitochondria. But we can also use it to help detox our cells. And it’s all natural. And the way that Catherine has made some incredible algae products, is makes it very clean, makes it very accessible to all of us. And it can become this tool that we use throughout the day to not only fuel our cells with the proper nutrients, but to give us energy and to detox our body. And I can tell you that I have been using her products for some time. And the biggest difference that I see is in my skin, my skin feels more moist, it feels like it’s the aging process has slowed a bit, you should really go see the video of Catherine that we post on the resetter podcast YouTube channel because Catherine is a beautiful example of finding the fountain of youth through algae. So in this episode, you’re going to learn why algae is so profound for ourselves and why it is the missing ingredient. You’re also going to learn the power of something like Corella to help detox your cells and all the different applications you can use Strela to detox. This is a beautiful conversation of science and application, and what a tool like algae can do for you and your fasting lifestyle. So I’m really excited to bring you Katherine, this was a fun discussion for me, I absolutely adore her products. If you want to use her products or learn more about them, we’ll leave the links below but you can go to energy bits.com and use my last name to get 20% It’s an incredible product. incredible woman incredible discussion, and I’m so excited to share it with you. Enjoy a Dr. Mindy here and welcome to season four of the resetter podcast. Please know that this podcast is all about empowering you to believe in yourself. Again. If you have a passion for learning, if you’re looking to be in control of your health and take your power back, this is the podcast for you. Enjoy.
Dr. Mindy
Catherine, let me just start off by saying Welcome to the resetter podcast. Thank
Catharine Arnston
you so much. I can’t believe I’m finally sitting here with you. I’m so excited.
Dr. Mindy
Okay, here it is my burning question. And this I’m just going to start off with like the deepest question I have around your passion around algae because we’ve known each other for several years, I’ve seen energy bed show up everywhere. I know, my brain has been curious. And what I keep asking myself is why do we need to think about algae? Yeah, like there’s so many things to think about. Why is algae the hero right? Our health right now?
Catharine Arnston
Well, there’s two reasons. At this moment in our in time our food supply is so damaged, our soil is so damaged, it doesn’t matter what you eat, you are not getting the nourishment that you need or that your grandparents had 50 years ago, the over cropping of soils the glyphosate drifted that over processing of food, it’s a disaster. So that number one our bodies are not getting our bodies and brain are not getting what we need to just even survive, let alone thrive. Number two, the amount of toxins in our world is just off the charts, the average adult has 700 toxins in their body and our immune systems weren’t built to support that. So that’s also causing health issues. Well, that manifests as weight gain, brain fog, digestive issues, cancer, heart disease, all the chronic diseases. So those two issues are causing 95% of our health concerns. And algae addresses both of them. Spirulina which is a blue green algae is the most nutrient dense food in the world. Now you have to be careful where you buy yours because if you use high heat like most people, do, you lose a lot of the nutrients but we don’t. So first of all, United Nations has endorsed spirulina for 49 years as the answer to world hunger because it has the yep, I can give you that. Lincoln’s yo, have you been? Yeah, like,
Dr. Mindy
yeah, are my brain knows what that is? Like, why have we heard now because
Catharine Arnston
you know, it’s just not, it’s just not well known no matter what for versatile people don’t even know what else what LG is, and I’ll get ya in a minute, but it’s endorsed by the United Nations because as three times the amount of protein at stake, there is nothing in the world with more protein than algae number one, and it’s a sustainable eco friendly crop. So number two, United NASA endorses algae as the most nutrient dense food. And we have a quote from NASA that says, one gram of algae has the same nutrition as 1000 grams of fruits and vegetables, one to 1000. And here’s the most important thing, they come as little tiny tablets. So each one of these tablets has the same nutrition as an entire plate of vegetables. But without any carbs. Without any sugar, without any toxins. Without any work. You could throw one of these into your mouth. I just had a plate of vegetables. Now most people do swallow them because clearly is a rough game. So now you’re getting all the nourishment. And we’re going to talk about the mitochondria later on the nourishment that you need that your body in the food supply is not giving you. So that’s number one quite relevant. Wait,
Dr. Mindy
can I ask you one thing on that? So one of the challenges we’re seeing with our fasters is that when you start to build a fasting lifestyle, and you have this compressed eating window, right, how do you get your vegetables in, right? And when you’re looking like at women in general, breaking down hormones happens in the gut, and I’m a huge fan of women, especially over 40 Get eating more vegetables to feed this row below and be able to maximize their gut health, right? But then you match that with a fasting lifestyle. Right? And it’s like, okay, you better open up that salad and start yelling at FedEx for hours. I don’t know. So could we look at this as food and put it in our fasting window? Eva? Absolutely.
Catharine Arnston
This replaces the need for vegetables. Absolutely. That’s crazy. Laura does have fiber and spirulina is technically a bacteria but so it does feed the gut biome, but but the spirulina will satisfy your hunger you could take if you took 15 or 20 It’s like a meal replacement for 15 or 20 calories. You’re getting all the protein you need all the vegetables, all the minerals, all the electrolytes everything but without any carbs and without any work. It’s effortless nutrition I call it is no your nutrition insurance in fact, frankly is health insurance. Because add adds effortless Yes. So true.
Speaker 3
Health insurance. Yeah, please. Yeah, I did. Yeah. Pretty. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Here’s the channels.
Catharine Arnston
You want to get into the wellness space at corporate wellness space because it’s like hey, employers, this gives your your people the energy mentally and physically to get their work done. And when we’ll talk about chlorella hadden builds your immune system and stops you from being sick. So no sick day. So and because it’s ketogenic. It’s paleo. It’s, it’s even for carnivores. It’s great for carnivores because I forgot to mention zero lectins are oxalates, which is a big issue for people so SIBO till yet SIBO. It’s it’s it plays with everybody. Yeah. Yeah, no, no, algae is like everybody’s best friend. Yeah, it will. And we’ll never let you down. Everybody’s best friend that
Speaker 3
nobody knows about. It’s about like that friend. We I know.
Catharine Arnston
Oh, yeah. So that’s why I love it. I’m so passionate. And I you have been doing this for 13 years. And I’ll tell you later, the story I got into this, my sister had breast cancer. And that’s what got me into this and she’s fine now. But but the this has been used in Asia. For 75 years. It is a multi billion dollar agricultural crop there. It’s almost as big as the beef industry is here. That’s it. Nobody knows about it here because it’s not grown here. In Asia, you can’t ride your bicycle to to work or to school without going by an algae farm because it is farmed. Here we have corn and wheat and all those crappy carb or, or donut Yeah, well, these are lakes like where would you ever know about algae? The rest? You don’t grow up with it? Right? And then there’s 100,000 studies. It’s a big number 100,000 scientific studies, many, many are most of them are in PubMed, documenting all the benefits we’re going to talk about tonight about algae. Yeah. But scientists like to talk to other scientists so so nobody is explaining the science of algae that seems to be my background or the fact ironically, I have no science background. I call myself a citizen scientist.
Dr. Mindy
I love that and I want to stop for a second because I This podcast is about empowering people. So in case you don’t know what PubMed is, PubMed is where you go to find the research on on every right it is it is it is scientific paper. Yeah, it is the legitimate site where you can go and find studies. But once you get there, you’re in a rabbit hole. Yeah, just keeps you going. So but everybody can go there, which is why I’m the citizen scientists let’s all be citizen scientists.
Catharine Arnston
And I’m just so motivated because I needed to find out why people I know there’s millions of scientists out there trying to figure out why people were getting sick but yeah, I don’t know. I’m just this driven individual and and but I can figure this out. I know I can figure this out. I know I feel and I think I did and the material is there but you have to be willing to spend your weekends are on when everyone else is at the movies you’re down there trying to like like, what exactly is the electron transport chain? Like what is this thing? Yeah, your eyes glaze over the first time you see it and then after you’ve looked at it the 1000s time you start to get it and you go oh, that’s why did
Dr. Mindy
happens. And you see patterns eating patterns so talked a little bit about two that was so that’s
Catharine Arnston
the urine nourishing energizing great for fasting. Intermittent fasting does not, does not decrease your ketones does not increase your glucose, one calorie. It is so nourishing, you could live on this forever. In fact, before we switch to the killer whale, yeah, before Okay, so I just want to say yeah, last thing, I found out that in Japan, if babies cannot digest mother’s breast milk, when they’re born, they would die. They’ve tried everything. The only thing that keeps them alive. Is spirulina in water. Wow. And so I thought, well, that’s really interesting. So I started looking at mother’s breast milk, amino acid profile, identical to spirulina, I same aminos, same proportions, as well as what aminos just because we’ve been talking about there’s 88, and my nutrition was 18 and the 20. Oh, so that was a nine that your body can’t make. So it’s a complete protein. Why ended has this this essential fatty acid called GLA gamma linoleic acid, the only other place that has more of that is mother’s breast milk. So So mother’s breast milk is the perfect food. This is number two.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. And so the reason I asked about the amino acids, we’ve been talking a ton about amino acids and my reset Academy, and minnows are precursors to hormones and neurotransmitters, right? And so as women age, and we’re gonna talk about that, and what happened where this can fit into slowing the aging process down. But as much if spotted that, yeah, that’d be a big piece of that is that you’re losing these key nutrients. So I love that. And then and then I want to ask one other thing with this. If it’s if it doesn’t raise glucose, could we use it like a three day water fast to mitigate the symptoms that a lot of people have from?
Catharine Arnston
Well, that’s a good question. You could I think you could, because and we’ll get to this in a minute. It also stimulates apoptosis and autophagy which is which is critical and and that might not feel so good. Yeah. Yeah, that’s That’s true. That’s why you want chloric the chlorella to pull out the all a dead cell. Yeah, well, so but definitely for intermittent fasting. But when you’re talking about the aging piece, and how this will slow or stop the aging process, I’ll be do a big reveal for your community. I mean, I’m almost I’m getting close to 70. Wow,
Speaker 3
I was just gonna say you get to tell us your age. I love when people just don’t know or a ladies
Catharine Arnston
or anybody who’s watching. I have been taking this for 30 years. Yeah. 13 years. I’m on no medications. I sleep well. I poop. Well, I digest. Well, you know, my skin has no wrinkles. There’s no Botox. And so I did no Botox, no Botox. Wow. That’s impressive. Yeah, like everything moves. Right. Okay.
Unknown Speaker
I know that my face.
Catharine Arnston
So I’m enthusiastic, because I want other people to have the same benefits. It is not necessary to decline when you’re aging. You’re going to age but let’s and I have, I can tell you exactly why this is happening to you or one of my belief of why it’s happening to and how algae can stop that decline. And I am a I am evidence of it. Yeah. And so on that way, my brain is always on fire. And that’s one of the first things Yeah, go not amped up. No, fine. Nothing. I don’t even drink coffee. I drink green tea, but they but so yeah, truly Oh, this is amazing. So let’s talk about So yeah, that’s algae so that spirulina, spirulina inocula. Morning, but you could take it before a workout because it gives you energy. And we’re going to talk about cellular energy, because I also want to clarify the energy you get is not like a stimulant is not caffeine is not sugar, it’s not chemicals. It’s cellular energy. Yeah. And we’ll talk about that. And so I tell people, cellular energy is like money. When you have more money, you can do more things. And you have more choices. When you have some more cellular energy, you can do more things, you have more choices. So you could take this, like 20 tablets and go for a run and you would have the best run of your day. Or you could take it before you go to bed, you’ll have the best sleep of your day. Because it what it’s doing is it’s facilitating the production of the ATP to be directed to what it is you’re doing at that moment. So it knows I
Dr. Mindy
again, like you know, I love looking at the chemistry of how things work in our cells. And I’m thinking, Well, what if you add that in when there’s the presence of ketones there because Clozaril already had like supercharging youth so if you’re in like the fat adapted fasting state, and then you bring this in together, I mean, not that anybody needs to be more Supercharged. But when they’re fasting, yeah, but that switch to go from a place of being a sugar burner to a fat burner, that switch can be really difficult. times if you go into more of a if you’re in that fast or you’re struggling with that switch, it can really Help to have total
Speaker 2
like this so low and also the distance and then we’ll get a chlorophyll chlorella, but the energy that you’re getting, it’s not a burst because it’s just from nutrition and it’s just at the cellular level, right? So the best way we describe it as you feel fresh, that’s it alert, you feel fresh. If you like, had a great night’s sleep. You might not even notice it if you were just going on in your day, except you’ll notice that you’re not fatigued. You’re not hungry. You don’t have brain fog. I’d say that’s a pretty good way to live like Yeah. Do you
Dr. Mindy
feel like Do people ever tell you like that? Sounds too good to be true.
Speaker 2
Oh, yeah. That you know, it’s they I was called names when I first first started, you know, they were heckling me. This is a miracle pill. But here’s the irony. Algae was the first life on Earth 4 billion years ago. And I’ll talk to you if we have time. I’ll talk to you about it. But the it was a sino bacteria. Spirulina is a sign of bacteria. And over time, that cyanobacteria evolved into mitochondria. Yeah, that’s crazy. Isn’t it crazy? How that’s so so? So wait, wait, wait. So our mitochondria
Unknown Speaker
came from?
Speaker 2
That’s pretty damn good. That’s why the nutrients that are in algae are so powerful for the mitochondria because their family. They literally came from the same place and we’re going to talk about mitochondria of that second inner membrane. It’s leftover from when it was by itself. Yeah, and the stuff that’s in here can get in drugs can even get into that. In that mitochondria. Nothing gets in there. Except Lt. That is as well as. Okay, Morel. So chlorella is spirulina is brother and spirulina was the center bacteria first first life on Earth is a is a bacteria cyanobacteria. Chlorella is a plant, and it evolved about a billion years after spirulina. Now the great thing about chlorella is that it’s the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world. Chlorophyll has the same chemical composition as your hemoglobin. So it’s very powerful to build your blood which builds your immune system which builds your gut which builds everything. Number two, chlorella has a hard sell wall spirulina has none chlorella has the hardest in the plant kingdom. And in fact, it has to be cracked to production, and we do it in a way that’s much safer than anybody else. That hard cell wall attaches to toxins, lead, mercury radiation, all the heavy metals, any kind of senesin cells as they’re dying, lime, all the all the binder, it’s a binder key laters way better than activated charcoal, which can pull out all minerals and leave you dehydrated. This has 40 vitamins and minerals, which so it’s also populating your body with minerals. So number so two things very, very cleansing because of the chlorophyll, which cleanses your colon and cleanses your, your liver, highest glutathione in the world, which is very also detoxing, particularly for your liver, the heart so well pulls out toxins and it has gotten K to vitamin K to which moves excess calcium out of your skin out of your soft tissues, including your heart, your blood vessels, your brain and into your bones. So almost everybody is deficit in Vitamin K to and this has your daily requirement of it. So if
Dr. Mindy
I wasn’t doing spirulina and chlorella on a daily basis, all these amazing things you’re talking about the happening like the getting into the mitochondria, what do we have other foods that can even come nothing close to that
Speaker 2
these they’re the most concentrated foods in the world number one, number two, there are the glute is three of the three antioxidants that stop the damage of mitochondria. And when you when your mitochondria especially your mitochondria DNA are damaged, they cannot send proper signaling to eye cells or other nucleus or other mitochondria. This is what leads to diseased cells, which leads to the symptoms that we’re experiencing yet whether it’s a hormonal or immune or brain fog. So the key for everyone is to protect their mitochondria. Yeah. And when you’re because I tell people, the mitochondria on your on your team like I don’t I also tell everybody I never eat alone. I mean with my mitochondria there, because what I eat, they get right in when you’re eating carbs. They’re being bombarded with free radicals, carb, processed carbs, sugar processed foods, result in more free radical damage because there’s slippage there’s loss of electrons in that electron transport chain, which convert into free radicals. So you’re poor, you’re poor mitochondria, they have no defense. Except well they have some defense. If you start getting into first of all, you want to reduce those carbs, which was what Yeah, keto diets do fasting does and same with LG. There’s virtually no free radicals released when you’re using algea. And the other option is to remove the free radicals and I’m circling back to the original thought which is the problem is the mitochondria have this inner membrane and traditional antioxidants can’t get in there. vitamin E, vitamin C, as I mentioned, drug nothing can get in there, except there’s four that can chlorophyll which of course algae is lies concentration of glutathione melatonin and superoxide dismutase. Now, the great thing is your body makes those three superoxide, dismutase, melatonin, and glutathione and glutathione. And from the moment you’re born until the age of 30, and then after 30, it starts to drop and starts drop until you’re like 40, which is, you know, a lot of your audience, and 50 It’s even worse than six years, zero. And those are the antioxidants, they can get into that inner membrane to stop free radical damage. But after 30, you’re screwed. Yep, algae has the highest concentration of all three of them in the world, and you can’t get them superoxide dismutase doesn’t exist in any other food glyphis I on this miniscule amount in meat, but otherwise virtually non existent. And if he even if you get a glutathione injection, or dripper, say it has a very short half life, which means it disappears in your body within about half an hour or an hour or so when you take it as a food and algae, you’re constantly feeding in that glutathione. So they can get in there to stop the free radical damage, right so you can end so while the spirulina is stopping that free radical damage by the time you’re 30 or 40, or 50, you’ve also accumulated more and more toxins. Yeah. And that’s where the chlorella comes in. And there’s so they’re like a team, they they’re a team there, you’re a team, this will protect aids, they will protect you. lgt was the ACU. And I’m Katherine barnston, which is ultimate a ranking. This is the 80. And honestly, they go to work for you, every single day, they never let you down, they always work. It doesn’t matter what age group. But if you are in their 30s 40s and 50s. This is the answer, because this gets rid of both of them virtually create virtually zero free radicals. But they clean this one cleans up and removes the free radicals. And this one will pull out the toxins that have been accumulating over time. So they work very well. So generally, people take this one in the morning because it also gives you energy and you’ll satisfy your hunger, and then this one because your body goes through a detox repair cycle when you’re sleeping. So this will really uplevel that, that. That’s that process. So
Dr. Mindy
talk a little bit about one of the things that I’ve seen just in my world and with my patients and our online world has been that there is something pivotal that happens around 35. Yeah, like for women specifically. And I actually brought this to Dr. amens attention. Yeah, he was on the podcast. And I said, Tell me what is hormonally happening to women, as they transition into their late 30s into their 40s Because I see such a huge change in mental mental and physical health. Um, you know what he said to me? He said, Well, the biggest problem is that we weren’t meant to live as long as we’re live. Well,
Speaker 2
this is the thing because what I read in the science that your body stops making these three, three critical antioxidants after the age of 30 of that. Well, that’s why is he Mother Nature is so yeah, clever to create us why 30 So I dug into the science, and I found out humans have been on the earth for about 2 million years. And for almost 2 million years, we died at 30. So our biology thinks we’re dying and 30 it just stops making them. We have only lived longer in the last 150 years. And our biology is I tell people, our biology has not caught up with our destiny. We are now living to 80 to 90 possibly longer, but we’re not living well. So who wants to be 40 and 50 and 60 and be incapacitated, and the level of heart disease and cancer is not going down? In fact, it’s escalating. I have some statistics that show 60% of adults over the age of 40 60% have a chronic condition. And when you get to 65 goes up to 85% and, and 75% of deaths are from cancer and heart disease. That’s crazy. Just it’s most of that many of those are happening and probably most we look this this statistics are happening to women. Yeah. And well I’m women get extra if we get hit with extra stuff that men don’t get osteoporosis, which also kicks in after the age of 40. Alzheimer’s most 80% of Alzheimer’s patients are women. And I think it has something to do with that estrogen change. Yeah, I don’t know enough science about that. But and I’d like to talk a little bit about the brain because your brain Yeah, that’s why the highest concentration of mitochondria in your entire body but the prefrontal cortex specifically as an executive function. Yeah. Explain a little bit. So the just so my audience I mean, they hear me talk about prefrontal cortex. And I’m not a brain expert, but you know, your brain has 2 million mitochondria per cell. So these little things are generating your energy that cellular energy that you need for anything, the most of them are in your brain. The second highest, by the way, ladies, are women’s eggs that Oh yeah. 600,000 mitochondria per They sell yes in women’s eggs. And the third highest is your heart, which is about 7000. So basically the places where the highest energy needs are or where the greatest number of mitochondria are. So when your mitochondria are damaged, that’s where you’re going to see the greatest impact. So this is for infertility, I believe mitochondria. And we know about this for utility. So for the brain was, there’s a great book that just came out by Dr. Chris Palmer, called brain energy. And the entire book is about how all brain disorders, Alzheimer’s, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, are really ultimately a mitochondria disease. So you need to protect what you’ve got. So and the spirulina in particular, that superoxide dismutase, that stops free radical damage, it also protects and stops your telomeres from shortening, it stops amyloid plaques from forming. So we did our first little clinical trial was very small with a group called the gray team. They’re based in Florida. And their goal is to stop suicide of better at military veterans, which is 35%. So we did this little small test, we did an a brain scan of the participants before the the test and then a brain scan after was only 30 days. And all we did was give them 30 spirulina tablets a day. That was it because they come in these little pouches. Okay, nothing else changed. When they first brain scan was done. It showed that the and these were veterans who had been had brain issues since they were discharged. So some some of them are it’s been 20 years, they’ve had these issues. So the brain scan showed it was all blue, which shows inflammation and lack of activity, lack of brain activity. 30 days later, blue almost completely gone, which means all the inflammation is completely gone. And the brains shows yellow and red, which shows brain activity. And what was both the frontal cortex and the back cortex. Nothing else happened. We also they also used by the strap, which measured their sleep and their heart rate variability. And some of them their heart rate variability increased like, oh, that’s 80%, what
Dr. Mindy
have you I mean that we’ve, because we’ve got everybody in our group wearing wearables and looking at things. Yeah. And so rate variability is a tough one to needle the move. Yeah,
Speaker 2
so 50% increase in 30 days, with just a spirulina, we’re going to do it again, the largest study, we’re going to do chlorella, and some of the chlorella some with both of them. But so now you’re getting nourished, you’re getting energy for the day, you’re getting all the nutrients you need. You’re feeding your mitochondria, and you’re reducing inflammation. So we scan the brain, but the decreasing inflammation would occur everywhere throughout the body wouldn’t just be the brain is just that. That’s what we measured. So So for anxiety, sleep disorders, it’s all related to the brain, of course, the brain is connected, both by the vagus nerve to the to the gut, so that if God right God changes,
Dr. Mindy
yeah. What do you think I’m thinking, as you’re talking, I’m like, you know, what happens as we age is the things that are supposed to happen in our body are not happening anymore. Exactly. Which is why this was like my whole purpose of the menopause reset is I want to show people that I changed my lifestyle at 43. I had to, because all of my menopausal symptoms just changed. My outlook on life changed the way that I felt in my body. So I changed my lifestyle to map to that, yeah. But when I hear what I want people to realize is that when you say the energy is not like caffeine, no, no, all you’re bringing back is you’re bringing back a nutrient that’s going to help the body do what it’s supposed to do and what it did at 20 in it exactly.
Speaker 2
So you’ll start to feel like you used to Yeah, exact remember it. And maybe it’s so long, you can’t remember what it was like to have endless energy, because because what happens is when you don’t have energy, you’re so lethargic, and you’re so depressed, because you can’t put your everything is a struggle. Yeah, it’s a struggle to get out there. And then the struggle takes away your joy. And when you are missing your joy, then life becomes arduous. It’s drudgery. Yeah, this gives you back at the cellular level, the kind of energy you had naturally, when you were younger. And that’s when your mitochondria were plentiful, when they were working properly. And so they they were protecting you and generating all that ATP to say to help you do whatever you want to do without you even knowing about it was just automatic. That’s amazing.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. What do you what do we know about what it does? We have any research on how either of these products work towards us? Hormones or neurotransmitters? So like you and I talked, one of the things that we’re seeing with women as they go through menopause, they lose their sex hormones, and then the neurotransmitters follow. Yeah, it’s a double whammy to kids. Yeah. What do we know about what algae can do for that scenario? Yeah.
Speaker 2
Well, because mitochondria control everything right, including the hormonal balance. And I don’t have the science because I haven’t dug into that you out of it. Yeah, just can you know conjecture? We go, buddy,
Dr. Mindy
can you go back to PubMed? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker
yeah, excuse me for a minute well
Unknown Speaker
later on research on PubMed, I’m
Speaker 2
sure there’s stuff there. I just haven’t been able to find it yet are so busy, because I got also on a sidetrack, which I do want to talk about, about cancer, especially breast cancer. And what, what this does for you, because yes, it literally stops kills cancer cells, not the algae, the blue pigment, but, but I have to believe that it does facilitate that. Because it just heals everything in your body because it has all the nourishment that is missing. I feel
Dr. Mindy
like it’s like, you know, when you listen to like a podcast like this, and sometimes you put it on two or three speed. And yeah, that’s how I feel like a genius. It’s like, everything’s just happening so fast. Yeah, what I feel like is this is like putting it on half of speed. Yeah. And like, it slows that aging process down. So they are not going through your 40s 50s 60s. And just feeling like every day is like a new body a new mind. Yeah,
Speaker 2
because the thing is, and this is what was so great about what I’ve had had to do is you start to learn how your body functions, like I know more about our cell phones than we do about our bodies. And we know that we have to plug our cell phone in at night to charge it. You wouldn’t even imagine expect your phone to work if you doubt charge it. But we expect our bodies to keep going without a retard. Yeah, or reset. And if you just understand what your body needs, and you start to give it what it needs. It works beautifully. Yep. And we had all what we needed up until the age of 30. So we thought that that was going to keep going right forever. That right stop, right? And guess what your time? I don’t know. Yeah, but so LG replaces all those things that we had naturally, up until 30. And so that you can get back to the way you used to feel when you were that age. I just Keaton’s you know, I take for granted how I feel. But you know, we’re at a show here at Quito con, and people are telling me about this disease they have and that disease, and I’m thinking, wow, you know, I was I’ve been taking for granted how great I feel trapped. And I forget that you’re well 60 When you say 60% of adults have a chronic disease. And if they’re in my age group, it’s 85%. And I don’t have any of that, and I take no medication. So they wow, I guess the stuff really does work.
Dr. Mindy
What do we know about what it does for like mood disorders? Because I you know, one of the statistics I heard a few months ago that just is burning on my heart is that the most common time time of life for a woman to commit suicide is between 45 and 55. Wow. Yeah. So that’s that like have neurochemical shift. Yeah. So do we have any research? Well,
Speaker 2
that’s again, the mitochondria, there’s to remember, when you think of your cell, and there’s a nucleus in there, and these little mitochondria, 2 million per cell, and how many cells? Do we have? 300,000 trillion.
Unknown Speaker
I was just gonna say if it’s less
Speaker 2
than that, you can’t even Yeah, so. So when they are damaged, nothing is working, your your synapses aren’t working. You’ve got amyloid plaques, probably because there’s toxins and chemicals and aluminum up there. You’ve got just all this disease of the cells can’t communicate. Yeah, I tell people well, so what happens is when your mitochondria get damaged, this electron transport chain, which is like I say, it’s like a relay race now. And so there’s these five stations, and each station passes the electrons to the next station to the next station. So just like in a relay race, someone passes the baton. And the goal is to cross the finish line, while the goal in your electron transport chain is to get to the ATP, the final station where ATP is produced. But if your stations if your mitochondria are damaged, those stations, the mitochondria expand, and the stations get further and further and further apart. So it’s harder and harder for the baton to get passes. So the electrons get dropped, which causes even more free radical damage. I tell people, it’s like asking Tom Brady to do a pass in a stadium that’s five times the size of a normal stadium. So the damage just gets worse and worse. Because the mitochondria get expanded, more electrons get dropped, there’s more free radical damage, more inflammation, and so it doesn’t stop. And so I think that’s the time when they they do the suicide is because they remember what they used to feel like, and there is nothing that’s been it they’d been taking to get them back there. And they can’t bear the thought of this being their future. Yeah. And so yeah, you don’t use wit everybody, especially women. I mean, this will heal your brain, because it’s giving your brain the nourishment that it had the protection that it had when you were younger. These nutrients do not exist in food, the FICO assign and has been proven to, like I said, kill cancer cells. It also is an antioxidant, the anti superoxide dismutase these are nutrients you need that your body gave you automatically until you were 30 And then it started dropping. So by the time you are 40, you don’t have that protection, your superpowers are gone. And that’s why I think, Truly this is a super super food. I call it a super duper food.
Dr. Mindy
It’s worth by design that Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s talk a little bit about the protein content because that’s the other thing that we’ve been doing in my reset Academy, we’ve been really helping that that community see the power of protein, especially if you’re going to break a fast with protein PA, but then we have all these questions about like, well, if I do something like a bit like we’ve been experimenting with aminos in a fasted state, yeah. And then the question becomes, well, is that gonna pull you out of a toffee? G? Yeah. Is that going to stop apoptosis? Yeah. But when you said when we opened it up, and you said, it’s got a lot of protein, that was another thing. I thought, oh, my gosh, we’re trying to get more protein in Yeah, these women.
Speaker 2
So well, numerically doesn’t look like a lot. So like, we sold them in these little pouches. And there’s 30 tablets. And by the way, when we first started we were we got it accepted and found by the sports, camino. Yeah, so we worked with Olympic athletes, we had so many Olympic athletes, I sent my team over to the Olympic village to the Olympic Games in Russia years ago. And anyway, so they love it because of the nourishment and the energy they get. But it’s but that’s why there’s 30 is because it took 30 before they saw it started to fuel some some benefits. So in 30, tablets, there’s five grams of of protein, anything Well, that’s not much. But what I want people to understand is because especially with spirulina, which is in bacteria, so there’s nothing to prevent the absorption, you get all those five and grass instantly. Now, when you eat animal protein, the the proteins all bound up and it can take up to two to three days for your body to break it down into individual aminos. And by then, maybe you didn’t have all the factors or cofactors. And so some site, some reports I’ve seen say, on average, you absorb only maybe 10% of the protein as aminos. So let’s say you had 50 grams of protein. But within two or three days, you’ve only absorbed five grams is as aminos. So, so having five but the the aminos in the algae, both of them get into your body instantly. Yeah. And so you get all five. So it’s like having 50 grams of protein, because so it’s very efficient, nutritious, very efficient. Provolone
Dr. Mindy
said, Yeah, you’re right, we don’t know. So the there’s a classic fasting scenario that I’ve been talking a lot about, which is go into your workout in a fasted state, go into this place where you’re breaking muscle down, that’s what you’re supposed to be doing. When you when you work out, you’re stimulating you’re double stacking autophagy with fasting and like training or, or, or heavy weights, and then go home and power up on protein. And when you power up on 30 grams of protein, you signal that amino acid receptor sites start building to start building so that it’ll build stronger and right. What I just heard is like, well, even if I go home, and I eat up chicken breast you might get I’ll get in there, but now I own theirs. Yeah, it would make real sense to me now to think about using this as a way to have greatly or fast so that you move into an more of an mTOR muscle building state exact and master faster. Yeah. And then my other thought with this would be okay, well, we also know that the microbiome changes when you fast are profound. But then when you reintroduce food, you want to add in foods that feed those microbiome, right? So that you really expand that the diversity? Yeah, do we have any research on what algae does to the microbiome? Well, for the microbiome,
Speaker 2
and again, for all gut issues, I would strongly recommend the chlorella, it which could also we generally recommend it as a post workout as well. This is your pre workout, because of the protein that gets into your body. And it gives you that mental acuity and the focus outward. So whether you’re lifting weights, you’ll lift longer or lift more, and you won’t even notice it, because you’ve got the spirulina helping you with all that. And then the chlorella pulls out toxins including lactic acid, but it’s still 60% protein. This one has 64, but this is C, so you still get all that rich protein, but you also can pull out maybe if you go through if there’s been some autophagy you pull out the dead cells because you don’t want them to turn into zombie cells. So this is the host workout for sure. So this has been used for decades for IBS Crohn’s gut microbiome issues, because it has fiber in it. Spirulina does not but spirulina is because it’s a bacteria can be absorbed and used by at any age, newborns, grandparents, because your grandparents as you get older, you have fewer enzymes for digestion. So lots of people avoid vegetables, right. Avoid a lot of foods because they just can’t digest them. Yeah. So this is this is the best for everybody. Yeah, this does sometimes can have a detox effect, which can be Lou’s gonna ask
Dr. Mindy
about that. Yeah, I mean, I remember I have a funny story about Blue Green Algae this back in like, I don’t know, the 1990 Yeah, yeah. And I remember my sister and I got into blue green algae, and we started taking a bunch of it and all of a sudden she broke out In like a rash all along her the side of her face. Yeah, at that time. We were like, Oh my God, that’s so cool like your detox. Yeah, yeah. So it was Yeah, doing something. Yeah. But it was a powder. It was hard to sustain. Yeah. But yeah, where my brain went and what I remember from that was like, oh, algae can detox. Yeah. So do you see people get detox symptoms,
Speaker 2
just from the chlorella, not from the spirulina. So you know, that rash that she had could have been from a lot of things it could have been really low quality algae, wondering no toxins in it because the the chlorophyll that’s in the spirulina and chlorella chlorella is cleansing, but it’s not technically a key later. Yeah, only the chlorella is the key later because of the hard cell wall that attaches to the toxins and the high higher glutathione. Right. So some people do get detox to to enjoy the wellness benefits, you only need about 10 tablets, but to detox you need closer to the 20 or 30 at a time. So don’t know if you want the true benefits take them all at one time. I joke with people not no machining committee doesn’t drink a lot, but then I don’t either. But you know, especially as you get older, you know, it’s harder to recover from any kind of alcohol. This will you will be sober in an hour and a half. If you take the full 30 tablets Angley will never have a hangover. Because your body breaks the alcohol down doesn’t matter whether it’s wine, beer spirits, breaks it down into certain chemicals like this not formaldehyde but something like that, and it detects it and pulls out so it cleans out your blood in an hour and a half it cleans out your cells in about an average of 10 Seven days. And for organs it’s about you know anywhere from one to four months because it’s all about the density of the cell structure. You’re gonna lead is very fluid.
Dr. Mindy
So where I get where my brain goes with that is so you gave me some of the other night by the way at a party where we were actually having alcohol so I the first thing I thought is I can’t wait to see my deep sleep. Yeah, is it gonna affect my Oh yeah. Oh, yeah. So I took it that night after having I think I had had a couple of glasses of wine Yeah, it was dry farm while I was clean wine. Yeah, but I went home I woke up the dude took it I think I took it right there with you. Yeah. Two and a half hours deep sleep, which is really good. I mean, you want it for two hours I’m always trying to get to three Yeah, but yeah, I really do. Yeah, I can VAs like to last night I did. Okay, so this is a good example we’re at a at a conference Yeah. And had a glass of wine last night an hour and 15 minutes so there and I didn’t take well last night All right, so it’s
Speaker 2
a double A double Judy Alia who had Cetyl tell us that they have better dreams. You wake up refreshed. It’s like giving your body a shower from the inside this stuff work? Yeah. We work with biological dentists who use it to pull up mercury. They take it they take it there give it to their patients as well because when you’re pulling out fillings at Mercury, there’s fumes and so this works that when there was the Fukushima disaster eight years ago, the entire global supply of chlorella was bought up by all the Japanese within 24 hours and it’s a plant remember right so there was no chlorella available for literally six weeks because everybody and eat because it pulls out radiation that is United Nations use it after the Chernobyl incident and mapping
Dr. Mindy
the ad they like planted or how do they
Speaker 2
grown enlarge and we grow in it and farms it’s it’s hydroponically. Lots of vegetables are grown hydroponically. Okay, let us I think tomatoes. So it’s grown in freshwater ours is Triple Filter B growers in Taiwan, so it’s not Japan and so I was going to ask you about your story. Yeah, and Taiwan is the glow is known as the gold standard for algae. I don’t know whether it’s because it’s such a big industry there. Right. It’s also it’s a bit like wine, it’s affected by the angle of the sun whether the translucency of it because again 99.9% of algae is grown in Asia, it’s virtually there’s a small amount in Hawaii but it’s very mild and I think again, it’s because of the angle of the of the sun. I want to grow the company. So to be such a large company that we can grow it it can grow in America I’ve I’ve drawn a line from Taiwan across America and it’s Florida so it’s the Manitoba it’ll Florida but it will take a lot of money and but but my plan is to grow it here and then have an education center so people can see it. But it is grown in fresh ours is triple filtered Spring Mountain water and then we it takes about a month to grow and then you harvest it pull it up sort of like meal looks like weeds at that point. And then we air dry it without high heat which is very, very important because the all the other companies LG companies use high heat to dry it because they have to become margins that we think well it kills all the enzymes it kills the pasteurization. Exactly. So that’s why you know, people will use ours they go well, it’s a little expensive, I’m gonna go get a cheaper version, they go to Walmart or something and they are they always come back because you have to use like 10 times the amount to get the same efficacy and you still Have never achieved the efficacy. I can promise you that it would not help your sleep.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. I just want to make a point. If you’re buying supplements at Walmart stop Yeah, it’s not I’m not against Walmart, I just know that those supplements in general are going to lower quality. Yeah, so So
Speaker 2
I would make those. So taking the chlorella before bed, by the way does help you sleep because it has the highest tryptophan in the world is five times more tryptophan than Turkey. And tryptophan is the precursor by the way to both melatonin which helps you sleep. Yeah. And serotonin, which is here. Now you’re sure you’re happy, happy space, right? Yes, you’re happy my transmitter so so this would help again, with the brain issue. We want to reduce the inflammation so the mitochondria can be functioning better when that you get most of that from the spirulina. Yeah, but the chlorella will pull out the heavy metals that could be there. Because your brain has its own. It’s called the glymphatic system. It’s got think of street State Street washers, you know, they go there when you’re sleeping, and they’re washing all the streets. So while you’re getting your beauty rest, the chlorella is in your brain. And if you’re getting into deep sleep, it helps you get to deep sleep. So it literally opens up the streets. So the street washes can get in there, get rid of the amyloid plaque, get rid of the alumina, aluminum, and pull it out because it ki lates it and you do nothing. You’re just there enjoying libre ever. And it also stimulates peristalsis, which is a bowel movement, because you also want to get rid of the junk in your trunk. So that you know what happened hanging around because a lot of colon cancer is because of people not having good bowel movements, you want to see as much yeah, to get clarity as possible. And then it’s got the key to and so And don’t forget the your skin also is nourished by blood. And what you put in your body affects your skin more than what you put on the Yes, you need some sun, SPF. But the this all the topicals that they sell won’t do as much for you as algae will, because you get free radical damage to your skin which causes damage to your last and your last is what hold your skin up. It’s like the the structure and it’s damaged by free radicals and also buy excess calcium. And of course this protects your elastin and it builds collagen. In fact, it has more collagen, then collagen powder. We I did an analysis on amino basis, all the aminos and collagen powder versus algae. And on a couple of them we have up to 400% more of that particular amino than collagen powder does it and by the way, collagen powder is not a complete protein, it’s missing tryptophan. And to absorb collagen, there are three nutrients I think it’s zinc A and another vitamin and they have to add it to the collagen powder and it’s already automatically in the Alto. So and just to say that because
Dr. Mindy
again, collagen is another one I’ve really thought a lot about as a as a 53 year old woman. And one of the things that I know is that estrogen helps you make collagen. And so when you lose estrogen, now you’re not making as much collagen, which is why we wrinkled more. Yeah, what I actually saw in my clinic all the time was that women in their late 40s They had injuries that just wouldn’t go away musculoskeletal injuries that just stuck around. And they were that didn’t happen in their late 30s. Yeah, I attributed it to the collagen. Yes. Yeah. So but then I’ve tried every collagen powder on the planet. Yeah, there’s a few that I really love. But I can’t say that when I take collagen. I like look in the mirror and I’m like, wow, I’ve read it. Yeah. And yeah, like it just doesn’t. Yeah, that’s not that. Yeah. But is it maybe because it’s if I don’t have the cofactors I’m not absorbing or breaking out. Exactly. Yeah,
Speaker 2
exactly. And and, you know, let’s face it collagen is also not a sustainable crop, you know, it’s made from melted down bones and skins. Oh, and that is not great for the V and get how they melted down with chemicals. They don’t tell you that. So it’s it’s not as healthy as it’s made out to be. And yet algae has more collagen than collagen powder. And it has all those cofactors in there. Well it has all the vitamins that need the college your body needs to put the collagen to work. But one thing you mentioned I do want to tell people is when you’re younger your your skin cell turnover is like 26 days. But as you get older, it’s 36 days than 46 days. So it will take longer for you to as you get older to see a noticeable change in your skin because the turnover is just slower. So just wide swath to sort of
Dr. Mindy
take the idea and look at who married Yeah, but how do I look now?
Speaker 2
Yeah, but I say to people like I’m literally like Benjamin Button I look younger now look amazing than I did 10 years ago and the only thing I have done differently is the algae how many years you’ve been taking the teen years? Not a day. And I do take a fair amount of it.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, how much and on?
Speaker 2
I don’t think somebody was he said, Well, I can’t take that much but but I do that when I started looking like this was possible. You buy at least 100 Yeah, a day a day. Yeah. And by the way, are any Tell players they put 70 fives they take 75 spirulina before a game to give them the energy on the ice because they need that focus. And hockey is a very fast game and they take 75 chlorella after the game to pull up the lactic acid and also because we know hockey drinkers, hockey players are big drinkers, so I’m sure it’s at the game party as well. But, but my skin is so much better than it was never bad but, but to think that I could be it’s kind of weird because people you know, even occasionally I get hit on by a young guy.
Speaker 3
I’m thinking I can be your mother who wasn’t here you try not to I just amazing. Okay, all the all the single ladies out there. That’s right, cool. Cars
Speaker 2
unite. It’s a it’s a road to cover food. But the old Cooper’s who have grandchildren’s grave that tends to you know, I give them because, you know, there’s so much garbage out there. And I also I will mention that you had families with a lot of stress around eating healthy and kids just don’t like vegetables. So I’ve we’ve had mothers email us and say, look, and you’ve, you’ve brought peace back to our family because I don’t have to fight with my kids or my husband to eat their vegetables anymore. And I throw them out all the time. So the kids love to eat them because it turns their tongue green. They think it’s really funny. Yeah, so that’s half a tablet. So if they’re four, give them two a day. If they’re six, give them three a day. And pets. Your pets will go crazy over this stuff. And animals are smart. I have a funny story. Somebody told me they took their energy bits with them on on a hike they were in the in a court we can’t remember where they were but anyways, but a bear broke into their camp ground in the middle of the night. So they rushed off and they came back about two hours later the everything the tents all torn up. The bags that they had of the supplements had been ripped open but all the supplements were there. The bag of the energy bed spirulina tablets ripped open and licked clean. Not a lot of bears like it. So all animals, cats, dogs bears, you know, they No, no, you gotta say when they have the
Dr. Mindy
okay talk about breast cancer, because you’ve brought it up a couple of times. And just I’ll share with you I don’t know if you know this about me that one of the ways one of the reasons I got so deep down the rabbit hole of nutrition and detox and fasting was because of a patient of mine, who at 40 was given a breast cancer diagnosis and was given three months to live. And we work together. I met her at that three month mark, and we work together and she ended up turning her life into adding about 10 more years under life. So in that decade, I researched so much cancer and what could we do to prevent cancer overturn cancer. At that time? I didn’t know about IoT. Yeah, I didn’t even know about fasting at that time.
Unknown Speaker
And personal world outside, right?
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, but I was here. Yeah. So number one,
Speaker 2
I got into this whole journey because my younger sister had breast cancer. She lives in Canada. And her oncologist told her to change her diet to an alkaline diet because it would help with her healing process. They didn’t tell her what it was or why what it would do. So my I’m close to my sister, I have two sisters. And she’s my baby sister. So I said I have no idea. I have an MBA, I was doing, you know, international business love and to do with nutrition. And I said, but I will find out because I’m a good researcher. I can find out Yeah, so anybody who ever wants to date me like Don’t mess with me. Like adviser if you’re telling me the truth a
Speaker 3
lot. I can read it. Yeah, yeah, you learn it better. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2
So I found out that she wanted her to have an alkaline diet because cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. And so, when you have acidic food and your body is constantly trying to read rejet especially your blood needs to be at 7.34 which is alkaline and your cells need to be 7.1 which is just slightly over alkaline, the alkaline acidic range goes from zero to 14 and Otto Warburg is a German scientist who won a Nobel Prize in I think 1931 for discovering cancer cannot exist in an acidic environment. So so that was why she wanted her to have an alkaline diet because it would help her body maintain that level of alkalinity so that she could heal or you need
Dr. Mindy
to I think it was it cancer can’t exist in an alkaline environment right outside the cell is when actually his work is how I got into fasting because the same thing is that I started to look at what was changing within that cell right that made sure it didn’t turn into a cancer cell right and and alkalinity was one ketones was one Yeah, yeah. So that’s
Speaker 2
what got me into it. So I researched her food, she changed her diet, she did go through chemo, but in the process I learned about this importance of alkalinity which was mostly in plants because of the phytonutrients and the chlorophyll, which is the most alkaline nutrient in the world and eventually, so then I went back to school, studied nutrition and and started teaching. I put a curriculum together to get people to eat more vegetables, and everyone said I hate vegetables or they’re too expensive. Ya know, they go bad or they’re too familiar uncle with bad agent gives me gas so they go bad. So I thought, Okay, I gotta find something that gives them the nutrients of vegetables without any of the work or any of the downside. And that’s how I found algae. So So number one, how does it affect and prevent or correct help? Correct? cancer breast cancer in particular, it’s the most alkaline food in the world number one hands down bone. So that’s, that’s number one. Number two. Because especially with spirulina, there is a blue pigment that’s in here. It’s called phyto sign and it’s hard to spell as pH why COI cin, it has been proven to kill cancer cells. And this is what the chemotherapy companies even use. And so, but you don’t want to we all have cancer cells in our let me just preface this, we all have cancer cells in our body at all times. But if you have a strong immune system, and if you have strong a healthy mitochondria, they can keep those cell cancer cells from growing and becoming a US champ more challenging health condition. But right now, most people don’t have a strong immune system. And certainly after at the age of 40, your mitochondria are not healthy. Yeah. So that’s one of the reasons why I think at 40, these cancer diagnoses just just go through the roof because of because of those tissues. So the blue FICO sign, and what it does it it triggers this thing called in that electron transport chain, there’s this little shuttlebus molecule called cytochrome c, and it triggers that cytochrome c and that kills the cancer cells, it kills both cancer cells, and senesin cells and leaves all of the healthy cells alone. I tell people, you know, we all like to poke those, that bubble wrap, right. And you know, when you poke one of those bubbles in the bubble wrap, the rest of the bubble wrap is fine. The only one that got damaged was the one you poked. That’s basically the process of this fight cosine and it can detect the cancer cells. You hop it, or the Senate cells, pop it. And meanwhile all the other healthy cells are fine. And in fact, on healthy cells, that cytochrome c, which is equivalent of a shuttle bus, like if you’re at the airport, you can’t get to your flight if you don’t take that syllabus to the terminal, that cytochrome c is the shuttle bus that gets your electrons to the final station in generating ATP. So in healthy cells, it generates more energy. Yeah, it’s going to unhealthy cells, it kills them. I see. That’s pretty sweet. That’s a fun.
Dr. Mindy
So here’s what I learned in the in this decade of helping this woman with cancer. And how to change your lifestyle is that there are two major issues in cancer one is you’ve got to find a way to kill the cell that has already gone rogue and this be great my cancer site. And you have to make sure you’re not creating new ones Exactly. Because it’s like a new you you had an environment inside your body that all of a sudden led to the to this cancer cells creation. So when we come in with chemo and radiation, we’re going after that cancer cell fill in everything else. Yeah, we’re killing everything else. But
Unknown Speaker
your vodka bio, we
Dr. Mindy
haven’t like addressed well, how do we make sure we don’t get nylons. You can add things like breast cancer. This is why women get you know, they get all of a sudden a clean diagnosis. And then 510 years later, they’re back with a new diagnosis. Yeah. So what I’m hearing you say is that not only do the chemical components and the natural components of algae kill an actual existing cancer cell, but it fires up the ATP and the glutathione Onza on the healthy ones. So you don’t you don’t turn to it’s going from xiety
Speaker 2
and it maintains that alkaline environment. So that that also keeps the cancer cells out. And because the reason why the cancer cells so spread so quickly is there’s you want something called cell program death are I tell the way I explain it to people is like our cells can multiply 50 times. And after that they kind of like, they go well, I’ve done enough I left here but they don’t go away. There’s like someone who just who’s had a great job, and they’re in retirement, but they keep showing up and you know, causing havoc and they don’t rise looks like you’re retired, but they don’t. And so what and what they do is they’re inflammatory, they still release these chemicals that damage all the other healthy cells. And so when you have programmed cell death, which up apoptosis does, or a toffee G does this the it’s the cell goes oops, I’m not feeling so well. I think I’ve done my thing, time to leave. But now, just it’s like, maybe you sort of give away all the jewels and you take you take the car and you take my mitochondria, you take the jewels within the nice nucleus, and I end and basically the healthiest cell subdivides itself into other healthy cells. And that’s the process of apoptosis. No inflammation, it’s a controlled goodbye. Here’s all the goodies you guys it’s like to your kids and you go on I do that What’s a cellular DARIAH? Yeah, or it’s just, it’s just your family’s next generation taking over and good luck into flight. If it’s an unhealthy cell, it doesn’t know to do that. And it goes through a process called necrosis, where it just goes, it spits out everything. It’s like, you know, it’s like throwing up, frankly. And so what it does is it throws up all of the toxicity that’s been in the cell, and which goes to all the other cells. Yeah, so so that’s what happens in cancer cells, it doesn’t they don’t know they’re sick. And so they just spill out all of their, their toxicity to the neighboring cells. Which brings me to the other next critical reason why you need to take this every day, even if you don’t have symptoms of cancer, because believe me, cancer cells exist in all of us. This blue phi cosine and has been shown to stop it’s called Anti angiogenesis. angiogenesis is when cancer cells and tumors basically hijack your blood vessels to feed them. And so that’s what helps them grow. This stuff stops, it gets called antiA. And there’s a great organization called the angiogenesis Association. We’re actually based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is angiogenin.org. And they invited us to a conference they had about 10 years ago, because they called us and said, Do you know your spirulina stops? Stops? Cancer is annoying, I didn’t know. And so they sent me the papers, scientific paper. So it’s all it’s all documented. So it stops the growth of blood vessels, tumors, it stops the FICO sign, and I have to be really careful. So the FDA doesn’t shut me down. It’s I’m not saying that the RE algae does this. I just want to be careful about this. It’s the pigment that’s found in algae that does it and this is used by the pharmaceutical industry now and you can google phyto science Ph, why Co Co anion and cancer treatments. So it’s so critical because, you know, women, we you can’t breast cancer is so prevalent, prevalent, and it’s such a it’s just it’s painful. It’s painful. Diagnosis is a painful route, and
Dr. Mindy
we expect at it, it’s expensive. Yeah, we do out hundreds of 1000s of dollars. I think her name was Lanie that the patient I worked with, and I’m gonna say in about 10 years, she may have spent over a million dollars. Yeah, it’s to extend her life. 10 year yeah. Which is crazy. Yeah. And so this will help prevent that naturally out. But
Speaker 2
you need to take this. This is not I think I think everyone’s Well, this is a it’s alien. Yeah, this will replace many of your supplements. Some of your probably all of your vegetables, some of your protein, you can travel with it. It we have an expiry date, Tuesday, three years, but honestly, it never goes bad never goes bad. You could keep it in your cupboard. It requires no work. Just swallow these little tablets. I mean, people Yeah, so this is all this is a gift to us from other neat. Yeah, it’s just never been explained to anyone. The science is there. In there. It’s just
Dr. Mindy
an eye actually where my brain puts this is actually in the food category, not literally supplement category food and and everything we’re talking about. The way I’m looking at this is you’re going to add this into a healthy lifestyle. It’s not going to the way I look at this is like it’s not like you can eat horrible lack of sleep, drink at you know, every night, and then take a bunch of energy beds, and then all of a sudden, you know, your life is gonna be perfect if you pair this without the lifestyle. Oh, that’s how you’re gonna look like it actually
Speaker 2
the kupuna Kath? Yeah, exactly, exactly. What do you even if you you know, because people are so slow to make changes. So I tell people that you know, if you have a, you know, your your energy, or you have issues that are going on, and you’re not prepared to make big shifts, and you this is like a boat with a lot of holes in it. This will fill some of your holes. Yeah. Just to keep you afloat until you kind of get the confidence to maybe start making changes. So it’s the effortless, easiest, proven, nourishing way to get yourself on a better path. If somebody was to just try this for like 3060 90 days. What do we think? And I know you guys are giving my audience 20% Yes, chili is a great discount. Yeah. Do ya need to share? Yeah, why don’t you share? So yeah, Pelz Peele is the discount code, come to energy bits.com. And you’ll see a discount box, put in pelts. And you’ll get 20% off everything anytime, all the time. Perfect. So because we’ve got people that Viola enjoy, and we sell them in these large banks, this is probably the best value but they’re using that net that quote from NASA, this has the equivalent of 500 nutrition of 551 pounds of vegetables. And if you took 10 a day, it would last you three months so it’s very efficient nutrition. And then we also have these canisters that have these little I like cut out those about my account and I really like they come with a bag inside them. So he just poured them And then just shake them out into your hands. So there’s no dunno if they and then what? Really not. Yeah. And then when you run out use by another bags, Yeah, cuz they’re reusable. And then the counselors come with
Dr. Mindy
how long would what how long would somebody need to take it? If I could see I’m thinking for myself, you know, just full transparency. I’ve been taking it sort of haphazardly. Now after talking to you, I’m thinking, Okay, I’m going to do 30 In the morning 30 in the E that would be the best and do that for 90 days and just look at HRV look at DITA Lee, I get my skin
Speaker 2
do bones bone density, honestly, all your numbers.
Dr. Mindy
Okay, my last question for you. And this is something that I ask everybody each each year i theme my podcast at this year at theme did on self love, okay, and our what our own personal superpower is because I feel like we don’t give enough self love to ourselves. I know. And then I also feel like we don’t brag about our superpowers which should so you have a self love practice a daily self love practice and what is your superpower that you bring to the world? Yeah.
Speaker 2
Well, I always have a routine in the morning, you know, because I’m trying to be healthy with you start water with have water with squeeze lemon. And I’ve yerba monta, which is very great tea. And then I have my allergy, but I do meditation and stretching in the morning. I love yoga. Now I live in Boston, so I can’t always do it. But I like to do a walk in the morning just getting out in nature is makes me feel loved because I love Mother Nature. And if you’re ever in doubt about what to do to study Mother Nature’s by the way, things don’t happen overnight with Mother Nature and so you have to be Have you bring that with you. So well said I love that and I think for my superpower, they’re they’re coordinated. I love making things beautiful. I used to my previous career was an interior publisher but his serious design magazine before that it was an international business which wasn’t a good fit for me but so it doesn’t matter whether it’s interior design, fashion design, I design all the other the packaging, according to I had to make the packaging is beautiful, because I can’t help anyone if I can’t get the algae into their body so I wanted them to feel comfortable and in for and so my end the end related to that as I can take very complex things and trim them down to concepts that are easy to understand, which is related to making things beautiful because again, Mother Nature provides us with everything and flowers are everywhere. Harmony is everywhere. Energy is everywhere. And it’s all about balance and symmetry. And and I and I love to give that to people I was I sort of hid it for a while because it you know if you try to pursue too much beauty the business world doesn’t take you seriously. So screw it, I’m just gonna do my thing. I love that. Yes, but I love making an environment how beautiful for people because it gives you it stabilizes you it makes you feel calm. If you oxytocin Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean helping people feel bound, grounded and calm. Makes me feel I’ve done a good job and I do it through beauty nutrition and, and explanation. Amazing.
Dr. Mindy
Oh my gosh, but this has been really enjoyable. And I I have to tell you again, I’ve been watching this product trying to understand how to use it. Yeah, I my brain understands algae could be helpful. I love this idea that we are connected to the earth. Yeah. And that healing is going to come from the earth. That’s you know, that’s where we’re going to see the next level of health care to come. So I’m I cannot wait for this to guys, my audience and just minus again, where do we where do we go and energy bits.com
Speaker 2
en erg? Why be it s and we read a blog. There’s lots of information there yet. We’re also on Instagram energy bits. So it was always fun stuff there was and we were at lots of shows and the discount code is pelts Yeah, to get 20% off doesn’t matter what you buy. If you buy four of something, you get free shipping. So but honestly, I tell people don’t think about why you would take algae think about why you wouldn’t and I want to assure people LG isn’t new. It’s just new to you. So I just didn’t I just didn’t You’re welcome people to give it a try. Because we need something. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker
we do too. Yeah, I’m
Dr. Mindy
going simple, simple. What I liked about this, it’s so simply
Speaker 2
no nor Shang and remember your mitochondria are counting on you.
Speaker 3
I love that. I love that. Thank you Catherine. This was amazing. So
Dr. Mindy
you’re saying you need to thank you so much for joining me in today’s episode. I love bringing thoughtful discussions about all things health to you. If you enjoyed it, we’d love to know about it. So please leave us a review, share it with your friends and let me know what your biggest takeaway is.
- Energize without compromise with ENERGYbits spirulina algae tablets. Get yours today here and don’t forget to use code PELZ to receive 20% off your purchase.
- Algae Science
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- Just Thrive – use code PELZ for 20% off your first 90-day bottle of Just Calm
- Paleovalley – use code RESETTERPODCAST for 15% off
- LMNT – get a FREE sample pack with purchase
I really enjoyed this podcast and learned a lot. Catharine Arnston explained everything about the benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella really well. I am excited to try them out in the future.
I love the resetter podcast. I did go to the energy bits website and on the actual packaging it says the algae is from India (your guest goes into detail that it’s harvested in Taiwan – with the angle of the sun, etc). Not sure she is legit, just feels fake.
In my experience the only spirulina worth consuming for listed benefits is raw spirulina paste. In fact, 99% of research and studies done using raw spirulina wich is actually food, while processed dry version of it – supplement, containing toxins of decomposition and anti nutrients, doesn’t deliver the same benefits and actually damaging for your health.
In a podcast they talk about benefits of raw food (unprocessed raw “algae”), while promoting/selling a completely different product (processed supplement) that have a entirely different nutritional profile. I find it deceiving (intentional or not).
I’ve been taking spiralina and Chlorella for years. I have Hashimotos and was not able to get the help I needed for HRT. So just took iodine and findings , ashwaghanda
I get mine from Costco and it’s green right here in Hawaii on Big Island. They have astaxanthin also. I think these products have greatly helped me – I am 63 and still need no meds. I work nights and have a stressful job – and feel this has been the key. Along with bone broth. Great to hear about its collegen factor- we all need that!
Correction – I took iodine and ginsengs. Grown right here in Hawaii in Kona.
I have been listening to a lot of podcast’s trying to find that one thing that might help with my changing body. I am on multiple supplements and wanting to simply my routine. I am cancelling most of my subscriptions to all of them now and starting this new product, new to me anyway, and super excited to see if I feel the results like that were discussed!! I am doing everything I can to live a healthy life at age 56. Protein, morning sun, walks, lifting heavy, electrolytes, and eating as healthy as I can with the exceptional Sunday treat. I will report back after 30 days of using this product. Thank you Dr. Pelz for you ongoing work at helping women and thank you to Catharine for your dedication to your work in health and longevity. You both look great!!
How can I talk with a real person to ask a question thanku