“You Are Worthy, Perfect, and Loved”
This episode is all about different essential oil blends to help anxiety, lower blood sugar, and improve your sleep. Dr. Snyder also answers some of the questions I’ve had about essential oils for a long time.
Dr. Mariza Snyder is a functional practitioner, women’s hormone expert, and the author of eight books: The newest book, The Essential Oils Menopause Solution, focuses on solutions for women in perimenopause and menopause and the #1 National Bestselling book, The Essential Oils Hormone Solution, focuses on balancing women’s hormones naturally. Other bestselling books are The Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils and The DASH Diet Cookbook.
For the past twelve years, she has lectured at wellness centers, conferences, and corporations on hormone health, essential oils, nutrition, and detoxification. She has been featured on Dr. Oz, Oprah Magazine, Fox News Health, MindBodyGreen, and many publications. Dr. Mariza is also the host of the top-rated Essentially You Podcast, (with over 3 million downloads) designed to empower women to become the CEO of their health. Check out her website, drmariza.com, for women’s hormone tips, including recipes and remedies.
In this podcast, Why Essential Oils Are Your Quick Win For Balancing Hormones, we cover:
- Aromatherapy: do essential oils really work?
- Your head-to-toe guide: where to use essential oils
- How you can use essential oils to help extend a fast
- Why lavender essential oils are one of the most popular
- Which essential oils will help you reduce anxiety, stress, and brain fog
Why Do Essential Oils Work?
Essential oils have become popular because women are ready to become the CEO of their own health again. There’s a lot of different natural remedies that we can use and leverage. We can use plant medicine to heal, serve, and support our bodies on a cellular level. Plants are making secondary metabolites for their own protection and vitality. Essential oils are just a concentrated version of the herbs that were already using in cooking. We can just concentrate plants, create essential oils, and get that medicinal benefit from them.
Where Should You Put Essential Oils?
Things will quickly absorb into our skin; it’s the biggest organ in your body. Essential oils are defined as volatile, aromatic compounds. Those volatile constituents, because they’re so delicate, evaporate into the air. The volatile chemicals go straight into the mitral cells of our olfactory bulb, which is cranial nerve number one. Your sense of smell is directly connected to your limbic system. You can smell fires, gas, and other dangers. We are already attuned to picking up scents. When we breathe in essential oils, it shoots straight to the limbic system. We can modulate how we respond to a stressor or to a circumstance based on using these chemical constituents. If you’re having a stressful moment, simply breathe in the essential oil.
Lavender Essential Oil Is One of The Most Popular & Versatile
Lavender is a jack of all trades. Its particular chemical constituents literally bind to receptor sites on the cells of the amygdala. It will tell the brain to take a deep breath. By breathing in lavender essential oil, we can lower cortisol, blood pressure, and pulse rate. It happens in thirty seconds or less; that’s how fast it works! Lavender oil is effective at lowering anxiety levels in patients who are having anxiety attacks. It can work way better than Xanax or other anti-anxiety medications.
Why America Doesn’t Rely On Natural Remedies
When it comes to our medical system, we are worried about money. There isn’t a lot of money in natural remedies. Society wants a magic pill that will fix everything. However, being healthy is a journey, and it takes work. You have to put in the work to really feel fit in this modern world. Well, for most people, it’s easier to take a pill rather than put the work in to improve their health. Fasting, eating healthy food, and exercising are steps that get us to a healthy place. Sadly, not everyone feels like they have the time to change their lifestyle.
The Best Essential Oils For Anxiety
Using Essential Oils During A Fast
If you need more energy to get you through a fast, try smelling essential oils. First, smell peppermint and tangerine. If you need to reduce the feeling of stress and overwhelm, then smell lavender, cedarwood, magnolia, and frankincense. If you have brain fog and run out of steam, use peppermint, rosemary, frankincense, and citrus. Rub the oil behind your neck; it will help extend your fast. The number one oil that will decrease cravings is peppermint. If you’re having an emotional craving, grab the oil and breathe it in.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 0:00
You know, you’re having an emotional craving moment and you’re reaching for the pantry or wherever, grab that peppermint essential oil and breathe it in. It’ll literally it’ll bite you the three minutes that that craving is going to exist in you.
Dr. Mindy 0:14
I am a woman on a mission that is dedicated to teaching you just how powerful your body was built to be. I like to do that by bringing you the latest science, the greatest thought leaders and applicable steps that help you tap into your own internal healing power. The purpose of this podcast is to give you the power back and help you believe in yourself again, my name is Dr. Mindy Pels, and I want to thank you for spending part of your day with me. On this episode of the resetter podcast, I have such a delightful conversation for you guys with Dr. Maria Snyder. If you’re not familiar with Dr. Maria Snyder, she put out actually several books, but her most current book is essential oils for menopause. And not only is the book amazing, but I want to tell you that in this episode, she talks about a ton of different blends to help anxiety to lower blood sugar to help you sleep. She even went into she has a newborn baby, she talked about what she used to help her bring down her baby’s fever. She also answers some of the questions about essential oils that I’ve had for quite a while which is, is it better to breathe it in? Does it matter where you rub these oils on your body? And how long do the oils last in your system? One thing I learned from talking to her in this episode is she talks about how oils are a quick win. You can change your state you can change your moods, you can bring a fever down you can improve anxiety within seconds. And it’ll last up to two hours, the effects of oils. So I love this conversation. We talk a ton about anxiety, we talk a ton about meta paws, we really highlight how to use oils. And then at the end, she really went it dove into some great strategies for strengthening your parasympathetic nervous system so that you can handle stress better. So phenomenal interviews. So much fun. This woman’s got incredible energy. Dr. Maria Snyder will leave links for everything she has to offer. Her book is incredible. And I’m just really excited to share this episode with you. Okay, resetera is I have a really cool new product for you that Organa FIDE just put out. And it’s called harmony, beautiful name for what it does, it helps balance hormones. And specifically it’s going to help with progesterone production, which Hello, so many of us need more progesterone to calm ourselves and feel better. So it has three nutrients in it that I’m really excited about it has maka and it has chaste tree which is going to help with progesterone production. But they also put stinging nettles in it, which is a really cool nutrient. Don’t worry, you’re not going to taste it or, or feel any stinging on your tongue. But stinging nettles is an incredible detoxifier. So I always say that just because you make a hormone doesn’t mean you’re using that hormone and that you’re breaking that hormone down into a nutrient that you can actually put into action. Well when we detox when we support our liver with things like stinging nettles now or supporting the liver or using maka and chase tree to help make progesterone and you’ve got an incredible product that’s going to help us burst our progesterone stores. The other really cool thing about this product that I’m excited about is how do we use it with our cycle. So remember, you’re getting the most amount of progesterone the week before your before your cycle starts. So what if we lean into harmony doing a scoop two skips maybe even three skips a day before the week before our cycle and see if it brings our progesterone stores up. And postmenopausal women we need progesterone more than any other person on the planet. So a scoop every day would keep your progesterone stores up. So it’s called harmony. It’s chocolaty, which is really good. I put it in some probiotic rich yogurt and it was like a dessert. I’m really excited about this product as hopefully you can tell and remember Organa phi will always give you 25% off if you use this code, it’s Organa phi.com forward slash pills. That’s Organa phi.com forward slash pills. Let me spell it for you O r, g a nifi.com. forward slash pals PE, l z. So check it out. Let me know what you think and happy hormone balancing. I do have to I love I’m gonna, this is gonna be an epic day for me because the fact
that you showed up in abroad to the podcast is like every woman needs to frickin no this because this is what a nursing mama does when she’s on a mission and she’s got to make sure babies Got Milk.
Unknown Speaker 5:26
It’s so true. My son’s got to eat, you know, it’s got to eat. So that was awesome. But what I really want
Dr. Mindy 5:35
to dive into and I again, I know you’re probably so tired of talking about this, but I want to be like transparent with the essential oil thing. Because the first time I heard it, I was like, what, like, you’re gonna rub something on your third eye and all of a sudden you got intuition, and I’m going to rub something on my neck and I’m going to feel better. Like I literally thought it was a it’s a bunch of malarkey. malarkey. Like Yeah, like a hell no. And I remember telling a friend like you go study it, come back, tell me what you think. So can we start off by helping me understand because it’s stuck around for a long time? There has to be something to it. Why do essential oils work?
Dr. Mariza Snyder 6:18
Yes. And yeah, why do like literally millions upon millions of people use essential oils around the world. And more so and even I mean, clearly us has taken off by storm, but more so like in Europe, and Canada, Australia all over, you know, South America, it’s just really fascinating. They were in Asia for so long. And so, and I think the reason why they became so popular is that women really were ready to become the CEO of their health again, I remember growing up when I was a young girl, 80s and 90s, we had co opted our doctors, and we had outsourced health care to our doctors, for everything in anything, I remember going to the doctor all the time, again, way, way more than than one should have to. And you just because that we it’s as if they had stripped away our knowing our intuition and then do I go you’re a woman you don’t know nothing like you know, that it just kind of got beaten into us for over years. And I think finally someone was like, we’ve been knowing, you know, we there are a lot of things that we can do in our own home, there’s a lot of different natural remedies that we can that we can use and leverage. And when you think about a lot of the ways in which we heal, like how we heal what we use to heal plant medicine, like plants, whether it is kale, and arugula, or, or broccoli, or berries, or it is holy basil, ashwagandha, rhodiola, whatever we think about all the plants are the medicinal uses of plants, and how they really serve and support our bodies on a cellular level, it’s not that big of a leap to imagine that plants are making other secondary metabolites for their own protection for their own vitality. And that we can leverage that tech or that intelligence, or that that chemistry for our own good as well. And so that I think that’s really what it comes down to is that we, we had had this research, we’d have been doing this for a while. And, and essential oils are just kind of a concentrated version of a lot of the herbs that were already using, like clove and cilantro and, and oregano and marjoram what you know, that we’ve already been using for many, many centuries, and now we can just concentrate them and really get that medicinal benefit from them.
Dr. Mindy 8:29
Yeah, and that totally makes sense to me. And I think that if you look at the negative side of what we rub on our skin, we know if we put toxic beauty that we create a hormonal shift. So I my brain can sort of enter into the essential oil world through that thought is like and I and I’m so in alignment with you on the plants. And then I think okay, but if I rub it on my skin is getting in at a slower rate. Does it matter where I rub it? Like, how do I know where to put the oil?
Dr. Mariza Snyder 9:02
Absolutely. It’s such a great, great question. And so funny that you had mentioned like slathering the stuff that we put on our bodies and having endocrine disrupting properties. Earlier today, I was gonna I’m really always resetting my circadian rhythms. We I know we’ve talked about my serious sleep deprivation because of my baby. And the one thing I do every morning is like get my butt outside and boost those mitochondria get vitamin D Mother Nature, all of it. But I also got I’m trying to look young, you know, for a long time. Thank you. And so I grabbed a sunscreen and I almost all of our sunscreens in the house are non toxic mineral based sunscreens but this one I just grabbed and I my husband had bought it and and I was but I was like you know what, I’m pretty sure you got the right one. And so I didn’t look at the ingredients and I just put it on and then I was like you know what? Let me look at the ingredients real quick. And sure enough, red, red, red, red red flag. I was like there is endocrine disruptors in here and I rubbed it right on Over my chest, we’re holding this baby. So immediately grab a washcloth with some castile soap, I’m scrubbing my chest trying to get up. So I think about like, you know, how often like how quickly things absorb into our skin, and how our skin in its own way, like is the biggest organ on the body. I personally, my favorite big organ is the liver. But you know, the skin, you know, the skins, the livers having to deal with what you put on your skin. Yeah. And so I was thinking, you know, when it comes to beautiful chemical constituents, so essential oils are defined as volatile, aromatic compounds. And what that means is that if I were to open up a bottle right now, and ridiculous, I don’t have one in front of me right this second to demonstrate this, I think. So just pretend like I’m uncapping a bottle. Those volatile constituents, because they’re so delicate is that they evaporate into the air. So if you had walked into the room, the minute that I opened a bottle of tangerine essential oil, or grapefruit essential oil, that aroma, those molecules are going to proliferate, because it’s room temperature in here, and you’ll probably smell it the second you hit the room, if I had had that bottle open for about a minute, that’s just going to happen. And so those those volatile chemicals, they go straight into the into the mitral cells of our olfactory bulb, which is cranial nerve number one, and what we know about our sense of smell and just talking about one of the three ways to use them aromatic is that our sense of smell is literally directly connected to our limbic system, our reptilian brain our fight or flight, stranger danger, blame, because our sense of smell is connected to serve survival. Like we can smell Graca smell a poopy diaper from a mile away. Now, you know, I’m saying like I can, I can smell a fire. I walked by a house today, I could kind of smell some natural gas, like I’m like, Oh, what’s that? And so we’re tuned to picking those things up your amygdala is like, is that something I need to be worried about. And so the same thing, when we breathe in an essential oil, it connects to binds to those micro cells, the receptor sites, they’re shoots straight into the limbic system. And those chemical constituents can have a profound impact by binding receptor sites on the amygdala, the hippocampus, and especially the hypothalamus. And so we can actually modulate the way that we respond to a stressor or to a circumstance based on using these chemical constituents.
Dr. Mindy 12:26
So you like you could if I’m having a stressed moment, I can just believe an essential oil and it’ll it’ll switch me out of that fight or flight brain,
Dr. Mariza Snyder 12:36
yes, specific essential oil, some are going to some I’m not, I’ve never really seen an oil activate, like over activate a stress response mode or an anxiety mode. But there are specific chemicals that we do know, will absolutely begin to shut it down. Let’s just use lavender. We started with lavender earlier. It’s the oil that we all know, jack of all trades. She’s such a rock star. But she has two chemical constituents in it called linalyl and linalyl acetate. And these very specific chemical constituents literally bind to receptor sites on the cells of the amygdala, and the hip and the hypothalamus, and literally tell the brain to take a really deep breath. And what we also know is by simply breathing in lavender essential oil, we can instantly lower serum cortisol levels, drop blood pressure and drop pulse rate in a matter of 30 seconds or less. That is how fast it works. And so when we look at when we’ve researched I know I forget what it’s in, I want to say the Journal of it’s a British Journal, it’s specifically I think, is British medicine that looked at the tape, like compared Xanax to lavender, and actually taking it orally. And they have found that lavender oil is just as effective if not more effective at lowering anxiety levels in patients who are having anxiety attacks. And so when you look in Europe, the first recommendation that they’re going to give if they know you’re having anxiety is they’re going to give you kind of oral little tablets of lavender essential oil well before they ever get to to the Xanax or any of the SSRIs or anti anxiety medications. That’s crazy.
Dr. Mindy 14:18
That’s crazy. And I was I was reminded of the you know, the meme of the menopausal woman who’s like covered in lavender.
Unknown Speaker 14:28
Yes, like lavender like leaves are like I’m having a rough day and she’s like buried and lavender. So there might be something to that. I’m actually thinking maybe now I need to plant some lavender in my backyard and like roll around it and a little bit.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 14:42
It’s not so good. We have we have lavender. I just love I love the way the lavender looks. It’s so pretty reminds me of like a French garden. And so I do love it but yeah, the the oil itself is just so much more potent. So you need very little to get the job done. And so I always recommend eluding them with fractionated coconut oil. You know, my Kingston had a fever last Wednesday for the first time. Oh, gosh, how’d you do? And so I know as you know, as a doctor, I know that fevers are good. You know, I’m not trying to kill the fever. But you know, it was getting it got up to 102 I was freaking out a little bit. I wanted I would have liked it around 9999
Dr. Mindy 15:21
What did you try to tell his body?
Dr. Mariza Snyder 15:23
Now like, take it down, take it down three degrees. He was he was not lethargic. He was actually quite happy, jovial, very sweet, but you you was going through it. So one moment he would be giggling. next moment, he would be sad, and just giggle sad, giggle sad. And it was just, it was adorable. But it was it was heart wrenching the same time. So I was like, Alright, get out the oils, I wrote a book called The Smart mums guide to essential oils, my husband finds it in the house. And I have a little a little fever blend for for young kids and babies, I usually recommend oils six months and older, although you can. It’s your discretion like mom is using three months and older. But when you write a book, you have to be conservative about your stance on things. And so six months in Kingston, it was literally a six month birthday that day. And so I was like, well, let’s do it. And so I made we made a little roller, it was one drop of lavender in a 10 mil roller two teaspoons in one drop of spearmint. And we just applied it to a little feet. And we gave them little little lukewarm bath was a little bit of it. And sure enough, we were able to get that fever down to like 9098. And so I just so nice to be able to, to leverage that, that that that medicine, or you know the the medicinal properties of that and and do it in a really just safe and you know, it’s just a safe and very nourishing and loving kind of way. So it just really felt good that we could we can lean on that. And then I have I have my best friend, as a pediatrician, I have her on speed dial, you know, I’ve got great health insurance and get the baby a doctor’s appointment immediately. Yeah, you know what I’m saying? And so I think having these types of I know, we’re talking about women and hormones, but just an example of like, watching that cool him down was really profound.
Dr. Mindy 17:12
Yeah. And I want to go back to something you said before, because I think this is a really key point is that other countries are using things like essential oil. I mean, I find this with fasting too, like they’re not scared to recommend something natural before something chemical based. Why do you think here in America? We don’t do that.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 17:38
You’re funny. Try to get me controversial. It’s called money. And yeah, I mean, we’re, I think a lot of there’s a lot of, you know, moving parts when it comes to our medical system, whether it’s health insurance and the pharmaceutical companies and I think we, you know, and I think we’ve played a role too. I think we were we’ve been asking like magic pill me up, baby, you know, you and I, that’s the thing that’s gonna fix me that pill that that Ambien or that, you know, Wellbutrin or whatever that cholesterol, medication, whatever that may be. And so we we’ve definitely been involved in that conversation, we have asked for those types of things. And you and I both know that, that health and being healthy, it’s a continuum. It’s a journey, we’re always we’re always on it. And it takes work. It takes dedication, it takes knowledge and you know, you got it, you got to put in the work to really to really be healthy, especially in this modern world, and grow you You and I both know, it is just a lot easier to take something instead of doing the work. And so I think that between pharma goals, and are being more interested in a quick fix, than then actually really digging into knowing that hormone literacy, you know, doing the fasting, eating the healthy foods, removing the inflammatory foods, you know, being mindful about what we put on our bodies, moving our body every single day in a way that feels really good to us. And we think about all the steps that that that we get to participate in to be healthy. I think, you know, I love it. I love the health journey. I love being a part of that health journey. But I know for some people it can feel very arduous and sometimes feel like they don’t have time for it.
Dr. Mindy 19:32
Yeah, the way the way I see it that could be really cool is that we the work to me is in the lifestyle. So you’ve got to work the pieces of lifestyle to balance the hormones to get the immune system strong however it is. And then if in that time period what I the world that I want to live in. Well, the way I visualize this is that then we would lean into the natural first so you’re the example with your son is perfect because what we would do Let’s start with something natural first that has no consequences. And maybe there are some that you can talk about but but before we go into something synthetic, that is a medication, there’s not any medication on the planet that doesn’t have a side effect that I know of. So it there should be sort of a like to the continuum idea. Don’t you think that it would be nice if we had sort of gentle stepping stones instead of like, oh, you’re in menopause? Here’s HRT, oh, your son has a fever. Here’s a Tylenol. Like, there’s this manipulation we want to so quickly go to, because it solves the problem fast, but temporarily,
Dr. Mariza Snyder 20:39
temporarily. And with that, to what cost? You know, we were looking at, you know, there’s preliminary research on Tylenol and babies and it’s not looking so safe as it used to be, you know, that’s been it’s an it’s non negotiable. We’re not giving Kingston Tylenol when I give me a baby Tylenol, and I’ve done my due diligence in that research. And then also, like you said, you know, hormone replacement, and no for you and I’m both it’s not something that we’re willing to explore until we’ve explored everything else. And I’ve got to feel pretty, pretty darn terrible and miserable, to want to go in that direction. Because I do know that, especially when we’re talking about synthetic hormones, there again, there are there are implications are side effects. And they could eventually become more of a hindrance than they are. They become diminishing returns over time for us as women. And so yeah, I agree, I think we should always have natural options. First and foremost, whether it’s supplementation, it is food, as medicine, it is potentially essential oils, and I can talk to and speak to oils, how I think of them, how I think we should be using them could be a little bit different than someone else having that conversation as well. And so and then, and then having other you know, more natural options on the table for for living our best life. That’s what we’re gonna see the best vitality, joy and cellular longevity over time.
Dr. Mindy 22:02
Yeah. So and I want you to speak to that spoke specifically to perimenopause and menopause in a moment, but let’s go back to because I this is just sort of a selfish question. I’m curious. So we can breathe oils in? Yes. You talked about rubbing it on the feet. Yeah, that’s the next what’s the next best place to put our oils? So yeah,
Dr. Mariza Snyder 22:21
especially for babies and you know, the fever is a systemic thing. Okay, so I mean, spine is a great place to central nervous system, right. But so feet and spine are just great, you know, non invasive, really nourishing, like nice places to play. Like someone rubs your back and then puts a little oil on. Yep. You know, I’m saying and so I always say when it comes to Wales, topical and I use oils topically all the time. When it comes to oils, topically, the area of concern is the best place. So if you’ve got a tummy ache, don’t put them on your knee. Don’t put them on your low back, you know saying like and so I have chronic neck problems. I am honestly in a state of we are in a bad we’re in a car accident with Kingston when he was two months old. And I’m still reeling from that accident because my neck didn’t need any more trauma to it. And so that so I’ve been going to chiropractic care, and acupuncture and bodywork about three times a week, give or take and then I slather essential oils on my neck every single day. And they are phenomenal for releasing a lot of that tension that that just that stuckness that tightness, and even their their great natural allergies x. And so it’ll it’s over time I’m sure it’s definitely helping but even the temporary thing for 3060 minutes, I am pain free, which is amazing. And it sure beats taking again a Tylenol or an excedrin or whatever that may be. And so topically, again area of concern dilute them. So I use oils for loving my liver. I use oils for women with menstrual cramps and even congestion there because things can get inflamed. So clearing that out. I love using castor oil packs with essential oil blends, like for the liver for the gut and for the uterus and ovaries. You can use oils for cuts and scrapes like you get a cut. I remember my husband and I were in Italy a cup way back way back in the day when you could when we could go go to Italy. And we were trying to find this restaurant in Seoul Street and I wasn’t paying attention. nor was he and he was in his phone. And he ran right into a poll and like Yeah, and I you know when you see something like right when it’s about to happen, like there’s nothing you can do for that person, like just yell, you know, and they still run into it anyway, so that happened. And so he literally goose egg right here his glasses flew like four feet away. And you can see this goose egg just growing. Yeah, this big little like gash as well. Yep, pretty hard. Pretty, pretty good pace. He immediately said it was so cute. You immediate like, do you have any where’s the lavender and, and I usually have like three oils on me at all times peppermint, lavender and a citrus like, like wild orange or tangerine, so that I had lavender on me. Oh, I’m putting it on as goose egg is growing, I’m applying lavender. And literally it shrinks as quick as it grew. And within a minute the goose egg was gone. The gash was still there, you know, he had a little bit of a gap. But the goose egg literally went from goose egg to no egg, like on his on so outside of hopefully no one saw him he was embarrassed. There was really no consequences of that accident.
Dr. Mindy 25:39
So in other words, what you’re saying is like some moms carry gum in their purse, you’re like, you’re like you got the the essential oils, you’re like no I do. When you’re on the play yard, when your son’s off, you’re gonna be like, some moms are dishing out the snacks and you’re gonna be like, come on over here, sweetie. Love it. Love. It
Dr. Mariza Snyder 25:58
is a little oil. odd. Yeah, it’s so it’s so true. Yeah, I mean, we I’m packing up his little oils, just in case like, I made up his little blends. And then we always have ours like I have I have really bad flight anxiety. And we’re about to get on a plane tonight. And it might not be on planes for a year and a half definitely hasn’t helped my flight, I usually find that when I fly more frequently I do better. And so we’re on this plane, and now I got this baby. So I’m like even more, you know, I can feel that. So I have oil specifically for my flight anxiety. And it can take me from 100 down to like a 20. And I will never not pack essential oils with me on a plane. Because they are such a major part of me getting that under control. Do you put it on your third
Dr. Mindy 26:43
Dr. Mariza Snyder 26:44
What do you do? I just wrote I wrote I want I wanted the amygdala what’s fire? All right, okay, I want to healing the brain. And so I’m just smelling it. So I usually put it in my palms, I roll it on my palms, and just breathe it in and just do some really deep belly breaths. I do a longer exhale, because I know that exhaling longer is what tells the body to relax.
Dr. Mindy 27:05
Yeah. And is there a sweat toil Do you use for anxiety other than lavender?
Dr. Mariza Snyder 27:09
I use so I have a blend that I make up and it’s actually it’s on the floor I had I actually like tossed it. I was using it this morning. I had a little under your shirt. Yeah, exactly. What happened is a combination of it is tangerine, probably my favorite oil, the same thing. And there’s a little bit of lavender in there as well. There’s so there’s like five drops of tangerine, lavender, Jasmine and Magnolia. And it’s super, it’s a sexy scent, I didn’t know why it’s super sexy. And it also manages my my flight anxiety and top it off with fractionated coconut oil. And it just it just smells and it’s in this gorgeous bottle. It’s in this beautiful ombre pink and red and orange bottle. So this mean grab, I mean the out of bag or grabbing it off my table immediately tells my body girl we gotta chill out, you know, and so it just relaxes me. Um, I also have my inner child trauma of urgency like my I’m a very urgent person, very impatient, very urgent. And I am the queen of action and urgency. My husband’s like, Ah, so I’m getting me Yeah, this is why we like each other, we just shut down, I get it done, as well. I was like, I’m like Alabama, you know this about me, he’s like, let me guess you get done. And so he’s in the bathroom. It’s a tomb, it’s like five minutes before a podcast interview for this one. And my husband, he’s last minute everything. And I know he’s gonna just he’s gonna leave, like he’s gonna leave what I literally click the button, but I got to keep telling him to leave, you know, and so I can’t get into my zone to show up if it’s the intention and the ground that I want. So I’m worried about this man who won’t get out of the bathroom, cuz this is in our bedroom, right? And he’s like, has a shirt off and everything. And I’m like talking about me showing up with a bra. That’s why you came on the podcast with a bra. Like, could you just get out? And and so. And like I said, you know what I said, Oh, if you notice that I get pretty anxious when you’re still in here. And I’m two minutes away from Go Time. All the time you do this to me. And you know, it’s like I think you like you know, I’m going to do a podcast interview and you use intentionally stay in here. And so I feel myself getting life I feel myself like I feel a cortisol coursing, and I’m like, I got to get centered for this interview. He leaves literally lock on the door. He doesn’t leave until 10 o’clock in the morning. And so in the interview, so grab this oil blend and I apply it and I’m doing my breath work for 30 seconds before I get on this interview so I can calm that system down. And so that’s how like you start to notice your signs. start to notice how it feels like you You kind of get. Like for me I get super snippy snappy and I’ll say like, I gotta get on this. Like it’s when I started saying I gotta did it at I start firing off those types of commands. Yeah. And I know I’ve fired up the stress response system. Yeah, that’s me all the time BI.
Dr. Mindy 30:09
Right, right. Right. You actually need to do I interviewed Dr. Ben Lynch on jeans. And he he ran a gene profile on me. And he’s like, so it looks like you make dopamine very, very quickly. And Jessica’s in the other room just laughing so hard. I’m like, yeah, music easily excitable, and he goes, but you don’t get rid of dopamine very well. And I’m like, Oh, yeah, I can’t calm myself down. So that it was like, really interesting to know, probably is important. Probably cortisol. Like, I
Dr. Mariza Snyder 30:40
always have a lot of total cortisol or free CT, like I crank it, but I can’t I can’t metabolize it very fast. It’s and we’ve seen that in all of my Dutch tests over and over and over again. And I’m like, will I ever get this under control?
Dr. Mindy 30:56
I don’t think oh, my gosh. And is there a blend that you can rub on your husband to get them to move a little faster?
Dr. Mariza Snyder 31:04
I mean, I wish I wish I have not figured out that blend just yet. At all. And you know, and he’s uh, he’s a night owl. So he’s, he’s, he’s been sleeping in and I get it, you know, I he was doing a lot of important things for us for the family last night, late into the night. And so, you know, and so you wanted to sleep in, but I’m like, could you just like five minutes earlier, just get out, get out. And I get like maybe one day we’ll have a place where it’s I just have a podcast studio that’s not connected to our bathroom. Maybe
Dr. Mindy 31:37
that you’ll know you have arrived when that happened? Yeah. That’s awesome. I want to give you guys a little bit of a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to put the amount of content out into the world that we do. I have a team of amazing individuals that all have different skill sets. And one of these individuals is really good with charts and checklists. And what we hear from you guys a lot is that you are looking for more hormone building fits, what do I need to eat to raise estrogen? What do I need to eat to raise progesterone. And it would be really helpful to have a sheet, this is what you’ve told us. So one of my incredible team members has designed a hormone building list, it’s beautified easy to read, you could probably put it on your refrigerator and make it so that you’re always keeping progesterone and estrogen in mind when you go to put a meal together. So it’s a hormone building checklist, and you will fight for you and it will you will find the link in the show notes. You just click on the link, it’ll send you to the checklist. And you can download it, print it out, put it on your refrigerator, share it with a loved one, and really thrive with your fasting lifestyle. Remember, a fasting lifestyle has a lot of variations of fasting. It also has a lot of variations of food. We love keto. But we also love building hormones. And you can use your foods to build hormones like progesterone. And this hormone building checklist is going to give you that opportunity. So just go into the show notes. Click on the link. And as always, I hope it helps. So okay, so again, what I’m thinking I think the anxiety piece, every menopausal woman resonates with that. So I love that blend. I feel like not only do I need that blend, I feel like I want to like create a G should create like a little menopausal blend. Maybe they’ve already created that and like handed out to every menopausal woman.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 33:41
Yeah, they should. Absolutely I have so many in the book to the new book and, and I can send you that blend. Absolutely. And if you want to keep it super simple, I have a bunch of anxiety blends and, and calming blends and depressed blends that really speak into the mental health piece of what happens with when we shift our hormones and everything changes. And our metabolism isn’t working if you like so, you know, there’s so many pieces to this puzzle. Yeah, but using an essential oil is a quick win.
Dr. Mindy 34:07
It’s a quick, beautifully. So
Dr. Mariza Snyder 34:08
that’s what I want for women is I know that, again, we talked about that continuing we talked about the lifestyle and implementing all that and what that looks like. And that’s there’s a lot of learning and a lot of implementing in there. But sometimes, especially in the beginning where we’re struggling and we’ve got a migraine or we’re anxious, or our brain doesn’t work anymore, or we are trying to win the cupcake staredown and we’re about to lose it. And we have no energy at three o’clock in the afternoon. That’s when oils come into play. That’s when we can use them for that quick win that we all deserve. And what I what I believe to be true and this has happened I this is I this is my journey is that those little wins that I get to experience that bring me back to who I am and that recenter me and that makes me feel like I’m a person again, that that those are those those winds that bring me confidence. Hoque and then and really opened the door for me to keep doing the other things. And that’s how I love to use essential oils for women. And at any phase in our life, whether we’re trying to get pregnant, or we are, we are in perimenopause, or we’re in menopause and be on wherever we are in the spectrum of our journey, that we have these beautiful chemical constituents that we can leverage leverage in a moment’s notice. In seconds, we can pull out an oil and literally choose our mood, we can plot an oil and reduce our stress, pull out an oil and feel more happy and you know, their cravings have more brain function, we’re not to get to the gym whatever that is, we get to leverage this beautiful reduce the headache we’ve got the tension we’re experiencing all of it, we can just use with with oils
Dr. Mindy 35:53
Ah, I love that and is the intensity different so if I just fuse it and I smell it or I rub it on my skin is the intensity different at all
Dr. Mariza Snyder 36:04
I would say breathing it in is the fastest intensity for most of us as women you think about it more energy you want to bring that bring that sucker in you know I’m saying like you got to get that in one peppermint opens up oxygen capacity and resources and capacity by 7%. So if I want more oxygen to the brain, I want to breathe in peppermint if I want to fire off although this is not your concern. It’s not your issue Mindy. I want to fire off some dopamine and some seratonin well I grew up with citrus essential oil like a tangerine so like my instant energy blend is tangerine and peppermint. And I’ve been using this instant energy blend for 10 years without fail every single day and it works every single time every time
Dr. Mindy 36:47
is there a tolerance spot like the more you use it the less you react to it
Dr. Mariza Snyder 36:51
you have to use it a lot I mean we’re talking about you got to be huffing these oils like 50 plus times a day you know that’s a lot and so it takes a lot to burn out the receptor the fatigue fatigue the system it I have never I’ve never gotten close to that
Dr. Mindy 37:08
person they do they have any research showing like how long the change lasts in your body.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 37:14
So it depends it depends on you know application it also depends on the oil but your body typically metabolizes those chemical constituents within about two hours you metabolize good little length of time and we fully metabolize and this is a really difference between you know pharmaceutical medicine or synthetic medicine is our bodies can hold on to it you know you’re gonna you’re gonna judge me in just a second but I have a little kroy here and we you know there’s forever chemicals in it girl you know I’ve had it open this whole time I haven’t even had a drink because I’ve been like man he’s gonna say something and those are forever chemicals. no judgment they’re on the lower end of the forever chemicals to tell everybody for like wake I can’t drink Lacroix anymore. They’re on the lower side but what soda water can we drink Mindy
Dr. Mindy 38:03
gross diner Yeah, that’s thank you
Dr. Mariza Snyder 38:05
and is it filigree does Pellegrino even make this Laila
Dr. Mindy 38:08
gray knows okay but mineral wise girl shiner has more met potassium magnesium in it then then pellet Pellegrino I love taco Chico but they’re the highest Yeah,
Dr. Mariza Snyder 38:21
yeah those almost take a taste like a beer there’s almost as like a Corona when you have I love them. Yeah, no. Gluten Free girl. So forever chemicals back so yeah, so you drink this and your body is like I don’t know what to do with this. I don’t know what to do these little little teeny chemicals. And so you end up storing them and so that’s what happens a lot with with some of our medicine is we end up store if we can get rid of it, we end up storing it. But with essential oils your body is quick to metabolize them through and so it is it is so let’s say you’re let’s say you’re fighting something I woke up this morning because I’ve been growing on my sleep deprivation is is we all if you are experiencing any of you listening, it is real it is
Dr. Mindy 39:04
you and I have talked about this like you’re crazy. You’re a perimenopausal and you how he’s WHAT TO
Dr. Mariza Snyder 39:11
YOU KNOW WE six months? Six months? Oh my gosh. Yes. Um, so I burned myself out and still got sleep like you know what I’m saying? I had never had a sleep problem. I’ve had a burnout problem, but I hadn’t had a sleep problem. Now I have a sleep problem and I’ve not for the lack of wanting to sleep. And so um, what I’ve noticed what I know for a fact because we both know this. as practitioners, you don’t sleep your immune system is like kiss my ass. You know I’m saying so your immune system I woke up this morning and I had a sore throat and I was like, and it went away once I woke up it was you’ve ever had those sore throats where you’re in a launch or you’re you’re at a major deadline. And every morning you got this little sub this little your body telling you you better watch it, you know, and so I woke up this morning with my with my sore throat and I’m thinking to myself, I gotta read it tonight like I gotta get this together. So I was I started gargling a couple of essential oils this morning that are great for the immune system. And, and so the cinnamon was one of them. Tea tree was one of them lemon and frankincense and so these are I’m getting I’m just gargling um, to help support my immune system. And then I’m applying some oils on the on the spine bottom of the feet just to help boost my immune system. And what we know is that these oils can really help support the immune system. Well, I’m not saying that they’re fighting off germs or fighting off viruses. I’m just saying that they’re helping to support our immune system do its job,
Dr. Mindy 40:43
right. So when you like walk through the world do you like find that people are attracted to you based off of how you smell?
Dr. Mariza Snyder 40:49
Oh, yeah, I smell girl. I smell so good. I smell so good. Like I have people I’ve had people smell me so many times in like the last decade like and usually because I wear some really sexy essential oils too though. Like I wear Jasmine. Jasmine is like, like, follow you through the airport. I have like I’m cranking the sexy, sexy oils, Jasmine rose, you know, neurally and so Jasmine is the oil of self confidence. But it’s like this. It’s like intoxicating. My husband and Ty Alec smells Jasmine on me. He’s like, Oh my goodness, you know, it just loses his business. So I and then Rose is just I think we all just love that beautiful scent. And so I tend to wear oils that I’m really connected to, but that I think just smell like I’ll be honest with you. I don’t even own patchouli. I I do not own it. I’ve never worn it. I’ve never used it. So for being an essential oil researcher. If you came to my house you will not find could surely anywhere. But have I worn some oils like at night before going to bed to boost my immune system or whatever. And they don’t they’re not the best smelling like you know, you know, oregano is phenomenal. For so many things. I call it the obliterator. But let me tell you No One No One sexy smelling like pizza. Nobody. Yeah, yeah, you’re only making people hungry around. Exactly.
Dr. Mindy 42:20
So what about what if somebody hates the smell? So I’ll give you an example. I love the smell avant garde. Like I could like rub that all over myself. And I often do and then I get in the car with my son and my husband and they’re like, what did you just put on? That’s horrible. And I’ve been asked to not have it on when they’re around. They believe that I know. I’m like, you guys. It’s like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Wait, is
Dr. Mariza Snyder 42:43
it like Christmas? I just put some it’s actually in my copyright now cuz it’s in my coffee. That’s what I was. I was wearing on guard. And so I and I was gargling with onguard this morning too, because I cannot tell you on guard has probably gotten rid of 5050 plus sore throats in the last decade like guaranteed it’s my go to you know, um, no, they can kiss your butt is what they can do. That’s how I feel about it. It’s like my I remember my mom. My grandmother was complaining about Frankenstein was it
Dr. Mindy 43:13
like I wasn’t rubbing it on your mom.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 43:17
And my grandma was like, I don’t like the way this smells. I like the way my mom’s like, I don’t care if you don’t like the way it smells to her mother. He’s like, you just do it. Because it’s good for you. And so, I mean, I think especially with the guys like they’re gonna get they’re gonna have an immune system that they need a boost. And I’m thankful for you for being there to save the day. You know,
Dr. Mindy 43:39
I will tell them that. Yeah. I’ll let them know. Let’s talk a little bit about anxiety. I want to go back to that because, of course as I’m listening to you talk I’m like, Oh my gosh, for menopausal women. Now I get why you wrote a book on essential oils and menopause because we need a quick win. Yes. So and there are other things we can do with our mind when we feel like we’ve been hijacked or that our brain has been hijacked. So talk about oils that you are specific to women going through perimenopause and menopause, our progesterone is low. We have that I always call it like the body anxiety like I can’t relax my body. My amygdala is spinning out of control. What can I do oil wise and then you have some really great movement ideas and hacks for mindset that help you shifted out of that place.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 44:32
Absolutely. I would say that the average woman and I especially in our 40s into our 50s we are firing off that stressor that that survival mode that stress response mode, probably 25 plus times a day. I would say that most of us have no idea. We don’t even know when I was in my 20s I honestly when I thought it was my slight edge. I thought I thought firing off I thought that nervous energy, which was cortisol was literally how I was gonna kick ones but, you know, say like I would if I was trying to do whatever the project was like, that was my that was my stamina that I would like kick that into high gear and be like, leverage it until I had severe chronic fatigue. Right on the other side of that. And so I think a lot of women do mistaken what that is for a little some, some a little extra energy, you know, and we don’t even realize it, like I said, so, you know, the more that we become more aware, and we can be an observer of ourselves, you know, as I watched myself get into that mode with my husband morning, I was like, Oh, I know what’s happening with me right at second. And, but a lot of us don’t know. So I want to just point out some ways that we can know that we can, like increase our vagal tone, so that we respond differently over later on, like over time. But things to look out for is you’re talking very fast. And it’s very like I gotta do this I got to do I’m running late did it like you find yourself in kind of like a trauma spiral, where you’re not solving the problem, but you’re just in your head? To you just your breath is shallow. Three, everything’s tight. For look around at the people around you. How are they responding to you? Like, are they on a? Are they on pins and needles? Are they are they on eggshells? Like that’s a good indicator that you’re in a stress response mode is everyone’s like, Oh goodness, stay away from this woman.
Dr. Mindy 46:26
She’s pretty much everybody around a menopausal woman. Yes. So just
Dr. Mariza Snyder 46:32
ready to play. So in that moment, you are you you recognize any of these signs, these telltale signs that you are in it, you are flooding the system that your your brain is in overdrive, that limbic system is basically turned off everything else and it’s in pursuit of survival. The first thing you got to do is you got we have to shift our state, especially with fight or flight, your body, your your brain is expecting you to move your brain is expecting in order for it to say hey, everything is okay, we can start metabolizing all of this entered all these energy hormones, all of this fighter flight con, energy hormones, we have got to move. So walking outside, getting into yoga and shaking it just shaking it off. Just walking in a circle in your living room or wherever you’re at in your office. And that tells the brain Okay, we’re good. We we’ve we’ve we’ve fought the tiger, the proverbial tiger, whatever that is. And also in whatever that scenario is whether you’re you’re you are responding to an email that made you extremely mad, or you’re responding to a partner, like you’re flooding the system. I promise you When have you ever stayed in that moment? To finish that angry email? Or to finish that argument with your partner? And it went well, like that? Good.
Dr. Mindy 47:50
You know to say he said ignore and you always regret it. Always. You’re in that fight or flight brain The minute you let it out? That’s Yeah, well, yeah,
Dr. Mariza Snyder 47:58
it It never, it never goes well, like the end result. Like maybe you got to fire off whatever you needed to fire off. And that felt good. Like, you got to give somebody the business. But like on the other side, you know, how did that transpire for you and your relationship or your situation, or that that conversation with that co worker or whatever it was, right. And so changing our state is so critical, and then breath, breath is probably one of the most powerful ways. At that point, we’ve kind of lost control of our breath, we’re breathing shallow, we have less oxygen going to the brain, oxygen going to the cells. And so our body is in more of a panic mode. So if we can slow down our breaths, you know, six breaths in eight breaths out, so your exhale bigger than your inhale. And if you can grab, I mean, the first thing I ever do is grab an essential oil, because that’ll move me so much faster. So I can shake it out, grab an oil breathe, immediately sends a different message to the brain. It overrides the stress response situation, and tells the brain we’re cool. We’re cool, everything’s good. Now, if you’re hearing and you’re like, Oh, that’s great. That’s all setting good. But I don’t know when this happens to me. Then what I also recommend is grabbing your phone, but you know, because you’re using it all the time anyway. And
Unknown Speaker 49:19
throwing it
Unknown Speaker 49:21
at somebody
Unknown Speaker 49:25
at that car that just
Unknown Speaker 49:26
cut you off. You know you feel
Dr. Mariza Snyder 49:30
instead some chimes on the phone on the hour. And in those This is going to preemptively set you up for success. So every hour something pretty like a babbling brook do not have the siren rare, right you know, the thing that goes off on your phone hasn’t been really nice and subtle, some type of yoga sound and let it go off and then stand up wherever you’re at stand up and shake off. Anyway, just shake it off a little bit. Grab your essential oil, your lavender and cedar wood. Your Jasmine, your Magnolia, whatever you love your tangerine, your frankincense, whatever, whatever lights you up whatever makes you feel good. Now just know that citrus oils literally are like effervescent, happy energy bunnies that like literally pervade the brain. So for me, citrus oils are always my place. Because girl, although I operate in an energetic state, I don’t know about you, but I always want more energy.
Dr. Mindy 50:26
Do you know we have, so we diffuse them in our clinic everywhere. And so at midday, I’ll kind of go up and grab some oils and put them on. And I always go to citrus,
Dr. Mariza Snyder 50:36
always you. You are a sister from another mother. I know, we’re soul sisters. I like Oh, let me guess you grab that. And so tangerine is my energy bunny. It’s my everything. I love tangerine. And so I just grabbed that little tangerine oil. And it’s gonna send those happy, beautiful, effervescent bunnies into the brain and say everything is cool. And you take some deep breathing when you pair it with deep breathing, you literally now have control of your stress response system. And if you can remind yourself to do it on the hour with your little chime, you are preemptively helping to increase your vagal tone, helping to tell the brain everything is good preemptively. So that when you get that text message or that email or whatever happens that that tries to trigger you, your brain will be like, no, that’s cool. I’m good with it. So over time, what would be the best thing is that I’m not triggered by that stimulus. I’m not triggered by that response. I my brain handles it differently, because I have I have retrained it to respond differently. And that’s how essential oils can support with breath work in the long term.
Dr. Mindy 51:46
Wow, I love that. So let me just recap. That was That was awesome. So you said you set a time on the hour. It’s it. This is like a prevention tool. Yes, you do your breathing longer exhale than inhale. Do you get up and move around? You get up you can dance, and then you rub some oils on you. And then you go back to your work. Yep, you’re talking about 60 seconds tops. Yeah, that’s amazing. And I love this idea. Because we’ve talked a lot in my clinic about like, how do you exercise your parasympathetic nervous system, we’re overusing our sympathetic nervous system so much, you know, the polyvagal theory where we’re like, going into this freeze mode. And I strongly feel that it’s going to take a lot of conscious creation on our part, to really bring back that parasympathetic strength because it doesn’t just naturally happen, you got to mature it and develop it.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 52:43
So it’s been bullied out. Yeah, and this is a great, great and beautiful, simple and enjoyable way I love I breathe fast you breathe. I mean, you know, but I love deep breathing when I’m really conscious. And but I would I’m more than anything, I love breathing in essential oils, they just make me so happy. They just feel so good. You know, and I that’s what the beautiful thing is, is just really in the moment, just enjoying that moment, like enjoying the beauty of just being present in that moment. Maybe even set an intention for yourself for the next hour, you know, having a little bit more grounding. Like I want to just I want to experience more joy in this next hour, I want to feel I want to experience more presence in the next hour, whatever that may look like, you can even set an intention with that. And so you can you can consider it and you want to get woowoo with it, you can be an anointing, anointing yourself with that into that next hour of intention. And so, but that’s how I feel about oils, they just feel so good. And the fact that they can have such a powerful response, a very positive response on the body. I rarely ever encountered an oil or, I mean, I’ve shared essential oils with millions and millions of women around the world. And I can’t really recount many instances where they have been an issue, you know, that there have been, you know, side effects that were unwarranted. It’s it’s pretty rare.
Dr. Mindy 54:05
Yeah. Oh my gosh, that’s amazing. And so all of your buttons and like the little hacks those are in your book? Yes. Yeah.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 54:12
Yes. From brain fog, to energy to anxiety to cravings, all of it any of it to your liver blend to gut blends. You know, I used to have I have a gut blend that I had my best friends used to make before they ate like this crazy gluten breakfast, like as a pre emptive. And I was just like, that is not the point.
Dr. Mindy 54:34
Right? Well, hey, use
Unknown Speaker 54:35
it any way you can.
Dr. Mindy 54:36
But you and I talked on Instagram about this. What about fasting? You know, when you’re in a fasted state and you’re going into these longer fasts? it you know, I would think rubbing some oils on you could help you go a couple more hours and be
Dr. Mariza Snyder 54:49
absolutely yeah, we think about why we end up backing out of a fast early right. It’s usually mental energy issue, right or it’s a stress issue. It’s an emotional eating concern. Something that comes up, right and we’re just like, you know what I’m going to break this I’m stuffs coming up for me. And instead, instead of reaching for that, why wouldn’t we just reach for a calorie free option? Right? Like, why don’t we just reach for it so whether it’s an instant if you need a little bit more energy to get you through peppermint tangerine, you need to reduce some of that stress and overwhelm that has you wanting to go grab for something, you know, lavender and cedar wood, Magnolia, a citrus oil tea will do that Frankincense will do that. Any of those will do that for you. And then maybe it is brain fog. Like your brain just isn’t running like you’re running, you’re running out of steam. That grab peppermints great rosemary, my favorite combo is peppermint, rosemary, frankincense and a citrus like like a wild orange that in rub it behind the back of your neck. And that’ll put Dell puts you back in the game. I call that my gift, Statoil you know, just get you back in. So those will except definitely extend you, you know, if you’re trying to go from a 15 hour to a 17 hour, and it’s the first time you’ve ever done it. Definitely implement oils into that routine to get you those those next two hours.
Dr. Mindy 56:07
Oh my god, I love that. You know, we do a free five day fast every month. And we’re teaching people the different lengths. So next month, we’re going to do a 36 hour fast. And we’re going to I’m going to show people how to go into it and come out of it. I’m going to use oils. I’ll have everybody grab your book and we’ll play with the different oils and see what we get. There fun thing would be we got a lot of people were in the continuous glucose monitors or the keto Mojo, are you seeing changes in blood sugar?
Dr. Mariza Snyder 56:36
Oh, yeah, I am. Mine’s coming. I had my I had levels on for a month, and then I renewed the subscription. And so it’s I think it’s arriving in a couple of days. And I love I mean, there’s the watch real time and that technology you and I both know, insulin resistance is definitely a major concern for us as women, especially as we enter into our 40s and beyond and 88% of adults have some level of metabolic dysfunction. It’s only 12% of us that don’t, you know, it’s a very small number. And so a lot of the chronic conditions that we are most concerned about are really being driven by this these wayward blood sugar swings. And there was a couple times where when I wore the CGM wasn’t very often I think my average was 80 milligrams per deciliter, the entire month was pretty good. And when most of the time when I ate, I would only spike to 95. Like I kept within optimal, but there was a couple occasions where I spiked to 130. And I was like, Oh, my goodness. And I have a feeling people are spiking to 130 every single day was Yeah, probably. And so I spiked to 130. And what was really fascinating is your body goes into emergency mode. It’s like 130 milligrams per deciliter, blood like sugars in the blood, we have to handle this. Yeah, all hands on deck. And then you have this massive insulin response to and what ends up happening is you dip, you drop into like 55, you dropped out of like the ideal like 70 or but like 65 is still okay, like now you’re in the stranger danger mode, where you’re way low blood sugar, and that sends a signal to the brain, because for some reason, the brain didn’t get the memo that you ate that crazy thing to drive it up to begin with. And this is just a overcorrection and the brains like ate, ate something sugary right now. And so what a lot of us don’t realize is that when we’re in that snacking mode, or that that emotional eating mode or just eating sugar to get us through the day, we are in this crazy loop the cycle of up and down, up and down. And whether you you’re not aware of it, but the brain is sending out major emergency signals to you to fill in that gap again to raise that blood sugar. And that drives anxiety that drives mood swings. That drives crazy cravings. Just all a brain fog, and I can see how it can become a really scary you know, a really scary vicious cycle.
Dr. Mindy 59:04
What So, oil do I rub on myself? Yes, peppermint. Peppermint. Yes. I love this like quick win the quick win, has you You helped me reframe oils with that idea. But go ahead. What do you say about peppermint? Um,
Dr. Mariza Snyder 59:19
so the Journal of Neurology Dr. Alan Hirsch did this big study where he looked at cravings and he wanted to know if essential oils can help. And citrus oils were they did pretty good. But the number one oil that decreased cravings buy like 75% was peppermint by simply breathing in. So if you know you’re having an emotional craving moment or whatever that may be, and you’re reaching for the pantry or wherever, grab that peppermint essential oil and breathe it in. It’ll literally it’ll buy you the three minutes that that craving is going to exist in you and walk away from the pantry though,
Dr. Mindy 59:54
right and walk away. I love it. Okay, well I could chat forever and it’s so funny. Like, we’ve talked So much and the more I talk to you, the more I want to talk to you. So I love it. But I know we have time restraints here. So five rapid questions for you guess the first if you were sent on a desert island, and you could only bring one oil with you, would it be? The oil would be that mine is living in initial guide was Jasmine. I bring Jasmine. Okay. Okay. Not very utilitarian, but I love it. Okay. Okay, well, I can I’m surprised just because it’s not an oil that I use. So now you got me wanted to go get Jasmine, Jasmine. Jasmine bush out
Unknown Speaker 1:00:35
Dr. Mariza Snyder 1:00:36
So do you ever find yourself like just just like sitting around it? Like you just love I just love Jasmine, I’d
Dr. Mindy 1:00:42
love to say that I sit. But so that would be a good idea. walk back and forth around. Let me walk circles around it. I’ll try that. That will make me want to set. So. Okay, if you could go back and talk to your 20 year old self and give her some advice? What would you tell her?
Dr. Mariza Snyder 1:01:01
I would say that not everything is an emergency. And you know, you, you deserve a lot of grace and love. And your childhood trauma does not define you.
Dr. Mindy 1:01:17
Ooh, that was powerful. I asked a lot of people that question, but that was good. Okay, you’re you’re giving a class on hormones to a bunch of 13 year old girls that just got their period? And what are you going to tell them, I’m going to tell them that their menstrual cycle is their fifth vital sign that hormone literacy is the thing that they’ve got to own. And to track their cycle on an app, they really have a great sense of what’s going on with their bodies. I love how you’re spot on girl like you just got the answers ready to go. You don’t even have to think you’re a professional. So okay, and then what hormone book or it could be a mindset book like what book has really dramatically changed your how you’ve approached your own hormonal
Dr. Mariza Snyder 1:02:02
health. Absolutely the number one book that I’m reading, that’s really having a massive change on me. It’s by Dr. Nicola Perla do the work? Yeah, I think a lot of our hormone issues are actually trauma, the root causes like root other root causes. And a lot of it is is our traumas for us as women in particular, and that ties to our worth or lack of worthiness. You know, I think about a lot of us, were just on the go go go or whatever. You know, I think a lot of it is we we feel we got to show up for everyone else. Well, we got to overachieve so that we can fill that empty gap of a lack of worthiness. And so that I think that book is so profound and powerful. Because I think we all have a little bit of work to do in that department to love ourselves a little bit more.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:45
Yeah. Really?
Dr. Mindy 1:02:49
Hmm, yeah, I guess we do. I have a good friend who’s a naturopath and Canada, and I brought her on the podcast, and she just wrote a book called unleash, it’ll come out in the fall. And it’s all about that, how our traumas when we’re younger, when we’re in the womb actually create our hormonal imbalances when we’re older, which is like, that’s mind blowing, right? Yeah,
Dr. Mariza Snyder 1:03:13
I just barely touched upon it in this book. But I knew I needed to bring it to the surface, you know, of just like, what is the root cause for why we are struggling? Especially we as women, you know, and we could overdo it, you know, we can just, we can really step into a lot of that, and it can feel like chaos for us. And we’re just like, but we have to do this thing, because we were told we had to and that’s that’s how I show up in the world. And so I did touch upon that, because I know that for me, a lot of what was a driver for my hormone issues, was my driving myself into the ground because I, I didn’t, and I, you know, you and you don’t know that it’s a belief, you don’t realize, it’s you know, that’s the thing about it, there are these deep seated beliefs that we just, we just own and don’t really don’t realize we own it.
Dr. Mindy 1:03:58
And that’s why honestly, that’s such a good point. Because what I love about podcasts like this, and like what you and I are trying to do out in the world is normalize menopause. And if we don’t bring it to the surface and talk about all the messiness of it, and the ups and downs of it, then there are women out there that are struggling with irritability and anxiety, and they have no outlet. They feel like what they’re experiencing is wrong. And I feel like we’ve got to bring these conversations up. So as women, we can heal each other, and we can and see ourselves in each other so that we can start to heal our hormones.
Dr. Mariza Snyder 1:04:36
I 100% agree. Yeah, there’s a there’s a lot under the surface that we’ve got to that we’ve got to like, bring up. And there’s a lot of things that that finally come up for us as women in our 40s in our 50s that we just didn’t address in our our teens, 20s and 30s that are now up for review. And we either we either deal with them or they they come back for us again and again. And it can show up in manifest in how our metabolism is functioning and autoimmune conditions and the pain that we’re experiencing the emotional turmoil that we’re having, you know, and so I’m really grateful for these types of conversations so women can open the door for what that deeper work looks like.
Dr. Mindy 1:05:19
Love that up for review. That was good. You got some good one liners girl. Okay, last question. If you could have one message that you put in every person’s brain on the planet, that you’d really want them to see? What would that message being You are worthy and perfect and loved for exactly who you are? Hey, resellers, I just want to start off by saying thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews. And those of you that have left me comments on iTunes, I just greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and how much you guys are enjoying these episodes. And it seems like you’re enjoying them as much as I am enjoying doing them. One of the things that I’ve learned in just interacting with so many people is that we’ve really lost the art of deep conversations. And for me is the resetter podcast stands for having meaningful conversations with people who are thinking about health, about life about mindset in a way that we may not be getting on social media or in mainstream media. And so I just want to say give you guys a shout ut and just say thank you for participating in this process with me. Because as much as I absolutely love delivering the information to you, I love even more knowing that it’s impacting your life. So please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make this podcast more customized to you to make it better. We are now officially in season two. And we are working to bring you the best conversations that health influencers have that mindset changers can give and to really deliver you something that you’re not able to get anywhere else. So from the bottom of my heart, as I always say my YouTube from the bottom of my heart. I am deeply appreciative of you I am deeply grateful to be on this journey with you and let’s get healthy together.
- Gift: Top Hormone Supplement Bonus Guide
- Hormone Building Foods List
- Feel the impact of Organifi – use code PELZ for a discount on all products!
- Book: The Essential Oils Menopause Solution
- Continuous Glucose Monitor
- Non-Toxic Essential Oils: Use code PELZ for 10% off
A brilliant podcast. I never really gave essential oils the attention they deserve. I will definitely do so now. I will be getting the book and adding it to my growing pile of amazing books you and your guests have recommended. Thank you so much ????????
Thanks so much for your awesome feedback! We’d love if you took a moment to copy and paste that for a review! You can do that here: https://ratethispodcast.com/resetterpodcast
ive been using essential oils since my teens [ im 50 ]; across the decades my tastes / needs have changed but lavender is a constant. i’d caution against putting the oils directly on delicate facial skin, though, especially citrus – as these can burn and cause photosensitivity. Perhaps drop some oil on a hanky and waft it under your nose periodicaly instead?