// R E A D Y • S E T • R E S E T
This episode is all about eating like humans and learning to reconnect with our food.
Dr. Bill Schindler is an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland. As both an experimental archaeologist and primitive technologist, his research and teaching, both in and outside of the college, revolve around a comprehensive understanding of prehistoric technologies including lithic (stone tool) technologies, prehistoric ceramic technologies, projectile technologies, hunting, foraging, hide working, fiber technologies and all aspects of prehistoric food acquisition, processing, storage, and consumption.
In this podcast, we cover:
- The power of the way our ancestors ate
- Thinking about food from a survival standpoint
- How technology plays a role in our food consumption
- The importance of bacteria and enzymes for our immune systems
- Why your children and farmer should know each other
- How it’s possible to lose weight and not feel hungry
- The ways to teach our kids about honoring food
Food for people in the past was necessary for the survival and propagation of the species. Species that are surviving don’t last very long. However, species that are thriving will have children. Humans are not meant to eat all day and be sugar burners. We have a fuel source that will kick in through feast and famine cycling.
Dr. Bill set out to answer the question, “what should we eat?” He realized that if we are in tune with our body and know what a nourishing meal feels like, we will make the right decisions. Now, Dr. Bill asks the question, “how should we be eating?” Humans are one of the weakest species on the planet with one of the least efficient digestion tracks. We are not biologically designed to eat almost every food that we consume.
Humans create technology to process food before it touches our lips. Other animals do food processing inside their bodies. The only way we can access meat is through technology. So technically, we are not designed to eat anything that we currently consume except milk from our mothers. Technology plays a massive role in our diets.
So, what are we designed to eat? We are prepared to safely consume a minimal amount of seasonally wild fruits, vegetables, and insects. However, that’s not the whole story. We have outgrown what we are designed to eat. We must eat a more massive array of foods where technology has to play a role in getting ready for our digestive tracks. Our bodies are built on specific diets. Don’t focus on the “what” focus on the “how.”
The enzymes and bacteria that help us digest food are produced by our bodies or the food itself. When infants start eating solid foods, they require the bacteria from their parents to get passed on. Parents will chew the food and put it in their babies’ mouths, thus, transferring bacteria from the parent to the baby. The greatest thing a parent can do for their child is to work on their own microbiome.
Later, Dr. Bill explains what real food is and the power of nourishment. Our mission should be to feel better after eating; we should feel amazing. Plus, we speak about utilizing charcoal, searching for good food that aligns with our food values, and how to teach our kids about honoring food.
Dr. Bill’s message for the world is that the secret of health lies in learning what it truly means to be human.
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Please note the following medical disclaimer: By listening to this podcast you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition.
Hi Dr. Peltz,
You misunderstood him on oxalates. They cannot be fermented out of foods. They are microscopic crystals (like little pieces of glass) that, when you eat too much of them, can accumulate in the tissues of the body causing pain – join pain, tissue pain, etc. There is nothing that you can do to high oxalate foods to reduce their amounts in food. High oxalate foods include spinach, kale, swiss chard, sweet potato, and almonds. There are oxalates in almost all fruits and veggies but those have 10-20x more than the others. Megadosing with those – like with green smoothies or tons of almond flour treats – can cause a lot of health problems. Listen to the interview Brian Sanders did with Sally Norton for deeper dive.
This was such an amazing speaker! When will we be able to hear Part 2?
Thank you so much for your positive feedback! We would love if you copied and pasted it into a review on apple to help our channel!
P.S Part 2 is available the week after!
Part 2??
You can find it here: https://drmindypelz.libsyn.com/part-ii-what-it-means-to-eat-like-a-human-with-dr-bill-schindler