From this point forward, whenever you think of a malfunctioning thyroid, I want you to think TOXINS.

If you go to your doctor and she says your thyroid numbers are out of normal range, I want you to think I NEED TO DETOX.

Your thyroid is the canary in the coal mine. Remember that story?

Coal miners would carry a caged canary down into the mine with them. If dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide accumulated in the mine, the gases would kill the canary before killing the miners. This provided them a warning to exit the tunnels immediately.

Well, guess what? Your thyroid is providing you with the same information.

When it starts to malfunction, it’s a sign that toxins are building up.


What can you do if your thyroid tests are off and you don’t want to take medication for it?

Learn to understand what the results of your tests mean. I am including an infographic I designed to help you better understand your thyroid lab results. I have also included an FB Live video with an explanation. Both of these are posted below. They should help you understand your lab results better and give you the tools you need to have an educated conversation with your doctor.

What if your lab results are normal and you still don’t feel well?

This happens all the time. People come to me with normal blood work, but still have symptoms of thyroid disease. Just because your blood work is normal, doesn’t mean your thyroid is healthy.

When this scenario happens, there are three areas of the body you need to focus on:

  • your liver
  • your gut
  • your brain

Watch the FB Live video below. Hopefully it will give you more insight into your thyroid health. Reach out if you have any questions!

Hope that helps…Have an awesome day!