“Build Your Immune System”
Have you ever wondered if there was a magic combination of vitamins and minerals you needed to put together to get the best cellular effect? Well, Dr. Kedar Prasad answers this question for us!
Dr. Kedar N. Prasad obtained a Ph.D. in Radiation Biology from the University of Iowa. He went to Brookhaven National Laboratory for postdoctoral training. Dr. Prasad was a Professor and the Director for the Center for Vitamins and Cancer Research in the Department of Radiology at the University of Colorado Medical School. He published over 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Nature, Science, and PNAS, and was supported by the NIH for over 30 years.
He has edited and authored 25 books on the role of micronutrients in radiation damage and neurodegenerative diseases. In 1982, he was invited by the Nobel Prize Committee to nominate a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. He is a former President of the International Society for Nutrition and Cancer. Currently, he is Chief Scientific Officer of Engage Global.
In this podcast, The Importance of Micronutrients, we cover:
- The magic combination of vitamins and minerals to get the best cellular effect.
- Why antioxidants and stress do not mix well together.
- The importance of testing your inflammation and free radicals.
- Why everyone is so immunocompromised.
- About micronutrients and why they are critical for your overall health.
Antioxidants And Stress Don’t Mix
It is well established that when a single antioxidant enters your body, it will oxidize in a high-stress environment. So, if your body has high oxidative stress, it produces a lot of free radicals and inflammation. For instance, in heavy smokers or any chronic diseases, whether it’s Alzheimer’s or heart disease if you measure the blood levels of these people, oxidative stress and inflammation are elevated. So, if we give a single antioxidant in the presence of a high internal stress environment, the antioxidant will oxidize. Once they get oxidized, they activate the pro-oxidant rather than the antioxidant, increasing the risk of disease. A single antioxidant will not affect you if you have severe oxidative stress. It’s the combination of the macronutrient and micronutrients that make the big difference.
Test Your Inflammation And Free Radicals
High levels of free radicals and inflammation are the two most essential defects that lead to almost all human chronic diseases. Sadly, with many chronic diseases, people won’t do anything until a symptom appears. Once a symptom appears, then the person will start treatment. However, you could look at the body before the symptom appears. For instance, check for high levels of oxidative stress, a lot of free radicals, and a lot of inflammation. That way, you will know if you have factors contributing to the onset of chronic disease. Luckily, genetic diseases can be delayed by many years. With a high-quality life, you can delay the onset of the disease’s genetic basis, it’s critical for your overall health.
Micronutrients Are Critical To Overall Health
Diet is a critical component of your health, as well as intermittent fasting. These two things are essential because it reduces the total calorie class and therefore your weight and immune system are maintained. However, micronutrients are also necessary. So, in addition to following the guideline you have on diet and fasting, you’ll want micronutrients. Following the micronutrient supplementation guideline from Engage Global will tell you everything you need to know about getting healthy. As you grow older, your body starts producing more inflammation and more free radicals. If your body already has high levels of free radicals and inflammation, they can be reduced through micronutrients. Therefore, you can have a good quality of life for a more extended period. It is not just living longer, but also about living a high-quality life.
Improving Your Immune System With Micronutrients
People’s immune systems are not healthy because their inflammation levels and free radical levels are high. Plus, they most likely have macronutrient deficiencies – which will increase free radicals and inflammation. People who have sound immune systems will get a virus and recover from it. Back in the day, people with poor immune systems got infected with bacteria, and then they died. When no drugs were available to humankind, having a healthy immune system was utterly critical for overall wellbeing and physical health. So, how do you improve micronutrients? Well, firstly, a good diet will help improve your micronutrients. Plus, taking a micronutrient supplement will strengthen your immune system.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 0:00
COVID-19 we call it because in 19 it was discovered it could be COVID 2022. Before that COVID was this is not the first time we are exposed to cook. There was SART virus. There was a you know chicken virus and they all belong to the same family Coronavirus family but this is a specifically very aggressive in terms of infection than previous Coronavirus.
Dr. Mindy 0:24
I am a woman on a mission that is dedicated to teaching you just how powerful your body was built to be. I like to do that by bringing you the latest science, the greatest thought leaders and applicable steps that help you tap into your own internal healing power. The purpose of this podcast is to give you the power back and help you believe in yourself again, my name is Dr. Mindy Pels. And I want to thank you for spending part of your day with me. Have you ever wondered if there was a magic combination of vitamins and minerals you needed to put together to get the best cellular effect? Well, let me tell you about our next guest, because he is going to answer that question for us. And I’ve been taking supplements a long time, I’ve been analyzing supplements looking at different formulas, understanding which ones can give us the best effect. And this doctor actually elevated the conversation on supplements to a whole new level. He’s going to talk to us in this episode about which vitamins and which minerals go together to get the best health benefit possible. And he’s a brilliant man. So his name is Dr. kadar prashad. And he’s the first radiation biologist, a PhD in the US and the entire world. He’s authored over 25 books on micronutrients. He’s published more than 250 peer reviewed articles. He’s the president of the International Society of nutrition and cancer, and a member of the Nobel Prize committee for candidates and in medicine. So this is an incredible conversation. And if you are taking supplements at all, or you’ve ever wondered, take supplements, should you take supplements, this is going to be a whole new discussion for you. And he’s really going to dive into the specificity of Okay, do which vitamins Do we need to take with which minerals? And what should we be looking out for to make sure that we don’t get the combination, right. And what was surprising was he actually talked about when you do get the combination wrong, you can actually cause more aging of your cells, you can cause more inflammation. So I really enjoyed this man. As always, I love the people with big hearts. And really big brains as as Dr. prashad has, and his products are incredible. We have been testing them, you can definitely tell a difference when you take his supplements. And he’s got a unique approach that more people no need to know about. So, Dr. prashad, I’m excited to bring you this conversation, this intelligent man. And as always, I hope you get something out of it, and it moves your life forward. Let’s talk about sleep hacks. So I want to bring to your guys attention, a new product I’ve been using to wind myself down. It’s called gold tea, it’s put out by Organa phi. And what I love about this is I just put a scoop and some warm water, add a little bit of cream. And really quickly like within an hour, I can feel my whole Nervous System start to relax. It’s become part of my protocols for getting a great night’s sleep. I can even see the results the next morning on my whoop, bat. So if you’re looking for better tools to get a great night’s sleep, check out or getify their gold tea, you can go to Organa phi.com backslash pills, and they will give you 15% off. So Linus Pauling was your mentor. He personally knew him.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 4:06
Yeah, I knew him man. Because, you know when he discovered that, or he was saying that vitamin C can cure cancer. And everybody thought that he’s now crazy old man. But I thought that he can be that crazy because he has won two Nobel Prize. So I started working on vitamin C on my cell line, which was neuroblastoma cell at the University of Colorado. And, and we have a support from the National Institute of Health. And so we found that yes, white high dose of vitamin C will kill cancer cells. But low dose of vitamin C can stimulate up some cancer cells origin effect. Interesting. The dose is very important. Okay. And people who question didn’t understand his view that he’s talking about the high dose, like a 10 gram Not like a one way, you know, kind of milligram of vitamin C. So quite a treatment issue, not a prevention issue. And we I further extended that the so I wrote a paper that vitamin C kills cancer cell, I extended further that vitamin C not only kills cancer cell, but also enhances the effect of radiation and chemotherapy on cancer cells, but not a normal cell, okay, but has to be a high dose, low dose will protect it, but high dose enhancing their effect. And there are mechanism that if you are interested, I can go further why this should be the case. But and so, so I wrote a paper on this issue that vitamin C enhances the effect of chemotherapy and radiation on cancer cells, but not on normal cells, and then some criteria to protect normal cells. And so I thought that we should publish this paper on the preceding National Academy of Sciences. And so and he had you know, he’s he was the member of Haha, without member you can publish in that journal. So I sent him this paper. And he loved it. And he had sponsored data and the paper got published in a highly prestigious as you know, documentdb proceeding National Academy of Sciences. And then I became very close to him after that. And he had a meeting in a Rio de Janeiro on vitamin C. And then he invited me to talk on this issue. And so we came closer and after that, being a president of International Society of nutrition and cancer, I organized seven international meeting. And every meeting, he was the keynote speaker. And if and when he wrote a letter for my promotion to full professor, the chairman of the back committee came and gave me that letter to me supposed to be confidential. But he wrote in a way that I was going to get in the world price but but anyway, so he became very friend and he was guiding force for my future development and the mechanic close contact, till till his till he died. Amazing.
Dr. Mindy 7:17
I’m thinking as you’re talking, I was like, why we have gotten so far away from getting giving something like vitamin C, any credit anymore. Like it’s baffled me when we are sitting in the amongst this pandemic. And we you go into the research on vitamins and minerals, and you start to see how important they are for a strong immune system yet, everybody’s waiting and sitting at home waiting for some big moment to happen when the moment could happen every day in what they’re taking as far as their minerals and vitamins go Why Why are we so why did we stray so far from those original understanding of vitamin C?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 7:59
I think the reason was that a few of the clinical study that was performed in the beginning, like beta carotene in a heavy metal smoker, and then they increased the risk of lung cancer. When they tried vitamin E, single vitamin E. In the heart disease and or other diseases, they found either very little effect or no effect. And in some cases, in case of heavy smoker, they increase the risk of cancer. But here is why that and that created a lot of publicity against vitamins. And they also apply from his data on single bitumen to a multiple vitamin as well said they said don’t take vitamins. But here is the problem with that a study it is very well established that when a single anti oxidant enters your body, and if your body has a high oxidative stress, producing a lot of free radicals or a lot of inflammation, like a smoker has heavy a smoker or any chronic diseases, whether the Alzheimer or heart disease, if you measure the blood level of marker of oxidative stress and inflammation, they’re all elevated. So, if we give a single antioxidant in the presence of high internal or body oxidative environment, this anti oxidant will oxidize. And once they get oxidized, they activate the pro oxidant rather than an antioxidant and that can increase the risk of disease it can have also so single antioxidant II that will have no effect or if you have too severe oxidative stress in case of a smoker it can increase the risk of disease and so so from there on, we said no we have to have a multiple antioxidant interested for your body has a multiple antioxidants, some of which we take from the diet, some Which our body makes it. So, and they’re all distributed differently throughout your body, some are on the membrane, some are in the cytosol, some are in mitochondria, you see what I mean? Yeah, one cannot work.
Dr. Mindy 10:13
So it’s the combination of the of the macronutrient micronutrients that make the big difference
Dr. Kedar Prasad 10:19
and bested that led me to the development of micro data
Dr. Mindy 10:22
interesting, I love that,
Dr. Kedar Prasad 10:24
it is very important, some simple thing is for example, it is very well known that iron, iron, copper manganese in there called trace minerals, as you know, documented very well, because tiny amount is absolutely essential for your health, but slight taxes can increase the risk of almost all human chronic diseases. And if you go into PubMed, and look iron and chronic diseases, you will have many many papers that excess amount of iron in your body. So, if you add a and it is also very well known not my discovery has been very non centum reactions, that the vitamin C in combination with vitamin D iron in combination with vitamin C generates a lot of free radicals. As a matter of fact, if you want to study the effect of pure free radicals in a testing, you need iron and vitamin C and your your test tissue material what you want to see, because it is very well known so so why you will add that and in the presence of antioxidant, these minerals, iron copper, many get absorbed better. So your body has certain amount of protein, iron binding protein, copper binding protein, once they get saturated, then a free iron free copper floating around and increase the risk of many diseases. So why you will. So
Dr. Mindy 11:53
yeah, and it sounds confusing. So you know, if you’re the typical, if you’re just the lay person, for lack of a better word, and you hear this, you’re like, oh, I’ve never taken supplements again. And if you are a medical doctor, and you’re looking at that research, you’re like advising your patients to never take supplements again. But if you dive into one of your books, and you start to see Oh, you get this combination, right, you’re gonna help your immune system your brain health. So, how do we make it simple for people
Dr. Kedar Prasad 12:24
simply people hear it the simple thing. For example, you say that, if you increase the oxidative stress, and in premise, if your body has a high level of producing free radicals, high level information, they are two most important defects that leads to almost all human chronic diseases. Not only you know, acquired one, like during time, you know, they call it a sporadic that you acquire it is not a genetically acquired during your lifetime. They are well established. He recently I’m writing a review, even the genetic basis of the disease, like sickle cell anemia, Huntington’s chorea 10% of the Alzheimer 5% of the Parkinson’s disease, they have a gene defect, single gene defect. And even that defect, that means you’re you’re going to appear the disease at the age of 3545 much earlier. But if you are quite busy, then you got 70 6080. So the genetic disease might appear much earlier, whether it’s your heart or diabetes, or anything appear much earlier. So the question right now is that they don’t do anything until the symptom appears, then you start treating them. But if you look before the symptom appears, if you look their body, they have a high level of oxidative stress, a lot of free radicals, lot of inflammation, and they contribute to the onset of the disease. So if you blog, that even genetic basis of the disease can be delayed by many, many years. This is very important to remember that people think that oh, I became modify, yeah, you cannot tell the mutation. But the products invitation produces is a protein, and that product is toxic. And so they produce a lot of a free radicals. So if you block the action of those proteins, then you can delay the onset of even genetic disease. So instead of occurring and any kind of genetically, there’s Alzheimer parkinsonism, or sickle cell anemia, or any any kind of so it instead of appearing much earlier state, they can stay at 90 after that you are ready to leave this planet anyway. And so
Dr. Mindy 14:46
that’s that’s the expiration date.
Unknown Speaker 14:50
For you to go you know, you could be
Dr. Kedar Prasad 14:52
100 but even with quality of life, if you can delay the onset of genetic basis of disease. It is is really, really important. Nobody hits it.
Dr. Mindy 15:03
Awesome. And I’m hoping you’re gonna, you’re gonna give us all the secret combinations that we’re supposed to know, I, it makes total sense to me, I have seen just in the in the world of natural health and people who are wanting to make lifestyle changes to improve their health, that they bring what I call a broken mindset to that world, which is one problem, one diagnosis one pill. And I really, we call it a multi therapeutic approach where we really need to come to somebody held from a lot of different angles. And in the last couple of minutes of talking, you just elevated my vision on the fact that vitamins and minerals have to be have to be in synergy with each other as well. That to me seems like a topic nobody’s talking about, am I correct?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 15:55
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And also that, you know, always emphasize, like you’re doing it you know, diet is a very important component. And they and the, the intermittent fasting is very important concept. And that because it reduces the total calorie class, and therefore your weight and everything immune system is maintained. But micronutrient is also important. So in addition to following that guideline that you have, and if you follow the micronutrient supplementation guideline, that we will tell you, our uniqueness of our formula, why it is the case, then as you grow older, your body has started producing more inflammation, mold free radicals. And then if your bodies already have high level, they can be reduced. And therefore you can have a good quality of life for a longer, longer period of time. Because it is not just living longer living with the quality of life long.
Dr. Mindy 16:52
Dr. Kedar Prasad 16:53
I’m 86 year old 85. Next month, 86.
Unknown Speaker 16:59
So, so
Unknown Speaker 17:01
Dr. Mindy 17:03
Wow, wow, I wouldn’t have guessed it. No. I
Dr. Kedar Prasad 17:07
mean, I’m taking macro daily forever since I discovered it.
Dr. Mindy 17:10
Yeah. And and I think one of the biggest things I get about supplements in general, is, well, I can get it in my food. I’ll just why what Just give me the food resource. Can you talk a little bit about why we can’t just eat our way into great, you know, micronutrient health? Yeah,
Dr. Kedar Prasad 17:28
yeah, here the issue that they are proud to tell you about the uniqueness of our product, sometimes people have asked question, Well, you know, I see the vitamin supplement bottle supplements that look like anything else, you know, it has all the vitamins, so what is new, but here are the couple of points that I will tell you, that light is unique for the nutrition industry things that vitamin A and beta carotene are same. So sometimes we will label vitamin A from beta carotene, or, you know, so they think it is same, but recent data showed that they are even though the beta carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, like one molecule of beta carotene, as you know, maybe two molecules of vitamin A, this is a fact. But beta carotene produce certain biological function that vitamin A cannot do it and vitamin A can produce certain biological function that beta carotene cannot do it. And I will give you one example, that beta carotene will induce a protein called connection protein. And this protein holds two normal cells together. And when they sell become cancerous, they get lost. But if you treat the cancer cell with beta carotene, they reintroduce this connection gene. But vitamin A cannot do it. Vitamin A is very important in differentiation of cells during development, like muscle cell brain cell, all different types of cells, but beta carotene cannot do it. So in our preprint, there are many examples. So about to present we have treated a beta carotene, and vitamin D as a separate ingredient. So this is one uniqueness.
Dr. Mindy 19:17
That’s what I was wondering,
Dr. Kedar Prasad 19:19
yeah, diet technically looks like you know, you can get it but in practice, not many people follow it. And also that you cannot get all these nutrients, you know, in high level, you can get the net for survival. But when you’re growing older, this not enough, because dosage is also very important.
Dr. Mindy 19:37
So if so if I eat a carrot, I don’t have the right combination of beta carotene to a and it’s in a much lower dose than will be therapeutically helpful.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 19:50
Exactly. And also also Yeah, and it will be so you will it will prevent if you just stick a carrot, it will prevent vitamin A deficiency,
Dr. Mindy 19:58
right so you Don’t go you’re not in the negative
Dr. Kedar Prasad 20:02
is high enough level to have an impact for other biological function.
Dr. Mindy 20:07
So all food it’s all food is doing is helping us get to maybe a normal balance but it’s not going above that.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 20:15
Right, that’s very important, this is very important. And the second uniqueness that you may have seen vitamin E, vitamin E added in a commercial product other commercial for vitamin E acetate. And we have added vitamin E acetate and vitamin E succinate. And this form of vitamin E, I was the first one to discovered it in 1982 and published in the Cancer Research Journal. And they and before that, there was not a single paper on vitamin E succinate. But today, if you go and look on PubMed in Internet with 500 people on vitamin E suction net, and, and, and this is very important because vitamin E sex net is not only anti cancer agents, but also it has very important implication in other diseases, human diseases, and people have published this information. But vitamin E sex net is unique, because it is much more soluble than vitamin E acetate. And therefore it can cross blood brain barrier better than the than the vitamin acetate. And it has some unique property that other forms of vitamin D cannot produce it. And so in order to optimize the effect of vitamin E, all over your body, we had a both vitamin E acetate, as well as vitamin isaksen. Now that commercial product, he will see one or the sometimes I have seen people have started adding vitamin E sex net,
Dr. Mindy 21:47
but you have to be well they have to read your book or spend hours on PubMed to be able to get that information.
Unknown Speaker 21:55
That’s correct. Yeah, that’s great. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy 21:56
So and before I leave the topic of dosage, because I really want to get into immunity. You know, I I think that there also is a piece from my research on the microbiome and how the microbiome affects how much you absorb the nutrients from your food or your supplements is that correct
Dr. Kedar Prasad 22:18
and that’s correct the macro is a very important most importantly also the fat in the diet little bit fat because some of the fat soluble vitamins out there and they you know, any kind of not too much fat there’s some meat that’s what we recommend that our product macro daily should be taken with meal Ah, but some if you’re fasting, so at least you know you can take some even say omega three fatty acid, some kind of things that you have fat in your stomach and that it will be absorbed better. But probiotic those Flora is very, very important. And they and they play an important role in in generating vitamins, some forms of vitamin B, but we feel that the by protecting the GI tract as a whole you can give the in what better environment from the good bacteria probiotic bacteria to flourish.
Dr. Mindy 23:13
So could you combine a supplement with a probiotic and
Dr. Kedar Prasad 23:18
if we take a probiotic separately we don’t have right now but at some future time we might develop one but if somebody is taking a probiotic together with the our supplement, it will be okay.
Dr. Mindy 23:30
And if they take sub your supplement with a fatty meal will that be would that be a really good combination or any meal is fine?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 23:38
Any meal is every little bit fat right and she doesn’t have to be affecting me right? It has to be any any kind of miss some milk some yogurt. tiny amount of fat for better absorption.
Dr. Mindy 23:55
Women let’s talk menopause. I am incredibly excited to bring you my next book. It’s called the menopause reset and it is what I changed in my lifestyle. The five things I did different as I moved through my 40s as I moved through perimenopause, and menopause to balance my hormones out. I’m really excited about this book. This is going to help so many women. You can pre order your book today at the menopause reset book calm enjoy. Yeah, you know, I interviewed Simon Chang he has a tea he’s a he’s like a tea expert. He is his product is peak tea. And he talked about if the benefits of green tea if you add in a fat you will get that into the cell easier because the outer membrane is obviously fat is that the same?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 24:51
Because these some of these purified ingredient in green tea extract that people have purified the substance. They are fat soluble. Just like right Money just like vitamin D. And so so so it is so so any. So most of the product that they isolate from, say, green tea, we extract or garlic or, you know, people claim all these things, they’re all fat soluble. But these substances, although is important, green tea is important just even for the taste, but green tea or any other things as a separate ingredient like in a capsule, we did not do it, because it does not produce any unique effect that cannot be produced by the ingredient that we have added in micro daily.
Dr. Mindy 25:36
Got it? Got it. Okay, so it’s again, we’re back at the combination, Yes, right. off of science is what’s going to make it more bioavailable for the cells. That’s why our
Dr. Kedar Prasad 25:47
product is so effective. But generally commercial markets say once a day, right? Does that sounded brand name is once a day. And, and they and one time I was attending a conference of the company? Because they invited me to talk on white money. But the question why are you spending once a day, because science says that you have to recruit twice a day, and I will tell you the science behind it. He said he did it and we do it, because people will not follow it. So they compromise the athlete. But why it is so important. Because if you take a macronutrient for example, micro daily, our product, the rate of elimination from your body varies depending upon their solubility in a lipid or in the water. So people have estimated that by about 50% of those things, ingredient that you took in the morning will be gone by the evening and other 50% by next morning. So body sees a great fluctuation of the level of antioxidant throughout the day and night. When that happens, when we arrived in Colorado, we did experiments on gene expression. And it changes in the level of in this case when vitamin E succinate. And we found this slight difference in the in the the level or concentration of vitamin E max in normal enormous difference in the expression of genes. And they and so if you Your body, your cell in your body seeing a lot of fluctuation, they have to increase the adjust to meet that fluctuation, readjust lot of genetic activity, changes in gene expression. And while doing so it is possible one time they can do error if it is happening every day. And you can do one error, and that can induce mutation. Some mutations are harmful. Some mutation has no consequence depending upon whether it is in a gene which is transcribing all the protein or whether it’s a non coding or coding region of the DNA. And so so that’s why in order to maintain the steady level, we said defer give it twice a day, it will remain relatively a steady, steady level, then taking once a day. And the small thing makes a lot of difference in terms of effectiveness, overall health long term health,
Dr. Mindy 28:24
you know that it’s so simple, so simple. Yeah. You know, I saw two studies recently one that they say exercise is the same way that we’re actually better off our bodies are better at just having small doses of exercise multiple times a day. I’ve also seen some studies on stimulating mTOR and the growth capabilities of a cell by using protein. But you don’t dive into a big bunch of protein, you do 20 grams of protein every three hours. And you start to stimulate that part of the cell that will grow and replicate in a healthy way. Yeah, so this is sort of all tied together with other things that we’re not talking about. That people aren’t doing, and we’re not having enough conversations about it.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 29:07
Yeah, I mean, macronutrients is also extremely important for your health. But if you just take a micronutrient emphasize and protein or cargo or whatever, and don’t ignore the macronutrient then you don’t have optimal health you will survive I mean human human body can adopt it, but when you grow older than all these things are start expressing it. So I think exercise is also see if you do excessive exercise. Anytime you use oxygen, you generate a lot of free radicals and when free radical damage that induces inflammation. And so you know also that if somebody had been aerobic exercise for example, I recommend take vitamin before going to there because if your body has high level at that time, you’re a lot of free radical you are generating this is well known phenomena. They will be quenched. They will be removed.
Dr. Mindy 30:03
Smart. Oh, I love that.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 30:05
But most of the people do exercise then come home and have a breakfast.
Yeah, so it all wrong is all
wrong. I actually that is anecdotal stories, but my secretary in when I was in Colorado, she was saying, you know, at that time macro deli was being developed, as he said that, you know, I’m taking some market some form of multiple vitamins, and they, but I still I get cold and flu and these kind of things. So I said, When do you take it? And then she said, Well, I go there, come back, and then have breakfast, and then I take my breakfast. I say, just reverse it. After she diversity. She never had any cold and
Dr. Mindy 30:48
amazing, you know? Yeah, no, I hear people all the time when they’re taking supplements, I’ll say, Do you notice anything? Do you feel anything? And they’re like, No, I just, I just take it is our wish. When I take supplements, typically, I feel something I have, like I feel more energy or more brain should should if you’re taking a good supplement, should you be able to have some kind of tangible effect from it?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 31:11
Yeah, I think I think you will see that too many people who are taking our product, they report sometimes within two weeks to different sometimes four weeks, you know, but I go conservative, which I said tried 390 days and if it doesn’t work, throw it
Unknown Speaker 31:27
right away
Dr. Kedar Prasad 31:29
at like 90% so nobody pointed out. And so so these are the changes that match very important.
Dr. Mindy 31:38
Why is everybody so immune compromised? I’m hoping you’re going to answer that
Dr. Kedar Prasad 31:42
Yeah. No, no is all they have been these are all published information from many other people, that is high risk population, for example, like older people, people who have pre existing disease, obesity, they are considered high risk. And if you measure their level inflammation level is very high for free radical level markers is very high. So and they are that means they are not very healthy, their immune system will impair increase inflammation, increased oxidative stress will impair immune system. And macro nutrient deficiency will also do it by increasing free radicals, inflammation, so micronutrient deficiencies, there, they may have a lot of food, you know, macro nutrient not be twisted. But macro nutrition, but not micronutrient. And so their input into the immune system will play a very poor during the time that people look at evolutionary period of human before we have any kind of drug, any kind of things. People are facing bacterial invasions, violent all the time, but not 100% eliminated. Those who had a good immune system didn’t get it all those who have moderate good immune system got it but recover, and those who have a poor immune system got infected with bacteria, and then they died. And so So, even at the time when there was no drug or anything available, do you see the way our immune system is so critical? And it is so dependent on macronutrients? So then, then you say that how do I improve micronutrients? Well, firstly, good diet, you know, if you want that’s important, and then taking micronutrient supplement, and that the way we have divided again, the right kind of micronutrient supplement, and they will improve your immune system by two way. First, first, it will protect your immune system from further damage by inflammation and oxidative damage by free radicals. Second, it improved the ability because as soon as say for example, in case of virus COVID, as soon as they enter the cell, they sent they produce a cytokines, cell damage to produce cytokines. And then cytokine sends a message to immune system that some foreign invasion has occurred and better do something. And so they send immune cells like neutrophils, macrophages, natural killer cells, to take care of that. So if it is poor quality of cells, they can’t handle it. If you remove So, the the virus keep multiplying and they overtakes it that then becomes much more difficult. But micronutrient can produce a much more able cell, which can fight more effectively against the virus infection. That and detection in addition to that micronutrient supplement that we have, can also make sure that ability of lymphocyte to produce more antibodies, more antibody because this is also done. Dependent effects especially antibody is dose dependent, if you have a small amount produce it may not be as effective. And so, macro nutrient can stimulate your immune system in in these kind of ways. And therefore, maintaining the immune system is very important and they and they not only for today’s infection, but also the COVID-19 we call it because in 19 it was discovered it could be COVID 20 it could be 22. Before that COVID was this is not the first time we had exposed to cook, there was SART virus, there was a you know chicken virus and they all belong to the same family Coronavirus family, but this is a specificly very aggressive in terms of infection than previous Coronavirus is because it has a protein called a spike protein on the circuit that was the corona picture you may have seen it, there are binding ability that there is a receptor very, very rich receptor in lung cell and in intestine cell. And this receptor called angiotensin converting enzyme receptor. And these love it. And so because of especially older people have loaded with this one, and therefore, they become much more susceptible.
Dr. Mindy 36:20
Would you say again, I’m thinking this year I’ve been walking around the whole year going, I don’t feel like we have a viral problem. We have an immune system problem. And yes, like you said, this is a new virus. It’s more virulent, it’s, you know, it’s got some punch to it. But when you explain it like that, I’m thinking, we have bigger than an immune system problem, we have a micronutrient problem. And if we bring our micronutrients up, we bring our immune system up, and now we have a chance to go after this virus. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So why are we talking about that?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 36:55
I don’t know. You know, I have highest regard for Dr. falchi. He’s very expert. But as far as the vitamin D is concerned, he has no knowledge. I did not expected to because I’m not immunology. So if you ask me, I would say I don’t know, what I’m talking about with respect to immunity or with respect to the immune system, and, and macronutrient that I know something about?
Dr. Mindy 37:20
Yeah. And do you think that this idea that in medicine, where we’ve all become specialists have is hurting us in this moment, because Fauci is, he isn’t an immunologist. And his specialty is to look at how strong the viruses and we come over to you and your, you know, in a simple term, micronutrient specialists, what we need to marry these people together,
Dr. Kedar Prasad 37:44
that would be nice. But here is one example that did not record did not receive any any any kind of press, that this group of scientists and was published in a JAMA, very respectable journal, you know, doctor, and this fellow picked up to one commercial, I saw that formula was not as good as ours, but it is some kind of multiple vitamin was there. And they tried in a, they wanted to know whether overall populations if they take vitamin D to reduce the risk of cancer. And they found it reduced the risk of cancer by 10%. Without any diet modification without any proper nutrition. He just did any junk kind of I would say define very sub optimal multiple, at least he had a some multiple component there. And so there was one particular study that multiple vitamin works done in reduce the risk of cancer, rather than single vitamin where everything failed or increased the risk. Another same kind of study was performed with multiple vitamins in a patient’s who was just infected with eight viruses. And then you wait for the treatment with the antiviral drug. It takes about a year or two. And so they as soon as they were infected, they started demanding multiple vitamin formula and they delayed the requirement for it an antiviral drug by five years. But even though it was not very good fight, when I studied something belay rather than within a six month then you get antiviral treatment and so on. And so plus basically immune system is is so important. This study was done in a immune immune a study, a stimulation immune system was done in a Monterey University of Montevideo, in Uruguay, and the volunteer we are anywhere from 25 to 35 years, and they were very heavy smokers because, you know, in those country, young kids, they smoked like mad, and they and so and they were volunteer and without any further modification, just give them a multiple micronutrient that we we developed And, and they It was a six month trial and they found that the they were making the marker of oxidative damage like MDA and also improving the markers of the immune system which is called a proliferation of lymphocyte ss system, it is a very reliable old technology and they and we found that they didn’t six month period, the marker of oxidative damage free radical damage was gradually decrease and the immune function was gradually increased. So, there was again direct evidence in human that multiple macronutrient the right preparation can do both
Dr. Mindy 40:43
Yeah, and what So, tell me what the nutrients are that we need to put together to keep our immune system like it strong especially viral immunity is there a specific combination that we would need?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 40:56
Yeah, because it micro daily for example, macro daily, we have combinations and the micro daily has a permutated different forms like one we have recently developed micronutrient EMF because we are concerned about the electro magnetic radiation coming out from WiFi, television, television. So on 5g, you know, and they and they are we have added a few more ingredient.
Dr. Mindy 41:25
We just don’t have time to read the typical person who has enough time to research, which supplements they should be combining to stay strong, so it’s easier for them to mask up and move out of everybody’s way. But we have so much more we can do. And this has been really frustrating to watch the world go into fear when you listen to someone like Dr. Persaud. You’re like, Oh, you just need to get the right combination of supplements together guys have done an incredible job making it really easy. Just put it in your mouth. And now we were getting ourselves out of that deficiency state. So one one other like detour, I want to take with the micronutrient because as we started this, I told you that we fast a lot of people, we have hundreds of 1000s of people that fast together every month. And before the COVID came around, I started to notice that once people started to fast, their hair would fall out, they would end up with some thyroid problems. And when I would go dive into like what was going on, I realized that they were coming to a fasting lifestyle already with a deficiency. So I’ve been noodling on this thing on this idea of micro nutrient deficiency for some time, I had never connected it to the immune system in the way that you’re talking about. What about everything we’re seeing with brain health, like with kids who have ADHD and, and all timers in dementia? Are those all linked to micronutrient deficiencies as well? Yeah, yes,
Dr. Kedar Prasad 42:50
for example, you take the example Alzheimer’s or dementia, you know, mitochondria produce a lot of energy and one of the defects is mitochondria don’t have enough substrate to produce enough energy. So brand boost formula, we have added for example, vitamin d3, which provide a an ad for mitochondria to generate energy, we have added coenzyme Q 10, which micro can be a huge second step to produce energy, we also added a resveratrol there, because it is a it will protect one of the protein of mitochondria called certain protein and, and that protein is very essential for all the pathway for generating the energy. And we’ll also add a curcumin which is as you know, is a very powerful antioxidant and anti inflammation effects that we don’t have in a micro daily original micro daily, we also add a two plus four lipid, which is very important for membrane integrity of the membrane. And the one is called phospho tidal sailing, and one is called phospho tidal Coleen and so, if a membranes are very easily damaged by free radicals, and therefore, it is important to provide a substrate or precursor of membrane so that the damaged membrane can be replaced or can help when new membranes are formed, they remain stable and strong so that a toxic substance cannot get into inside the brain. And so these are the uniqueness of the the Brain Boost but you already commented when bush together with micro daily
Dr. Mindy 44:38
is that your number one product micro daily or do you have more than one
Dr. Kedar Prasad 44:43
micro daily plus my in case of micro daily in general for things, but if some people have like older people who have a higher risk of dementia and things like that, then we do commend micro daily as well.
Dr. Mindy 44:55
Do they have to change the dosage at all like if you’re if you’re really thinking you guys conditioned that you’ve got to bring that level up.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 45:04
You can do, for example, macro daily, and the and the Brain Boost, you take one capsule in the morning, one in the evening, but micro daily, people are telling me sometimes they take it three times a day morning evening, because there’s no toxicity involved. If you go sixth time might be, then you are talking about your high dose therapeutic dose rather than preventive dose. And so, but generally, we recommend morning and evening, but some people can take three times a day at least, if they have some acute issue right away, then this is okay.
Dr. Mindy 45:37
Yeah. So this sounds like something everybody should be taking all the time.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 45:42
Dr. Mindy 45:42
Are there certain behaviors? Like one thought I had was, you talked a little bit about EMF, and we I don’t think we have time to go down that rabbit hole. But what about like masking up and and not getting outside? Is that affecting our nutrient levels as well?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 45:58
No, I think masking issue is again, you know, that is a individual decision. But masking is kind of some kind of prevention strategy that people some people are saying it some people are saying, don’t. And so, but but whenever you need to go outside, you know, outside is okay. Without much but in case you are in large crowds, some people will say you should have a mask, some people say you don’t have a mask, and you can go on various CDC channel and find out what is the best for you. And then you decided, yeah, I mean, she says it, this is not my expertize. And they and they and they and therefore, I go and look it and then I decided to what I want to do.
Dr. Mindy 46:42
Yeah, yeah, make a decision for yourself. I think everybody actually extends to you. Yeah, right.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 46:48
That’s for you can use it if it doesn’t make sense to you then.
Dr. Mindy 46:51
Exactly. But I’ve got five questions for you that have been burning on my mind that are personal to you. So before we sign off, if there was one person and that you may have already answered this, but if there was one person who is out in the frontlines talking about COVID, teaching the public about COVID that you could get to, to talk to to really educate them on micronutrients. Who would that be, would be any individual over the age of 16 year old, over 16? Like, people of influence somebody of influence like, like if there was somebody who you’re like, is the is speaking to the public about COVID. And they’re speaking fear, fear, fear, fear, and you’re sitting back there and you’re like, you don’t need to fear you just need to really work on your own immune system. Who do you think has the most impact right now on how we are approaching this COVID situation? And what would you say to them?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 47:51
I think, in my opinion, micronutrient had been ignored on this issue of building the immune system. And when we are building in immune system, they are saying, develop antibody, but macronutrient can also help infosight to produce antibody more.
Dr. Mindy 48:08
Yeah, like I’m wondering if Fauci if you could get together with Fauci What would you tell him?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 48:13
Take micronutrient
Dr. Mindy 48:17
and then tell everybody else to take my credit? That’s what I that’s what I hear. Okay, what’s your What’s your favorite micronutrient? What’s your favorite combination of nutrients?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 48:26
I take micro daily EMF and Brain Boost.
Dr. Mindy 48:31
Great every day, every day. Okay. And all age all ages can take that.
Dr. Kedar Prasad 48:37
Not always is the for example between 12 to 16. The brain boosted for older people, but macro daily, say from 12 to 17. Year says they can take a half dose, but children well, formula. A we are in a process at sometimes developing for children. We don’t have children formalized yet.
Dr. Mindy 48:56
Okay. Awesome. And what Who do you think has been the biggest inspiration in your journey of understanding? micronutrient nutrients?
Dr. Kedar Prasad 49:06
Linus Pauling?
Dr. Mindy 49:07
Linus Pauling. Okay, so no doubt you didn’t even hesitate there. Yeah, that’s amazing. Okay, my last question is if you had one message for the world, that you could get out, and you could get into everybody’s brain and help them see what would that message be? rebuild your immune system, but proper diet, exercise, and macronutrient? Yeah, it’s beautiful. I feel like this is an elevated version of the nutrition talk that most people have. And what you’re doing in the world is incredible. I’m so grateful. I mean, you really opened my vision on supplements today, and I thought I knew a lot about nutrients and supplements and I feel like I just went to a whole nother level and I can’t wait to try your product resellers. Here’s the challenge that I have to my community is I want them to try the product and see if they can see a change in their fasting because that’s where it It really reveals itself. So I’ll be talking with them offline about that. But I see this as an incredible tool to help the person who’s trying to build a life of intermittent fasting. Yeah, somebody who wants a full head of hair doesn’t want their hair to fall out. A woman who’s got thyroid problems, or as we learned today, anybody who doesn’t want to, you know, have COVID symptoms. So, thank you, Doctor per shots, keep up your good work, you’re just thank you for being such a beautiful voice for this topic. Hey, resetera, I just want to start off by saying thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews. And those of you that have left me comments on iTunes, I just greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and how much you guys are enjoying these episodes. And it seems like you’re enjoying them as much as I am enjoying doing them. One of the things that I’ve learned in just interacting with so many people’s that we’ve really lost the art of deep conversations. And for me, the resetter podcast stands for having meaningful conversations with people who are thinking about health, about life, about mindset in a way that we may not be getting on social media or in mainstream media. And so I just want to say give you guys a shout out and just say thank you for participating in this process with me, because as much as I absolutely love delivering the information to you, I love even more knowing that it’s impacting your life. So please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make this podcast more customized to you to make it better. We are now officially in season two. And we are working to bring you the best conversations that health influencers have that mindset changers can give and to really deliver you something that you’re not able to get anywhere else. So from the bottom of my heart, as I always say my YouTube from the bottom of my heart. I am deeply appreciative of you. I am deeply grateful to be on this journey with you and let’s get healthy together.
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Is it safe to double dose Micro Daily EMF?