“Empower Your Body to Stay Healthy”
This episode is all about keeping glutathione working at its best to stay healthy and support our immune systems.
Dr. Nayan Patel is an internationally recognized expert, consultant, and lecturer on glutathione, and has been a respected pharmacist for twenty-two years. After studying mechanical engineering and chemistry at California State University, Fullerton, Dr. Patel received his Pharm.D degree from the USC School of Pharmacy. He now serves as an adjunct faculty member. Dr. Patel has traveled the world educating practitioners on advanced biochemistry and anti-aging science and is a member of the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists. He lives with his family in Southern California.
In this podcast, The Glutathione Revolution, we cover:
- Why depleting glutathione is a massive health concern
- How to get your loved ones to change their health habits
- Why the United States is #1 in Covid cases
- All about what is depleting our glutathione levels
- How we can get more glutathione
Depleting Glutathione
Glutathione is a naturally occurring tri-peptide amino acid produced in every cell of our body and is often referred to as the “Master Antioxidant.” In the pharmaceutical world, we’re dealing with medications that deplete glutathione. Sadly, we have so many medications that deplete nutrients out of the body. Unfortunately, we want our medication to take care of the problem that it’s supposed to solve. However, we do not consider what problems these medications could be creating. Once another problem is created, then we are often prescribed more drugs to solve that problem. In other words, it’s a never-ending problem that we have made in our healthcare system!
Change How YOU Feel First
You can only change one person in the world, and that is you. Of course, you can change yourself; you can do whatever you want to do with yourself. When you start to feel good about your decisions, then people want to flock with you because they see how good you feel and how fantastic you are. Obviously, no one likes other people telling them what to do. To sum up, when creating health changes in people you love, it’s critical to lead by example.
Covid Around The World
Fifty percent of all cases of COVID in the world are in three countries. We are first, then Brazil, and lastly, India. Why are we number one? When we think about it, there are all these things that we have going for us in the United States:
- Filtered water.
- Purified air.
- Pasteurized milk.
- Sanitized vegetables and sanitized meat.
However, we have nothing to develop our immune system in a harsh environment. Everything that comes to us is clean. When we work hard, our body will get used to the hard work, and our body will protect us when we cannot do it ourselves. Exposure to every single thing makes you stronger. For example, if you expose your kids to diversity, guess what? Your kids will get stronger. Also, if you expose your body to adversity, the body will get more resilient and robust. Yet, everything that comes into our world is purified or sanitized.
We Are Low In Glutathione
At a core, glutathione a protein, but it’s a function of multiple things. All the world’s stressors are causing catabolic reactions in your body that your body has to bring it somehow back to neutral. So, the body produces glutathione to help do that part. A study out of Russia tested a bunch of people that had COVID and checked their glutathione levels. Of course, out of all those cases, everybody had low glutathione levels to begin with.
If we replace glutathione in the body, are we better equipped to fight this deadly virus? Yes, because we only produce one product in our body to help us keep our immune system intact, and that’s glutathione. It is ludicrous for us even to think that vitamin C is going to take care of us. Unfortunately, drinking enough orange juice will not help our immune systems. Why? Well, humans don’t produce vitamin C; they produce glutathione.
What Is Depleting Glutathione?
So, to make glutathione in your body, we need three amino acids and two enzymatic processes. Everything has to come into proper sync to make one molecule of glutathione. When the body is young, it has everything it needs to make glutathione easily. As we age, our body temperature drops, so suddenly, we become sluggish. Another reason our glutathione is low is because of our constant exposure to toxins in the environment. Anything that goes inside of your body has to get worked out in one way or another. So smoking and alcohol are massive toxins that could be depleting our glutathione.
How Can We Get More Glutathione?
The best part of glutathione is that it is short-lived. It only stays in the body for four to six hours. So, it would help if you kept replenishing it all the time. The body can store glutathione reserves. We can get enough glutathione in our food, reduce the consumption of toxic products, and supplement outside sources. Ultimately, fasting can also help replenish glutathione levels and gain enough energy to make your body work smarter.
Tune in as Dr. Nayan Patel explains the many benefits of adding glutathione to your skincare routine. If you’re worried about aging, you’ll want to learn about how glutathione can help with age spots, blemishes, wrinkles, fine lines, dull skin, acne scars, and more.
Dr. Mindy
You know, I was pretty excited to see you on my calendar. I have been mildly obsessed with Bluetooth ion for a while and just understanding like, Why, what where we’re depleted in it, how we get depleted why it’s so important. And then when COVID came around, a lot of the research I started seeing is that there was indications and this was actually off PubMed articles showing that the depletion of Bluetooth ion was contributing to immune compromised states. So I’m pretty excited to just jump in about Bluetooth ion and all things glue about Bluetooth ion. But But let’s start with this idea. What I find fascinating about your story and how you came to write a book on Bluetooth ion is you’re a pharmacist, and Okay, so I would think that, like in the pharma pharmaceutical world, we’re dealing with medications that deplete glutathione on is that is that an accurate statement?
Yes, it is absolutely accurate statement. We have so much medications that deplete nutrients out of the body, and instead of fixing the nutrients are designed drug therapies that does not do that part. We are more interested in see if we can first take care of the issue. But in advertently, what we are doing is we are creating another problem, so to speak. So it’s like if one doesn’t take care of it. Well, that’s okay. We are two more Driscoll right behind you, just so that we can solve the other department. The first row just created.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. So did you see that as Were you a traditional pharmacist and then morphed into a world that was more open to antioxidants like Gouda, fine? Well, yes,
I actually, I do consider myself some of the traditional pharmacists. But I had never practiced as a traditional pharmacist, I had my own independent pharmacy to begin with back in 1997. When nobody heard about, how do we take care of patients with the medication, right. So at that time that there was a term coined pharmaceutical care was today’s 2020. The same changing the same thing has morphed into what we call today is medication therapy management. But 45 years ago called pharmacy care. And we were the first cup We were the first pharmacy to use that in Los Angeles. And I was in the Los Angeles Times, I said, Look at this one, innovative pharmacists around the corner, trying to try to take care of the patients by making sure the medication, they’re actually taking it working for them. Of course,
Unknown Speaker
in the revolutionary
that time 45 years ago, but of course, it’s not pay my bills, not take care of things, you know, like yours, if you feel with correct resources, it flourishes to become a better thing for for the future. And it did not happen. So because at that time people are more interested in in, in getting the pills approved and getting down to the patient, rather than making sure the pills are actually working for you or not. And so is this amazing how how people think differently?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I you know, I’ve been in healthcare for 25 years. And when I was first in practice, I felt like everybody wanted to run everything past their primary care physician, like that was their go to person as little as 25 years ago. And here we are 25 years later, I feel like it’s made 180 degree change, where people are like, I want to do everything I can to not go into my primary care physician and get more drugs that lead to more drugs that lead to more drugs, like there is a universal, like almost an awakening that I’m seeing amongst people. yet. We haven’t fully stepped into a more proactive health care yet, we’re still sort of letting go of that reactive. Let’s treat each symptom with a pharmaceutical, would you? Would you agree with that statement?
Yes, I would say probably 95% correct. Because there’s a 5% chance that we may still be dealing with the situation, no matter what we do to prevent it, we still have to deal with the situation because we can avoid every single thing. It’s it’s, again, it’s all about regulations and policies. If you put a policy around that, we cannot sell any product that has never been proven and tested for efficacy and and safety, then how can you prevent a problem? Because there’s no laws or surrounding? Hey, if we make a medication available for prevention of the problem, well, how do you deal with that you prevented it, it’s very difficult to to mention and all of a sudden, what we are doing is that well, if we cannot prove that we can prevent it, we can just prove to you that it works when you do get the disease. So we are focusing on safety and efficacy of every medications on the disease side. But we don’t have enough focus on on there. For the prevention side, of course, today we’re seeing one day after the COVID vaccine was approved. And if if it’s up to the FDA, they think that well, we are giving you something that is considered prevention for COVID instead of treatment. So in their cases, if it’s vaccine, that’s all the Prevention’s we have, but we are only dealing with microbiological problems with the vaccines. Yeah. How? How are you going to avoid diabetes? How are you going to avoid hypertension? high cholesterol, or Alzheimer’s or cancer? Or you get the list is down the pike if if you go crazy on it. So only thing that I suggest is, look at your body? What is it a body doing on a daily basis to prevent it to protect you from from this from this harsh world that we live in? I look at this harsh I I’m sorry, I’m saying this this as a harsh word, because the word is not so harsh. We make it harsh, because we listen to a body based on what he likes the most. And somebody doesn’t like the stuff best for it. We love sugar. But if you and I know that it’s not best for you. So some something like that. We have to be aware of it.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, you know, the terminology I say is that I think what messes everybody up is that the world changed in the last 2030 years, we are living in a more the most toxic time in human history. And we have more physical toxins, emotional chemical, so but we’re treat taking care of our health, the way we used to 2030 years ago, which is kind of, let’s ignore it until I have a symptom. And then I’ll try to treat it once I have the symptom. But if 2020 taught us anything, it’s that, wow, we have a world of immune compromised people. We were not equipped for a new virus in our environment. And I and it’s this new world that I’m really trying to help people understand through interviews like with you, where we can just take a step back and say, Okay, what should we do now? What do we do given our worldly situation? What would you agree on that?
Yes, I mean, what you’re saying is something that I’ve been preaching to my own family for a while now. And it’s hard to if I can convince my own family to change the world to change. And so I learned back that you can only change one person in the world, and that is you. You can change yourself, you can change it to the point where you can do whatever you want to do yourself. And people want to flock with you because they see how good you feel and how fantastic you are. Not because you tell them what to do is because you show them what can be done. Yeah. Being said that, again, I’m not a propagandists app. I don’t I don’t like to generalize things. But one thing we are seeing today is that I believe what more than 50% of all cases of COVID in the world is in three countries.
Dr. Mindy
Oh, really? Oh, I haven’t heard that. Which three? were one of them. Well, of course you’re the top Yeah, before the top, Brazil and India. So Wow. Okay.
50% plus COVID cases in the world. Why is using the top? I understand India because it’s highly densely populated. Brazil a similar situation all the publishers is around the outskirts of Brazil’s and may be associated with status is not as great as as us. But why is us in this position today? We have filtered water. We have purified air. We have pasteurized milk. We have sanitized vegetables, sanitized meat. I mean, think about it, we have nothing to develop our immune system with the harsh environment. Everything that comes to us is cleaned up. You have like this. If the as long as the participant they get a trophy. I said come on. I said no way. The world works that hey, you work hard, and your body gets used to the hard work and all of us in the body will protect you when you cannot do it yourself. And so exposure exposure to every single thing makes you stronger. If you expose your kids to Diversity, guess what the kids are going to get stronger. If you expose your body to adversity, the body is going to get resilient and stronger. And yet, what we are doing is everything that comes into our context is purified or sanitized. So that is number one issue that I feel like it. So even though a bar is equipped to fight the problems, it is never been given the challenge. And then all of a sudden, a pandemic like COVID hits us. And mode majority people are not able to withstand this, this this harsh environment. The second thing, the second thing that I do see as a pharmacist, is the number of prescriptions are filled on a daily basis that actually weakens our immune system. I’m talking about steroids, I’m talking about medications for autoimmune diseases, I’m talking medications that that that is going to weaken your immune system to begin with, we feel so many medications on a day in day out basis that if you just read the fine print, the fine prints are the aftermath of what can happen if you once if you get this medication and we lower your immune system. At one point, we had eradicated tuberculosis from this planet. And all of a sudden because of the medications and the diseases that that came upon us, the tuberculosis came back again. And all it is is it’s a fine print. Right? It is it only happens if your weakened immune system. So Wow.
Dr. Mindy
So Oh my god. Okay. I have a ton, Nick. Yes, yes, yes. Where have you? Where have you been for the last year, I needed to have this conversation with you back in March, because my mind was like, This is not a viral problem. This is a host problem. This is we have a weakened system wide we have a weakened sis weaken system. And I absolutely agree with you that we have not been taught how to use stress for our body to our advantage. We’ve done everything to remove it, you know, including antibiotic everything, let’s spray everything down. So our body doesn’t have a chance to build a normal immune system. Let’s vaccinate everything. I mean, we have taken the job of building an immune system completely away from the individual. The second thing that I went into and saw was in the research, it was showing that there were some classic reasons that some people would be immune compromised metabolic syndrome, which we can get to low vitamin D was another one that keeps showing up. But then low Bluetooth ion, I have seen over and over and over again, low Bluetooth ion contributing to this immune compromised body. So where my detox brain goes to is, well, of course, we have low, low Bluetooth ion. I mean, I can’t, everything I buy has off gases, some chemical, I have to really go out of my way to buy chemical free food. Like if you want to live in this world and not be bombarded with chemicals, you’re gonna have to put a lot of effort into it. Do you feel Would you say that we’re low and glued to fi on because of the modern world?
Oh, so Dr. pills? I’m sorry, but you asked me a heavy question. He says information. question that is narrow. So I’m going to expand the question. Because this is this is a fascinating topic. So let me start off with the first thing. Our body produces one protein to keep our body safe and our immune system active, which is called Blue file. At a core, it’s a protein, but it’s a function of a multiple things because as you as you said earlier, your exposure to different types of toxins, the stress, your body stress, because of toxicities because of chemical exposure, because the type of food we eat, because of environmental stressors that we are exposed to at the same time, the stress of just living in 2020 is stressful enough at this point. All the stressors are putting a catabolic reactions in your body that your body has to somehow bring it back to neutral in the body produces glue with time to help do that part. And there was a study out of I believe it was out of Russia that they that they tested a bunch of people that had COVID and check the glooth iron level. Of course, they could check any kinds of things. But one thing that jumped out in all those cases that everybody had low glooth iron levels to begin with. So of course the question is that, hey, if we replace it with our levels back to the body, are we better equipped to fight this deadly virus at this point? Well, I I took back that information. I said, Well, let’s look it back. Because I’ve been researching gluten for the last 11 years. And it’s because that we created this product line that that was first time we were able to stabilize gluten at room temperature in the water based solution delivered through your skin for the very first time. So I’ve been, I’ve been using this this technology that I have developed over the last 11 years to see, can I get the glucose levels high enough to see if we can maintain a body homeostasis. And over the years, I’ve seen a lot of different things, we work with other physicians and different arenas and help build up immune system. And we see benefits in all kinds of issues that that are secondary to if somebody has diabetes, that is a is a is a disease where your body is under a tremendous amount of stress. Nobody dies of diabetes, people die off the after effects of diabetes. And what we are seeing is that gluten can somehow started reverse it, so help you since we can get her diabetes, our increase, prevent the cause of the death due to diabetes, and so to speak. So gluten has been has been researching all these different arenas at the local university, they have researched blue times for treatments for tuberculosis. And there’s an articles have been published by by by the doctors on those and they do not use our product. Of course they use somebody else’s product. But regardless what price they use, the fact is that the gluten has been intensively studies for eradicating some dangerous diseases that we are facing today. So long story short, we ask the question, is this statement correct? Well, it is correct to the 10th degree because we only produce one product in our body to help us keep our immune system intact. So it will ludicrous for us to even think about it that that vitamin C is to take care of us and we can drink enough orange juice to do that part. Because guess what, humans don’t produce vitamin C. They produce glucose is that
Dr. Mindy
Ah, okay. Include OSI and then disclude. OSI on converted into vitamin C at some point. No, no,
no, I’m I’m this is this is again, I have no proof of this thing. This is my theory out right now. So I personally believe that vitamin C is actually a pro oxidant. And here’s why. Because why do we see is known to have two properties at low dose is supposed to be an antioxidant. And high dose it becomes a proxy agent. It’s rare to see a vitamin like vitamin C to have this this property of at low doses, it has one property and it has it becomes completely opposite. It’s like your kid at average young is such a nice sweet boy. And as he gets older he is the monsters that you can think that you can never dream of. Right? It doesn’t happen that drastically when it comes to vitamins. And the reason I say that is because glooth ion has a has its it can regenerate itself. So glutamate gets oxidized, it can regenerate itself. And the regeneration power comes from outside sources like vitamin C.
Dr. Mindy
So it contributes to it.
Yeah, so when you did vitamin C, what is actually doing is regenerating your bluearth iron levels back to normal. And once that is all finished the excess vitamin C guess what it becomes a pro oxidant
Dr. Mindy
and Tristan, that that would make a lot of sense. So if we make Bluetooth ion then well, I have two questions on that. One is what depletes it. And why is if the if it’s this master antioxidant, what is it doing for us other than helping us detox and giving us energy? Like what what is it that is improving our immune system? This is the purpose of Bluetooth ion and what and how would we know we had a deficiency?
So there’s, there’s there’s two things. Let me answer the first question is for you is that Hawai do we deplete the levels of Bluetooth ion. So to make gluten by your body, it needs three amino acids and to enzymatic process. So everything has to come into proper sync to make one molecule of glucose Island and and when the body’s young, it has everything right it has all of your assets, all the enzymes Come on, I can make anything whatsoever. As we age, our body temperature drops, you know, and so all of a sudden we become sluggish. All the reaction becomes sluggish and it’s not it’s not turning into faster points, you know, I keep him I was by myself back in my chemistry lab back in and when I was going to university is for any chemical reaction, you need the chemicals. And on the bottom is a Bunsen burner burning at all times. If you don’t have the right temperature of your body, guess what only reaction is kind of sluggish. You know, you don’t move very agile when you’re cold. But when you heat up, oh my goodness, you can run right. So when your body’s not, so it doesn’t have the core temperature that high, your reaction starts slowing down. That’s one of the reasons why your your reaction time is kind of slow. Second of all, think about the exposure to toxins or databases habits, your body has to clean up on a daily basis. And so and when you’re young, when your body is brand new, and there’s nothing else inside, you can clean up any amount of toxins you get in but as you get older, of a toxic loads doesn’t reduce, in fact, the age of 21, they give you permission to start drinking, guess what alcohol the biggest toxin you can drink on a daily basis. And it’s legal. And I and now I don’t know why but they just approved marijuana to be such smoking is illegal. Come on, the body has to clean up. Anything that goes inside has to come out in one one shape form of another. And about body ability to clean your keep keep your body clean at all time is diminishing because it only prints glue time to help get rid of it. So it has a huge task in front of it. And we don’t have enough self supervision of glue without your body. So being said that the second part is that gluten is produced in every cell of your body. Because producing the mitochondria is the powerhouse. It is every Sophie body who needs to work hard and is produced over there. The issue is that now can we get it back to the levels that we need based on the way we create it? So
Dr. Mindy
million dollar question.
And so the question is, can I take Can I overdose on glucose ion, I mean, you can all orders on water you drink, you can bring enough water and causes depression in your electrolytes. So make everything else Of course you can overdose on blood on to the key, the best part about glue without is that you’re not going to be stopping yourself from exposure talks on a daily basis. You open your eyes and you step outside the door, guess what the sun is the first thing that’s going to hit you. And there it goes your oxygen species being produced in your body, you get up and you get a drink water, you’re going to brush your teeth and you’re going to exposure to chemicals. So your need for gluten on a daily basis is going to be there. The best part about gluten is that Guess what? It’s short lived, it only stays in your body for four to six hours. Really? Yeah, it’s a very short half life. You have to keep on replenishing itself or producing it at all the times. Hence, with any price that you create for blue time, and you take it on day in day out basis, the good thing I blew it out and compared to vitamin C or any of the other policies that the body has some ability to store some of the gluten reserves. Okay, and you can cycle itself. Okay, but not everything, not everything. So it can it can store a little bit and recycle itself. But you still got to meet our daily dose of Bluetooth either in your food, or are reducing your consumption of toxic products or and or taking some supplementation from outside sources.
Dr. Mindy
Okay, so a lot of what we do in our community is we fast together. And we’ve been doing all different kinds of fast intermittent fasting 24 hour fast we’ve once every couple of months, we’ll do a three day fast. And what from the research that I’ve looked at with fasting is, you know, it really ketones specifically can repair those mitochondria. So if anything that repairs the mitochondria and keeps the mitochondria healthy, will that allow the mitochondria to make more Bluetooth ion? Can we go back to like the primitive understanding of what would power up the mitochondria? So it could make more gluten ion? Or are we just living in too toxic of a world to be able to accomplish that?
Um, I think Well, again, this is all this is a theory at this point for me personally, because I’m not involved with ketogenic diets or a keto diet, so to speak. But in theory, it absolutely makes sense that if you if you reduce a caloric intake in your body, you live longer, you have more energy All this thing stems from that, hey, your your need to body to work harder reduces it down to bare minimum. So when you’re dieting or you’re fasting for three days in a row, you know, the by the third day, you don’t want to eat, you know, because your gym your body, I said, Oh my god, and I go for longer than this day. So, and I’ve done I know, I should say, I’m not done fasting, I don’t do fasting, but I do reduce diet, and it does absolutely make sense. The less you eat, the more energy you have. Yeah, and so there’s all these different theories about intermittent fasting or, or eating certain times of the day only or having a day or three days off of a diet. And they all make theoretical sense. And it proves it by the fact that you have a lot more energy than you first begin to do it. So in that sense, yes, the mitochondria is working, energy pressure is an all time high, and your expenditure has reduced. It’s like, how many Americans today, you know, we live in this pandemic, and we all looking for government assistance to help us get through this pandemic, because we have no savings left in your bank accounts. So just imagine if you have less expenses, and more money coming in. Right, so you have less exposure, because your body is not working so hard, because you’re not putting anything in your mouth. So your body’s not getting toxic laws or things to detoxify. And yet it’s producing more and more energy inside your mitochondria. So all of a sudden expenses reviews, and your input, output of energy has increased. So overall, there’s so much energy in your body. And I think that’s a, that’s a great thing. If you’re doing that.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, we’ve watched I mean, hundreds of 1000s of people heal their body with fasting. It’s, it’s unbelievable. So I love that analogy that if you have it’s like the less expenses and more savings. So I love that. What one of the things that when we look at any kind of nutrient that we need or health condition that we have, that we’re up against, what I like to do is I like to go Okay, what are the simple steps we can take first. So like we talked about, we live in this crazy modern world that’s depleting Bluetooth ion. So what I heard is get off alcohol. What other What else can we remove so that we’re not requiring our mitochondria to have to work so hard to make so much Bluetooth ion?
Unknown Speaker
So I have to go back and, and good back to basics again. And please don’t get me wrong. I’m not on a crusade to get everybody vegan or vegetarian or whatever. But this has worked for me personally. So four years ago, before and a half years ago, now, I gave up meat completely and turn to vegetarian. Now I do eat eggs. So I’m not sure if that’s considered vegetarian or not. But this is, this is what I am at this point, I don’t eat meat at all. And four years later, I can share my experiences with you. My energy level is off the roof. And from what I had before, so that’s one simple stuff. But more
Dr. Mindy
do you think just went for one second? Do you think that’s because meat was depleting your glucose levels? Is that do you feel like there was a connection there?
I don’t think so there’s a connection over there. But there’s a connection between meat and energy or expenses that I have to do to, to to die from my body. Okay, it is anything, anything that goes inside your mouth, or your nose, or anywhere else or you touch something, your body has to clean it up. Okay? And I like simple terms. If you read my book, it’s everything is analogies in simple terms, because that’s how I like to understand. I don’t like complex words, because it gives me all crazy. simplicity, notice I can understand and I can take it to the bank with me. So when I start eating simple diets and eating less food, I have more energy. I well I try as much as possible to eat real food. That means I don’t like to eat canned foods. I don’t like to eat processed foods. I don’t like to eat frozen. If it’s freshly frozen with no preservatives, I would prefer that but those are kind of rare to find those kinds of things. But I try as much as possible to limit those things. I do drink alcohol once in a while but that is very limited. I have a limit of maybe one at the most to drinks for the for the night. Yet my friends can enjoy whatever they want. Enjoy it. I don’t have to join the program. If I can avoid, I will avoid every single time. So limiting your your vices, so to speak would be the best, I would say, a best option for your body, reducing exposure to toxic environment. You know if you are it like this year in California we have so smokes so much smoke out there, it’s fires and it was just, it was not a good air to breathe in. So, you know what, it’s okay. In California, we have three or 65 good days out of the year. So we can we can live we can live with a couple couple of bad days. I don’t have to go outside those two days. It’s okay. Right. So things like that. So try and avoid as much as possible. At the same time. I’m not a big believer in in, in just drinking filtered water or Just Breathing filtered air, or do I have to get everything pasteurized and homogenized products, you know, I will keep it a little bit dirty and it’s okay, that’s not the end of the world. But that’s how that’s how you build immunity right slowly. in small doses is what I is what I advise is it’s okay. You don’t have to have the cleanest and the best meals at all times.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, it’s a it’s a hormetic stress just just enough to force us to get a little bit stronger. So okay, so let’s let’s step this out. So here we have this master antioxidant, its job is to clean up ourselves. We know that certain behaviors like you mentioned alcohol, and just Well, you alluded to meet I assume conventional meat over over grass fed issues or meat might have a different glue defiant glue defy on depleting effect. I would assume like things like processed oils, like the harmful oils would have a negative effect on Bluetooth ion like all of our typical junk food fast foods. Do we know anything about what they do to glorify on levels?
I don’t know what they do, but I don’t what did what they what they don’t do. To your body. I I do like oils. I do like oils. But nothing fried though. Of course, I do like my oils. In fact, you know, your brain is almost 80% fat. So you need to eat fat on a daily basis. So if you’re taking oil, raw oil that just pour over your salad, go for it. But if you go to fry shrimp Monday for this fried shrimp, it’s a salad that I would say, make a better choice next time. That’s when
Dr. Mindy
each one of these choices has a glue to tie on consequence is what I’m thinking
each of each every choices you made. You are taxing your body to choose. Versus do I get out of this or some of the some of the other things that there are precedent in the need IE, I mean, you produce cancer cells every day, right? Some somebody your natural killer cells in your body has to get rid of it on a daily basis. Your cell dies every single day. We have trillion cells and they die. Right? When they’re dead. You don’t see a bucket full of dead cells coming out of your body. No, your body has to process it and yet when he’s doing that job, and we put well that’s okay you continue doing that but can you please process for beef today? I just I did eat it because it was so juicy. I have to eat it today. reprise passes that too. So we we are stressing our body to do more than it’s designed to do?
Dr. Mindy
Perfectly said I would agree. Okay, so then what could we add in? Or is there anything outside before we like look at supplementation? Are there foods that will help our mitochondria produce more gluta fine.
Yes. And that’s what my book talks about 14 day plan to boost IQ Luthor levels and it’s all about eating the right types of food. Now there’s a meat sources out there that has enough gluten in there as well. And I’m not opposed to eating those meats as well. But I like to get my sources from vegetables. Because this it’s a two part issue for me. Human Body we have more bacteria in our body than human cells. So when I’m when I’m eating food, I’m also eating for my friend inside my body, which is a bacteria and my friend. My friend doesn’t like meet my friend likes vegetables. So hey, if I’m if I care about my friends, you know, what’s the saying says you keep your Friends close but your enemies closer Yeah, I I defy the rules because I said that, hey, you keep your enemies at a distance but your friends are inside your body, you treat them with respect and they will, they will take care of you. So my my friend, my body by bacteria needs vegetables. So yes, I am a big proponent of vegetables. I just had my huge salad for lunch right now just before this talk and I had to have my avocados in on a daily basis, there’s so many different foods you can eat on a daily basis that can boost up your gluten levels. And this is I mean, you can google the list I just surprised over there. But he tried to eat them raw as possible. Like, I don’t eat spreaders raw. So I said if you key figure eat raw, then likely steam it, I steam or form the minutes, all my vegetables, and they’re crunchy, they are not edible, and you just put some lemon pepper some salt, because I I still have to have some taste to it because I can’t live without it without a good taste. Because this affects my my, my pituitary. And I have to have to keep my brain happy to something otherwise, he makes me do crazy things at times, you know?
Dr. Mindy
How does it affect your pituitary, I’d never heard that taste affects your pituitary. So
so of course your your taste buds affects your, your your sensations, right, the dopamine levels, and low goes high, you feel good about it. So you have to take something has to taste good. You know, they tell you that, hey, tastes, medicine tastes better is good for you. So just take it. And we do take it when we have to. But then they put it in a capsule, the master smell, Master taste, they do all kinds of things, because it’s good for you. But if it was not good for you, then if it tastes good, then your sensory in your brain goes, Oh my god, keep on coming. I love the sensation, but your body goes to stop it, I can get rid of it to do that. So your body’s not in sync at that point. So I do take a little bit of Weiss with my with my vegetables so that my brain is happy, my body’s happy. And guess what, I have a win win situation. So that’s
Dr. Mindy
brilliant. That’s actually brilliant. Because one of the things that we talk a lot about in our community is a hormonal hierarchy, how oxytocin controls cortisol, cortisol has an effect on insulin, and insulin has an effect on our sex hormones. So you have me thinking a little deeper that if we taste something that’s healthy, and we like it, we’re really raising oxytocin. And especially if we’re doing it in community with other people that we love. We’re having great conversations great food, oxytocin is going up, cortisol is going down, and we’re going to rent and insulin is going to be better managed, would you would you agree with that thought?
I considered better than that. So thank you for sharing that.
Dr. Mindy
Talk about and, and I want to make sure that I do not forget to go into gluta fi on an aging because we have a large audience of people over 45 that are going to want to want to hear that. But before I do that, let’s move now from food to supplementation. So in the supplement world, it can get really confusing. And for whatever reason, Bluetooth ion can be the most confusing. We’ve got the transdermal we’ve got, you know, the just the straight or oral ones. I mean, we’ve got life zomo How do you know if you’re listening to this? And you’re like, yeah, I’ve got a pretty toxic load. I’m not eating enough vegetables, I probably should turn to supplementation, how would I pick the right one for me?
Okay, so, first of all, I believe that anybody that aged above the age of 40 is probably deficient in Bluetooth ion between the age of 35 to 40. I consider them as a gray zone. That means they have some underlying diseases that they’re dealing with, or they had multiple kids more than three, then they might, I might consider giving them certain limitations of glue time, under the age of 35. Only people that need gluten that have actual metabolic pathway defect, and you can you measured those by some gene mutation therapies and the doctors that can does that. Or there’s some people with like spectrum disorders like autism spectrum disorders. Not all autistic kids have low gluten though, but some do So anyways, so that’s my hierarchy for that. So when it comes to about the age of 40, when you look up for supplementation, of course the first place people go to Amazon and there are literally, I don’t know 16 million different prices on Amazon that is selling blood so to speak, at one point, I was at Amazon and I took my pants off of Amazon because people do not understand gluten to the point where it was just too expensive for me to, to teach people what gluten is all about, then all this teaching costs more money, more money increases the cost of the glue time for the end consumer. So I said, I didn’t bet back off. So being said that one thing, people have to remember that gluten is a protein. If you take protein by mouth, your enzymes in your body will break it down to amino acids, it doesn’t matter if it’s in the raw form. If it’s an encapsulated form, if it’s in a liposome form, it doesn’t really matter, then what it does with those amino acids is it will remake us both out again. But not necessarily. It doesn’t have to, right, because it is two different functions, your functions of the intestines and the stomach is to break it down. The function of the rest of the body is to build something from it. But but the intestine doesn’t talk to the rest of the body as what you’re supposed to do, hey, we got this blue tie, but my job is to break it down. So So I did, but can you repeat again, glue time? No, it doesn’t do that
Dr. Mindy
doesn’t think like that. That way.
So being said that the the other forms of gluten that are there that might be effective is that there’s an IV forms available through to doctors offices, sometimes, of course, there’s not a single ID form available in the United States approved by FDA in the United States. So it’s not available unless they work with a compounding pharmacy. But I said earlier, gluten has a very short life, about four hours, IV as long as two hours half life. You can’t take shots every two hours. And so, of course, my question was that this is where my research came into play about 1213 years ago, I was researching on on vitamin C, because I thought if I can conquer the vitamin C world, I can heal the world by giving them an antioxidant. And oh boy was. And that’s when I found out that I have vitamin C that created that can spread through skin in an undenatured form, I made a life of some of vitamin C that can be put in a capsule form in a powder form. And it was just too expensive for people who take it because I did not get the results I was looking for. And hence the things I say let me go back and work on the glooth ion. And that’s when I created the first topical form of glooth ion. It’s a patented process to to encapsulate gluten in this polysaccharide sugar molecules and then deliver it through your skin into your body. And so for the very first time, it is protecting the body from from the enzymatic cleavage is is what I say, of processes of breaking down the protein into different amino acids. And it basically sits inside your skin as a full gluten molecule. So body gets it without getting denatured whatsoever. So there is there is there is the goto form. Of course, we sell both sides, we sell to the consumer for the consumer line. And we have on the flip side, we have all the physicians that are actually using it for the patients on the other side, which is a completely different product line for them as well, because MD doesn’t live it differently. And so, what we have created is is a topical form, you can buy the powerful capsule forms or liposomal forms, but all the billeted forms, it has to be forced to be in the reduced form, and it cannot go to the mouth. So that is the difficult portion.
Dr. Mindy
That’s the imperative piece of this is what I’m hearing that it’s not as effective if it goes through the mouth.
The absorption is very, very little. And even though the trials even though they’re in house, clinical trials are the most of the companies are during the day, it raises your glutathione levels by 30% or 45% or 100%, whatever the percentage chances, all the what they’re saying is that yes, if you take this glue time capsules, you’ll break it down into the amino acids in the body of we tried to build it again.
Dr. Mindy
Okay, and it won’t do it.
He can eat can but my thing is that, Why do that? It’s cheaper just to buy those amino acids in your body.
Dr. Mindy
Like a powdered amino acid. amino acids is yummy. Receiving cysteine is gonna say which amino has
Yeah, glutamine, glycine and cysteine is it actually is cysteine is the most scared commodity for your body. So if you just if you just drink whey protein, or eat whey protein or databases, then They come to assist him in a body to try to produce his own gluten level. But keep in mind, you still have two enzymatic processes reactions to make the gluten again, as you age does reaction time is going to get sluggish. Again, yes, enzymes are going to get diminished. And so we are not going to produce enough to meet our needs. And that’s why that’s why I say, you don’t get diseases when you’re 25 or 45, sometimes, but then you start seeing that, ah, if I don’t take care of myself now, I know 510 15 years from now, I’ll have all these different diseases that coming into my body, which will never leave you once they come inside,
Dr. Mindy
you so much harder to fight a disease than to prevent it.
Exactly. And that’s what my thing is glitter revolution, fight disease, slow aging and increase energy. And the main thing is because I cannot test equilibrium, I cannot test that I feel good. I cannot test that, hey, everything in my life is in a proper balance. How can you test for balance? I can test something that’s wrong with your body with a blood test or a urine test or something like that. But I can’t test if if it fails that you’re feeling fantastic. I’m in a balanced environment today. How can you measure balance? How can you measure? How can you measure? What things have you prevented until today? You
Dr. Mindy
know, oh, this is such a powerful point. Because I think that when we go back to looking at our sick care system, we have all kinds of measurements. And it’s because they’re measuring sick care. But when you try to measure health, it is very, very difficult. And this also makes it tough for the lay person who’s trying to stay on the healthy path. Because if we don’t have those little wins when we you know, other than feeling great, we don’t really we you know, I’ve noticed in my world, people really like the measurements to be able to see how healthy they are stained, which is kind of why things like we started in our office wearing whoop bands, and there’s the aura ring and the Fitbit, like that whole gamification of health is actually probably helping people stay a little healthier, when to say, I
think it’s helping them to be aware that if you don’t take 10 steps per day, that you may not be as healthy as somebody who’s who’s doing that on daily basis. So this whole process of making into a game has changed Israel, revolutionize the way people look at health today. And I’m so fortunate to living in this environment today. Was, honestly, 25 years ago, nobody cared what they read. Nobody cared about anything. Right? Yep, people are aware of it. And it’s a great time to be in this environment today. I’m not a political activist. Again, I’m a pharmacist. But I can tell you one thing that has benefited this industry the most is you can either love or hate, Affordable Care Access. And there was enacted back in 2010. But it has one thing it has brought awareness is that the healthcare practitioner are needs to be responsible for the patient’s health. And that that has triggered into I I prescribe this medicine for you. Is it working for you or not? If it’s not working for you? Let’s Let’s see. What else can we do that so that you don’t stop taking the medicine? Yep, that’s triggered for the very first time. Ah,
Dr. Mindy
amazing. And we still have a medical system where they haven’t been trained on nutrition. I mean, I I had a woman on a couple weeks ago who was used to be a head neck surgeon. And she was Dr. Casey means she was talking I don’t know if you know her, but she was talking about the glucose monitoring system that she uses for her company. And I said if there was one set of curriculum you could put into all medical schools that’s not there. Now what would it be? And she was like, well, nutrition they she goes I would put 150 hours of nutrition into medical schools, they’re getting about 15 hours. And so I agree like again The world is waking up and they’re like, maybe there’s some prevention I can do here but we if we don’t have a measurement for it, it makes it very difficult to stay motivated with it. Do we do we have a measurement for Bluetooth ion is there is a blood test is there a way for us to know our glorify on levels?
Yes, you can measure your blood pressure You can measure the levels. But keep in mind, even if you feel low level, you might have measured during the trough of your production. If your level you may have measured during the production time of your life of the cycle. So I would probably take gluten as, as multiple measurements to see where you’re at. And don’t rely just on one testing itself. Again, testing is so, so difficult because the number you get from the blood test, you need to interpret that correctly. Because if you do it, if you don’t do it correctly, you may treat yourself with with with some medications that you may not need to this time, you will not treat because you think that you have enough levels, and yet you have all these diseases that you’re dealing with that you do not know what what things are happening with us. So what you said earlier was was true, we need more education on nutrition. I wish the amount of money spent on making these vaccines for for this COVID even if they use one 10th of the money on trying to figure out how we can get America healthy again. Yes, thank you, we might be a different situation when the pandemic hits again, with just I hope it is a hit for another 100 years, so that I wouldn’t be alive here. Again, I don’t like it. But at the same time, 100 years from today, they should talk about it. Hey, Dr. Patel that propels got this phone call. And they talked about this thing. And they discussed that we should we should fund nutrition diet in this in this education. And thanks to them now, for the very first time that we teaching people about nutrition. I mean, they’ll never do that for me.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, well, when when the pandemic first hit, I was like, in this sort of, like off phase of where I felt like oh my god, the world is gonna finally care about their health. Like there’s, they’re gonna see that their immune compromised, and they’re gonna want to finally take care, this was bad or take care of themselves. This is back in March. And here we all we’ve done since March. And when you and I are doing this interview, it’s December, all we’ve done is argue, masks, social distancing, and waited wait for a vaccine. And I cannot scream any louder that we need to go and look at why is everybody so immune compromised. And one of my concerns, you know, vaccines better than me is that this vaccine is a it’s not going to address the root cause and be it could cause even more depletion of something like Bluetooth ion, is that accurate?
So vaccine is basically acting in this system to produce antibodies. So using your own resources to produce that. But the vaccine does not work if immunocompromised
Dr. Mindy
which is why they’re not testing it on immunocompromised people, how
many people are taking immune suppressive drugs today? Yeah, there’s so many medications that tells you this disease, this drug and causes diseases because what they’re doing is they’re suppressing your immune system. There’s a lot of medications today they use for autoimmune diseases is Guess what, if you’re not healing the body, the suppressing the immune system, so you don’t show symptoms. It’s like, if your kid is yelling at you so much that it hit give me some food to eat, you have two choices, either cook some food and give to the kid or slapping once they stop talking. And what we have done is slept everybody wants to they stop talking, stop, stop complaining.
Dr. Mindy
So true. So I don’t
I’m not a big believer in suppressing the immune system, we try to find the root cause of it. But again, our system is built around around efficacy. And if it works for this one condition, at any cost visit, we can let you as long as you mentioned, all the things that can go wrong with this medicine will let you sell the drug today, right? Fortunately, that’s not the way I would like to treat my family. If I had the choice. If I had a choice, I’ll treat them differently. But one more thing that you didn’t mention about this COVID is that the sales of alcohol has gone three folds. Yes. So in home doing nothing that drinking more than ever before. And all of a sudden we’re thinking that hey, it why in December we have record number of more cases today than back in March in AP when it first hit us because at that time we were still we are still practicing social distancing. We are still doing whatever it takes. But over we just been so tired of body is we need to have exposure to outside environment to friends and family and go out for a walk and do all these things to keep our body healthy. And yet we have put everybody in the house instead of stay at home order Guess what? You cannot survive like that way. So you got it possible?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. And my concern with the vaccine coming is really twofold. One is safety studies, safety studies, safety studies and long term safety studies. Where are those? And two, we’re really not addressing the reason so many people are immune compromised. And like, I mean, again, part of why I wanted to bring you on is just in the research I’ve done is Bluetooth ion is the root of this immune compromised human beings. So I’m really enjoying diving into this. And I’m hoping everybody’s getting that because the easy way out is the vaccine. The easy way out, actually, is the mask as difficult as it seems. But it’s not the long lasting way out. And this is what I’m hoping to, to enlighten everybody with.
So tomorrow, what happens tomorrow, and then there’s another virus that comes out, right? We can mask people around here, we cannot put them in home and coating them for your best bit of fight it is is having a proper immune system. And on the record, I’ll tell you my whole family thing glued on since since since March.
Dr. Mindy
Are they doing your transdermal
the topical version of topical,
Dr. Mindy
okay, yes.
And we’ve been doing that not just now, but for years right now, but we will give it to all my parents and their friends circle. But since the pandemic hit everybody the family’s doing except for the kids, we don’t give the kids because they’re probably gluten levels. Is that does that really beat it?
Dr. Mindy
At what age do you think that a kid should start doing good to find?
As I said earlier that I preferred the 40 and a bow needed 30 it is a gray zone 35 under only if they’re under in conditions that warrants the need of blue file. So that’s what I go for it pretty much. But a lot of kids have acne what exactly is stressed right now, okay, let’s say that gluten is gonna cure acne, those all the tears will be on my doorstep tomorrow.
Dr. Mindy
You have a whole new marketing plan. If that was the case,
it’s not the thing. But even for teenagers think about the eating habits, the stress of of dating, or the stress of the education or a stress of dealing with parents like me, you know, it’s difficult for them and I get it. So all the stresses is putting stress on the body they suffer they cope with it. And so acne is easier to come up. But if you if you help them with the immune system and and that can come from diet. And you and I know did not eat vegetables. Oh my gosh, in my house. vegetables like a mom, you’re trying to kill us over here.
Dr. Mindy
Right? So you just you just put some put some beautify on on lotion on their skin and boom, it’s gone.
Well, if your kids are like my kids, they get they catch on to your ways. And you got to get really creative with how you bring health in. Because when you’re in the health world, they they know what you’re trying to do. And they see what we do, right?
And they do see what they do. It’s like, yeah, my son is turning 15. And once in a while he’ll, he’ll he will surprise me that that hey, can I can you Mom, can you cook me some of this food as well? Where did this come from? And he hated this food. And all of a sudden he wants us food. So you know, the kids do come around because they’ve seen you eat healthy and yes, that you look healthy. And they see themselves sometimes, even though they’re invincible at this age. But they see that you know what, I think I can do better.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. And how old are your kids?
I have a 15 year old a 12 year old. I think she’s she says she’s 13 she’s really 1210 year old. Wow.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. So I have a 20 year old and an 18 year old and I’ll tell you as they get closer to 20 they kind of come back around and they sort of go back you know, you’re entering that age where they resist everything and then then they kind of come back around they’re like hey, what you know what you taught me actually kind of works. So stay tuned. Do you might have that coming down the road. Yeah, fingers
crossed for that for sure. I don’t make my wife so happy. She tries so hard to cook the right types of foods for the heck out of them by cooking three different meals for three different kids every single day as a commodity and you’re gonna kill yourself but she she does it bless her heart. She does it all the time. And I hope that the she sees a reward when they do appreciate when they come back because they really don’t
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, well, what the here’s, here’s the trick, you got to get them some dorm food, get them off to college, they start tasting the dark film. And then they’re like, Whoa, this isn’t what I got at home. And all of a sudden they realize what they got. So there needs to be a little cottage talk about stress, they need to look contrast there so that they can see what they’ve got. So talk to me a little bit, I don’t want to leave this conversation without talking about aging, because you have some cool products. And I’m actually really excited to try a transdermal because sometimes you’re just taking so much supplements, it’s like, I don’t want to put anything else in my mouth. rather put it on my skin, you have some anti aging cream is that it talks a little bit about that is that what is my 51 year old eyes did they see an anti aging cream?
So again, I’m not a cosmetic company whatsoever. I’m a pharmacist, I do simple stuff over here. But when when I create this technology, I was making some creams for our family, right? I my wife and her friends and my brother in a dry dog using this product. I made some face creams for them. And they go, Oh my god, this is such a good product. Why can you sell this one? I say this, I’m not a cosmetic company. That’s not my job to make cosmetic products. I said, Oh my god, are you kidding me? This is totally I will buy this all day long. So what I did was I use a technique that I created with the blue tile, I use same technology and basically took all the jobs in the world and put the put them into a day and a night tree. And that’s and so I don’t have multiple bio, I only have one set of parts a day and night cream that you use on a daily basis. And my wife goes, You should make one for different skin types. I said, Yeah, I have one for humans only right now. But I wanted to make for dogs. And that’s why I work on next next time. Oh, no. People have oily skin, they have dry skin. I said I said I told her to come on. Don’t confuse me. Yeah, it’s harder for me to create a price that actually works. And now you’re going to start tweaking them on basis skin types. And I don’t even know what my skin type is.
Unknown Speaker
Right? I love it.
So I’m not interested in those kinds of things yet, but I’ve made a product line that is delivers the sauces to your skin is
Dr. Mindy
amazing. And so is it fair to say that if we’re like in, in Wi Fi and lights, and we’ve got like blue light coming on our skin, and then we’re eating bad food, so we’re growing unhealthy skin from the inside out, the gluteus ion in the cells of our skin is going to be more rapidly used. So if we use day and night cream, we’re replenishing those antioxidants and solidifying stores.
Yes. So you what you said like that was true, you are you when your skin outside is is damaged, your whole skin inside is also damaged completely. You don’t damage from outside in your device from inside out. Or the timing you see on the surface of your skin. It’s the whole skin is damaged. So when you put the price on the topical, guess what if it doesn’t penetrate all the way inside your skin, you’re just dealing the superficial problem. And they you stop using the product the very next day, you see Whoa, where’d this come from?
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, so
so. So my job was not to make price that treat superficial issues. My my thing was making sure that can I get to deal with the whole skin. And so I had to make sure that the technology that we had created to to layer the product of the whole skin. So now with the whole skin feels better. Now keep in mind, the topical creams that we’ve created is only for your face or your neck, you know, because honestly, I can’t create for the whole body.
Dr. Mindy
Yes. If you ate from the neck down, we can’t hold you responsible for it. Is that what you’re saying? Yeah,
no, you can, you can. But that’s why we have the topical glue find by itself, that you acquire your tummy on your arms and your legs and things like that. So saturate your body with Bluetooth on levels for the rest of your body. But for your face, you have the creams to go along with it because again, you you’re free to expose to toxins more than any part of your body.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, absolutely.
Everything else you cover them up unless you read in your way shorts every single day. That’s a different story.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, right. So what would you recommend right now that everybody be using the glue to find cream as we’re moving into these? Well, we have a worldwide audience. So I’ll say as we’re moving into winter, we’ve got people in the other part of the They’re going into summer. But is this something that you would just like you take a shower and you would like, rub it on your body all day, every day? Is that how you use a topical like that?
So I’m biased, I’m gonna say yes, because I make a living by selling glue,
Unknown Speaker
I get it,
I get it are biased in that sense. But at the same time, I’m also a pharmacist by heart. And I am not going to give you something that out or take personally myself. If I have the need for it, if I take it out, prescribe it for you guys as well. So that’s the way I believe in it. And so being said that earlier, as I mentioned, if you’re 14 about I think we’re trying one time, is you can see the benefit of 30 days or less. What What benefit, you can see, I don’t know, because everybody represents options, less in different manifestations. So everybody has different outcomes, but the underlying cause is oxidative stress. So that is the underlying cause. And that’s what gluten is gonna target. The face cream, I use it every single day I shave it, and I get cuts once in a while and boom, my cuts goes away immediately.
Dr. Mindy
Can’t wait to try it.
The face cream I created was actually for myself personally the big to begin with. I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t make it for my wife, I bake it for myself first. And when she saw that, I said, Oh my god, can I use this product? I said, Sure, why not. And then that’s how we I created that line for for both men and women.
Dr. Mindy
I love it. And I I am going to say on your behalf that I think that there are some key things we can do with our system. Right now. I’ve mentioned vitamin D, I mentioned metabolic syndrome, working on your blood sugar, keeping that down and gluta fi on. That has been what I’ve been preaching, since we started looking at the research in March. So I will absolutely you know, and I’m, I have no financial interest in your product, I just want to make sure that people stay healthy. So really, that is I think you’re onto something with a topical because it’s I think people are gonna be a little more successful at that too. Then popping pills, I think people are getting a little tired of popping pills. So well. Personally, I would like to
pop pills if possible as well. But gluten cannot go through the mouth at all. And that’s the reason why topical version was created because it does go through your skin without it. And you have to get used to using the product because it has ordered this gluten has it has a sulfur odor to it. And I cannot mask it. So it has a pungent odor, which you can’t get away from it. Except if you have COVID, then you have loss of smell. There’s a perfect place
Dr. Mindy
to do it at night. So should you put your topical cream on at night?
Because the topical cream has no order.
Dr. Mindy
Okay, okay,
topical spray has an order to it. But the order goes away in about two minutes or so you just rub it in in the backlinks of activities to dry up and completely get inside your body. So you just do that part. And you can literally wash up that area of application in 45 minutes if you desire to do so. Because
Dr. Mindy
throughout the days, if it’s like if it’s not such a short half life,
so typically, if you are like a lot of my physicians, they would, they would prescribe it for their patients. And they’ll write a prescription for the patient. And they may write every four hours sometimes depends on what they are treating them. But for average consumers, they just use it twice a day, morning, evening, and they can use it for indefinite amount. And after a while I’ll say six months, three years, some people may just you know what they get sick and tired of using every single day twice a day. So they they may go down to once a day. And that’s okay too. Initially, you do want to use it more because you’ve been so many years have been deprived of this product of gluten levels. So it’s gonna take a while. And by the way, and one thing that I want to stress all your all your customers or your audiences that we have 100% money back guarantee, we don’t ask questions. And the reason is because I don’t want to charge anybody any money if it doesn’t work for you, and that to you that we want to actually does something for you. Because if it does not, we will refund the money back to you.
Unknown Speaker
No problem.
Dr. Mindy
That’s such that’s such a great policy. Well, I’m going to recommend that everybody tries it and then resellers I’m going to recommend you you report back to us and let us know what you noticed. And your book by the way is amazing. I’m sure people have told you that I have to say when I first picked it up, and I was like the Bluetooth ion revolution like this is gonna be this is gonna be some deep reading And you did an amazing job just like you are on this podcast, just simplifying it. So if you guys want to dive deeper into this, please go check out his book. And this 14 day plan. I think we all need a little Bluetooth ion boost right now. So thank you for putting that together and making it a resource for people.
Uh huh. Okay, I want to finish on this. I’ve
got a couple questions that we love to ask at the end just to so our audience knows even more about what a wonderful human you are, because we only invite wonderful humans on to the resetter podcast. So thanks for I’m for making the cut here. So here’s my first question, who has been the greatest form of inspiration to you in your life.
So growing up in my childhood, I was in boarding school all my life. So I only I only saw my parents during the summer breaks. Until I, I went to college. In college, I moved to United States where I didn’t have connection with my, with my parents. But over the last 20 years, I have, I have learned a lot from my dad. And his inspiration is because he has ultimate faith in humanity. And he says that you just keep on doing the right things, you just believe that everything that you do is you if you’re here to serve, then the universe is going to be aligned to your needs. And if you’re here to serve, you never have to look for resources, because you have endless resources to serve. And so, and I was I thought he was smoking some pot back then. Right? And, and in reality is that he keeps on pounding on me every single day. And so part of my book, The dedication was his inspiration as that he really believes in, in in me and my cause. And the thing that really changed me was about four years ago, three, four years ago, he asked me this question that, hey, you have this glue time product, and what do you plan to do and, and my capitalist mindset was was trying to figure out how to capitalize on making money with this product. And he says that, well, no doubt about it, you should make money. But keep in mind, you have a product that can serve the humanity. And if you can do one thing is figure out a way to reach every single person on this planet. Regardless if they can afford it or not afforded, you’re going to make it available for them. If he can do that, you will get your financial stability. Because it’s not about how many people you sell to is how many people you serve,
Dr. Mindy
and love that.
So he taught me one great lesson is that you’ll be judged or you’ll be you’ll have more human connections that you cannot even deal with it. Because the money will come and go, but the human connection will be there for you with you for the rest of your life.
Dr. Mindy
A wise man is he still alive?
He’s still alive. And during this pandemic in February, he decided to travel the world. So he went to Africa, he went to India, he was stuck in a lockdown for few months. He hated a lot. So the lockdown was lifted, he moved to other part of India. And then and then we had to tell that Hey, Dad, please come back. Because there’s a second wave hitting you. And you don’t know if you’re gonna be able to come back against this. I’m happy over here, but it feels like it and find. So he came back because we bought him a ticket. That’s it. We got your ticket, you’re coming back to us again.
Dr. Mindy
Like my parents, my parents are in their 80s. And you cannot social distance those two, whoa, it is. It’s easier to social distances, but not them. They want to go out and socialize and hang out with people like they’re so full of energy and they need that connection. So it’s been really hard to keep them locked up. And we haven’t done a very good job of it.
My dad’s 85 and he’s single because my mom passed away 20 years ago, so he’s single, but then he goes to places where it brings peace to him. So pandemic you’re not he’s going to go to places where he feels like it brings peace to his mind, his body, his heart everything.
Dr. Mindy
So I love that.
Regardless of there’s nobody if the planes are going there is flying out there.
Dr. Mindy
What wise man? That’s amazing. Okay, my second question to you is what’s the best book you’ve read this this year? Oh
well secular revolution
Unknown Speaker
is gonna say,
Dr. Mindy
for sure it’s one of the top ones I’ve read. So I’ll put it out there.
So this year has been interesting for me, because I have a book about quiet mind, you know, to quiet you down. Because I was exposed on doing. I’ve been doing this whole year, I probably read a few 100 plus research articles on COVID-19 and try to figure out, what can we do the best for it? or health wise, right? I’m not looking for a slam dunk cure. I’m more looking for is that hey, if what is COVID-19 teaching us today, and from what I’m reading is all about. I said it’s only affecting people that actually not healthy, healthy human being, you may get a virus but in it, they’re not going to bring you down. Yes. So my my goal for 2021 is, how can I get America healthy to a point where no disease no pandemic can bring us down again?
Unknown Speaker
I hope I can achieve that. Because I’ve done enough reading this year. To add emissary on a daily basis, I probably recent research about at least two or three articles every single week, and try to read up on it and try to understand and then I talked to the doctors that I collaborate with to the university and see, am I am I spinning my wheels up over here? Or am I onto something that is really the right thing?
Dr. Mindy
So yeah, and what what? Gosh, you and I are of like mind, because I’ve spent 10 to 20 hours every week diving into the science depending on what I’m looking at. And a lot of it has been this year that asking that same question, what can we do to strengthen the human body? So we never get in the situation again? And what what outside of Bluetooth ion? What else do you think we can do? What from your research
from outside the glue tie on the Keep in mind this two things your mind and body has to be in sync, there is a piece in mind comes from knowing that you do everything possible to stay healthy. And to stay healthy. Everything possible is you exercise, and you eat the right types of food. And you avoid at all cost every single thing that is not good for your body. And, and and the thing is, and I tried to tell my my family, my kids, my my accent family, that this is who I am this type of food I’m going to eat. So even even though there’s a small get together, which we had once in a while in the summertime, it’s they always Oh, if he’s coming, Let’s marry, you don’t have. So so I think you have to have peace of mind. So meditation has really helped me a lot. Just quiet your mind down and think about the positive things in your life. The life is always half full, always. It’s never half empty, you know. And so the more you you appreciate what you have, the more you will have to appreciate. And that’s something that I’ve read someplace that I want to stick by it. So proper diet, don’t over exercise. This book says don’t over exercise yourself. Because you’re gonna increase oxidative stress in your body. And, and just just just have good thoughts. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy
I love the way you think. Okay, last question, if you had one message, and you may have just given it but if you had one message for the world, that you could get into everybody’s brain right now, what would that message be?
So my message the world is is actually one and a half. And if if I have the pleasure of signing anybody have your audience’s books out they will get the same message from for me is to say is that Welcome to healthy living. Not only not healthy life, I want to welcome to healthy living. And the second is that please empower your body to stay healthy, are empowered either defend itself. Don’t fight your body’s problem. The body can fight his own problem, just empower it. Ah,
Dr. Mindy
I love that. Yeah, in a way back when I was a decade ago, I heard this real paradigm shift statement and it was health is not a noun. It should be a verb. Right? It’s an action. It’s not a destination. It’s not this tangible thing. It should be a verb that we’re doing on a regular basis, it should constantly be an action, not a destination. And I think what you’re saying embodies that. So, so well, so
I’m sorry, I just one last thing, what do you just hit me on the head, because what you just told me is that we should not worry about the day we die, or the day we are born. We should worry about the journey that we get there. That’s right. Is is enjoyable, they feel perfect.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, it’s, you know, US people set out on a healthy course, like, there, there’s going to be an end destination. And there will be little, like rest stops along the way, perhaps. But it really is the action of health. That is where we prevent diseases where we get immune strong, it’s not something that we’re gonna ever get to and go, we’ve achieved it. Okay, now what it’s got to be that process. So Dr. Patel, this was, so whoever thought a conversation on Bluetooth ion would end up in this kind of discussion. So I just am so grateful for your work, and where can people find you we will, we will put links to everything you spoke of today, but where where’s the best place for our resellers to find you.
So I have this multiple website that I’m on. But the two websites that I’m currently working on is oro wellness.com, a U r. o wellness.com. And my focus in that line is that my story is on is on my website, is how to create products that bring solutions to problem solutions, where I’m not finding the problems for you, but I’m empowering your body to to take care of the issues in their own hands. The second part, of course, second website I’m on is I’m trying to develop products for the beauty industry. And not because I like beautiful people around me is because I think they have been taken for granted by giving the products solutions that doesn’t doesn’t take care of the root cause. So out. So that’s what I have is oral skincare is a u r o skincare.com. I don’t have a fancy line of products and it’s just two or three products because I truly believe in in doing as minimum as possible to take care of the bigger issue.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, amazing. Well, we can’t wait to unleash all our resellers on your products and I’ll invite you back in six months and you can see what how my face looks different after using your day and night cream.
Yeah, thank you. This was amazing.
I love your podcast, when you bring the most amazing and knowledgeable people I learn so much. Thank you. You have changed my life since I met you on YouTube.❤️❤️❤️????????????????
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Very general conversation…I would have liked more specific information that I could apply to my current
health process..Thank you