
This recipe makes about 12 muffins.

  • 12 eggs (organic, free range)
  • A little coconut oil, olive oil or grass-fed butter to line the muffin tins with
  • Sea salt + pepper to taste
  • Vegetables — I made the following 3 kinds:
  1. Tomato + basil (1/4 cup chopped tomatoes, 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil)2.
  2. Kale + garlic (1/2 cup chopped kale, 3 cloves chopped garlic) 3.
  3. Cilantro + green onion (1/4 cup chopped cilantro, 1/4 cup green onion)


-Pre-heat oven to 350. Lightly grease muffin tins with coconut oil, olive oil or grass-fed butter.

-Chop veggies.

-Whisk eggs well in a large bowl, add sea salt + pepper.

-Stir in veggies. (If you’re making different flavors, you’ll need to ration the eggs into different bowls for each flavor).

-Pour into muffin tins.

-Bake for 20-25 mins, or until eggs are fully cooked through.

That’s it! Awesome, yes? I know. And you can add whatever else you want to these.