Metabolic flexibility is perfect harmony between burning fat and burning carbs. A metabolically flexible person is someone whose body finds it easy to switch from digesting carbs to digesting fat.

Metabolic flexibility is crucial for healthier cells and high energy levels. Many people aren’t metabolically flexible due to sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. The inability to metabolize fats may cause you to gain more weight.

Luckily, you can take charge of speeding up your metabolism. From eating healthy fats to sleeping more, use these 7 tips to fire up your inner engine…

1. Eat Healthy Fats

MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) are healthy fats contained in food like coconut oil. You can eat these fats since the body metabolizes them faster, which in turns helps you lose weight faster.

2. Keep Your Sugar Low

Foods with high sugar content can impede your metabolism levels. This is why the bulk of these foods end up being converted to fat – they aren’t quickly metabolized.

Foods with low sugar content are easier to metabolize and the nutrients easier to absorb by the body. It is vital to set up a precedent of eating meals with low sugar content so that the body gets used to metabolizing food quickly.

3. Regular Detoxification

We live in a very toxic world, and this toxicity has bled heavily into what we eat. Today, we have a lot of genetically modified foods and fast foods that contain bad sugars like high fructose corn syrup. More than half of what we consume today is not organically sourced. This causes toxins to build up in our bodies and necessitates detoxification.

Regular detoxification by consuming probiotics and foods rich in antioxidants is essential to clear harmful toxins from our cells and increase metabolism and energy.

4. Produce More Ketones

The energy house of our cells is the mitochondria, and this mitochondrion needs ketones to be productive. For higher energy levels and increased metabolic flexibility, our bodies need to go into ketogenesis often to produce more ketones.

Intermittent fasting and keto diets can induce ketogenesis. Regular fasting and consuming keto diets are ways to produce more ketones.

5. Get Enough Sunlight

Vitamin D is important for energy generation. The mitochondrion requires a large quantity of Vitamin D to carry out its activities. Exposure to sunlight via hiking and other outdoor activities not only helps your body metabolize faster, but it also provides the necessary vitamin needed by the mitochondria.

6. More Oxygen

The high levels of air pollution reduce the oxygen content in the air. So at best, we aren’t getting pure oxygen, and this affects how our body cells and organs operate. Oxygen is vital for our organs, and most importantly, oxygen is used to fuel the activities in the body.

Purer oxygen can be gotten from nature hikes and regular walks around plant-filled areas like the park.

7. Nutrients

The faster absorption of nutrients makes for increased energy levels. If your body isn’t metabolizing certain foods well and absorption is slow, energy levels would be low. Consume foods high in healthy fats increase your nutrient absorption and energy levels.

Increase your metabolic flexibility by following the above tips and live a healthier, energy-filled life.