“You Can Do This”
This episode is about all things lymph. We reveal hacks for your lymph (many of which are free and easy to do).
Kelly Kennedy is a biological holistic nutritionist whose studies began more traditionally as a pre-med student at Cornell University, receiving a degree in Biology. Her father had Hodgkin’s disease and passed away when she was just 20 years old. That same year she was in a bad car accident that left her in chronic pain, emotionally drained, and her life in a state of upheaval. After three years of succumbing to the contemporary allopathic approach without results, Kelly finally sought a different approach and got relief from her pain permanently.
In this podcast, Is Your Lymph The Source Of Your Health Problem, we cover:
- The importance of our fascia and lymph for overall health
- Understanding our body’s detoxification process
- How breathing will help us heal
- The ways we can relieve our constipation
- The connection between our organs and our emotions
The Importance Of Our Fascia and Lymph
Fascia is underneath our skin – it is literally what our body is housed in. If we are deskinned, we would only have a casing that is really thin and fibrous. Also, the fascia houses every organ through its own network. Plus, fascia regulates our emotions. Whenever the fascia is restricted, there could be swelling and inflammation. However, when you address the fascia, you can drain the lymph. In addition, when you work out, you detoxify your muscles. Through this detoxification, the toxins will go into our organs.
Understanding The Detoxification Process
Did you know that we detox more through our lungs than any other part of the body? Astonishingly, they are the most considerable organ from a detoxification perspective. Although, the liver is still in charge of the detoxification pathways. But you breathe out more toxins than you ever pee, poop or sweat.
Through deep breathing, our lymphatics can flow. The fluid is that space between the cells where all the garbage is dumping. Even the garbage makes the lymph fluid thick; it will be hard to move. Also, the lymph needs to work well because 50% of the lymph is in your gut. As we all know, the gut is critical for overall health.
How Breathing Will Help Us Heal
Shallow breathing is sympathetic – it doesn’t really go anywhere. The only time your body is healing is when it’s in the parasympathetic mode. Everyone can learn how to control their breath. When we control our breath, then we can control ourselves. Through deep breaths, we can get into parasympathetic mode.
There’s a big difference between detoxing and drainage. Detoxification will happen at the cellular level. When the cell detoxifies, it has to take out the garbage and the garbage outside the cell. You are three times more lymph than you are blood.
When you practice breathing techniques every day, you are facilitating drainage out of your lungs. Plus, you are increasing your parasympathetic tone, and you’re breathing through your nose, which will address viruses. If you avoid a virus, then think about what you’re telling your body. Overall, simple breathing techniques will help address the virus. It’s an excellent tool for this fearful world that we are living in.
How To Relieve Our Constipation
Sadly, there is never one thing that will cause constipation. Often, constipation is emotional because it holds onto your shit literally and figuratively. If you do deep breathing, it will help your gut. Fortunately, deep breaths will massage your intestines. Then, your stool will be able to move through the body; it will help massively with the flow. Many people have tight jaws, which is a sign of constipation. If you want to fix your constipation, there is something you need to do: let it out! We are so held up. Instead, let it go!
The Connection Between Our Organs And Our Emotions
In Chinese medicine, every hour of the day, a different organ system is dominant. Each organ is in charge of a different emotion:
- Lungs are in charge of grief, crying, sadness, and anguish.
- Hearts are in charge of lost, vulnerable, abandoned, and deserted.
- Livers are in charge of anger, resentment, and frustration.
- Gallbladders are in charge of gall.
- Kidneys are in charge of fear.
- Stomachs are in charge of low self-esteem and lack of control.
Kelly Kennedy: [00:00:00] Being authentic and real and facing it. And moving forward allows you to have the freedom of your emotions no longer controlling you, but you controlling your emotions. And it starts with the breath. I am a woman on a mission that is dedicated to teaching you just how powerful your body was built to be.
[00:00:19] I like to do that by bringing you the latest science, the greatest thought leaders and applicable steps that help you tap into your own internal healing power. The purpose of this podcast is to give you the power back and help you believe in yourself. Again, my name is Dr. Mindy Pelz, and I want to thank you for spending part of your day with me, doctor. [00:00:40] Sure. Mindy here. And on this episode of the reset or podcast, I have brought you Kelly Kennedy. Now Kelly Kelly Kennedy is a lymph. Expert. And she actually calls herself the queen of limp. And the reason that the topic of limp is so important is that as you will learn throughout this episode, so many of you may be struggling with your health because of something as simple as stagnant limp. [00:01:08] So on this episode, we talk about all things lamp. We talk about hacks for your limp. Many of which are free and easy to do on a daily basis. And Kelly is hysterical. So we had such a fun time talking about lymph, who would have guessed. So I’m excited to bring you guys Kelly Kennedy. And this episode is all things limp, and I am pretty sure at the end of this episode, you are going to look at your lymphatic system in a whole new way and have a whole nother level of appreciation, excited to share it with you. [00:01:42] Help my recenters understand lymph because it’s, again, we just keep coming up against barriers when people are detoxing and fasting. And I feel like the world has a lymph problem. Well, you said the exact thing, you know, it, that they have a barrier and you made the visual of a fist against the hand you made. [00:02:01] There was a barrier. Exactly. And the issue is that. When, when I got involved in this world of European biological medicine and understanding regulation, I needed to understand the science and in microscopes. And I saw a live blood through a dark field microscope, and it changed my world because I started to realize that the cells. [00:02:25] Which we hear, but the scene in action going, Oh my gosh, the cells are just a little bit of what’s going on inside the body. It’s all the fluid, all the extracellular matrix in which the cells are living and much like the organs, the cells make up the organs, right. And the organs are in soup there and the fascia is holding them in place. [00:02:53] Yeah, this network fascia, if you don’t know what the fascia is, um, for the meat eaters that just had Turkey on Thanksgiving, when you lift that Turkey skin and under the skin is that cellophane is stuff between the muscle and the skin that’s Fatia. And we have that in underneath our skin and it literally is the suit of which our body is housed in. [00:03:14] And so if we were de skinned, we’d be left with this casein. That’s really thin fibrous. Like, I think of it, like taffy is the fun and it’s literally around not just the whole body, but it houses every organ and it ha and it is the structure. And it’s what, why everybody’s so all about collagen is because it gives structure. [00:03:40] I love that. Okay. So, and in the fascia. Which is its own network, its own nervous system. And it houses the emotions that if that gets damaged from overuse, a lot of your resellers are athletic, which is really great. Yet. When you work out, you detoxify your or your muscles. Ah, that’s interesting to find your muscles when you’re working out. [00:04:07] If you don’t have a lot of fat content, whereas the toxin going to your Oregon. Interesting. So if I’m working out and my lymph isn’t good. My fascia is tight. All those toxins are going to whatever Oregon. So what about like the heart is a muscle? So if I’m cardiovascularly working out my heart, is it detoxing into my lungs? [00:04:35] That’s a great question. I don’t honestly have the answer to that, but I would say that it is a muscle, but it’s also an organ. And yet the lymph dumps into the cardiovascular system. So it dumps into the heart, the heart pumps the blood into the lungs, the lungs clean and filter the blood and shifted out from, you know, your, your nutrients and your gases and all your minerals versus all your toxicants in your. [00:04:56] You know, all your garbage, right? And so, and then once that garbage and the nutrients, it gets sent to all the organs and then the liver, the kidneys filter it out in the lungs. You actually detox more through your lungs than you do any other part of your body. And your lungs are your largest organ, organ of detoxification. [00:05:16] I mean, Mass wise, they’re huge. They’re they’re whole breasts. The lungs are the largest organ. And from a detoxification perspective, the liver is still in charge of the detoxification pathways, but you’ll breathe out more toxins than you ever pee, poop or sweat. So when you breathe, you’re moving that lymphatic by the nature of deep breathing, shallow breathing, but deep breathing allows your lymphatics to flow. [00:05:41] And the fluid is that. Space between the cells where all the garbage is dumping, the garbage is dumping into that space. And that garbage makes that fluid thick. It’s harder to move. Number one, number two, if the organs of elimination are working great, if their bowels aren’t working great, if they don’t sweat appropriately, if they pee too much or too little, or they have a breath issue, respiratory issue, then. [00:06:08] It’s going to probably push out through the skin and you’re going to see rashes, but the lid needs to work well because eight about 50% of your lymph or in your gut. And we all know is naturopathic eye practitioners. We go, okay. Let’s look in the gut. Cause a lot of the, the illnesses in the gut. Yeah, the fluid around the whole body is where the garbage is taken out. [00:06:32] And you, listen, I did not want to be the lymph queen. I honor. And the, the, I don’t know, this is deal lights. I I’ll take the. It’s not a sexy topic, but I’m fascinated by what you’re saying. The thing is, is the reason I became the winner queen is because I was doing these tasks called contact regulation, thermography, and, um, in European biological Madison, one of the things we’re taught is it’s about the terrain. [00:07:00] It’s about the Maloo. We were just talking about that, the spaces between the cells, but it’s about the fact that temperature is the first thing in the body that changes or shifts. Before cell turns over and by the time a cell turns over now, you see changes in blood work. For instance. What would work is like the last place the body’s going to make a shift. [00:07:21] It’s making all sorts of corrections and auto corrections and trying to compensate and adapt for all the stressors, the bodies up against. And it can juggle a lot of balls, just like a lot of women resellers. And then listening to this podcast, you can juggle a lot until somebody throws you that last piece. [00:07:39] And then you’re like, Oh shit. Oh, sorry. I’m dropping balls and I’m totally DZ. You can swear all you want. Honestly, when, when, when they dropped the ball, now we see illness, right. And so I ran chases that ball. But they didn’t, they don’t chase what led up to the ball, all the juggling that was going on. [00:08:02] Yeah. It’s like the woman, it’s like the woman who has a nervous breakdown, but nobody looks at all the things she was trying to do before she has the nervous breakdown. What one thought I had as you were talking about the lungs. Okay. So actually had two thoughts on this one is what, if you don’t work out, you don’t do anything that. [00:08:20] Makes you breathe any differently than what if just breathing normally will your, will those toxins stay stuck in the tissues to answer that question? Very simply. Yes, because reality is shallow. Breathing is sympathetic right now. The low breathing doesn’t really go anywhere. When you’re, shallowing breathing, you’re more in sympathetic. [00:08:43] You’re not healing mode. You’re only in a, when your own, the only time your body’s healing is when you’re in the parasympathetic mode. Harris’ sympathetic mode. When you’re a deep breather, you can learn to do this. You know, this is one of those autonomic things that our body does, which is breathing that we actually can control. [00:09:04] Okay. And when you control your breath, You actually can control yourself and when you can control yourself, well, that’s a whole nother pocket. Okay. And then what about like down the road? So what about like Wim Hof breathing or like, I just got into doing Soma breathing. So does that work? Are you detoxing when you’re doing it? [00:09:27] I can definitely feel the parasympathetic energy, but are you detoxing? Okay. So let’s talk about semantics, detoxing versus drainage. There’s a big difference. We talk about the lymphatics. When I talk about deep breathing, it’s talking about moving your lymphatics. When I talk about moving your lymphatics, I’m talking about drainage. [00:09:47] I’m talking about increasing your pee, poop and sweat. Detoxification happens at this time. Cellular level. You might know this guy, Dr. Daniel. Yeah. I learned a few things about detox from him. So cell detox is where it happens. Right. But when the cell detoxifies, it’s got to take out the garbage and the garbage happens outside the cell. [00:10:09] Yeah. And you’re three times more limbs than you are blood. Yeah. Oh, wow. That garbage is just taken out. The garbage is just taken out the garbage, taken out. The garbage is taken out. If you have a fascial tension, maybe the garbage can’t be taken out. Cause there’s a blockade now. Oh, maybe you’re emotionally connects us. [00:10:27] So you’re not letting go with the stuff. Lymph is all about letting it get interesting. So, you know, we’re living in a bit of a. Time period. That’s a little strange, a little, uh, stressful for some, I let it go. Like there are times just let it go. There are times I would tell you, I am probably one of the least stress people because of COVID. [00:10:52] That there is now stress that COVID has put on me. And I’m sure it’s putting it on you, is that I feel that my mission in my life, which I thought I was really on track for helping people understand how their body works and giving them confidence in how wonderfully amazing this spotty is. I felt a huge pressure when people were getting the wool pulled over their eyes, into wearing masks. [00:11:15] Hi, been awake, doing all the things that make an organism. Less strong and a weaker organism versus a stronger biological beam that thrives. This is why the breathing is so interesting to me because. A, what you’re saying is so powerful. And I want people to understand this, um, because we get a lot of people that come to fasting and detox and they’re not exercising. [00:11:42] They’re not doing any drainage techniques. There’s no variation. I mean, if you’re not doing it. Any breathing techniques, either through exercise or Wim Hoff, or there’s no drainage happening for those lungs ever. And it feels to me as if we’re missing some, like the elephant in the room is okay, well, if COVID is creating a cytokine storm in and it affects the lungs and the lung, the body’s already in a sympathetic state and these lungs have never been drained. [00:12:16] You’re in, you’re in for a rough COVID ride. Yep. I don’t want to leave this topic because I feel like w what you hit in my brain with that comment around the lungs, having this drainage ability to push toxins out. It really comes into play in those, in those people who do not move their body that do not exercise or don’t do some kind of breathing technique to be able to, to facilitate the drainage. [00:12:47] I actually interviewed on the podcast Neeraj and he is, he’s not as the Renegade pharmacist on Instagram. He has a technique called Soma breathing and we got talk. He’s good friends with Wim Hoff, sun, and the Wim Hoff community. And he at this time, so this was an August. He said that in his worldwide community, nobody that in the community got COVID and that he had, or that they knew of, or got symptomatic with COVID and that in Wim Hoff’s community, they said the same thing that nobody was really symptomatic. [00:13:20] And I’m wondering if a part of that is when you’re doing these breathing techniques all every day, it’s like you’re facilitating drainage out of your, out of your lungs. Well, yeah, you’re facilitating drainage. You’re increasing your person pathetic tone, and you’re breathing through your nose. When you breathe through your nose, you create nitrous oxide and nitric oxide is what inside your cells kills gets rid of viruses, not kills viruses, addresses, viruses. [00:13:44] Amazing. It’s not alive. So alive. They’re a DNA upgrade, right? Or to make you a stronger human being. And if you avoid them, think about what you’re telling. Your body, the universe, everything else. It’s crazy. My eight year old isn’t even afraid of Corona and she really doesn’t understand it. No, neither of my area, 80 year old parents. [00:14:05] Um, and I’m also thinking though, if you guys listening to this, like if you’re, if you’re nervous about COVID and you’re at home or what I’m going to go tell my, my 80 year old parents is. Some simple breathing techniques is a good, like let’s let’s and then what is that? The God then it got to me, it gets me thinking about the mask. [00:14:24] You’re putting the mask on restricting breathing. So I’m just like thinking about how we give people tools in this fearful world we’re living in and breathing seems like a good one. Absolutely. There’s alternative nose breathing. Like I have two therapists that worked for me. There were both yoga therapists, but I I’ve recoined then as breath therapist and people come in, I was like, well, I want you to work with the breath therapist. [00:14:46] And everybody says the same thing. You’re like, but I breathe. Okay. I’m like, no, you really don’t. We don’t think about breath. We just don’t agree that well, you’re actually a shallow breather and you’re. And you’re at 78 beats a minute and you know, let’s get control of the breath. And listen, when I met this world, I was very much shell breathing up here. [00:15:06] The first thing I do when I feel any kind of stress, anything that’s hard for me to like process. The first thing I do now is yep. Because you breath and it makes it easier to deal with like, uh, it’s an instinct that somehow we’ve gotten away from, you know, my husband and I were talking this morning about the sympathetic nervous system and how, you know, it’s a fight flight and how that was really. [00:15:29] Great. When we were mammals that were fearful of our lives being at risk. The problem is that our lives aren’t at risk anymore, but everybody’s still in sympathetic overload mode because of trying to do so many things, right. Yeah. What we’re afraid of, but we’re still running around afraid. Yeah. So, okay. [00:15:51] So we’ve got the lungs we now have, uh, hopefully everybody knows. Oh yeah. One more thing to say on that. Do you know Dr. Christine Schaffner? Yeah. You know, she’s right now, it just happened. She’s doing an entire week long, like summit on detox. Oh, it’s a great, you know, I I’ve been really trying to wrap my head around this cytokine storm. [00:16:14] Yeah. And w after looking at like, cause that’s such a buzz word now. Right. And after looking at it, I’m like, wait a second. Everybody had a cytokine storm going on already. It just was like the next wave that is putting people down. So how do we slow that cytokine storm down? I love that. Okay. Well, we’ll have to bring it to our community. [00:16:34] Cytokine storm is a hyper regulation. It’s an overstimulation right here, which is from a regulation standpoint. Well, regulation is compensation and add desk. Proper like somebody pokes me in the eye. I’m going to go, Hey, that hurt right? Proper regulation not poke me in the eye and I’m going to shoot you with a gun. [00:16:55] Not right. So I get a little virus. I don’t go into an asthmatic attack and have to be put on a ventilator. That is my body overstimulated and from a regulatory. Sandpoint. That means the body’s full of allergies and toxins. That means that there’s leaky gut more than likely. That means first EBV, more than likely. [00:17:13] That means there’s a metal load more than likely. That means that the regulation has been affected for a long time. And this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Mike drop. And yeah, that was good. And when you’re detoxifying like you and your recenters do, and in your community that you’ve created, which is amazing. [00:17:33] If you don’t drain, you’re going to just move those toxins to somewhere else in your body that you don’t want them out of a cell, but to where it might’ve been in a benign area. And now it’s not in a benign area because you chose to move it when you detoxified, but you didn’t poop. Well, you didn’t pee. [00:17:48] Well, you didn’t sweat. Well, if you don’t do those, you got to do that first. You got drain first, then you got to clean the gutters out before you cleaned the roof off the pipe. Before you clean out the shit stuck in your sink, you got to take drain out and get the pipe moving before the sink drains out. [00:18:07] And when you have symptoms, that’s your sink overflowing. But just make perfect sense. That’s in the pipe. That was the cause of the sink overflowing, not the last glass of water you poured in the same. People want to blame the gluten or the, um, I don’t know, name corn or the food allergy or the perfect. Or the, the pollen or the, the thing rather than, or the virus, the virus, rather than your system isn’t functioning. [00:18:38] Well, and it wasn’t to begin with, and this is the straw that broke the camel’s back. This is the concept of European biological medicine. We’ve been teaching for 15 years or learning rather. And now finally teaching, getting people to realize that. This is the beauty of the body. And if you don’t know how to biohack, if you don’t know how to engage your body to work better, then you got to learn it. [00:19:00] And the first thing we talked about it so much in Switzerland when I was learning this about and we did this computerized regulation from Harvard, we started talking about the temperature is the first thing the body changes, right? So when I learned the test, it’s a very intense test. It’s 128 points of temperature you take in the body. [00:19:20] Then, and they have to do it first in the morning after no showers, no breakfast, no nothing. You can come and roll out of bed. Take the temperatures. You stand in a room naked for 10 minutes with just your underwear. And Alison told me about this. You did this to Alison didn’t you. I want you to do it to me shows next. [00:19:36] No, I’m just kidding. I sounded so good. I want it. I want it done. Andrea did as well. And what it does is, and then you stand in the room for 10 minutes, cool off. And then we come in and take all 2,828 points again. And it’s the change in temperature that indicates whether that point regulated was hyper regulatory, overreacting under reacting or not reacting, all being rigid. [00:19:59] And we have 128 points of every organ and every tissue in the body, you can look at them ready and things, you know how fast it moves, therapies, everything else that seems like, go ahead. No, that seems like something everybody needs right now. Oh, it’s huge. And it’s actually FDA approved as a breast cancer detection. [00:20:16] And if I was a medical doctor, I could write a script and you could get it covered by your medical insurance. However, that being said, when I learned the test, like the first six months of this class of these classes, I was like, well, that’s for the medical doctors. I’m going to take my break now. Cause that’s a lot of information and way now I’m never going to learn that it looks like blood work. [00:20:37] It was just one graph, but. It was just so much information. A couple of years into this, I started to learn it. And when I first started to learn it, I was like, all right, there’s going to be just some things I have to memorize. And one of the things I memorized was two at the points. It said if the second reading is warmer on, on. [00:20:54] This point, then the set, then this point, then you’d start all therapy in the head. If this reading is warmer on the second run, you start off therapy in the body. And I went okay. And I memorized. Yeah. So throughout the years we were helping people or Sierra CRGs, everything was getting better with the exception of the lymphatic section. [00:21:12] And there’s nine points. It reads of your lymph. Plus your tonsil points, plus a few other like your appendix and a couple other, your finest lymph organs. Okay. So it reads a lot of lymph points and everybody’s liver, their sinuses, their kidneys, their breasts, all improved, but their limp. And I had them dry brushing and rebounding, and I had them taken stuff and nothing was working. [00:21:34] And I go into lymphatic puppets and I was losing my mind. And I finally hooked up with a practitioner in front of mine who was using this other technology. And he said, you got to go take the class. And that’s how I met Deseret. It’s a sponsor from New Zealand. She was the trainer for that company. Prezzo no, this was, she created this two years ago. [00:21:53] This was like 10 years ago. We were working with another company, another technology and. We were getting good results with it. But the point was I went to the training and she said the most important readings in your land for right here and right here. So this one drains the right side of your, and you’re right above your clavicle. [00:22:11] Yeah. Just so people, just so people are listening now. Right here and right here. So I’m touching above my clavicle on the bottom of my neck, right above my collarbone and right in the left. And she goes, okay, the right side drains the right side of the head, the right breast, the right arm, the left one. [00:22:29] Drains the left side of the head, the left arm, the left breast and the entire lower part of the body, all drains here that these two limp termini the end points drains the cardiovascular system. And I sat in the class and put my hand on my head and we had one of those. Aha moments. I almost just swore, but I almost say one of those. [00:22:48] Yeah, you can totally swear. It makes the podcast more fun. I went, Holy fuck. It’s all about the win. That’s what I said, because these are the two points on the CRT that you determine all the therapy on a client based upon where to start head or body. Based upon which limp is more inflamed on the second reading. [00:23:10] And I went, Holy fuck. The lint is so important. It was really like, the limp is the key to all of it, because if you don’t drain the limp. So then we started to use her technique of the manual pumping, which we’ve taught everybody. Yeah, I was going to say so just so people know if they don’t have access to that machine, like I’m sitting here listening to you and thinking, well, my. [00:23:33] Uh, but if I go above my clavicle on my right side, it’s a little bit tighter. Does that mean my limp is probably more congested there probably because that means your flesh is probably tighter. Yeah, probably. And, and that makes sense. Cause I have some arthritis in my right shoulder. Uh, so interesting. [00:23:52] Anything in your body that you touch that has pain is dysfunction, right? But there’s no pain. It’s just tightness. Oh, okay. Talking to us. Good. If you’re listening and you’re like, Oh, I really want to help my understand. If my lymphocyte is flowing, could you just feel these two little spaces above your clavicle and go, Oh, that’s not good. [00:24:12] Yeah, you can. And a lot of people, when they feel it, it feels Rocky. It feels a lot of people at swollen there it’s a little fleshy, like fluid filled. Um, and or if it’s tight, it should just feel soft and supple and rebounds really easy. Like, um, like you put your finger on, on a jello molds. Ah, yes. Bounce up and down and it’s no nothing. [00:24:39] It’s just easy. Okay. And so what if it’s like, so knowing that this is a, is a key drainage point. What can I do if I find that there’s a tight side, I know the flow, Prezzo’s like the greatest thing to do, but what else can you do at home? The manual pumping, which if they haven’t seen it, they can watch the video that’s on our website on meds.com. [00:25:00] PDF that. Supports that video. So you can have it in front of you back to application of today. So we’ve now got breathing that people can do. If they choose to stay home, they can start breathing. And you gave us the name of sot guru. I’m a big Wim Hoff fan, uh, and, uh, go check out the Renegade pharmacist on Instagram. [00:25:20] He’s great. So now everybody’s got. And you can go to our YouTube channel, our YouTube channel meds, global that goes on there for people to learn breath. During coronavirus, we had all of our staff and cleaning my husband do breath, free breath sessions for people. So smart, so smart. Okay. So it’s not only going to help you like drain the toxins out of your lungs. [00:25:41] Okay. But it’s also going to put you in a parasympathetic state, which is great. So now we’ve got your manual technique that again, you can go to your website. We’ll put that in. We can start moving our limp with our hands and I got number three, you got number three. Okay, great. Give it to me. So one of the things that we’ve constituted since we, since, um, Corona started, and I hope I’m not setting myself up here for a mask, um, in influx, but probably are. [00:26:12] You know, nebulizers. Oh, nebulizers. Yes. We nebulized homeopathics all day long. Okay. And you can get nebulizers at your EDS, Walgreens, Amazon. Okay. As a kid, we’re not nebulizing steroids. And then we send you vials, homeopathic, vials of sterile water that have infused into it things for your lungs and for your immune system. [00:26:35] So you can have tonsil and I can’t believe I’ve never talked about this on a podcast. Thank you so much for bringing it up because this is safe. So much of my community during coronavirus. I love it. As people. I mean, I have people that all over the country like you and they can’t get to me, and this is what we’ve done. [00:26:51] Like send your Biles and I’ve done it for years with all of our long distance clients. But during coronavirus, it became not just our long distance clients, but now we had clients coming in and like mail them to me. To two towns away, or I’m going to stop by the vestibule. Cause we have this little basketball, et cetera office where they can come in and pick it up. [00:27:09] Now it’s a little different people just come in and do the nebulizers that are more, you know, into this world. But if you want to stay at home, you can get your nebulizer. You can get your virus, you can boost your immune system by nebulizing. Oh, my God. I’m going to give that to my parents. Do I go to your website? [00:27:27] How do I, how do I get that? Um, that’s why I said, um, my whole staff is going to kill me because I’ve never talked about this on a pod. Yeah, they are. And we have a large audience. So this is going to be fun. You better tell them to get ready. So we’ll leave the link for the nebulizer and the homeopathics or the homeopathics. [00:27:42] Sounds like you can get the nebulizer in your own. Uh, it’s your nebulizer in your own. And then what I’ll do is I’ll come up with three kids, one for all overall immune and one for Lynch, and it’ll be three Biles and you can order however many kids amazing. Oh my God. Get ready. I have, I have, uh, um, I have a staff. [00:28:02] She was a patient and now she’s on our staff and her superpower is sewing and I needed a castor oil pack and I ordered one, I was not happy with it. And she was like, Oh, I’ll make one. And so she made me one and send it. Sent it to me. And I’m like, this is amazing. And she now has an Etsy store with so many. [00:28:23] She gets so many from our reset because they suck casserole packs are hard. You need to know. I told her when, when we started sending it out, I said, are you ready? Are you ready? Like that? You’re going to get a lot of orders. She. So many orders that she had to shut it down for the month of December. She was like, I can’t, I’ll start back up in January, but we will give you a link to her, um, at T store because, and we’ll put for you guys listening, we’ll put our Etsy store in the, um, notes, but when you find something that is a really cool at home hack like that, So important for us to lean into it because like, I love what you’re saying and I know like, we’re going to talk about the flow preso in the middle minute. [00:29:06] Cause that thing messed me up and then it fixed me. So I want to, we’ll talk about it in a second, but if you don’t, we’re not in a mobile time right now. So if we don’t live near you, if we can have some hacks and we have some people who are more comfortable staying home right now, and I really want to create information that is usable for everybody. [00:29:26] So. I love that. And you’re about get ready. You’re about to, to sell a bunch of those are and it’ll help people and I’m happy to do that. Exactly, exactly. Okay. So now I have a third lymph system that we are seeing that becomes so, or, or what I perceive as a, as a drainage system. That’s not draining for people. [00:29:48] And that is the gut we have got constipation like nobody’s business. So. What do, how do we help people become unconstipated because that’s another thing that plays into this COVID picture. Like if you’re not draining out your stools every day, this is a problem. I mean, that is, that could be a year of podcasts and a lot of salmon. [00:30:10] Right. Because the thing is, there’s never one thing that causes one thing. Right? Right. Multi-generational what we just said is the rain barrels filling up the rain barrels, filling up the rain is filling up and then. You know, you’re not regulating what’s the first time you’re not regulating your bowel starts to not work. [00:30:25] Your circadian rhythm starts to be getting off or be thrown off. You don’t sleep well. You know, you don’t sweat. Well, constipation. My husband’s no doctor, but I call him the poop doctor. And when, when we got into this, we did a lot of emotional work. Like that’s what he did with me, that it got me better initially. [00:30:44] Um, and then I just had a lot of continuing to unfold to do, but it got me out of pain I should say. And then I got well, um, but getting me out of pain was emotional release technique that he does. And oftentimes constipation is emotional because it’s holding onto your shit literally and figuratively on your stuff. [00:31:04] And lymph is about letting go. And again, 50% of your lymph is in your gut. So if you shallow breathe this up here, if you deep breathe it’s down here in your gut. So take a deep breath in and it pushes your belly out and pushes it back. And when you do that, you’re massaging your intestines, your intestines Paktika peristalsis to move the stool through. [00:31:27] Well, that’s a, that’s like a. You know, it’s like a squeezing motion and it pushes it through, by just deep breathing. You’re going to create that you’re going to help that flow. There’s other things you can do emotionally. A lot of people have really tight jobs because they hold all their stress up there. [00:31:45] That’s usually a sign that they’re also constipated because you’re holding onto your emotion. So what I want you to know, honestly, let it go. You want to really see what I want to do? Yeah, I do. Ready for my car to show me, I want him to stand in a room. I want him to find this point in their chest, in the middle of their chest at nipple level, that when you touch it, it feels. [00:32:11] Like, I’m going to put a knife right through my heart. And if you go a little bit above it, you don’t know, that’s not, it’s an acupuncture point. It’s called CD 17, and I want you to then hold your Drago and then I want you to wiggle [00:32:31] and get it out. Let it out. I love that. Do you have a video of that? Just right now? Just this orange may more than likely, you know, we’re so held up. We’re so tight and long. Yes. And I asked somebody to do this the other day, and I often teach people to do this. I mean, you walk into our center and it’s like crazy town, like [00:32:58] crying because you got to let it all out. Right. And you gotta be wiggly and you gotta, you gotta move and flow through life. And if you’re held up and stiff, and this is not flexible, this is flexible. Right. I’m moving my body a lot more when I’m saying it’s flexible. I’m pulling my body’s stiff. When I S you know, it was rigid and. [00:33:20] Flexibility is health. Yes. The thing about constipation and this is why I wanted to bring it to people’s attention is that it also is, um, it’s hard to get in touch with your emotions, right. So it’s not like, like if you’re listening to this and you’re like, okay, yeah, I’m a little congested in my. Uh, emotional wellbeing. [00:33:41] Um, but I don’t know what emotion needs to let go. So much of what gets stuck in our brain is unconscious. Uh, I liked, I really like your demonstration. I think it’s really awesome. Like to, to just wiggle around and to hold the spot and to do the, what do you call that? The horsey house? Horse lips, the hardest lips like that. [00:34:02] I couldn’t live seriously. When you’re done our housing, your brain, their housing, the organs of your body, their neuropeptides. There’s a book written by Dr. Caroline leaf, two books. She wrote, who switched off your brain and who switched your brain back on. And she proved as a medical doctor from Australia that 90% of all illness is emotional and she proves it, showing it on the DNA. [00:34:26] Level of how that happens. And so. From that perspective we need to understand. And Chinese medicine has for years that the organs of the body how’s the emotions and neuropeptides, which is a protein. And when a similar event comes into our life, that looks like a previous event. The body re acts, it doesn’t act, it reacts the first time. [00:34:48] It acted out of fear because it’s a mammal. And the second time it reacted and it reinforced to the body go see every time this is the example I use my husband’s bowl. When I was in third grade, I had a ball teacher that made me do a math problem. And I was so embarrassed. I peed myself not a true story, but it can happen. [00:35:05] Right. So then the rest of my life, every time a ball person’s in my vicinity, I don’t feel good. And I don’t know why. Yeah. But it’s not supports my life because at 30 years old, I’m going for the best job interview in my life. I’ve prepared great for it. I sit down at the desk and the interviewer’s bald and I say, and things that are coming out of my mouth. [00:35:23] And I don’t even know why, because my body is trying to protect me from what it thinks is pain, which is a fault perse and created pain in my life. Yeah. Pain, your love, you can, every emotion in life is pain. Fear. Or love, that’s it. Every moment holds onto those two things and you can either come from one or you can come from the other. [00:35:43] And it is definitely difficult to identify. And I really recommend everybody watch inside out from Pixar. Is this, is that a cartoon? It is, I’m done watching, I’m done watching Disney movies. My kids are 20 and 18. I need to go back and watch that again. Inside and out is the most intellectual, emotionally intellectual event movie I’ve ever seen. [00:36:08] I make it almost, uh, uh, An absolute, if you have to, if you’re a client of ours that you went on this, because you’ve got to understand how your emotions work and it’s at a, such a simple level that it makes it really easy for people to understand inside out from Pixar. Right. And it’s a beautiful movie to get people to start to, to know that. [00:36:26] And there’s tons of books written on this, but. And when you’re working in the lamp, when you’re working in the gut, those are so connected and yes are so connected to the emotional ties are a million different ways to address the emotions, but start with just facing it and not waiting for everything to be Rose, colored, happy, beautiful, and great. [00:36:46] You know, you and I are very optimistic, very overcoming every obstacle in our lives. But I can tell you right now, And days I have shitty days. Yeah, of course. I don’t like my husband days. I don’t like myself days. I don’t like my client’s days. And I don’t like what I, I can’t say I don’t like what I do because I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen, but there are days that, you know, are the best and I have to face that I face myself every morning. [00:37:11] When I go to do my breath, work, my meditation, I don’t my breath practice and my meditation. I faced myself every morning when I turned my shower on cold completely. I faced myself every morning and every night and throughout the day when I do I really want to eat that or do I want to eat this? Do I want to drink that? [00:37:27] Or do I want to drink this? I face myself and I am honest with myself. And if I’m sad, it’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel angry. It’s okay to feel anything other than, you know, everything is great. It’s not. Yeah, it’s just being authentic and real and facing it. And moving forward allows you to have the freedom of your emotions no longer controlling you, but you controlling your emotions and it starts with the breasts man, all circle. [00:37:58] That was good. So good. I’ve never taken so many notes on my podcast before, but I’m not done with you. Hey guys, Dr. Mindy hair. And I want to tell you about my book. That’s coming out very, very soon. It’s called the menopause reset. One of the things that we realized from our community that was so desperately needed was a book on how women over 40 should do fasting, how they should do keto. [00:38:29] Principles. They need to apply their lifestyle to be able to balance their hormones. So you all asked. And so I put it in a book and it’s called the menopause reset and poured my heart and soul into this book. I walk you through the five steps that I took when I went into my early forties and found myself down a bad, bad menopause path. [00:38:55] And like many of you guys, I found. No answers. I didn’t want to take medication. I didn’t want to wake up at night. I would didn’t want any more hot flashes. There were so many parts of my menopausal menopausal journey that I did not like. So I took matters into my own hands and I researched the heck out of what happens to our body as we move. [00:39:19] From 40 and beyond. And I found that there are actually five things that you need to implement. Five lifestyle changes that you need to look at in order to weather these menopausal years with grace. And so I put it in a book and it’s available for pre-order now. Um, I made it a simple, easy read. You’ll hear about my journey in each step. [00:39:43] I give you steps as much as I love inspiring you. I also love moving UNT into action. So the book is filled with ideas, followed by action steps you can take, and it’s now available for pre-order really excited to share it with you. The menopause reset. You can find all the information that you need on it in the show notes. [00:40:04] I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it. Okay. Um, I have two, one, one question from me and then Jessica is asking me a question that’s just better be when are we going to Philadelphia? Yeah, that’s right. Well, we already decided it was Jessica’s fault that we’re not in Philadelphia doing this interview. [00:40:24] Uh, okay. What, how does this affect HRV? You just said something. Kenya can, the stagnation of lymph affect HRV. Oh, you might be my favorite interviewer. Can we just like do a weekly talk? This is awesome. A little upset. I’m a little obsessed on my HRV and I’ve tried everything. So I want to know if it’s my limp. [00:40:45] So. I couldn’t be happier that you’re asking me that. Absolutely. So, and doing heart rate variability through nerve expressed for 15 years, I did that before CRTV for anything. It was the first piece of equipment we got was heart rate variability. It tests your regulation. How well did your autonomic nervous system work? [00:41:02] And when I look at the cardiovascular dip on athletes, walking in, have no cardiovascular system whatsoever I go, huh? My brain goes. That doesn’t make any sense if for those of you who are listening, I just look like the puppy dog with my head turned. So I was going because it literally makes no sense. [00:41:19] I’ve got iron man type athletes coming in, working out, you know, five time, three times a day, seven days a week, three hours in three hours each time. And yet their heart rate variability has no cardiovascular recovery. It doesn’t make any sense. Oh, and then I put them on the lymph machine and repeat the HRV. [00:41:38] And all of a sudden they have cardiovascular recovery. Why? The question I always ask is why? And then I have the answer. Oh, I have the answer back then was why does that happen? So then as the biological investigator, I am, I have to figure it out because, so tell us, here’s why the limp system dumps into what the cardiovascular system. [00:42:01] And if the limp, which is supposed to be fluid, like water is sick from stagnate city, from stagnant city, from toxicity, then it’s going to be like jelly. And now the cardiovascular system has to work through and move jelly instead of fluid. That makes perfect sense. Wow. So there’s a reading now in the HRV that when I teach it, I go, this is an indirect reading for your lymphatic system. [00:42:26] Wow, so, okay. So here’s a really interesting geek-out moment on the HRV. So we’ve got whooped bands and we’ve been using them in the office and amongst our staff. And we’ve been all analyzing with all the biohacking equipment we have, and we’re all living very similar lifestyles. We’re different ages. So I’ve been trying to figure out if that’s a piece and we’ve been trying to understand what is it that really can move the needle on our HRV. [00:42:54] The most let’s ask the question cause I I’m, I’m a really good. Investigator from the perspective, I always want to boil down to like, what’s the point? Like, what’s the big bang, right? Right. So what’s an R what is a heart rate? Variability. It’s our really, it’s our ability to relax testing physiologically. [00:43:14] What is it? Testing the value. What is the art that our value it’s the spaces between the heartbeats? What happened? Oh, I see what you’re saying. Yes. What happens between the heartbeats? Breath. So heart rate, bird ability and breath are 100% linked. You when you do, when the Harvard affiliate tests I do, we don’t have, we have an orthostatic test. [00:43:37] So you lay down, you stand up and then we do two different breath, works. They’ll salvo, which is where you hold. And you know, you do a solid where you’re holding bare down in your hands and I didn’t hold your breath and bear down in your abdomen. At that same time, it really increases your parasympathetic tone. [00:43:52] And when somebody goes Vegas, that’s what you make them do. Right. You make them get down and bear down. And because. Up their parasympathetic tone. It gets them out of that sympathetic overload. So that’s, they’ll solve it. And we test deep breathing because when we look at the HRV, we want to know, is this acute or chronic? [00:44:11] Is this more, as soon as you get the body, you go on parasympathetic, does all this stuff go away? Do they get their autonomic nervous system regulate better when they go into a deep breathing pattern. And if not, then it’s more chronic. If deep breathing, switching shifts that then it’s a more chronic case. [00:44:29] So start with the breathing technique a hundred percent. Okay. He breathed life into us. It started with breath sister. Amazing. Okay. So that was my question. And I’m going to report back to you cause I’m going to, we’re going to unleash that, that onto all of our recenters as well and practice and see what we get on our whip. [00:44:50] Um, okay. Jessica wants to know what the, or the emotions that associate with different organs, because we also see this, like I can, I know, and maybe. You have more to add to this, but I know that, um, when my, when I first started detoxing and fasting anger, whew, anger came pouring out of me and I would go to yoga and I would come back with like guns ablazing at my family. [00:45:20] I was so irritable and angry and it was always when we did certain yoga moves that like released energy from the liver. So how does, how do emotions? And I don’t actually now with all the detox and I’ve done all the work I’ve done on my house. Anger is not an emotion. I feel very often. It’s almost like I squeezed it all out of me. [00:45:42] Well, you, yeah, you can. Which is good. Um, so the Chinese clock, if you look at the Chinese clock, there’s a lot of different pictures on YouTube and stuff that have it, but every different hour of the day, there’s a different organ system. That’s more dominant than any other organ system. And that organ system is in charge of certain emotions and every organs are every different organ systems paired. [00:46:05] And I preface this all with saying, I am not a Chinese medicine person I have throughout my whole life said, I need to go to acupuncture school because I really want to study it more. Just haven’t found those three years of my life to do that. Right. But that being said, I have a little bit of knowledge of Chinese medicine, which can be dangerous. [00:46:21] So, you know, take this all with a grain of salt. But what I do know is I’m a good right. Read memorizer, and I can tell you every organ in the body and what it represents. So you’ve got lungs in charge of grief, crying sadness in English. And what do people do when they go to a funeral? They tap their lungs. [00:46:37] They tapped her lung. Yeah. Or when you’re Tut, like you hold your heart when you’re like hurting, when you’re yeah. When you feel vulnerable, you touch your heart vulnerable, lost, vulnerable, abandoned, and deserted is how your heart feels. Okay. Okay. These are the negative emotions. Of course. Right. Liver is anger, resentment, frustration, and gold. [00:47:03] The gallbladder called kidneys, which are in charge of fear. And a lot of people peed themselves when they’re afraid and they’ll hit and they’ll hold their kidneys when they’re in fear. Okay. Um, what else? Like pancreas is in with a stomach. So that’s on the Meridian of the stomach because you have your maxillary sinuses, your thyroid, your breasts, your stomach, your pancreas, Uranus and ovaries are all the same Meridian. [00:47:29] So they all come from the same. Stomach Meridian, stomach and pancreas are paired organs. So the stomach is over sympathetic, low self-esteem lack of control of events. So who has all the stomach issues? Oh, I just feel such a lack of control defense in my life. I just have all this acid reflux. I just feel like the whole world isn’t there. [00:47:48] Interesting. So, okay. And there’s books, tons of books. Like I can think of, um, everybody knows who wees hay is maybe. Yep. Yep. Yep. So Lucy, you can kneel guys. So, yeah, so, but she literally, this is your diagnosis. This is your sentence. That’s often your personality, and this is the sentence that will reaffirm to correct where, where that frequency is often your personality, you know, and she goes by Oregon’s as well. [00:48:15] And there’s acupressure points for healing. Another book that tells you what organs, um, are attached to what emotions. There’s a lot of books out there and, uh, we have one, uh, Something about feelings buried alive, never die. So thinking that one of the key missing parts of just anybody’s health plan is looking at the drainage. [00:48:40] So we talked about the breathing. We talked about the manual lymph. You’re sending my hundreds of thousands of followers, all nebulizers and homeopathics. Yup. So, um, so how did, okay, great. Keep going. What else can we give people? You can also get one of those exercise balls and just bounce on it. Ah, yes. [00:49:04] Vibration platform. Let’s see, um, any kind of like vibration that you’re going to let your body just sitting there and jumping jump roping. But again, I have to be honest for those that are dealing with more chronic cases. These are all the things I have people do for those couple of years and started until I started to employ the manual drainage technique. [00:49:23] And we are now taught you that manual technique. So you can, whenever you’re doing any of these other things, we’re talking about jump roping, alternative, cold, and hot showers. That’ll help move your land. Um, you know, Standing on inversion tables, vibration platform, yoga, yoga, you know, exercise, yoga balls, um, or the, or actual rebounder. [00:49:48] Please manually pump your lift before you do it. Take five minutes and just stimulate your lymphatic flow and get the unplugged to happen at the termini. So, as you’re creating the vibration, it’s not working up against the stuff. Because I say, y’all get results with lymph. Cause they’re not opening up the termini first. [00:50:07] They’re not getting the fluid to work, really work in that, that tissue thinking that the vibration, the movement, the movements. Great. But you got to unplug it. You got to unclog the cobwebs that are stuck there from the fascial tensions and adhesions. In addition to the thickening of the length. Is that the same, like before yoga or before you work out, like you stretch before you work out. [00:50:32] So should you open up your lymph before you work out? Absolutely. You reminded me of, so I just got my first thermography done and just because I’ve never done mammography, I’m not doing mammography. So I wanted to do thermography and a couple lymph Farias showed up. So I know it. I need to do, and I need to get on that flow. [00:50:52] Preso crazy thing you got there, but, um, what about like, why are broad like wires under people’s bras? Is that stagnating lymph? Absolutely. And actually on my not meds website, there’s a flow show that we put on Facebook for awhile. I think we did like 20 episodes and they’re still up on my knock meds website and it’s every episode is no more than five minutes and it gives you a body or a lifestyle hacks. [00:51:16] For your life. We go through clothes, we go through makeup, we go through everything. So all your research there and see those shows and please share them with all your friends and family realize yes, wire bras, deodorants the chemicals on your skin. I mean, these I’m sure things that you’ve talked about as well, but these are all things that are plaguing your limp because your lint is your regulation and the body takes your toxins out. [00:51:40] And to sum it up in all reality. You’re our job in life. If you really want to anti-age and be healthy, you’re up against two things, toxins and acids. You get these from improper foods and proper emotions and proper thoughts and improper lifestyle, meaning non biologicals and proper, not, not, um, compensating, not harmonizing with the body. [00:52:04] Something that the body doesn’t recognize on a frequency level. Okay. When you’re better at getting it out. The taking it in you’re ahead of the game. And that’s the game and the story, you got to stop putting it in. You got to get it out faster than it comes in. Most of us had been living a lifestyle for 50 years. [00:52:24] That’s been putting it in and then you want to work for two months and get it out. Sorry, that’s not the game. The game is if you’ve been doing it bad for 50 years, it’s going to take you 25 years to turn it around. No joke. It takes half the amount of time to get well that took you to get sick. So stop thinking that this is a quick fix, stop thinking that I did five Lindt treatments and it didn’t work. [00:52:47] And start thinking that I got to go to my lip. First. I got to do that first. And I got to teach my kids to do that. So they don’t end up like me in my forties and fifties trying to drain my load. I’m going to show them how to drain it now. And I’m going to stop having them put it in their body. So I have to stop thinking about it and taking it out because they’re just living. [00:53:06] A good biological lifestyle and their body naturally drains and naturally detoxifies. And that’s the point I wanted to make earlier. Amazing, amazing. Top a G all that is natural ways. The body detoxifies, and we don’t have to take remedies to detoxify, to have the pipes open so that when we detoxify naturally, the drainage is occurring and you won’t have symptoms. [00:53:31] Mike drop again to Mike drops. Okay. We have to finish up or I have some questions for you, but I’m staring at your, that machine behind you. That set me into some kind of emotional, like. Uh, chaos. Can you explain what that is? Yes, it’s it’s a dichotomy is what is cause she sits there and tells us all that. [00:53:52] It’s our bodies that do the healing and our bodies are sick. No, how it’s my fault. But she felt like shit when she did it. When I moved her Lynn, I just had a great dichotomy. I need to give the backup story. So just for everybody listening, here’s what happens is when you go to seminars, there’s these big like rooms where everybody’s like giving you a demo of their really cool equipment. [00:54:15] And I had heard about Kelly and her lymph technique. And she was so excited. I’m such an enthusiastic person that I really gravitate to enthusiastic people. So you probably could have told me anything that day. And I would have been like, whatever you want to do to me, you Kelly do it. So she had this lymph preso machine and I’ve had, I think I told you I’ve actually had a fascia otomy so I had scars and I was, yeah. [00:54:38] And I was like, this is going to be awesome. Like, you’re going to just move junk out of these scars that I’ve had for 30 years. So you put me on it. Do you remember what happened? Yeah, I do. And you only did like a 15 minute session. It wasn’t a long one, right? So we like kind of unplugged her. And then what happens when you start to unplug it? [00:54:59] The body goes, Oh, start to push everything out through there. And if the, if the pipe isn’t completely open, then that person can feel really crappy because you didn’t open the pipe all the way. So the next day, the second day I ever met, Dr. Manisha comes up, you made me feel bad. I go, Oh really? This is my get back down the way I think I actually said. [00:55:20] Yeah, F to be up that night, I was walking around the seminar crying like a baby talk. I was talking to a good friend of mine. I’m like, Oh, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I just went on Kelly’s machine. And I think she messed me up and, uh, but I couldn’t stop. And I was draining. I was sneezing, I think with, we also had some mold in the hotel that I was responding to, but. [00:55:44] Anyways, I came back to you and I’m like, did what ever you did to me? You left me up. So I said do more because I know that it was only beginning to move the crap in your body was trying to do the rest of the work and it didn’t have the ability to do it. And I knew if we assisted the body to do it, it would feel better. [00:56:03] So you didn’t this time? I think we did a full session, then I say like, let’s do it. Yeah. You gave me a little more, you paid a little closer to touch to do. You’re like, Oh God, I felt that, but afterwards I felt better. Like, I, I really felt different, which was really cool. So, so now talk about that. I really am fascinated by that machine. [00:56:24] So a client earlier said, and she’s right, it’s called it’s a trifecta because it has infrared in it. Those infrareds throughout the body, the legs, the feet, the abdomen, the arm and the back piece. So the whole body’s warmed up and it helps your own detoxification. Processes, right. Number one, number two, it has pulsed electromagnetic field technology, specifically utilize in up in this area to help the emotion ahead as aware it’s because of where it’s placed. [00:56:55] You’re detoxing my emotions. Well, yes, this is really utilizing it in a specific way to help the emotions drain out for the body. When you’re working the lymphatics. Got it uses compressed released, compressed release. So these are feels amazing things, arms. Abdominal piece and a back piece, and the person lays here in the suit. [00:57:20] And it’s a, it’s a sequence that goes like this wave of your body program, world water program. Two is compress, whole compressor, all compressor will compress hole, but it’s actually deep compression. So, you know, a lot of people are using those weighted blankets and the. Reason for that is because when you have decompression the autistic community, the Asperger community all know that deep compression actually relapses the sympathetic nervous system. [00:57:51] And what happens is when somebody gets on this, their deep parasympathetic tone is, is lifted and the muscles are moved and massaged. So they’re linked FISMA because it creates the pumping motion. And it feels amazing. Fall asleep and yeah. When he was like, you tranquilize me and then I woke up emotional. [00:58:15] Yeah. And at least in one fell swoop, no, that the beauty of flow Presdo is really that it’s about the relaxation and getting that deep person authentic state that it creates because what it does, and this is what we talked about earlier. It helps people reconnect with themselves. Yes. I want to get one in my office. [00:58:35] Can people get them, like, do people use them at home? Yeah, we have quite a few people that have purchased them, particularly during coronavirus, because they haven’t been able to travel. They haven’t been able to get the care that there are costs them to some of the key, the Quito camper, some of the reset, or some of the, you know, all the different scenarios and regular, you know, Shawanda’s clients as well. [00:58:54] Like they love it because not only do they get to do it, they put everybody on their family. Yeah, I, that is definitely the next, my next bio-hacking purchase. It was, I joke, like I joked that it messed me up, but it was also, it felt like a cathartic, like release of emotions that I didn’t even realize were stored in there. [00:59:14] It was, it was incredible. I really do believe that when people are able, this is an entrainment program. Listen, you and I rev up here. Right, right. This has allowed me to appreciate that quiet space. It was the beginning of that appreciation for me. I had had a few other things in that same timeframe that this came into my life, soundness, all being at that really all of my years of meditation and quiet time, that was such a struggle, became my favorite part of the day. [00:59:45] Hmm. So, and this was such a gift to me in my life. That it’s why I felt the need to take it out to the world because it’s not like it’s just for the sick that should be in everybody’s house. This should be done two to three times a week and help people chill out, help them feel relaxed. We live in a society that people don’t feel connected. [01:00:09] Typically they don’t feel relaxed typically. And they certainly don’t feel. Loved this as feel like a big hug. That’s what it feels like questions for you. And some of them have nothing to do with health. We’re going to, we’re going to dive into the other side of Kelly Kennedy here. Okay. I may know the answer to this one, but what’s your favorite cuss word? [01:00:31] Oh, come on. Really? I’m a fucking professional. Of course, Mike gave me that placard years ago. I’m really rational because it is my favorite word. And I don’t know why it’s just very expressive. I liked the word fact. It just, sometimes you there’s no other word and it just packs a punch. But I had to really teach my kids over the years that we don’t really say it outside the household, but sometimes it just, you got to say it cause there’s no other word. [01:00:59] I do. What’s your favorite Netflix series this year? I heard you’re going to crack up when I tell you what it is. Cause my husband is like, literally you’ve watched this series, like 47 times. It’s addictive grades, anatomy. You can’t stop. Oh no, my buddy, my daughter watched and you know, what’s funny about it is I watch it and I go. [01:01:22] The whole time I’m watching it. I’m like you guys should muscle test that you guys should do a CR why aren’t you looking at regulation? And I think, honestly, it just feeds that side of me that didn’t go into medicine, but medicine, I love the body I love and Adonai. The drama of it works for me. Cause I love drama too, but it’s really the, the drama, the medicine that I get excited. [01:01:49] Oh my gosh. I th the other interesting thing on that is I do, you know, Dr. Ben Lynch, he’s the guy wrote dirty genes. Okay. So he’s a gene expert and he’s like all about epigenetics. And so he ran it. I had him on the podcast and he ran a gene profile on me and he’s like, so you can easily get dopamine according to your genes, like you access dopamine fast. [01:02:11] So you’re probably easily excitable. And Jessica is like in the other room, laughing her head off and he goes, but you don’t get rid of it very easily. Your genes don’t dump it easily. And I’m like, that’s totally me. So I can’t watch. Too many shows like that, that engage my, my health brain because I can’t like, it gets me thinking and then I can’t calm myself down. [01:02:34] Right. So, so, you know, what is our new favorite for this year? And if you haven’t watched it, you have to watch it. I’m not going to talk to you until you watch it is a Schitt’s Creek. I haven’t seen that. Like, I haven’t seen the new app. There’s new episodes. There’s a whole, you got to start from the beginning, go all the way through to the end of that season. [01:02:53] And it, it like it took two or three episodes to get in that funny, it gets better. It gets each, each episode after the first season, each episode gets better and better and better. Very funny show. Yes. And then the other one that I love, if you like, Grey’s anatomy is offspring. Have you sold? Absolutely. [01:03:12] We’ve watched that two, three times. I I’ve watched it probably twice, but my, um, friend in New Zealand, every time I watched it, I try to copy the accent and then I call her and she’d be like, yeah, no, no. I’m obsessed with the main character. Define what a pants man was like when I first watched it, I was like, man. [01:03:31] Yeah, like a suit. What we would call a suit. Yeah, but no, that’s a great show. Cause there’s some great eye candy. Oh, there’s great. Eye candy ad. I’m not, I don’t want to give it away for everybody, but there’s a pivotal thing that happens in the beginning, in the middle kind of, of the seasons. And the next day I came in and my staff was like, what’s wrong? [01:03:50] And I’m like, I’m sorry, there’s just something really traumatic happened in my show last week, talking about, I know exactly what your time, like I’m emotionally upset right now. Like they became so apart of my family, like I thought we were friends, even though I wasn’t at when the whole thing ended, I was like, okay, what am I going to do? [01:04:11] Like Nina, Nina, isn’t a real person like, Oh God, this is really sad. Yeah. I forgot about that one. That was a couple of years ago. That’s great. Okay. What is the craziest healing therapy that you’ve ever tried? [01:04:28] Oh wow. W w the list is pretty long. I bet. Have you eaten any like dangerous bugs or I’ve taken any in ants that were fed to gangs that were grown around them? Gingko, biloba tree. That was pretty nasty tasting. Are they alive? No, it was the tincture of them. Horrible. Um, no, I haven’t eaten any, I, I’m not a big eater, but I’ve had meals pretty much everywhere in my body. [01:04:58] And I’ve had things stuck up every orifice of my body. Um, I’ve had the wounds up my nose. I’ve had that right. I’ve done. Uh, recently I’ve done this in the ultra times. I had a crown of thorns done all over. I’ve had a five-inch needle inject into my pelvis. Fascinating. Huh? I don’t know. I’ve done a lot. [01:05:19] You know what, the craziest thing that I’ve ever done, the therapy, um, Flo Presso. You’re so funny. Like I was like leading. Oh, you’re good. You’re good. The balloon up the nose. That definitely definitely is a, quite an experience. So what about like things like Iowasca would you go do Iowasca. I wouldn’t. I honestly feel at this point in my life that there’s much better ways with flow presence on the soul. [01:05:49] I show light brain tap that you can accomplish getting to DMT without. Forcing the body in a medicated way to do it. I understand the microdosing of mushrooms and all of that, but I truly believe that we are our own pharmacy and that we turn that on ourselves. We just need the right tools to do it. And we now have such great technologies that can create that internal wisdom to be turned on. [01:06:17] We don’t have to use plant medicine. Cool. Cool. Okay. Where’s the coolest place you’ve ever traveled to? [01:06:27] I wa I keep going, bought and bought in Germany. It was hit by the war in Germany, and it has the oldest bathhouses, um, that are still in existence. And so you go into these healing bath houses that are thousands of years old, that we were, the Erskine core is accessible through the scene. That’s coming up, that you feel in your body. [01:06:53] It’s the most amazing place it, because when I leave there, I feel like a brand new human that has all new skin and all new everything. And I’m like, I’ve been reborn in so many ways and it’s such a beautiful place and the people are amazing and it means. Back bath. And I’m a water snob, if I’m nothing else. [01:07:14] And they have the greatest water there. And every year when I go, except for this year, because of Corona, they have the largest medical week conference with all these. And we’ve talked about, we all have to go. It’s going to be so much fun to have it again. But instead of like a wine tasting station, they have three. [01:07:31] Sections that are water table stations, where you get to taste different waters from different mountains, all over Europe. And so bond and bond is like my candy land. It’s I get to hang out with my tribe. I get to play with tools. See the greatest cutting edge technologies and eat the greatest food and drink the greatest water. [01:07:51] Oh, my God. We’ve got to add that to our list. Have you seen Zac Efron’s? Um, uh, down to earth has Netflix series on that. So he has this one where he, he takes some of his friends to Beverly Hills and they’re sitting in this like beautiful restaurant and out comes a water sommelier. And what of his ed they’re like sampling all this mineral water. [01:08:15] And one of his friends who was, who’s an actress. It’s like, are you, are you doping me? Like, what is this? Like, she are punking me. She’s like, are you punking me? Like we have a water. So it’s really funny, but it, but then you actually learn about water in the, in the episode. So yeah, there’s a lot, you know, water and breath. [01:08:37] Those are the things that we need to focus more on. I love it. Okay. Last question. Big, serious, heavy questions. If you had one message for the world that you can implant in everybody’s brain, what would it be? You got this, you can do this all. I love that your body has the ability to regenerate and regrow and change every single day. [01:09:01] And it’s the most powerful thing that we have and you got to engage it, but you can do it. Nobody else can do it for you. You got this. I love that. You’re amazing. And I don’t understand why you and I don’t live next door to each other because the world would explode. How do we make that happen? I don’t know, but. [01:09:23] I’m excited about that. I, and I love talking to you and I want to have you on my podcast again soon, very soon, because this is what you’re doing is very, you’re a true pioneer Vindy and what you and your team have put it out there and continue to put out the content you put out the consistency, the frequency it’s inspiring. [01:09:43] It’s um, what life shattering for me? Cause I don’t know how, how you do it. I’m trying to figure out how to keep up with her, but really powerful what you do. And I’m so excited even in. Helped so many people and impact and continue to impact so many people. And so part so proud to be part of your team and humbled by your guest list to be part of it truly. [01:10:05] And I thank you for everything you’ve done for myself, my team, and for getting the message of flow, present, and sound the soul out there. Thank you. Oh, uh, adore you. And you know, when we. Are in this work to help change the lives. We spot each other out. Right. You know, the ones, you know, the good ones. [01:10:22] You’re like, you’re one of my people. And definitely, even though you messed me up the first time I met you and you’re one of my people, so thank you so much. And you guys will leave every little thing that she said will be linked in here. And I hope everybody starts Karen for their limps more. And, uh, Change the world through just understanding the power of our body. [01:10:45] So thank you. Thank you, setters. I just want to start off by saying thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews and those of you that have left me comments on iTunes. I just greatly appreciate. Your thoughtfulness and how much you guys are enjoying these episodes. And it seems like you’re enjoying them as much as I am enjoying doing them. [01:11:10] One of the things that I’ve learned in just interacting with so many people is that we’ve really lost the art of deep conversations. And for me, the reset or podcast stands for having meaningful conversations with people who are thinking about health. About life, about mindset in a way that we may not be getting on social media or in mainstream media. [01:11:34] And so I just want to say, give you guys a shout out and just say thank you for participating in this process with me, because as much as I absolutely love delivering the information to you. I love even more knowing that it’s impacting your life. So please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make this podcast more customized to you to make it better. [01:11:56] We are now officially in season two, and we are working to bring you the. The best conversations that health influencers have, that mindset changes can give and to really deliver you something that you’re not able to get anywhere else. So from the bottom of my heart, as I always say my YouTube from the bottom of my heart, I am deeply appreciative of you. [01:12:19] I am deeply grateful to be on this journey with you and let’s get healthy together.// RESOURCES MENTIONED
- Book: The Menopause Reset
- NotMeds Website
- Flo Presso Machine
- Nebulizers with homeopathic vials (Promo code: Reset10 for 10% off)
- Book: Who Switched Off My Brain
- Book: Switch Your Brain On Everyday
- Castor Oil Packs by Rachel
- LifePro Vibration Plates
- Manual Lymph Protocol by Kelly Kennedy
- FloShow – Lifestyle hack for lymph
Castor Oil Packs by Rachel is not on Etsy when I look for it. Help
Very helpful new info. Now I have to go find the videos so I can see what what being explained. Many thanks!
Such fun and informative! You’re fun together to listen it! Thank you Dr.Mindy, this was fascinating and I touched my ribs between the nipples and it was quite sensitive/painful. Can that be indicative of my gut and constipation? Wow that was wild!
Love the now added things I shall incorporate into my day such as daily breath work! Love your podcasts!
What about the vagus nerve and the the nervous system
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