As many of you know, I feel strongly that we all need to include detoxing into our health plans.

Even if you are cautious of the foods you eat, the beauty products you put onto your body, and the chemicals in your home environment, there are still thousands of toxins you are exposed to that you cannot avoid.

Heavy metals fall into this category.

Where do you get heavy metals from?

Too many places to count.

Heavy metals are found in the soils your food is grown in, your beauty products, your water, and old homes.

Lead is stored in the tissues of your body, especially your bones. Lead will leach out of your bones at the time of greatest hormonal change or as you age and the bone breaks down and demineralizes. Lead is also a metal that will get passed down through the generations.

Mercury is introduced to your body from dental fillings, fish, and flu shots.

Aluminum exposure happens with cookware, deodorant, medications and certain vaccines.

All these metals bio-accumulate in your body. One exposure doesn’t harm your health, but small repeated exposures do.

What symptoms do metals cause?

Ones that you wouldn’t suspect.

Once in your bloodstream, metals tend to migrate up to the brain. There are only two places in your brain that are not protected by a blood brain barrier: your pituitary and your hypothalamus.

When metals accumulate in your pituitary and hypothalamus, they start to mess with your sleep, hormones, and moods.

They also sit in your gut, changing the ph of your gut lining. This allows fungus, bad bacteria, and parasites to thrive in your gut.

What can you do about it?

The first step is to test yourself. There are many ways to test. But a provoked urine test is considered the most helpful when evaluating metals stored in your tissues.

Many of you have reached out to us asking about our heavy metal detox, how we test, and how to ascertain if metals are the source of your problem. I created the video posted below to answer all those questions.

This is a subject you are going to hear about in the world of health more and more over time. It truly is the source of many unanswered health problems. Please reach out if you have any questions.

As always, I hope that helps!