Fasting has its challenges despite the numerous benefits it offers our health. Do you know that these challenges affect men and women differently? Some evidence suggests that women might be more susceptible to the negative effects of fasting. Mind you; no one is saying women are fragile – and all other whatnots.
Funnily enough, women (mothers especially) love fasting while men dislike it. How come women are susceptible ones?
Why is fasting challenging for women?
According to research, most of the challenges women encounter on fasting are primarily hormonal. How so?
Generally, both sexes have a hormone called Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GRH). This GRH regulates the activities of our reproductive organs. In women, GRH’s regulation functions are coordinated – and for good reasons. They decide the cycles and schedules of women’s ovulation.
Here’s the real thing:
At the slightest altercation to a woman’s routine, GRH is affected. In other words, fasting destabilizes GRH, and that is why it is more discomforting for women than men.
Again, there is a protein called Kisspeptin. This protein is higher in women, and it is very sensitive to fasting. So, fasting doesn’t only affect women’s GRH but their metabolism too.
Additionally, some other studies on the nervous system reveal some interesting findings of how fasting affects men and women. The findings are:
- Men become calm when they fast (parasympathetic response)
- On the other hand, women become stressed when they fast (sympathetic response)
Should women fast, even in the face of all these research findings?
Yes, women can still fast. However, they need to do it under the guidance of a physician. Luckily, this article has a summary of the necessary steps they need to take.
How women should fast differently?
Generally, women need estrogen and progesterone (women’s sex hormones) irrespective of their cycles. Remember, GRH stimulates the production of women’s sex hormones.
Mind you, GRH needs insulin and glucose to fuel the process. Now, the problem is that fasting depletes the body’s insulin and glucose reserves.
Common symptoms of low sex hormones as a woman
- Hot flashes
- Insomnia
- Hair fall-out
- Belly weight
- Anxiety
If you notice such symptoms, there is a way out: fast around your menstrual cycle as a woman.
How to fast around your menstrual cycle?
Fundamentally, there are three variations to women’s menstrual cycle. Here is how to fast around these variations:
Regular menstrual cycle
A woman in this category experiences the normal 28-day cycle. For her, she can fast as she pleases between day 1 and day 12.
At day 12 – 14, estrogen production is at its peak. It is best not to fast. If you must fast, maintain 13-15hours fasting. On day 21 – 28, progesterone production is at its peak. The side effect of fasting in this timeline includes anxiety and shut down all other hormones in a woman’s body.
Also, increasing your carb intake will improve the production of progesterone in your body. Hurray! No shutdown.
Peri-menopause (erratic menstrual cycle)
For a peri-menopausal woman, stop ketosis and fasting (at least for seven days). Next, increase your carb intake.
If after that, you don’t observe your cycle, try this hormone reset formula:
- 1 to 12 days – fast
- 12 to 14 days – hormone building
- 14 to 21 days – fasting
- Day 28 – hormone building
After menopause, ovaries in women shut down. At this stage, sex hormones are usually low. Therefore, fasting should be kept at a minimum. For a menopausal woman, intermittent fasting is the best.
Summarily, women should fast differently than men. The reason is not that they are fragile, but because they have strict bodily cycles and schedules.
menopause reset
Thank you for this article.
What a woman who had histerectomy do( 77 yrs old)? What kind of fasting?
Also I will greatly appreciate your input on CT Coronary Calcium Scan. The score is 318.68. Dr. recommends statins. Is there a kind of fasting to clear this kind of arterial plaque. Some doctors on YT recommend MK-& K2. I am active, have a good diet.
Thank you!
menopause reset please.
Menopause Reset, please!
Thank you so much, this makes so much sense!
Menopause Reset, please and thank you!
Menopause Reset
Yes I would like a free copy of the menapause Teset Book.
Thank you so much. Love your Videos
Menopause Reset
Had my uterus removed in 1992. How would I fast, or should I fast?
Reset menopause
Hi Penelope,
This is Eliza w/Dr Mindy’s support team. The Menopause Reset book is a digital download and will release on April 7th. Sign up to reserve your copy of the Menopause Reset here:
Hi Cyndi,
This is Eliza w/Dr Mindy’s support team. The Menopause Reset book is a digital download and will release on April 7th. Sign up to reserve your copy of the Menopause Reset here:
Hi Jody,
This is Eliza w/Dr Mindy’s support team. The Menopause Reset book is a digital download and will release on April 7th. Sign up to reserve your copy of the Menopause Reset here:
Menopause reset
This is Eliza w/Dr Mindy’s support team. The Menopause Reset book is a digital download and will release on April 7th. Sign up to reserve your copy of the Menopause Reset here:
This is Eliza w/Dr Mindy’s support team. The Menopause Reset book is a digital download and will release on April 7th. Sign up to reserve your copy of the Menopause Reset here:
This is Eliza w/Dr Mindy’s support team. The Menopause Reset book is a digital download and will release on April 7th. Sign up to reserve your copy of the Menopause Reset here:
This is Eliza w/Dr Mindy’s support team. The Menopause Reset book is a digital download and will release on April 7th. Sign up to reserve your copy of the Menopause Reset here:
Post menopausal. Still having hot flushes. Which fast should I follow
I’m looking for dr mindy pelzs discounts on systemics formulas supplements
Dr Mindy , Reading you article about how fasting affects women differently than men I realized that I am doing everything wrong. I am 42 years old and I have being fasting for 19 hours every single day . Now I am really confused, should I stop fasting or not ?
Thank you!
Tatiana .
Hi, just to make sure I understand correctly, in a normal cycle it says fast from day 1 to day 12, this means fast from first day of bleed? Many thanks
This is Eliza w/Dr Mindy’s support team.
Yes, that’s correct our cycle start on the first day of our menstruation. I’m using Clue app to track my cycle.
Menaporsev reset pls
HI there! You can find her book here:
Hi there! You can get a copy of the book here:
Menopause reset
Hi there!
You can buy it at
I am 78 — pushing 79 (!) and have been doing IF with the help of Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof coffee, for 16 to 19 hours daily. I then eat KETO and AM IN KETOSIS for the rest of the day. Since April 10th, I have lost 15 pounds.
I keep reading all this detailed research on MEN and WOMEN re IF and Keto but there’s not much or anything about us folks past 70 who are looking for the very best way to increase longevity and get and maintain a healthy weight.
Are there any resources that you folks know of that I could reference??? Thanks! Meredith in Ohio
Menopause reset
Hi! If I’m checking my temperature and see that my temperature goes up around day 10/11, should I assume that’s when I’m ovulating and should I stop fasting at that point? I think I have a slightly shorter cycle. Thanks!
Hi – i’ve watched this a couple of times and would love the menopause reset ebook please!
Menopause reset please!
Menopause reset, please and thank you!!!
Menopause rest book please
Menopause Reset
When is day 1? This article says “day 1” with no reference to help us know WHEN that actually occurs. Is it the first day of menstruation or what?
Menopause reset book please.
Day 1 is the first day you bleed.
If you are still giving away a free digital copy of the Menopause Reset I would love a copy. Thank you very much.
I am 39 years old and it has been almost a year that my cycle shifted from 28 days to 25 days. Since my cycle is now 25 days, can I still follow
1 to 12 days – fast
12 to 14 days – hormone building
14 to 21 days – fasting
21 to 28 (25) – hormone building
Or should I do maybe
1-11 days – fast
12 -14 – hormone building
15-19 – fasting
20-25 – hormone building ?
Thank you in advance
Hello, My cycle is 31 days always. Does apply t’he sames rules as if It was 28 days? Thanks
My cycle is between 33-35 days. Should I adjust the days that I do my fast as I suspect that I ovulate on day 17 instead of 14. Any advice for a longer cycle?
Menopause reset book please!!!
I’m trying for a baby. Is there any advice for a longer cycle of 30 to 35 days?
I tend to ovulate later in the month, for example day 20. Should I fast for longer (eg up to day 15 or 17)? Or stick to the 28 day cycle?
It feel like I should adjust as its just my bodies natural cycle length rather than something I need to change?
I would appreciate getting the menopause reset! Thx so much
Looking forward to receiving the book
Menopause reset, please. Thank you for all the information!
Looking forward to receiving the book thankyou
Would love a digital copy of the Menopause reset book if that’s still possible! Thank you! Life changing info – my cycle is ending as my daughter’s is beginning, so wonderful to be able to share this info with her :-)
Hi there,
I recently bought fast like a girl as I am looking to incorporate fasting into my lifestyle. I am however getting a bit confused as I have a 21 day menstrual cycle and the fasting cycle concept, referred to in the book seems to relate to individuals with 28 day menstrual cycles. How do I tailor it to my 21 day cycle?
Would appreciate any help/suggestions.
Many thanks.
Hi! I listen to a podcast (Dr Rangan Chatterjee) where Dr Mindy said that for menopausal woman it would be good to fast one day a week to clear up her hormones, but here she says that menopausal women should only to intermittant fasting. What is correct?
Menopause reset book
Is the menopause reset book still available? I would like a copy, thank you
Menopause Reset Please!
menopause reset