“The current obesity epidemic is more accurately a snacking epidemic.”
Did you know the oils in your kitchen could be sabotaging your health? In this episode, Dr. Mindy sits down with Dr. Cate Shanahan to uncover the surprising dangers of seed oils and how they impact your metabolism, cravings, and overall wellness. Learn why these oils are more harmful than sugar, how to avoid them (even when dining out), and the benefits of a 2-week seed oil-free challenge. Plus, discover practical tips for nourishing your body with the right fats and carbs. It’s time to take control of your health and feel your best!
In this podcast, A Simple Diet Shift to Take Control of Your Metabolism , you’ll learn:
- Why seed oils might be the real villain in the obesity epidemic
- How everyday oils wreak havoc on your metabolism, fuel sugar cravings, and promote insulin resistance
- Simple, effective tips and tricks to eliminate seed oils and transform your energy and hunger
- How big food and pharma profit from keeping you sick and dependent (and how to solve that)
- Actionable strategies to reduce seed oils in your diet, from eating out to grocery shopping
Why Seed Oils Might Be Sabotaging Your Health
If you’ve ever wondered why you feel constantly hungry or why sugar cravings seem impossible to control, this episode is for you. I’m thrilled to welcome back Dr. Cate Shanahan to The Resetter Podcast to tackle one of the most pressing issues in nutrition today: the hidden dangers of seed oils. Dr. Cate, a pioneer in metabolic health and author of Deep Nutrition, shares why these oils could be even more damaging to our metabolism than sugar and refined carbs—and how they might be the root cause of the obesity epidemic.
We dive deep into the “Hateful Eight,” the group of seed oils that Dr. Cate says are wreaking havoc on our health. But this isn’t just a conversation about what’s wrong; it’s a roadmap to change. Dr. Cate gives practical, no-nonsense tips for avoiding these oils at home, at the grocery store, and even when eating out. She also introduces a simple two-week challenge to help you reset your metabolism and experience the benefits of a seed-oil-free lifestyle.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to take back control of their health. Whether you’re frustrated with your diet, struggling with energy levels, or curious about the connection between food and cravings, you’ll leave feeling empowered and inspired to make meaningful changes. Don’t miss this one—it might just change your life!
Dr. Mindy
On this episode of The Resetter podcast, I am welcoming back a repeat guest from a very pivotal discussion on metabolic health, Dr Cate Shanahan. Now Dr Cate is not only a board certified family physician with an incredible depth of knowledge, but she’s also a leading expert on Nutrition and Metabolism. Many of you may know her from her best selling book, deep nutrition, which has changed the way countless people think about food, health and longevity. But the conversation you’re about to hear goes even deeper than anything she’s ever written in her books. This conversation with Dr Cate is all about uncovering the hidden dangers of seed oils in our diet and why they may actually be more harmful than sugars and carbs. Yes, oils could be causing you to gain weight more than carbs and sugar. And what Dr Cate is going to do in this episode is she’s going to break down how these oils wreak havoc on our metabolism, how they fuel our sugar cravings, how they promote insulin resistance, and how they contribute to the epidemic of obesity and diabetes. We also are going to dig into the value of natural carbs.
Dr. Mindy
I’ve been talking about this nature’s carbs, nature carbs.
Dr. Mindy
We got to go into nature’s carbs. And the fun thing that I love about Dr Cate is she does not hold back when addressing the misleading narratives out there from the food industry. Let’s call them out. It’s time to call them out and the toxic chemicals they’re putting in our food that is making us sick and causing us to gain weight without knowing even realizing it. So she’s going to share with some powerful and practical tips at the end. So please keep that in mind. She’s going to talk about, what do you do when you eat out? She’s going to give you her top recommendations. She’s going to give you a two week trial, a challenge for two weeks that is simple and an incredibly helpful way to get these oils out of your body and to experience your energy levels and your hunger in a whole new way. So if you’re looking for new guidance and more guidance, also know that Dr Cate has a new book out called Dark calories. You can also find her@drcate.com this is a conversation everybody needs to hear. So as always, it’s such a joy to bring these guests to you. And some of them are more life changed. Some of my discussions are more life changing than the others. And this is a huge one. Please share it with a friend. Please take notes when we’re informed, we save ourselves. It is time to save ourselves from the toxic food industry. I hope this helps. Welcome to the resetter podcast. This podcast is all about empowering you to believe in yourself again, if you have a passion for learning, if you’re looking to be in control of your health and take your power back. This is the podcast for you.
Dr. Mindy
I want to start by welcoming you back to the resetter podcast. I always tell my repeat guests that I don’t bring everybody back. I have to really love the conversation. I have to really feel like it’s a necessary one. And the first time, which I think was like a couple years ago, we had you on here, and yeah, it was so good that I’m really happy to have a repeat conversation. So let me just start by welcoming you back. Thank
Dr. Cate
you. I’m happy to be back with you. I look forward to what we’re going to talk about today.
Dr. Mindy
Yes, me too. So
Dr. Mindy
listen up, everybody, because this is one of the most pivotal, Pivotal conversations around metabolic health that I just feel like we cannot scream loud enough. So I want to start with this question, what is worse carbs and sugar, or seed oils?
Dr. Cate
Oh, great question. Yeah. So I wrestled with that for many years before I came to the conclusion, and here it is, definitely seed oils. Hands down, seed oils are worse than carbs and sugar, especially when you don’t qualify what you’re talking about in terms of carbs and sugars that you know, especially just like generally, right? Because broccoli has carbohydrates. So when you get, let’s say you get 5070, grams of carbohydrates from vegetables or other Whole Foods. That’s definitely beneficial. Okay, say that like both are friends with you
Dr. Mindy
know what I I’ve started saying now is nature’s carbs versus human made carbs because we have villainized carbs so deeply, and we forget that nature provides a lot of really healthy carbs. To your point? Well,
Dr. Cate
yeah, I mean the fact, just even talking about. Food in terms of these macros that has nothing to do with nature. Yes, Nature doesn’t grow carbs. Nature grows plants and animals. Yes, and that third kingdom fungus, we all forget about, let’s not forget about,
Dr. Mindy
let’s not forget about fungus. You know what it’s it’s really important point because I’ve been in watching the Keto movement forever, and since it became really popular, and we went into this phase where we started villainizing carbs, and we forgot to just like fat. We forgot to say there’s good fat and bad fat. We forgot to say there’s good carbs and there’s bad carbs. And I just have not found nature to make any health mistakes. It’s what we do with what gets comes out of the earth and how we manipulate it that now we have a problem, but on the concept of seed oils, for starters, just help us understand why is the metabolic expense so much greater with a seed oil than even a piece of bread.
Dr. Cate
Yeah. So to start with, the seed oils are the opposite of something nature makes right. So just to piggyback on the conversation, Nature doesn’t make bad food. Nature makes plants that can have toxins that protect themselves, but human beings also are not so stupid that we have to be taught that particular those particular lessons too many times so we know what foods are safe. We cultivate them, right? So what you said also is important, because it does something that we don’t get when we start diving into macros and going real deep into details, and that is the big picture, is we need to just respect nature. And that’s what I’ve been talking about and doing, and that has been my guiding principle since I was born. I think, I think it was just born with this idea that, you know, respecting nature. Nature’s not stupid. We need to bow down to her dominance over, over our our lives, and amen, yeah, amen
Dr. Mindy
to that. I agree. So
Dr. Cate
seed oils are the opposite of natural and what they do to our metabolism. And one of the things that convinced me that they are worse than even refined carbs and sugars is that they change our metabolism. They change it in ways that seed oils and sugars can’t. And and what they do, and here’s the real kicker, is that they make people crave sugar. And I think I just misspoke there. I think I said seed oils change our metabolism in the way that that sugar and carbohydrates can’t, you know, even the refined sugar and carbohydrates cannot change our metabolism in the ways that the seed oils can. And the change the name of the change, we all know this name. We’ve all heard of it. We just haven’t tied it to seed oils. And that’s what I did in dark calories for, you know, the first time, or maybe the second time. So I talked about it in fat burn fix too, but I talked about it more, more like, clearly, I think in this one and what seed oils do is they they make us crave carbohydrates and sugar, and that is called insulin resistance, that state where we crave these things not for flavor. I need to specify where most people are not craving them just for flavor. They’re craving them mostly for what, for energy, for brain energy, because that’s what insulin resistance is, and nobody’s defined it that way. So that’s one of the things that’s new and in dark calories, which is insulin resistance, is the state where our brain needs sugar for energy, because nothing else in our metabolism will give it energy. Our metabolism is broken. The name of the break the broken metabolism, insulin resistance, that leads eventually to pre diabetes, type two diabetes. So it’s familiar, it’s relevant. It’s not some theoretical metabolic issue. It’s something people are dealing with. Millions of people are dealing with diabetes, 10 you know, twice as many people are dealing with pre diabetes, and even more are dealing with undiagnosed insulin resistance. So,
Dr. Mindy
so are you saying that if I’m repetitively eating seed oils, it is changing my metabolism for the worst, as opposed to if I have some bread or or, you know, crackers, I always call it bread crackers, deserty things which probably have seed oils in them too. But if I have a bread and sugar that doesn’t have bad seed oils, and I have bad seed oils, the bread and sugar is not going to have as lasting of a consequence. To my metabolic system, as the seed oils are correct,
Dr. Cate
because the bread and sugar do not have toxins in them and the seed oils do.
Dr. Mindy
Wow. So okay, and, and what Ultra processed foods are is we put them all together,
Dr. Mindy
like, right? We put the bread, the sugar and the seed oils together. So
Dr. Cate
Ultra processed food, you just defined it way better than you know, the people at Tufts, the the geniuses who in South America who came up with this new Nova classification system that all the academics are saying, Oh, it’s so brilliant, ultra processed food. When you ask them, What? What is it? They give you like, five pages of lists, and none of it makes any sense, because their ultra processed food list, the Nova classification that that you know now public health is going to be subservient to the this. They’re going to be saying things like, you know, steak is less healthy than Lucky Charms, because they, yeah, this is the, this is like, people have been up in arms about how absurd this thing is, but it’s coming from Tufts University. It’s coming from a university in Brazil, and it’s coming to destroy our food supply, even, even further, because it’s, it’s, it’s grading food in such a way that real foods like steak and eggs and cheese and butter, those foods are graded poorly. They are considered Ultra processed somehow, like a hamburger is a pre formed hamburger when you bought go to the grocery store and you buy 100% ground beef, but it’s pre formed in the shape of a hamburger that is considered the worst kind of ultra processed food, right? So that’s why I’m saying we need to be clear on I wanted to highlight that you’re defining Ultra processed food in a much more concise and accurate and helpful way than all the academics and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men who are leading, you know, the officials leading this conversation around health. And I, and I do define, I have one more thing that I add on, yeah, in dark calories. I make that definition clear in dark calories. And the one more thing is protein powders. Those are also really refined, like, you know, the hydrolyzed whey protein isolates and soy protein isolate and all this stuff that, you know, unfortunately, people rely on for their protein because, you know, they don’t know how to cook often. But yeah,
Dr. Mindy
you know, it’s like going back to simplicity is what we have to do. You know, when I when I hear you talk about the way that they’re redefining food, I my brain has to go to two places. One, it goes to, almost like, I want to cry, I want to be angry. And then it goes to, but wait, why would they do that? Like, are these people really trying to kill us, or are they just so focused on profits that they can no longer see the damage that they’re doing, like the information is too close to
Dr. Cate
them. Yeah, it’s, it’s more the second than the first. I would argue. I would say there’s a lot of I don’t care about people mixed in with that. I don’t care about other people’s health, and I don’t, certainly, there’s a ton of I don’t respect nature. And so in the end, a lot of these people are, you know, like they’re wealthy enough the people leading the conversation. They’re wealthy enough that they go to restaurants that use that don’t use these oils, or they have personal chefs. They’re just not exposed to them. So they don’t even they’re protected in ways that they don’t necessarily even understand that these oils are bad. They don’t even have to. They just know that they make money by doing what they’ve been doing, which is ignoring the science on on seed oil toxicity and, you know, running nutrition departments at universities that get funded by the processed food companies And or the drug companies. Hello, conflicts of interest. Hello. I mean, how is that? It’s, it’s really just a simple matter of, well, this is what some people used to call crony capitalism. You know, capitalism can be good, it can be bad, and crony capitalism is bad. It’s out of control. Money out of control. No no no ethics, no care behind it, no thought for the good of the other people. It’s only the good of your pocketbook. That’s what Coney capitalism is enough. What got us here?
Dr. Mindy
Do you think that the seed oils has been the number one contributor to obesity, and now we have a world that’s obsessed with these weight loss drugs, you feel like there’s a tie between those 200%
Dr. Cate
so chapter three of dark calories makes the connection there that again, has never been made before. So I love bringing new science to the world. That’s what I’ve been doing since my first book deep nutrition. I love. Uh, making sense of science and because, in my way, it’s bringing people over to my thought of like, Let’s respect nature, right? That’s why I love doing this factor.
Dr. Mindy
Yes, let’s, let’s, let’s put her on the pedestal she she deserves there. Yeah,
Dr. Cate
yeah. So, yeah. So, how, how do they make us gain weight? Well, they make us hungry because they shift our metabolism. So that metabolic shift that I was talking about called insulin resistance, where we crave sugar, we crave it because our body fat has been corrupted. The chemistry of our body fat has been corrupted by the seed oils, and we It no longer gives our brain the energy it needs between meals. The whole job of our body fat is to serve up energy and fuel to all of our cells between meals. And the main sensor of the effectiveness, or the fuel levels, if you will, in our body, the main sensor is right in our brain. So when our brain isn’t getting energy, we have to take action. What is that action? Well, it makes us hungry and we eat. We snack. So what we see with this obesity epidemic that almost nobody is talking about is a snacking epidemic. There are more people snacking now than ever in history. We have more people eating five and six times a day now, according to, you know, the surveys on how people how often people are eating than ever in in history, according to these series of surveys that have been done over the past 10 years, this is also, it’s very simple. What’s complicated is understanding the chemistry and the biology of the connection. And that’s what’s in the book, if you know, so people can really understand it, so they can see that there’s really something here. I’m not just making these claims, but that’s the bottom line. Is that when we’ve based our diet on seed oils in the amount that we now consume, we have totally corrupted our metabolism and the chemistry of our body fat, and that makes us snack, it makes us hungry, makes it more hungry. It makes us more hungry, and the foods that we eat are generally when we’re in that state of, oh my god, I’m having a snack attack. I’m hangry. I need something now. We don’t eat foods made from scratch. We eat more fast foods, and those foods do not have the cholesterol and the saturated fat and the things that satiate us, so we overeat those too, right? So we were doomed to gain weight on this, yeah, in this paradigm of seed oils are healthy, just listen. Don’t listen to nature. Just listen to the latest food recommendations from the latest set of academics who are getting all their money from big business. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy
So it’s interesting. I just saw an article this week that came out. I don’t know when it was actually published, but it was showing that a high, this is the way it was explained, that a high fat diet actually will shut down or no will up regulate the bacteria that shuts off the protection of GLP one. So it’s a high fat diet, right? You see the irony. So it’s a high fat diet that up regulates bad bacteria, and that bad bacteria shuts off GLP one. So now we’re gonna go give a bunch of these GLP one drugs to people to start to fix that system that was shut off by a high fat diet. So then I went into the study to try to find out, like, tell me what fats? Yeah, we’re still, we’re still in the same conversation of lumping all fats together, and they wouldn’t break it. I couldn’t find what fats they had looked at,
Dr. Cate
and that’s the problem. And I guarantee you that it was the vegetable oils. Because if there were normal dietitians in there, and by normal, I mean not the very few who have adopted the keto diet, right? There’s no dietitians who truly understand seed oils and their toxicity and the thing, the very things we are talking about. And I’m sure you’ve been now talking about to to your audience for a while, since, if you’ve been talking about seed oils? Yeah, maybe the last time I was on, or forever since
Dr. Mindy
the last time I’ve been talking about for years, and like, when I told you when you came on, I’m like, we still have to go into this, because people don’t even realize what’s happening to them with these seed oils,
Dr. Cate
right? And dietitians have no idea. So when a dietitian is designing any nutrition study. When they design a high fat diet, they are pro they are not allowed. They are generally disallowed by their by the internal review boards to use butter and eggs and height like natural fat foods. So to make it, because they are cut by this 10% limit of saturated fat you are, you know, and their belief system is that more than 10% of fat, of total calories coming from saturated fat is deadly, gonna cause a heart attack. So they are bound by that mythology. Pathological belief system that’s been instilled in all of us now for reasons I talk about, in dark calories, and it’s so important to understand the story, but they don’t know that story. They don’t know the history of why these things are considered heart healthy. They would just believe they’re heart healthy. So that’s what they use. And so whenever you see a diet, unless it was in a study, unless this study involved in a known low carb advocate, then you know you can read. You don’t even have to dig around. You already know that they’re not studying saturated fat and cheese, and they’re not, they’re disallowed from using that and that’s why they don’t tell you, right? They don’t. That’s why there’s a reason they don’t disclose what’s in the diet. I mean, don’t you think that’s wildly wrong and irresponsible and to just say high fat and not right? Say, well, oh, we are actually using vegetable oils that didn’t exist before the industrial era. And we’re depriving people of a whole set of foods that everybody used to eat until the American Heart Association made these false claims about cholesterol and, you know, heart healthy oils. So I think so. I mean to me, that is just like, so egregious. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy
I spent a couple hours try on this one article, yeah, a few days ago, trying to figure out. And, you know, reading a, as you know, reading a research study is not like picking up a juicy novel. No, I know you have to, like, unpack the words and stuff, but I could not find anywhere that they separated the fat out.
Dr. Cate
Yeah. Well, no, they don’t on purpose. And so, Dr Mindy, I’m just like, like, welcome to my world. This is what I bet we’ve been doing, you know, on how many hundreds, maybe 1000s, of these studies. And you know? And then the debunkers out there, they say, Well, you don’t have any evidence that these oils are bad. And I’m like, Yeah, that’s because they hide it. Because when they talk about high fat diets being unhealthy, they’re not disclosing what fat they are using. And I’ve dug around and successfully found the answer a few times, quite a few times. But it’s not easy. You have to go down and track earlier studies and earlier studies, and then very often though, they will cite the exact tool that they are using, or the exact diet that they are using, and then you have to go and look that up elsewhere, and you have to have full text access to all this stuff. And you know, you don’t always guaranteed have full text access to all the journals in the trail of discovery that is necessary to get to the root of what they’re actually saying so you know, it’s it’s just so irresponsible for anyone out there who’s in that healthcare space to say there’s no evidence because they haven’t looked they haven’t tried themselves, they haven’t done what you and I have been doing, spending countless hours going down these rabbit holes To find that they are not telling us something very, very important, the key thing, they’re hiding
Dr. Mindy
- They’re keeping it behind so, so, just so that we can keep this really action oriented, can you explain for the per person who doesn’t know what a seed oil is like, which? Which one of the oils, or seed oils that we need to stay away from.
Dr. Cate
There’s eight. I call them The Hateful Eight, so that you can remember that there’s eight of them, because the word seed oil doesn’t quite cut it, right. Because there are actually sesame seed oil is not unhealthy, right? And the word vegetable oil certainly doesn’t cut it, because, I mean, what does that even mean? You don’t get vegetables from broccoli and olive oil is a vegetable oil, and that is healthy. So I had to create my own term, right? Like this is necessary byproduct of the fact that academics are not talking about this. So we have to take control of the conversation. I had to take control of it and create my own term, Hateful Eight. So there’s eight. So memorize these, soy, sunflower, safflower, corn, canola, cotton seed, rice bran and grape seed, and of those eight, the first six are the most important, and there’s 3c and 3s there, corn, canola, cotton seed, soy, sunflower, safflower, those are the important ones to memorize, because when you’re out grocery shopping, shopping, those are the ones you’re going to see on the nutrition labels. The other two are mostly in restaurants, so
Dr. Mindy
the safflower and the sunflower oil, those are the two that I actually see in health food stores, like, like, I’m right now I’m in LA and one of my favorite places to go to is air one, which technically you’re supposed to be able to walk into air one and everything’s organic and non GMO. But when you actually start to pick up the packages, and you look the oils are all off, and the two oils that just keep getting permeated into the health the healthy products is sunflower and safflower. So. I think people are waking up to vegetable, they’re waking up to soy. They’re waking up to canola, hopefully, but sunflower and safflower seem to get fall under the radar. Why is that?
Dr. Cate
Well, they just have this healthy aura. You know, they’ve managed they’re a little more expensive, and they’ve promoted themselves as healthy, and there’s a good PR team, basically, yeah, and, and, to be honest, sunflower oil could be healthy, but they don’t make it healthy, because what they do is they don’t, there is no virgin sunflower oil. They they just industrially. I mean, there’s, it’s not in our products. It’s not, you know, you I’m sure there’s some artisanal company out there that’s selling tiny bottles like a pint of virgin oil for $16 you know, and that’s guaranteed, not what’s in these health food stores, but, but make no mistake, these, they’re all can be made organically, like All eight organic, yeah, they can be, you can because what is it? What is required that makes it be organic? Well, you can call something organic if you don’t add any hazardous materials to it during any point of the processing, right? That includes in the farm and also then in the factory, right? So when they make soy oil. They can make it, you know, without using the hazardous they can make organic soybeans, and then they can make it without the main hazardous material added to these oils is called hexane. It’s a solvent. It helps dissolve the oil away from the seed to get more bang for your your buck, there more dollar squeezed out of the oil, more oil squeeze out of the seed. And that hexane now is disqualified anything that was made with hexane, even though most of the hexane is removed and there’s, there are trace amounts, but they’re like parts per million or parts per billion and and that, that’s that’s still disqualifies it from being called organic. So the organic label, though, isn’t protecting people from the toxins that develop in the Hateful Eight seed oils during the refining, the storage and the cooking processes you see. So that’s that’s the problem, and that these toxins are there in significant amounts, right? They’re not insignificant at all, especially the more that the oil gets, longer is stored, the more light it’s exposed to, the more you heat it, the more toxins are there. And just to give people some qualitative idea here, there was a toxicologist who just picked up serving of fries from the local McDonald’s, the local Burger Kings, and studied how many toxins are in there. And he found that it’s equivalent to the toxicity of cigarettes like whoa, one one French fry equals the toxicity of one cigarette of and that’s just of this. You know that even as bad as that and shocking as that is, he was studying a type of toxin called alpha, beta unsaturated aldehydes. That’s just one category of toxins. There’s two. It’s only one of the many that are in there. Yeah, yeah. Those are called second order reactants. There’s first order reactants and third or order reactants that he just doesn’t study. Wow.
Dr. Mindy
So if I’m eating these, these Hateful Eight, one way of looking at this, and I just, I really, so want my listeners to understand this, because the way I’m interpreting what you’re saying is, when I eat these eight, I am actually depriving my brain of energy. And if I deprive my brain of energy, it will do everything it can to get me to eat again so that I can give it the energy back. So if you, if you want to increase your hunger, eat these eight over and over and over again, and you will be more hungry.
Dr. Cate
Yes. And one thing I would just say to add to that is that when you’ve been eating these oils over years, right, which we have, we all have, because the short term effects are different than that metabolic disease consequence of insulin resistance. That takes modification of our body fat. It takes deep depletion of our body’s antioxidant systems. And that process takes consuming these oils for a matter of you know, well, I guess months for maybe for infants or or a year, but year, it seems like years, right? And I say, I have to say it seems like because no one actually studies. How fast can you give a human insulin resistance by serving them up a diet of these oils? But when you do this, these studies in in mice, you do it in a matter of weeks. Of course, our life, I was gonna order their life structure. So you know, how does that translate? Well, I mean. And we were just left guessing. But you can just look at the numbers of people who are who have insulin resistance. And I haven’t mentioned this, but it’s more than 99% of the American population is already insulin resistant, and that’s because the American population has no clue that they are eating 30% of their daily calories from these oils. Now, it wasn’t quite as high 20 years ago, but we’ve been eating them in massive quantities, hundreds of calories a day, for decades. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy
I’ve been sitting with a lot of people who are on the weight loss drugs and just asking, tell me what you experience. And the only thing that people can really that’s a unifying idea, is they’re like, I’m less hungry, so I eat less. So I’m thinking, if I look at that mechanism around the the up regulation of these bad bacteria that shut off, GLP, one, and now we’d have to add that in to calm hunger. The real thing that I would do would make sense is, let’s get rid of the Hateful Eight, and then let’s, let’s lean in to eating the right oils. So how would I what are the right oils that will be healthy for
Dr. Cate
me? Well, so let me just that study that you brought up. I’m glad you brought up again, because I I want to push back against that conclusion that they make us draw, right, right? I mean, will you correctly picked up on the fact that whatever this, whatever it is doing, that that is bad, is coming from the vegetable oils. But that business about GLP one is nonsense. It’s, it’s, it’s the fact that it’s damaging the metabolisms of whether it was people or rats or whatever animals, probably animal that they’re getting these studies from, it’s damaging their metabolisms in the same way that it damages human metabolisms. The microbiome is this black box that folks are using to just blame everything now on the microbiome. I don’t know if you noticed that, but like, everything is the microbiome is we gotta, you know, blame the microbiome on everything instead of just blaming our diet. But certainly the oils change the microbiome. Okay, yeah, there’s no doubt about that. The studies have shown that whatever you eat will affect your microbiome, but the idea that it is as direct as and simple as cutting down your production of GLP, that is a fancy people who are insulin resistant, they produce GLP. The problem is their brain is not getting energy. What is GLP? It’s just a satiety hormone, right? And when you’re pretty
Dr. Mindy
both. Could both things be going on at the same time,
Dr. Cate
I suppose. But you know, if there, if there’s any truth that let’s talk about the relative importance, I would say there’s, like, one, you know, 10th of a percent relative importance, because vegetable oils do so many other bad things to our health, right? That has nothing to do with the microbiome. And I’m, I’m sort of, you know, like, I don’t mean to poo poo the idea, but we have to get our story straight. Here. We’re listening to people who don’t understand what vegetable oils are. They’re drawing conclusions because the microbiome now has become the scapegoat for everything that they can’t otherwise explain. Have you noticed that?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I mean, I think here’s what I think is that the human body is very complex, and it always does the right thing at the right time. It’s always adapting to whatever environment you put it in. And we now have it in a toxic soup, and in that toxic soup, the brilliant body does not know what to do, so it takes all these toxins and it stores it as fat and and fat is really a way of saving our life. And we go and we villainize it, and we try to, we’re trying to make it go away, but we haven’t addressed the toxic soup. That’s really, you know, the way I look at it, and so, but what you are bringing to the conversation that I think I really want to point out is, Why is everybody so hungry? Why is everybody so hungry? And you know, I can tell you that I live what I call a fasting lifestyle, where I tack on a fasting window almost every day, not not always, but a lot of most days, I’m fasting anywhere from 15 to 17 hours. And then when I eat, I’ve I’m really oils is the number one thing that I am protective about. And the biggest challenge I have at 54 years old is I’m not hungry. I am not hungry. And I think a lot about the Okinawa women that we put up on a pedestal as being like, why do they live so long? Well, they eat less calories. Well, why do they eat less calories? Because they eat real food that came from nature. It’s not complicated people. So we this is where I. To get irate. I’m like, let’s go back to simplicity. And so whether we’re going to throw the microbiome under the bus or we’re going to throw, you know, genetics under the bus, the bottom line is, our food system has gotten to new levels of harm, and we have to start calling them out, which is what you’re doing, and we need to start pointing our fingers at things like olive oil and avocado oil and like other other oils that people can lean into that don’t have the PR team that the Hateful Eight have, right? Like anything
Dr. Cate
else is good, like you had asked me, what it what is, you know, good. So, I mean, I’ll give you my favorite five, and that is butter, olive oil, peanut oil, this unrefined, and sesame oil, also unrefined. And coconut oil, unrefined, right? Okay, so anything on any unrefined oil is going to be good. And oils that are refined, some of you know, those that are not the Hateful Eight, are not as good for you, right? And they’re best avoided if you can do it like so avocado oil that’s refined is not as good as unrefined avocado oil, but it’s not as bad as the Hateful Eight. So,
Dr. Mindy
but every other middle there’s a middle category. Yes,
Dr. Cate
there is, yes, it’s, it’s, I call it, I call it okay, but not great, and it’s essentially empty calories, right? So, you know, we were talking earlier about sugar and refined flours. Those are empty calories also. So the refined oils that come from coconut and the refined peanut, those are basically the empty calories of the oil world. And they’re not the they’re not something you want to seek out. But, you know, they’re better than the Hateful Eight. So it’s important to understand that there are, you know, those three categories, and there’s the good, the bad, and the middle ground of just empty calories, right? So like, you know, we were talking about carbohydrates when they’re Whole Foods, they’re actually good for you, but when you refine them, then they’re no longer good, but they’re not toxic, directly toxic, you know? I mean, you could argue that if you eat enough sugar and spike your blood sugar, that has toxic effects, and indeed it does, but the toxicity is slow motion compared to the toxicity of how seed oils affect our health. Yeah.
Dr. Mindy
So how do I get around these seed oils? Because now I can tell you, as somebody who travels a lot, I go to restaurants when I travel, and they all have the hateful aid in them, even the high end restaurants. So when I so, you know, my husband and I have kind of come to the conclusion that when we’re home, we’re going to make our own food. Or when we travel, we go to Airbnbs, and we try to make our own food. But it’s even for somebody who’s educated on the topic, it’s really hard to get around them. Do you have any strategies when for people on like, when you’re at restaurants or, you know, out and about? How do we get around the the how prolific These oils are,
Dr. Cate
yeah. So the last third of the book is devoted to practical strategies that will help you accomplish exactly that. And so just as an example, one of them is when you go to a restaurant, if it’s a sit down restaurant, all you need to do is say, Do you have anything that you can cook for me right now in real butter, not butter oil. Rather than trying to go through the exercise of asking what oil they use, because we already know the answer. If they, you know, if they’re not telling you that it’s seed oil free restaurant, then they’re not paying attention to the oils for the most part, unless it’s like, you know, a super fancy restaurant, then they might be using olive oil for, they say, in like, as a traditional French or Mediterranean or something from Spain, and they’re all talking in Spanish or French or something, and they say they get their oils from that country. But that’s rare. So for the most part, you have to take control the conversation, and that’s how you do it. And I give you all kinds of strategies, strategies and tips on how to do that. And also, another really common question that I get is, gosh, these, when I start looking, I find these oils are in everything. And, you know, how much is too much? And so I tell you how to tell how much is too much too Right? Because there is such a thing as an insignificant amount of a toxin, right? I mean, I’m not like saying you can’t even have one part per billion of this stuff, if that’s basically what it amounts to, it’s not significant, you know. Like, let’s not worry about that. Let’s do what matters and focus on what matters. And yeah, and that’s what I’ve been about my whole career, is like, let’s not focus on the fact that some people have celiac and can’t eat gluten. That doesn’t mean everybody needs to avoid gluten, you know. And you know, let’s not focus on the fact that some people have problems with peanuts. That doesn’t mean everybody needs to avoid peanuts. Let’s not get lost in these, these contaminants that are, although not great, they’re. Somewhat overwhelming. When you try to think about all of them, there’s a lot of toxins, right? Our food supply is not great. Let’s just get that out of the way. But there’s, there’s what we need to do to stay sane in this world is learn the worst of the worst. It’s called hierarchy, right? We avoid, we put the worst of the worst, we know that this is number one. This is our priority. Let’s make voiding vegetable oils the priority. And then the next thing I say is, don’t eat excessive amounts of UN nutritious, non nutritive carbohydrates. And sometimes that includes things like rice. I mean, you know, white rice does not have very much nutrition, and even though it’s, you know, people think of it as a whole food, it’s not really a whole food. We’ve removed the brand white rice, so and, but so, yeah, so that’s, that’s the higher I
Dr. Mindy
like the way you think that. I really think that’s important because, you know, again, this topic is so confusing for people. And I think we have to start with the understanding that the food system is getting worse and worse, and people are really struggling. I’ve been really intrigued by a concept that I hear a lot of people talking about right now, called food deserts, and how in parts of the United States we have people don’t have access to high quality foods, and so they’re going into their seven elevens, and they’re eating meals out of there that are packed with these seed oils and I and that. And then we’re creating all these cardiovascular metabolic problems, and then our immune system is going down, and then now big pharma comes to rescue. Rescue us all from that. So I love how you’ve put this at the top, and I really, really agree. I think educating yourself is really important. Here’s a couple of sticky spots for me. One is, let’s use I’ll use myself as an example. I love sweet potato fries. They are my favorite if I go to a high end restaurant and I’m gonna have a grass fed burger and I’m gonna have sweet potato fries, and I know they’re cooked in the wrong oils. Am I doomed now? Like, how long I’ve heard some things say that those that that oils, those seed oils, stay in you for years. Like, if I have one batch of sweet potato fries, what’s the metabolic consequence of that? For me, down the
Dr. Cate
road, the dose makes the poison. So if you’re doing that every single day, you’re going to be getting more toxins. So it’s it’s not just that the fats, it’s really less of a problem that the fats stay in your body fat for years. Then the consequence of the toxins that we consume that deplete our antioxidants. And so this is the new information that’s in dark calories that will really help folks like you Mindy and you know, other people who are really into health understand what these oils are doing to our bodies, and it has to do with the concept of oxidation and oxidative stress. And those are new terms, but they are the key to unlocking your understanding to all of it. And I make, I explain what they are. By the time people are done with it, they’re they’re like, able to put it together in basically one sentence. And that really, really is essential, so that you understand cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease, that you understand that you can get control of your inflammatory diseases, whatever it may be, whether you know, celiac is a inflammatory disease, right? It’s an autoimmune disorder driven by inflammation and and psoriasis, skin conditions are driven by inflammation. You can get rid of your if your family has a history, or if you’re worried about somebody with memory problems, you’re worried about dementia, you’re worried about Parkinson’s that is all related to oxidation and oxidative stress. And the reason that I knew seed oils were problematic, basically the very soon after I discovered that they existed, was that I I knew that they were they oxidized easily and and the oxidation really was the key to understanding it. But oxidation happens in our body, and that that’s the missing link in all of medicine. That’s why doctors cannot tell you why you have thyroid disease or why you have leaky gut, or why you have an autoimmune disorder, or why you have brain fog, doctors cannot tell you that because they do not understand oxidation and oxidative stress.
Dr. Mindy
I 1,000% agree. And if we’ve learned anything from the weight loss drugs, I’m going to keep coming it back to this one. It’s that the thing that will motivate people to make change is something they can notice in themselves, which is why I really love this idea that when the brain is deprived of energy, when you’re eating all these seed oils, your hunger goes up. Now we have a very. Conversation oxidative stress. As challenging as that is, I don’t think the lay person typically can understand that or is motivated by that. But what where I want people to take this conversation and run with it is, if you’re hungry and you can’t get your hunger under control, go on a seed oil free diet for 90 days and see what happens to your hunger. Prove it to yourself. People are paying $1,000 a month for these weight loss drugs. Let’s let’s do just a test. And I don’t know if you’ve done this like or a challenge, let’s just get off seed oils for 30 to 90 days, and let’s see what happens to everybody’s hunger.
Dr. Cate
Do we miss it? Yeah, two weeks. Okay,
Dr. Mindy
that’s what I want to know.
Dr. Cate
That’s in the back of the book. I help you take your own two week challenge, and I walk you through exactly what to do, how you’re gonna clear out your kitchen cupboards, what to check for, what to shop for. I have shopping list. I have a meal plan. I have very easy recipes for people to follow. And yes, absolutely, the energy, understanding the link between brain energy and hunger is key, and I have an entire chapter devoted to that. It’s chapter four. It’s called fat bodies starving brains. That is the connection. I mean this, and to understand that there’s science behind this. It’s not just me making stuff up. That’s why we want to, you know, we want to be well, let’s not scare people away from terms that they need to know. You know, oxidative so I’m not saying you did that, but you know that oxidative stress is the term we need to know. We’ve already adopted all these crazy terms, right? GLP, one and microbiome. Those terms don’t help you as much as understanding oxidation and oxidative stress. Again, hierarchy, let’s understand what is going to help us the most, and use our limited brain, time, limited concentration. We all have limited, you know, things we can learn to learn the thing that is the central concept of what is going to save our life because oxidation and oxidative stress right now have been killing us. Yeah, they are. They are in the process of killing you right now, if you’re still eating the vegetable oils,
Dr. Mindy
yeah, and I would 1,000% agree with that, and I have little tantrums in my house all the time when I look at the news and I and I watch, you know, people who are well respected, like Oprah stand up and, you know, advocate for the weight loss drugs. I feel like the weight loss drugs, although they are helping a lot of people temporarily, it’s like the elephant in the freaking room is that we’re not talking about what our food supply did to create this obesity problem. And then if we bring it down to the person level, it’s like, okay, if you’re just, if you’re just struggling to lose weight, if you’re just finding yourself hungry all the time, take the take your two week challenge. Try getting off the seed oils. Buy your book. Follow the two week challenge, and then go and see how your hunger changes. And to me, that’s giving the person the power back. And I I’m just really grateful that you are fighting such an uphill battle, because I know that the food industry probably has your name
Dr. Mindy
as a target. I wonder sometimes is not very excited about books like
Dr. Mindy
this, because there is a huge profit in keeping us overweight, sick, medicated and coming back for more.
Dr. Cate
And you know, ladies, since your since your audience is is concerned about GLP one, you know whether they should take them, whether they will help them. Part of chapter four, I explain exactly how they work and why they help, and so that you can understand that, yes, so sure maybe they can be like a temporary thing that helps you at least be less hungry. So you can adapt some of these changes, but then you’ll be able, you won’t be able to get off and stay off unless you adapt some of these changes. I use the drugs, they’ve been around for decades as diabetes treatments, and what everybody said was, you know, they were disappointed that it didn’t really help their sugars that much, but, boy, they were able to eat less, and it exactly. It helped their blood sugars exactly as much as it helped them eat less of the foods that were raising their blood sugars. And it just took, you know, the pharmaceutical company a few years to that, for that to dawn on them, and that that’s what was going on, that they’re just an appetite suppressant. They’re just an appetite suppressant that is not like the other appetite suppressants, which made people jittery and elevated their stress hormones and their adrenaline and caused arrhythmias and caused them to sweat and all kinds of horrible digestive side effects. This is a appetite suppressant that our body normally makes, and that actually it does make. It’s just that it doesn’t make 1000 times the normal amount. But when you inject yourself with. GLP one, make no mistake, you are injecting yourself with 1000 to 10,000 times the normal amount of GLP one in your body system, right? It’s not now you’ve put yourself not normal, natural, yeah, yeah. It is hardly natural and but that doesn’t mean that they don’t help some people, because some people are just metabolically damaged, or have, like, relationships with food that are really deeply, deep seated and makes it very difficult. They have food noise. I don’t know if you ran across that term, but they like, that’s what people told me when I was using it for diabetes medication. They would say it calmed the food noise. Yeah, no. And I’ve,
Dr. Mindy
I’ve had a lot of people tell me, like, I can think about other things, which, yeah, you know, I so it’s like, such a double edged sword, because you’re like, it’s a miracle for so many people, but we are still not having the right discussion around it, which is, how did we end up in this place, right? And I, and I want to go back to what, how we started this. I think your your insulin resistance is causing a deficit of energy in the brain, so you start to crave more. Is brilliant. And I hope that people are really motivated to, if nothing else, get the oils out so your hunger changes. And I just, I think that’s incredible. So yeah, absolutely,
Dr. Cate
that is, I think that’s the key. That was a lot of what, um, drove me to write this book was to help people understand what I call, I call it the DR Cate’s energy model of insulin resistance, because it’s a new idea, you know, like, right now, the there’s no explanation. The American Diabetes Association says we don’t know what causes type two diabetes. It’s a mixture. So who knows? It’s genetics, it’s the lack of exercise, it’s being overweight. Oh no, now it’s the microbiome again, here, there. We can’t forget that. It’s the toxins, right? It’s all these things, mishmash of confusion. We don’t know. We don’t want to know, right? Because we like things the way they are. So this is a new idea. Now, the other idea that came along that made sense even to me for a while, was insulin the insulin carbohydrate model proposed by folks like Gary Taubes and Jason Fung. And I don’t know if you’ve had any of them on our pot on your podcast, but those folks talk about the carbohydrate model of insulin resistance where it’s driven by insulin. But that’s why that is wrong, you know? I mean, that was a better idea than what the American Diabetes Association says, which is, just give up. It’s hopeless. Take our drugs that at least gave people okay, I can cut out all my carbs, and then I won’t be producing this insulin, which is a hormone that has somehow become toxic in my body. And I’m saying that, you know, does so somewhat sarcastically, is because it is a stupid idea. Insulin is not a toxin, it’s a hormone, and your body is producing insulin when you’re type two. Diabetic is producing a lot of insulin because you’re insulin resistant, and the carbohydrate model does not explain how we got into that insulin resistance state, or why, you know, why are we, you know, all obese now, because how it does not draw those connections. It cannot explain it. So it’s the energy model of insulin resistance. I want that phrase to be out there now, because it helps people understand energy in their brain, and that is the key to resolving all metabolic disease, getting their brain that energy. And I show you how dark calories.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I love that. So let me finish on this. I always will. I always love to understand the depth of the way people look at health. So the last question I’ve been asking this year is, what is health? What’s your definition of health? And how do you know when you’re healthy?
Dr. Cate
Oh, I would say now, I would say energy, right? Like, if you wake up in the morning after you’ve had a good night’s sleep, and you wake up and you feel like you have energy. You feel like whatever the day is going to bring you, you can take it on. You’re like, Bring it on, man, I got it. I got this. I can do it. You know, like, look at the the champion, the Olympic champions. They’re bursting with energy, right? They’re not like, schlepping out onto that gym floor and then, like, perking up a little bit when the music comes on. They’re bursting with energy. And so, really, now, you know, in the my answer has changed a little bit too, right? It used to be, you know, connecting, putting your body in alignment with nature. Now, since everybody’s dealing with these energy problems, and you know, lack of energy, that is the answer right now, get it. If you get your brain, your body energized, you can do so much more. And one just final thing I want to leave people with is that I myself experienced this transformation. I too, was insulin resistant, I wasn’t particularly overweight, but my brain energy was not there for me. And when I changed my diet, I literally feel like I get 30% more life out of my day every day, because. Have more brain capacity to live and think and deal with stuff.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, agreed, agreed, agreed. So how do people find your book and how do they find your work? And I’m gonna really take it one step further and ask everybody to try the two week challenge. So get the book, try the two week challenge, and then report back what you notice. So how do people tap into your resources? Yeah, so
Dr. Cate
come to my website, which is Dr Cate.com and that’s spelled D, R, C, A, T, e.com, and please sign up for my newsletter. So you scroll down to where it says, Get a free basket of goodies to when you sign up for Dr Cate’s newsletter, and you’ll get my newsletter, which comes out about once a month, after you get a few free goodies and a couple of short emails to figure out, like, do you want to read one of my books? But those, the those those resources that you will download for free will help you, even if you don’t read the books, and staying, you know, in touch with me and emailing me please. If you do have success with this, I want to hear about it, because that helps me, yeah, and
Dr. Mindy
post about it, like, this is, this is a problem we’re all in. And so people listening to this, if you take that two week challenge you, you get a result. Post about it, send her a message about it, like, this is something that the time has come to call out the food industry and to call out these oils. So, Dr, Cate, I’m just thank you for fighting the fight. I know it’s not easy. I really, I can hear it in your voice. I know many of us who have been trying to empower people, one by one by one. It’s frustrating when we don’t have the money that big, big the big food industry has. We can’t get to the researchers, but we watch Big Pharma profiting from big foods, egregious way of making food, and it gets exhausting. So thank you. Thank you so much for fighting the fight.
Dr. Cate
Well, thank you doing this, you know, for fighting with me. You know,
Dr. Mindy
we’re we’re in it together, girl
Dr. Cate
arms. I guess you could say, Yeah, agreed, yes. Well, thank you so much. And thank you for saying about the posting about it. That’s brilliant. I like that. We
Dr. Mindy
I’m I’ve hit a new level of Okay, everybody rise up like that. If we don’t advocate for ourselves, we are going to continue to watch people we love die. The the chronic statement that I make is, even though your health situation right now may not be your fault. It is your responsibility, and when you make a change, you can inspire others by posting about it. So again. Dr, Cate, thank you again, so much for your passion, your knowledge and fighting the fight with me.
Dr. Cate
Thank you. I’ve really enjoyed our conversation. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy
thank you. Thank you so much for joining me in today’s episode. I love bringing thoughtful discussions about all things health to you. If you enjoyed it, we’d love to know about it, so please leave us a review. Share it with your friends and let me know what your biggest takeaway is.
- Book: Dark Calories
- Book: The Hateful Eight
- Study: What Are Ultraprocessed Foods and Why Are They Bad For You?
- Healthy Shopping List of Seed Oil-Free Foods
- Study: How Diet Affects Oxidative Stress and Metabolism
- Study: Iron and Oxidative Stress and it’s Relation to Cancer
- Study: PUFA and Adipose Sat Fat
- PUFA Project
- YouTube: @DrCateShanahan
- Twitter: @drcateshanahan
- Instagram: @drcateshanahan
- Facebook: Doctor Cate
- LinkedIn: Cate Shanahan MD
Can you talk about fasting and metabolism? I’m sure you have talked about it, but I haven’t found it in past shows yet. Thanks! Love your podcast.
Love this information. It is full of valuable information. I will be sharing for sure. Thank you Dr. Peltz and Dr. Shanahan.
Dr. Pelz, I love Fast Like a Girl, and I have Eat Like Girl. I have learned so much about fasting from you and can’t wait to make recipes from your new book. I fell off the wagon regarding fasting and gained some weight back. I also resonate with what you mentioned about bad fat making you crave food all the time. This didn’t happen when I was eating clean and fasting. I’ve been going through some things that threw me off course but thank goodness I have the tools to get back on track.
Very Grateful for all you do.