“Focus on What You Have and What You Can Be Thankful For”
This episode explores using red light therapy to protect and energize cells while improving sleeping habits, hormonal balance, and more.
Wes Pfiffner is a member of Joovvs leadership team and leads all their marketing efforts. Wes has a background in marketing and is a complete nerd when it comes to all things health and fitness related.
In this podcast, How Red Light Therapy Can Benefit You, we cover:
- The science behind red light therapy
- How to combat the disadvantages of artificial lighting
- Red light therapy’s potential to regulate reproductive health
- The relationship between metabolism, seasons, and light
- Using light to simulate prehistoric metabolism
- Getting started with in-home red light therapy
The Science Behind Red Light Therapy
Because light acts as energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, exposure causes our bodies to absorb its energetic properties. Red light is unique because its specific wavelengths can stimulate and heal cells under oxidative stress. Cells under oxidative stress produce less energy, restricting the body’s regular activity. Not only does red light heal cells, but it also leaves them better protected from getting under stress again, so it makes you stronger.
How to Combat the Disadvantages of Artificial Lighting
The light from our homes and devices is problematic because individuals overexpose themselves to specific wavelengths. Most indoor lighting is blue light, which raises cortisol and restricts melatonin. If you can put red lights low on the ground and have them illuminate the room near bedtime, your nervous system will begin to wind down. You will observe even more dramatic results by intentionally adopting positive lifestyle habits such as a proper diet and better sleep.
Red Light Therapy’s Potential to Regulate Reproductive Health
As women go through menopause, their hormones deplete, especially progesterone. This depletion may impact one’s ability to relax the body and brain. In the menopausal years, it takes time for the body to react and adapt to all these missing hormones. For men, Wes theorizes that red light can potentially improve male testosterone by hitting Leydig cells in the testes, stimulating them to produce more testosterone.
The Relationship Between Metabolism, Seasons, and Light
During the wintertime, people hold onto more fat because they do not get as much light on the skin, which results in fat tissue mobilization. Studies suggest that because blue light helps stimulate wakefulness, it may link to the obesity problem. In a study wherein obese women exposed themselves to red light, they observed metabolic benefits. Studies combining red light therapy and a ketogenic diet revealed more significant improvements for participants.
Using Light to Simulate Prehistoric Metabolism
We consider the cave people to have possessed exceptional metabolic health. They were fasting, so they had ketones. They stuck to meats and plants as their primary source of nutrition and exposed themselves to sunrise and sunset each day. They were moving to go hunt. When we developed an indoor lifestyle, we didn’t fully understand the consequences of artificial lighting. Since we brought light into the home, the average American sleeps three hours less, negatively impacting health.
Getting Started With In-Home Red Light Therapy
If you are interested in red light therapy, consider starting with a small panel and then adding to it later to build a more comprehensive red light therapy area. Wes’s devices are modular, so you can start with the Mini Solo light before you decide to experiment with larger setups. As you assemble your collection of lights, you can purchase a pole system to attach and mount them together. Wes recommends starting where you feel comfortable and expanding over time.
Dr. Mindy
Okay, cool. Well, we’re just gonna dive right in. And let me just start by saying, it has literally been, I think, almost three years, since we’ve talked red light on the reseller podcast. So I just want to start off by saying thank you, Wes for being here. I can’t wait to have this conversation.
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah, I’m super excited. I’m super excited. As you know, I dig red light therapy, and so happy to have this conversation today.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. And you know what, here’s where I want to start. Why is red light so popular? Oh, my gosh, there are. It’s like, I feel like everywhere I turn somebody’s either got red light on or they’re talking about red light. Why in this day and age, has it become so popular?
Wes Pfiffner
It’s a really good question. And you would think with how much clinical data there is, this would have been much more popular before, before it is now. Because that’s something that’s unique about red light compared to a lot of other modalities out there is the tremendous amount of clinical data to support it. And so I think what, honestly, what it took is just the right getting the right message out and when Juve launched it, its first product back in 2016. Nobody was really talking about using red light on a daily basis to support your health, like nobody was talking about it, most of what you would have seen with red light therapy would have been primarily used in like physical therapy offices, like in the form of like a laser. Or you would have seen an esthetician offices for skin health. But when you really look deeper at a lot of the science behind red and near infrared light therapy, it’s incredible for your overall health, and not just your skin health. That’s kind of like the outward appearance, you see, you know, maybe easier to sell wrinkles, stuff like that. But what it’s doing on a cellular level is really where the magic is happening. So, you know, I don’t want to sound too overconfident when I say this, but Juve really helped start getting that message out in 2016. Yeah, I
Dr. Mindy
just want to point out, you were like the original that got it out. Yeah.
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah, I agree with that. And it took putting the right like connecting the right dots for people and to see, hey, you know, you can do this on a regular basis. And here’s what the science shows. And you know, that, you know, get so we started that, right, but none of this would have gone anywhere, had it not worked, right, like had it not made a difference on people’s health, because everybody likes to think of oh, we created the best product. And it’s our marketing. And I’ve been in marketing long enough to know, like, the product has to work and word of mouth marketing. And folks who have you know, they use something and then they tell other people, because they believe in it, and they see the benefits like that. That is why it where it is now is we’ve helped get it out there. And then it’s spread because people are seeing results. You know what I mean? So that’s where I think fasting.
Dr. Mindy
You know, last year, around Christmas time, I was brought on a bunch of new shows. And the most common question people asked me was, why are we still talking about fasting? Like, aren’t? Isn’t that isn’t that fat over? I’m like, No, it’s not over because it’s working. So I feel the same thing about red light, like, you know, each year it’s like gaining more and more and more popularity. And I think to your point, it’s working is really important. Here’s the question, what is it working for?
Wes Pfiffner
Another great question. So I when I first heard it, so anybody listening to this, you’re probably a little bit skeptical, probably maybe not as much as as other folks. Because you you know, Dr. Mindy’s, we’re talking about this and but for a lot of people like like, how can it help heal your body, you know, improve performance, hormones, all these different types of things. And if you’re like me, you’re like, No way can do that. But it’s really because of the our, my understanding of light at the time was I just thought it was illumination, I just thought light was something that helped me see in the dark, but when in reality lights energy, and it’s in the form of electromagnetic waves, and so that energy can hit our bodies and we can react to that energy, you know, the sun, the original source of light, it’s what powers the entire universe. So light, when you start thinking about your like, it’s, it’s actually super important. And it’s something we have, most people don’t really have any understanding of even even we can get in talk about the lighting in your room, you know, the lighting at night, etc. But what makes red light so unique is these specific wavelengths can actually stimulate and heal cells that are under oxidative stress. And so why that’s important is cells that are under oxidative stress, they’re producing less energy. And when your body’s producing less energy, it can’t produce its normal, regular activities, right? That’s why like aging can be directly tied to the state of your cellular health. The older you get, the less efficient your cells become, than the other areas of the body start breaking down. In fact, I just I just learned this yesterday was really interesting. Your eyes actually age 70% faster than any other organ in the body. And the reason it does is Because the mitochondria and the ATP energy in the eye fades quicker than in any other area of the body.
Dr. Mindy
That’s crazy. So when you have the most amount of mitochondria in your eyes, that’s right, there’s like a few places where it’s just packed with mitochondria. And that’s one of them. So that’s fascinating.
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah, and our organs are packed with them, like the heart has a ton of mitochondria, etc. So my point is, what I’m getting at is cellular energy, super important. And what makes red light so unique, why people aren’t standing in front of green light, and these others because these specific wavelengths of red and near infrared can actually boost cellular energy. And when you have more cellular energy, your body can function more efficiently, cells can actually heal. And not only do they heal, they’re better protected, right? They’re better protected from getting from going under stress again, so it just makes you stronger. It’s like, it’s almost like giving your cells like food. You know, it’s so it’s it’s pretty incredible. So what it does, you know, to summarize that it’s boosting cellular energy, and specifically mitochondria function.
Dr. Mindy
Is it true that the mitochondria have receptor sites for red light?
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah, yep, they have photoreceptors. Yep. And they respond to these wavelengths of light, which is makes it just all the more interesting. And I kind of like think about this explosion of us understanding light, right, understanding more about circadian rhythm. And it’s funny, like when we’re when you’re gonna go through life, and you go through school, you think like we have everything figured out. But then you can kind of look at history, you’re like, well, just 100 years ago, we didn’t even know what vitamins were, we didn’t even have those proven out. Now we know what they are. So I feel like that’s where we are with light, you know, you see this explosion with infrared saunas, using using light to heat the body, right to put it under stress. And you see more things exploding of using, you know, can’t remember the company, but there’s glasses you can put on that give your eyes like green light that can help. Oh, shit,
Dr. Mindy
yep, tap has something like that. So we’re kind
Wes Pfiffner
of figuring out, there’s so many different ways to use light for our benefit, right. And so that’s where kind of Juve is in is we’re, we’re giving you this healthy, healthy wavelengths of light, but we’re making it convenient to use at home, which is the most important because it takes consistent usage to really see benefit, no different than it would be if you’re taking a supplement, or like you’re talking about intermittent fasting, a one off of intermittent fasting could maybe help in some areas, maybe some digestion, but really, you got to consistently do it to really reap the benefits. And that’s how light that’s how red light is.
Dr. Mindy
So you know, I, I feel like if there is a receptor site like this is the way I process the body is if it has a receptor site for red light, then we need to see red light. And if we don’t see red light, then you’re depriving that mitochondria of a nutrient as powerful as oxygen as a vitamin, as ketones, like all those nutrients are all important. So if we’re inside all day, if we have our sunglasses on, if we’re not seeing sunrise and sunset, where the red light exists, we’re literally getting no red light. And then we’re not nourishing the mitochondria in the way that they need to be nourished. Is that a proper way to look at it? Like we’re depriving our mitochondria of a key nutrient if we’re not getting red light?
Wes Pfiffner
I would, I’d say that spot on. And I think it’s accidental, because I think when we developed this indoor lifestyle, we didn’t fully understand what we were doing. Same thing when we brought light in the home. I mean, you can go through the research and see that it’s been amazing. Since we brought light into the home, the average American sleeps three hours less like, so there’s lots of stuff we’ve done by accident, you know, and so yeah, I mean, that’s spot on. And one thing to add to that is not only are we not being exposed to these wavelengths of light, but we’re also being overexposed to certain wavelengths of light, like blue light as an example, you know, most indoor lighting is all blue light. And then at night, all of our devices, TVs, computers, everything. It’s utilizing blue light, which is really, really a stimulative light to our cortisol. So it’s pretty much helps us stay awake, which is why the sky is blue during the day.
Dr. Mindy
So okay, so blue light raises cortisol, it suppresses melatonin, red light raises melatonin with is that
Wes Pfiffner
a way to look at it is there there is one yeah, there is one study to show I wouldn’t. At this time, I can’t say like, definitively like if you use this light, it’s going to help increase melatonin. Now, what you could what you could theoretically say is because you’re giving your body better cellular energy by exposing this then your body can work better than a Cascadia fault could be, you know, your body is able to produce more melatonin because it’s just got energy to operate and function, right. But what where it’s different than blue light is it doesn’t stimulate cortisol because it’s a lot lower Calvin, it doesn’t really. So blue light resonates really well with this gene and I call the melanopsin gene, and that’s what can help stimulate a cortisol, red light really, really doesn’t do that it really doesn’t stimulate so it’s not affecting melatonin. So a lot of people like we have this feature in our device on all of our newer devices called ambient mode, where you can just turn the device on for it can run for over and over again, just for 90 minute cycles. And it’s not delivering a therapeutic effect, but it’s lit delivering a little low level light of red light. So it’s you can use it as lighting in your bedroom so won’t affect your your cortisol, it’s not going to necessarily increase melatonin, but it allows you to have some red light in light in your room like in the bedroom without affecting your sleep, if that makes sense.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, so that actually ties into a couple of studies that my husband and I were looking at and that’s that when when the sun goes down, making sure that the lights on in your house are not full Blair not if you can put these red lights specially low on the ground and have them illuminating the room that that actually is more conducive to going to sleep it starts to wind down the nervous system. So are you saying that we could take like a Juve like you have behind you right there put it in the I can put it in the corner of my living room and and put that on for an hour or two before bed and it would help me assist me in falling asleep?
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah, yep. And then a big reason is it’s not intrusive on on your melatonin, it’s not stimulating like that same bright light. So yeah, and it’s actually very effective when I my daughter is going to be two here in November, but when she was first born, you know, as any any mother out there knows, like the baby wakes up a lot. And so I would use the little the little handheld device we had and I would turn that on for light so my fiancee could see see our baby girl could grab her and weave in because I was really, really worried about how much light I would expose her to during the night because I want her to go back to bed right away since she was done eating back to bed so I can go back to bed. So it was really helpful in that regard to like just using it for different different ways to eliminate the bedroom.
Dr. Mindy
They we I take the Mini and I and I are the go. Yep. And I take it with me when I travel. And so especially if there’s going to be jetlag involved I use it as a way to retell show my brain like hey, this is where we’re back on this two particular or we are on this timezone I’ll use it in the morning first thing when I get up use it at night, it really is amazing how light can really train your circadian rhythm. Do we? Do we have research on that on what red light does to the circadian rhythm in general, the 24 hours circadian rhythm?
Wes Pfiffner
You know, I would say it’s it’s definitely it falls in the cycle, right? Because in the first thing in the morning, what what wavelengths do we typically see it’s in the red and infrared spectrum. And really, because those are the longer wavelengths so when, when the sun is rising, those are the ones the visible ones that you’re that are first able to hit Earth, because they’re longer, right. And that’s why we see red in in the sunrise in the sunset too, because those are the last ones that are able to make it through the atmosphere because they’re longer wavelengths, the shorter ones are in the blue and green. And that’s why once the sun is fully set, the sky is blue, etc. So naturally, like we’re meant to, and this is really interesting. There, there’s some there’s some data out there to show that exposure to light, like red and near infrared actually can help prime your skin to better handle the harsher wavelengths that come later in the day
Dr. Mindy
such so Lloyd what’s those wavelengths? Select the
Wes Pfiffner
in the red and near infrared. So what would be out of the Juve light so So theoretically, what researchers are kind of kicking around is the sun in the morning by exposing that to your to your skin and you know, etc. It’s actually priming your cells to have a better defense when they get hit with harsher vitamin D and the harsher wavelengths that that that can burn your skin so essentially, it’s like equivalent to a 15 to 20 SPF protection on your skin like naturally sunblock. Yeah, like that’s what they’re they’re kind of showing so all in all, it like blows my mind because I think like Mother Nature is like King like it really does that the sun is automatically already working for us and we have no idea of it you know, so there are ways where I believe it is helping from a circadian rhythm standpoint. Now, if you’re looking at it to help read time, the best wavelengths for those are typically in the blue and green. So if you were to go to a completely different timezone, then it’s better to use those stronger wavelengths to stimulate like morning and night and those are that’s basically it’s better in the blue and green the really bright stuff. That’s why most of like sad lamps as you would see they’re super bright, like they’re really really bright white light and that’s why that helps stimulate stimulate cortisol.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, you know and the where my brain goes with with the sunblock idea that makes actually perfect sense is that I feel like right now we’re in this evolutionary Miss match, like the way that what the human body is living in in with light and with being indoors and toxins and the frazzled world we’re in and the information overload. The poor human body is like, whoa, like, I don’t even I don’t know how to sleep, I don’t know how to handle stress. And when you reintroduce something as as primitive as light back into the body, you’re not only going to see changes in sleep, but you’re what I’m hearing is you’re going to see a lot of changes and a lot of other areas, because you’re bringing back something that you’re not getting as frequent as frequent as we did decades ago.
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah, I mean, that’s spot on. And that that’s what’s really cool about doing more of like a full body exposure, because you’re opening yourself up for systemic benefits. So what I mean by that is just exposing this to your body, you’re giving your your cells and, you know, nutrients, right, a nutrient and energy that it hasn’t had. And so when you’re giving your body the tools to function as its intended, it can do pretty incredible things. So we get a lot of times somebody will say, Hey, I bought this for x. And I actually am noticing this, like, Is that Is that normal? And it’s like, yeah, it’s like, that’s a systemic like, benefit, like a lot of people say, you know, bought this for to relieve pain. First thing I noticed, before I experienced the pain relief was I’m sleeping better, I don’t know why that is, you know, or my skin, I bought it for skin health. And I noticed like I did, I did a pre and post hormone test, my hormones went up, you know, my testosterone went up, 200, or etc. So it’s really interesting like that it can do this. And so for a lot of people listening like this is still being uncovered of the systemic benefits of that can happen. But there’s a lot of clinical data for more targeted treating, right, so pointing at any which way on the on the body, but full body exposure, it’s something different. And you know, you hit it on the head, Dr. Mindy is it’s stemming from folks have gone have gone without this nutrient for a long time. And then once they bring it back into their body, it does amazing things.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. This is the same concept as fasting. When people fast they start to get not just ketones, we see all kinds of neurochemical changes that they’re not getting, and they’re missing out on when they eat all day long. And to to this, to me is where we get into this evolutionary mismatch like are we really at this point in 2022, we’ve got to pause and say, Okay, some of these nutrient requirements of the body are not being met. And I feel like light is like right up there with one of the key ones, but it’s really easy to look at a red light and be like, Oh, I’m gonna waive that thing. All you know, I’m gonna stand in front of it, my testosterone is gonna go up. So explain to us a little bit. I know, there’s some great hormone studies. What is the research saying about testosterone? Do we know anything about estrogen and progesterone? What how can we use this as a tool that might be as powerful as just, you know, a good old fashioned meal?
Wes Pfiffner
So to give more information on that, in 2019, we participated in a case study and it was about 40 people, between male and female. And we divided the research group we were working with, they were heavily interested in and helping people specifically metabolically. So they’re big believers in a ketogenic diet. And anyone that has seen research on the ketogenic diet can be very beneficial, not a diet for everybody. But it can be very, very beneficial compared to a standard American diet. And so that’s what they were focused on. And they had seen a lot about juve, and red light therapy and seeing how it could help a ton for mitochondria function. And they were, you know, as being clinicians, they knew, you know, mitochondrial function is a key to especially as you age, so they wanted to put a research study together and asked us to participate. So we did and so we enrolled 40 people and one group, they, they just implemented red light therapy stayed on their, their, their standard American diet, but the other group implemented a ketogenic diet on top of daily red light therapy treatments. And we looked at the results over 12 weeks, they we did blood serum, and it was amazing. So the ketogenic group and relic group saw that saw the biggest benefits as you would suspect, right, going from a standard American diet to a ketogenic diet plus red light. They saw incredible benefits. So the male’s saw increases in both total testosterone and free testosterone in that in that ketogenic red light group, and I mean, big, big time, like 100% increases 150% increases, you know, average age, I think, in that study was like 45. So folks that were older, where it’s like, there’s probably not a lot of hope for you, you know, your testosterone has been what it’s been for years, you know, stuff like that. They saw big increases, which is incredible. And then the females what’s really interesting and what we did And we didn’t know because there wasn’t anything out there. The females actually saw a balance balancing to their hormones. So if they were if they were too high in progesterone and, you know, that came down, like it leveled it out, like it just made them more healthy. Like they what the researchers concluded is like adrenal healing, and and the non red light group, I mean, the non keto group that just did red light, they still saw significant benefits. I mean, the average testosterone increased 35% in that group that was just adding in red light on a regular basis and female soft sell same results. So and
Dr. Mindy
what did they do what what like this was, this has been a huge debate in my community, and in my clinic, is how long do you do it? Do you have to have it on skin contact? Body Part? Do you do it? So for that particular, like, If a woman wants to use this to balance hormones, what does that look like on a daily basis.
Wes Pfiffner
So in that, in that particular study, they used a similar sized device that’s right behind me. And they stood in front of that for for 10 minutes on one side of their body, and they expose fully naked and then 10 minutes on the backside of the body. So they just spent 20 minutes a day. And that’s it. Now, I will say if you add other things in with it, like a proper diet, if you know, you’re, you’re focusing on better sleep, like then you really have a chance to see pretty even more dramatic, dramatic results. But even the red light group alone saw saw tons of of benefits in that, right. So it’s just, that’s what’s great about this, it’s just exposing your body to it. You don’t there’s no magical thing. It’s literally just, you know, acting like a solar panel, exposing yourself to this light, you know, 10 minutes. That’s it?
Dr. Mindy
And what would you do, like 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at night, is that you could get up?
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah, so if you’re like, I don’t have the time, you know, in the morning, just do the front half of your body for 10 minutes, and then the backside 10 minutes. And for a lot of people they want, you know, they want to optimize more time. So our system is modular. So you can add upwards of six of these panels together and create a content, you know, huge wall of it almost, and you just your whole body head to toe it in 10 minutes. So
Dr. Mindy
that’s what I want to do. Yeah, we’re empty nesters now, so we have all these open rooms in our house. And I’m like, okay, that’s gonna be a biohacking room. And so I’m slowly getting all my equipment, but I want to put the Juve around the whole edge of it. So when you walk in, there’s just, it’s just read pure red bite,
Wes Pfiffner
it’s a pretty amazing experience, I have a I have a quad. So it’d be four of those connected. And so that pretty much gets my body from head to toe. And it’s a great experience. I mean, I can, it’s so relaxing, I like to do it in the morning, right as I wake up to, you know, because I’m in LA right now. So it’s a little bit warm. So the hotter it gets, it’s not as fun to stand in front of it when it’s so hot out. But that’s why I like to do it either in the morning or later at night. And I find, I don’t know, I’ve been using it for so long that the first benefits when I first started using it was primarily like muscle recovery. And I actually noticed a big increase in blood flow. And that’s, that’s actually a big correlation with the mechanism of action is more nitric oxide gets released into your bloodstream. So, you know, if you put like, if I put my arm in front of it within a minute, I’m seeing vasodilation. And so, you know, those are some some theories on why of potential systemic benefits is it’s increasing blood flow. And when you could do that through the whole body and the blood flow is incredibly important and what and what and that’s something that diminishes as you get older, right, your blood flow can start to diminish.
Dr. Mindy
Wow. So last time, I talked to you all, there was a study that had just come out showing that if you put the red light right on your forehead, that it could it could actually start to upregulate and energize the prefrontal cortex, which is you everybody needs their prefrontal cortex working at their best do is that was just a study that was starting to be launched. Do we know anything about it with it around the brain? And my intuitive sense says, but there’s bone How can the light get through the bone of my skull?
Wes Pfiffner
So there there’s there’s a lot of research on the brain and Dr. Hamblin he’s a research professor. He was formerly at Harvard for majority of his career now he’s retired a he oversees a journal but hit most of his research so he’s been highly interested in is how it affects the brain. And specifically folks that have like brain brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia, stuff like that. And there’s a ton of now little research coming out of it showing red and near infrared helping folks with Alzheimer’s and dementia symptoms so they’re able to have better memory. They’re you know, clear memory like clear thoughts, stuff like that i quicker reaction time. And then there, there’s a side of it to helping with. There’s some research out there helping by traumatic brain injury, so inflammation in the brain, etc, because there’s mitochondria in In the brain, and so if if this stimulates that, you know, then theoretically there can be a benefit. So there is a lot of research around around the brain, and a lot of it is, is being geared towards the, you know, Alzheimer’s dementia, that area, because there’s just not a lot of, there’s just not a lot of stuff that folks can do once they hit that part in their life, there’s just not a lot there. So this, they’re heavily focused on that the device that I’ve seen use the most for that type of stuff is it’s called a V light. And it’s actually a little light that attaches to your nose and clips on and actually shoots light up your nasal cavity. That, yeah, that that’s an interesting thing. I think that’s their way of trying to bypass maybe some of that some of that school, but even even Doppler him. Hamblin says, like, by putting it there, it can still travel even even through that, given given enough time, we haven’t done any research with our products regarding that. But, you know, it’s interesting that what is a what is a, like a loop, or a path into the brain, like your eyes, right? Like your eyes can take that in. And so there’s lots of different potential avenues. But we get that a lot from people of like, they, you know, they have a clearer mind they think better by just using it. And so could it be through the eyes affecting the brain, I mean, there’s a lot of different things. But one thing we know for sure, like the brain is positively affected by these wavelengths.
Dr. Mindy
Well, so the eyes are like the if you wanted to look inside your brain, it’s like your eyes are the output of what’s going on in the brain. And we have the most amount of serotonin receptor sites in our eyes, and light can stimulate those serotonin receptors. So do we know the name of the receptor? I’m just kind of curious for my own clinical study, do we know the name of the receptor, that red light goes into like, serotonin like five H two, a is a is a serotonin receptor site, there’s about 30 Different serotonin receptor sites. I’m curious if we know the one
Wes Pfiffner
I don’t know off the top my head, but I will say I was just reading research and I’m not joking you yesterday on on red light and, and the eyes. Because I personally have experienced a benefit with that. I don’t, I’m 32 years old, I don’t have I’ve never had contacts or glasses. And I noticed like, my, my vision is not what it was when I was 12. But I noticed that like I ran out of a stretch of being able to use the device consistently. And my device. And so what I noticed is my vision was like being weird, like, it’s starting to be blurry, seeing like road signs, stuff like that. But once I got back into routine, like, it’s clear again. And so I started looking at stuff. And I already kind of heard that from customers our own. And I know there was, there was a big study released in 2020, that was highlighting benefit for eyes. And it’s actually true, like they’ve there was a clinical study done in 2020. And then another one done in 2021, that just regular exposure to these wavelengths of light for like simple like three minutes, people’s vision was was getting better, and it was affecting people most that got the benefit. They were past 40. And so that’s when I was I saw that stat of their eyes. And you’ll find this interesting that are what I mentioned earlier, like the eyes like they age 70% faster than any other organ in the body, and it’s to mitochondria. And so what they’re saying is like this, this was the researchers words, it’s like a gave those mitochondria a charge, and they’re able to produce more energy, and then the vision gets better. So it’s like, it’s almost like you’re jumping in a car, right? It’s like you’re you’re sticking these, you know, your your cables onto a car and you’re charging the battery from another source. So it’s really interesting in that regard.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, that’s the way I look at it is it’s like a like you’re charging up your cells. And the way I’ve seen it, I’ve felt it the way I’ve watched people that I’ve coached back to health, what the way I watched them uses use it is that every time they go in front of a red light, you’re supercharging mitochondria and whatever that mitochondria is trying to do, whether it’s detox, whether it’s energy, whether it’s ATP for healing, it’s like all of a sudden amplifies that. And without without the red light. Now we’re stuck with cells that are kind of mediocre. They’re not like the hardest working cells. And then year after year after year, they’re getting less hard, less efficient at working. So I look at it like plugging my cell phone and plugging my cells in and boom, now now they’re getting turned on and they have full electrical capacity.
Wes Pfiffner
That’s right, that’s a perfect way to look at it. And so I like to explain in two ways then, you know, there are short term benefits you can get from red light right away healing those cells that are under oxidative stress and returning them to normal like inflammation reduction, stuff like that. You can see you can see benefits in the short term long term. It’s such a great tool for to help support healthy aging, and we’ve We’ve just released an article on our website talking about that exact same thing to ensure something to help ensure healthy cellular function so that your cells are getting the energy, so your body can function. And like I said, you know, going through all of a lot of different health stuff and seeing it and that, you know, in the health community, and the body is king, like we can, we can come up with so many different like theories and everything, but give your body what it needs, and it can do the rest. So, like, that’s kind of what what we’re talking about.
Dr. Mindy
And I think that actually is the most confusing part about all of this is because what we’ve been taught in healthcare, is that you have to have some magic pill to be able to change your symptom or change your, your condition. But when you come to things like red light and fasting, what’s happening is you’re giving a requirement that the that the cells need, and we don’t know where the healing is gonna happen. If you need the healing in the brain, it’ll happen in the brain, if you need the healing in an injured knee, it’ll happen there, especially when you get in front of these big panels, you have no idea but the body knows because it’s so smart. And it knows how to prioritize, which is the beautiful part. Because we sometimes we gotta pull our educated brain out of the way and go, Okay, let’s you’re I’m gonna give you something you need. And I’ll let you figure it out. That, to me, is the whole premise of fasting. And what I hear you saying is, that’s the premise of red light, we can pinpoint these studies, but it’s really about giving a requirement to the body, so the intelligent body can figure it out.
Wes Pfiffner
100%, and we can’t, like, to a certain extent, at this point, like, I can’t always guarantee what that’s going to do for you what that light is gonna do, because I don’t know what shape your body is, I don’t know, I No one knows really the shape of your cells, right? It’s not like we can know that. And most people unless you do a biopsy, you’re never going to know the state of your the cellular function, right. And so, so get giving your body this like it can never hurt, and only support and that’s where, you know, red light continues to be is there isn’t a lot of like, there’s very, very, very little, if any, negative results coming from people with negative side effects. There are on occasion, folks, that experience of detox symptoms, stuff like that. But I could probably argue that that’s actually a good thing that you’re experiencing detox symptoms, yeah,
Dr. Mindy
you upregulate the mitochondria, they make glutathione, they’re going to detox more, I could totally see that.
Wes Pfiffner
And then there’s always a small group that they’re, they’re light sensitive, right? They’re light sensitive to the sun, everything, but those people know who they are. So for 99% of the population, it’s completely safe, non evasive. You know, it’s, it’s just it’s giving your body the tools to work. And so it’s like, I’d love to, I’d love to like, Give everybody a more science explanation. Wow. But that’s kind of what it is. And it’s no different when you’re making sure you’re eating the right diet, and you’re getting the right vitamins, you’re giving your body the tools.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, it’s and I always say that with fasting, like people are like, Why is how can fasting be good for losing weight and dementia at the same time, and it goes back to the same premise that we were not meant to eat all day, we were meant to eat in a compressed, you know, compressed period of time leaving a longer period for this neurochemical change to happen. The way I look at red light is we’re not meant to be in blue light all the time. But from the moment we get up, we pull our phone out, we’re on our computer, we go you know, when night sunset happens, we’re not really conscious about do I need to get outside. And so we’re getting this synthetic light over and over and over again. So when you put red light back in, it seems to me like you’re giving a requirement that the body just didn’t isn’t getting, and especially in this day and age.
Wes Pfiffner
I mean, it’s well said and a lot of it is the route of it’s just not taught, it’s not taught these ways to take care of our bodies, it’s just, you know, all you’re taught is go you know, go to the doctor, if you’re dealing with something and they’re, they’re not, they’re not going to know much about you unless you can like kind of sink your brain to them, they’re just going to go off of what you tell them and then try to give them the best guess and I’m not saying there’s not a place to go to, to go to the doctor right, it’s fine break my arm first my son going as close to the ER, but yeah, but what we’re talking about is is knowing how to support your body, especially for the long term. And that’s what I think needs to get into folks his head is there’s ways you can do it. And same with like exercise, like exercise doesn’t need to be a tool to just beat your body up. It’s just a way to move the body you know, move the body and just get movement in there get stimulate those muscles. And it’s as simple as that because that’s just gonna bring you so many benefits, you know for the long term.
Dr. Mindy
So true. Okay, talk about collagen because one of the things that was the most exciting to me when I saw the red light was that it can start to stimulate collagen on the skin. So what do we know research wise on that? What have you seen? I know that once I Got a mini that that was my first thing is that I put it in front of me in front of my face when I was meditating in the morning for collagen production.
Wes Pfiffner
So similar to what we’ve, you know, the research for, for skin similar to what we’ve been talking about for mitochondria, it’s the same thing the skin cells can absorb that. And then the fibroblasts in a sector can make more collagen, bring more blood flow to the skin, healing oxygen to the skin, it’s the same, it’s the same type of thing. And there’s, there’s lots of clinical data out there for skin health, that’s probably one of I would say, probably the leading amount of studies is skin health. And a lot of it you’ll see for wound healing, wrinkle reduction, you’ve just mentioned collagen, there’s a lot out there for that supple skin. So it’s very, very beneficial for the skin. And it’s the same type of mechanism it is the mitochondria in those skin cells are responding and being stimulated, and they’re getting energy and then they’re able to do you know what they should be doing. And so what happens then, if your skin just returns back to looking more healthy, you know, it’s not like it’s a magic, it’s just, your body is meant to be healthy. You know what I mean? And when they, this narrative that gets kind of pushed in people’s heads is Oh, after age, you know, 30 you’re just going to slowly keep declining. But I don’t think we have to accept that I think we just don’t know how to support ourselves because you know, and our support our bodies, and what are ways to do that, like we’re finding out we’ve been going without doing red light, you know what I mean? Like, you know, that’s something that we’ve we give our body fasting, exercise, good diet, all these things mix together. And I think we can we can live a happier healthier life.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. 1,000%. And I will tell you that again, the little go when my kids were living at home, any kind of rash any kind of wound were my kids are super active, and my daughter’s does a lot with horses. Anything that was like an open wound, the first thing was put the Juva Brett just put the red light to speed up the healing. I’ll never forget one time my daughter, we live in an old house and my daughter, the old window, fell on her finger and like on top of it, and she was just it was hurting so bad. I didn’t know what to give her. We don’t have Advil in the house. We don’t do painkillers. So I was like, grab the Juve. And she put the duvet over it. And like, literally within like seconds, she’s like, I don’t know why the pain is going away, mom, while pain seems to be improving. So when she took the job away, then the pain came back. But it almost acted like ice ever put it on there.
Wes Pfiffner
So I’m glad you mentioned ice because that’s, that’s something we’ve actually just included in our in our newsletter today. And this is interesting, just how we get to doing things when there’s not a lot of support for it. So what have we always been told, like, if you twist an ankle, or you get a bruise or something is hurting, it’s put ice on it right? And I’ve always been told ice helps speed up the recovery. But there’s actually no really data to support that at all, if you actually look into it. And that yeah, and the person that invented that person that came out with the rice method, which is rest, ice, elevate, etc. He’s actually walked it back now and he’s like, you actually don’t really want to ice it. And if you do use it as just a pain reliever, and don’t even do it more than five minutes. And here’s why. When because a lot of times they’ll say oh, the swelling was swelling go down and speed up the speed up the healing put ice on it, it can take the swelling up a lot, why does it take the swelling down because the ice is just cutting off blood flow that’s both it’s going to the inflammation is gonna go down. But what I’ve actually learned is we want that acute inflammation that inflammation is putting up almost like a bandaid around that area and it’s going to repair so what red light does the opposite it’s going to increase blood flow and it’s actually going to repair those damaged tissues faster. There’s actually clinical data to support that’s why you know, we have a partnership with the San Francisco 40 Niners and they all of their all of their players use our full body systems on a regular basis why it’s to help repair and reduce inflammation because they’re constantly putting their body under stress. So my point on that is like next time you like twist an ankle or whatnot kind of think of you know i You’re better off with light than you are with ice ice can still be helpful as a natural pain reliever so like if you don’t want to take Tylenol or ibuprofen, you can use it if it’s really bad pain, but it’s actually not going to help speed up the healing. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy
it’s really interesting if you think about it, because the body is always doing the right thing at the right time. So when you when you sprained an ankle and blood flow goes to the area. What’s the body doing? It’s sending nerve chemicals to heal it your oxygen i Yeah, when we put ice on that we tell the chemicals to go away and slow down the healing. So but yet too much inflammation that doesn’t get processed through the body. It can be a chronic problem. So I love this idea that this is self regulating that this is a way for the body to decide how much blood flow it needs and how much it doesn’t. What what do we know about the nervous system? Because I can tell you the first time that I saw you all and in this was like, I feel I don’t know how long you been around. But I want to say it was like six years ago, I was at a conference and all the panels were up. And I felt like a zombie. Like, I was like, What is going on over there. And I walked over to it. And all I could do is stand in front of it. And I stood there for about five minutes. I had my clothes on, obviously. But when I walked away, I was like, What just happened to me? I’m different. I was so calm. So tell me what the is there a parasympathetic effect? What is it doing to our nervous system?
Wes Pfiffner
That’s my hunch. And that’s been my hunch for a couple years. Now we did. We did do some testing with a group that specializes in the brain. It’s specifically for athletes. And the initial testing that they were doing, they changed ownership. So that kind of fell apart with working with them. But the initial data that they showed me is that they had the I can’t remember the the brainwaves that are for calmness, is it? Is it gamma gamma? Is that what it is? And beta is is the high ones, right? Beta. Beta is like alert.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, alpha alpha is also another one. That’s the alpha is a really good state that’s more mellow.
Wes Pfiffner
So the initial stuff that they told me is like, Hey, pretty cool. Like we’re seeing, like high beta waves, which is associated with like alertness, we’re seeing that reduced, and then we’re seeing the gamma rays go up. So like, what he was telling me is, like it’s called, it has a calming effect. Yeah. And so that that, like, I’ve thought that for years now of like, it’s probably shifting you into a parasympathetic state versus a sympathetic state. And that’s maybe why folks that use it. You know, maybe, you know, a couple hours before bed or before bed they experienced with a lot better sleep is they’re just relaxed.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. One thing that I’ve done with the go, and thank you for making it a little stand now it has a little stand. Yeah, it’s nice, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s really nice. So I put it on my little nightstand. And one of the things that happens to women as they go through menopause, as our hormones get depleted, we don’t have the hormones, especially progesterone, we don’t have the ability to relax our body and brain as much. And it takes was women go through their 40s. And into the menopausal years, it takes time for the body to react to adapt to all these missing hormones. So I take the go, and I put it right on my nightstand and I just turn it on. As I’m it’s on a timer, right. So I just as I’m going to sleep, I just with my eyes closed, it really is a weird way of just creating this ambiance in my room that relaxes me. So I don’t know if if the menopausal women in your world and add in the juice, the juice world have told you that. But I think for menopausal women, that is probably one of the best ways to use it is just to calm the body in the mind to allow women to finally sleep.
Wes Pfiffner
I I 100% believe you I think there’s probably there’s truth to that. And part of it is like we’re so interested emulated in this world all the time by every every single thing. So just doing something that simple just to relax yourself, especially before sleep, if you can relax the mind and the body before sleep, you’re setting yourself up for a really good night’s sleep. And also what you’re talking about too, is you’re you know you’re not having that stimulant effect from you know, bright blue light. So that can definitely have have an impact as well. But yeah, I think anytime you can get yourself to relax in a world that’s trying to get you to do anything but that is you know, is definitely a key.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah 1,000% I and this is the this is the menopausal evolutionary mismatch is that as women go into their 40s we lose these hormones, but the world is not we’re not equipped, you know, we’ve got we’re type A, we’ve got so much information coming in. We’re in gogo mode, and I’m finding that all these menopausal symptoms are becoming so magnified, not because hormones are more of a problem, but because our environment is more of a problem. So when I’m working with my reset Academy members, we talked about red light all the time. We’re always like, okay, let’s put we got to add some red light in at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day. I just think it’s so it’s so simple. So I absolutely love that. Talk a little bit about seasons so you know when we go like you know, when I in summertime, I got a lot of blue light, I’ve got a lot of daylight. It’s easy for me to get up and see the sunrise and see the sunset. But once we go into December, especially here in this hemisphere, the days get shorter. Does that mean that red light becomes more important than or do we need to change our usage? With it throughout the year.
Wes Pfiffner
So the days definitely become shorter. But, you know, I originally grew up in the Midwest. And not only are the days shorter, but it’s cloudy. You know, once it hits past like, Thanksgiving in the Midwest, like for a lot of people No, like the sun’s really not back until the springtime, there are days will be, it’ll poke out and be really sunny. But primarily, it’s what you call overcast. And so the sun isn’t even out, it’s still bright, like brighter than your house, you know. So it’s still really good to get outside, even on a very cloudy day, for your circadian rhythm, it’s still best to get outside because it’s brighter than in your home. But yeah, you’re going without a lot of sun exposure, it’s typical, a lot of people’s vitamin D is low in the winter, because the sun isn’t out folks that live more in the northern hemispheres, Seattle, Canada, etc. Like, you know, they don’t get a lot of sun exposure. So you’re going to argue it’s even more critical to have a light therapy system during those winter months, because you don’t even have access, even to regular sunlight. And not only that, it’s winter. So the intensity is extremely low. So even if it is in a really good sunny day, like your UV is going to be on your UV UV index probably going to be like a one. If that right and summer, it’s going to be a 10 You know, on a scale. So yeah, there’s there’s lots of limited exposure. And so even through the winter, you know, it’s going to be very beneficial versus not having it. It’s not full, I want to make it clear for folks, it’s not a full sun replacement, the sun is full spectrum. So it’s delivering all types of wavelengths that that exist that we know of the Sun delivers all of them. This panel, and Juve is only delivering a specific band of red and near infrared and actually just two wavelengths. So it’s very specific, because what the goal is, is to stimulate cellular function. And so even out in the sun, like you’d have to be out there for a really long time to get this single of a dosage of red and near infrared. And then you know, when you’re out there and other times you’re getting, you’re going to be tanning, etc. A lot of times you can’t be fully fully naked out out in the out in the sun. Some people might be if they have a nice private but he had to have a nice private backyard who your neighbors are. Yeah, some people some people have gone for like the I don’t even want to say it but the the naked tanning? I don’t know if you’ve seen that going around. But part of that I
Dr. Mindy
have I have tanning very interesting body parts.
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah. Yeah. Very interesting. And so like, what is the concept there is they’re trying to expose, like, similar to what like a juve, essentially, is you’re exposing areas that never get sunlight, trying to stimulate, like, cellular energy. So you see a lot get mixed around, like red light gets kind of gets mixed in with that. And I don’t know, it’s, it’s
Dr. Mindy
thought of that. Okay, so basically, what you’re saying is some red light. I mean, I know there are devices that are like internal devices for women of red light, but so red light on body parts that don’t get exposed like genitalia. Do we have any research on this? Will that increase like, testosterone in men and estrogen in women?
Wes Pfiffner
Well, that’s a theory of how it’s one of the leading theories of how it affects and is able to improve male testosterone is it’s hitting the Leydig cells in the testes, and stimulating them to produce more more testosterone. I, I don’t really know because I think, you know, with what we’re talking about, if you’re delivering, like, if I’m standing, if I’m sitting in front of this device behind me, and I, and I’m, you know, I’m fully naked, and I’m able to just expose all my core vital organs like my head, my brain, etc. Like, I’m delivering a lot of energy, and then my body can, you know, it kind of does with that as it sees fit. So I don’t really know if it necessarily has to hit like your testes, we always encourage, you know, as much skin as you can expose. But that’s an interesting theory of like, something that you know, would be interested test is, can you is, is it is just exposing it to those and other reasons, is that how it produces testosterone? To this point, we don’t we don’t necessarily know
Dr. Mindy
let me know when that study comes out. Also, do we know if it increases vitamin D? You mentioned vitamin D A while ago, can we use it as a vitamin D enhancer in the wintertime?
Wes Pfiffner
So it doesn’t necessarily it stimulate vitamin D that’s kind of like the same I’ll kind of circle back to how I explain it the melatonin could it could exposing yourself as could help improve your body be able to produce vitamin D just as a result of you, you know, getting out in sunlight regularly right? Could it help that process of you converting UV light that hits your skin to vitamin D etc. Can it help that process? Because that’s a process right here it’s absorbed by the skin, etc. And then it eventually combat it helps them a God, I believe right helps it absorb calcium, I believe vitamin D. It’s a lot lot of benefits to it’s
Dr. Mindy
the microbiome of the some of the studies that I saw. So
Wes Pfiffner
like my point there is First absorbed by the skin, right? And then it’s helping in the gut. So it’s helping other areas. So it’s got to have energy and processed your body be able to do that. So, like an offset benefit. Could it help? I mean, theoretically, yeah. But is it a direct source of it? No. And the reason being is because it doesn’t contain any UV light. Okay. And what
Dr. Mindy
about, there was a study that was done out of Canada a couple years ago, about during the wintertime, they believe that people hold on to more fat, they don’t burn as much fat because they’re not getting as much light on the skin, which is actually mobilizing fat tissue, whereas in the summer, you get that light. They didn’t say, What, what’s the spectrum of light? But do we know anything about red light for mobilizing or breaking down fat cells?
Wes Pfiffner
I think I know that what you’re talking about, I believe it was more in that way. I think it was more blue light, where that helped stimulate something of like wakefulness, fat burning, etc. And so since we don’t get outside, much like they were trying to kind of link, I think, link that to a little bit more of like, part of the obesity problem. So I know that what you’re talking about is really interesting is to know that that fat cells even recognize, like, was this super interesting. It just goes to show you even more of like, we don’t, we don’t know. But in regards to to weight loss. There, we do have a study that will be published here, hopefully, in the next, you know, three to four months. The results are already done. And the researcher we’re working with he, he’s writing his final manuscript for it, and then he’ll submitted to a journal and that takes a process but the results, and I’ve seen them, they’re they’re really interesting. And so in this particular study, it was it was overweight, diabetic, obese, diabetic women. And they just exposed themselves to regular I think it was red light therapy treatments on a full body like it was a full body setup. And they were doing it three to three to four times a week, I believe. And they didn’t see it, they saw what they saw from benefits was on metabolically. So they they saw, you know, their insulin levels were drastically reduced. They saw their LDL and HDL improved. They saw, I mean, just amazing, right? What it’s doing just on their metaphor, and this is just light. Right? And so a couple other other areas, they saw, they did see some circumference changes, like the hips and etc. But most of the benefits of what they saw was metabolically and which was, you know, incredible and right. And that kind of then taught like that led me back to that, that keto study, where they mixed red light and keto. And it’s like, well, what is keto? So great for it’s helping metabolically. Right. And so folks that are diabetic, they tend to see a lot of benefits going on a ketogenic diet because of because of, you know, no sugar, no, no glucose responses, etc. So, just just showing that, like, it helps metabolically, you know, the use cases for it are kind of endless. And that’s, that’s what folks that are that are fairly sick, right? obese, diabetic, diabetic individual, that’s not a healthy individual, and to show that it helped on a metabolic way. You know, just like, right, it’s insane, right? It’s kind of insane. Me saying it is really insane to just think this light just did this for these, these people. So I’d love to share that when that when that comes out. Because it’s really interesting,
Dr. Mindy
because you know, when you look at 12% of Americans, and we have a worldwide audience, but 12% of Americans being metabolically fit. Again, I’m going to go back to we can blame the food, we can blame stress, we can blame, lack of movement and the pandemic. We there’s a lot of fancy things to blame. But what we really need to do is go back and say, How did our cave ancestors live? What did they do? Because, as my friend, Bill Schindler, he wrote a book called eat like a human says, he says the cave people were crushing it with their health. They were doing so well with their metabolic health primarily. And when I asked him about it, he’s like, Well think about what they were doing. They were fasting. So they got the ketones. They were moving to go hunt. They were sticking to meats and plants as their primary source of nutrition. And they were outside. They were at sunrise, sunset, they were out during the day. So everything that they did that we’re not doing now, we got to bring back. But when we sit in an interview like this, I mean, we both have light coming in. But we also are on our computers. We’ve I don’t know how long you’ve been sitting here, but this is like my fourth hour of zooming today. It’s not It’s so synthetic, that it is destroying our metabolic health. And we’ve got to go back to what our caveman ancestors did. And red light is a piece of that in my book.
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah. And I love that. I love that and how I I typically will talk about that is, this modern day has brought us a tremendous amount of benefit. I mean, just the fact that you have running water in your house, you know, all that sort of stuff, but it’s brought that’s brought challenges. Yes. And how can we live healthy and a modern lifestyle and that’s exactly like to sum it up is bringing these type of tools that we can use, because it’s not going away. Right? It’s like, I love the thought of of how help like, uh, you know, how cavemen used to live in hunter gatherers, but I don’t want to go live in a cave. Like I like being able to do an interview with with you right now. Right? You’re, you’re across the country, and I love doing it. So yeah, like, I love that thought concept. But like, I don’t want to live out in the wilderness and maybe be eaten by a bear. Like, I’ll take my home. So how can I live better healthy in my home?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I love it. So how do people decide which paneled again, this is another dilemma and that I’ve had, and a lot of people have asked, and I usually say whatever your financial resources can afford, you go for the, the biggest and the best. But is there? If I, you know, if we choose to go? It’s the smallest circumference what what do we need to know about the circumference area?
Wes Pfiffner
So I think if you’re it really depends on like, what what are your goals, so if you’re someone that has maybe some some joint issues, and you’re really wanting to help with just relieve joint pain, right, whether it be anywhere around your body that goes, it can be a great device for that because it can specifically target treat. But if you’re looking at for something to maybe improve your like your overall health, then the more the more energy you can expose your body to the better, you know, and so what’s great, then aside from the NGO, all of our devices, the mini solo on up, they’re all modular capability. So you can, you could start with a small panel, and then add to it later to build a bigger setup, our accessories do that and they make it such a flawless experience, we have, you know, if anybody goes to our website, we have this pole system to where you can attach them and mount them on this pole, and you can get other poles and you can attach them and you can create a bigger setup, and you could do it over time. So you could start with one device, you know, and then and then invest in later. And we see that we see a lot of pokes, excuse me, a lot of folks skeptical at first, and then I started with one, and then I saw a benefit pretty quickly. So then they came in, they bought more, but they weren’t out and they didn’t have to sell the one they bought, they could just add to it. And so that’s what’s great about our modular system is you can kind of start where, where you feel will where you feel comfortable. And then you can expand over time, we have a great actually just launched a great resource page for that, where we, we have a great video that kind of just explains the basics. And then we go we have videos for each individual accessory option that can kind of break it down to see which best fits your home because it is something that’s that’s an investment, and it’s an investment in your health. And so we wanted to try to provide as many tools as possible for folks to pick the best thing for, you know, for them.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, yeah. And you know, I always say, you know, what the most expensive thing is, is to be sick. I remember sitting with a good friend who went through 10 years of fighting cancer, and it was hundreds of 1000s of dollars. And the year she died, I’ll never forget, I was her mom was sitting on the couch next to her as she was about 51 at the time dying of breast cancer in hospice care in her living room. And her mom pulls me over aside and says, Hey, Mindy, let me show you how much we’ve spent this year on her Medicare alone. And she had like the top of the line insurance. And if at that point, it was around $75,000, they had spent to give her one more year of life. And that always hit me that okay, we can bitch and moan about expenses of of things like red light therapy, but when you really dive into understanding how important it is, for your long term health, you’ll start to see that sickness is the most expensive thing you can do. And the fastest way to get sick is to completely ignore your health.
Wes Pfiffner
It’s funny, it’s funny, too, because it’s one that’s a very sad story. And it’s very common, I think, for a lot of people, you know, across the country. But it’s funny, it’s like we, we we wait too long to spend money on our health to where it’s like already too late, you know, where you know, and it’s like, I don’t know why we do that, right? Why do we buy the big flat screen TVs? And it’s like, why don’t we invest in the stuff that can help us for the longevity right? Set yourself up so you can enjoy all that stuff, you know, later on. Because otherwise if you don’t take care, just like a car, it’s like, people understand the concept of a car, right? You gotta get an oil change, you change the tires and everything. Our bodies are the same. If we don’t, if we don’t service the system, and the machine it’s gonna break it’s gonna break down and oftentimes we just kind of forget that and I think everybody falls. Everybody falls into bad habits. You know, nobody’s nobody’s perfect, but if you can Just doing some little things along the way, like he talked about, like investing in a red light panel and of course, like bias and bias, right because I, I want I want everybody to have have a Juve light. But it really is something that is so beneficial for your health and it’s easy to do. And what we’ve done at Juve is we’ve, we’ve taken the ability to be able to have full body exposure in your home before Juve launched, the only option for full body exposure, were extremely expensive red light therapy beds, and they range from 50,000 to 140,000. And we’ve taken taken that and be able to have not only that same clinical dosage, but medical grade, same, the same quality in your home for a fraction of that of that cost. So, you know, I
Dr. Mindy
just love you guys, and I love what you’re doing. And I so appreciate the modular system because I am that person, believe it or not, when it comes to a lot of these bio hacks that it has to make sense to me. And the first time I saw this, I was like, Okay, I think it makes sense. And then I experienced it, and I’m like, Oh, wait it, I can feel the difference. And then you want to end up getting more and more. So the modular system is so crazy powerful. Let me finish up on this idea that I we always, I always ask all my guests at the end of the podcast, what is one thing you’re grateful for this year? And do you have a gratitude practice that you do on a daily basis
Wes Pfiffner
grateful for I’m grateful for my family, my beautiful daughter who she’s about to turn to, it’s she’s such a blessing to me and brings a smile to my face. And just being able to experience being a father is I’m thankful for that, you know, at the end of the day, like when things don’t go right, you know, there’s always something to complain about. And there’s always and so, when I’m thinking of that, I’m thinking of like, I have my beautiful daughter, like, you know, it’s something that’s easy, I can go back to being being thankful for. And I’d say like a ritual, I think a lot when I do a red light session, I kind of use that as a time to really think about, especially during the day. And you know, even for anybody like, like, I’m guessing this is why you brought it up. But anytime you’re dealing with a challenge and you’re upset about something, it’s so easy to kind of flip that switch just to focusing on like, what you have and what you could be thankful for. You know what I mean? And so, I’d say my ritual would be I kind of think a lot about that stuff. When I when I do my red light sessions.
Dr. Mindy
You know, I started doing 20 minutes, the first 20 minutes of my day, I put on music that inspires me and I literally sit there and think of all the things that I’m grateful for. And my life has changed so dramatically doing that. It’s such a small little habit that over time it it’s amazing. It’s almost like you program your brain to start to find more things to be grateful for when you do that. It’s like setting the program before the day even starts. So I just love that. Well Wes, what we’re going to do is you have some discounts and stuff going on. I know depending on when people are listening to this, I know you have some Black Friday sales. So we will put all your information so that my community can get those discounts and any last things you want us all to know about red light or places we can go geek out on the research on it.
Wes Pfiffner
Yeah, so I’ll answer that first question if you are listening to this around Black Friday time, that is when we do our biggest sale of the year. So if you’re in the market for a job device and you’re you’re ready to purchase one definitely wait until that Black Friday weekend. It will be the biggest savings that you know that we ever offer you know in a calendar year so it’ll you’ll you’ll be able to save hundreds on on a new job and so yeah Black Friday and then if you do go to our website jovv.com juf.com I encourage you before don’t go look at the product straightaway go go look at the Science page Go Go read the the information for you know for your own eyes of what what I’ve said what Dr Mindy have said Go Go read it you know we have it’s all it’s all source you can click on the studies you can go directly to PubMed and read that stuff because there is a there is a mountain of it and you can get lost in it. So you know that’s number one go go to that science page. But then number two, I encourage you to go to it on our website is the reviews page. Just go read what what those people are saying. It’s pretty amazing. I get
Dr. Mindy
a really good idea I wouldn’t have thought to make that the second place to go that’s great idea.
Wes Pfiffner
I like to send people there because I don’t necessarily know what it’ll what it can do for you. I mean, I know on a scientific level like it can help skin it can help this like there’s a high likelihood it could but I don’t know when those areas that are kind of off label right that are still off label of hormones. We have people say I’ve lost my sense of smell. My sense of smell is back And we’ve had people with I can’t remember. What’s that? What’s that? It’s not a disease but we’re half your face can like go numb as policy goes, we’ve had we had somebody that has had Bell’s Palsy and they say, Hey, I’ve tried everything I’ve kind of just live with this I and she, she was using our light to do like a media she was she was going to write a review for some media outlet. And so she was doing a review for them. And she’s like, it’s like, 99% gone. And it’s like, read like did that like, I don’t know, I can’t explain that. You know. So, my point is, that’s where you can find interesting stuff in their reviews. Where it’s just it’s, it’s all it’s all just uploaded from customers and it’s just real. So like, those are two great places to start. Yep.
Dr. Mindy
Love it. Well, Wes, thank you and thank everybody at dew for doing such a great job that you guys again, were the first out of the gates and you can consider continue to be just a high standard for red light. So thank you for entertaining my brain today and so grateful for everything you all are doing.
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Hi Wes,
Don’t see any info to check out your red light devices. Send me info link on your red light devices, & prices or web address to see them.
Thank you,
Doc Bob
That was awesome! So inspiring to stay after it! Whatever it is for me
Thank you so much for listening! If you have a second, we’d love if you could copy and paste your comment into a review for the show! Just click here: ratethispodcast.com/resetterpodcast
I am interested in your recommendation for a red light therapy device. Also, can you please differentiate the model you recommend with the best sellers on Amazon? Does the effectiveness vary by price? Thanks!