“Anytime I Need An Answer, I Am In Gratitude”
This episode is all about what we can do to make sure that we stay cancer-free using self-care as the new healthcare.
Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D., is a prominent leader in the Integrative and Functional Medical field with over 30 years of experience taking the best of all sciences, including homeopathic and conventional treatments for cancer, chronic illnesses, nutrition, and lifestyle approach. She is the Medical Director of two unique clinics in Irvine, CA: The Center for New Medicine and Cancer Center for Healing. The combined clinics have become the largest integrative medical clinic in North America and are visited by patients worldwide, with 65,000 patients and growing.
In this podcast, Self-Care Is The New Healthcare, we cover:
- The insane health benefits of extended fasting
- Why living a life of gratitude can make you happy
- The massive reasons that preventive medicine should be more prevalent
- How EMF exposure can be affecting your health
- Steps to reduce the effects of EMF exposure
Why Preventive Healthcare Should Be More Prevalent
Prevention and early detection of diseases are paramount in our medical system. It is much easier to prevent heart disease and cancer than for a doctor to treat those things. Unfortunately, pharmacies function like doctors now, and pharmaceutical companies rule medicine. There are so many rules and regulations when it comes to medicine. For instance, Dr. Erin called in a prescription for a patient, and the pharmacy denied it because they didn’t like the amount she gave. Sadly, most people don’t know that they can save themselves. It would help if you had someone who will look outside the box and is creative with you as a patient.
The Dangers of EMF Exposure and How To Counteract The Effects
Dr. Erin has been studying EMFs for about fourteen years. The problems with EMFs are getting exponentially worse because we have so many more satellites and cell towers. These EMFs are killing us because we’re all electromagnetic beings; these radio frequencies are very dangerous, immunosuppressive, and create tons of free radicals in the body. To counteract the damage of EMFs, you need to get out in nature as much as you can and don’t forget to walk barefoot! There’s a disturbance in your electrical frequencies and how the cells can communicate with EMFs.
The Steps You Can Take To Heal From Trauma
Are you healing from trauma? The first thing you need to do is make a healing affirmation sheet. No one knows how to talk to themselves kindly until you learn how to do it. Next, Dr. Erin recommends that you clean up your individual space. It’s time that you take charge of your own personal environment. There are not enough money, human resources, and ideas to clean up the environment. The best you can do is make sure that you are not living in a toxic place. The same thing goes with the food industry; no amount of money will fix it at this point. Instead, we can lean on fasting to help heal ourselves.
The Amazing Health Benefits of Fasting
Dr. Erin has been recommending fasting for a very long time. It is the most inexpensive, easiest thing to do. One time, Dr. Erin saw a patient with diabetes, prostate cancer, high blood pressure, myasthenia gravis, and heart disease. Dr. Erin said there weren’t enough pills in the world to help solve his problems. So, Dr. Erin told him to fast for thirty days. After thirty days, Dr. Erin didn’t even recognize the patient because he looked so much better. If there are serious health problems, Dr. Erin says the longer the fast, the better. As a patient, you need to come up with your own solutions. Overall, fasting is the easiest, most cleansing, and the most detoxing thing you can do.
Living a Life of Gratitude Can Make You Happy
Anytime that Dr. Erin needs an answer, she is in gratitude. It takes about six to eight weeks to do something automatically. Whenever Dr. Erin wakes up, walks down the stairs, or sits in her car, she is in gratitude. She has learned and trained herself to do this. If you need peace, then teach yourself how to be in gratitude. If Dr. Erin didn’t live in gratitude, she would be extremely nervous and anxious. Remember, you have the complete innate ability to heal and harmonize yourself. You can live in a holy, beautiful, wonderful, and magical place if you make it that way.
Dr. Erin Connealy 0:00
We need to awaken a billion people to what really that they have control over because I tell people self care is the new health care.
Dr. Mindy 0:13
Receptors Dr. Mindy here and I am on a mission to teach you just how powerful your body was built to be. This podcast is about giving you the power back and helping you believe in yourself again. Let’s jump in. On this episode of The resetter podcast, I bring you Dr. Lee Aaron Conneely. Now, I got to tell you what I just experienced with this beautiful woman, Dr. Conneely I’ve heard her speak several times. She’s the author of the cancer revolution. She has a clinic down in Southern California. That’s called the cancer center for healing. She has been helping people with cancer for years. I’ve heard her speak at conferences. And if there’s a person out there who has mastered integrative health when it comes to cancer, she is it. But what this conversation turned into was one that I did not expect. I really wanted to ask Dr. Conneely, how do we all not get cancer? What do we do to make sure that we stay cancer free. And her response blew me away. Because as you will hear, she talks about stress, she talks about how this modern world has disconnected us from nature. She talks about our children and how they’re all growing up with cell phones and, and in this instant, world that is contributing to the diseases they’re getting not only in childhood, but in in their 20s and 30s. She talked about EMFs and toxicity and food and forgiveness and fasting and wow. That’s all I can say is wow. If you want to prevent cancer, if you want to prevent any chronic disease in this modern world, I promise you, this is the episode for you. I am I’m speechless. I’m blown away. It was a true honor to be in her presence. And this woman just brought every aspect of heart to healing that I have ever seen. So Dr. Conneely, this is my gift to you guys. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And if you love it, please, please write a review share it out into the world, because her message on this episode absolutely needs to get out there. So excited to share this with you.
Did you know that your microbiome not only plays an important role in your digestive health, but it is key for your mental health. So I have been deep into understanding the impact of the microbiome on all aspects of our health. And what I find really fascinating is that we have over 6000 different strains of different species of bacteria that are all doing different things for our physical mental health. For example, like GABA. GABA is that neurotransmitter that calms us, that comes from a set of bacteria in our gut that we need to be healthy so that it can make God GABA to calm the brain, dopamine, serotonin, all these incredible neuro neurotransmitters are fueled by these bacteria. So when I looked at balance, the product that Organa phi has put out to help buy Marar microbial diversity. The first thing I looked at was Do they have all the pieces in place to support these bacteria that make us these incredible neurotransmitters? And I was once again surprised that absolutely they did their homework. And inside balance, we’ve got not only prebiotic fibers, which by the way, prebiotic fibers think of them as the fuel for all these bacteria. So balance knew that Organa phi put this in their product, so that you can have the fuel for the second thing that’s in balance called probiotic fibers. And the cool thing about the probiotic fibers they put in this product is you’re not going to find these fibers in your kombucha, you’re probably not going to find it in your sauerkraut, we definitely need to diversify our microbiome by adding unique probiotic fibers into a product like balance. So the microbiome is absolutely our friend not only on a physical level, but on a mental level. And when it comes to helping these microbes thrive, we really need some unique qualities like what balance has put in to this product. So I put it in water in a fasted state Put it in yogurt. I’ve even put it in salad dressing. I love this product, it has absolutely changed not only my physical health but my mental health. And I’m excited to share it with you. As you try it as you experiment with it. If you have a favorite recipe with it, please let me know as always we are community hear, supporting each other, helping lift each other up. And products like what Organa phi has created here will blow your mind and support your health in a way you’ve never seen possible before. So excited to share it with you. Well,
Dr. Erin Connealy 5:33
I just think prevention, early detection of diseases is paramount in our medical system. And, and every thing is reactive medicine, medical medicine management, um, there’s no care and medicine anymore. Um, you know, but most of the top three diseases are heart disease, cancers, and doctors and errors still still there still. So you know, you can eliminate those real quickly with just, you know, few little I don’t want to say a few little things, but it is a lot easier for me to prevent heart disease and cancer than it is for me to treat. So I just but you know, it’s just not in it. I had my first patient this morning was a recently retired OB GYN who practice 35 years retired a year ago got cancer, endometrial cancer, which is kind of interesting. And then I said like, more? Are you here? Yeah. Anyway, she got into integrative natural medicine back 2011 She was die pre diabetic diabetic. And so she delved in and start taking courses. And then she said, that’s just the right way. But she goes medicine is with killing me. The stress in medicine is horrible now. And it’s it’s the system, the EMR, and the whole, like, what every insurance company wants you to have. And then the pharmacies are telling you what you could either pick a pharmacy that I called in a prescription how I wanted it, the pharmacy denied it, because they didn’t like the amount I gave. And I’m like, like, wait a second, I am the Doctor, you’re not your so these pharmacies now are prescribing or they’re functioning like the doctor now. No, it’s crazy. And then if you want to get scans done, I have to get on the phone. And there’s all these rules and regulations. And you know, I think I think the biggest thing is today worse than ever. There’s complete blinding of humanity that they can save themselves. And not to say that, you know, they shouldn’t consult a physician seeing a doctor who is traditional because conventional medicine is really good at looking at blood work and scans and whatever in sophisticated blood testing. But we need that doctor that’s like an a look outside the box and get creative and artistic with each patient. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy 8:13
crazy. Crazy. i Yeah. And that was gonna be one of my questions when you said that was what the public seems oblivious. And one of the things I’m just going to put it right out there the one of the things that feels like COVID dead, people retreated and felt powerless. And when we look at cancer, I feel like it was it was the same thing with cancer before COVID is that there’s just sort of this understanding that if you get a diagnosis,
Dr. Erin Connealy 8:40
you do surgery, chemo and radiation or whatever treatment they give you, and there’s nothing else to do.
Dr. Mindy 8:46
So if you’re a healthy person, one of the one of the things I want to do with this conversation, try to help the people who don’t want to get cancer that aren’t want to be aware that want to wake up. So can you give us some basics, like if I’m listening to this, and I’m like, okay, teach me Dr. Keneally. What do I need to do to not get cancer?
Dr. Erin Connealy 9:04
I love that. That’s where I would like, you know, I would like to I noticed on your little write up, you wanted to awaken a million people. We need to awaken a billion people to what really that they have control over because I tell people self care is the new health care. Oh,
Dr. Mindy 9:25
love that. That needs to that needs to go on your
Dr. Erin Connealy 9:27
tick tock. Yeah, self cares, no question about it. I mean, now, I will tell you that more and more, I have seen patients that are pretty healthy getting cancer. So I think now today because I’m having an incredible amount of new young patients come to see me and I’m analyzing all of this information with them. And I think stress is a huge factor in these young people. Like, I think back when I was young, I had a lot of stress, okay. I didn’t come from perfect family. My parents were alcoholics. And there were six kids. But for some reason, we just toughened up and like survived. People today don’t know how to survive.
Dr. Mindy 10:20
Why do you think that is?
Dr. Erin Connealy 10:21
I think the parents tried to make it like, let you know, I’m going to help you. Like, I’m going to help you have an easy life. Yep. But you don’t want your child to have an easy life. You want them to have Yes, a non traumatic life. I believe in that, because so many kids have dreary traumatic existences. But I think they wanted they overindulged on every level. And, and that doesn’t work. So,
Dr. Mindy 10:51
you know, on that topic, I have a 21 year old and an 18 year old. And one of the things that I saw in the differences in how we were raised was the cell phone, because I spent hours waiting for my mom to pick me up at some park I you know, after school, and I had to come up with creative things. They with the cell phone in their hands. And they could be like, Mom, where are you? Why aren’t you here? There’s constant communication. Whereas we spent so many hours with our brain going well, Mom’s not here. I guess I’ll just watch the ducks in the pond
Dr. Erin Connealy 11:23
over. Exactly how old are you now?
Dr. Mindy 11:26
I’m 52. Yeah,
Dr. Erin Connealy 11:28
so you didn’t grow up with cell phones. And I didn’t either. So what they’re saying is cell phones, computers, etc. is destroying the creativity and the imagination of a child or a young adult. That’s crazy. And not to mention the EMF toxicity.
Dr. Mindy 11:43
Right? Talk about that for a second because I do want to hit some of the highlights. Where do EMFs fit in this?
Dr. Erin Connealy 11:50
Probably the big, I would say, I’ve been studying EMS for about 14 years. And reading everything there is it’s getting exponentially worse. Because we have satellites, cell towers, everything you know, before it was just a phone. Now it’s phone times of 1000s of devices somewhere somehow in the planet. And I love the fact that we can communicate like right now. And I love the fact that you can communicate, you can do a lot of things. But I also believe it’s killing us because we’re all electromagnetic beings. And these are radio frequencies that are very injurious immunosuppressive and tons of free radicals in the body. So what it
Dr. Mindy 12:40
what does it do? cellularly when it comes in, is it shutting the cell down?
Dr. Erin Connealy 12:44
Yeah, well, I think what’s happening is that there’s a disturbance in your electrical frequencies and how the cells can communicate, because they you have so much coming in. And your your body is a bio energetic being. Okay, your biochemical or biophysical and bioenergetic. And so I think you have all these frequencies, they come through the walls, they come through the windows and everything. And so there’s just there’s a scramble going on. And, yeah, and so, you know, luckily, like I turn when I sleep, I turn off the electricity, I wear, you know, a special little, you know, Chris, it’s a it’s a mate based. Well, it’s a device that I use a Polaroid disc, if you don’t have a Polaroid disc, you should. And Polaroid disc is it literally looks like a little disc. And so this guy, the doctor friend of mine, he had a brain tumor and got into EMFs. Anyway, so he put the disc if you see this, these circles, so he embedded it in crystals and gave it to me as a gift. So, um, so it acts like the polar ray disc, you know, and you
Dr. Mindy 13:54
can’t get those anywhere. It’s a special No, I
Dr. Erin Connealy 13:57
don’t know what I would get. I just got it a couple weeks ago. So I don’t know, I was gonna ask him, oh, maybe my patients can use ya know? Yeah. So I don’t know. And I have to ask because, you know, I wanted to kind of check it out. But it’s beautiful. It’s embedded in all these crystals and everything. So I wear it and then I do PMF on a regular basis. So I do obviously and I take five jillion pills and everything green juice everyday vitamin C every day. I mean, round every day, the best thing you can do is grounded with nature to
Dr. Mindy 14:32
counteract EMFs. So get out in nature as much as
Dr. Erin Connealy 14:35
you can get out in nature and walk barefoot. That’s your best. That’s your best bet.
Dr. Mindy 14:39
Amazing. Amazing. Okay, and so let’s go back to the stress. What do we do around stress? And I actually as you’re talking, I’m thinking, we’ll get them out into nature as well. But what do we do around stress and how do we mitigate that so that doesn’t turn into cancer?
Dr. Erin Connealy 14:54
Right? Well, the biggest thing I think is people’s unresolved emotional conflict. because we get into heavy with that. And so I think today like I was a mommy to, you know, my kids, my twins, my babies that are 27. So I was a mommy I worked. And I had fun. Like I had to tell a mommy yesterday, she came to see me for stage three, colon cancer, and it’s not completely gone after surgery and chemo. And then she has these kids and she homeschools. And so I said, So tell me what your heart is, you’re stressed? Are you a stressful person? Are you an anxious person? Do you fret over things? And she said I do. And so if you’re a mom, and you gotta have fun, you can’t be like this with your kids. I said, 95% of communication is nonverbal. So whatever your children see, that’s what they become. It’s never what you tell them. It’s what you model. So, so I said, you know, you’ve got to start. So that was our first visit. But I said, we’re going to teach you and I said, this is going to take a year. I said, because you’ve been playing the same recordings over and over and over in your head and mind and body for a long time. But until you change, that, you’re not going to change the direction and information to yourself.
Dr. Mindy 16:19
Changing stress is really hard. You know, especially if you’ve been like in a Go, go, go Worry, worry, worry world. How do you it’s, I think acknowledging it is important, but what do you think of things like em, EMDR and EFT,
Dr. Erin Connealy 16:36
but all those are good? Well, everything that you can do to help your mental, emotional, spiritual state, that should be your number one priority.
Dr. Mindy 16:47
So what do you do it again, if you’re like, so many of us have traumas in the past that have been shoved down there? And what do you do?
Dr. Erin Connealy 16:57
Right? So you have to do the work, you have to work with someone. Okay, so in our clinic, and I started studying this, I did not learn all this. I started learning it when I was 45. Alright, when I was 45, I was getting getting I think I was gonna be getting a divorce. And I went to go see a counselor. Well, that turned into a whole now Googleplex of different avenues that I’ve done on myself. And so because no one has a perfect childhood, no one, okay. I mean, no one has it leave it to be or kind of house. And so that led me to where we are today. And I and I always when I get something, or like when I learn something, I try to make things user friendly for the patients. So the first thing I do is I made a healing affirmation sheet because no one knows how to talk to themselves kindly. Until you learn how to do it. So all day long, no, ever no words of negativity. People ask, How are you feeling? I’m feeling great. You know, you don’t lie and say, Yeah, well, this her purpose back and all that no, because you’re giving it life. I feel great. I’m getting better and better every day. I’m wonderful. You know, I’m tweaking a few things, but I am mastering something new I need to learn in the universe, you know, and so and so then I will do a box. I always recommend everybody to do a box because each box is very quick. I want to get well quicker than slower. That’s my personal. That’s my personality. Okay. I don’t want to spend the next three years in therapy every week or every other week talking about shit. I do not want to do that. Because I I can’t unring the bell. I can’t change it. I can’t do anything about it. I just want to like get at peace with it. Okay. And an easy Vox does that and you turn everything negative tick, not Han. I listened to his tape. 20 years ago. It was a cassette tape. So that was long time ago. And it was how to turn negative seeds into positive seeds. So like, I did not have a father figure. Okay, I’m number three of six kids. My dad was an introvert engineer, emotionally unavailable, never told me he loved me did not come to my my college or medical school graduation. Okay, so that was very hard because you see how other people dads are. Okay. Then I had a whole when I listened to tick, not Han. I was like, Wait a second. My dad was smart. So I wouldn’t be as smart. I wouldn’t have strived to be the best, best best because I was trying to be the best best bet for my dad’s recognition. So instead, I came the best best best for me. And so going, yes. So it worked
Dr. Mindy 19:47
was beautiful. I was gonna say that sounds like he served you. Well.
Dr. Erin Connealy 19:51
He served me well. And so if you can just come to that point. Oh, my daddy didn’t do this. He should have done it could have done better. Gotta know i’ve already processed that. And I would not be in where I am today, if I would have had it.
Dr. Mindy 20:07
So okay, so what’s this ybox? Because everybody’s listening who has parent parents that didn’t serve them? Well, or they appear to have not served them? Well, how do they learn that?
Dr. Erin Connealy 20:17
Right? Well, first, I will tell you, I read a book. And I can’t tell you the name of the book, because it was ridiculous name. But anyway, I listened to this book. And that listened, I read a book. And it was written by a physician that I didn’t even know it was sent to me anonymously. And then I read the book. And I was like, Oh, my God. So the guy took 25, self help books, and 25 physics books, to know that every thought becomes a thing. So he wrote in this book, and then I have read several books, the best book ever wrote is very complicated, but it’s beautiful book was written back in 1934, written by Dr. Lookout, and he was an oncologist. And he said that he wrote the book, The secret of life. And he talked about that we are all receivers and transmitters of energy, every single one of us so the tree is, the bugs are, we are everything is. So if you want to, if I want to send you a message, I can do it every day, I want to send healing vibrations to who I do it to my patients every day. Okay. And so because I know, I know they’re receiving, okay. And this has been done with intention experiments, a lady by the name of Lynn Taggart, I don’t know if you know, she wrote the book, the field. And then I always interesting, she wrote the book, the field, and then she wrote the power of eight. And I always said, Oh, my gosh, I want to meet her. I cheetah sounds like such a fascinating lady, so forth and so on. Do you know that we are very good friends now? Wow. Because I set that intention out, but years ago. And so people need to understand the power, the infinite power, and the infinite possibilities that all of us have at our fingertips each and every day, each and every day. Okay? But every morning, what should everyone do? must set their mind. All right, you have to before you get out of bed. I always say thank you God for perfect health, perfect healing, perfect harmony, perfect homeostasis, from my head to my toe. And I repeat that, and I am I envision it, and I live, then I go Thank you, God for divine protection. And thank you for giving me the wisdom and discernment every step of the way. And thank you for giving me the invincible solutions for these very difficult patients that I see. God, you know, I don’t have it all I know you have at all for me to provide for these patients, I have a whole list now. You know, I can hardly get out of bed now. And so and we could even start doing it, you see how powerful you are. But it changes you. I’m telling you, it changes you immensely. I don’t go home at 7pm tired. Oh and energized, because I have set my mind. Positive, infinite possibilities all the time. But the more that we set our mind. And we have clarity on what we want. Okay, like I have my husband and I have seven kids. So you know, they’re all adults. And you know, they don’t always listen to you.
Dr. Mindy 23:37
They don’t really might might listen to me all the time. I don’t know your diet about and so they
Dr. Erin Connealy 23:42
don’t listen. And you know, when they become teenagers, they know everything. And then when they go to college, they become official geniuses. And then, and when they go to the workforce, they’re like, Okay, they’re kind of starting to figure out, like, they’re the low person on the totem pole, and they’ve got someone you know, is telling them what to do or not to do. There’s rules, etc. And then around 27, maybe 30 They start, especially when they get married and have a kid and they say, oh, whoa, this is a lot of work. And then they kind of start realizing, okay, now I kind of see what my parents did or didn’t do. But if I want to talk to my children or my stepkids, I send them messages every day. Okay, because some of them think they are very clear on something. And I know differently. Not that I’m the end all No, no at all, not by any means I am constantly open to the universe all the time. And I open to anything and everything because that’s just my personality. And I like to know all things that can be possible. Alright, I see a lot of difficulty every single day. So I want to, I want to be open to everything, even if it may sound strange, because as a medical doctor, you’re very, you’re taught didactics. And you’re taught very, very specific pathways. Wow, that sounds really strange or weird. But let’s go, let’s go research this, let’s go look at the possibility of this. And then you go, let’s just try it on the patient. As long as it doesn’t hurt. Let’s just try it. And let’s just see what happens. You know, and so don’t have to be open and with your children, when you, you with chill, open, you have to like, listen with this most beautiful heart and open mind and loving Oh, that’s a very interesting idea. So tell me more about that. Like, well, how do you feel about that? And so don’t ever squash them. Okay. Yeah. And so if you, you know, look, you know, look how beautiful these children are at five and six years, seven years old. They’re just pure, innocent, intelligent, beyond. And if we just would all go through life, like, we all need to stop being mean to one another. And we have to, you know, love is the solution I had, I went on a hike in the Grand Canyon. And I met this new doctor, and he was a rehabilitation doctor, he rehabilitated people from falls and everything. So he said, so, you know, how would you summarize your practice, and I said that love is the solution to everything. And so it is Love heals everything. So the key thing when I see patients is, they are all their own movie. And I want to understand everything they’re going through. So I listen more than I talk, I’m going to understand their universe. And I’m going to understand their illness, because they’ve had the opportunity to share their life, a lot of times, it’s usually maybe trauma through childhood through now an adult, or they’ve been taking care of a child that’s in a coma. I had a patient the other day. And I said, I always ask the cancer patients. So tell me about your stress in your life. And then they all go, whoa, whoa, you know, like that. They all do. Okay. And
you know, so then they I had a patient, she was rectal cancer, and she had a large tumor. And she just wanted to come out and fly out to see me because one of my other patients, but I take care of, and I and I told her Wait, wait, wait, this, this could turn into an emergency. We can’t do that right now. I need you to go to here, where I want you to go get a console initiate treatment before this becomes an emergency. If it becomes an emergency, it never turns out really good. When you have to remove something emergency, you want to plan, the healing. Yeah, the healing journey. And so because when you’ve got a tumor in your intestines, and you have obstruction, you know, that’s a life threatening situation. And so I told her, I said so but I said, let’s talk about your stress. Well, she has like four kids there have been there from Colorado, very healthy family, super exercising in nature, etc. And one of her children was a missionary and got in a boating accident and the boating accident destroyed their brain. And yes, and so he’s like in a coma and I guess the family try sticker and then one of them has all sort of colitis and one of them has something else. So this poor mother has been consumed with these children issues. That is why it is paramount. Paramount that before anyone have a child, you Plus plan six months, spiritually, psychologically, physically, every center way, before you have a baby. The the children illnesses are at an all time high between autism, asthma, autoimmune add, so to have the most optimal success of having a healthy baby is to have a healthy mommy and have healthy intentions on this miracle that you’re going to create. Okay? And so I would like every mom or dad to be, you know, cleanse both of them, do it together. And occasionally I’ll meet a patient that’s like this, that we all help each other be the best we can be with law. Right? You know, so if we all did that, just think the incredible world would be okay, literally, okay, and we just need I always say to God, I go God, I just want to create this, like contagious, you know, things become, you know, viral or whatever. But I want I want the desire to be healthy, to be everyone’s number one value You want that? Because if you do not have that, you can’t be a good minister. You can’t be a good member of a family. You cannot be a good employee. You can’t be a good brother, sister or cousin. You can’t be anything. Because health, everything that who you are hinges upon your emotional, psychological, physical health. But it starts with each of us. We now fortunately, I grew up my mom in no tie health. I mean, like she was like, she didn’t know she, she read the books of Adelle. Davis, I don’t know if you know, Adelle Davis, do you know that? Uh huh. Yep, I know that. So she so my mom, you know, she fed us liver and sauerkraut and, and made pod Tay and you know, all that. So we never had cereal, we never had cookies. And we never had anything like that. But most people grew up cereal back long time ago that we’re a farmer I was I was listening someone’s story is that these two farmers, they’re there, they work outside, they don’t have any medical problems. They’re outside, working, they don’t eat right, but they’re not sick nature, nature has this beautiful balancing act with humanity. And so but we’re trying to destroy the nature with EMFs and plastics, and all the hundreds of millions of toxins that are everywhere permeating every area of the universe. And so we have to unfortunately, now take charge creating our own personal space. And that’s the best thing everyone could do is create their own personal healthy space. Because there is not enough manpower, there’s not enough money, there’s not enough energy, there’s not enough ideas to clean up the environment pollution of a billion because
Dr. Mindy 31:38
you do know that this is why I’m so passionate about fasting. Because I feel like we’re not going to fix the food industry. If we’re going to have to find another solution because it’s just got on a course a collision course that is, is serving nobody. Okay, receptors, let’s talk about zinc. We think about zinc a lot with our immune system. And when the immune system is not at its best that can often be because of a zinc deficiency. So I started to dive into the research on zinc. And I realized that there’s actually other signs of zinc deficiency that we may be exhibiting that we’re not aware of. So headaches can be a zinc deficiency, depression can be a zinc deficiency, abdominal cramps, dry thinning hair, and dry skin, all of that can show you that you are deficient in this key mineral when we drink alcohol, we deplete our bodies of zinc. So when the liver is working hard to process alcohol, it uses zinc, to be able to process it through the liver, and leaving you with more of a deficiency contributing to some of the symptoms that I talked about. So I’ve been looking around for some of the best resources for zinc. And I found one that has proven to be incredible for our resetter community. And it is upgraded formulas, zinc, the way that they put their minerals together is they make it so that it’s very bio available. Now let me talk about what that means. What we’ve noticed with supplements in general is just because a supplement may look good might have a pretty label doesn’t mean that your body’s going to take it in and use it. So whenever you see a company that has gone to great lengths, like upgraded formulas to make something bio available, it means that that product is going to go into your cells and do exactly what it set out or promised to do. And whenever you supplement with a product, you want to make sure that you’re getting the absolute best and I can promise that upgraded formulas delivers that. So check out their zinc product. And as always, if you go to upgraded formulas.com, and you use my last name, they will give you 15% off, and let me know how your zinc works for you. So talk a little bit. For starters, I just want to say everything you’re saying, it moves me to tears because I feel so passionate that we are on the wrong direction. And when a doctor like you stands up and says things like that, it really helps wake people up. And it’s so multifaceted that it’s hard for people to wrap their mind around.
Dr. Erin Connealy 34:28
But fasting and I’ve been recommending fasting for a very, very long time is the most inexpensive, easiest thing to do. If you have happened years ago, I had this 610 guy six six big 10 came in with diabetes, prostate cancer, myasthenia gravis, and heart disease and high blood pressure. So I set him down. I said, You know what, I don’t have enough pills. I don’t there is I don’t know where to start. So what I want you to do I want you to go on a fast for 30 days. And, and they everybody always asked me What do you mean fast by go fasting is you don’t eat okay? And so I go and they go well how long? How long do you think you can fast? So if it’s a very serious case, okay? Obviously I always tell them, the longer the better. I never tell them how many because I want them to come up the patient has to come up with their own solutions. Because if I tell them something, it might be the expectation may be taught. So they if someone says, Well, okay, we’re going to do this. And then I say, I’ll tell them basically, okay, you only can have a protein drink at night. That’s it, but you can have breakfast and lunch, but you have very little meat small meal at five o’clock. So you can never choose a salad or one of those three things. That’s going to be your fast, okay? Now, if someone says one day three days ago, okay, one day a week, you’re going too fast, you know, but I will tell you, the guy that I had, that was all those medical problems. He went on it 30 days, do you know that I didn’t recognize him because he looks so much better in 30 days. And then he said dark feeling. I can’t believe how this works. And he completely became like, dedicated to yellow, you know, 400 pounds. So you know, so he grew, it started growing his own garden. And then what he did is he went on five days a week fast, he ate two days. And then it slowly changed every day, I would add another day, and like half, half fasting, happy eating until he got restored. And then it changed his whole life. He started telling everybody started telling everybody what they needed to do, because it was it is so effective. I had a patient who came to me for a bladder cancer, for a second opinion, he’d already been treated, they already surgically removed the tumor. And then they told him that they wanted to do a bladder removal and use like a fake bladder. And like that’s like the worst thing in the world. And this guy was you know, CEO gonna guy 50 Not even that old. 57. Right. And so I said, Okay, I said, and then when he came to see me, he’s overweight, likes cheese and wine. And he has fatty liver. And so I go, Okay, I said, You know what, you know, how bad do you want this? So I said, what I would do is going to a fast so I go to the same conversation with each patient. They always we need fast. How many days? Okay, I do the same thing. They because fasting, they don’t understand it. And believe me, I know, I’ve
Dr. Mindy 37:39
had this conversation hundreds of 1000s. So I totally get your Yeah, keep going. But I feel your pain. Yeah, so we
Dr. Erin Connealy 37:46
went on 30 day fast they risco gym, not everything was gone. Nothing. I believe it. I believe it. And so anyway, I tell people fasting is the least expensive, easiest, most cleansing, most detoxing thing that you can do. Now, I totally understand when people cannot do mini 30 days, I get it, okay. So I tell them, Okay, we’re gonna do modified fasting, okay, but I modified fasting, the studies show that if you’re going to do modified fasting, your smallest meal should be at dinnertime, I always use the saying eat like Queen King for breakfast, Queen for lunch and Papa for dinner. And so I don’t kind of I work towards that, towards that like that. But if I have a patient that’s diabetic, I really encourage them to fast but I’ll put them maybe on two days a week, two days a week of fasting, you know, so it just depends I kind of partner because my patients my partner. So I go look, and then I always tell them don’t make me look bad. So you got to do what I need what I need you to do, because we’re partners. And so then and they get there and you know, and it’s a process. I don’t want people to think that I’m just like hardcore, just stop all about everything. No, I’m really not. I work with each patient. Every and every individual’s an original I meet patients where they are, what they can do, and I work them towards it. And I tell them any thing worth while takes time. So I always use the analogy if I told you to go do learn Japanese, if I told you to go learn Japanese, how good would you be in three months? Oh, maybe a little words. Probably not that good. Still one year you’d be so so you wouldn’t be that great? I promise. Okay, cuz I speak another language so I wasn’t something that happened fast. So mastering the miracle you get to live in every day is work. Its intention. It’s execution. It is nothing easy. I am 64 Almost 65 Nothing, nothing. Nothing. I have found is easy, because when you’re a mommy, you’re always looking out straight looking how to make things user friendly for patients, easy for patients. But I do find myself repeating myself all the time. This is a very complex, challenging problem. You got to rewire the brain, you got to learn how to eat, you got to learn when you fall off the proper eating, how to get back on the healthy train. You got to learn how to stay diligent about movement in your body. You got to learn how to stay diligent about breathing and meditation and all the things and you’re not going to be perfect. Perfection is never a good goal. Never. Because we’re always just what you’re trying to do is just be better and better every day. And you’re trying to optimize yourself every day. So if you fall off, you don’t go oh, God, I did this. I ate cookies and you just beat yourself up. No, I cookies, it was the best thing in the whole world. Tomorrow. I’m getting back on
Dr. Mindy 41:04
and do it again. Do something different that day. Yep. Yeah,
Dr. Erin Connealy 41:09
you know, you are going to, you know, enjoy a dinner, you’re going to enjoy a dessert or whatever. And that’s okay. You just can’t enjoy it seven days a week.
Dr. Mindy 41:18
I’m just saying what’s been on our heart. And I just so grateful for what, how you’re expressing it like this has just been so enjoyable. And I appreciate what you’re doing in the world is it’s just incredible. So my podcast this season is about gratitude. And so I’m asking every guest give me a couple ideas of how you what your gratitude practice looks like, every single day,
Dr. Erin Connealy 41:41
right? Well, the first thing I do is I wake before I wake up, the first thing that comes and it won’t happen automatically. For all the listeners, it will come with practice. It takes about six to eight weeks for something to become automatic with you. So I wasn’t automatic either. I’m just like a normal person. I wasn’t automatically doing gratitude. Okay, so I do that start. And then I walked downstairs because I want to get our juice ready. So I’m walking downstairs doing gratitudes all day long. Okay, literally, okay, then I go, go drink the juice. I go work out. I’m preoccupied so I’m not doing gratitude. But anytime I’m in my car, anytime I’m walking down the hall, anytime I need an answer. I am in gratitude. So that happens literally all day for me, because I have learned and trained myself to do that. Okay, because I need peace. I need peace. Otherwise, I would be a nervous Nellie if I didn’t live like this. Okay, because I’m not exactly I’m not exactly been a calm person. When I was 16 years old, my teacher told me she pinched me on the arm. And she said, Leah and calm down, you know, so I’ve always been, you know, probably from my childhood, you know, growing up being an adult child of an alcoholic, you know, you you are you’re anxious and you’re a control freak. And you’re a lot of things when you’re an adult child of an alcoholic. And now I’ve learned all like, I’ve learned that all that was not anyone’s fault. And I’m not going to become the problem. And I am going to I have the complete, complete innate ability to heal and harmonize myself. I’m responsible. I’m a big girl now. Like, I can’t, you know, I can’t live in that anymore. I am living in this holy, beautiful, wonderful, magical place. Because I make it that
Dr. Mindy 43:35
way. Amazing. Amazing. Just, I’m so grateful for you. And you know you. I’ve seen you speak from stage many times I’ve read your book and you brought to me and our listeners today just the most amazing heart. So just really grateful for you.
Dr. Erin Connealy 43:53
Well, I just appreciate you wanting me to you know, do this today. Because one plus one has 100 and we can change many lives by all of us in a community helping each other be the best we can do.
Dr. Mindy 44:13
Thank you so much for joining me in today’s episode. I love bringing thoughtful discussions about all things health to you. If you enjoyed it, we’d love to know about it. So please leave us a review, share it with your friends and let me know what your biggest takeaway is.
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Sadly I am still working through my son’s death who was a patient of yours Dr. Connealy. Listened to this podcast. Christopher worked it seems on every modality you mentioned. Possibly the forgiveness was a huge factor that he started releasing towards the end. Missing him every day. This brilliant child of mine!