“I Track Time With Gratitude”
This episode is all about tips for your health journey, proper nutrition, and gratitude.
Drew Canole is a Visionary, Published Author with Hay House, Inc.™, Founder of Fitlife.tv™, Co-Founder of Organifi LLC™, and highly sought-after Speaker and Podcast Guest.
As the CEO of Fitlife.tv, he was at the forefront of the viral video craze on YouTube and Facebook, building a loyal community of millions of followers and making “juicing” (the super healthy green stuff) a household staple before it was cool. Drew knows how to anticipate the marketplace, and is skilled at sourcing top talent to create profitable brands while making an impact in the world.
In this podcast, How To Optimize Your Health In 2022, we cover
- Why fasting is the best medicine for the human body
- How to use your pain to improve and grow
- The ways you can start to take back control of your mind
- Why changing your water and changing your food will change your life
- The inspiration behind Organifi’s product line
How To Move Out of The Pain
Often, many people who have been abused are so angry and can’t find their way out of it. Drew encourages people to be angry and upset. You have to go into those emotions and let them show you the way. Yes, you can still be resentful and bitter about whatever happened to you. Then you have to enjoy the polarity because that is what the human experience is all about. You have to accept that aspect of yourself, and then you have to decide to shift your focus out of yourself. Instead, focus on lifting someone else up every day and seeing how you can change their lives; it will also change yours. It’s time to let out the emotions and take back control of your thoughts and your life.
How Better Water Can Improve Health
90% of our bodies are water. Water is used as the most significant storage device and the best supercomputer on planet earth now. Please change your water by using somatics and sound. If you start impressing 430 to 532 hertz into your water and start drinking spring living water, it could change your life. Changing your water will change and titrate a lot of the stored memories that you have of those thoughts that precede the actual thinking brain. Overall, if you change your water, you change your life.
Feeding Your Brain With Proper Nutrition
Many people are eating shitty foods, processed food, sugar, dairy, wheat and wondering why they are having crappy thoughts. Instead, we should allow our body to do what it does and be the miracle machine. It’s time to fuel it with good organic food and good water. That way, we can change how we think and perceive things. If you are lost in your gut or have gut dysbiosis or leaky gut, fasting can help heal all of that.
Fasting and Affirmations For Positivity
Fasting is a miracle for many reasons. When you are in a fasted state, you are open up to more of a theta state, which means your brain is a little bit slower. You can push stuff into your long-term memory storage much more effectively. If you feel negative about yourself, a great practice is to record yourself. It would help tape compliments you give yourself and listen to them every night before bed. Why does this help? Well, your voice is the most primordial sound; it is what you were before your physical state. Doing this for 20-30 days can help those negative thoughts fade away and put your affirmations in front of your mind.
Slowing Down To Heal
Slowing down more throughout the day, especially in the morning and at night, is critical. When we come into our hearts, we go out of our minds. The world wants you to be in your mind because that’s when you are easiest to control. If you are in your mind, you are looking for anything in the external world to prove that you exist in the right place. But when you are in your heart, you’re in the present moment. Also, when you’re in your heart, you will see synchronicities throughout life that show you that you are on the right path every day.
Dr. Mindy
You know what’s really interesting? What I want to highlight is your journey. I, by the way, love the title of your book. I think this I know it was out a long time ago. But I think this idea of us all being our authentic selves needs to like bubbled to the surface
Drew Canole
Dr. Mindy
So can you kind of give for my listeners that aren’t familiar with your journey, a lot of us watched you as the juice guy, and your your juice, Facebook videos were everywhere, but you crawled out of a out of a deep hole as a child and have slowly been reinventing yourself. So can you give us in a nutshell,
Drew Canole
you make these you make me sound like Smeagol? Like hello, Mindy, I am crawling out of my pit here.
Dr. Mindy
Yes, this is let me tell you why I think what happens is people can look at those of us that are educating on a public platform, and they they see the highlight reel. But what I want people to know is we’ve all had our bumps, we’ve all come from deep holes, including you drew Yes.
Drew Canole
Background. Yeah, so So with me, and I never share this story to get any emotional response. Because I that’s not what I’m trying to create. I know there’s a lot of influencers and people on TV that will use a motion to compel and like draw people in. And that’s not what this about, this is about me sharing the story so that we can relate that great, yeah, a lot more in common than we even know. You know, and I believe, I believe in unity, I believe in oneness I believe in we’re in this together. So my story is simple. And you probably have had many experiences like this in your life, I was fortunate enough. And I use these words, because it was truly the biggest blessing in my life, is I was fortunate enough to be born into a home where I was physically abused. I was tortured. In fact, in 19, in the 1980s, this is one of the biggest child abuse cases in all of Michigan and the newspapers, were talking about it at the time. So I if I couldn’t tie my shoes fast enough, my dad would literally put cigarettes out on my head, tell me to tie my shoes faster. I was thrown on the sidewalk. I was cut, I had like, 30 stitches on my chest, I was cut with a knife. My sister had her I stabbed with a fork, right? So all these things that we had happen as children, and you look at your parents as if they’re there, your God, you know, it’s like, hey, you need to take care of me Mom and Dad, I’m just this little, you know, wobbling around this will mean and here I am, like, take care of me. And you get the opposite. It’s like what the fuck did I do? You know, Can I Can I drop the F bomb on here? Of course, times as you want. Okay, I won’t do it that much. But I’m using it for emphasis. So it’s like, how did I show up in this life materializing this. And I think it’s the greatest blessing. Because at the age of five, the Jesuits say if you can grab a boy, by the ages of between one and seven, I can show you who the man is. And that’s been that’s been my journey in life. Because I believe God is source spirit, whatever you want to call it, whatever you relate to. And my life has been far more powerful and prominent than probably most others just because the horrific beginnings that I’ve had. I’ve had a call on that I’ve operated. A lot of my spiritual gifts actually opened up from that, as a youngster, I was seeing all kinds of stuff. And in sitting with that pain, you know, I built so many walls around my heart. I built so many walls around my waist, I was actually 40 pounds overweight, out of shape most of my life. I was escaping by doing a lot of external things. never really got into hardcore drugs. But I was an alcoholic for a little bit, literally drinking four or five days a week, partying all the time. And I was abusing my body. And luckily God Spirit sent some people in my life that have dramatically shifted and shaped who I am. They showed up as fathers. They showed up as masters, teachers ascended beings, all through the ages with me to remind me of who I am. So I came into the earth realm, abused, tortured, and now I’ve literally, I’ve healed a lot of the trauma. I’m still working on it every day. I don’t think we ever get rid of it. I meet with my psychologist. Once a week, I talked to all kinds of other practitioners that have had similar experiences happen and I have a wolf pack. I work out with my men every single day, you know? Yeah. So there’s been a lot of healing of the mother wound and the father wound coming into the earth plane. There’s been a lot of titration of the trauma. I think trauma is our greatest fuel source. Yeah. So we use it when we’re when we see it when we’re able to access it. And my life is living proof of that.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, amazing. Amazing. You know, I interviewed Bruce Lipton on this podcast and he said your subconscious mind get is fully programmed. By the time you’re seven, so so much of your behavioral patterns will continue for the rest of your life based off of what happens to you from zero to seven. Yeah. So where do you turn? How do you Did you hit rock bottom? Like, how did you What was the moment that said, I gotta go do something different? And then what have you done along your journey to start to unwind those patterns other than hang around amazing people and learn but it has to be a conscious practice, I’m sure every single day.
Drew Canole
Yeah, and conscious because conscious feeds the unconscious. And the unconscious subconscious feeds the superconscious mind or the divine mind, or the one mind or the unified field or the zero point field, whatever you want to call it. So at a young age, I knew that so before I would go to bed, I was doing affirmations at like, five, six years old, my mom was like, What are you doing? Like, I’m laying in bed, and I’m like, you know, my eyes are rolling in the back of my head. And I’m like, Mom, my mom’s freaking out. She’s like, Who is this kid? This kid is definitely different. Like he came to the planet with like, a mission. And she still tells me stories today. And I’m like, wait a minute, like I was six years old and doing this. So that six I literally, so step number one is you got to forgive. You got like, six years old, I’m laying in bed and I’m a typical six year old, I prayed for the goldfish, the hamster that I had. Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, my sister, even though we were fighting a lot of the time, right, because brothers and sisters fight at that age a little bit. And I prayed to forgive the man who abused me who tortured me at that young age at six years old. Wow. And I felt the release from it. And I’m like, Okay, I’m gonna forgive it. But I still had that anger because I’m an Aries. Aries moon. Yeah, so I got a lot of fire in my energy, right. So I’m like, I can pray to forgive this guy. But you know what? The love that I didn’t get as a child, I’m going to make the world love me. And I’m going to figure out and I already was good at like mirror neurons and watching people’s facial expressions and nonverbals because that was how I protected myself from literally being beaten. I had to watch every micro movement on a on an adult’s face. So my one of my superpowers at that age became witnessing the where they were in their mind based on their nonverbal expression of what was going to happen next. It was a protection mechanism. turned into a superpower. Right? Right. So literally forgave my dad at six. How can I have the world fall in love with me because I don’t love myself because my parents never loved me. Mom never loved me, mama wound all the things right? So then I went throughout the earth plane, filling lots of voids, still, like trying to have the world love me. And over time, thankfully, because of that wound, I’ve been able to materialize anything that I’ve wanted in this life experience at will like instantly easy. Because the vibrational frequency of that right now, it’s about 10 years ago, I got to a point where I was able to witness from outside of my mind, because, you know, Bruce would say it’s in your unconscious subconscious mind. I think it’s actually in the subconscious mind of everything. I think the invisible realm connects us all. You can look at the mind photonic field of all life. And there’s synapses happening, the string theory, quantum physics is now starting to prove it. So operating within the quantum realm what you know, I already know, right? It’s a negative expression of what the monks drop into state and actually pull forth. So 10 years ago, I realized that I had this ability to project my astral body if we want to call it or your other double your etheric double out of my physical being in witness my consciousness and my thoughts. So I started swiping left and swiping right on what’s working for me, what’s not working for me? What do I need more of in this life? Well, abundance seems to be one of the things in the 3d material plane that people respond to. Okay, so I’m going to be rich, right? I’m going to have material wealth and abundance. And I just started I put that program in. And I did it in the physical way, too. So I put sticky notes on my bathroom mirror in my shower. I had these, you know, waterproof notes, you probably have those two,
Dr. Mindy
making vision boards over the place. Yeah, vision
Drew Canole
board, vision, movie, all the things adding music, because I’m an emotional being. And I knew music would transform my life. This was like 20 years ago, right? So I’m watching these things. I got all the material stuff, and the spiritual stuff. But something throughout my life still felt like I was trying to fill a hole, there was still this missing piece. And it wasn’t until about a year and a half, two years ago, where it’s like, I don’t need any of that. That’s all part of the the grand awakening or the illusionary aspect of this 3d realm. I can simply be without any of that. Because just by being knee in the book, you’ll be you which I talked about this. It that’s our most powerful state anyway, it’s not it’s not even the journey to get there. Right. People say it’s the journey that gets there that’s more important. It’s actually just Being in the present moment. And you don’t need to add anything to you, you don’t need any more material wealth, you don’t need to be any fitter, right? A Six Pack isn’t going to change how you how your perception is in the world, even though all these things we think are going to shift us. What’s really special about you is just you you showed up here that’s unique is our fingerprint is, throughout, you know, 7.5 billion people, you have a unique expression in this earth. And we’re here to enjoy it. This is a vacation. This is something to have fun. And yes, there’s lessons along the way. But uh, it’s been an amazing ride, my friend.
Dr. Mindy
Amazing. You know, I also one of the great conversations I had this year was with Rhonda Byrne, you know, from the secret, and she wakes up every morning, and she says what amazing things are going to happen to me today. I can’t wait to see what unfolds for me today. Yeah. And I thought it was such I mean, I’m a positive thinker, but I would probably fall prey to getting up and being like, I gotta do this, I gotta do that. I got to do that. Before she even gets out of bed. She sits and just says what amazing things are gonna happen to me today. It’s such an amazing reframe. When you live in a world where you’re trying to get and and constantly live outside in. It’s there’s such relief when you go from inside out and trust, don’t you think?
Drew Canole
I agree with that. And I love Rhonda Byrne stuff. I watched the secret everyday for a year when it first came out. I didn’t know anything about buddies sent the link over to me one of my good friends. She’s like, Drew, you’re gonna love this. So I watched it. And I’m like, You know what, I’m gonna watch this every day. And I did it. And it changed my life, like dramatically. So it’s good stuff, I thought a little bit things that I would add to what amazing things are going to happen in my life is thanking your future self for already creating those things for you. I like to envision this future Drew, like that’s already completed the day because time doesn’t exist times an illusion, right? So future Drew is already out there making connections, making contacts making these these wonderful moments, these these moments of rapturous awe, you know, and he’s descending the path and it’s connected, the source is connected to God. And I know that that’s happening. So when I can put myself in a state of thanking already for what’s coming. Like it’s just closing the field. It’s closing the gap between what’s happening now and the future moment. Yeah. Oh,
Dr. Mindy
I love that. Yeah, how do we it like, I totally resonate with what you’re saying, I would say, at 52 years old, I live that way as well. Like there’s just a live in a state of gratitude, I understand that we have a 3d world. And we have a five D world and I I really love creating from this all and trust. But when I look at my following, and I’m sure you have the same thing, we’ve got people that are listening, that they were abused, they had horrible situations, and they’re trying to figure out how to turn themselves. Are there strategies we can give those people like, how, what do you do if you’re listening to this? And you’re like, well, that’s great Drew, like, super happy for you that you found your way out. But I was abused to and I’m super angry, and I can’t let go of that. What are their steps to forgiveness? Are there steps to move out of that pain that we can help people with?
Drew Canole
I think it’s great. I encourage people to be angry and get upset. Like go into it, you know, thank you like for showing me that I’m still upset, I’m still bitter. I’m still sad, I’m still pissed off at my dad and mom for doing this to me. And if that’s real for you, and being in it, you know, enjoy it. Because the human experience is all about enjoying the polarity. It’s not about trying to hide from the darkness. It’s about adapting the darkness and that uncle that we all love and adore, but he comes over Thanksgiving, and he’s not the guy that you want to say that at Thanksgiving table. He’s angry. And whoever it is, like that’s an aspect of you. And that’s a great aspect. So when you choose to shift away from that, and you have more love, and you have more kindness for you, because right now you’re making it all about yourself. And it’s a beautiful place to be right. But it’s not this world isn’t about you. And when you get to that point where it’s like, Okay, I’ve made 20 years of my life about me, I’ve been upset. I’ve been bitter look at the results that I’ve created because of this energy. And you decide for a moment, you know what, I’m going to shift this how do I shift this? When in doubt, focus out how can I help somebody else? Oh, so true. And if you just start putting your attention and energy and lifting up somebody else, every single day, just one person and you start tracking that one person’s life was changed today for the better because of something that I did today. Literally, that’s going to be your catalyst for the next vibrational increase to pull you out of what we would call depression, which is the rest which is Taking a break from your avatar self. So your avatar selves reminding you, Hey, you don’t need to be this bitter guy or this middle gig bitter gal sitting at the table being this grumpy curmudgeon, like you can move away from this, you know, but the bitter self is gonna want to hold on. And that’s part of this. They got they got energetic ties to you, because their job is to keep you safe. So it’s literally having a conversation with this person at the Thanksgiving table. Hey, I know you’ve kept me safe all these years. Thank you for this. But we’re going places and we get to grow like we’re here on Earth. This is a vacation look around. There’s so much beauty look at these orchids behind us, right. Like there’s so much to take in in this so much. Yeah. So let go. Let God I got this. I’ll be in conversation with you. But you’re not running the conversation anymore. Right. So sit in the back seat, that old cranky curmudgeon itself. And we’ll we’ll take the wheel from here. It’s gonna be a beautiful ride and know that that person is still going to be with you no matter what.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. Yeah. So stop being a victim is what I hear like, like personal responsibility. Yeah. Yeah. You know, one of the things that I have noticed, just in studying mindset over the years, for a while I studied Tony Robbins, which was, you know, he’s super interesting lot, a lot of little gems in there. And one of the things that, that that he has is a mantra where you say, I am the voice, you know, and it’s, it’s like taking back control of that self talk. Because it’s that self talk that will wear you down. And, you know, honestly, I see it with our fasting world, that people go into these fasted states, and then all their self talk of like, See, you’re not succeeding again, see, you can’t do this. See, you’re bad. And that is not even their voice that is a voice of some adult or some situation that got implanted in there years ago. And now they have an opportunity to identify it and, and not and see that it’s there. But like, to your point, let it out and take back control of your thoughts.
Drew Canole
Yeah, let it out, take back control, your thoughts know that water is, you know, 90% of the water through the greatest MRI machines on the planet is in our body, our bodies are 90% Water, water is used as the greatest storage device and the best supercomputers we have on planet Earth now, right. So if we change our water, quite literally, if we start using somatics, if we start using sound, if we start impressing 430 to 532 hertz into our water, right, we start drinking spring living water, we put electricity in it, maybe we put a copper grid around the water that we have, and we start drinking this water. It’s going to change and titrate a lot of the stored memories that you have of those thoughts that precede the actual thinking brain. So you change your water you change your life, you change your food, you change your life organic food. Yeah, fucking buy it at a local farm. A lot of people eating shit, right? processed food, sugar, dairy, wheat. No wonder you’re having crap thoughts? Yeah, your body, the land of Egypt in the Kabbalistic stuff of the past is in your gut. So if you’re lost in the land of Egypt, like the Israelites were for 40 years, you’re actually lost in your gut. Like you have gut dysbiosis you have leaky gut, which is why I love what you do, because fasting helps heal that. Yep. So when we allow our body to do what it does the miracle machine that it is we heal our gut, we give it organic food, we get living water in our body, we Sun gaze, we look into the sun, I believe the sun is an aspect of God of spirit. And we allow that to clean our luminous field. Because the field the etheric body actually creates the mental plane, fourth dimension into the third dimension. We can literally change how we’re thinking and perceiving things. And those three things alone. And these three things are free, doesn’t cost anything. Right. Right, right.
Dr. Mindy
That’s what I love about fasting. I’m like, yeah, if you look at the research, three, church research shows you compress your eating window, the body heals, but you also connect yourself to you because only you can do it. Nobody did it. You did it. Yeah. And I and I, there’s an empowerment that comes from that. So and, and to your point, what I what I really see in my own life, I see it in the people that we interact with, is once you change your health, you change your thoughts. So if you’re coming from a place where you can’t get a hold of a happy thought, then come at it from a different angle and change your health is that if you notice that as well.
Drew Canole
It’s a vehicle you know, this is a multi dimensional vehicle. You’re leasing it for this life. I believe you’ve had many of these. And if you knew I’ve seen literally 1000s of past lives and dream time I’m a big Toltec dreamer, right? Like how how this body we put so much importance in this physical vehicle. It’s a black hole, we start to realize that this is just like turning Leeson at the end of our life. Right? Yeah. So if that’s one thing that I’m going to take care of throughout this life experience, what can I do to make it fully optimal, what can I do to cherish it? What can I do to give more love to this body? Right? A lot of people that are following you’re not listening to the consciousness and the collective of your people. A lot of people body shame themselves. Oh, so man. So the body shaming, you know, the biggest solution for that is literally look in the mirror. Yep, look in the frickin mirror, stop 30 minutes a day, make this the first thing you do, this would be my meditation. And I would just compliment this body. Thank you so much for supporting me, I would get my feet massage every single day, with the best oil I could find. Thank you for carrying me through this life journey. Yeah, thank you, thank you, thank you. And I would look at myself in the eyes, and I would have a candle in front of me, it would be this great ritual that I would do for probably seven to 11 days, I’d heal all those body issues. And nine times out of 10 Any issues of the gut any issues that you’re seeing in your skin or your eyes or anything else you do that you put that much love and compassion into your stored memory device, this water suit, this electrical suit, your life will completely change 1,000%
Dr. Mindy
You know what I actually have applied that principle, when, when I was 20 years old, I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue. And they gave me the syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome. And all the doctors said Just go home, you’re you’re pretty much can’t do anything. Try these medications. That’s your fate. And what I finally got to was really looking at nutrition, this is how I got into nutrition. But then I also started changing my self talk. And I thought, well, if I can’t get off the couch, what I can do is start meditating and thinking about how I want my life to be. And I started visualizing that then when I would look in the mirror, I would find one thing I love, there’s always one thing you can find that you love about your body, which is the opposite of what people do. People look in the mirror and they go I hate this, I hate that I hate that. Just pick one thing, maybe it’s your eyebrows, maybe it’s your hair, maybe it’s you have the perfect little ears, whatever it is something that
Drew Canole
I’m talking about me.
Dr. Mindy
Maybe it’s your amazing beard. If we just did that every day, you would start to go Wait, my ears are great, my eyes are great, and you would just expand. But what I see is people go the opposite. They look in the mirror and they criticize themselves. And that is the fastest path to an unhealthy life.
Drew Canole
It’s just a virus of the mind. Yeah, we’re taught to do that, you know, even look at the filters. You can swipe left or swipe right now on Instagram, and all of a sudden, you look completely different. It’s like the enhanced version. It’s so true, right? It’s so if we really, if we really started looking at ourselves by the compassion and the grace and the character that we hold, versus just this physical suit, could you imagine the type of changes we could shift on a collective level? Yeah, so it is nutrition.
Dr. Mindy
Right? Yeah, I was gonna say let’s, I want to dive in a little bit to nutrition. Go ahead, keep going. But I want to make sure we don’t miss that key point
Drew Canole
because your your peeps are all about nutrition. Yeah, fasting nutrition. And fasting is the greatest miracle we can both agree with that. I think it’s one of the best medicines you can do. Amen. Changing thought around nutrition, I think when you’re in a fasted state, what I experienced is I opened up more theta state, which means that my brains a little bit slower, I can push stuff into my long term memory storage much more effectively. So when I am fasting, I take advantage of that. If I’m if my self talk is off, if I’m you know, drew you, you got a big head, like you look like Charlie Brown with a pumpkin body like whatever it is. Maybe that’s a thought or whatever. Um, if that’s in my mind, what I would do is record my voice in a 20 to 30 minute audio. And I did this in the past and I would put like 432 hertz music behind it. You can do this in in shot. You can do this in Audacity, there’s free apps, just record your voice, right? Complimenting yourself telling yourself this that because your your voice is the primordial sound. It’s the sound of you before you came into the physical suit, in the beginning was the sound. So I would listen to that before I go to bed every single night 20 to 30 minutes, put it on, I would listen to myself affirming myself. And I would do this for 20 to 30 days. And what I noticed was a lot of the thoughts that I had that were holding me back that were thoughts of, you know, just low vibration, vibratory thoughts faded away. I no longer had those because I was pushing it in my unconscious mind like Lipton was talking about. Yeah. And you can do it yourself. And actually, there’s YouTube videos with Delta frequencies. Yep. Which are great that have affirmations on there too. So if you don’t want to record your own voice, you can just listen to those. Yep. But filling your mind with that most people fill their mind with garbage. Yep,
Dr. Mindy
like so true. So you know what Bruce said? Bruce said that when you go to sleep and you come out asleep, you are in the most suggestible state. So that’s the type so what You’re saying actually, he is proven through his work and his and he’s a biochemist, if you guys are not familiar with Bruce Lipton, like he’s got a PhD. And he’s really proven how these theories work. But if you can think good thoughts going to bed, you can think good thoughts coming out of bed, you’re in that theta state. That’s how somebody like Drew, canola can change the patterning that maybe his father put into him, because you start to use these times of your day to reprogram yourself. And then on top of that, we start feeding ourselves good nutrition, and you literally change the cells and their vibration from the inside out is from a science level. That’s what I hear you saying?
Drew Canole
Absolutely. Yeah. And slowing down more throughout the day, less so in the beginning and night, and in the morning, definitely. But when we come into our heart, when we take the longest journey, which is 17 inches of our life, we come out of the mind, which is where the world wants you, they want you in your mind, because you’re a lot easier to control. Yep, if you’re in your mind that anything in the external world is what the mind wants for proof or validation that it’s existing in the right place, right? But when you come into your heart, you’re in the present moment. And when you’re in the present moment, then you see a lot more than what you can see with this. So true. So being in your heart, you’re literally opening up a theta state at will whenever you want, as long as you’re in your heart and you’ve seen it right you could go outside right now and a hummingbird would literally fly up to you if you’re in your heart. Or you’ll see license plates like different numbers synchronicities will show I think God is synchronicity. I think spirit universe exists in synchronicity to show us hey, I’m watching. I’m listening. I’m here with you. And when we see these signs all day, every single day, we know we’re on the right path.
Dr. Mindy
I love that. Oh, my gosh, Mic drop. That was really good. I love that. So okay, let’s talk about nutrition. So yeah, there’s some some sort of myths that I see permeating the again, my following is, when we eat fruit, for example, or we eat vegetables, then we must be getting nutrients into our body. And what I love what you guys have done with the organic food products, is you’ve taken the concepts of great nutrition and good nature made food and you’ve cleaned it up, put it together and made it even better than the original. That’s my perception of it. How Why or why did you come up with these formulas? And do you think that we can improve our health by just eating good quality food alone? Or do you think we have to lean into products like what we’ve got in Organa phi?
Drew Canole
Yeah, I’m doing do I think you absolutely need Organa phi? Absolutely not. Right. If you’re eating sludge, if you’re going to drive thru, you’re eating fast food every single day. And even pre even before that, let me back up a little bit more. Most people are eating the wrong way. Hmm, we’re going to get through it because we believe that we need it to fill our body the battery of the human because the hearts the battery, right? We are electromagnetic beings. So we’re voltage beings. And because we just crammed food in our mouth, we’re not extracting the essence of food. And when I say essence, I mean the etheric nutrition as well as the biological nutrition that we need, which is why I love fasting so much, right? Because when you’re in a fasted state, your body is much more able to extract the etheric energy. That’s all around you versus even needing to consume food. I mean, there’s people on the planet guys that that can go 30 to 60 days without eating anything. Yeah, they’re absorbing prana they’re absorbing the biophotons of the orchids that are behind you. They’re just looking there. Their appetite is satiated because of what they see. Yeah, they’re eating with their eyes. A dolce vita, right. Italians eat with their eyes or say, Mangia, mangia. I think that’s how you say it. Yeah. Right.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. You know, to that point, before you go on, I just want to say that nothing will change your relationship to food, like learning to fast. Yeah, because when you first do it, all your limiting beliefs bubble up, and you get to see them, and you get to see that you may be a used food as a state changer. And then all of a sudden, you get to sort of kind of come back to yourself and go, Okay, I don’t have food right now to make me happy. What else can I do? So to your point, what do I see? I see a hummingbird out there. I see. I can put a happy song on I can do something different that’s going to change my state, and all of a sudden your break free from that need to have food to make you happy. So that’s what I heard and what you just said.
Drew Canole
Yeah, it’s the need for to have food to make us happy is become very real. And it’s just a program. That’s all it is everything in the program. And you can change that program at will whenever you want. Yeah. So for me when I fast, it’s not even fast when I eat more importantly, it’s almost like I do this. And I learned it at an ashram in France. I went three years ago. And I was around all types of people from all over the world. And they all spoke different languages. So there was literally no talking right at this Ashram, you’re just quiet the whole time. People would have bright eyes, like you’d look at them, it looks like the sun was coming out of their face, like they had so much internal Qi, we would watch the sun every morning, we would meditate, pray together. And one of the things that I took away from that trip more than anything, and I was there for a couple of weeks, was the way that they would eat. So they would do what’s called Harney yoga. And it’s the nutrition of eating. So you would literally eat in silence, you’d take 30 to 45 minutes to eat even a salad or soup, right, this is all vegan at the time. And you would eat slow, and you’d really feel the essence of the food. You would eat slow, you would. And by the end of the two weeks, I’ve literally my psychic abilities went up so much, I was able to see what was coming out before it would even get to me. Wow. And I would feel it in my body, I’d feel it charging every single cell. And and I wasn’t eating as much it was like a micro or mimic fast right? So 500 calories, 600 calories a day. But that was enough because I was getting all the nutrients the etheric qualities of the food as well as the biological. So
Dr. Mindy
So do you think then that actually is a really interesting reframe that when you go to eat nutritious food, the more concentrated it is the more highly nutritious it it nutritious it is, the less you need of
Drew Canole
it exactly the more conscious you are essentially.
Dr. Mindy
So if if I I’m just going to use I mean, I just want everybody know I absolutely love your products. And I love them for for how I feel I love them for when I recommend them, people feel the difference. I personally think when you take a supplement, when you eat a food when you do something like an organic food drink, you should feel a difference. And if you don’t feel a difference, it could easily be just dead food. So when I do red juice, for example, at three o’clock in the afternoon, it gives me a lift. Is that because it’s so concentrated, the nutrients are so concentrated that I’m experiencing it different than per se than like a salad.
Drew Canole
Yes, that’s part of it. There’s a lot that goes into it. Right? Okay. So three o’clock in the afternoon, you grab the red juice, red juice has rhodiola, which the Vikings used for energy way back in the day. It was like a staple when they were on their big boats like rowing for hours on end days on end. Rhodiola was one of the things that they would use. And the reason is because it lowers stress. We all know when we lower stress in our body, our body works better, we lose weight more effectively. That’s one of the byproducts of it. If you’re stressed out, you’re going to hold everything that you eat. So if we can lower stress 10 to 20% by changing what you’re putting in your body by changing even your breath. Most people are mouth breathers as you know. I don’t know if you have my buddy James. Nice, John, you’d be a good guy to have on. But
Dr. Mindy
no, no, I will. But I’ve been I’ve been recently taping my mouth at night. I’ve been trying to do the mouth tape at night.
Drew Canole
Um, no, but I use I have like these nasal inserts because I have a deviated septum. Okay, it mimics kind of mouth taping. You’re focused on breathing through your nose more. But what I was saying is Rhodiola right, there’s quarter steps in there, which they’ve done tons of research on quarter steps. In the 1987 Olympics, there was nine women that won gold medals from China. And they thought that these women were on steroids. So they tested all their blood after they won all these gold medals. I believe that was the year a year maybe off a little bit. But what they found was that they were doing they were super dosing quarter sets. So talk about stamina, talk about energy, you mix quarter steps with Rhodiola added to all the berries that are in there. These are real berries. The antioxidant uptake from red juice is phenomenal. Right? The Zeno Zeno stem cells that you actually get from these like it’s unparalleled, like there’s just so many antioxidants, so it causes more stem cells to actually grow in your body. Yep, so these berries Interesting.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, well I feel a definitive energy lift. So the combination you put in there I can really feel if I have three o’clock a little low I can get myself into a new state. Do you feel like like so let’s go to something like green juice. You know a lot of my audience is are menopausal women. We’re really focused on getting them to eat more greens. A lot of them tell me I don’t really have time to eat green So I’m just zooming through my day. If I do a scoop of green juice, is it have the same fiber? Does it have the same effect on improving liver and gut health? As if I had again, I’m comparing it to food? Because I would it be the same effect as like a big salad?
Drew Canole
I love a big salad. Because I think we should have a salad every single day. I know I do. Okay, and depending on the season, like, I do a lot of dough show work like era Vedic type stuff, too. Okay, so sometimes I’ll have more cooked veggies than like a raw salad. But I don’t think there’s any comparison to eating living, high quality organic food. Got it? Yeah. Okay, great. And so that I would start with that. added to it. Of course, green juice would be an amazing compliment. It’s got ashwagandha, which lower stress 29% in clinical trials. So a lot of people are stressed out, you’re not going to put ashwagandha on a salad, it’s gonna taste terrible, right. And luckily, because we have men, we have coconut water, like crystallized coconut water. We have mint, we have Ashwagandha is in there as well. There’s little beet juice, too. But what it does I find is it’s almost like when you do a breathwork ceremony for like 30 to 60 minutes or you do yoga, right? You do in your great yoga session, and your body just feels so good. It’s like yoga and a cup. When you drink green juice, you feel so zen, you feel so relaxed. That’s why we started with green juice. That was our very first product, we only sold that for like a year and a half. Wow. Sold out five times. It was nuts. Everybody in people are still subscribing from like six years ago when we first launched it every single month, having green juice every single day. And
Dr. Mindy
and now there’s a lot of people mimicking green juice. There’s a lot of Yeah, so what how do you guys source your stuff? Because again, I’m going to say that there’s something I’m very sensitive to quality of supplements and drinks. And I can tell if it’s nothing, I can tell if it’s toxic. And I can tell if it’s going to do something to me. And when again, when I when I use your products, there’s a definite energetic shift. So my guess is you’re sourcing really good quality in guys.
Drew Canole
Yeah, highest quality in the world. We don’t mess around with that. Yeah, to us, it’s not about there’s a lot of companies out there that would sacrifice quality of ingredients for money, because they can put some fluff in there from China or something like that, and then charge the same amount. That’s not us. So we choose really good USDA Organic Farm number one, we have like nine certifications that are all organic, we can send those to you, of course, Paul, Chuck and I were just talking about this the other day I was on one of his lives. And so we have all the all the papers, first of all, so if you can’t get all the papers showing that it’s an organic product, I would stay away second to that would probably be glyphosate. You do not want glyphosate in your stuff. This is like an antibiotic. There’s so much glyphosate on the planet. Now, it’s hard to find products that actually don’t have it yet. So ours is residue free. So the farms that we use, we make sure that there’s none of this glyphosate.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, you know, glyphosate drives heavy metals into the brain even deeper. When I had, I had Stephanie Seneff, who is the leading expert out of MIT on my podcast, and yeah, when you go when you listen to her, it makes you want to hide inside. with glyphosate in there. I mean, it really messes up our microbiome and our brain.
Drew Canole
Yeah, I bet in there’s something there’s things you can do skin brush, sauna, I do every single day. I have a glutathione nebulizer. I saw that NAC glutathione, which I’ll help push it out of your liver. Right. Rebounding on the trampoline is a good thing. Hot and Cold Therapy. We’ve talked about that before. Yeah. Yeah. But but you want to make sure your food doesn’t have it in. Because if you’re doing all these things, and you’re also consuming food that has it in there, you’re just, you know, begging Peter to pay Paul, essentially,
Dr. Mindy
do you do you go out to eat?
Drew Canole
I do. Yeah, I eat out. But I make sure that it’s farm to table and make sure it’s organic. I’m talking to the owner of the restaurant. I’m having him out. I’m asking him where he sources his his food. Yep. Right. Where does this grass fed steak come from? Is it grass? Grass finished? Is it green finish? Like tell me about this. And then I’m pretty ritualistic guy. Like once I find a good restaurant and have high quality connections within or I visited the farm where they’re sourcing their food. Generally, I’ll stick with them. I’ll eat there five, six days a week. Or I’ll have other people come join me for lunch or something like that. So
Dr. Mindy
yeah, yeah, I mean, I just the more I’ve studied nutrition the less I eat out that’s why I’m curious. Yeah, even I mean far we do the same thing farm to table organic. We have code words we go look for But you know, the list of viable options is not as big as as I’d like it to be. So eventually we just stay home and eat because it’s so much we know we’re getting quality food.
Drew Canole
And it’s better. Like, yeah, I mean, I, I bet you if you’re anything like me, you’re an amazing cook. Like you can make whatever. Yeah, exactly how you want it. Yeah. And it’s probably better than most restaurants, even five star restaurants because it’s you. It’s your love. It’s your expression. It’s just different.
Dr. Mindy
That’s right. Yeah. So let’s sum it up with this. If I really want to speak to the person who is struggling with their health, struggling with their life, you know, I feel like, I feel like the last year we’ve sort of seen people fall into two camps, we’ve seen people that have fallen into the I’m a victim of the pandemic, I’m struggling. And we’ve seen people that are reinventing themselves that is so interesting to me to watch all the reinvents ation that’s happening. So this person stuck. What do we how do we help them unstick themselves? I mean, where what are the steps, I love this forgiveness idea, give us some steps that help people move out of a stuck place.
Drew Canole
I would write down where they’re stuck, right. Like I said, I’m a big ritual guy, I would write down where they’re stuck all the ways that they’ve adapted that are no longer serving them. And I would literally write them down on small pieces of paper, right. And I would have a ceremony, literally a death ceremony, I would burn it, get a little fire, throw it in the fireplace, I would burn it, I would make it like a send off. And then I would I would reinvent or I would write down who I’m going to be how I’m going to show up in the next 90 days. And then I would make, I would probably come up with five or 10 Micro commitments that I could do every single day. That would get me to that place 10 days from now. So my micro commitments for somebody that’s stuck. Number one, I would hydrate myself every single day mineralize myself so that my ATP and my mitochondria is on another level, I would not only drink more water, I would probably say thank you for all the water that I’m drinking, I would bless my water. Because as we know the water that we were placed in the body replaces the memories that are stored in our body as well. Second, to that I would I would embark on some type of meditation practice. So either meditation, or open eyed meditation, like Japanese style, or sun gazing would be a good thing. I would even include Qigong or tai chi, if you’re into that kind of thing, which I am, I love I love all those modalities love it. So I would continue to go with that micro commitment as well. Next up would be order, I would make sure that my whole house is clean, consistent. There’s something I haven’t worn in two years, three years, I’d give it away, I would make sure every single dish every single plate, every single book in my house is accounted for I would know where everything is. Because a clean house clean mind clean house, clean car clean mind, it all comes back to that you’re gonna have more time to think, right? I would do something creative every day, like pick up a musical instrument go into the unknown, I would paint I would do something to nourish the five year old child inside of me to remind myself that I don’t have to do the same thing over and over expecting, you know, different results. I would go into the unknown, essentially, is what I would do. I would eat organic food. Like we’ve been talking about this whole entire thing. I would do a seven day fast. Absolutely. Yeah, seven day you could do bone broth, water if you wanted to. Even if you wanted to do a juice cleanse with low fruit, I would say I don’t do a lot of fruit when I fast with juice, right? Yeah, like pretty much celery, or a little lemon and ginger, that kind of stuff. I would do that. That would probably be my starting place.
Dr. Mindy
I was gonna say if you’re not different after all of that. I mean, I can’t even imagine that somebody would stay stuck after that. And what I love about everything you said, I think all of it was free. I mean, this has been my my real. Like what’s pained My heart is that we have set up a culture here in our country. I know I’ve got a worldwide audience that you have to have money to be healthy. And I think that’s horrible. And I really want to emphasize the things that are free and what I heard from you is just a bunch of free things so that people don’t have to stay down in that lower stuck vibrational place.
Drew Canole
Yeah, and get around people that have a higher vibration than you. Yes. A great no in in work for people that have a higher vibration than you if you have a job now and the people are all toxic and they have a low vibration. Yep. Like it’s not worth putting your hours in at that place. Great or a relationship if you’re in a relationship and your partner’s low vibration and they’re not on the level in which you want to be like that says a lot. Most people exist. They’re here to merely exist and you look at them they look like zombies walking around out in the street. My heart aches for These people Yep. Because they’re a divine creator. And inside of them they can have be do anything that they want. And they’ve just forgotten along the path. Yeah. So I love to wake those people up. I love to be a loving interruption for those people. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy
I loving interruption. Well, I love it. Yeah. So, before we finish up, you have the one thing we didn’t talk about if people aren’t familiar with you, you used to you were the juice guy. And then I have so many friends that are like, Oh, I used to listen to Drew’s Monday motivation where he would just power out motivation like this. Are you still doing that? Do you do that anywhere? Because you’re this is like, you have such great insight that I think people can benefit from?
Drew Canole
Um, I don’t. I’ve been working on new stuff. I the druon you podcast? Of course they can they can catch me there and catch me on Instagram, Facebook, those things. I’m rarely on social media these days. Yeah, but I still check in. And it’s crazy what’s happening in the world. You know, I’m talking a little bit more about that. How to, yeah, I mean, that high vibe kind of thing. But
Dr. Mindy
I’ve on my social media, anybody who’s negative or goes into the woe is me, like, I start to unfollow them so that my, my feed can be really clean and uplifting. And actually now like on my Instagram, for me, personally, I have so many travel pictures, like and I just start I send them to my kids. I’m like, Let’s go here. Let’s do this. And I just cleaned up my Instagram so that I got the negativity off because that oh, that can suck your energy. So, so deep. So yeah, I love that. So okay, season three, you’re part of our next season. This is this is going to air in 2022. And our emphasis for this season is gratitude. So I want to end with this. Do you have a daily gratitude practice that you don’t miss a beat on? And if it is, what is what are your practices for gratitude?
Drew Canole
Yes, it would be sun gazing in the morning. So simply going to the beach. It’s like five minutes from my house, standing barefoot, looking into the sun first thing in the morning. And my Garmin actually, this watch reminds me of when the sunrise and the sunset. Love so I track time with gratitude. So I don’t track time based on hours. I track time it’s based on the unfoldment of good. So how much good can I experience in my life? Between when the sun comes up, and when it goes down? And the people that are around me they know they’re like, Hey, how long do we have until the sunsets? Right? And I’m like, how much good? How much good can we create? So I have like this team of Avengers. And we’re out like in the streets like buying stuff for homeless people like singing music to people in the streets, like giving people hugs. It’s really cool. It’s it’s a fun. It’s a phenomenal time and experience. So my gratitude practice is woven in everything that I do.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. What happens when the sun goes down?
Drew Canole
This this guy, I’m like a senior citizen. Ah, yeah, really? Circadian rhythm. It’s like, okay, nighttime ritual. So then I have a whole nighttime ritual probably like you
Dr. Mindy
Yep. Oh, yeah. I’ve guarded my sleep. Like, like, it’s the most important thing to me. So absolutely. Yeah. Okay. My last question is, what today are you grateful for?
Drew Canole
I’m grateful for this. I’m grateful for you. I’m grateful for every person watching this. I’m grateful for people opening their hearts. I think you have a beautiful voice, my friend. And I think allowing me to dance with you today. And maybe somebody that doesn’t believe that the trauma that they’ve had in the past can be a catalyst for growth or fuel in their life. So they’re starting to open up to that. And I’m grateful for those future messages that we’ll receive 30 to 60 days or even a couple years from now. They’re like, You know what, I heard you on Mondays podcast, and they changed my life. So I like to hear I like to hear that the future coming to us now based on what we do today. And that’s what I’m grateful for.
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- Podcast with Stephanie Seneff
This was great. Just what I needed on a Sunday morning..
Where do you find this water he is referring to–with somatics and sound
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Wow, that was incredible. Thank you for such an insightful interview. What a powerful discussion. Although I did not experience trauma in my life I loved the message and the truth, wisdom and love that came through your discussion.
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