Welcome to The Resetter Podcast, where Dr. Mindy interviews experts on everything to do with a fasting lifestyle and beyond!
Katie Wells of Wellness Mama has built an incredible platform to educate people on how to raise their family with as little environmental toxins as possible.
She uses fasting not only for HEALTH reasons, but also for MENTAL reasons. You can’t heal a body that’s in fight or flight crisis!
In this podcast we cover:
- Hormone fluctuations
- Mind/body connection being a two-way street
- Why your body holds on to weight in response to trauma
- How excess weight is armor
- When pushing harder doesn’t work
- Different kinds of therapy (talk therapy, tapping, rage therapy, bodywork like myofascial release and rolfing)
- Learning to magnify what you love about your body instead of what you hate about it
- Enjoying exercise
- Using DIY natural products that work BETTER than their synthetic versions
Katie Wells can be found at wellnessmama.com/
More resources:
The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk MD: https://amzn.to/3afwC1b
The Tapping Solution App: https://www.thetapp
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