Celebrate the small wins in life
This episode is all about answering the question of is carbs or keto best for exercise? We also dive into ultramarathons, the best diet for your fitness level, and biohacks to improve your performance.
Zach Bitter is an endurance athlete and coach. He helps people achieve their endurance goals, from beginners to advanced. Whether you are just getting started or looking to build on your past experience, Zach is here to help. Zach graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, where he studied education and competed in cross country and track and field. As an educator, he learned how to work with people at the individual level.
In this podcast, Carbs or Keto, we cover:
- Your nutrition will depend on your fitness goals
- Ways to biohacks your performance
- How to recover from a brutal workout using protein
- Ways to prevent injuries using biohacks and nutrition
- About the one-hundred-mile distance ultramarathon
- Why a training plan can be detrimental
- How Zach prepares for his marathons
So the question everyone is asking; carbs or keto? Your dietary structure will depend on your fitness goals. What’s essential is keeping it sustainable. The advantage of using fat as fuel is that it’s inexhaustible. However, burning fat is a higher oxygen expense. In contrast, burning carbohydrates is an exhaustible source. The best diet for someone will depend on the context. Make tweaks to put yourself in the best position to be successful.
Carb Loading
For the average person, you need to move away from the idea of carb loading. Zach says that the way we see carb loading in modern times has been so skewed from the way it was intended. The carbohydrate load was meant to start a race with completely full carbohydrate stores. Instead, you don’t want to be too dependent on carbohydrates. Also, you don’t want to be too deep into ketosis that any carbohydrate source won’t be available to you.
Protein Cycling
Zach gives his thoughts on protein cycling – make sure you get enough high-quality protein. Zach focuses on animal sources and dairy sources. Depending on your size and activity level will determine how much you need. Protein will be the most significant way your muscles can recover. Next, consider taking protein every few hours. If you had a brutal workout, then take 20 – 30 mg of protein every three to four hours.
Later, Zach explains how he prevents an injury using nutrition and biohacking. In training itself, work from where you’re at. The goal is to micro stress yourself and get your body to make a change to become stronger. Down the road, you can create micro stress farther to get to where you want to be from a training intensity standpoint. Injuries come when people get overzealous and get out of the gate too fast. Also, using protein will be essential to prevent injuries. Plus, a low carb lifestyle will result in less soreness and less stiffness.
Stay tuned as Zach speaks about the one-hundred-mile distance ultramarathon, why a training plan can be detrimental, and how Zach prepares for his marathons.
Zach’s message for the world is to celebrate the small wins in life.
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Just listened-helpful in the sense that we need more research on middle aged women and endurance performance. I am the post menopausal women who wants to finish half and full marathons feeling good. Last marathon I felt like poop (literally) I want to eat a ketogenic diet going into this marathon in January 2023. How to keep in that state of eating will be a challenge. I love running with my friends, I want to keep doing it.