Strength Training to Cardio: A Comprehensive Movement Plan – with Dr. Stacy Sims
"You want to be the oldest person in the weight room, not the youngest person in assisted
"You want to be the oldest person in the weight room, not the youngest person in assisted
"When I saw that 50% of the foods that I had tested were as potent than the
“Stop trying to be like everyone else. Stand for something and find
"When I continue to please other people, and let myself down, I'm breaking my own heart." Trent
"We need to train our clinicians to recognize that women are not just small men with breasts."
"The body that we have is an ecosystem and we are part of the Earth's ecosystem. We
"People really want to use food as medicine, they want a very natural and holistic approach." Delve
"Your happiness and enjoyment of the food is nearly as important as the food itself." Dr. Yoshi
"Beauty is health. You can have a ton of wrinkles and still be completely beautiful." Explore the
"I always say the most powerful frequency on the planet is truth." Dr. Julia DiGangi is a