Resetting your health is often like solving a 1000 piece puzzle.

At times it may feel impossible to complete.

You might feel like you are missing a few pieces.

Or it may be that you just need more people to join in and help you.

One of my greatest joys in life is helping people figure out their own health puzzle.

To me, your symptoms often connect to one or two areas in your body that need repair. For example, chronic pain and brain fog may both be tied to a leaky gut. Fix the leaky gut and you solve both issues.

We have been raised in a one problem-one pill society. This approach to health is not only driving up healthcare costs, it’s causing too many people to suffer.

I heard a term recently that really stuck with me. It’s called a BRULE.

A BRULE is a bullshit rule that holds us back.

In my opinion, this one problem-one pill approach to your health is a brule. You will never solve your health problems long term with this approach.

So I decided that if a brule holds you back, we need to come up with thrules for our health that move us forward.

A THRULE is a rule that helps you THRIVE.

Last night at my BRAIN RESET class I out outlined 7 Thrules that will help you get your brain back on track. Below is a list of those Thrules.


1. Your brain is a mirror of your gut

If depression, anxiety, or brain fog is hanging around no matter what you do, it’s time to figure out what’s going on with your gut. Your gut produces neurotransmitters that keep your brain happy and functioning well. Fix your gut and your brain will change.

2. Your brain is built with its own detox system

It’s called your glymphatic system. How this system works is you have something called Cerebral Spinal Fluid that is pumped from the base of your tailbone up your spine and around your brain.

There are two ways to improve this system.

One is with sleep. When you sleep, your brain shrinks so CSF can move more smoothly through the deep parts of your brain and detox you.

The second is by keeping your spine healthy. Your spine protects your spinal cord and the fluid surrounding it. Any damage to the spine or straightening of your spinal curves will slow down the flow of CSF in and out of your brain.

3. Less toxins = Happy brain

Lead, mercury, mold, and glyphosate are causing brain disorders at alarming rates.

Studies show that lead is now being linked to cognitive decline, depression, language delay in children, and attention deficient disorders.

Harvard School of Public Health recently reported that in their research on mercury and children that “the more mercury they were exposed to in the womb, the worse they were off in terms of language skills, attention span, motor speed, things like that.”

4. Your brain has a special diet

If you want your brain to function properly, you need to feed it the right diet. Your brain thrives on three things…good fat, ketones, and BDNF.

If you have been following my reset tips you hopefully know what good fat and ketones are.

But what’s BDNF? It’s growth hormone for your brain. And the only way you get it is through exercise. The more strenuous the exercise the more BDNF you secrete.

5. Neurotransmitters are your fast pass to happiness

You need a daily dose of neurotransmitters in order for your brain to function properly. The first step to getting the right dose of neurotransmitters is repairing your gut.

Breathing techniques like 4-7-8 breathing can also help you secrete neurotransmitters like GABA that calm your brain.

Nootropics are also a great way to get a dose of helpful neurotransmitters. The three natural nootropics we use in my office are Neurosyn, CALM, and DREM.

Neurosyn keeps your brain sharp and happy.
CALM relaxes your brain and mellows it out.
DREM helps you sleep.

6. Your prefrontal cortex needs to be cared for

This is the CEO of your brain. It’s the part of your brain that helps you make decisions, helps you set goals, improves your social interactions, and makes you feel hopeful. When you are under stress, you don’t utilize this part of your brain. You move to your hindbrain. This is the part of your brain that wants to keep you safe, is more fearful, and will keep you small.

Your PFC needs constant love so you can live a vibrant, healthy, and happy life. There are many ways you can stimulate this part of your brain.

Believe it or not, current research is showing that a single chiropractic adjustment increases activity in your PFC by 30%. So your first step is to see your chiropractor!

Other activities that help your PFC are gratitude, play, and activities like juggling.

7. Feed your brain nourishing thoughts

You’ve probably noticed that most of my Thrules for your brain have nothing to do with changing your thoughts. I think it’s difficult to change your thoughts when your gut is out of balance, your neurotransmitters are depleted, and your brain is packed with heavy metals.

Having said that, giving your brain happy thoughts is INCREDIBLY important! The fastest way to increase your happy thoughts is to put yourself in as many happy and uplifting environments as possible!

So there you have it. My 7 Thrules for resetting your brain.

Hope it inspires you! Reach out if you need any help on your reset journey.

Cheers to a happy brain!

Dr. Mindy